• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,813 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...

Secret Origins part 1

One afternoon in New York, the turtle groups, the Rainbooms, and their allies were in their vehicles driving through the city. The Mutanimals were following them from the rooftops.

“I can't believe we're going to finally meet the Utrom.” Apple Bloom told her friends with excitement.

“I know,” Sweetie Belle added, "After meeting Bishop I wonder what the rest are like?”

“Well you'll find out soon enough.” Donatello answered, as they drove right up to a familiar building.

“So TCRI exists here too?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah. It was the Utrom's cover base while they were trapped here on earth.” Leonardo explained.

“At least during modern times.” Michelangelo noted.

“Glad they finally got around to rebuilding it after it blew up.” Donatello said.

The vehicles went into the parking garage as the turtles parked them. When the teams stepped out, the Mutanimals had arrived.

“So this is the place?” Slash looked around.

“It sure is.” Donatello confirmed.

“So are we supposed to be waiting for someone here?” Rainbow asked, as they looked around.

“Welcome, friends.”

The turtles and the Rainbooms jumped, as they spun around and saw two figures approaching. They were humans wearing sunglasses, black jumpsuits, and dark long coats. Around their necks were gold medallions with the Utrom image on them.

“Who're these guys?” Mikey asked.

“Are they Utrom?” April wondered, as one of the men spoke.

“We are the Guardians.”

“Guardians?” Starlight asked.

The second one spoke, “We are loyal soldiers who serve the Utrom and entrusted with their secrets.”

“Then you're humans.” Twilight gasped.

“Correct, Ms. Sparkle.” one of them answered.

“You know me?”

“We've been told of you through our Utrom ally Bishop.”

“Well, at least we're not strangers now.” Pinkie spoke up.

“Come with us, our leader is expecting you.” one of the Guardians explained, as they brought the groups into a huge elevator.

“Good thing we don't have to take the stairs.” Casey said in relief.

“Especially for a tall building like this.” Slash agreed.

They reached the top floor and exited the elevator to see they were inside a lab with many more Guardians working on computers and watching monitors, “Wow. It's beautiful.” Donnie marveled.

“Quite fascinating.” Rockwell admitted.

“Oh, yes. Most certainly.” Fugitoid agreed.

“Everyone step right this way.” One of the Guardians motioned to a familiar device.

“You've fixed the Transmat portal?” Donatello asked.

“Yes, with this we can truly come and go as we please.”

“So we're going to the Utrom Home World?” Leonardo asked.

“Actually, we're going to the Utrom's Home Dimension.” the Guardian corrected.

“Dimension?” the turtles of this world asked.

“So we're going to Dimension X?” Rarity asked.


“Oh, yeah, boy!” Mikey cheered.

“Another dimension?” Raphael asked, “Sure hope it's a better experience than when we got caught up in the Triceratons business.”

“We assure you, we'll be going straight to Dimension X with no detours.”

“But everyone here that is organic is required to wear one of these. Breather braces.” a Guardian held up the neck braces.

“Why's that?” Jones asked.

“Just as the Triceraton's home atmosphere is a mix of nitrogen and sulfur, the air of Dimension X is comparable to poison gas.”

“It's true.” Donnie confirmed.

Mikey was curious, “Leatherhead, if you been in Dimension X for so many years on their time, how did you survive without one?”

“It wasn't easy.” Leatherhead admitted.

So everyone stepped up and had a breather brace placed around their necks, with Leatherhead being outfitted with a bigger one.

“So we all ready to go?” Raph asked.

“Coordinates are set.” one of the Scientist Guardians explained.

“Watch your step.” Another said, as they all took position n the transmat portal.

“I love getting beamed out,” Leo said with excitement, “Makes me feel like I'm in space heroes.”

“Hold on tight, Apple Bloom.” Applejack instructed, as her sister held onto her. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo held onto Rarity and Rainbow Dash as the portal activated and they were beamed out.

Suddenly they reappeared in another lab on the same kind of transmat portal platform, “That felt weird.” Jones rubbed his head.

“Portal travel, you get used to it after awhile.” Princess Twilight said.

They looked around and saw Utroms on hover platforms, or piloting androids similar to the ones in the Rainbooms dimension.

“Utroms!” Pinkie cheered.

“Is it me, or do they look a little different here?” Applejack noticed.

“Yeah. They look less wrinkly and brain-like.” Mikey added.

Rainbow noticed something, “Hey, if this is supposed to be Dimension X, then why do we still look like we came from their universe?” she motioned to the other turtles.

“Dimension X may be a linked dimension between the other dimensions, but depending on where you're coming from it adapts to that dimension's appearance.” Fugitoid explained.

“Wow! Come and see this!” Apple Bloom gasped, as she and her friends were looking out a window.

The group went over and looked out the window to see they were indeed in Dimension X. They could see Krathatragon worms swimming through the endless void, several moon like structures floating in place, and many platforms with crystal-like trees set up.

“Whoa.” the other turtles gasped.

“Dimension X is unlike anything I've ever seen before.” Starlight marveled.

“This is too cool.” Keno admitted.

“I know.” Shini agreed.

“So this is really Dimension X?” Slash asked.

“Yes. Though this time I feel calmer being here.” Leatherhead admitted.

“That's because you're with friends, dude.” Mondo reminded him.

“That's right.” Bandit agreed.

They heard a door slide open, and they looked over seeing an android walk in, with its Utrom visible in the chest cavity. The other Utroms present themselves, as he passed.

“Who is that?” Fluttershy asked Splinter.

“That, Fluttershy, is Captain Mortu.”

Mortu approached and spoke to his allies, “Turtles, Master Splinter, welcome.”

“It's good to see you again, Captain.” Leonardo greeted.

Mortu smiled, and turned to the guests, “So these are the turtles from one of the other dimensions. I'm delighted to meet you. And the Rainbooms, welcome.”

“Thank you, sir.” Rarity replied.

Mortu spoke to Princess Twilight, “Princess Twilight, on behalf of the Utrom, we welcome the Princess of Friendship to our home dimension.”

“Thank you, Mortu.” she replied.

“When I learned from Bishop about all of you I could not believe it myself when I learned there were more Ninja Turtles.”

“We couldn't believe it ourselves when we learned we weren't the only ones.” Donnie said.

“So, Mortu, this is your actual home?” Donatello asked.

“Correct, Donatello. Dimension X was always our home. And we vowed not to return to our home dimension until we succeeded in capturing our enemy.” he explained.

“Right.” Raphael said.

“So you really are from this dimension?” Mikey asked.

“Yes, in fact I once had another title before I was Captain.”

“What title was that?” Karai asked.

“They referred to me as King.”

“King?!” the Rainbooms gasped.

“So you were actually part of the Utrom Council?” Sunset inquired.

“Indeed, Ms. Shimmer,” Mortu confirmed, “I was one of the few who founded the council after the Kraang were born.”

“So why haven't we seen you or even told about you?” Raph asked in confusion.

“That is indeed a good question, Raphael. Please follow me.” they began following Mortu through the Utrom laboratory.

“As I'm sure you've known long ago it was just the Utroms.” the captain began.

“Yeah. Until an Utrom named Kraang used mutagen to become big and bad.” Rainbow said.

“Yes,” Mortu sighed, “But the sad fact is, Kraang was actually one of my top scientists.”

“You mean you were close to him?” Scootaloo asked.

“He was a close friend, but he became obsessed when he discovered what the mutagen from the krathatragons could do. When Kraang Prime was born he sent several of his servants to other dimensions to experiment with the mutagen.”

“Like our world?” Leonardo asked.

“Yes, Leonardo. That truck containing the mutagen that made you, your brothers, and your master who you are today was commandeered by Kraang Droids.”

“Who would've thought it?” Michelangelo asked his brothers.

“My fellow Utrom for nextons had done our part to keep the Kraang from trying to overrun us with our resistance. However I was called away with several of my fellow Utrom to capture a notorious rogue.”

“Ch'rell.” Leo said.

“Yes.” Mortu confirmed, as they heard someone approach.

“Mr. Mortu! Sorry I'm late. I had to change my oil.” They looked over and saw a robot that looked like Fugitoid only he had green bulgy eyes.

“No way!” Mikey gasped.

“It's...” April began.

“Fugitoid?!” the Rainbooms asked.

“Oh, our guests are here,” The Professor began, “Greetings, everyone. I am Professor Zayton Honeycutt. Charmed and delighted to meet you.”

“It's good to see you, Professor.” Pinkie greeted.

“Even though we already knew you before.” Casey added.

Fugitoid walked up to him, “Ah, my counterpart. I can't tell you how overjoyed I am to meet you.”

“Ah, yes. I've always wanted to meet another me,” Professor said, “My, you are indeed a handsome chrome devil.”

“Oh, go on.” Fugitoid answered coyly.

“No really, you are quite the good looking cyborg.” the Professor continued to flatter Fugitoid.

As the group watched, some like the Raph's looked repulsed by watching the cyborgs compliment each other like that. Rainbow smirked and nudged Sunset, “Hey, Sunset, now you can have a Fugitoid on both sides!” she laughed.

Sunset blushed before playfully punching Rainbow's arm. Spike spoke up to Mortu, “So, Mortu, you and a whole crew left to pursue, Ch'rell?”

“That's right. No matter how long it took I vowed to find him and bring him to justice.”

“We know he's done a lot of bad things according to the turtles of this world.” Twilight said.

“But just how bad was he according to you?” Applejack asked.

Mortu sighed, “Ch'rell is accounted for countless crimes on the galaxy. Several examples include launching an attack on the planet Enethone where over 1,000,000 innocent inhabitants perished.”

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped with her hands over her mouth.

“Incited and funded a civil war on Eno II in an effort to mine their raw minerals without restriction. 3.2,000,000 lives perished in the civil war.”

“Oh, my stars!” Rarity gasped.

“And tried various attempts to take over the Utrom government through an illegal and violent coup.”

“Oh, man.” April gasped.

“And that's only a few examples.”

“I think we get the picture.” Raph said knowing they heard enough.

“We pursued Ch'rell through several dimensions where he committed more felons and atrocities. When we caught him we started our journey back to Dimension X. And I believe our friends have told you about our origin about how we arrived on planet earth in this dimension?”

“They have, Mortu.” Leo confirmed.

“And it was, shockingly interesting to say the least.” Princess Twilight added.

“So how was Ch'rell able make you ship crash on their earth?” Sweetie Belle asked the captain.

“Ah, that is an excellent question, Sweetie Belle. And I assume that you all have the same question, yes?”

“Well, now that you mention it, I would like to know myself.” Donnie admitted.

“Yeah I’m curious about how you came to be in their dimension.” Twilight put in.

“Same goes for me.” Princess Twilight answered.

“I wouldn’t mind learning.” Fluttershy said.

“Count me in.” Rainbow pumped a fist.

“Us too.” Leo said on behalf of his family.

“Only because I’m bored.” Raph said dryly.

“Knowing is half the battle.” Applejack nodded.

“Hope that’s not copyrighted.” Pinkie Pie whispered to the Fourth Wall much to A.J's confusion.

“We’re In as well.” Apple Bloom said on behalf of herself and her friends.

“So how did Ch'rell cause your ship to crash into their world?” Starlight inquired.

“Well you see, the dimensional teleporter had been damaged when we captured Ch'rell, but still functional. Although we had to go through each dimension one at a time in order to reach Dimension X. Which as you can assume, gave Ch'rell plenty of time to escape and destroy our ship. But as for how that happened, I think it would be best to show you. Follow me.”

Mortu and the Professor led the group into a chamber with a line up of pods, “What're these supposed to be?” Raph asked.

“These are Utrom Oracle Pods. Think of them as a virtual reality machine. They will allow you to experience the lives of our race.” Mortu explained.

Scootaloo looked skeptical, and spoke for her two friends, “Yeah..., we've seen enough sci-fi movies to know that going into an alien pod is never good idea!”

“Uh-huh.” the CMC voiced their concern.

“I thought so too. But don't worry, these pods are legit.” Michelangelo promised.

Mortu went to the CMC, and spoke to them, “I assure you, Scootaloo, that these pods are completely harmless, despite being tampered with.”

Rarity did a double take, “Wait, tampered with?”

Leonardo spoke, “When we tried it out, our Baxter Stockman snuck into the TCRI building and tampered with it so the virtual reality was more realistic and really deadly.”

Donatello continued, “The Mortu in the simulation helped us get back only to see that Shredder had infiltrated the building. And you all know the rest from Pinkie,” he spoke to Mortu, “Which I'm still baffled about how she could've guessed the whole incident.”

Mortu continued, “Our Professor Honeycutt fixed any bugs to make sure that would never happen again.” The Professor nodded.

Sunset looked around at the pods doing a head count, “Doesn’t look like there are enough pods for everyone.”

“We will stay behind to make sure nothing goes wrong.” Master Splinter said on behalf of himself and his family.

“Yeah we don’t need to see what we already saw.” Raphael said.

“My team and I will stay back as well.” Slash said, as the Mutanimals nodded.

“And I'll stay behind to monitor things as well.” Fugitoid said.

“But if anything does go wrong,” Michelangelo began, “I highly recommend trying the sushi.” Raphael knocked his brother upside the head.

“Will do, Michelangelo.” Mikey said, only to get hit in the head by his Raph.

Splinter spoke to the group, “I also have some very helpful advice. The world you enter will be an Illusion Within An Illusion. An Illusion Of The Mind. Control your minds, and you will control the Illusion.”

The Turtles and the Rainbooms weren't sure what that meant, but accepted it, “Hai, sensei.”

So they all entered a pod each, as the head gear attached to them, “See you when we wake up.” Sunset told Fugitoid.

“I'll be waiting.” Fugitoid answered, as her pod closed.

As the CMC each got in a pod, Apple Bloom spoke to the captain, “You sure this is safe?”

“Absolutely. Prepare yourselves to share the history of our lives!”

The pods turn on, and group find themselves floating in a void of swirling lights, then they were standing on a Utrom ship. They noticed their bodies had a hue of orange.

“Where are we?” Leo looked around.

“Looks like we're on some kind of Utrom Star Ship.” Donnie suspected.

“But that would mean?” Twilight began.

“We're in space again!” Pinkie cheered.

“WOW!” The CMC cheered, as they ran to a nearby window and gazed out in in amazement.

Keno looked out it, “Now this is wicked!”

“It's beautiful.” Shini gasped.

“Sure is.” Karai agreed.

“Whoa! Deja vu!” Casey gasped.

“Yeah, pretty much.” Raph replied.

“Was it like this when you guys traveled in space?” Scootaloo asked the Rainbooms.

“Pretty similar.” Rainbow answered.

Starlight paced around while taking everything in, “Time travel was one thing, but this is impressive! Kinda wish Sunburst was here to see this.”

“I’m sure we'll show him this someday.” Sunset replied.

“Guys, look. It's Mortu!” Mikey gasped, as they saw Mortu hover over on a platform, and spoke to others.

“Your blessing, Honored Navigators?”

Everyone looked at three Utroms floating in a purple tank, “Your course is straight and true...”

“Through the vastness of space and time...”

“Captain, you have the blessings of...”

“The Navigators!” they announced together.

“Did they just speak off from each other?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom confirmed.

“So weird.” Sweetie Belle said.

The trio noticed everyone looking at them smugly, “What?” they asked.

“Nothing.” the group replied.

“Mortu really is the Captain here.” Princess Twilight said.

“Um excuse me, Mr. Mortu, But I was-” Fluttershy tried to touch Mortu but her hand fell through him. She screamed and ran behind April.

Pinkie waved her hand a couple times through Mortu and gasped, “He's a ghost!”

Twilight sighed, “No! This is all a hologram, remember? He can’t see us. This is the past.”

Fluttershy looked sheepish, “I forgot.” April rolled her eyes amusingly.

“I still find this creepy.” Karai said, as she waved her hand through Mortu.

“ It's like watchin' a movie.” Apple Bloom said.

“Or better yet, staring in a movie!” Scootaloo cheered with excitement.

“I know! How awesome is that!” Sweetie Belle asked equally excited.

The scene shifted and they found themselves face to face with another Utrom floating in a orange tank while appearing to be imprisoned.

“Whoa, who is that guy?” Keno asked.

The imprisoned Utrom spoke, “These security precautions are pitiful! You will never hold me!”

Mortu approached, “We have finally captured you, after a hundred year's search! We're not about to lose the most ruthless criminal the universe has ever known!”

Princess Twilight suddenly realized it, “That must be Ch'rell, this world's Shredder!”

Raph looked the captive over, “Kind of hard to imagine he's the most dangerous guy in the room.”

“Let's hope we don't find out why he is.” Rarity said

Ch'rell laughed at Mortu's words, “I will escape! And you will all perish! That, is my promise!”

“Big talk, little slime ball!” Rainbow mocked him.

“Big talk, little slime ball!” Mortu told Ch'rell making Rainbow double take.

“Ok, that was creepy.”

As Mortu left, Mikey and the CMC made faces at Ch'rell, until the scene shifted again, “Now what?” Shini looked around, until they saw planet earth outside the ship's bridge window.

“Looks like their passing close to this world's Earth.” Donnie answered.

As they watched, a horrible realization hit Starlight, “Wait? Guys! Remember what the other Turtles told us what Ch'rell did?!”

Suddenly another Utrom reported to Mortu, “Captain! The prisoner has escaped!”

Mortu gasped, before clicking an intercom, “Security, report!”

A security Utrom answered, “The prisoner is attacking! We are-” he was cut off by the sound of screaming ending the transmission. The ships power started shutting down, as the Navigators each spoke.

“Emergency! Power! Cut! Engines are offline!”

“Our minds are going dark!”

“Cell by cell! We are undone!”

Mortu started giving emergency orders, “Helm, you have control of the bridge! Security detail, with me! To the engine room!” they left the bridge, as the scene shifted again to the engine room.

They saw the Utroms again, as Mortu spoke, “Be on guard! He is extremely dangerous!”

“There he is!” Mikey pointed down to the engine.

Ch'rell walked out while carrying two sparking cables and laughed, “You were a fool to think you could hold me!”

“He's gonna sabotage the ship!” Rainbow called.

“Get him!” Raph shouted, as he, Rainbow, and Casey leaped at him only to phase through him and crash in a heap.

Twilight groaned, “Did you three not listen to what I said moments ago?”

Ch'rell continued, “You see? I always keep my promises. Goodbye, Captain!” he crossed the cables together and the ship began to shake.

“Take cover!” Mortu told his comrades.

“Donnie, what's happening?” Leo asked his brother nervously.

“Crossing those wires must have caused the engines to short circuit, overloading the-!”

“In English!” Raph shouted.

“The engines are gonna explode!” Donnie screamed in a panic.

Everyone ran out of the room and onto the bridge. The engines exploded, and the ship began to plummet.

“Helmsman!” Mortu cried, as the Utrom crew screamed in panic, “Helm, set course for that uncharted planet!” The ship continued to fall to earth, as Mortu chanted, “We are Utroms, we are one! We shall not fail! We shall not fail!”

As the ship fell faster, Keno spoke, “I don’t think chanting isn’t helping much!”

“Wheeeeee!” Pinkie cheered, as the ship fell.

“Pinkie!” everyone chided her.

“Oh, yeah. AAAAAAAAH!” she screamed in panic.

Fluttershy started to panic, “Anyone got a bag?” suddenly a bag appeared in front of Fluttershy who took it and hyperventilated in it.

Raph noticed that and looked confused, “How did you?”

“Look!” Sweetie Belle cried.

Mortu steered the ship over the ocean before it crashed on land and blew up. The Turtles and Rainbooms rose up through the debris, “Whoa! I can't believe we survived that?!” Rainbow said in shock.

“What part of this is a virtual reality do you not understand?” Donnie asked her.

“Everything is photo-real! How could we not think it is?!” Rainbow responded still shaking.

“Uhh! Tell that to my stomach!” Mikey groaned, as he barfed on the ground close to Rarity who widened her eyes in shock.

“Tell me you did not just throw up on my shoes!” She said dryly while clearly ticked.

Meanwhile the 03 Turtles, the Mutanimals, Fugitoid, Splinter, O'Neil, and Jones had been watching everything on a monitor. Raphael, Mondo, and Bandit laughed at what happened with Rarity and Mikey.

“So this what you guys were doing while me and Casey were outside?” O'Neil asked remembering about the TCRI incident.

“Pretty much.” Michelangelo admitted.

Donatello spoke to the Professor, “I'm impressed that you installed some viewing screens so we could see what's going on, Professor.”

“Well, I wanted to make sure we could see what was happening in the virtual world, after the last time.”

Fugitoid spoke, “I must agree with Donatello, we really must talk ingenuity.”

“That we should.” Professor agreed.

“At least nothing's going wrong this time.” Leonardo said in relief.

Unknown to them the whole scene was being displayed on a holoscreen, as two figures watched, “That is what they think!” one of them said.

“They're in for a real surprise!” the second said, as the two laughed.

Back in the virtual reality, Mortu spoke to his fellow Utrom, “My friends, and honored Navigators, we are all safe. But the ship is destroyed. We are stranded on this primitive planet. Billions of light years from our home dimension.”

“There is not enough to salvage...” Navigator one began.

“To repair the ship. We can not...” Navigator two continued.

“Return to our world?” Navigator three finished.

“No... We cannot.” Mortu answered forlorn.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped.

“So how did they survive?” Shini asked everyone.

“Captain!” a yellow Utrom flew over, “There's a structure beyond the next rise!”

The group followed the Utroms up the rise, and gasped at what they saw on the other side, “We're in... Japan.” Leo gasped.

“I always wanted to visit Japan.” Twilight admitted.

“Present time or in the far past?” Dog Spike asked, only for Twilight to give him a dry look.

“Look over there!” Scootaloo pointed to a samurai practicing with his sword.

“I don't believe it.” Donnie gasped.

“A samurai in person? Awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Cool! Hey! Check this out!” Casey began, as he ran up to the samurai taunting him as he unknowingly swings his sword which phases through Casey, “Can't touch me, dude!”

“Casey, quit goofing off!” April called to him.

“Yeah! You're doing it wrong. Watch this.” Mikey walked up to the samurai, bowed, and spoke in Japanese which translated into ' I will spread peanut butter on curry, You handsome devil you, and we will watch the emperor play ring around the Rosie with his mother in law'. Everyone looked puzzled, while Shini laughed her head off.

Karai held in a laugh, “Do you even know what you just said?”

“Uh... I don’t know? I heard it in a movie once.” Mikey admitted, while Splinter watched the sceen and hid a chuckle.

Mikey swung his nunchucks as if he was sparring with the samurai until Raph grabbed him by the mask, “Will you quit goofing off? Now c’mon!”

Mikey then noticed a tray of food nearby, “Then he won’t mind me snagging his lunch.” As Mikey tried to grab a rice ball only for his hand to phase through it. Then Mikey continued to try to grab the food like crazy.

Applejack spoke to Twilight, “Aren’t ya gonna remind him that it’s virtual reality, Twi?”

Twilight smiled, “I think this time I’ll make an exception.” everyone watched until Mikey wore himself out.

The scene shifted to nighttime, as an Utrom scientist was speaking to the captain at a campsite close to their wrecked ship, “In brief, Captain, we conclude that the technology on this planet is too primitive to build a flying vehicle. Let alone a interstellar ship or even a hyperspace transmat device. The technology simply dose not exist!”

“Not yet. But we can wait.” Mortu replied calmly.

“And that there's gonna be a looong wait.” Applejack said, as April and Leo nodded in agreement.

The scene shifted to a new day where the group watched the Utroms hiding from humans. Mortu had been watching them and started developing an idea, “Hmm.” he pondered.

“What do you think he's thinking about?” Mikey asked Keno who shrugged.

The scene began shifting as Spike answered, “Looks likes we're gonna find out.”

They saw the Utrom gathered before the scientist who stood by something under a bamboo tarp, “From our technology that we've been able to salvage from the crash, I give you- the Exosuit!” he unveiled the android body.

“It looks just like the ones the Kraang and our Utrom use!” Donnie inspected it.

“Of course it does,” Pinkie said, “These Utrom are from Dimension X too, duh!”

“With the proper covering, this will allow us to move around these humans, undetected.” the scientist continued, as he entered the cockpit and switched it on making the robot glow blue.

Apple Bloom gave a dry look while motioning to the obvious looking android, “Who are they foolin' with that?”

“I’m sure they can figure that out, sugarcube.” Applejack answered.

“And with an extreme makeover.” Rarity added.

“Remember they had limited technology back then.” Donnie reminded the youngest Apple sibling.

“I believe a field test-oh!” the scientist stumbled around in it, “Is in order.”

The group followed the scientist piloting the android that was disguised in Japanese attire through the streets with it wobbling in every step.

A pedestrian ran right through Karai who shivered, “Still, creepy!”

They moved through a forest as the android started walking better, “Ah, satisfactory. Most satisfactory. Test run, concluded. First outing a complete success,” he ended up stepping on a trip vine, “What?”

“Log!” Pinkie cried, as a log was swinging down.

“It's a trap!” Leo called, as the log went through them and knocked the android off its feet.

Fluttershy gasped, and ran over to the android, “Ohnoohnoohno!”

“Who see up that trap?” Casey demanded.

“No idea.” Spike answered.

“Me either.” Dog Spike added.

Fluttershy looked up and squeaked in fear, alerting her friends, “Fluttershy?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy pointed a trembling finger. Everyone followed her gaze and the gasped in shock, “Oh, no!” Princess Twilight gasped.

The scientist groaned, as a shadow fell on him. He looked up and gasped, for it was the Ch'rell, “You?!”

Ch'rell smirked, “What a wonderful toy! I want to play!”

“It's Ch'rell!” Leo gasped.

“Figures that creep survived the crash!” Raph frowned.

Ch'rell knocked the scientist out and took control of the droid, then the blue glowing parts turned red. Ch'rell grabbed the scientist by the tentacle and flung him into a bush. He walked past the glaring Ninjas as Raph threw a punch, which just phased through. Ch'rell laughed as he walked away into the woods.

“Why that no good!” Rainbow tried to chase him, only to be stopped by Sunset reminding her of what they were dealing with.

“And I thought Abacus was ruthless.” Twilight said in shock.

The scene shifted to where lots of Utrom now had their own droids to pilot. They noticed the scientist whose head was bandaged up. The Utrom were constructing more droids and salvaging more parts from their ship.

“Now what's happening?” Applejack asked.

“By the looks of things, it appears their building more droids.” Twilight explained.

Fluttershy looked over at the scientist who rubbed his head wound, “Oh! I wish I could have helped that Utrom.”

Pinkie suddenly felt something, “Oh, no! My knees are feeling pinchy!” Everyone but Keno was shocked, as the pizza boy asked.


“Something scary is about to happen!” Pinkie panicked.

Suddenly, ninjas leaped in and attacked the Utroms. The group gasped in shock, “Are those... Foot ninjas?!” Donnie asked.

“Then that would mean!” Leo was cut off as the ninjas leader arrived.

There stood who else but the Shredder, “Shredder?!” Karai gasped.

“Ch'rell's debut as the Shredder!” Mikey panicked.

“Ninjas, attack! Destroy them all!” Ch'rell ordered.

The Foot attacks the Utrom, while many droids pile on Ch'rell, but he threw them all off. Mortu with no idea who this armored warrior really was spoke, “What is the meaning of this?! We mean you no harm!” Ch'rell attacked him and knocked him down, “We come in peace!”

Ch'rell answered, “But you will go, in pieces!” he tried to stomp on Mortu, who rolled out of the way.

As everyone watched the scene play out, Princess Twilight looked at the Shredder in shock, “Even as a memory, I can still feel his hatred!”

Starlight spoke, “And I thought Chrysalis was full of it. I remember what you guys told me about him from your world, but wow!”

“He’s just as ruthless as our Shredder!” Leo said in disbelief.

Karai watched as Ch'rell attacked Mortu, while his ninjas attacked all the innocent Utrom. Finally something in her snapped, and in anger she drew her sword and tried to attack the Shredder. Her attacks phased through him again and again, but she wouldn't stop. Finally Sunset and Rarity pulled her back trying to calm her down.

“Easy, Karai. Remember, he’s only an illusion and not our Shredder.” Sunset reminded her.

Karai started to calm down, “Doesn't make me hate Shredder any less!”

“It’s understandable.” Leo replied.

The 03 Turtles, Mutanimals, and others watched what happened, and the 03 Turtles were in total shock, “Karai attacking the Shredder? Now I've seen everything!” Michelangelo gasped.

“ It's getting to the part where things suddenly became real for us.” Leonardo noted.

“Yes. Well, thankfully, that won't happen again.” Mortu said.

One of the figures watching them spoke, “That's what they think.” he typed some stuff onto a screen and began disabling stuff.

“The system has been hacked. Now to give those Turtles and Rainbooms a very unpleasant nightmare!”

Back in the virtual reality, Mikey walked right up to Ch'rell, “I-I-I wouldn't get too close, Mikey!” Donnie warned him.

“Dudes. It's not real, remember?” Mikey began waving his hand through Ch'rell, “Hey, Ch'rell? Our Shredder had a cooler helmet then yours!” he blew a raspberry in his face.

Pinkie once again felt her Pinkie Sense tingling and gasped, “I've got the Shudders and my knees are pinchy, again!”

“Meaning?” April asked in concern.

“A doozy of a scare is going to happen!”

“Like what?” Raph asked, as suddenly the group found their colors return, and their weapons vanished.

“Like this!” Pinkie cried.

“What the heck?!” April looked herself over seeing no sign of her tessen or tanto.

“Our weapons are gone!” Donnie panicked.

“And so are our geodes!” Twilight panicked as well.

The Foot and the Utrom noticed them, and Ch'rell noticed Mikey, “What is this?!” he demanded.

Mikey having a bad feeling about that spoke, “Uh... what up, dawg?”

Ch'rell attacked Mikey, who dodged until the evil Utrom knocked him off his feet and onto the ground, hard, “Mikey!” Leo called.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy and Pinkie gasped.

The others watching the scene were equally shocked at what was going on, “Mikey!” Mondo gasped.

“Michelangelo!” Leatherhead gasped.

“What da Shell?!” Raphael asked.

Mortu started worrying, “No! Not again!”

“What happened?” Leonardo asked in worry.

The Professor checked the controls and monitors, “Someone hacked the virtual reality pods. It’s not Stockman this time. The coding is more complicated.”

Rockwell looked it over, “Oh, yes. This is indeed not any kind of coding I've ever seen.”

Fugitoid checked it over, “There's something familiar about this coding? But I just can't remember where, though!”

“We gotta get them outta dere!” Jones declared, as he ran to break Rainbow's pod, only for Donatello to stop him.

“Don't do that!” Mortu warned Jones, “If any one of the pods are damaged before a safe shut down, their minds will be lost forever.”

“How could this have gone horribly wrong again?!” Leonardo asked in confusion.

The two figures watched them and laughed, “What chumps!” one said.

Back in the virtual world, the Turtles and Rainbooms run over to Mikey, “Mikey!” Raph called.

“Are you ok?” Sweetie Belle asked in concern.

Mikey groaned, as he sat up, “He's definitely as tough as our Shredder!”

Scootaloo looked over at Ch'rell who was looking in their direction, but what scared her was he was actually looking right at them, “Guys? He's looking at us!

Ch'rell was indeed looking right at them, “Curious?” he spoke to his ninjas, “Capture these strange creatures and humans! They may prove useful!” As the others helped Mikey up, they found themselves surrounded by the Foot ninjas.

While the others watched helplessly, Mona spoke, “Oh, no. Based off Michelangelo's vitals, he really felt that hit.”

“So how can we help them?” O'Neil asked Mortu who answered.

“I'm not sure.

“Well, we gotta do something!” Raphael spoke up.

“Mr. Mortu, Where’s the control unit for the pods?” Donatello asked.

“Follow me!” Mortu answered, as the two hurried.

Leonardo spoke while watching the others, “I just hope they remember what you told them before they went in, Sensei.”

Master Splinter looked down and answered equally concerned, “As do I, Leonardo, as do I.”

The Turtles and Rainbooms looked around them at the Foot Ninjas, as Raph spoke, “I thought Mortu said this wouldn't happen?!”

“Something must have gone wrong with the system.” Donnie suspected.

“Whatever happened, get ready ninjas!” Leo began, as they all get into a stance, while the CMC got behind them, “Things just got real!”

Author's Note:

So now the Rainbooms and their turtles and friends are stuck in a virtual simulation that just got real. Can they handle this version of the Shredder and escape or will they lose their minds forever. Had plenty help with this chapter's layout.