• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode Fourteen: The Crystal Empire Pt. 2

“So…” Night Fire snarked as they beheld Princess Cadence, “Can we say the honeymoon’s over?”

Indeed, the time spent defending the Crystal Empire had taken a toll on the alicorn princess. Large dark circles hung over her eyes, and she slumped in the throne for the Crystal Empire. Yet, as she beheld Twilight, her eyes lit up in hope, and she even managed to do a strange sort of handshake-greeting with Twilight.

“One of these days,” Cadence noted. “We need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn’t hanging in the balance.”

Twilight gazed over her friend with worry. “Are you okay?”

“Cadence and I have been able to use our magic to spread love, light and protection,” Shining explained, his horn pulsing as he sent some energy over to Cadence. “That seems to be what protects it for now. But it’s given us no time to sleep or even eat.”

Swift grimaced. “You guys can’t go on like this forever.”

Shining sighed. “No. We can’t. But if our magic fades, even for a second…” Shining gazed out at the line of unicorn soldiers standing ready at the barrier. “I trained those stallions myself,” he noted quietly. “I don’t want to lose any of them to Sombra.”

Spike pat Shining’s back. “You won’t,” he said. “Because we’re here to help.”

“Heck yeah,” Night Fire cheered. “Strike a pose!”

Unfortunately, only Jackknife, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie indulged her. Night Fire shrugged and rolled with it.

“Well, if you could just find the Crystal Heart,” Diamondback noted. “You’d be able to protect the Empire without straining yourselves.”

“Problem,” Shining said. “We don’t know where it is.” He nodded at the town. “My scouts and soldiers have been trying to talk to the Crystal Ponies, but Sombra really messed them up. The most we’ve gotten is that they’d hold a Festival - a ‘Crystal Faire’ - to renew the spirit of love and unity in the Empire so that it could be protected from harm. And even that required the Crystal Heart, which they claimed Sombra hid away somewhere they’d never see again.”

“Hmph,” Diamondback huffed. “Somewhere ponies would never see it again.” She grinned. “But he never said dragons.”

Spike quickly stepped in. “Maybe there’s something we can do to find it. In the meantime, we should think about setting up this faire.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said. “I mean, even if you guys find the Heart, it won’t be able to do anything without love and happiness. And what better way to whip up some love and happiness than with a party.”

“We have to time it carefully, though,” Shining noted. “If Sombra senses that party, he’s going to increase his attacks. And I don’t want any more pressure put on Cadence.”

“Sounds like you need someone at the gates with yer men,” Jackknife noted with a grin. He cracked his knuckles. “I’m in.”

Shining grimaced. “Are you sure? My men aren’t used to fighting alongside dragons.”

“Didn’t you see what he was capable of with the snow?” Night asked.

“He’s definitely our strongest,” Spike said with a grin. “He’ll be invaluable for holding the line.”

Jackknife smiled happily, but Shining’s grimace didn’t fade.

“As long as you can remember to stay focused on Sombra,” Shining replied.

Nodding, Jackknife headed for the front lines, while Spike turned to Pinkie. “Can you guys handle the festival?”

Pinkie scoffed. “Can we handle the festival?” she noted cheekily to Rainbow Dash before striking a pose. “You can count on us.”

“Alright,” Spike said, turning to the others. “That just leaves us to find the Crystal Heart.”

However, as the dragons nodded amongst each other, Twilight raised her hoof. “I… think I might have an idea where he hid it?”

Diamondback grimaced, but the others looked to Twilight in intrigue. “What’ve you got?” Night Fire asked.

“Well,” Twilight noted, indicating the castle. “This castle was his base of operations, right? Maybe he could count on the fact that no pony would dare try to look for it. They’d be too afraid of him.”

“Alright,” Spike said. “Then this castle is where we’ll start looking.”


Unfortunately, as the sound of Pinkie’s festivities began to sound from outside, the dragons proved to have very little luck scouring the castle.

“Welp, I found the lavatories,” Night Fire noted, “I didn’t need to know that Bricklebit was actually a thing.”

“Bricklebit?” Spike asked.

“A way to get gold,” Night Fire replied.

Swift tilted his head. “A way to get gold… how?”

Night Fire’s face was deadpan. “Don’t ask.”

“HEY!” a voice shouted, drawing the dragon’s attention as a Royal Guard stormed in. “Who sent the Sea Serpent for reinforcements?”

Night Fire stepped up. “He said he was good with snow.”

“He’s freaky,” the royal guard insisted. “Can’t you send, like… Spike or something? I mean, he’s at least familiar, and he’s got flames.”

“But what am I supposed to do, I’ve got no talent for fighting,” Spike insisted.

“But you’re… I dunno, taller?” The stallion winced as the others glared at him.

Swift, however, stepped forward. “Jackknife can be trusted. He’s a good guy. Though, if you think he needs help…” he swallowed nervously. “I’m willing to help out.”

The others glanced at him. “Swift,” Night noted. “You do realize that’s going to put you near Sombra, right?”

Swift swallowed again. “I was kinda trying not to think about that,” he admitted.

The stallion deflated. “You’re seriously sending me the cowardly lion of the bunch?”

Diamondback snarled down at the stallion. “In about five seconds, you’re about to be sent back with nothing,” she warned.

“DB, wait!” Phoenix said.

“Yeah, it’s okay,” Swift replied, taking a breath. “My time with Fluttershy showed me that sometimes, we have to take risks if we want to succeed in life. Taking a risk worked with her; it’ll work now.” He stepped forward. “I promise; Jackknife and I will keep you guys safe.”

The stallion didn’t look fully convinced, but he ceased his complaining as Swift went with him.

Night hugged Spike with a coo. “Our little baby bird is growing up so fast,” she noted.

Spike smirked at Night. “I thought you said I was too young for things like this.”

Night yelped and dropped him. “Why’d you have to put this in that territory! UGH!” She stormed off. “Disgusting!”

The others laughed, but their laughter quieted as a strange chill fell over the palace. Following the chill, they ended up at a throne room. Up on the throne, they noticed a black crystal at the crest of the throne’s backrest.

Diamondback cautiously held a hand out to it. “There’s magic in that,” she mused. “Unicorn magic.”

“I can get Twilight,” Spike said, “She didn’t want to be left out of this anyway, so…”

But then he noticed Night Fire grimacing. Remembering her secret, he elected to ignore it. But before he could leave the room…

“Wait,” Night Fire said. “Don’t involve Twilight in this. She shouldn’t risk getting hurt by this type of magic.”

Diamondback blinked. “Well, then what do you suppose we do?”

Night Fire breathed as her form began to glow. “You let an expert handle it.”

Diamondback and Phoenix backed up in shock as Night Fire returned to her original Star Wing form.

“Star?” Spike asked as she revealed herself. “Are you sure?”

“Pinkie taught me that friends will accept me for who I am, especially when I can make them happy.” She grinned as her horn glowed. “And I imagine it’ll make you guys really happy to know that I know dark magic.” She promptly proved it by zapping the crystal, revealing a spiral staircase in the center of the room.

However, just as Diamondback began to descend, thunder rumbled outside.

The group raced to the window to see Sombra beating on the shield. Jackknife, Swift and the guards were doing what they could - Spike smiled as he saw Jackknife actually save the same stallion who had doubted him - but they were only giving Sombra pause, not driving him off completely.

“Cadence’s magic is fading fast,” Star muttered. “We better speed this up.”

“Wait,” Phoenix noted, pointing down as Applejack and Rarity struggled to calm the Crystal Ponies. “Those ponies are terrified. They need to know that we’re handling this.”

“We can’t stop now,” Spike said. “Not when the Crystal Heart is so close.”

“We don’t have to,” Phoenix replied. “Applejack taught me that empathy is the key to being a good leader.” She stepped back. “I’ll help them calm the ponies down. You guys get the Crystal Heart and meet us at the podium where it’s stashed.”

Spike wasn’t sure. But in his moment of doubt, he noticed something bad:

DB was missing.

“DB?” He ran to the spiral staircase as a sound emanated from it.

Star cursed, turning back into Night Fire. “Go!” she said to Phoenix, who nodded and ran for the ponies as Night leaped down the spiral staircase. Spike almost followed… before deciding to take the stairs themselves.

Yet, as he raced down, he heard an ominous smash.

“Diamondback?” Night’s voice echoed. “What the heck are you doing?!” A crash sounded. “OW!”

When Diamondback’s voice sounded… Spike’s blood went cold at how it oozed with the Greed.

You won’t take it from me! IT’S MINE, YOU UNDERSTAND! ALL MINE!”

“No-no-not again!” Spike bemoaned.

But as he reached the bottom, his fears were confirmed: Diamondback stood over a beaten Night Fire, already growing as the Greed corrupted her mind. But when Diamondback whirled on Spike, something was wrong: her eyes weren’t their usual blue.

They were green, with purple tendrils trailing from them.

“DB?” he asked.

“You won’t take it from me!” She snarled at Spike. “It’s MINE!”

Spike yelped and dodged as Diamondback reduced one of the stairs to dust. “DB, remember your lessons!” he pleaded.

Diamondback snarled as she pursued him.

“Rarity and you nearly tore each other apart over a misunderstanding!” Spike insisted, catching Diamondback’s arms and holding her back. “You only succeeded that day because of compassion and a willingness to understand.”

Diamondback’s eyes widened, and she shut them in concentration.

“Come on, DB,” Spike encouraged. “Remember; compassion was the key! Understanding led to greater cooperation. Fight this! Fight it!”

Diamondback roared, and threw Spike backward. He hit the wall and slid down next to a still recovering Night Fire. For a split second, Spike feared that he hadn’t gotten through.

But as Diamondback shook her head and gazed at him, Spike sighed in relief as she shrunk down to a more natural size, and her lapis blue eyes shined with control again.

“Oh, darlings,” Diamondback bemoaned, helping them up. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Night Fire noted, indicating the door that DB had been standing next to. “That was more dark magic; a door that leads to your worst fear.”

Spike quickly backed up. “I… don’t need to know what that’ll show me.”

“Me neither,” Night agreed, turning back into Star Wing and using another burst of shadow magic. This time, the door opened to a light blue staircase snaking up the exterior of the tower.


Unfortunately, it also didn’t seem to have an end.

“Is this more of his magic?” Spike asked. “A staircase that goes on forever?”

Diamondback panted behind him. “I don’t know darling,” she mumbled. “I don’t…” she groaned as Night Fire fluttered by them on wings.

“Don’t worry, guys,” she said. “I got this.” She shot up for the tower, as Spike and Diamondback kept on after her, Diamondback unable to open her own wings due to her larger size.

At first, Spike felt some comfort. As he heard the cheers of the ponies, he could assume Jackknife, Phoenix and Spike were playing their part in keeping the ponies safe.

But then he started to hear Sombra growling. He heard the cheers turn to screams. And worst of all… he heard a scream from above them.

“Night Fire?” Diamondback yelped.

“Come on!” Spike yelled.

Yet as they raced up the tower, the top began to grow obsidian black. And as the two dragons burst out onto the top of the tower, they found out why:

Night Fire was trapped in a cage of slowly growing obsidian, which was slowly overtaking the tower and hiding Night Fire from view.

“Sorry, guys,” Night whimpered from within the cage. “I didn’t account for booby traps!”

“Night!” Spike yelled.

“Don’t worry about me!” Night insisted. “Get the Heart!”

She pointed out of her cage, and Diamondback and Spike saw the Crystal Heart - a pulsating block of crystal, pumping like a rapid heart as the obsidian crept towards it.

However, when the duo stepped towards it, the obsidian creeped towards them like a territorial snake. Diamondback yelped, and on pure reflex, grabbed Spike and threw him to the Heart.

And with barely enough time to spare. She had just thrown Spike when the obsidian shot at Diamondback; knocking her to the ground and pinning her to the floor.

“DB!” Spike yelped, before having to avoid another obsidian attack.

“Spike!” Night Fire yelled. “Forget about us! Get the Heart out of here!”

Spike yelped as he dodged more obsidian. “But guys…!”

“Just get it to the Faire,” Diamondback insisted. “Rarity and Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Elements are there! All you need to do is let them power it up!”

Spike gazed sorrowfully at his friends. But as the obsidian crept closer - Sombra’s laughter emanated from it. And Spike knew he had little choice.

Turning to the window, Spike noticed Swift hovering in the air. The poor bird dragon was watching in horror as Sombra overtook the Empire. Jackknife and the guards were fighting side by side, but they were rapidly being forced back.

Spike had no time to go back through that tower. He leaped from the window, one final obsidian snake sailing over his head as he plummeted.

“SWIFT!” He yelled as he tumbled, having no wings to break his fall.

Luckily, Swift heard him. And with a yelp, the bird dragon hybrid shot up, catching Spike in mid-air before gliding back down towards Phoenix, the Crystal Ponies and the Pony Elements.

Spike held up the Heart. “The Crystal Heart has returned!” he claimed.

“Use the light and love within you!” Phoenix pleaded with the ponies.

“Ensure that Sombra never hurts you again!” Twilight agreed.

Sombra roared in outrage, but Jackknife and the guards kept him back. And as the Pony Elements and the Crystal Ponies powered the Heart up, an explosion of light covered the land, and Sombra let one final scream out before he was blasted from existence.

Jackknife whooped in glee, even sharing a hug with the stallion that had distrusted him. Up above, Night Fire and Diamondback poked their heads over the tower, freed from their restraints.

And as they all smiled at each other, Spike hugged Swift close, as they watched an aurora borealis form in the winter sky.


“You have saved us all,” Celestia said happily.

Spike and his fellow dragon friends all grinned as they stood before Princess Celestia once more.

“A long time ago,” Celestia said. “Ponies feared dragons and all those that were not ponies. But today, the six of you have proven that appearances matter little. It’s what is in your heart that counts.”

Spike saluted. “We’re just happy we were able to help.”

Jackknife grinned. “And if there’s anyone else that needs us…”

“We’re prepared to take it on,” Night noted.

Celestia grinned. “I don’t doubt it for a second,” she said. “I imagine many more adventures await you. And I’d be loathe to delay you from them.”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Night noted. “Who’s up for some exploring?”

Jackknife cheered and even Swift managed a smile. Spike, however, motioned for them to wait, before finding Twilight, and giving her a hug.

“No matter what,” he promised Twilight, “I’ll come if you need me.”

Twilight smiled and hugged her little brother tight. “And I’ll do the same if you need me.”

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