• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,807 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...

Secret Origins part 2

The Turtles and Rainbooms were surrounded by Foot Ninja, “Ninjas, take'm down!” Leo ordered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey announced, as the team engaged in battle hand to hand.

The turtles as always held their own against the Foot. April used her own moves while Casey looked around before spotting some bamboo. He broke one and used it as a makeshift weapon, “Gotta make do with what you got. Goongala!” he attacked the Foot.

“Bright idea, Case.” Keno said, as he fashioned some bamboo into his own sparing sticks.

The Rainbooms engaged the Foot ninja, as Rainbow spoke, “You know I kinda missed kicking Foot Ninja butt.” she swept one Foot Ninja off his feet.

“We may not have our powers, but we've taken on ninjas and mutants before we even had them.” Applejack added, as she elbowed a ninja in the gut before throwing him over her shoulder.

Starlight dodged an attack from one Foot ninja before kicking him aside. She backed up into Shini and spoke to her, “Kind of ironic that we're fighting an alternate version of your clan.”

“Eh. This wasn't the first time,” Shini admitted, until she noticed something, “Where's Karai?”

“Oh, no!” Starlight pointed over.

Ch'rell watched the fight between his ninjas and the intruders go down, until a voice shouted at him, “SHREDDER!”

Ch'rell turned to see an angry Karai. Without taking her eyes of him, she punched and attacked a Foot soldier in the gut before taking his katana, “You... Took... Everything from me!” she told him with anger.

Ch'rell however was completely oblivious, “What are you talking about, girl?! I don't even know you!”

“Oh, you will!” Karai attacked Ch'rell.

As Sunset defeated a Foot ninja she spotted the Hamato girl, “Karai!”

Karai attacked Ch’rell like crazy in anger proving to be a match, until Ch’rell smacked her down and grabbed her by the shoulder. He lifted her up and spoke, “I don’t know who you are or where you come from, but you fight well in the old style. But if you face the Shredder, you face your doom!”

Ch'rell started to squeeze her shoulder just like how Super Shredder did to Leo, before an arrow hit his shoulder. He looked to see Starlight holding a bow and arrow she lifted off one of the Foot Ninja, and was ready to release another arrow.

“Let. Her. Go!” Starlight ordered.

Ch'rell however countered her threat, “Surrender! Or your friend perishes!”

“I’m not surrendering! And neither is she!” Ch'rell was confused, as Shini jumped in and grabbed Karai.

After Mikey knocked down a soldier, he took his nunchucks, “Guy's, let's borrow their weapons!”

One by one, each of the Turtles and Rainbooms knocked out a soldier and took their weapons. Conveniently, the weapon they lifted off the ninja they took down was the weapon they were trained to use.

Outside the virtual world, Michelangelo spoke to his brothers, “Maybe we should've taken their weapons when we faced them.”

Fluttershy took two soldiers down, but spotted the scientist about to be cut by three more ninjas with katanas, “No!” she leaped in and kicked them all back before picking the scientist up, “Are you ok?”

“Uh, yes. Um, thank you.” he answered.

Apple Bloom spoke up as she, her friends, and the two Spike's took cover, “Don't y'all think we should get out of here?!”

“You know, sugarcube, that's actually a good idea!” Applejack answered.

Soon they all regrouped, as Ch'rell arrived with his archers, “Destroy them all!”

The archers fired their arrows, “AB-see yah!” Mikey threw down a smoke bomb he lifted off one the Foot ninja, and they vanished.

Ch'rell growled, before turning to his ninja, “Take some men into the forest! End those creatures, and especially that girl, who dared to challenge me! Meanwhile, I have business to attend to in the village!” he left, as the Foot Ninja headed off. All were completely unaware that the Turtles and Rainbooms were hiding in a bush.

“Ah, yeah! We pulled the wall over their eyes!” Mikey cheered softly.

Karai groaned in pain, as Leo spoke to the others, “Everyone, take Karai and find someplace safe.”

Princess Twilight spoke up, “Leo and I will follow Ch'rell and see just what business he attending.” they all branched off.

In the lab, Leonardo spoke to Donnie, who was helping Mortu check the systems, “Donnie, How’s it coming with the repairs?”

“Working around the clock!”

“I don’t understand,” Mortu said, “With all the upgrades Professor Honeycutt put in this, this shouldn’t have happened.”

Splinter gasped upon realizing something, “Leonardo, it has just occurred to me. We never told them about Sword Of Tengu!”

“Oh, shell!” Leonardo gasped.

“Crud!” Raphael cursed.

“The what?” Bandit asked in confusion.

“We better help as well.” Honeycutt told Fugitoid who answered.


“I'll loan my support as well.” Rockwell offered, as they pitched in.

Fugitoid looked at the screen and the group in each of their pods in worry, “Hang on my friends.”

Meanwhile in the village, Ch'rell arrived at a sword smith, “Sword smith, is it finished?!” he demanded.

The sword smith answered, “Hai, Tono Sama, I made the blade just as you requested. The metal, is amazing! I have never seen it's like before.” he unveiled a long thin blade.

“Nor will you ever again,” Ch'rell answered, as he took the blade and attached it to an alien handle, “Let us just say the metal, fell from the heavens!” the sword started to light up with energy, “As the ninja are said to have descended from goblins, behold! The Goblin Sword! The Sword of Tengu!” he aimed it at the sword smith and his helpers, “And now, for your "payment"!” he blasted them with energy making them crash through their shop and very injured, “The Sword is perfect! With it, my enemies will not be able to hide! I will find them! And, destroy! Them!” he declared.

Leo and Princess Twilight had watched everything from a nearby tree, “Oh, no!” Princess Twilight gasped in horror.

“That's not good.” Leo said equally shocked.

Meanwhile, the others were running through the bamboo forest, “Hurry! There's no telling if those Foot Ninja will find us!” Sunset ordered everyone.

“Uh, pardon me, but where are we going?” a voice spoke up.

Everyone stopped in place, as they looked at Fluttershy still holding the Utrom Scientist in her arms, “Fluttershy? Tell us you're not still holding the scientist?” Donnie asked nervously.

“Um? Yes.” she grinned sheepishly.

Raph groaned, “Great! We just kidnapped one of the Utrom!”

“I'm sorry! We all left in such a hurry, I didn't have time to put him down.” Fluttershy explained.

“Oh! This is bad! Now they’ll think we’re the enemy for kidnapping him and we’ll never get back!” Rainbow panicked.

“Maybe if we just return him to the Utrom, they’ll forgive and forget?” Sweetie Belle suggested hopefully.

“I’m just glad you earthlings aren’t scared of me,” the scientist began, “Besides, the guardians will be able to find me soon enough.”

“The guardians?” Casey asked.

“I’ll explain in a bit. But first, your friend seems to be in dire need.” the scientist motioned to Karai who was being helped by Shini and April.

“He’s right. We gotta find a spot for Karai to rest.” Twilight said.

“Where will we go?” Scootaloo asked.

“We’ll have to keep searching. C’mon!” April ordered, as they pressed on.

Meanwhile along a trail, a family was being attacked by five Foot ninjas, “No! Leave us alone!” an old man pleaded.

“Stay back!” a young woman ordered, as she got defensive.

The ninja attacked, while the the woman manged to hold them off when two ninja in blue leaped from the trees and joined the fight. Then seven more foot ninjas charged in and overwhelmed them. Just when it seemed the Foot would triumph, a spear flew past them and hit a tree. Wicked laughter echoed all around as two figures dashed around them

“Who is there? Show yourselves!” A Foot Ninja demanded.

A dark figure lands on a tree branch and waved out two swords, “Be gone, evil ninja! Or face the wrath of the Yokai!”

Another dark figure, covered in grass and bamboo pieces, landed by the tree and removed the spear. Then she twirled it around, while laughing like a maniac.

Then the two figures jump in and out, attacking the Foot Soldiers before disappearing into the trees, “What is this?!” the Ninja demanded in fright.

The first dark figure landed right next to him, “Be gone, Foot Ninja! Or we will steal your souls! Through your butts!” The other dark figure lands near the other Foot ninjas and shrieked, showing them her fangs.

The Foot Ninjas screamed and ran away in terror. Then the two figures burst out laughing. They were actually Leo and Princess Twilight. The Princess of Friendship removed the grass and bamboo pieces and took out the bamboo splinters she was using as fangs.

“Through your butts? Really?” Princess Twilight asked while laughing.

“It's from ancient Japanese lore.” Leo shrugged.

“I can't believe that trick actually worked!”

“Well, my brothers and I pulled that Yokai trick when we got sent back to the past.” Leo replied.

Michelangelo watched and burst out laughing, “Why didn't we do that too?”

“Stay away, evil yokai!” the old man on the screen ordered Leo and Princess Twilight.

“That's why.” Leonardo replied.

The old man continued to scream in fright before speaking to the blue ninjas, “Save us! Save us from the evil demons! Yokai! Yokai!”

Leo winced, “Right... looks like our trick worked too well.”

“You think?” Princess Twilight asked rhetorically regretting their plan.

The blue ninjas approached with their swords ready, while the old man took the child in the wagon and spoke to the woman, “Come, Toma-san! We go!”

Leo called out sarcastically, “No it's cool! I mean it's not like we saved your lives or anything!”

The woman however bowed her head in gratitude, before running off. Princess Twilight smiled, “Well, at least she thanked us.”

The blue ninjas attacked them forcing the duo to defend themselves. As Leo sword fought with one of the ninjas, he spoke trying to reason, “Look, we were only trying to help!”

“You are trying to deceive us, kappa!” the first blue ninja accused.

“No! We're not!” Princess Twilight answered, while facing off against the second one.

“They are with the one who took the scientist! Don’t let them get away!” the second ninja told his partner.

“Scientist? What are you talking about?” Leo asked in confusion.

“We didn’t take anyone!” Princess Twilight protested.

“You lie!” the first ninja accused, as the four continued to fight.

As Leo and Princess Twilight gathered up, the Princess spoke, “It's no use, Leo. They think we’re the enemy!”

“Then I guess we’ll have to retreat and regroup,” Leo spoke to the blue ninjas, “We’ll be back!” he threw a smoke bomb and the two vanished.

“They're gone!” the second ninja gasped.

“We better tell Mortu.” the first one suggested, as they hurried off.

At the lab, Michelangelo spoke up, “ Okay. Not a good first impression.”

“But at least that woman knew they meant well.” Slash said.

“Have you almost fixed it, Donnie?” O'Neil asked.

“Just a few more... I think I've got-” he suddenly got electrocuted and blown back.

“Donnie!” Leonardo cried.

“Donatello!” Master Splinter gasped, as they raced over to him.

“Augh! No good,” Donnie groaned, “We're completely locked out of the system! And it's booby trapped for good measure!”

“Den dat's it?! Dere's nothin' we can do?!” Raphael asked.

“There's a chance that they can figure out how to activate the eternal fail safe.” Mortu said.

“Well, they made it this far, so I think they stand a chance.” Michelangelo said.

“So do I.” Mondo replied.

“I have faith in my friends.” Leatherhead added.

“Same here.” Slash confirmed.

“I believe in them too.” Mona said confidently.

“I do too,” Leonardo said, “But it'll take everything they got just to survive.”

Back in the VR, the ninjas retreated to a hidden cave, when Leo and Princess Twilight found them.

“Guys!” Pinkie cheered.

“Glad to see you caught up with us.” April said in relief.

Leo looked over to Karai who sat up, “How're you feeling, Karai?”

She sighed, and answered, “I've been better.”

“I think we're gonna have to be careful,” Donnie warned them, “There's a guaranteed chance that if we die in this virtual world, we'll die in the real world.”

“Well, that's comforting.” Raph said sarcastically.

“And I don't think it's gonna be that easy.” Leo added.

“Why?” Keno asked.

“Ch'rell just invented some kind of energy sword called The Sword of Tengu!” Leo explained.

“It's just like Blade Swipe's sword attack.” Princess Twilight added leaving everyone in shock, especially the rest of the turtles, their allies, Starlight and Spike who know personally what Blade's energy blade attack was capable of.

“Not only that, we also ran into some blue ninjas who think we stole one of the Utroms.” Leo put in.

They all looked at each other, as Rainbow spoke, “Yeah... about that...”

Fluttershy showed them the scientist, “Fluttershy!” Leo and Princess Twilight cried in disbelief.

“What possessed you to do that?!” Leo asked.

The scientist spoke up, “Now hold on! Before you scold this young lady, she did save me from those Foot ninjas so I am in your debt! And I believe the blue ninja you spoke of are The Guardians.”

“Yeah well now they want our heads looking for you.” Leo said.

“I’m sure Mortu will understand. The complication is finding where the Utroms relocated. They have to be-” Pinkie interrupted, and spoke up.

“Hey, does anyone smell smoke?”

They all looked outside and saw trails of smoke not too far from their cave. Then they all heard screams, “Let's go investigate.” Leo suggested.

“Wait!” the scientist spoke, “Take me along, there's a good chance the Guardians may arrive at that location! Then I can clear up this misunderstanding.”

“Alright. Mikey. Pinkie Pie. Stay here with Karai and the CMC.” Leo ordered the two.

“On it!” the two saluted.

“Be careful out there.” Sweetie Belle told her sister in worry.

Rarity smiled assuredly, “We will, darling.”

They followed the smoke and moved aside some bushes and gasped. The Foot Ninja were setting fire to a village!

“Take down the Foot!” Leo gave orders, “April! You, Shinigami, Sunset, and the Twilights help any survivors trapped here.

“On it!” April answered.

Fluttershy spoke to the Scientist, “You stay hidden as well.”

“Right. Good luck.”

As the group fought off the Foot, April and the other helped the villagers escape as the scientist hid behind a water barrel.

Shinigami helped a young girl from a burning building, before speaking to her in her native language, “Get out of here!”

The girl answered in Japanese, “I need to find my grandfather and little brother!”

“Help! Grandfather, help!” came a cry.

Both of them turned to see a little boy trapped in a burning house, while an elder man looked in horror, “Yoshi!” he cried.

“Help!” the boy pleaded.

Sunset rushed over, “Shini, what's going on?”

“The old man's grandson is trapped in that house!” she answered.

Sunset saw the boy and put on a determined face, “I'm going after him!”

“What?” Shini gasped, as Sunset ran for the building.

The girl spoke to the old man, “Grandfather!”

The old man spoke to her in their language, “Mitsu! Yoshi's trapped in there! And from the looks of things that girl is trying to save him!”

Everyone looked and saw Sunset splashing some water in a barrel on her, before charging inside, “Sunset Shimmer!” Princess Twilight cried.

In the lab, Mortu noticed Sunset's pod was beeping rapidly, “Sunset Shimmer's temperature is rising to unbearable levels! She’s overheating!”

“C'mon, get outta there!” Michelangelo cried, as they watched the scene.

“Sunset...” Fugtoid said in worry.

As the ninjas waited with the old man and granddaughter, Sunset burst through a wall with the boy in her arms. Both were coughing as they came over to them.

Sunset spoke to the two, “He's gonna be okay.”

“Yoshi!” Mitsu took the kid.

“Sister!” Yoshi said, as he hugged her.

The old man spoke to the ninjas, “Thank you, honorable warriors. We owe you my grandsons life.”

Shini smiled, and answered, “It’s why we’re here. Now go!” as they left, Princess Twilight was about to head over to the others, until the Guardians landed in front of her startling her.

“Um, hi again...” the two readied their katanas, “Oh, no! Aahhh!” she dodged their strikes.

“Twilight!” Sunset and Sci-Twilight called.

April seeing this concentrated, and used her powers to pull the swords from the Guardians hands, “Huh?” one asked in confusion.

“What is this?” the second wondered.

April sighed in relief, “At least I still got my powers.”

The scientist quickly came out of hiding, “Guardians, wait!” he scurried over, “They are not our enemies!”

Fluttershy picked him up, and spoke to the Guardians, “We're very sorry for kidnapping him. We were in such a hurry to escape from the Shredder, that I didn't have time to put him down. I'm very sorry.”

“It's true. I can vouch for them. Especially for this young girl who saved me from the Foot.” The scientist assured them.

“And that stunt me and her scared those Foot Ninja, we were only trying to help. Just like we did just now.” Leo explained.

“We mean you no harm.” Princess Twilight assured them.

The Guardians stood for a moment before they bowed their heads to the ninjas, “Our humble apologies, young warriors.”

“Thank you for protecting the Scientist. And for helping the villagers.”

Fluttershy handed the Scientist to one of the Guardians. But as they turn to leave, Donnie got an idea, “Wait! You guys work for the Utrom, right? Well, you see, we're trapped here like them. So they can possibly help us. Can you take us to them? Or at very least let Mortu know that we need to see him?”

The Guardians looked to one another, until the first one spoke, “Very well, we will tell them.”

“How will we know where to find you?” Leo asked.

“If Mortu agrees to an audience, he will find you.” The second one answered, as the Guardians left with the Scientist.

Soon the Turtles and Rainbooms return to the cave where they find a surprising sight. They saw Pinkie, Mikey, the CMC, and the Spikes sitting on a picnic blanket eating pizza and cupcakes.

“Hey, guys!” Mikey greeted.

“Anyone hungry?” Pinkie asked.

As the 03 Turtles, and the others watched, Jones spoke, “Looks like they're back on track now.”

“Good.” O'Neil sighed in relief.

Mortu checked Sunset's vitals, “And Sunset Shimmer's temperature is dropping back to normal.”

“Thanks goodness.” Fugitoid said in relief.

“I can't buleev she did dat,” Raphael said in disbelief, “She did know dey wernt real, right?”

“Raph, you would've done the same thing.” Donatello replied.

“I would not,” Raphael denied, but remembered the little boy named Tyler he protected while helping to rescue his mother from the mob, “Okay, I would.”

“Let's just hope they find their way back.” Leonardo hoped.

Michelangelo salivated at the sight of the food, “Those cupcakes and pizzas look delicious.”

Back with the ninjas, Sunset spoke to the group while staring at the food, “Uh, where'd you get those?”

“Yeah, pizza's Italian. Or was I sleeping in World History again?” Rainbow asked, as Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Well, it's like this, me and Pinkie were starting to get hungry. So I thought "I could sure go for some pizza right now".” Mikey began.

“And I thought "I want cupcakes" and poof! They were there!” Pinkie added, as she held one out, “Want some?”

“You guys do know that food isn't real, right?” Twilight reminded them.

“You know it, we know it.” Spike began.

“But our bellies don't.” Dog Spike finished.

“It's real enough for us.” Apple Bloom said.

“This doesn't make any sense!” Donnie questioned, “How did?”

They were interrupted when the Guardians returned with two droids. One of them opened his kimono, revealing Mortu.

“Greetings. I am Mortu.” he introduced himself.

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends bowed in respect. Leo spoke to him, “Hello, Mr Mortu. And yes, we do need your help. But first, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Leonardo, and these are my brothers. Donatello. Michelangelo.”

“What up.” Mikey greeted, but stopped Raph from slapping him in the head like always.

“And Raphael.” Leo finished.

April spoke up, “And we're their allies. I'm April O'Neil. And this is Casey Jones. Karai. Shinigami. And Keno.”

Sunset followed, “I'm Sunset Shimmer. And these are my friends. Twilight Sparkle. Applejack. Rarity. Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash. And Pinkie Pie.”

“Hi there!” the girl greeted.

“We're their ninja trainees,” Apple Bloom began, “I'm Apple Bloom. And these are my friends. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“I am Starlight Glimmer.”

“And I'm Spike.” Spike greeted.

“Me too.” Dog Spike added.

“And I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship.”

Mortu gasped, “Oh! Your Highness!” he bowed to her.

“Please. No need to be formal.” she said, as Mortu continued.

“Well, then, first and foremost, I want to thank you all for helping us earlier and returning our Scientist, especially you, Ms Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled and blushed, “You're welcome. But I'm still sorry I took him.”

“Well, as long as he is alright, it is all good. Now, How can we help you?”

“It's difficult but we'll try to explain it.” Leo started.

Later, they were sitting outside the cave as the Turtles and Rainbooms explained everything that happened.

“And that was when the virtual reality suddenly became real,” Donnie finished, “It's kind of hard to understand.”

“I do understand,” Mortu admitted, “Your knowledge of our race is amazing. Even your knowledge of the Shredder.”

“Well, you should know that the Shredder is actually that Utrom prisoner who escaped.” Leo warned him.

“Yes. We are well aware of the Shredder's true identity!” Mortu assured.

Suddenly Pinkie gasped, “My knees are pinchy again!”

“What does that mean?” Mortu asked.

“Something scary is about to happen!” she cried.

Suddenly they heard a very familiar evil laugh. Then Ch'rell emerged from the bush.

“Oh, no!” Princess Twilight gasped.

“Shredder!” Karai frowned.

Ch'rell looked all around and spoke, “How fitting that I find my new enemies together with my old ones! Where I can finish you all at once!” he fired energy from his new sword.

“Scatter!” Leo ordered.

They all scattered as the energy hit Mortu's droid, making it explode. The Utrom escaped the droid in time but the explosion knocked him right up to Ch'rell.

“And now to end you once and for all, Mortu!” he was suddenly kicked aside by Leo and Karai.

“I don't think so!” Karai retorted.

“You're not touching him!” Leo warned him.

“Then you'll all be destroyed as well!” Ch'rell warned them.

“I underestimated you last time, but that won't happen again!” Karai promised.

Ch'rell was really started to get annoyed by Karai, “I know not what your vendetta is with me, but your life ends here as well as your friends!” Leo and Karai double teamed, but Ch'rell overpowered them both.

Applejack spoke to the CMC, “You three stay here!” she went to help the others.

As everyone fought Ch'rell they got some good hits in, but ended up getting clobbered along with their borrowed weapons obliterated by the Sword of Tengu.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey tried to jump Ch'rell from behind, only to get thrown aside.

April used her psychic powers to take the sword from Ch'rell, but as she gripped the handle it shocked her, and she screamed in pain before dropping the weapon.

“April!” Donnie called.

April clutched her hand and saw third degree burns on her palm. Ch'rell walked up to her and took back the sword, “Foolish girl! Only the strong can master the Sword of Tengu!” Ch'rell was about to slice April, until Donnie tackled him and got thrown into April, “You are all starting to annoy me!” he growled.

“Then lets end this, Shredder!” Leo said.

The Turtles and Rainbooms attacked him together but he still overpowered them all and beat them down hard. Soon the Ninjas were all on the ground beaten badly.

“Ok, our Shredder's got nothing on this guy.” Mikey groaned.

“I hear ya.” Raph groaned in agreement.

“Fools!” Ch'rell declared, “I am the Shredder! I am unstoppable!” he laughed evilly.

The CMC watched everything in horror, “Oh, no!”

“We gotta do something!” Scootaloo told her friends.

“What can we do?!” Sweetie Belle asked, “We don't have enough training to fight him! I mean, even our sisters and the Turtles couldn't fight him! How can we?!”

Apple Bloom tried to think of something, anything they could do to stop the Shredder, but her eyes kept falling on the pizza and cupcakes that had just appeared before them. Strangely enough, it reminded her of when Fluttershy made a bag appear on the Utrom ship. And then she remembered what Splinter had said.

'The world you will enter will be an Illusion Within An Illusion. Control your mind, and you will control the illusion.'

Apple Bloom gasped, “I got it... I got it!” her friends turned to her, “Remember what Master Splinter said? This VR world is an Illusion Within An Illusion?”

“Meaning?” Spike asked.

“That this VR world is just like a dream! And you can do anything in a dream, as long as you imagine it!” Spike gasped as he started remembering a similar situation back in Equestria while he and the girls helped Princess Luna and the Tantabus.

“Basically, if you imagine something it'll appear?” Dog Spike asked.

“Oh yeah!” Sweetie Belle realized, “Like how Fluttershy made that bag appear or Mikey and Pinkie with the food?”

“Exactly!” The Apple girl confirmed. The 03 Turtles and Master Splinter smiled seeing they caught on.

“So if we imagine that we have powers like the Rainbooms...” Scootaloo began.

“Let's try it!” Apple Bloom cheered, as the three held hands, closed their eyes, and thought really hard. Suddenly their bodies began to glow shocking the two Spikes.

Back at the fight, Ch'rell retrieved the Sword of Tengu and blasted away the Guardians before approaching Mortu.

“I promised that you would all perish, Mortu! And I always keep my promises!” he raised the sword above his head, “Goodbye, Captain!”

“No!” the Turtles and Rainbooms cried.

But just as Ch'rell brought the sword down, his attack never connected, “What?!” he saw Mortu was being protected inside a lemon green colored shield.

“Way to go, Rarity!” Rainbow cheered.

Rarity spoke up in confusion, “That wasn't me! I don't have my geode, remember?”

“But if you didn't?” April wondered.

Suddenly a purple streak zipped back and forth, knocking down several Foot Soldiers. All eyes fell on Rainbow who answered, “Don't look at me.”

Ch'rell looked back and forth seeing his ninjas getting knocked around by a blur, “What is going on here?!”

“Um, excuse me?” a voice said from behind him.

Ch'rell turned around and was punched off his feet and sent flying back. The Turtles and Rainbooms stared in shock when they saw who did that. It was Apple Bloom. And Sweetie Belle was the one who made the shield to protect Mortu. And Scootaloo was the purple streak. Each of them had pony ears and were also wearing their own geodes with their symbols.

Scootaloo looked at her back and noticed her small wings, “Stubby wings? No fair!” she pouted.

“Is that?” Rarity began.

“The CMC?!” Rainbow asked in shock.

“Am I going crazy or do they got powers?” Applejack asked in disbelief.

“More specifically 'our powers'?” Rarity asked.

“ I did not see that coming.” Pinkie said.

Ch'rell picked himself up and saw the trio, “Children? What is this?!”

“Oh, nothing.” came another voice, as the two Spikes approach.

“Just a little something called Control Your Mind, And You Control The Illusion,' Spike concentrated and turned into a dragon knight, “After all, if this world is like a dream, might as well dream big!” he boasted.

Dog Spike concentrated and transformed into Wolfatizer, “Yeah!” he cheered, as Spike hopped onto his back and rode him like a knight on a steed.

Scootaloo ran circles around Ch'rell, causing him to spin dizzily. Then Sweetie Belle used her shield to toss him straight up in the air. Then Apple Bloom leaped up and pounded him to the ground, where the Spikes ram him into a tree. Then they found themselves surrounded by Foot soldiers.

“Come on, girls!” Apple Bloom stood ready, “Let's show these Foot Ninja what the CMC are made of!”

“Yeah!” her friends cheered.

“We're right behind you, girls!” Dog Spike/Wolfatizer said, as he and Dragon Knight Spike got ready.

“Booyakasha!” they attacked the Foot ninjas, while the Rainbooms and Turtles were still shocked.

“Um how do they have geodes while we don’t have ours?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight started to rant on the impossibilities, “The irrelevant of this impossible! And now Spike’s a knight while my Spike’s an overgrown wolf.... How are they doing this?!”

Donnie gasped, “That’s it! It’s like you kept saying, Twilight! This is virtual reality!”

Raph shouted in annoyance, “We get it already!”

“Well, remember what Master Splinter said. About this being an illusion within an illusion?” Donnie reminded them.

“Yeah. What about it?” Rainbow asked.

“Remember what he also said about controlling our minds?”

It suddenly dawned on Sunset, “Of course! Fluttershy's bag, the cupcakes and pizzas!”

“So if we control our minds, we control the illusion!” Leo caught on.

“Exactly!” Donnie confirmed.

“It’s worth a try,” Sunset gave an order, “Everyone! Concentrate on your geodes and weapons!” As they all concentrated, their geodes and weapons came back to them.

As the others watched from the lab, the ninjas pods began to glow, “Fascinating.” Mortu marveled.

“What the shell?” Donatello gasped.

In the VR world, Ch'rell watched in disbelief, “What is this?”

Suddenly the Turtles and Rainbooms stood in their powered up forms, while April, Casey, Keno, Karai, Shini, and Starlight had their weapons back.

“Now where were we?” Raph asked smugly.

The Turtles and Rainbooms attacked Ch'rell together again. Although he had the upper hand at first, they slowly started to overwhelm him with their magic powers and damaged his droid.

“Impossible!” Ch'rell cried, “I cannot be defeated!”

“You're wrong, Ch'rell!” Princess Twilight began, “You may be powerful, but even you are no match for the Magic of-” Pinkie cut her off.

“Yeah yeah, we get. LIGHT HIM UP, LADIES!”

The Rainbooms rose off the ground and sent a rainbow blast at Ch'rell, damaging his droid, even more. As the Shredder android looked near totaled, Ch'rell spoke, “ I am the Shredder... I am... unstoppable!” he declared only to see the Sword of Tengu vanish from his possession.

It then reappeared in Karai's possession, and thanks to her focusing and controlling the illusion didn't feel the burning affects April felt when she tried to hold it, “Not anymore,” Karai began, “This is for my mother and father!” she leaped up and jabbed the sword into his droid zapping it until it finally shut down and fell on its back.

In the lab, the 03 Turtles and everyone else was shocked.

“Incredible!” Donatellow gasped.

“Huzzah!” Rockwell cheered.

“Alright!” Slash cheered, as Leatherhead roared in victory.

“That's the way, dudes!” Mondo cheered.

“I got one word: Wow!” Raphael gasped.

Michelangelo smiled, “I knew they could do it.”

Back in the VR world the Ninjas gathered around Ch'rell's fallen droid, until the dangerous Utrom emerged from it.

“I know not who you are! But you have proven to be a bigger pestilence then my enemies!” Ch'rell growled.

“Not so tough now, are yah, Ch'rell?!” Keno mocked.

“Yeah! Let's squish this bug!” Casey said while brandishing his hockey stick.

Ch'rell growled and rammed the two vigilante's into a tree, surprising everyone, “Whoa!” Applejack gasped, “He's strong for an Utrom without an android!”

“Grab him!” Donnie ordered, as everyone tried to catch him, but Ch'rell proved to be very quick and slippery.

He then latched onto Raph's face. Raph stumbled around trying to speak but came out muffled, “Ah ha ha ha! What did you say? I can't seem to hear you!” Ch'rell mocked.

“Get him off!” Raph shouted all muffled.

Leo, Princess Twilight, and Sunset tried to pull him off, but Ch'rell tried to bite them. Then Rarity thought up her perfume bottle and sprayed Ch'rell in the face, “Arghh! What is this foul stench?!”

Starlight used her bow to pry him off. Ch'rell tried to run, but Twilight caught him in her magic levitating him up, “Rainbow Dash, would you do the honors?”

“Ah, yeah!” Rainbow cheered, as she ran fast right for Ch'rell and kicked him hard sending him screaming into orbit with a ping affect.

“Bye, Ch'rell! Have a nice trip.” Pinkie waved to the sky.

As Raph wiped his face, Sunset spoke to him, “Raph, are you ok?”

“No! His tentacle went in my mouth and he tastes like uncooked calamari. Gross!” he spat up.

The CMC and the Spikes had defeated all the Foot soldiers, and the CMC lost their pony features and geodes. Applejack spoke to her sister, “Nice work, sugarcube.”

Apple Bloom smiled, “I did have good teachers.”

Rainbow ruffled Scootaloo's hair, “I’m proud of ya, Squirt!”


“You did well, Sweetie.” Rarity commended her sister.

“I try.” she answered.

“Well, That was fun.” Spike began as he dismounted Wolfatizer, and both reverted to normal.

“High paw!” Dog Spike called, as the two dogs high fived each other.

Both Twilights picked up their respective Spike, “Nice work, Spike.” Princess Twilight began.

“We're both very proud of you.” Twilight added.

Mortu approached with some of his fellow Utrom and Guardians, “Thank you all,” he turned to the CMC and Spikes, “And thank you, young humans and canines, for saving my life.”

“Helpin' out folks is what we do.” Apple Bloom answered.

Mortu spoke to the ninjas, “And your actions demonstrate the varsity of your claim,” the Scientist handed Leo a small black cube, “Take this. It should return you all to your own time.”

Twilight was confused again, “Wait? This is virtual reality. How can you give us something that can affect the actual reality?”

Mortu answered, “If this world is as you said virtual, then we Utrom have invented an eternal fail safe, for just such an emergency.”

“I guess this is good bye, Mortu. And thank you.” Sunset thanked him.

“See you in a thousand years!” Pinkie cheered. Leo touched the cube and the whole group vanished in a bright light.

Suddenly the pods opened up and they all exited. Mortu cheered, “They've done it! They activated the eternal fail safe!”

Twilight stepped out and yawned, “Phew! What a ride.”

Leo helped both Twilights down, as the others rushed over, “Thank goodness you’re alright!” O'Neil said in relief.

“We got worried when things went south.” Jones said.

“Raphael, are you ok?” Mona asked Raph.

“Better now that I'm back here with you.” Raph said, as the two embraced.

“Leatherhead!” Mikey and Pinkie cheered, as they hugged their gator friend.

“I'm so happy to see you two safe and sound.” Leatherhead chuckled.

Slash went to Fluttershy, “Are you ok, Fluttershy?”

“I'm fine, Slash,” she smiled, “Thanks for asking.”

Fugitoid ran to Sunset and hugged her, “Sunset, I was so worried about you! When you went into that burning house. I was afraid you weren't going to...”

Sunset hugged him back and calmed him, “It's ok, Fugitoid. I'm not going anywhere.”

Leonardo spoke to the group, “I halfta admit. You guys handled yourselves well against our Shredder. And an impressive finishing move, Karai.”

“Thanks, Leonardo.” Leo smiled.

“Really appreciate it.” Karai smiled as well.

Splinter spoke to them all, “You have all done very well.”

“Thank you, sensei.” the group replied.

Raphael spoke to the CMC, “I can't believe I'm sayin' dis, but yuh did preddy good.” he smiled.

The CMC smiled, “Thanks, Raphael.”

Raph turned to Mortu and spoke, “Mortu, what happened with those pods?”

“I'm afraid that is a question we have yet to answer ourselves.” Mortu answered.

“I’m just as baffled! It took me weeks to iron out all the bugs!” Professor Honeycutt added.

“I know that feeling.” Twilight admitted.

“Indeed.” Fugitoid agreed.

“At least you guys’ advice helped us out.” Applejack admitted.

“I double checked everything. It shouldn’t have malfunctioned.” Donatello said.

“ I wish we knew what caused the pods to malfunction.” Mortu sighed.

“If you really want to know, that was our doing!” a voice called.

Everyone gasped, as they looked to the entrance that was opened. Two figures stood in the dark, and one of them spoke in a Western accent, “It's a simple little old thang called...” the two stepped into the light to reveal one looked like the Shredder, and the other was an anthro bull wearing cowboy attire, “Revenge!”

“But it would seem we shall have to finish you all off ourselves!” the one that looked like the Shredder declared.

Everyone was in shock, as Jones spoke, “Is that a bull dressed as a cowboy?”

The other turtles were focused mostly on the other figure, “Are guys seeing what I'm seeing?!” Michelangelo asked.

“That guy looks just like the Shredder!” Donatello gasped.

“Kinda too much like de Shredder.” Raphael replied.

Leonardo spoke to the others, “Is that your Shredder?!”

“Nope,” Leo answered, “But he's just as bad.”

Both chests of the Shredder and Bull opened up to reveal who else but Subprime and Bixolio.

“Hello, Turtle Scum and Rainbooms!” Subprime laughs.

“Miss us?” Bixolio asked smugly.

“Bixolio?” Pinkie gasped.

“And Kraang Subprime?” Mikey asked in shock.

“Friends of yours?” Michelangelo asked.

“Far from it!” Rarity answered in surprise.

“Dese dem Kraang yuh told us about?” Raphael asked.

Bixolio growled and shouted, “I am not a Kraang!”

Keno answered, “One of them's a Kraang. The other is a rogue Utrom.”

Applejack spoke to Subprime, “I thought we saw the last of you in Gotham!”

“Well, you thought wrong!” Subprime replied, “I’m back and badder!”

Starlight looked at Subprime and spoke, “That’s Kraang Subprime? He’s so........”

Subprime spoke up feeding her examples, “Powerful? Intimidating?”

“Ugly!” Starlight answered.

Subprime frowned, “How dare you!”

Donnie spoke to Bixolio, “And I thought Bishop was gonna make sure you never escaped, Bixolio!”

“That makes you an even bigger fool than he is,” Bixolio answered, “Now I have a score to settle with you all for that defeat in Moo Mesa!”

Mortu frowned at the intruders, but pointed accusingly at Subprime, and spoke angrily, “You!”

“Hello, Mortu. Surprised to see me!” Subprime asked pleasantly.

“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't... brother!”

“Brother?!” The 03 Turtles asked in shock.

“Mind double! No triple! Quadruple! My mind's so blown I can't think of a word for it!” Michelangelo panicked.

“Omega Blown!” Mikey finished.

“Yeah, that's the word!”

“You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here, traitor!” Mortu accused Subprime.

“Traitor is such a harsh word, King.” Subprime grinned.

“Who is he?” Raphael asked.

“Kraang Subprime,” Sunset began, “He was originally Knight of the Utrom Council, until he betrayed them for the Kraang.”

“And Bixolio was also a traitor as well,” Leo began, “But he fled into hiding in another dimension populated by anthropomorphic cattle in a Western setting.”

“That explains the bull android.” Donatello realized.

“So you were responsible for those Kraang portals!” Donnie accused.

“And for bringing our enemies here!” Leo added.

“That's right!” Subprime confessed.

Bixolio continued, “We were hoping that by bringing Stockman and the Purple Dragon to this world, they would team up with their dimensional counterparts and destroy you Turtles and Rainbooms once and for all!”

Subprime sighed, “Unfortunately, those incompetent fools couldn't get the job done! So we took matters into our own tentacles and decided to destroy you miserable Turtles ourselves!”

“So we hacked those oracle pods, trapping you in that virtual reality, and we even booby trapped it for good measure, so you guys couldn't get them out!” Bixolio continued, “With them trapped in there, they would have been destroyed by Ch'rell! And it would have worked too, if hadn't been for those meddling kids and those dogs!” the CMC and Spikes frowned.

“Well, you failed in that.” Raph replied.

“And we're gonna make you wish you didn't do that.” Rainbow added.

“We'd like to see you try.” Subprime sneered.

“Your math is off,” Mortu said, “We have you both outnumbered.” he motioned to everyone in the room.

“He's got a point,” Bixolio admitted, “So let's even the odds!” he clicked a remote opening up several portals in the lab.

Out from the portals came several Kraang droids and Biotroids armed and ready for battle. The ninjas looked in shock, as Raphael spoke, “Aw, shell!”

Author's Note:

And the Masterminds have revealed themselves.