• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,813 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

  • ...

An Agent's Proposition

At the lair, adult April and Casey entered to see a very concerned Splinter, “Master Splinter, we got here as soon as you called.” O'Neil began.

“What's goin' on? Where are the guys?” Jones looked around.

“April, Casey. I've recently had a premonition of great danger. And I'm afraid my sons and their friends have fallen into a trap set up by Agent Bishop.” the rat explained.

“Bishop?!” the adults gasped.

“Well, we gotta do somethin'.” Jones said, eagerly.

“I know. If we can trace the signal on their phones we'll be able to find them.” O'Neil explained.

“So let's get to it.” Jones said while gearing up.

“Wait!” Splinter stopped them, “You know going up against Agent Bishop and his men is never an easy task. For this we must call upon the aid of Leatherhead.”

O'Neil nodded, “Then let's go.” the three left the lair.

Meanwhile at the bade, the captured Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies continued to struggle to break out but with failing results.

“I'd save your strength if I were you,” Agent Bishop suggested, “None of you are going anywhere.”

“You're making a big mistake, pal!” Rainbow called, “We know our rights!”

“This is a matter of the safety of the earth, Ms. Dash.” the agent answered.

“You know about us?” Applejack inquired.

“Indeed I do, Ms. Applejack,” he motioned to the others, “Rainbow Dash. Rarity. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. Twilight Sparkle. Starlight Glimmer. Sunset Shimmer. Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. Spike and Second Spike. And Princess Twilight Sparkle. My apologies for the inconvenience, your majesty.”

“Don't take it personal if I don't accept your apology.” Princess Twilight scowled.

“Well, this wasn't the first time I've been hooked up to something like this.” Mikey said.

“Same here.” April sighed remembering the times the Kraang tried to experiment with her.

“What's this all about?” Leonardo demanded.

“Surely you should know by now, Leonardo,” Agent Bishop answered, before turning to Leo, “Though perhaps I should be talking to you, Leo.”

“So you know about us?” Leo asked in shock.

“I do. When I discovered your existence I knew I had to get more information on you. And what I discovered really caught my attention.” he smirked.

Back in the sewers, Splinter and the two adults entered the lair of Leatherhead, “Leatherhead!” Splinter called.

The croc turned to see them, “Master Splinter, April and Casey. What's the trouble?”

“I'm afraid the guys have been captured.” O'Neil began.

“And Master Splinter thinks, Bishop's the one who did it.” Jones put in.

“Bishop?” Leatherhead gasped, as he was about to go into rage mode, but held it together, “Then we have no time to lose. We must find them at once.”

“That has already been taken care of.” came a new voice.

The four turned and saw stepping into the light was a man in a business suit and wearing sunglasses. This of course got the four defensive.

“Who are you? How did you find us?” Leatherhead demanded.

He held his hands up, “Please, I mean you no harm. I am an ally.”

“Explain.” Splinter inquired.

“I am Bishop of the Utroms.”

“The Utroms?” Leatherhead gasped.

“But you're Bishop?” Casey asked.

Bishop unbuttoned the lower half of his suit to reveal his true Utrom self, “Whoever you think of me as I assure you am nothing like that.”

“You're the Utrom friend of my turtle friends counterparts.” Leatherhead remembered.

“Correct. Before my friends were abducted Professor Honeycutt from my dimensions sent an interdimensional S.O.S signal to me, and I came right here.”

“Then you know where they are being held?” Splinter asked hopefully.

“I do. And if you want your turtles back we need to work together.” Bishop instructed.

“Anything for my sons safety.” Splinter replied.

“Then let's go.” Bishop instructed, as Leatherhead tossed his coat off, and the four followed.

Back at the lab, Agent Bishop was pacing before the captives, “Just imagine the very idea of alternate realities. Where you turtles have counterparts. I must admit in all my years of trying to find out about alien life this was certainly not something I'd ever come up against.”

“Yeah so now you know there are more versions of the turtles, so why keep us captive?” Rainbow demanded.

“The power you girls possess. At first I thought it was some form of enhancement you girls had. Like you were Meta-Humans.”

“Well, this isn't the first time we were accused of that.” Sunset admitted.

“But then I found out the last thing I'd expect. You girls have magic powers that reside from those geodes you wore on your person,” Agent Bishop motioned to the geodes on the table, “And I thought dealing with demons against that Demon Shredder was shocking.”

“Let me out of these restraints and I'll show you shocking!” Raph growled.

Agent Bishop ignored the threat and spoke to Princess Twilight, “And this land I discovered you, your Spike, and Starlight are from called Equestria. I'll admit I wasn't so willing to believe it at first, but after seeing your friends in action so much. I just couldn't deny it.”

He clicked on a remote that caused multiple screens to appear around them showing the Rainbooms in action against both Purple Dragon teams, their Huns, Fishface, and his temp group of thugs.

“Such mastery over such power,” Agent Bishop commended, “If only they could be more weaponized for our defenses. Perhaps you ladies would like to consider working for me? I even have a spot opened for you Ms. O'Neil and Ms. Hamato.” he motioned to the Rainbooms, April, and Karai.

“So a xenophobic government agent wants us to use our magic to work for him?” Rarity asked sarcastically.

“That's a hard pass.” Sunset replied.

“You're just a monster, Bishop. An alien-hating monster.” April put in.

Agent Bishop scowled at the insult, “I do what is necessary to protect the Earth, my dear. No matter how dirty it is. And you girls are passing up an opportunity,” Agent Bishop warned them, “You could do so much more with your powers for the greater good for this planet than just taking down thugs like Purple Dragons.”

'Technically, if you knew all the stuff we've had to face then you'd know that we're aware of what we can truly do with such power.” Twilight said.

“Besides, what're you so afraid of?” Pinkie asked.

“Everything!” Bishop answered loudly, “The Triceratons, the Federation, and that Demon Shredder. These threats proved we are unmatched and unprepared for all the inevitable invasions both alien and supernatural. And it's the Earth Protection Force's job to ensure the safety of the planet. But unless we're up to date on defenses against such threats then we don't stand a chance.”

“Don't you think you're taking this too seriously?” Fluttershy asked.

“Bishop, we know about what happened to you in the past.” Leo began.

“It's tragic what aliens did to you.” April added.

“But to treat all aliens with hostility?” Karai asked in disbelief.

“I take no chances.” the agent answered.

“Bishop, I get it,” Starlight began, “You let one thing that happened in your life affect your entire outlook on a matter. I was just the same as that, and all it did was lead me down a path that only led to hurting others, and that led to so much worse.” she recalled the bleak future Princess Twilight showed her if she continued to alter the girls past.

“And you're not the only one who was experimented on by aliens.” Donnie added.

“He's right,” Leo confirmed, “We had a friend who was also experimented on, and because of what they did to him he was shunned by his very 'people'. Because of that he lost his faith in them and set out on a path of darkness. He held onto that hatred for so many years it tore him apart. Especially since he had another fueling his hatred.”

“But thanks to us we got him to see holding onto anger did him no good.” Mikey added.

“He renounced his hatred and became one of our greatest allies.” Raph put in.

“And a great friend too.” Sunset finished.

Agent Bishop answered, “That was his choice. But I make my own. And I stick to my choices.”

“Unbelievable.” Fugitoid gasped.

“So you want the Rainbooms, April, and Karai, but what does that leave the rest of us?” Keno demanded.

“You will continue to be prisoners here. Perhaps even subjects for our experiments.”

“But I don't wanna be experimented on!” Apple Bloom feared, as the CMC huddled together.

“If you lay a hand on my sister, I'm gonna...” Applejack was cut off.

“Your threats will not save you,” Agent Bishop turned to Fugitoid, “I once made an exchange for another you, but perhaps having you around could be beneficial to us. My previous scientist has gone AWOL, and now I feel I should look into a replacement.”

“And what would you have me do?” Fugitoid asked, angrily, “Because building weapons of mass destruction is no longer on my resume.”

“I'll get back to you on that,” Agent Bishop turned to the other turtles, “And I'm curious about you boys as well. I'm eager to study the four of you as well as the turtles I personally know and discover all the similarities and differences between you all.”

“Please tell me this doesn't include dissection.” Donnie winced.

“It always does.” Donatello replied.

“And what would you even do with us?” Leo inquired, “Use our DNA to create more fake aliens you can use to fool the world and the government just for money?”

“Only for it to backfire and create a plague on the whole city?!” Raph added.

“I needed to get back into the president's good graces, as well as more fundings. I had that staged invasion under control, but your counterparts stuck their noses where they didn't belong. As for the plague, it was an unfortunate side effect that I have no intention of ever repeating.”

“It's too big a risk.” Sunset warned him.

“So none of you are going to take my offer and join me?” Agent Bishop asked.

“Nnope.” Applejack answered.

“Very well. We have other means of making you listen to reason.” some scientists came over carrying metal helmets.

“What're those?” Michelangelo asked in worry.

“Don't ask questions you don't want answers too” Raphael answered.

“Administer the mind helmets immediately.” Agent Bishop ordered the scientists.

The scientists were approaching the Rainbooms, until a pink triangular portal appeared and out came Bishop armed with a blaster who shot the helmets out of the scientists hands. The scientists fled, as O'Neil, Jones, Splinter, and Leatherhead emerged from the portal.

“Sensei!” Leonardo called.

“And reinforcements!” Raphael cheered.

“What is this? How did you find this place?” Agent Bishop demanded.

“Thank portal tech.” O'Neil answered smugly.

“You guys ok?” Jones asked.

“Oh, yeah. We're just relaxing while strapped to tables where we're going to be dissected... Of course we're not ok!” Donnie snapped.

“Don't worry, we'll have you out soon.” Splinter promised.

“I wouldn't be too sure about that.” Agent Bishop said, as he alerted security.

As agents were on their way, Bishop spoke to his counterpart, “Agent John Bishop, we meet at last.”

“Who are you, and how do you know me?” Agent Bishop inquired.

“I've been keeping tabs on several people throughout the multiverse. Especially you. As for who I am. You may call me by my earth name... Bishop.”

“What?” the agent gasped.

“Yes. I am you from the same dimension as my turtle and Rainboom friends,” Bishop began undoing the bottom of his jacket again, “But the difference between us is...”

Agent Bishop noticed the Utrom inside his counterpart's chest. The sight of this left the agent in shock and angry, “What?! In some other world, I'm an alien?!”

“Correct,” Bishop confirmed, “Everyone secure our friends!” Bishop engaged his counterpart, as the security agents arrived.

“Free my sons and the others. Casey and I will handle them.” Splinter instructed O'Neil and Leatherhead.

So Splinter and Jones engaged the security agents, while April freed Leonardo who got off and reclaimed his swords which he used to help free his brothers, the Rainbooms, April, and Karai. Raphael managed to free the two Spike's who went to their respective Twilight's. Leatherhead went to the cage and pulled the door to it off and tossed it aside.

“Alright!” Casey and Keno cheered, as they scrambled out.

Donnie freed Fugitoid who looked relieved, “About time.”

As they reclaimed their weapons and geodes, Rainbow called to the mutant croc, “Leatherhead, protect the CMC!”

Leatherhead nodded, as he scooped the three up into his arms and held close, “Don't worry. I got you.”

“Being hugged by a big croc.” Scootaloo began.

“Here's a new one to add to the list of strange things we've been through.” Sweetie Belle added.

Once the guys reclaimed their weapons and geodes they joined Splinter and Jones in fighting against the agents.

As some agents opened fire on them, Twilight and April used their psychic/magic to pull their weapons out of their grips, before using their own ninja moves to knock the agents down.

Rainbow ran circles around three agents, before using the stick part of her weapon to trip them off their feet, “Yeah!” she pumped a fist.

The two Raph's engaged some agents before knocking them out, only for four more to come up behind them. Rarity slid in and created a diamond shield and pushed the agents back.

“Nice save, Rares.” Raph said.

“Naturally.” she did a flip of her hair.

“Goongala!” the two Casey's announced, as they used their hockey sticks to bash and trip up some agents.

Karai attacked some agents with her ninja moves, before shifting into a snake, and used her snake head hands to bite at the agents arms causing them to go numb and collapse.

As the Mikey's were fighting some agents, Pinkie jumped up, “Sprinkle surprise!” she tossed some sprinkles the agents way that exploded.

With their vision disoriented, the two Mikey's jumped up and readied their feet, “Booyakasha!” they kicked the agents back.

Leo and Leonardo used their swords to slice through the agents blasters before using their moves to knock them down, “We got to get out of here.” Leonardo told his counterpart.

“No kidding.” Leo agreed, as Fugitoid dropped in while using his own arm blasters to shoot at several agents.

“Well, Bishop has the portal that brought us here.” he motioned to the two Bishop's fighting.

As the two fought, Bishop spoke to his human counterpart, “It pains me to see you treat aliens this way! To take pride in causing them such misery!”

“Aliens are a threat! A threat that I will prepare for no matter what the cost!” The agent answered.

“Most alien species are peaceful and benevolent! If given the proper treatment, respect, and above all, kindness!” The Utrom argued.

“As I told the girl, I do whatever it takes to protect the earth!”

The Utrom android scowled, “Then you are no real counterpart of mine.” the two continued to engage in hand to hand combat, which the others took notice of.

“Wow, for a guy in a suit Agent Bishop sure has moves.” Keno admitted.

“He's a super soldier, remember.” Leo replied.

“As much as I like watching two Bishop's go at it, I think we should help the good one.” Michelangelo suggested.

“You got that right.” Sunset agreed, as the group got ready and charged.

Agent Bishop saw the turtles and their allies charge in and began attacking him. The super soldier was holding his own against them, but with their quantity, ninja moves, and access to magic made it impossible for the government agent to face them all head on.

After a struggling fight, Agent Bishop stood with his suit torn and ripped from so many attacks, and panted while the others stared him down, “So much power. You really want to squander it on crooks and thugs? You don't understand we are all on the same side!”

“That's where we toe the line, Bishop.” Princess Twilight answered in disappointment.

“We may want the safety of planet earth, but we do it our way.” Sunset added.

“We don't use others or underhanded tactics to do so.” Leo put in.

“And no matter what you say, you'll never get any of us to follow your lead.” Shini finished.

“And I thought we could be friends.” Agent Bishop said sounding disappointed in them.

“Friends?” Starlight asked in shock.

“Buddy, you don't know what being a friend is.” Casey answered.

“Here's hoping we never meet again.” Leo said, as Bishop used the portal allowing them all to escape. Agent Bishop watched the portal close, and just pounded the floor in frustration.

The group returned to the Turtles lair looking tired, and were resting, “I'll say this, that Bishop is definitely mega hard core crazy.” Mikey said.

“He was actually willing to brainwash us into serving him?” Fluttershy asked in shock.

“Doesn't surprise us one bit.” Donatello replied.

“And I'd rather perish than be forced to make weapons to hurt the innocent again.” Fugitoid put in.

“I know his hatred for aliens comes from a deep place, and yet what he's willing to do...” Starlight began.

“Except he has no one in his life to remind him there's more to life than revenge.” Princess Twilight said while thinking of Blade and his sister.

“Don't worry if he ever tries another stunt like this again, we'll be ready.” Raphael promised.

Leonardo spoke to Bishop, “Bishop, we thank you for your help. It's good to know in another universe there's a Bishop we can trust. Especially an Utrom version.” they shook hands.

“And I am pleased to see another dimension where there are ninja turtles around to fight the good fight for all that is good and decent to benevolent people and aliens.”

“So what're you gonna do now, Bishop?” Applejack asked.

“I must return to the council and inform of them of this. What about all of you?” Bishop inquired.

“We're still sticking around.” Leo answered.

“Yeah. We still got our Purple Dragons to deal with. Wherever they are.” Raph added.

“I understand,” Bishop replied, “Well, if ever you need me. I'm just a call away.”

As Bishop opened up a portal, he stepped in but turned back with something more to say, “And if you see Mortu, give him my best regards.”

“Sure.” Leonardo answered, as Bishop entered the portal that closed.

Mikey gasped, “I realize, we never got our pizza!” the others sighed.

“Don't worry, we can make them here.” Keno offered.

“Then right this way to the kitchen.” Michelangelo escorted him.

Princess Twilight looked concerned, as Spike looked concerned, “What is it, Twilight?”

“I'm just concerned about Agent Bishop. Does he really think eradicating all intelligent life out there the only way to keep the earth safe?”

“I know. He was about as stubborn as Mozar.” Spike agreed.

“I just hope one day he'll understand there's more than one way to protect one's home than just war.” the princess said.

“Guess all we can do is wait and see.” Spike said, as the two went to help the guys cook up some pizzas.