• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,813 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...


"So, tell us again why were doin' this, Master Splinter?" Applejack asked.

Both Turtle teams (minus Michelangelo), April, Starlight, and the Rainbooms stood with their eyes blindfolded and carrying bamboo staffs. While O'neil, Jones, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, Keno, and the two Spikes stood watching.

"Because it is important to sharpen one's skill." Master Splinter answered, as he stood ready with his walking stick.

"Not to question your teachings, sensei, but our Master Splinter taught us this same lesson," Donnie noted, "We've already mastered it."

"I would also like to point out that we've mastered this lesson as well." Twilight spoke on behalf of her and her friends.

"As I said," Master Splinter repeated, "It is important to sharpen one's skill. Even ones you have mastered already."

"He's right, guys," Leonardo said, "You never know when you'll need to remember it."

"Well then, let's get started." Leo said.

Soon they all got into a stance. Then Splinter leaped at them and they all dodged and blocked his attacks with their staffs. After a long while, the group stood huddled together waiting for Splinter's next move.

But to their surprise, Splinter said, "The lesson is over."

"'Bout time," Raph said, "I was starting to get-"

Before he could finish, Master Splinter swung his stick and swept his legs, sending him crashing into the others, knocking them all down in a heap. All except for Leo, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, who had leaped up just in time and landed right next to Splinter.

The others, all laughed at what happened to the ninjas.

"Fell for the old act of deception, did ya?" Shini remarked.

"Rookie mistake." Keno joked.

"You okay, Starlight?" Karai asked, through her chuckles.

"Well, that was embarrassing." Starlight said, dryly.

Rainbow uncovered an eye to glare at Splinter, "Hey. You said we were done!" she complained.

"A ninja must never believe everything they hear," Splinter said, with a smug look. Then he turned to the ones still standing, "Well done to you all."

"Hai, sensei." they bowed.

"Honestly, guys." April said with a roll of her eyes.

"Ah, doan feel too bad." Raphael said, helping his counterpart up.

"Yeah," Donatello agree, "We all fell for that too, except Leo."

"I'm just glad, Apple Bloom and her friends are off trainin' with Michelangelo," Applejack said, "Sure don't want her to see me gettin' owned just now."

"Speaking of which," Leonardo said, "I wonder how they're coming along?"

"Knowin' Mikey, he's prawbably teachin' em how tah goof off durin' trainin'." Raphael said, right before he was knocked down by a flying Michelangelo.

"Uh, Mikey? Tell me you didn't just let the kids throw you?" Donatello asked.

"Yep." Michelangelo groaned.

"Whoa! Did Scootaloo do that?!" Rainbow Dash asked, excitedly.

"Or, uh, Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked, in curiosity.

"Nope, Sweetie Belle." Michelangelo answered.

"Sweetie Belle?!" The two Rainbooms said in shock, while Rarity looked at them with a smug grin.

The CMC walked up, looking as smug as Rarity, "As Big Mac would say Eeyup!" Apple Bloom said.

"And here's the proof." Scootaloo showed them all a video on her phone.

In the video, Michelangelo leaped at Sweetie Belle, but the girl, timing her move just right, grabbed his arm in one hand, his shoulder in the other, and flipped him over her shoulder, sending him crashing into Raphael.

"So, how did I do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You're real good at The Winged Monkey Style," Michelangelo said, getting up and off of the very annoyed Raphael.

"That was a hip throw she used," Donnie corrected.

"You were very good, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said. "Just remember to keep your arms straight on the release."

"Um, excuse me," Michelangelo butted in. "But I was the one training them, thank you!" But he whispered to Sweetie Belle, "Just keep your arms straight next time."

"Mikey. Only yuh'd be dumb enough tuh let dos little squirts do dat ta yuh!" Raphael said disappointed.

"Speak for yourself!" Michelangelo countered, "At least I didn't let them trap me like a bonehead!"

Raphael grunted at that. Although he never showed it at the time, he was embarrassed about being outsmarted and trapped by the ninja trainees.

"I believe that is enough training for today," Master Splinter said, "Let us sit and talk."

As they walked back to the barn, Michelangelo spoke to Rarity, "I don't know what your sister lifts, but whatever it is makes her strong enough to toss me."

"Even I'm amazed." Rarity admitted.

Soon they all sat on a picnic blanket, under the shade of a tree.

"So you aced that lesson on the first try?" Rainbow Dash asked Leonardo.

"That's right." Leonardo nodded.

"Wow!" Said Princess Twilight, "That's impressive."

"I'm surprised that your Mikey passed on the first try!" Donatello said in disbelief.

"Especially since he's a bigguh gouhvball den our Mikey!" Raphael snarked.

"Hey!" Mikey said, offended, "I may be a goofball, but I pay attention."

"It’s knowing when to take anything seriously is the hard part!" Raph said.

"Even though ignoring him results in bad things happening?" Spike asked knowingly, making Raph frown.

Leonardo turned to Raphael, "Don't forget, you're hardly perfect yourself, Raph."

"Yeah, well same goes fawh yuh too, Leo!" Raphael countered, before he asked smugly, "Remembah dat little incident wit' de Shredder?"

Leonardo scowled, but sighed, "Point made!"

"What incident with the Shredder?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Raphael was all too happy to embarrass Leonardo, "Oh, just dat our Shredder almost had Leonardo goin' ovuh tuh de dark side!"

"Whatever are you talking about?" Rarity wondered.

"He's talking about how the Shredder fooled me into thinking he was a good guy." Leonardo said, in guilt.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow Dash asked, in surprise.

"Much as I really hate to admit it, it's true," Leonardo began narrating, "One night, while I was training on a rooftop, an arrow landed near me with a message attached to it. The message said for me to come to a secret meeting at an old warehouse alone. When I arrived, I was ambushed by thirteen foot ninjas, but I easily defeated them all. Then Oroku Saki appeared and congratulated me. He introduced himself and said that he and his foot ninja fought against an evil force trying to take over the world, and proposed that me and my brothers join him."

"And you believed the Shredder's story?!" Applejack asked in shock.

"Oh, he believed it like a Grade-A Suckah!" Raphael broke in, "He even called da Shredder "Masta Saki!""

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL?!" Pinkie Pie shouted in Leonardo's face.

Leonardo pushed her off him. "As I was saying, Though I did believe Oroku Saki's story, I was still hesitant. So he gave me time to think about it and even gave me a Foot Katana he claimed was forged by Toushi Kuwahara in the 16th century. But when I left, I found out that my brothers had followed me and they were fully against the Shredder's offer. They tried to talk me out of it and Raph tried to take the katana. That caused the both us to get into a scuffle and I accidentally threw him off the roof!"

"Oh no!" Fluttershy covered her mouth.

"Yeah, but I managed tuh save mahself." Raphael put in.

"After that, I finally came to my senses and did what I should have done in the first place: talk to Master Splinter," Leonardo went on, "Then he told us all the truth about the Shredder, and I felt like such an idiot! Especially by the fact that my brothers weren't fooled and I was."

"That's right, bro," Michelangelo teased, "You were such an idiot!"

"And a chump!" Raphael rubbed it in.

"The Shredder saw you coming a mile away." Donatello added to the teasing.

"I guess he was real persuasive." Starlight Glimmer stated.

Princess Twilight frowned, remembering when Chrysalis impersonated Cadence, which Spike took notice of.

"You Okay, Twilight?" He asked.

"Just a bad memory." she mumbled.

"Believe me, it's not something I'm proud of," Leonardo grumbled, "I should have seen through the Shredder's lies! I should have seen it coming!" he said all frustrated.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Leonardo," Leo placed a hand on his shoulder, "Deception is something that's almost impossible to avoid."

"He is right, my son," Splinter agreed. "The Shredder was a master of deception! You were not the first to fall prey to his words."

"And I made the same mistake when I first met Karai," Leo continued, while Karai herself felt guilty, "Only I had to learn the hard way. You see, after Raph kept criticizing my leadership, I got fed up with it and made him leader and left. It was there I was ambushed by Karai. I knew she was a member of the Foot, but she spared me. So, I believed there was good in her. The only one I told about her was April."

"And I tried to talk him out of it." April said, in annoyance.

Leo sighed, still feeling stupid and guilty for not listening. "Anyway, Karai was trying to lure me to join the Foot and tried to get me to steal a sword."

"You didn’t give in, I’ll give you that." Karai noted.

"Meanwhile, we freed people who were imprisoned by our enemy, Snakeweed," Raph took over, "Only for Snakeweed to attack us, resulting in me cracking under pressure and getting Mikey injured. It was there that I realized the pressure of being a leader Leo goes through. I found him with Karai and unfortunately Snakeweed was behind me. During the fight, Karai left, even though Leo asked for her help. After we beat Snakeweed, Leo asked me to not tell anyone about Karai."

"The next time I saw Karai, she was curious about the Kraang," Leo continued, "Meanwhile, we were finding out the Kraang were trying to obtain April’s DNA and had to face a giant squid monster Mikey ended up naming Justin."

"Justin?" Michelangelo asked.

"Only name I could come up with at the time," Mikey answered, "That was also when me and Donnie met Karai the first time."

"She ended up stealing Kraang tech and left us to fight the mutant," Leo went on, "We ended up defeating Justin and I had to come clean to everyone about Karai. And boy was Sensei mad at me. That's something I’m not proud of myself."

"Especially since sensei jabbed you in the foot as punishment." Raph reminded, making Leo frown.

"The only thing I'm not proud of from that, was that I was working for Shredder at the time." Karai frowned while remembering the bad girl she used to be.

Raphael burst out laughing. "And I thought our Leo could be a chump at times, but this!" He laughed, "This takes it!"

Leo glared at Raphael's mocking, then looked at Splinter, who nodded in approval. As Raphael continued to laugh, Leo nerve-struck him in the neck, instantly shutting him up and making him drop to the ground in pain.

"Well, this chump's got a few tricks of his own, Raphael." Leo stated smugly, making Karai and Princess Twilight laugh.

"I've been there." Raph said to his counterpart.

"And you shouldn't laugh or make fun of both Leos' mistakes!" Fluttershy scolded the two Raphs, then turned to Michelangelo and Donatello, "And that goes for you guys too!"

"Yes, my sons." Splinter agreed, sternly.

"Okay! Okay!" Raphael got up, rubbing his neck, "I’m sorry."

"It never gets better telling it." Leo said to his counterpart.

"I know how you feel too, Leonardo," Princess Twilight added, "Recently, we suffered a deception that nearly cost us all the magic in Equestria!"

"Yep," Starlight agreed. "And we all still feel like idiots about it. Especially me and Sunset."

"That's for sure." Sunset admitted dismally.

"Whoa! Really?" Michelangelo asked.

"Mmm hmm," Princess Twilight nodded, "As we told you guys before, me, Starlight, and the counterparts of the girls here run a School of Friendship. There was one student named Cozy Glow; she was one of our best students and she eventually became my friendship assistant. But she was not who she seemed. And we all found that out the hard way."

"What happened?" O'neil asked.

Starlight Glimmer spoke next, narrating, "One day, when me and Rainbow Dash's counterpart were giving the students a tour of Cloudsdale, a spell I cast to make them walk on the clouds suddenly stopped working and all the non pegasi students fell through the clouds, including myself! Lucky, Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi students caught us.

"Starlight informed me and we soon discovered that all the magic in Equestria was fading!" Princess Twilight said, "When we talked to Princess Celestia, we figured it could only be Tirek, one of our greatest foes. A centaur who can absorb magic. When we planned to go to Tartarus where he was imprisoned, Cozy Glow had everything ready. But when my friends and I entered Tartarus, we found out that Tirek wasn't behind the magic crisis at all," Princess Twilight continued, "Not only that, but because we used up the only key to open door, we were trapped inside there as well!"

"Talk about the dumbest decision in the history of dumbest decisions!" Michelangelo commented. only for his brothers to hush him.

"Tirek did tell us who was really behind the magic fading. And it still shocks me to the day at who it was!" Princess Twilight exclaimed.

"Who was it?" Leonardo asked.

"Cozy Glow!" She glared.

"And that was only the tip of the iceberg." Starlight chimed in.

"The rest of us stayed behind when we were ambushed by the dark counterparts of our turtles and chained upside down." April told them.

"And Starlight and I were imprisoned in a sphere of what was draining the magic." Sunset Shimmer added.

"Dark Turtles?" Michelangelo said, before turning to his brothers, "Hope we never face something like that."

"It sounds as if this Cozy Glow had you all fooled." Splinter stated.

"Well, except for one." Shini noted.

"Who was dat?" Jones asked.

The three turtles, allies, and the ponies and dragon turned humans and dog, all had looks of embarrassment as they pointed at the only one who wasn't fooled by the evil filly: Mikey.

"WHAT?" The other Turtles, O'Neil, and Jones exclaimed in shock.

"You’re joking right?" Leonardo asked, unconvinced.

"Mikey?" Donatello said in disbelief, "That’s completely illogical!"

"Yuh gotta be kiddin' me!" Raphael shouted, "Mikey saving the day?!"

Michelangelo on the other hand, laughed, "And you guys say I'm the dumb one!"

"Yep!" Mikey stood up and paced around, bragging, "From the day we met her, I knew there was something not right about that little filly," Then he slumped back down, "Bad news was, nobody believed me."

"Yeah..." Starlight Glimmer admitted, in embarrassment. "Before they all headed off to Tartarus, Mikey tried to warn us not to trust her. But we didn't listen."

"Not even our counterparts believed him." Fluttershy said on behalf of her and Pinkie.

"Yeah." Pinkie Pie agreed, dismally.

"In our defense, he could have been a little more subtle about it," Spike put in.

"Subtle how?" O'Neil asked.

"Well, for one thing, he accused her of being cuter than him." Donnie said, dryly.

"Really?" Raphael gave Mikey a deadpan face.

"It was very suspicious." Mikey persisted.

"Sounds reasonable to me," Michelangelo agreed, "I've read enough comics and watched enough TV to know that anything super cute is almost always a trap!" He stated. And Raphael smacked him upside the head. "Ow!"

"What is wrong with yuh?!" Raphael asked, rhetorically.

Sunset Shimmer looked down in guilt, "It get's a lot worse from there," she said, "When Mikey kept on accusing Cozy Glow, I... yelled at him! And called him a goofbag..."

"You did?" O'neil asked.

"Yep," Mikey confirmed,"And that earned her the name Meanset Shimmer!"

Sunset winced and hugged her legs. That name still hurt. Raph smacked the back of Mikey's head for bringing that name back up in Sunset's presence.

"It's true," Fugitoid looked to Sunset, "I'm sorry for however painful this'll be for you."

"Show them," Sunset sighed, "They deserve to know how it went down."

Fugitoid showed them footage of the incident. They all watched Mikey try to warn them about trusting Cozy Glow, while also accusing her of being the one behind the magic crisis. Cozy Glow pretended to be heart broken, turning the Ninjas and Ponies against him. Then Sunset Shimmer snapped at Mikey for accusing Cozy Glow and told him to knock it off and Mikey arguing back with her using the name he gave her for when she loses her temper. Then the footage ended with Sunset shouting "You're about to just how mean I can get!"

"Yikes." Scootaloo winced recalling how Sunset used to be when she ruled CHS.

"No wonder he called her that." Apple Bloom put in.

"Yeah." Sweetie Belle said, while covering her mouth in shock.

"And I thought Raph was a hot head." Michelangelo commented.

"And dat’s sayin' a lot." Raphael agreed.

"Remind me ta stay on yur good side, Sunset." Jones said.

"Look I’m not proud of it, okay?!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, only for Splinter to calm her down.

"It is alright, Sunset Shimmer," Splinter eased. "You were clearly more worried about the situation and didn’t want to be bothered by foolishness."

"I am sorry for bringing it back up, Sunset," Mikey said apologizing, "Believe me, I don't take any real pleasure in calling you that. I just said it in my own frustration."

Sunset knowing Mikey would never say anything like that of his own accord replied while smiling, "Guess we both just tend to say things we don't mean out of aggravation." the two embraced.

"We understand how you feel, Sunset." Leonardo added. Recalling what he told them about how he went dark after being badly defeated by their Shredder.

"But on the way to Tartarus, we thought about all the times Mikey had been right about something and all the trouble we got into from ignoring him," Leo said.

"So the four of us headed back to check if things we're okay," Donnie continued, "And they weren't!"

"How so?" O'Neil asked.

"When we got back, six of our students and the CMC's counterparts told us that this biased pony Chancellor Neighsay had taken over the school and blamed them for the magic problem," Raph said, scowling.

"This Chancellor Neighsay?" Donatello asked, "He was the head of education?"

"That’s right," Starlight nodded, "He didn’t think other creatures were fit to learn about friendship and could use it for war against ponies."

"Sounds like he was all wrapped up in paranoia." Raphael said.

"After we freed the others, we saw Neighsay tried to make the school for ponies only," Leo went on, "But then Cozy Glow turned the students against him since he tried to shut down the school before and they chained him up."

"Well, serves him right for what he was trying to do." Jones said.

"Well, we needed his help, so our students freed him," April said.,"It was there he realized that he was wrong about them.

"While that was going on," Princess Twilight told her part, "My friends and I had figured out a way to get out of Tartarus with the help of the trapped monsters and even Tirek, after a little persuasion from Pinkie Pie."

"How did you get out?" Michelangelo asked.

"Even though the monsters had lost their magical ability, they still had a magic of what they were," Princess Twilight explained. "So we used that magic to open the gate and escaped. But our victory was bittersweet." she said dismally.

"How so?" Donatello asked.

"You see, Tirek told us that by sundown, all the magic would disappear from Equestria forever." Spike explained.

"By the time we got out, the sun was already setting," Princess Twilight said, sadly. "We had failed!"

"So that was it?" Michelangelo exclaimed. "No more magic?!"

"Nope," Mikey said, "Even though Twilight and her friends failed, the Young Six didn't."

"Who are the Young Six?" Donatello asked.

"The six students we were talking about," Princess Twilight explained.

Spike showed them a picture of the students and pointed to each creature. "There's Sandbar. Gallus. Silverstream. Ocellus. Yona. And Smolder."

"While we were trying to figure out how to free Starlight and Sunset, the Dark Turtles showed up and attacked." Leo said.

"As we held them off, Ocellus figured out that Cozy Glow had used six magical artifacts to act as some kind of mystical magnet to absorb all the magic." Donnie added.

"I've got to say, that was rather brilliant for a school kid!" Donatello admitted.

"I thought so as well." Fugitoid put in.

"And Smolder figured out that by removing the artifacts would restore the magic, while Ocellus pointed out that would also possibly destroy the school in the process," Donnie continued, "And unfortunately, before they could do anything, Cozy Glow arrived and had turned the whole school against us! Even on the Dark Turtles."

"Talk about double cross." Michelangelo commented.

"It would appear that Cozy Glow was not only a master of deception, but a master of manipulation as well." Master Splinter said weary.

"She sounds more of a bully than Diamond Tiara used to be!" Scootaloo said, crossing her arms.

"You can say that again!" Starlight said, "Then she sicked all the students on the Young Six!"

"During the scuffle, they ended up trapped with me and Starlight," Sunset added, "Right when the magic was starting to disappear into the Either!"

"It looked like Cozy Glow had won!" Mikey said, grimly, "But she didn't count on the Young Six's secret ally!"

"Secret ally?" Leonardo wondered.

"Who was that?" Donatello inquired.

"Allow me to show you!" Fugitoid showed them footage of the events from his point of view. They watched as the Tree of Harmony saved the six creatures long enough for them to use the artifacts to restore the magic and free Starlight and Sunset. Then Cozy Glow tried to escape only to be blocked off by the other students, the Ninjas, the Royal Sisters, Blade Swipe, and Neighsay. Until she was eventually restrained by the royal guards.

"Woohoo!" Michelangelo cheered, before pointing to the holographic image of Cozy Glow being arrested, "Take that, Cozy loser!"

"You should be very proud of your students." Leonardo said to Princess Twilight.

"Perhaps," she said, "But I’m also sorry that it was one of my students who nearly caused the destruction of Equestria. And I couldn’t do a thing about it."

"It was all Cozy Glow's doing. Not yours," Master Splinter assured, "While the teacher is responsible for the students, they can’t control the student’s motions."

"Yeah!" Jones added, "It’s not like ya taught her to be a brat."

"I suppose." the Princess of Friendship admitted, until Raph spoke up.

"And remember what Silverstream said? You can't let one bad apple make you think you failed."

"And Sandbar said they never could've stopped her if they hadn't learned what you taught them about friendship." Fugitoid reminded her. Twilight smiled feeling much better.

"Afterwards, the Young six thought they were graduating the school, but we reminded them they still had much to learn," Leo said. "However, they did earn the title of ninja from us."

"And Neighsay finally approved the School of Friendship." April put in.

"As for Cozy Glow, she’s locked up in Tartarus with Tirek." Mikey said.

"Serves her right!" Jones stated.

"I got a question," Michelangelo raised a finger, "What other things was Mikey right about?"

"Uh, well..." Donnie rubbed the back of his head, "When we first ran into the Kraang, we thought they were just ordinary guys. But Mikey discovered they were actually brain-like creatures piloting robot bodies. When he told us, we didn't believe him. Until we snuck into one of their secret bases, did we find out he was right. He was also right about their plan to mutate the city, although that was just a random guess."

"And there were these very nasty mutants we faced called the Squirrelinoids," Raph said. "His comic book geekdom was right at every turn with those things! He even knew how to get rid of them."

"But one thing Mikey was right about really hit me where it hurt." April lowered her head in sorrow.

"What was that?" Donatello asked.

"Mom-Thing," April answered, dismally while explaining, "While we were cleaning the farm house, we discovered a secret passage. We went down to investigate and found a Kraang pod with what looked like my mother inside. I hadn’t seen her since I was young. But she didn’t seem to like the guys and tried to persuade me to leave them, but I couldn’t. Not after everything they’ve done. I wasn’t gonna walk out on them... again."

Donnie spoke next. "It turned out that she wasn't Ms O'Neil at all, but a failed shapeshifting Kraang experiment with her memories. And she was so dangerous that the Kraang had to lock her up in stasis. But by the time I found that out, it was too late!"

"She caught us off guard and assimilated all four of us into her body." Leo said.

"She would’ve defeated us if I hadn’t-" April broke down a bit from the memory, "And the sad thing was Mikey knew something was wrong with her but I didn’t want to believe him."

"You believed you found what was lost to you," Master Splinter eased her, "I know I would’ve done the same if it was my master Yoshi."

"I know it wasn't my mother," April said, sadly, "But it still broke my heart."

O'Neil placed her hand on her shoulder. "I'm very sorry you had to go through that."

"Thanks." April smiled at her counterpart.

"So, what else was Mikey right about?" Jones asked.

Mikey had a smug look on his face, "I'll tell you guys about something or someone who my bros and friends especially didn't believe me about."

Leo, Raph, and Donnie groaned and face palmed. Knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"Ohhh noooo!" exclaimed the Rainbooms, minus Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who had smiled.

"Here we go." April and Casey complained.

"Um, who was it?" Leonardo asked.

"My arch nemesis: Pizza Face!" Mikey shouted, dramatically.

The other Turtles, O'neil, and Jones looked at each other.

"Pizza Face?" Donatello inquired.

Mikey began, "It all started when I made my own pizza for my bros."

"You made your own pizza?" Michelangelo asked, "How was it?"

"It made us sick! And not just from the taste." Donnie answered dryly.

"So Leo ordered a new pizza from Antonio's and they sent me to go wait for it and told me not to eat it all before they had some," Mikey continued to narrate, "When I got back with it, I starting hearing the pizza say "Eat Me!" At first I thought I was just really hungry, but then I found out the pizza was alive! And it attacked my face! But when I tried to tell my bros they didn't believe me. So I staked out the Antonio's building, but then I was attacked by these pizza zombified humans! I barely got away. But when I found out my bros and even Master Splinter were zombified by the pizzas. And there were more live pizzas who attacked me, trying to make me a zombie like them. But I fought them off and captured one of them. After I threatened to put it in the oven, it told me everything!"

"Dare I ask," Raphael said, "And what did it say?"

"That days ago, the chef Antonio was making pizza when a canister of mutagen landed at his door," Mikey explained, "And thinking it would make a great topping, he foolishly tasted it and mutated into a giant blob of pizza: Pizza Face! His plan was to zombify all his costumers and eat them in giant calzones!"

"That's just sick!" Donatello said, in disgust.

Mikey went on, "I went back to Antonio's and pretended to be a zombie to slip past the zombie drones and I got in just as Pizza Face put April into a calzone! He also made my bros and sensei into his Elite Pizza Guard. When I tried to stop him, he sicked them on me and stuck me to the wall with cheese. But I ate my way out just before he could eat April. I attacked him again and he swallowed me whole! But I burst out and ate up his body, until he was just one little slice. I threatened to eat the rest of him unless he released everyone from his mind control and he did. He said that they wouldn't remember anything that happened, and then he attacked my face and I woke up in bed. My bros and April said it was all a dream. But I would later find out that it wasn't."

"Dat is da stupidest d'ing I evea hard!" Raphael snarked.

"Not to mention completely irrational and just plain ridiculous." Donatello added.

"I hate to disagree," Donnie said, "But that claim is irrational. Like Cozy Glow, we all found out Pizza Face was real the hard way."

"What do you mean?" Leonardo asked.

"When we were all having pizza at the beach, Mikey tried to warn us about Pizza Face and we just laughed at him." Twilight Sparkle explained.

"Even when he showed me the memory, I still didn't believe him," Sunset put in, "I had see a lot a crazy things in his head, so I couldn't tell."

"After that, Mikey stormed off in a huff," Rainbow Dash continued, "Then we all got really bad stomach aches and blacked out. And when we woke up, we were inside a sea cave, and trapped to the wall in cheese."

"Turns out, the pizza was a trap," Applejack chimed in, "And we all fell right into it."

"Obviously," Mikey said, "But luckily, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy actually believed me."

"I get why Pinkie Pie would believe it," Leonardo stated, "But why did you believe him, Fluttershy?"

"Because even if Mikey's immature and makes things up, doesn't mean he's not honest." the shy girl explained.

"And when you think about it," Pinkie Pie added, "The stuff we face on a daily basis gets weirder and weirder, so Pizza Face isn't entirely not a possibility."

"So with their help, and the help of another friend, I was able to rescue them and beat Pizza Face again!" Mikey exclaimed, "I even fed him to a shark."

"And if you need proof?" Fugitoid project the scene of when the ninjas met Pizza Face and when Mikey, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Derpy saved them.

"A mutant pizza?!" Jones said, surprised before speaking to his their April, "What'll dey dink of next?"

"Dude!" Michelangelo said to Mikey in shock, "How can you ever eat pizza again after all that?"

"Nothing, not even Pizza Face, can ever take away my love for the flat, cheesy, dish of delishisness." Mikey proclaimed.

"So after that, we apologized to Mikey for not believing about Pizzaface." April said.

"And after the incident with Cozy Glow," Spike continued. "We learned that ignoring Mikey's crazy theories isn't such a good idea. Ever!"

"And we all promised to listen whenever Mikey has a hunch about something." Starlight said.

"I even Pinkie Promised I would." Sunset added.

"A wise decision," Master Splinter said, "Like Cassandra, ignoring one's warnings can lead to great tragedy and disaster!" he quote the Cassandra metaphor.

"Yeah, we've all experienced that more than once." Leo noted.

"Hey, Leonardo, I've got a question?" Sweetie Belle raised her hand.

"What, is it, Sweetie Belle?" Leonardo replied.

"How did you meet your Karai." the girl asked.

"I'm wondering that too?" Karai chimed in.

"Well, the first time we met her was when the city erupted into a massive gang war!" Leonardo explained.

"A gang war?" Casey asked. "That's totally metal!"

"Oh ho, it sure was!" Jones confirmed.

Both Aprils could only roll their eyes, "Typical Jones."

"That's sounds scary!" Fluttershy trembled.

"It was," Leonardo nodded, grimly. "Especially since many innocent people got caught in the crossfire."

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Good heavens!" Rarity gasped.

"What could have caused that?" Starlight Glimmer asked.

"We caused it." Leonardo stated.

"You?" Dog Spike raised a brow.

"What do you mean you caused it?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"I'm not sure where to start but, well you see..." but before he could answer.

Pinkie Pie stood up and spoke fast paced, "You guys faced the Shredder in a huge battle, where Splinter got wounded, and you got help from the Guardians, and then the battle ended when Leonardo seemingly decapitated the Shredder's head, but of course that didn't really do anything, cause he wasn't human. But then Splinter disappeared and when you found him, you accidentally got transported to another planet, where you met this world's Fugitoid, then you all got transported back to here where you found out that Splinter had been healed by the Utrom. But Shredder suddenly showed up and you guys had to fight him. The Utroms and Fugitoid escaped and you found out that Shredder was really the evil Utrom Ch'rell, who activated a techno-organic time bomb that was going to implode the whole building with you in it! But you managed teleport yourselves out just in time, leaving Ch'rell to be imploded with the building!" She sqeed.

The other Turtles, O'neil, Jones, and Splinter were stunned.

Spike grinned, having seen this before, "Yeah, she did the same thing, when Twilight told the girls the truth about what we were and where we came from."

"You don't miss a detail, do you?" Leonardo stated to Pinkie.

"Nuh uh." Pinkie shook her head.

"Trust me, she doesn't." Leo added.

"How did you know all that?!" Donatello asked in shock.

"Just a hunch." Pinkie shrugged.

"A hunch?!" Raphael snapped, "You figure'd all dat out on a hunch?!"

"That Pinkie is some kind of weird," Michelangelo said, "And that's an understatement."

Princess Twilight giggled, "That's Pinkie Pie for you."

"Uh, well..." Leonardo said, still put off by Pinkie's guess, "With the Shredder gone, the remaining Foot ninjas, the Purple Dragons, and the mobsters fought to claim the Shredder's empire. It was pure mayhem. Many innocent people's lives were at stake. And it was all our fault. I'd had enough, so I took matters into my own hands and set out to stop the war, for the sake of all people of New York."

"Why, Leonardo," Rarity said, admirably, "That's so noble of you."

"Noble? Yes," Donatello stated, "Smart and well thought out? Absolutely not!"

"Not tah mention, down right stupid!" Raphael put it, "We all told Leo, even Masta Splinter told him not tah get involved, because it Wasn't. Our. Fight," He got right Leonardo's face as he said those words, "But Mr. Honorable here, wouldn't listen and nearly got us all killed!" Leonardo cringed knowing that was not one of his best moments.

"So, you really tried to stop all those ninjas, Purple Dragons, and mobsters all by yourself?" Donnie asked, rhetorically.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Scootaloo said.

"And really stupid," Sweetie Belle added. "What were you thinking?"

"Okay, maybe I went way in over my shell," Leonardo admitted, "But innocent people were getting hurt because of us! It was the right thing to do."

"Even so," Princess Twilight said, "The right thing isn't always the smart thing to do. Especially not without a well thought out plan."

"Yeah, that's always been Leo's problem," Michelangelo noted, "He always puts honor before common sense."

"Our Leo has a same problem," Raph said. "Like when he spared Fong and then later the Purple Dragons old leader Xever and Chris Bradford nearly did us in."

"But Fong ended up helping me in the end, so sparing him paid off." Leo countered.

"Looks like all Leos are honor-bound boneheads!" Raphael remarked, making both Leos scowl.

"You're one to talk," Leonardo countered. "Mr. I'm gonna defy orders and drive a bus into a killer robot and nearly get yourself and me blown up."

"And let's not forget when you insulted Bane and he literally beat you unconscious." Leo told Raph.

"Guess all Raphs are Muscle-brained Meatheads!" Dog Spike remarked, making the Mikeys and some of the Rainbooms laugh and both Raphs glare in their direction.

"Anyway..." Leonardo went one, "After we retreated to a rooftop, Raph and I started arguing about how we should and should not have gotten involved in the war."

"You know the irony in that?" Donatello chimed in, "Both Leo and Raph had a point, but neither one was willing to admit it."

"Admit what?" Keno asked.

"Leonardo was correct: because we had ended the Shredder, we were responsible for starting the war," Master Splinter explained. "But Raphael was also correct: Trying to stop the war only made things worse. But Raphael's pride and Leonardo's nobility prevented them from seeing it." Both Leonardo and Raphael lowered their heads, knowing it was true.

"And that's when Karai and two of her Foot soldiers showed up." Michelangelo said.

"What did she do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Blew up the water tower we were hiding in."

"Hmm?" Karai inquired, "When I first met Leo, I just irritated him with blinding powder and kicked his butt." Leo scowled at that memory.

"After that, she claimed she just wanted to talk," Leonardo continued, "But Raph here, decided to attack first and ask questions never!

"Our Raph's the same," Mikey chuckled, "But your Raph sounds like the bigger meathead!" Raph smacked him upside the head, "Ow!"

"And thanks to Raph's boneheaded move, we were forced to fight Karai and her soldiers," Leonardo went on. "We were outmatched and defeated. And Karai had me pinned down at sword point, before Raph finally stood down and gave her a chance to speak. She introduced herself and said she commanded the Japanese branch of the Foot. Then she told us exactly what I believed, that we threw the city into chaos when we ended the Shredder. She had hoped that the gangs would destroy each other, but she hadn't counted on the city being destroyed as well. So she proposed a plan to end the war for good. And we were plan B in case it didn't work."

"We all agreed it was our best option," Donatello said, "Well, most of us did.

"No way was I goin' along wit any plan of de Foot. Evuh!" Raphael said, bitterly, "But I was outvoted, so I just up and left."

"Doesn't surprise me." Rainbow replied knowing their Raph would've been just the same.

"Karai's plan backfired and we were almost done for!" Michelangelo added, "But then Raph and Master Splinter came just in the nick of time!"

"Aftuh I calmed down and tought about it, I realized I was bein' an idiot!" Raphael explained.

No one looked convinced, "Really?" Donnie said, doubtfully, "You figured that all on your own?"

Raphael sighed, "Ok, Masta Splinter told me to calm down and think about it... And said I was being an idiot."

"You're right, Mikey," Donnie remarked, humorously, "He can be a bigger meathead than our Raph." Both Raphs growled, making him hide his head halfway in his shell.

"We finally stopped the war, but Karai went back to the Shredder, who survived the TCRI implosion." Leonardo

"Seriously?!" Rainbow Dash gawked, "After all that?"

"Like I said, she was honorable. But she was loyal only to the Shredder," Leonardo reminded, "And nothing I said or did, could ever change her mind."

"I'd commend her loyalty but, to the Shredder?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"And here I thought I was stubborn," Applejack added, "But that ain't right."

"You know," Karai said, "I probably would have ended up like her if I hadn't learned the truth. Which is not something I want to think about."

"Hey, I've got a question?" Michelangelo spoke up, "How did you guys take your city back from the Kraang?"

"With help from our friends, the mighty mutanimals." Leo replied.

"But only after you had trust issues with Slash." Mikey noted.

"Whu's Slash?" Raphael asked.

"Slash used to be my pet turtle Spike." Raph explained.

"You had a pet turtle?" Jones asked.

"Yeah. So?"


"Anyway," Raph continued, "He ended up getting mutated into a big turtle from a canister of mutagen I brought to my room."

"How big was he?" Michelangelo inquired.

"As big as our Hun." Donnie answered.

Raph went on, "I was so excited. We were gonna be a heck of a duo. What I didn’t know was that he planned to snuff the others out. You see, Spike was my venting buddy and I guess he took my gripes literally. He attacked the others behind my back while they were hunting for mutagen. I caught him in the act and had to fight him. He was as skilled as all of us, but he was too strong for even me beat. I managed to hit a nerve in his arm and made him fall off the roof we were on, but he survived and escaped. We didn't seen him again until Casey joined us, he teamed up with our enemy, Newtralizer, a Kraang hunter. When Newtralizer's plans meant eradicating humans, Slash had a change of heart and helped us beat him and I offered to come back to us, but he felt like he needed to go his own way. Then he joined up with more of our mutant allies and formed the Mutanimals."

"He’s really nice once you get to know him." Scootaloo noted.

"And if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t understand Raph." Fluttershy noted while Raph smiled and nodded..

"But Leo still labeled him a bad guy when we met the Mutanimals," Raph said, frowning at his brother, "Just like when he labeled Fugitoid."

"Is that true?" O'Neil asked.

"Leo's had a habit of labeling people for their past actions." Twilight Sparkle stated, while hating to admit it.

"Yeah," Leo admitted, in guilt, "And sadly Fugitoid and Slash aren't the only ones I labeled in the past. When my brothers and I got transported to another world, we met a rabbit samurai named Miyamoto Usagi."

"You have an Usagi in your world?" Leonardo asked.

"Yeah," Mikey said, "We helped him take this bratty pug kid to a temple."

"But along the way, we had to disguise ourselves as samurai soldiers," Leo explained, "When we were found out, Usagi helped us escape... by leading us, right off a cliff."

"Oh no!" The CMC cried.

"Goodness!" Rarity covered her mouth.

"Oh, my!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"After that, I turned my back on him too," Leo continued to explain, "But we still had to follow him in order to get home. But because I didn't trust him, I ignored him twice and got myself and my brothers into trouble. And when we first met the Shadowbolts, I almost labeled them for what they did to Twilight."

"Around then, we set aside our differences and we're friends now." Twilight explained.

"We met them when both their schools were having a class trip to New York," Leo said. "When the girls snuck off to meet us, the Shadowbolts had followed them. When I found out who they were, I chewed them out for the trauma they left on Twilight at the Friendship Games. But she assured me they had changed and remembering my labeling habit, I decided to give them a chance."

"Trauma?" Donatello asked.

"Remember how we told you guys about the incident at the Friendship Games?" Twilight Sparkle said, "Well, to explain that, we'll have to tell you how we got our powers."

"We're listening." Michelangelo said, eager to hear their power origins.

"Our school went to Camp Everfree for the summer," Sunset Shimmer began. "We met its camp director Gloriosa Daisy and her brother Timber Spruce, who Twilight took a liking to."

"And Leo got jealous cause he had a crush on Twilight," Mikey said, "And wouldn't admit it."

Leo and Twilight frowned, "Ha ha," they said, in annoyance.

"We turned up at Camp Everfree by accident," Donnie said. "I had built a portal from Kraang tech and before I could test it properly, Mikey and Casey jumped right in, forcing us to follow them."

"And we all landed right on their bus." Mikey noted.

"While the guys had to hide, the rest of us attended the camp with them." April added.

"When Twilight and I were unpacking in our tent, we discovered Twilight's levitation power," Sunset Shimmer said, "I was excited, but Twilight wasn't so thrilled."

"I didn't tell anyone except Leo," Twilight began, "But I had recently been having nightmares about turning into Midnight Sparkle again and hurting all those around me!"

Master Splinter spoke, "Fear can only lead to more pain. Only by facing fear can it be overcome."

"Strange things started happening at camp," Sunset continued, "Things Twilight kept blaming herself for."

"While that was happenin', the rest of us were discoverin' our own powers," Applejack said. "I found out I had super strength when I hoisted Rarity up a rock climbin' wall like she weighed nothin'.

"While also scaring me half to death!" Rarity put in, "And I discovered my shield ability when I accidentally knocked Applejack into the lake."

The CMC giggled at that.

"Pinkie Pie and I discovered our powers while we were decorating cookies." Fluttershy said.

"I was all -- You need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!" Pinkie Pie reenacted, "Then when I picked up some sprinkles, they glowed pink and exploded!"

"When I tried to get some paper towels to clean up the mess, a bird helped me get it. But then I discovered I could talk to it!" Fluttershy explained.

"So that’s how you girls discovered your powers." Donatello said.

"How long did it take to control them?" Leonardo asked.

"Not long but it wasn’t easy," Applejack replied, "Like Twilight, we were afraid at first, but Sunset was able to convince us to embrace the magic and we gained confidence."

"Later, our Master Splinter contacted us spiritually and had us go on a Spirit Quest to fully master our abilities," Rainbow Dash chimed in, "Except for Twilight."

"I wasn’t fully a ninja yet." Twilight explained.

"During campfire stories, Timber told the story of an ancient forest spirit named Gaia Everfree." Fluttershy said.

"We all thought that was the reason for all the weird stuff happening at camp." Rainbow Dash added.

"The Turtles and I thought that Gloriosa and Timber were hiding something, but Leo and I mostly suspected Timber," Sunset Shimmer admitted, "But we latter found out that Gloriosa was the one causing all the strange things at camp. She was using these magical geodes to try and fix problems but ended up making things worse."

"She used the geodes to become Gaia Everfree," Mikey said, "Just when we were gonna have to fight her, our Utrom friend Bishop brought Sensei, the Mutanimals , and the Dazzlings to help."

"We had to sneak in the back of the mess hall, meaning we would expose ourselves," Leo said, "But Splinter knew there was no choice."

"Sometimes, rules were meant to be broken." Master Splinter noted.

"So we showed ourselves to the campers and with help from our friends convinced principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna that we were here to help." Raph said.

"We helped the girls fight these tree minions Glorsia summoned," Donnie explained, "The others wanted to help too so Splinter gave them weapons so they could help."

"Too bad we weren’t there," Scootaloo said, "That sounded awesome!

"I’m with ya on that, Scoots." Michelangelo agreed.

"It was only when Twilight overcame her fear were we able to win." Leo stated.

"And the geodes Gloriosa was using came to us." Applejack added.

"Afterwards, Gloriosa apologized," Sunset Shimmer said, "Earlier, we found out she was only trying to make that camp year the best because it was being taken away by the land's owner Filthy Rich."

"So we all worked together to host a Crystal Gala and raised enough money to save the camp," Twilight said, "And Filthy Rich was not happy about that and left in a huff."

"But not before he became the latest victim of Dr Pranknstein!" Mikey noted.

"Nice." Michelangelo said, as the two high fived.

"During the gala, Leo put his jealousy aside and let Twilight dance with Timber." Sunset stated.

"Well, that was awful big of you, Leo," O'neil commented.

"Timber was actually a pretty cool guy," Leo said, "Better than me and Sunset gave him credit for."

"After the dance, Splinter gave me my weapon and I was finally a ninja." Twilight Sparkle said happily.

"Way to go!" Michelangelo cheered.

"After what you went through, I’d say you’ve earned it." Leonardo stated.

"Thanks." Twilight smiled.

"We all got to stay for the week then we headed home," Donnie finished. "Then went back to dealing with Super Shredder."

By now, it had gotten dark, and they had built a campfire. And Pinkie Pie had gotten out ingredients to make s'mores.

"Say, do you guys wanna know the funny thing about the Shredder?" Donatello inquired.

"There's a funny part?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Not funny ha ha, funny ironic," Donatello corrected, "The Shredder had a bigger impact on our lives than we knew."

"Whachoo talkin' 'bout?" Spike asked.

"Well you see," Donatello began, "As we told you, we got mutated by the ooze when we were only babies. Ooze that was created by the Utrom, who were stranded on earth. And why were they stranded on earth? Because someone sabotaged and destroyed their ship. And who was that someone? Ch'rell. Or as we better know him as, drum roll please," Pinkie played her drum sticks on her leg, "The Shredder! Ergo, the Shredder had a direct hand in our creation."

After a moment, Raph spoke up, "I think I speak for us all when I say, no way."

Applejack chuckled. "Yeah. The Shredder created you guys? That's just plain nonsense!"

"Are you serious, Donatello?" Karai asked.

"Really serious," Donatello said, "Think about it, if Ch’rell never made the Utroms crash on earth, then they’d never develop the ooze. If they hadn’t developed the ooze, we’d never been mutated. If we were never mutated, we’d be in some kids aquarium eating fish flakes right now."

Everyone thought about it and realized he was right.

"Whoa," Mikey said, in amazement. "That’s deep!"

"You know, come to think of it, we wouldn't have become who we are if not for our Shredder!" Donnie exclaimed, "I mean, if the Shredder hadn't murdered Tang Shen and stole Karai, Splinter would never have come to New York. Then he never would have adopted us, then ran into the Kraang, and we would never have been mutated!"

"Believe me we found that out up close." Leo said, recalling their travel to the past and witnessed the incident with their master, Oroku Saki, and Tang Shen.

Princess Twilight's eyes widened, "I think your right, Donnie! Then I never would have had that vision that brought all of us to New York in the first place!"

"And we never would have met you guys!" Pinkie cried, with her hands on her head.

There's a long silence.

"Being that close to Shredder, makes me feel all kinds of wrong!" Raph said, in disgust.

"Trust me, da the feelin's mutual!" Raphael said.

"Both our Shredders may be part of our origins, but it is we who choose our fate!" Master Splinter stated.

"That's what I learned from father." Karai noted.

"And no matter what our Shredders have done to us, they'll never change one important thing: We're all family!" Leonardo said.

Everyone smiled warmly at his words, until the two Mikeys laughed.

"And... there goes the moment," Donnie frowned.

"Seriously, Leo?" Michelangelo said. "That again?"

"That's the sappiest thing I've ever heard!" Mikey grinned, "This ain't no sitcom drama."

"It may be sappy, but Leonardo's got a point!" Applejack crossed her arms.

"So both of yuh shut yar traps!" Raphael snapped, and was pelted in the face by a water balloon from Mikey.

Michelangelo laughed. "Nice shot!"

"Doctor Pranknstein strikes again!" Mikey cheered.

Raphael growled and Raph glared. But then they both grinned at each other, "Well, than," Raph said, "Allow us to show you two what jerkfaces we can be!"

"Watch the gram crackers!" Pinkie Pie cried, as the Raphs tackled the Mikeys and wrestled them. The Leos and Donnies tried to break it up but they just ended up rolling around in a dogpile.

"Pile on!" Jones exclaimed.

"Goongala!" Casey shouted, as they joined the fray along with Keno. While all the girls and Splinter only watched.

"It's a family alright'" April said, dryly.

"It certainly is." O'neil agreed.

"Another day with the boys." Sunset Shimmer commented.

"Eeyup." both Applejack and Apple Bloom said.

Princess Twilight looked to Splinter and O'Neil. "You’d think if manners were ever part of their training."

"You’d think." O'Neil said.

"Training them ninjitsu was hard enough," Master Splinter said. "I'm afraid even I, in any dimension, can not preform miracles." The group just chuckled as the two turtle teams, their Casey's, and Keno continued their playful fight.

Meanwhile back in New York, a lone figure was running across rooftops and jumping from one to another. It eventually stopped and looked around the city, "Not quite the New York I'm used to, but I think I could go on a good crime spree here." he walked into the light to reveal it was who else but Fishface.

Author's Note:

This chapter was created with tons of help with Jebens1 and TMNTony.

And I apologize if the jokes and bashings are still offending anyone, but both teams were discussing their mishaps and experiences and admitting to their faults, and apologizing for taking things too far with their descriptions, like Mikey and Sunset.