• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,814 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

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Dimension X Showdown

Outside the Dimension X lab, a wall exploded and all the Turtles, Allies, Mutanimals, Rainbooms, CMC, and Mortu were flung out by the shockwave. As they were all scattered across the ground, Sweetie Belle bounced back toward a cliff and stood wobbling on one leg.

"WHOA!" She exclaimed, waving her arms around for balance.

"Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo cried, as she and Apple Bloom ran to save her.

"HELP!!!" She fell over the edge just as her friends reached out, but missed.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Apple Bloom cried, as everyone, except the Turtles, Rainbooms, April, Casey, Princess Twilight, the Spikes, Leatherhead, and Mortu gasped in horror.

"Hang on, Sweetie Belle!" Pete flew over the edge, "I'll save... you?"

Then to everyone's complete shock, Sweetie Belle walked back up the edge, looking just as shocked as them.

"I didn't fall down?!" She said, dumbfounded.

"Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hugged her tightly.

"What the shell?!" Leonardo exclaimed.

"That's-that's physically impossible!" Donatello gasped.

"The laws of physics are very different from that of Earth." Mortu explained.

"It's true," Donnie added, "That's how I found out."

Leonardo turned back to the hole they were blasted out of. "Look alive, everyone!" He said, pulling out his swords.

The Kraang droids and Biotroids came storming out of the hole, "Kraang orders you to give, that which is known as, up! " a droid said.

"Or Kraang will be forced to do, that which is known as, obliterate!"

"Man, they really do talk badly in English." Michelangelo said.

“It was annoying at first, but we've learned to live with it.” Rarity admitted.

“Let's take them down together!” Leo declared.

“Took the words out of my mouth.” Leonardo replied.

“It's Ninja Time!” Michelangelo cheered.

The group did battle against the Kraang, while dodging laser shots. Both Leo's sliced some droids in half causing the Kraang to waddle away for safety, “I never imagined we'd ever fight more than one rogue Utrom.” Leonardo told his counterpart.

“Yeah, this is what we've been fighting for the longest time outside Foot ninjas.” Leo replied, as they dodged more shots.

Both Casey's skated around, while tripping several Kraang droids up. They stopped and high fived, “Goongala!”

As the two Mikey's were facing a Biotroid, it bend over and revealed its two rear cannons before opening fire. The two turtles ran around screaming, as Michelangelo called to his brothers, “Dudes! These things have butt cannons!”

Slash charged in swinging his mace at the ape robot, “Darn dirty ape!”

Mona drew her blade and started attacking some Kraang droids, “Rakka! Rakka!”

“Feel the power of my brain!” Rockwell called, as he blasted some Kraang off the surface with a mind blast.

Karai dodged some laser shots, before slicing a droid down, “Nothing to it.”

“Karai, heads up!” Applejack called, before delivering a kick to a Biotroid that was about to grab her from behind.

“Thanks, A.J.”

“Anytime.” Applejack replied, as they rejoined the battle.

Leatherhead roared, “Kraang!” he swatted several droids away before grabbing a Biotroid and threw it off the edge.

“Definitely has our Leatherhead's violent issues.” Donatello admitted while watching.

Rainbow Dash was running circles around a bunch of Kraang who tried opening fire on her. Unfortunately for them, she was deflecting their shots back with her weapon causing the droids to break apart.

“I'm so awesome.” Rainbow stated.

Fugitoid was dodging several laser shots before firing back, “Beware the wrath of Professor Honeycutt!” he declared, as he continued to open fire against the Kraang droids.

Bandit scurried around before climbing atop a Kraang droid head, “Hey, Kraang, come and get me!” he taunted the droids.

Some droids aimed their blasters at Bandit, as the droid he was standing on raised his arms, “Kraang! Don't do what is known as-” but they opened fire, only for Bandit to jump off leaving the droid he stood on to get blasted to bits. The remains of the droid spoke, while the Kraang frowned at the others, “Stupid Kraang!”

“That is what is known as Kraang's bad.” one of the droids replied.

As Starlight and Mikey were dodging some droids, Mikey spotted the droids were close to a crystal tree, “Starlight, fire an arrow at that branch.”

“What good will that do?” Starlight asked in confusion.

“Trust me, I got a plan.”

“If you say so.” Starlight fired an arrow at the crystal tree branch making it break off, “What now?”

“Wait for it.” Mikey said, as the tree suddenly exploded knocking the droids close to it away.

“Wow.” Starlight gasped.

“I know.” Mikey replied smugly.

From the hole in the lab was Subprime and Bixolio watching their army fall, “This is the most pathetic scene I've ever witnessed!” Subprime vented his frustration.

“Agreed,” Bixolio answered, “Perhaps we should bring out the big guns?”

“Good idea.” Subprime chuckled before activating a switch releasing a beacon.

“What's happening?” Shini looked around as the beacon gave off a signal.

“Um, does Dimension X get eclipses?” O'Neil asked, as a shadow fell over them.

“No, but it does have that!” Mortu motioned to what was coming down on them.

Everyone scattered as Traag and Granitor landed before them along with a Dracodroid hovering above the two stone giants.

“What the shell are these guys?” Raphael asked in shock.

“Traag and Granitor.” Sunset answered.

“Some of the legendary cosmic monsters in all the universe,” Mortu added, “I'm amazed to see how the Kraang have learned to control these monstrosities.”

“Well, not every cosmic monster is a monstrosity.” Raph replied, while thinking of how Tokka was not a real monster despite her appearance.

“Ya got that right.” Rainbow agreed knowing very well what Raph meant.

Michelangelo looked up at the robot dragon, “Dimension X has dragons?!”

“Cyborg dragons from the look of it.” Donatello noted.

Subprime and Bixolio descended, “Now let's see how you deal with our big guns, partners!” Bixolio laughed.

“Attack!” Subprime ordered, as the two golems started to stomp on the ninjas, who were dodging.

“They may be big but they're sure slow.” Jones noted.

“Not when they do that!” Mondo called, as the two stone giants spat up their flame barfs at them.

“Cool flaming barf!” Michelangelo cheered.

“That's sick.” Scootaloo gagged.

The Dracodroid swooped in causing everyone to hit the deck, “Close one.” Pete told his allies.

“It's coming back!” Pinkie cried, as the cyborg dragon turned around and tried to swoop in on them again.

Slash and Applejack quickly grabbed a defeated Biotroid body and chucked them at the robot dragon making it fly off course and almost crashed, had it not pulled back up.

“Must we do it ourselves?!” Subprime shouted, only for he and Bixolio to get kicked by Mortu who got into a stance.

“Now we fight.”

“That suits us just fine.” Bixolio answered, as he and Subprime armed themselves.

Mortu engaged the two rogues using whatever combat training he learned over his time on earth. Unfortunately both rogues combined strengths overpowered the captain destroying his androids legs.

“Mortu!” the ninjas called, as they tried to get to him, only to keep getting blocked by Granitor, Traag, and the Dracodroid.

“Now, Mortu, it's time we put an end to you and all these stinkin' Utrom!” Subprime shouted, as Traag and Granitor were about to crush Mortu, they were hit with a blue laser blast, making them back up.

“Huh?” the heroes gasped in surprise.

“Where'd that come from?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Subprime looked over and growled, “You!”

Everyone looked in the direction, and saw standing on a crystal tree, carrying a Utrom bazooka, was Bishop.

"Bishop!" Princess Twilight exclaimed in joy.

"My friends, I thought you could use some backup!" The Utrom said, as some more Utrom droids arrived with Queen, Pawn, and Rook, "I also brought in some additional allies."

Right after he said that, two battle axes flew in and hit two Biotroids. Then two Triceratons rushed out and took down more. Two that both Turtle teams knew.

“Traximus!” the ninjas cheered, until they looked at each other.

“Wait, so you got a Traximus in your world?” Raphael asked.

“More or less.” Twilight replied.

"Greeting, my turtle allies!" 03 Traximus greeted.

"It is good to see you again." 012 Traximus added.

"Wait, if Traximus is here," Sunset began, "Then that would mean..."

Traag and Granitor were rammed by an even larger Triceraton, “Zeno!” the Rainbooms cheered.

Zeno smiled at his allies, "Good to see you all again!" Zeno greeted.

"That's one big Triceraton!" Michelangelo said in awe.

"No kidding." Donatello added.

“Just be glad he's on our side.” Rainbow told them.

“More stinkin Utroms?!” Subprime shouted.

“And Triceratons too?!” Bixolio asked in outrage.

Bishop and the council approached, “Bixolio, you will be taken back into custody. And, Subprime, you dare attack our leader?”

“Mortu is not my leader!” Subprime replied.

As Rook and Pawn helped Mortu up before a new body was presented to him. Mortu exited his broken android and commandeered the new one.

Queen spoke to her leader, “This is certainly not the most ideal reunion.”

“I know.” Mortu agreed.

“Not only will I eliminate these stupid turtles and Rainbooms. But I will take great pleasure in decimating my former colleagues!” Subprime laughed.

“Not if we can stop you.” Rook stood tall.

“Oui.” Pawn agreed.

“Stop me? Subprime laughed mockingly, “I'd like to see you all try!”

“As would I.” Bixolio agreed.

“Utrom council, do battle!” King announced, as they engaged the former Knight and Outlaw.

The Utrom soldiers engaged the Kraang and Biotroids, with android dropping one after another. The Dracotroid flew around attacking the heroes, until some Utrom wheeled a laser cannon onto the scene, “Fire!” one announced, as they fired the laser at the cyber dragon blowing it to bits.

“Oh, yeah!” Mikey cheered.

The three Triceratons with Slash and Leatherhead attacked the stone titans, before Twilight used her magic to lift Applejack up who used her magical strength to kick Traag off balance making him stumble until Granitor causing them both to fall over.

“Bigger they are the harder they fall!” Mondo cheered, before playing air guitar.

“Don't celebrate too soon.” 03 Traximus warned him, as the two giants got back up.

“So they want a second helping, huh?” Raph asked.

“So let's deliver it!” Pinkie announced, as the Rainbooms powered up, as did the turtles.

With the group powered up by their magic to their fullest, they attacked the stone giants with all they had before combining their powers releasing a rainbow blast that broke the two titans to pieces that drifted off into Dimension X.

As Subprime and Bixolio were starting to be overrun by the Utrom council, they looked to see several of their soldiers had fallen, including their stone warriors.

“Might I suggest we hightail it outta here?” Bixolio suggested to his partner.

“No need to tell me twice!” Subprime answered, as they escaped through a portal.

“No!” Bishop groaned, until Mortu laid a hand on his shoulder.

“It's ok, Bishop. We will not stop until they have been apprehended.”

Bishop calmed down, “Yes. I know.”

Soon several of the Kraang were rounded up and taken in, “So what's going to happen to them?” Donatello asked Bishop.

“They will be cleaned of Kraang Prime's influence and become their former Utrom selves.”

“Less Kraang the better.” Applejack said.

The turtles, and the Rainbooms looked at the other Traximus, as Mikey spoke, “So you're Traximus from this dimension?”

“Correct. I was informed by Utrom of my alternate counterpart and Zeno who were brought here upon learning you could all use some help.”

“Well, it's good to see there's a Traximus in this world we can rely on.” Rainbow said.

“And I'm glad to see my counterpart in this dimension is a loyal honorable soldier.” 012 Traximus said proudly.

“As am I.” Zeno put in.

Princess Twilight spoke up, “So now we know it was Subprime and Bixolio whose been keeping us busy by bringing it some of our enemies from back home.”

“And who knows where they're hiding.” April added.

“Looks like we really are sticking around for a bit longer.” Keno said.

“Even so, we can't stop until both of them are brought to justice.” Leo noted.

“And we shall not stop either.” Leonardo added, as his brothers and Splinter nodded.

“For now it is best we return to our dimension.” Splinter suggested.

“Yeah, there's only so much of Dimension X I can take.” Raph said.

Mortu spoke to the heroes, “We will notify you if we find any trace of Subprime or Bixolio.”

“Thank you, Mortu.” Sunset replied.

“For everything.” Leo added.

A portal was opened up courtesy of Queen, as the Turtle teams, the Rainbooms, the Mutanimals, and their human allies entered.

Meanwhile in a warehouse back in New York of the 03 Turtles dimension, Subprime and Bixolio were pacing around before a giant transmat portal that was set up before them.

“AAHH! I cannot believe we've once again were defeated by those miserable turtles and those accursed Rainbooms!” Subprime vented.

“If only they hadn't escaped the virtual world we wouldn't be having this problem right now.” Bixolio grumbled.

“It's because they learned to use the virtual system to their advantage,” Subprime reminded him, “If it were real they wouldn't be as lucky... If it... were real.” he gasped, as Bixolio noticed Subprime's sudden change in mood.


Subprime started to grin, “Yes! Yes!!! That's it! That's what we need!”

“What do we need?” Bixolio got up, as Subprime started pacing around excitedly.

“Don't you see? It's been in front of us all this time. The thing we need to defeat the turtles once and for all with the Rainbooms as well.”

“What?! What do we need?!” Bixolio demanded in agitation.

Subprime looked back and answered, “We need the real Ch'Rell!”