• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,812 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

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Alternate Origins

The turtles, Rainbooms, and their friends were being guided by the alternate turtles through their city before parking their vehicles inside a garage, and got out.

“Alright, you guys, just follow us so you don't get lost.” Leonardo instructed, as he and his brothers led their guests.

As they walked through a tunnel, Twilight looked around, “An old reservoir pumping station?”

“This is where you live?” Donnie inquired.

“Yeah,” Donatello confirmed, “But we did have other lairs before this. But they were both discovered or destroyed by enemies who figured out where we stayed.”

“Gotta hate it when the enemy knows where ya live.” Rainbow replied.

“Yeah. Like how Raph and Casey led our enemies right to our lair one time.” Mikey quipped, as Raph and Casey clonked his head.

Raphael turned to his counterpart and Casey, “You bozos led your enemies to your own lair?”

“Hey, it wasn't my fault. Casey was following me.” Raph argued.

“Dude, they would've been following you even if I wasn't!” Casey argued with Raph.

As they argued, Michelangelo spoke to his brothers, “Wow, it's so dejavu.”

“No kidding.” Leonardo agreed.

“So where do you turtles live?” Donatello asked the others.

“We have our own sewer den lair. We've lived there since we were mutated, and if it ever got trashed by any enemy we spruced it up till it was good as new.” Leo explained.

“You mean you've never been in a situation where you had to leave your home and go elsewhere?” Leonardo asked.

“Well, that has happened to us.” April admitted.

“Same with us.” Fluttershy put in.

“Well, this is it.” Donatello said, as they entered the lair.

The turtles and the humans looked around in awe at how nice the layout was. There was a gym section for training, a lab with a big computer monitor, a big screen TV, a kitchen, the works.

“Wow. What an awesome lair.” Rainbow gasped.

“TV!” Mikey and Pinkie cheered.

“Not a bad set up.” Karai looked around.

"I'll say. Check out that computer monitor," Donnie marveled at the monitor up ahead, "Doesn't look like much compared to the Batcomputer, but still it looks so awesome."

"Donnie, you're drooling." April said dryly.

Suddenly footsteps were approaching, and the girls hid and watched. The turtles watched and saw stepping out into the open was an anthro rat man, whom they could tell was the Master Splinter of this world. Compared to their father, this Splinter was much shorter, had gray fur, and a short gray beard.

“Welcome home, my sons,” Splinter began, until he looked and saw the other turtles, “And... My sons?”

“Master Splinter?” the turtles gasped.

Splinter looked back and forth between the two sets of turtles, before turning to his Leonardo, “Leonardo, explain.”

“Father, these turtles are actually us from another dimension.” Leonardo explained.

“It's true,” Leo confirmed, “Much like your sons, we were trained by our Master Splinter in the ways of the ninja. About courage, honor, and strength of both body and mind.”

Splinter looked over Leo and his brothers closely as if meditating, until he spoke up, “I can see it in your eyes, you truly are like my sons.”

The turtles sighed in relief, as Leo spoke, “Thank you, sensei. And forgive us but we also brought some friends with us.”

Splinter was confused, as he looked over seeing April, Casey, Karai, Shini, the Rainbooms, and their friends come out of hiding. The sight of them left the rat in shock, “My sons, you allow human strangers into our lair?” he asked sternly, which got both sets of turtles scared, especially since this reminded the turtles of how strict their master could be whenever they broke a rule or did something reckless.

Sunset Shimmer approached, “Master Splinter, please. Allow us to explain ourselves. We are not your enemies. In fact we're like an extended family to the turtles here.” she motioned to their turtle friends.

Splinter decided to give her a chance, “Go on.”

“My name is Sunset Shimmer. This is Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” the girl began, “My friends and I were also trained in the art of the ninja along side the turtles by their Master Splinter.”

“Though technically, I was trained by the turtles and my friends.” Starlight spoke up.

“Same here.” Apple Bloom said on behalf of her and her friends.

“I see.” Splinter replied.

“I just can't believe we're seeing Master Splinter again.” Donnie told his brothers.

“Yeah. But this Splinter is really short.” Mikey added.

Splinter's ear twitched upon hearing that, and as quick as a flash appeared behind Mikey, drop kicking him, and pinning him to the ground, “Never disrespect your sensei from any universe.” the rat warned Mikey.

“Yes, sensei.” Mikey cringed.

“Yup. Definitely Splinter.” Donnie noted.

April spoke, “He certainly has sensei's skills.”

“And the wise tone.” Casey added.

Splinter turned to the two, “April and Casey?”

“Yeah, that's right.” April confirmed.

Splinter turned to Keno, Karai, and Shini, “And who are you young ones?”

“Name's Keno.”

“I'm Shinigami, or Shini.”

Karai approached, “I am Karai.”

Splinter gasped, “Karai?”

“Yes, but I also go by Miwa. Hamato Miwa.”

Splinter once again gasped at the mention of that name, “Hamato? How can that be?”

“We got a lot to talk about, sensei. So you should all listen closely.” Princess Twilight began.

Soon the turtles, and their friends were all enjoying some tea while explaining their situation to the alternate turtles and their sensei.

“And that's about it.” Applejack finished.

“Let me get this straight...” Donatello began, “Sunset, Starlight, and Princess Twilight, and her dog come from another world populated by ponies?”

“And dragons, don't forget dragons.” Spike put in.

“And you girls harness magic from these geodes you obtained.” Leonardo continued.

“Precisely.” Twilight confirmed.

“This is totally wild!” Michelangelo cheered.

“We thought you'd feel that way.” Pinkie smiled.

“And now let's talk shop with you guys.” Raphael motioned to their counterparts.

“Your sensei was Hamato Yoshi, Karai is his daughter who was taken by your Shredder who raised her to think he was her father, and your Shredder turned into a mutant?” Leonardo began.

“And you've traveled to alternate universes and realities as well?” Donatello asked.

“That sums it up.” Donnie confirmed.

“And I thought we dealt with messed up stuff before.” Raphael told his brothers.

Splinter spoke to the turtles and their friends, “This world you have come from is indeed quite different compared to ours. I never would've imagined in my wildest dreams that in another world I am my master Hamato Yoshi.”

“Your master?” Casey asked.

“Were you trained by sensei as well?” Rarity inquired.

“Not exactly.” Splinter sighed, as he began to tell the group the origin of him and his family.

Many years ago, I was what you would call normal. I was once a pet of my master, Hamato Yoshi. My master was a ninja of great power. One of the greatest practitioners of ninjitsu for many centuries. I was his pet rat, and I learned ninjitsu by mimicking his movements from my cage.

For many years I was happy for we were a family. But that life ended when the Shredder sent his Foot Ninja to attack my master. My master battled honorably. But through their dishonorable ways the Foot Ninja overpowered him. Then the Shredder entered. They accused my master of working for their enemies and wanted information. They were relentless, but my master only said one thing.

He who lives without honor, will end without honor."

I tried to save my master, but my efforts were in vain. Though I did leave my mark. The Shredder had taken my Master Yoshi from me, from the world. Not long after that I ventured forth without a home wandering the streets and sewers looking for whatever I could find. Until one day up on the surface I witnessed another accident. A young boy carried a glass jar with four pet infant turtles.

“Oh, you mean them?” Pinkie motioned to the other turtles, only to get shushed by her friends, as Splinter continued.

An old blind man was crossing the street, when he was almost run down by a large truck. As one boy sough to help the old man he caused the other boy to drop the jar shattering it and the turtles were swept into the sewers. The truck itself swirled out of control a metal canister bounced out of the back. It smashed open releasing a glowing ooze which covered the turtles bodies. I took pity gathering them up in an old coffee can but ended up getting covered in the substance as well.

I took them to my burrow, and by the next morning I awoke to find the four had doubled in size. I noticed the ooze had affected their growth, and changed me also making me larger and more intelligent. They followed me everywhere, except above ground. I knew the people above would not understand, for we are so different. I was amazed by their dexterity, but even so not prepared for what happened one day.

“Splinter!” one of the baby turtles spoke.

They actually spoke my name. Soon they were all speaking. Intelligence followed soon after. Realizing that the world above is sometimes a dangerous place I began teaching them ninjitsu. Which you all know is the secret arts of stealth and power. And it was all previously knew of this world. From a battered book on Renaissance art I fished out of a storm drain, I had given them all names. Leonardo. Donatello. Raphael. Michelangelo. Together they are...

“Turtles forever!” the other Turtles cheered with a four way high three.

“What a fascinating story.” Twilight admitted.

“We're terribly sorry about your master, Splinter.” Fluttershy apologized looking weepy.

“Indeed,” Rarity agreed, “He sounded like a very good man. Just as our sensei was.”

“I can believe it,” Splinter replied, “But I cannot imagine in another universe I was not only my master, but had a real family just as my master did.”

“Not to mention your Shredder was once considered his brother.” Leonardo spoke up.

“Or that he was human.” Michelangelo put in.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked.

“Our Shredder wasn't human, he was just pretending to be human.” Donatello explained.

“What was he?” Leo asked.

“He was an Utrom.” Leonardo answered.

“An Utrom?!” the group gasped.

“Don't you mean a Kraang?” April asked.

“A what?” Michelangelo asked.

“You know, Kraang,” Casey began, “Squishy brain aliens, walk around in robot bodies and speak badly in English.”

“That sounds like the Utroms, only they speak perfectly clear.” Donatello noted.

“Well, the Utrom exist in our world, but there's another faction of them called the Kraang,” Fugitoid explained, “For millions of nextons, the Utrom all had individual personalities. Then one nexton, an Utrom scientist named "Kraang" discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon Worm. Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process. He used his horrible psychic powers to overcome millions of Utrom, turning them into slave-copies of himself! And so, the Kraang were born.”

“Yikes.” Michelangelo gasped.

“They invaded our dimension and city countless times, even once took it over and held it captive for at least three months.” Donnie explained.

“Whoa.” Raphael gasped.

“Luckily we were able to put a stop to them and save the city sending them all back to Dimension X.” April added.

“So your Shredder was just an Utrom?” Starlight inquired.

“That's right,” Donatello confirmed, “He was an Utrom outlaw named Ch'Rell. When the Utrom captured him they were bringing him back to their home world to face punishment, but Ch'Rell escaped and caused damage to their ship causing them crash on earth in Japan during the Sengoku period of feudal time. Ch'rell escaped out into the wilds while the other Utroms realized the position in which they were now in. So they took the remaining technology from the shipwreck to create robot bodies so they could hide amongst the humans. With Earth's technology too primitive to be of any value in getting them home, they decided that they would just have to wait for technology to develop… no matter how long it took.”

“They had to been waiting for such a long time.” Rainbow realized.

“Give then time period they were in, that says it all.” Donnie noted.

Leo spoke, “Ch'Rell hijacked one of their robot bodies and masqueraded as a human calling himself the Shredder. Since then he had trained a legion of Foot Ninja to do his bidding and to find the Utroms stranded with him while continuing his conquest. By the 20th century he adopted the name Oroku Saki and led the citizens of New York if not the world to believe he was a billionaire businessman/philanthropist who wanted to help the city, while in secrecy was running a massive underground criminal empire with the Foot.”

“Sounds just like our Shredder.” Raph noted.

“Except for the billionaire philanthropist part.” Mikey added.

“In my years of serving the Shredder thinking he was my father he never showed a care about anything, and demanded and took whatever he wanted without negotiations.” Karai explained.

“But at least both our Shredder's are gone, right?” Michelangelo asked.

“Yeah. Thank goodness.” Mikey agreed.

“In all my time of facing threats to Equestria, I've never faced a threat like the Shredder.” Princess Twilight explained.

“Yeah. And we've seen plenty of villains." Spike added.

Raphael got up, “Ok, so if story time's over. Can we get some training in? I need to work out.”

“Took the words out of my mouth.” Raph got up.

“It would be good to see how you guys and girls measure up.” Leonardo admitted.

“Oh, yeah!” Casey and Mikey cheered.

“Though we'll have to face you four at a time starting with our counterparts.” Leonardo explained.

“What? Why not face us all at once?” Rainbow asked sounding bored.

“It wouldn't be fair.” Leonardo answered, much to Leo's confusion.

“Sure you're not just chicken?” Casey mocked, until April stopped him.

“Knock it off, Casey. Let's just play by their rules.”

“Yeah, Casey. Show some manners.” Donnie said being a kiss up to April, which was noticed by his counterpart.

So the Rainbooms and their friends watched as the eight turtles faced each other in combat.

The Leonardo's were matching each other blow for blow, which was impressing the two Twilight's. Both Donatello's were using their minds in combat to determine and intercept the others move, while Donnie remember to rely on the strength of the body as well. The two Mikey's were playfully fighting, and pretty much looked like they were goofing off. Finally the two Raphael's were like before fighting each other head on using brute force.

Leonardo blocked Leo's moves, and spoke, “Impressive form. Your father taught you well.”

“Thanks. Yours too.” Leo admitted.

Suddenly a man's voice called out, “Yo, guys, what's goin' on?”

The group looked and saw entering the lair were two adults a man and a woman. The man had dark hair, was tall, and incredibly muscular. The woman had red hair done up in a bun and long bangs.

The man saw the training, “Aw, you guys started a training match without me?” he whined.

“You can probably fight winner, Casey,” the woman began, until they stopped and saw the two sets of turtles, and the humans off to the side, “What the heck?!”

The man identified as Casey looked around just as shocked, “Uh, have I been hit in the face too many times? Why am I seeing double turtles?”

“No way.” Sunset gasped.

“April? Casey?” Leo asked.

“You know who we are?” Jones asked.

“We sure do.” Leo replied, as their April and Casey approached.

“Whoa.” O'Neil gasped.

“April, it's us. And we're kids?” Jones asked in confusion.

“In this world we're adults?” April asked.

“That's so metal, yo!” Casey expressed his excitement.

O'Neil turned to the other turtles, “What's going on here, and who're these other turtles and these teenagers?”

“Well, April, they're all from another world.” Donatello explained.

“Another world?” Jones asked.

“Yeah. In their world you guys are still kids.” Raphael laughed.

“Well, I like how I look at this age.” O'Neil admitted while looking April over who blushed at the compliment.

“Wish I could say the same,” Jones answered, “I mean at that age I still had all my teeth, even with all the hockey and fights I was in.”

“Yo, dude. Why ya gotta hate?” Casey asked sounding insulted, “I mean look at you. I'd kill to have your height and your ripped bod.”

“Well, if ya keep up your exercises you will.” Jones admitted.

“So who're the rest of you?” O'Neil asked the group, as Leonardo named them off.

“This is Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo.”

The adults paused, before Jones spoke up, “Did you say Princess?”

“She sure did,” Spike answered, “I'm Spike by the way.”

“Same here.” Dog Spike added.

“Those dogs just talked?” O'Neil gasped.

“Ok, this is officially the weirdest day ever.” Jones said.

“We always deal with weird stuff.” Mikey admitted.

O'Neil looked over and saw Karai, “Wait a minute, is that Karai?”

Karai looked nervous, as Leonardo answered, “Yes she is. But don't worry, she's with us.”

“And who're these two?” Jones motioned to Keno and Shini.

“This is Keno and Shini.” Fugitoid introduced.

“Is that the professor?” O’Neil asked.

“There's a lot to cover.” Sunset said, until an alarm from the computer monitor went off.

“What's that?” Shini asked.

“There's trouble in the city.” Donatello said, as they ran to the monitor.

Donatello checked the footage and saw a group breaking into a building, “It's the Purple Dragons.” the smart turtle told his brothers.

“Purple Dragons?!” the Rainbooms and their Turtles gasped.

“So those chumps exist in this universe too?” Casey asked.

“This ought to be good.” Keno said eagerly.

“Alright, let's go check this out.” Leonardo said.

“What about them?” Michelangelo motioned to their guests.

“They'll have to wait here.” Leonardo answered.

“Wait here?!” Raph asked in outrage.

“Nuh-uh. Not gonna to happen.” Rainbow voiced her disagreement.

“You aren't benching us.” Leo warned his counterpart.

“I agree,” Splinter nodded, “I suggest you take them with you. They may just teach you something and vice versa.” he smirked.

Leonardo sighed, and answered reluctantly, “Very well.”

Applejack turned to her sister, “Apple Bloom, I think it's best you and your friends wait here.”

“What?!” the trio asked in complaint.

“You're benching us already?” Scootaloo spoke up.

“You ain't ready to be facin' Purple Dragons.” Applejack warned them.

“She's right. You three wait here and we'll be back.” Leo ordered.

“I'll stay behind and keep an eye on them.” O'Neil offered.

“Thank you.” Rarity smiled.

“Time to suit up.” Casey said, as he and Keno suited up.

Jones looked the two over, and spoke, “Hey, nice masks.” he dawned his own.

“Not bad yourself.” Casey admitted.

“Thanks. Lookin' at yours kinda makes me wish I had a metal mask.”

“Let's move out!” Leonardo ordered, until Leo spoke up.

“Hey, I usually give the-”

“No time, Leo!” Pinkie called, as they followed Leonardo.

“Seriously, get over it!” Raph told his brother, who scowled and followed along.

Splinter, O'Neil, and the CMC watched them leave, as Sweetie Belle spoke to the adult April, “Will they be alright?”

O'Neil smiled and patted her head, “Don't worry, Sweetie. They'll be fine with the guys and Casey watching their backs.” The CMC took the lady's word for it, as they hoped the best for their sisters and friends.