• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 44: Gauntlet of Fire

Author's Note:

AstralFlare42's characters make a return in this episode. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for your help, AstralFlare42. :twilightsmile: 👍 Astral, Aurora and Shade are fun characters, and it's nice to see them interacting with my characters again.

Spike and his friends didn’t get long to worry about the changeling they saw, or about Starlight’s progress from former enemy to potential ally.

For as they pored over the Cutie Map, trying to determine their next move, they got confronted with a new problem: as Spike, Phoenix, Diamondback and even Swift and Star began to glow with an odd energy.

Spike scratched at his scales as they started to emit a burning sensation. “What the… what’s happening to us?!”

Diamondback’s eyes widened. “The Dragon Lord…” she whispered. “He calls for us!”

Spike and the others stared at her as they rubbed their burning scales. “Dragon… Lord?” Spike asked.

“You don’t mean…” Night glanced out towards Astral and Aurora who were using the latter’s ice powers to soothe their itching.

“I could do this for you all,” Aurora added, noticing the group watching.

“Please!” Spike asked gratefully.

As Aurora joined the group, so did Astral, though his gaze was on Diamondback.

“This never happened in the Dragon Kingdom,” he noted. “Is this some kind of disease or something?”

“No,” Diamondback said. “The Dragon Kingdom was a secret, remember? This is from the dragon who likes to appear like he’s the one in charge; Dragon Lord Torch.”

“Fiery name,” Star deadpanned, grimacing as her Night Fire scales began to unconsciously form over her like a rash. “So, he figured out how to influence other dragons?”

“That’s why everyone thinks he’s in charge,” Phoenix replied. “He found something that lets him do this; whenever he needs us, he can put us in pain until we answer his summons.”

“Should we go as well?” Jackknife asked, glancing at Swift, who was grimacing, but not itching like the others.

“It’s not quite that bad,” Swift muttered, “Though that’s probably just because I’m a hybrid.”

“Well, I’m definitely going,” Star replied, shifting fully into Night Fire. “No way am I missing out on a chance like this.”

“Oh yes!” Twilight agreed, racing over with study supplies. “You could research them, maybe even help me write an article. This could be a chance to make a huge contribution to the knowledge of Equestria!” She paused before grinning nervously at Spike. “A-And, to be there for Spike, of course.”

Star and Spike glanced at each other with amused grins. “Don’t worry, Twilight,” Spike said. “I’ll be alright.” He took her supplies. “We’ll study everything we can, and come back to you with a full report.”

“Hey, don’t think yer going without me,” Jackknife said with a flex. “I’m still part o’ the Drake Six!”

“We’d never leave you, Jack,” Swift assured. “Just like I know you’d never leave us.”

The two friends grinned at each other, while Phoenix ran over to Astral and Aurora.

“Hey guys,” Phoenix called. “You up for an adventure?”

Astral and Aurora looked at each other, having the same thought: “When can we begin packing?”


A few days later, the dragons found themselves back at the Dragon Lands.

Diamondback scoffed as she beheld the volcanic structures and rocks. “I forgot how droll this place is.”

“You do gotta admit,” Night Fire noted. “After the color of Equestria, this place could definitely use some paint.”

But their attention was quickly grabbed by Astral and Aurora.

“Shade,” Astral growled, glaring at the black dragon. Though Shade appeared to have more gray in his spines than before, the malicious light of cruelty still shined bright in his eyes.

“What does he want?” Aurora asked, her voice colder than ice.

“What the…?!” Swift backed up behind Spike. “What’s he doing here?”

“Let’s find out,” Diamondback replied, strutting forward with a confident grin. “Lord Shade Fang. Fancy meeting you here.”

“Ah,” he mused. “If it isn’t the ones who caused my banishment all those months ago.”

“You dug your own grave by planning to betray the King, love,” Diamondback replied. “We just made sure you fell into it.”

Shade was barely paying attention to her, though, as his eyes locked on Aurora. Shoving past Diamondback and Astral, he ignored their scowls and grinned at the ice dragon.

“Aurora,” he greeted. “Beautiful as ever. Shall we leave this troublesome group to a spot where we can be together.”

Aurora sneered. “Not with that broken nose of yours,” she refuted, coating an unnoticed fist in ice.

“But I don’t…” POW! Shade’s head reeled back as he clutched his now broken nose. “Spawn of Tiamat that hurt!”

“Serves you right,” Night Fire noted. “That your idea of flirting? That was disgraceful.”

Their conversation was interrupted as the biggest dragon - rivaling King Bahamut in size - rose up from what looked like one of the volcanos.


Despite their animosity, Diamondback couldn’t help but glance at Shade with an amused smirk. “Extraordinary? Him?”

Phoenix chuckled and nudged Astral. “How quickly do you think King Bahamut could fold this guy?”

But then Torch slammed his talon, and a burst of pain went through all the dragons. “AGREE WITH ME!”

Immediately, the dragons started chanting. “TORCH! TORCH! TORCH!” For as soon as they began agreeing, the pain faded.

“Argh,” Spike muttered, rubbing at his itching scales, before noticing something. “Who is that?”

“It’s Dragon Lord Torch, dummy,” a lanky teenage dragon growled at him.

But Night Fire noticed what he was talking about. “He means the hot one,” she noted, indicating a cyan dragoness who was flying next to Torch.

The red teenage dragon stared at Night for a minute before saying, “That’s… his daughter, Princess Ember. And let me tell you, I wouldn’t even look at her if I were you. Torch’s fire is way hotter than she is. Will roast you to a crisp.”

Night didn’t take her eyes off Ember. “I think she’d be worth it,” she noted with a grin, before blinking and glancing at both the teenager and Spike. “Of course, you’re both probably too young for…”

Spike bonked Night on the head. Encouraged, the other dragon socked her in the gut… only for Night and Jackknife to headbutt the red dragon and knock him out cold.

Before his boys could back him up, Torch seemed to get tired of the forced praise, and continued.


The others glared at him until he lifted his paw dangerously.


Several dragons tried to kick in, crying and sobbing and wailing. Though plenty didn’t participate, there were still thankfully enough to keep him from sending more pain down on them, and instead to continue.


This needed no encouragement; every single dragon - even Diamondback and Lord Shade Fang - began to cheer in earnest, though Phoenix flinched down in horror, while Swift, Spike, Star and Jack glanced at each other in confusion.

“Gauntlet of Fire?” Spike asked.

Swift shrugged, and before Diamondback could explain, Torch continued, holding up some kind of staff with a ruby at the end.


With an explosion of flames, he lifted off and made for a series of cliffs nearby. Dragons surged to join him as Diamondback turned to the others eagerly.

“Darlings,” she said. “We have to get that scepter!”

“Uh, DB?” Night asked, noticing a dangerous green fire glowing in her eyes. “Careful, your greed is showing.”

Diamondback glowered. “And because of that, you’d rather let one of them win?” She indicated the other dragons as they eagerly followed Torch.

“Ha!” one laughed. “When I’m Dragon Lord, I’m going to make burps an official greeting.”

“Please,” another dragon refuted. “When I win, I will pillage Equestria for their pillows. Why should those ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks.”

Shade then stepped forward, gaining the others' attention. “When I become Dragon Lord, I shall lead us dragons to a new age. We shall show all other nations that we dragons are the superior species.” His words got a resounding cheer from several of the dragons.

The others went pale. “Okay,” Night noted. “Sounds like we’re competing.”


Unfortunately, the group ran into problems as soon as they assembled on the cliff.

Torch instantly noticed their group, locking on Jackknife, Phoenix, Diamondback, Night Fire and Aurora with disgust in his eyes. “AND JUST WHAT DO A BUNCH OF FEMALES AND A SEA SERPENT THINK THEY’RE DOING HERE?”

“Competing,” Night Fire replied. “Isn’t that why we’re all here.”


Diamondback rose to her full height - which while it wasn’t as big as Torch, it was still bigger than most of the other dragons there. “I WILL SHOW YOU BIG AND STRONG, TORCH!” she boomed in a voice that made even Lord Shade Fang jump. “I DOMINATED THE DIAMOND DOGS THAT PESTERED OUR HORDES! I HAVE DEFEATED CHANGELINGS AND BEINGS OF BLACK MAGIC! THE BLOODSTONE SCEPTER WILL BE MINE!” She glared around at the others, and even her friends backed up at the fire in her eyes. “AND ALL WHO DENY ME MY RIGHTFUL CLAIM… WILL SUFFER FOR THEIR INSOLENCE!”

She glared up at Torch, and for a tense moment, the dragons waited to see if there would be a fight. However, the dragon lord threw his head back… and laughed.


With a booming roar, he let loose with a fireball, which streaked across a black lake towards an island in the distance.

“Looks like that’s our target,” Night Fire noted.

Jackknife chuckled ominously. “Let’s do it!” He launched into the water, and instantly took the lead, surging towards the island as the rest of the dragons struggled to keep up.

Pulling Spike onto his back, Swift followed alongside Diamondback, Astral and the rest.

However, it wasn’t long before they ran into trouble. A sea worm launched from the depths and set upon Jackknife.

“THAT ALL YOU GOT, BIG GUY!” Jackknife snarled as he engaged in combat with the sea worm. “I EAT WORMS LIKE YOU FOR LUNCH!”

However, as he fought, water splashed everywhere. Diamondback bore it with a grunt, as did Shade, but Spike gasped as an armored dragon was hit and tumbled into the depths below.

“He’s gonna drown!” Spike yelled, tumbling off Swift’s back and into the water.

“Spike, wait!” Night Fire yelled, tucking her wings and diving after him.

Phoenix and Swift soared down after him, gazing around in a panic, before Night and Spike resurfaced, the armored dragon in their grasp.

“C’mon!” Night Fire yelled, hoisting the dragon up.

Spike looked to Jack, who had indeed begun to feast on the sea worm. “JACK!” he boomed.

Jack turned. Instantly seeing his friends floundering, he jumped towards them and dragged them to shore.

Unfortunately, Spike also noticed that Diamondback had not joined them. Whether it was to keep up with Shade Fang or merely to get the scepter was beyond him.

But there wasn’t time to worry about Diamondback’s loyalties. As they hoisted the armored dragon from the depths, they got a shock as Night Fire yanked the dragon’s helmet off to help her breath… and made a startling discovery.

“Princess Ember!” Night Fire gasped.

The others stared in shock as Ember snatched her helmet back, glaring around at them with a look like a cornered animal. “What do you all think you’re doing?” she demanded.

Jackknife grimaced. “Saving your ungrateful scales, for a start.”

Ember, however, stared at him in disgust. “A sea serpent? What’s he doing here?”

Spike stood proudly beside Jackknife. “He’s our friend.”

Ember grunted, and turned away. “Dragons don’t ‘do’ friends.”

“Fine,” Jackknife replied. “Then I’m the one who saved your sorry tail.”

Ember scoffed. “Whatever. I don’t care as long as none of you get in my way. I have a Gauntlet to win.” She glared up at the island. “I’ll show them all,” she muttered as she re-donned her helmet. “Everyone who thinks I’m just a little princess will see there are better things than being big or strong.”

Night Fire blinked, something resonating in her soul at those words. She ran up to join Ember… right as a dragon hit the ground before them, a boulder crushing him into the ground.

Night Fire didn’t hesitate. She ran over and kicked the boulder off the dragon… before realizing it was the red one she had gotten into a tussle with.

“Oh, great,” she noted. “You.”

The red dragon huffed, pulling himself up. “Surprised you’d help me out. You’re almost as soft as a pony.” He paused, sniffing. “Huh. You even smell like a pony.”

Night Fire’s eyes widened, and even Spike and Jack exchanged worried looks. Night Fire had spent a lot of time as Star Wing. Was her disguise failing?

Luckily, Ember spoke up. “That’s just me. I robbed some ponies on my way over here.”

The red dragon relaxed. “Huh. I like your style.” But then he paused again. “Have I met you before? You kinda look like…”

This time, Night Fire jumped in. “My neighbor,” she replied. “Cinder. We go pretty far back.”

The red dragon glared at the two of them before rolling his eyes. “Whatever. I’ve wasted enough time making small talk.” He glared up at the mountain. “That white dragoness and that dark dragon are getting too far ahead.” He smirked at the two. “Try to keep up, unless you want one of those two as Dragon Lord.” He scoffed as he kicked off and followed after them.”

But Ember couldn’t help but glance over at Night Fire. “Why’d you cover for me?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Night Fire noted, before letting her disguise fall briefly, and letting Ember see her alicorn form. Ember gasped and backed up, even as Night Fire assumed her form.

“Why don’t we work together?” she asked. “Two princesses against the world? You can have the scepter at the end of it all. And I’ll get the pleasure of knowing that you were right: that just because we’re princesses, doesn’t mean we’re not powerful. And that being smart trumps being strong any day.”

As the two gazed into each other’s eyes, Spike pointed at the others.

“Don’t you dare say I’m too young for this,” he noted.

Jackknife just grinned. “Wouldn’t dream of it, brother.”

“As long as Ember keeps that armor on,” Phoenix muttered.

Luckily, Ember did, as she and Night Fire took flight, rushing towards the volcano.

“Just so you know,” Ember added. “This doesn’t mean we’re gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever pony friends do.”

Night Fire chuckled. “I had something else in mind, but we’ll save that for when the challenge is over… and we’re alone.”

Spike wasn’t sure he wanted to know what that meant, but judging by the blush and intrigued look Ember gave her, it was probably something dragons did very well.


With Ember and Night Fire together, it was as if they could do no wrong. They dodged obstacles, battled various creatures, and even took out dragons that tried to knock them out of the game first.

Swift, Jackknife, Phoenix, Astral, Aurora and Spike kept up and did what they could to help, but for the most part, Ember and Night Fire seemed to have everything under control.

Until they reached the scepter… just in time to see Diamondback fall to Shade.

Using his scythe, Shade cut past Diamondback’s rapier, carving an X-shaped wound on her chest before kicking her over.

The white dragoness tried to rise back up, but Shade stomped on her head, leaving her barely conscious as she gazed up at her opponent’s eyes. She shuddered at the light of madness rooted in his mind.

“This is for betraying my trust at the trial,” he growled at her. “I’ll be sure to send your friends to you once we’re done here.” With that, he swung the scythe down…

Only for a familiar sword to block the blade.

Diamondback’s eyes widened as Astral forced Shade back, his calm but determined eyes instilling fear in the dark magic user.

“If you want to send my friends to the afterlife,” Astral growled. “You’ll have to kill me first. But I warn you; I’m not the same dragon you fought against all those months ago. I’ve been training all this time.” He assumed his battle stance. “Now count up your crimes, and prepare to fall.”

Diamondback’s eyes fluttered. “A-Astral…” she murmured. “Thank…” Her eyes shut, and she slumped into unconsciousness.

Smirking at her fallen form, Shade turned his eyes back to Astral. “So be it.” He struck fast, but Astral was prepared, skillfully returning the ferocity as the two clashed blades.

Night Fire rushed to help, but Ember grabbed her.

“Wait,” she said. “The scepter! It’s right…”

“There,” Night concluded. “So go grab it. I’ll make sure Shade over there doesn’t give us dark dragons a bad rep.”

Ember winced. “Well… it’s just…”

“I’ll be alright,” Night said confidently. “I can’t get the scepter anyway. It was always going to be one winner. One Dragon Lord.” Her smile grew warm. “And I know you’ll be the best.”

Ember blushed again, as Night rushed for Shade.

“Come on, ya’ll,” she declared, noticing Diamondback’s unconscious form. “And someone make sure DB doesn’t die!”

Swift nodded, rushing down with Phoenix to save her. Meanwhile, Jackknife joined Night Fire in battling Shade alongside Astral and Aurora.

But Spike noticed Ember looking back and forth between the scepter. He could see the care she felt for Night in her eyes. There was no way she could bring herself to abandon her.

So, Spike rushed forward. And as Ember groaned and rushed Shade, he climbed up and reached for the Bloodstone Scepter.

Just in time too, as Shade launched a wave of dark magic, launching his opponents across the battlefield and away from where the scepter resided.

“You fools don’t even know the full extent of the Bloodstone’s power,” Shade mocked. “Once I have it in my possession, I’ll be able to amass an army and finally secure my legacy!”

“Don’t be so sure, Shade Fang,” Spike snarled, holding up the scepter. “You face…” He felt his power grow as well as his form. “DRAGON LORD SPIKE!”

“Alright, Spike!” Aurora shouted.

“Good job, little buddy,” Astral cheered, raising his sword in victory.

“SPIKE-SPIKE-SPIKE-SPIKE!” Night Fire, Jackknife, Phoenix and Swift began to chant.

Even Ember afforded him a small smile of approval.

The only one not cheering was Shade, who boiled in fury.


He rushed at Spike, fully intent on carrying out his promise, only for Spike to slam the staff into the ground. “BE STILL!”

Shade Fang froze as if hit by an ice spell.

“Now,” the young Dragon Lord mused. “What to do with you?” The grin on Spike’s face made Shade wet himself in fear.

“Maybe you could have him clean every maw of all the dragons that have given into their greed,” Astral offered. “With a small toothbrush.”

“Have him do lava ballet for the entertainment of Torch,” Aurora asked, rubbing her claws together in pure glee.

“How about having him…” Night stopped herself. “Nah, you’re too young for that.”

Spike glared at Night for a moment… before an evil grin spread across his face. “Actually,” he said. “I have an idea.” He walked up to the frozen dragon, and whispered his command in his ear.

Reluctantly, but compelled by his burning scales, Shade Fang turned and obeyed, leaving the rest.

“What did you tell him to do?” Astral asked.

Spike merely grinned. “You’ll see.”

His grin made Astral and Swift shudder. “Remind me never to get on his bad side,” Swift asked.

Astral nodded in agreement.

Ember glanced up at him as she helped Night Fire to her feet. “Dragon Lord Spike,” she noted, a little irritated, but nodding all the same. “It does have a nice ring to it.”

Spike smiled and stepped down, offering the scepter to her. “Dragon Lord Ember sounds a lot better.”

Ember blinked and backed up. “What? No.” She pushed the scepter back. “You’re the Dragon Lord now.”

Spike shook his head. “The Dragon Lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father. Besides, you’ll make a great leader.” He nodded at Night. “I was just doing this to protect my people.” He grinned at Ember. “But I know you’ll protect them just as well as I would have.”

Ember reached hesitantly for the scepter. “You’re sure about this?”

Spike nodded. “My home is in Equestria. With my friends.”

Ember hummed, and took the scepter. But she still gave the group a grin. “Well… you’ll have at least one friend here too.”

Tearing up, Night embraced Ember, who gasped in shock.

“Uh, what are you doing?” Ember asked.

Night backed up. “It’s… called a hug. Don’t you guys have hugs?”

“Uh… kinda,” Ember noted, though she was blushing as she held Night. “Though it does go a little bit more… like this?”

As the two embraced, Phoenix’s eyes widened. “SHE’S GETTING HER ARMOR OFF!”

“GET OUTTA HERE, GUYS!” Night barked at them.

“YEAH, MOVE IT!” Ember barked, shaking the scepter ominously. “Don’t make me use this! I don’t want to be like Torch, but I will if I have to!”

Swift obediently covered Spike’s eyes and dragged him out.

“OH, COME ON, I’M NOT THAT YOUNG ANYMORE!” Spike groaned. But he couldn’t help but grin as the others left Night and Ember to their own devices.

“So,” Jackknife teased Astral as they left. “You and Aurora going to find a place to be alone as well?”

Aurora blushed furiously, while Astral jumped the sea serpent. The two began fighting fiercely as Astral defended his girlfriend’s honor, all while Jackknife cackled in glee.

Soon, the Dragon Lands would have a new leader, and a powerful ally.

The ponies were safe… for now.

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