• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 57: Return of the Storm King - Part 2

It didn’t take long to notice the massive ship flying after them.

“Guys,” Swift warned, “We’ve got a tail!”

Pinkie laughed. “Silly Swift, we all have tails.” She showed her own tail for emphasis.

“He means we’ve got someone on them!” Star noted, pointing back at the ship.

Pinkie hummed. “Well, they’re not ‘on’ our tails, yet. See?” She climbed onto Wing’s tail. “I’m the one on your tail now!” She turned back to the ship. “AND IT’S MY SPOT AND YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!” she yelled defiantly.

Spike did not expect Star to roll her eyes and groan at that. “Pinkie, seriously…” she muttered darkly.

“Uh, Star, you okay?” Spike asked.

“Me?” Star glared at him, her voice dripping in sarcasm. “Oh yeah; totally fine. I just got my mom frozen in obsidian because I couldn’t watch my flanks, and now I’m flying away into exile for the second time in my way-too-long life.” She paused. “Well… okay no, I got exiled from a couple of other places. But… you get the point; this was my home!”

“And we’re going to get it back,” Twilight assured. “The others will help us.”

“Not if these guys catch us first,” Swift warned. “I think they’re gaining.”

“HEY!” Pinkie shouted, bringing out her party cannon. “I SAID THIS WAS MY SPOT ON WING’S TAIL! GET YOUR OWN!” She fired a cake at them, but the cake plummeted before it got close.

“What a waste of a good cake,” Wing mumbled forlornly.

“We can’t fly together in a group like this,” Phoenix recommended. “They’ll overtake us long before we reach any of our allies. I recommend we split up.”

“Split up?” Star stammered. “Isn’t that like the one thing you should never do in a horror movie?”

“We’re not in a horror movie, Star,” Twilight reminded her.

“I don’t know, Twi,” Star said. “Long lost villain returned; took out our kingdom…” she paused. “Actually, that is more of a fantasy adventure than horror, isn’t it?”

“Look, the point is,” Spike said, “We have several allies out there. We just have to get to them. And we’ll not only cover more ground, but also force that ship to choose. There’s no way it can follow all of us; at least not at full power.”

“Agreed,” Twilight said, turning to Star. “Star, you have the best relationship with the dragons; you go after them.”

Star nodded, before Pinkie climbed over her. “Wait-a-minute,” Pinkie exclaimed, “I’ve got the best relationship with the yaks. They’ll help if I ask.”

“Yaks?” Spike asked.

“Long story,” Twilight said, focusing on Pinkie. “And yeah, Pinkie; you should go for the yaks.” She regarded the others. “Jackknife, you at least know some of the people in the hippogriff kingdom. You should see if you can call in a favor or two there.”

Jackknife grimaced. “I don’t know if they’ll listen…”

“Jack, the ship’s getting closer,” Swift snapped. “This is no time for an argument.”

“Swift,” Twilight seamlessly continued. “You go to the griffons. Hopefully Gabby, Gilda and Hawke have made enough progress there that you can ask them for help.”

Swift grimaced. “I’d feel a lot better about my chances if Diamondback and her money weren’t back in the kingdom.”

“Well, we’re just going to have to make do,” Twilight replied, turning to Spike. “Spike, you gave Thorax a chance when everyone else thought he was evil. See if he and his hive will still be interested in helping.”

“Will do,” Spike said, before glancing around at Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Phoenix and Twilight. “What about the rest of you? What will you be doing?”

“One of us should go with each of you,” Phoenix said, “Cover your backs.”

“I call the dragons!” Rainbow Dash said, flying to Star’s side. “I’ll help you knock some heads if need be,” she added with a grin. One that Wing returned half-heartedly.

“Pinkie will be faster if she has someone with wings on her side,” Phoenix noted, flying closer. “I’ll take her.”

“Yay!” Pinkie cheered, leaping from Wing to Phoenix.

“I’ll go with Jackknife,” Fluttershy offered. “Give him some wings to help speed his travels.”

“And I’ll help Swift out,” Applejack added, hopping onto Swift’s back. “Give him some backup if them griffons decide to be difficult.”

Spike smiled at Twilight. “Sounds like that leaves me and you to get the changelings,” he noted.

Twilight smiled back, before glancing worriedly at the ship, which was now close enough that they could see Tempest glowering at them.

“No time for a big speech,” Twilight noted, looking to the others. “Everybody… Equestria is counting on us. The Princesses, Diamondback, Rarity, our families… we save or fail them all in the next few hours. Let’s not let them down.”

“OOHA!” Jackknife boomed, before the group split, flying off in different directions.


Back on Tempest’s ship, the unicorn’s eyes widened as the group split into five duos, each winging away in different directions.

“Splitting up, I see?” Tempest mused.

“Don’t they know that’s the one way to get got in horror movies?” Grubber asked, leaning against the railing and munching on some cake.

“Unfortunately, it means we have to divide our forces,” Tempest muttered, her eyes darting between Star Wing and Twilight. She hummed as her eyes started to focus more on the daughter of Luna. “Luna’s brat wasn’t the easiest fight. It would probably be better to get her before the others.”

“What about the sea serpent?” Grubber asked, pointing as he made his way north with Fluttershy. “The King said that he had been a massive spanner in the works.”

“He was only a threat because he had friends,” Tempest refuted. “Alone, he is barely worth my time.”

Grubber shook his head. “I ain’t willing to believe that if the Storm King’s taking notice of him over the rest.” He headed towards the nearest individual boat. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going after him.”

Tempest glared at the hedgehog, but sighed. “Fine,” she said. “But my priority lies in capturing the alicorn princesses.” She returned to the wheel and spun it. “And I know exactly where to start.”


As Spike and Twilight made for the changeling kingdom, Spike kept looking back over his shoulder. Though the ship had turned away and ceased pursuit of them, he knew that only meant that at least two of his friends were in danger.

Who had Tempest gone after? Star and Dash? Jackknife and Fluttershy? Applejack and Swift? Or perhaps Phoenix and Pinkie?

If she went after Star and Dash, she’ll be sorry, he tried to tell himself. Those two will take her on no problem.

But his thoughts had a hard time confirming that when recalling the memory of Star lying battered and beaten at Tempest’s hooves the first time they fought.

And what about Fluttershy? The poor girl’s not built for combat!

“Spike?” Twilight asked, noticing his pained expression.

Spike tried to collect himself. “I… I’m sorry, Twi. I just…”

“I know,” Twilight assured him. “I can’t stop thinking about them either.” She looked back with unshed tears, before turning her gaze forward. “But we can’t help them by turning back now. We said we’d get the changelings, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

“I just hope Thorax can help,” Spike whispered worriedly, even as the Hive slowly came into view.

Unfortunately, no sooner had they gotten within shouting range, than the air shimmered around them, and several darker colored changelings appeared, surrounding them.

“Whoa, wait, hang on,” Spike called, raising his hands. “We’re friendly; we’re not hostile.”

“State your business,” one of the changelings hissed.

Twilight swallowed, but took the plunge. “Equestria’s in danger. We need to speak to King Thorax.”

The changelings glanced at each other. Spike did not like the small grins several of them were sharing.

“And why should the King be bothered with what’s going on outside his kingdom?” another changeling asked.

“Because we’re friends,” Spike insisted. “And friends look out for each other.”

“Do they?” sneered the biggest changeling - ironically not Pharynx. “Is that why you were so afraid of what would happen if he met up with that Dragon Lord?”

Spike felt the color drain from his scales. “How did you…?”

“Did you really think Thorax would go into Equestria alone? Without some sort of protection?” the changeling mocked. “We were following from the shadows. We saw how you reacted to him; how terrified you were about the changelings and the dragons getting into a war.”

“Well, it didn’t happen,” Twilight insisted bravely. “They got along fine.”

“No thanks to him,” the changeling dismissed, jutting a chin at Spike. “He just sat back and fretted, having no faith that they could get along.”

Spike forced himself to breathe and look at the situation calmly. “I was worried about my friend potentially getting hurt,” he replied.

“And how do you know he won’t get hurt helping you?” the changeling shot back. “What kind of ‘danger’ is Equestria in right now?”

Spike matched the changelings glare. “That depends,” he replied. “What kind of danger is the Hive in from Chrysalis?”

The changeling stiffened. Several bore fangs at each other. The air grew so thick with tension that Spike swore he could cut it with his claws.

“That’s none of your business,” the changeling snarled.

“No?” Twilight asked. “Because it was ponies who aided King Thorax in overthrowing her reign of terror.”

“It wasn’t…” one changeling spat, before the others hissed at him.

Twilight and Spike glanced at each other, Spike feeling fire warming his throat. “Unless some of you want her back,” he said, “Might even be planning to take King Thorax out yourselves.”

To his immense relief, several of the changelings turned their fangs onto their siblings. “If that’s come up again,” one of the smaller changelings snarled. “I’ll bite your eyes out. Thorax is our brother; our new king. Our loyalty is to him and him alone!”

“In that case,” Spike said. “Take us to him. Because if we don’t talk to him immediately, you guys will lose one of his best friends.”

“And your best allies against Chrysalis,” Twilight concluded.

A quarter of the changelings looked downright livid, but they were outnumbered by the more clearly loyal changelings, who formed a protective ring around Spike and Twilight, and led them into the Hive.

“It’s good you brought that up,” a voice noted, before Pharynx shimmered into visibility just outside the entrance. “We’ve still got plenty of changelings who were loyal to Chrysalis first and foremost. Thorax has been doing his best with them, but…” Pharynx shook his head. “Not everyone will do the right thing with a second chance.”

Twilight swallowed nervously, but Spike forced himself to stay calm. Equestria was counting on these people. He couldn’t afford to break down.

Even as they reached King Thorax, and he ran to them with a look of pure concern and kindness.

“Spike?” he asked. “Princess Twilight?” he looked between them. “What’s going on?”

“Equestria’s in danger,” Twilight said.

“An old enemy of ours called the Storm King,” Spike clarified. “He invaded our home and has laid siege to Canterlot.”

Thorax’s eyes only widened for a second, before he grinned. “And you need our support?”

Twilight nodded.

“You got it.”

Spike perked up.

“J-Just like that?” Twilight asked.

Spike felt the urge to smack the back of Twilight’s head, but as he contained the urge, Thorax chuckled.

“Princess,” he said. “When we met, I let Chrysalis turn me into a monster.” He looked up in wistful sorrow. “We invaded Canterlot… we caused so much terror and pain. And now, we have the opportunity to make it right?” He stood tall before them. “Oh yes; you can more than count on the changeling’s aid against this threat.”

Spike couldn’t hold back his urges, and hugged Thorax. Luckily, Thorax was more than happy to hug him back.

Twilight herself was almost crying in relief. “That was… a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.”

Spike just smiled at her, though his smile faded as he looked outside the Hive.

He had no idea if the others would have as easy of a time.

But they have to try, he reminded himself. The fate of Equestria could well depend on it.

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