• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,807 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

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Synthezoid Clones

The turtles, the Rainbooms, their allies, and the Justice Force were hot on the trail of Dr. Malignus while flying over Brooklyn.

“How much further?” Leo asked the superheroes.

“We're closing in.” Ananda answered.

“There.” Nano pointed to a warehouse below them.

They landed before the warehouse, as April concentrated, “I'm sensing someone's in there. No doubt Malignus.”

“And I'm not picking up any traps.” Ananda said checking her bots scanner.

“Regardless we need to be careful.” Silver Sentry instructed the whole group.

“So let's get sneaky, buzz-buzz!” Mikey said, only for Raph to grab him by the back of his ninja mask.

“Can't you take things seriously for one second or more?” Mikey decided to keep it shut, as they moved in.

Upon entering the warehouse they saw it was pitched dark, “I can see a thing.” Rainbow said.

“Ouch, someone stood on my foot!” Rarity whispered.

“Sorry.” came Michelangelo's voice.

“Ouch!” Nobody groaned, “Something just pinched me.”

“Ow!” Raptarr groaned, “It got me too.”

“Something's inside my domebot.” Ananda clutched her arm. The CMC and the two Spike's started panicking.

“Something's in here with us!” Sweetie clutched Scootaloo.

“I have just felt something breach my wiring.” Nano said.

Each of the Justice Force felt something pinching them which confused the turtles and their allies wondering why they weren't feeling anything. Suddenly a light came on with everyone in the center, “Welcome, Justice Force.” came a voice, as they saw Malignus standing from a higher level.

“Dr. Malignus.” Silver Sentry scowled.

“He looks like he's got crazy written all over him.” Donnie noted.

Malignus took notice of the turtles and their allies, “So you brought reinforcements. You're gonna need them.”

“Alright, Doc, what's your game here?” Casey demanded while aiming his hockey stick at him.

“You want to know? How about I show you?” Malignus answered, as several lights shined on stasis tubes containing robot skeletons. While behind them was a machine

“What're those?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“A new invention I've been dabbling in, but I needed one final component to make them perfect.”

Donatello realized, “So you needed those DNA mites, but why?”

“The DNA mites can assimilate the DNA of any they come into contact with,” the mad doctor began, “But I modified them for non humans as well.” he motioned to Metal head and Nano.

“What're you up to?” Twilight demanded.

“I'm so glad you're interested, my dear. By adding the DNA of the Justice Force from using the DNA mites, I have created an army of superhero synthezoids!” the tubes started filling up with a ooze like material that was mixed with the DNA of any of the superheroes. Suddenly the tubes opened up to reveal an army of Justice Force clones. This included clones of Nano and Metalhead, while the clones of Ananda were piloting cloned versions of her domebot.

“My mind is officially blown.” Michelangelo gasped.

“Mine too, buzz-buzz.” Mikey added.

“They're just cheap imitations, aren't they?” Rainbow asked, everyone, until one of the Silver Sentry clones attacked the real one, with the real S.S grappling.

“They don't fight like cheap imitations.” he warned them, before punching the clone off.

“Attack!” Malignus ordered, as the army of clones charged.

“Get 'em!” Leonardo ordered, as the ninjas and superheroes engaged the synthezoids.

Chrysalis flew around avoiding several clones of her trying to shoot her with energy blasts, while she retaliated with her own, “They also have our powers.” she noted to everyone.

“Well, that's just great!” Metalhead groaned, as he used his hair to ensnare one of his clones, before two more tried attacking him.

“Heads up!” Leo called, as he jumped in and used his swords to cut through the clones.

“Nice one.” Metalhead said, as the two continued fighting.

Pinkie grabbed some sprinkles, “Sprinkle shower!” she threw them up at one of the Silver Sentry clones that exploded on him, “Yeah!” she cheered, only to see the clone survived, but looked like he was melting.

“That won't be enough!” Fugitoid gasped, as he was blasting some Nano clones with the real Nano assisting him.

Rainbow was speeding around while avoiding water blasts from the Tsunami clones before running circles around them catching them in a tornado. They were eventually spat out and crashed onto the floor looking damaged. Rainbow ran to help her friends, only to slip on some synthetic goo that was leaking out of a nearby damaged clone.

“Dang it!”

The damaged Tsunami clones focused their attacks on Rainbow and shot a big blast of water at her, until Rarity slid in and projected a big diamond shield, “I won't be able to keep this up long!”

The real Tsunami rode in on a wave and attacked his clones destroying them. This allowed Rarity to lower her shield and preserve her energy.

The two Donnie's were with Raptarr taking on four clones of him, both turtles used their bo's to block the avian clones, while the real one used his claws and strength to break them apart resulting in synthetic goo pouring out.

“That is just sick.” Donnie said looking nauseous.

As Silver Sentry was knocking out clones of himself with both Raphs and Michelangelo helping him, Applejack snuck up behind one and grabbed him.

“Let's see how thick your hide is!” Applejack dug her claws into the clone's back deep. When she tugged it out, the clone bled the synthetic goo.

“Looks like even the clones may not be so flawless as Malignus believed.” Silver Sentry deduced.

“Well, I say we turn up the heat here.” Raph said, as he concentrated his medallion and assumed his super powered form.

“Whoa!” the 03 Turtles gasped.

“I like the looks of this.” Raphael said.

Raph attacked more Silver Sentry clones striking them with his powered up sais putting tears in their bodies, before harnessing his fire element to make the clones melt.

Seeing their brother power up and gain an advantage, Leo and Donnie tapped into the magic in their medallions to assume their own mystic forms, “Now let's really take the fight to them.” Leo ordered, as he used his wind power to cut some Nano clones in half causing the remains to melt.

Donnie harnessed the element of thunder to strike at some clones of Ananda and her domebot that had Shini cornered.

Seeing the turtles take the fight back to the clones, the others fought harder. Karai shifted into her serpent form and slithered around a Nobody clone before wrapping herself around it and squeezed it so hard it popped.

“That's sick.” Nobody said, as he fought one of his clones before destroying it.

April used her psychic powers to maneuver her tessen all around putting cuts through several Justice Force clones making them weaker. Casey knocked some exploding hockey pucks at clones of Silver Sentry, Metalhead, and Chrysalis that exploded in their faces. Starlight started launching arrows from her bow at the ceiling causing stuff to drop on some of the clones flattening them into goo puddles.

“Round two!” Pinkie tosses her sprinkles into the tears of three Metalhead clones causing them to explode from the inside out.

Malignus watched the Rainbooms fight using their magic powers along with the turtles using their own magic, “How interesting. Perhaps I should make newer clones.” he smirked before releasing DNA mites that flew for them.

“Girls, incoming!” Ananda called, as the Rainbooms saw several of the tiny robot bugs flying right at them.

“Oh, no ya don't!” Raph called, as he used his fire element to create a combustion blast incinerating them, while Chrysalis fired energy blasts destroying the ones targeting the Turtles.

“Nice one!” Sunset called, while barely dodging an attack from a Nano clone.

“Turtle Titan away!” Michelangelo declared, as he swung in and aided Keno in a battle against clones of Tsunami and Raptarr.

“I got to admit, you were kidding about the Justice Force.” Keno admitted, as he blocked a strike from a Raptarr clone, before slamming his sparing sticks at it.

The clone tried to strike with its talons, only for Michelangelo to block it with his turtle shield, “Yeah, and it's so great we get to work along side them.”

Soon the clones were destroyed, and the group was ready for Malignus who didn't look the least bit worried, “Break all you want, I can make more!” he activated his machine that started producing more synthezoids of the superheroes one after another.

“Here we go again.” Raphael groaned, as they prepared for another round.

“Hey, I don't see Mikey anywhere.” Leo noticed.

“Where'd he go?” Donnie asked.

“You don't think he...” Raph trailed off, as they saw their brother sneaking in trying to get close to Malignus.

Mikey had finally made it up to the level Malignus was on, before coming at him, “Gotcha now, buzz-buzz!” he attacked Malignus, before the doctor broke free from his grasp.

“You impudent reptile!” he pulled out a blaster and started shooting at him.

Mikey panicked, as he started dodging the shots. After dodging he got up close and started fighting Malignus with his chucks, “Turflytle's gonna take you down, buzz-buzz!”

“Don't count on it. Look around you!” he motioned to everyone fighting clones of the Justice Force that kept being remade by the machine when one was destroyed, “I could do this all day.” he started shooting at Mikey again, with his shots blasting his costume's wings and fake arms off before shooting the dangly antennae piece off his head.

“Mikey!” his bros called in worry.

There Mikey stood with his Turflytle costume blasted to bits, “So much for Turflytle.” Malignus laughed, until he heard growling. The growling came from Mikey who did not look happy.

“You destroyed my Turflytle costume! Now you're gonna pay!” he activated the magic in his medallion and attacked Malignus who dodged and fought back.

Back down, below Donatello spoke, “We got a put an end to these clones.”

“We need to take out those machines.” Donnie motioned to the machine creating the clones.

“And I have just the solution,” Fugitoid said, as he held out a bag to Casey, “Here you are, Casey. I just whipped these up today.”

Casey opened the bag to see brand new photon pucks that he used to fight aliens during their space adventure, “Fuge, you are awesome,” the vigilante positioned the pucks, while Fugitoid, Leo, and both Twilight's were covering him, “Goongala!” he whacked the photon pucks at the machine which exploded.

“No! My beautiful machine!” Malignus cried, as Mikey knocked the mad doctor off the level before landing on the ground.

As he tried to get away, Mikey jumped down and landed before him, “This is for Turflytle!” he stomped the floor that started swallowing Malignus until his head was sticking out.

The turtles, their allies, and the Justice Force combined their strengths and finished off the remaining clones leaving the whole place and themselves a gooey mess.

“When we get back I so need a shower.” Rarity gagged while looking at her clothes covered in synthezoid goo.

The turtles and the Rainbooms powered down, as they approached Mikey. The group smiled, as Silver Sentry laid a hand on the turtle's shoulder, “Well done, Turflytle.” Mikey smiled happily.

Later on back at Justice Force HQ, everyone had just finished cleaning themselves off while catching the news report. On screen they watched Malignus who while dug up from the floor had his body encased in the earth property to keep him from moving.

“Another job well done.” Silver Sentry told his team.

“And it couldn't have been done with help of our friends.” Ananda said motioning to the turtle teams, and their human friends.

“You all showed true courage today.” Raptarr commended them all.

“You really do make fine superheroes.” Metalhead admitted.

“Because we're awesome.” Rainbow boasted.

“And as far as I'm concerned, you're all honorary Justice Force members.” Silver Sentry declared.

“Thank you, Silver Sentry.” Leo thanked him.

Everyone noticed the lack of excitement in the air from one specific turtle. They looked back and saw Mikey looking out the tower window.

“Mikey?” Donnie asked, as they walked over to him.

“How're you holding up?” Starlight asked in concern.

Mikey said nothing, as Raph spoke up, “Mikey, we're sorry Malignus trashed your Turflytle costume. Really we are.”

“But you know it's not the costume that makes you the hero you are right?” Sunset asked.

“You've always had that in you.” April added.

“And no one can take that away from you.” Shini put in.

"Plus you'll always be the Pillar of Heart." Princess Twilight reminded him.

“I know,” Mikey began, as everyone listened to him, “What happened today proved nothing really does last forever. Not even a hero. But when a hero falls, another takes a stand. Today may have been the end of Turflytle, but this is the dawning of a new breed of hero,” he spun around and posed, “A hero who shall henceforth be known as The Holy Chalupa! Booyakasha.” he said cool-like.

The Rainbooms and his brothers gave Mikey a dry look, until Michelangelo spoke up excitedly, “It's perfect. It begins a new story with a new hero.”

“I know, right?” Mikey asked, only for Raph to smack the back of his head.

“If you think we're calling you The Holy Chalupa, you got another thing coming!”

Apple Bloom spoke to her friends, "Maybe we should consider thinking of superhero names for ourselves."

"That'd be cool." Scootaloo admitted, until Applejack spoke up.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." she said, as they looked seeing Raph chasing Mikey around who was laughing at his hotheaded brother.

The whole group couldn't help but laugh at the scene, while deep down knowing at the end of the day they were all heroes for one reason or another, and they would always be around to save the day when it called for their help.