• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 51: Not So Quiet on the Changeling Front

With Chrysalis and Shade seemingly defeated, Thorax now safely stationed as King of the Changelings, and Starlight, Trixie, and Discord all hailed as heroes, Spike wanted to believe that he and his friends had earned a break. A chance to kick back, relax and enjoy some time either together or with Twilight and her friends as they enjoyed a hopefully long peace.

Unfortunately, it seemed Jackknife had other plans in that regard. As he proved when he kicked open the door to Twilight’s library, and dragged Spike out by the tail with only a desperate, “Ya gotta see dis!”

“Jack?! What are… hey!” Spike yelped as he was dragged over rocks, grass and mud.

By the time he managed to free himself, Jackknife had carried him far out of Ponyville, all the way back to the Changeling Kingdom.

“Dude,” Spike protested, “Can you just tell me what’s…”

He got an answer as Jackknife pointed. Further away from the changeling kingdom, a group of changelings had gathered. All of them were muttering among themselves, with dark looks in their eyes.

Spike groaned. “Is that what I think it is?”

“If yer thinking ‘Changelings still loyal to Chrysalis,’ then yeah,” Jackknife replied, briefly shifting his watery form to resemble a changeling - albeit a very soaked one. “I managed to eavesdrop enough on em. They ain’t happy that Thorax is in charge.”

Spike narrowed his eyes. “You think they might try to get Chrysalis out?”

“Ain’t sure,” Jackknife replied. “All I know is they got the drop on us once already.” Jackknife curled his fist. “I ain’t letting that happen twice.”

Spike looked up towards the Changeling Kingdom. “Let’s let Thorax know. He’s their king now; he should know about this.”

“And what if they overthrow him?” Jackknife asked. “Put one of their own in charge and rally the Hive?”

Spike grinned. “That’s why we’ll be right by his side.”

Jackknife grinned at that, and gave him a bro-fist. “My dragon.”


Unfortunately, they caught sight of Thorax as he was on his way back from the Equestrian ceremony celebrating his aid in freeing Equestria. With the metal of valor shining on his chest and his eyes bright and happy, Spike almost felt sorrow at breaking the new Changeling King’s good mood.

But before he could consider backing out and trying to handle the changelings without Thorax, the new Changeling King spotted Jackknife waving at him, and touched down to meet with them.

“Spike?” Thorax asked curiously. “What brings you back here?”

Before Spike could reply, Jackknife got in front of him. “You got problems in yer kingdom,” Jackknife replied. “We spotted a couple o’ changelings who ain’t happy Chrysalis ain’t in charge no more.”

Thorax grimaced. “I figured there would be some resistance.” He brightened. “But you saw the difference with Chrysalis; she could act warm and motherly, but the minute one disagreed with her, she got violent.” He looked towards the Hive with a smile. “Maybe I can show that I’m different by encouraging debate. Sharing ideas… just like sharing love.” He grinned at both of them. “That’s got to work better than just stamping them down, right?”

Jackknife didn’t look convinced. “If they like Chrysalis’ way better, they may attack you if you let yer guard down.”

Spike interjected. “At least… let us come with you. Make sure you don’t have any trouble.”

Thorax rubbed his chin. “I don’t want my Hive to think I’ve forgotten about them…”

“And we don’t want these Chrysalis-Loyalists taking you out,” Jackknife replied, shifting his form into that of a wet changeling again. “Don’t worry; we’re just thinking about the safety of both yer Kingdom and Equestria.”

Thorax still looked uncertain, but nodded. “Alright.”


Despite Jackknife’s disguise, Spike could feel the eyes of the changelings on him as he joined Thorax back at the throne that used to be Chrysalis’.

Thorax cleared his throat, already noticing sour looks from some of the changelings - changelings that Spike recognized from the clearing.

“Well,” Thorax started carefully, “We can all agree that things are never going to be quite the same again.” He looked down. “Chrysalis… our mother… has invoked the wrath of both Equestria and the Dragons. She nearly pulled us into a war that we could not win.”

Some of the changelings looked at each other nervously, but Spike noticed the dissenters hissing or scoffing with disbelief.

“All of you saw how she reacted when one of us did not go with her plans,” Thorax continued. “She grew violent and temperamental. That is not a tactic I wish to go with.” He gazed among his siblings. “I may be your king now, but I will always first and foremost be your brother. Your sibling. Your broodmate. So please…” He extended his hoof out to them. “If you have concerns about the Hive and where we are going to go, share them with me. It is my goal to ensure that the Changeling Kingdom prospers, and that its citizens never starve again.”

One of the dissenters immediately spoke up. “So what are the specifics for our… ‘alliance’ with Equestria?” He shot a venomous look in Spike's direction. “Has Celestia already given orders? Maybe demands that we give up all weaponry?”

“Is that why the dragon’s here?” another one of the dissenters asked.

Spike winced, shooting a glare Jackknife’s way, but Jackknife’s focus was only on the dissenters. Thorax, for his part, kept his cool.

“Pharynx,” he said to the first dissenter. “Brother. I have heard murmurs of your discontent…”

“You mean the dragons are scared of us,” Pharynx asked. “Good.” he glared at Jackknife. “I could see your disguise from a mile away, sea dragon. You’re even worse at hiding than you are at fighting.”

Jackknife’s changeling disguise fell away as he nearly rounded, his snake-fangs already baring. “You hit me in the back! You didn’t fight with honor!”

“HONOR?!” Pharynx demanded. “What has honor brought any of us? If we lived honorably, we would’ve all starved to death!”

“And if we had done things Chrysalis’ way,” Thorax interjected before Jackknife could argue, “We all would’ve been killed with the very love that she claimed was going to save us.” He gazed into his brother’s eyes. “You remember Canterlot, brother? How these dragons summoned the Elements? The power behind them?”

“I more than remember,” Pharynx growled. “And it seems they’ve been quite eager to remind you.”

“They didn’t need to remind me of anything,” Thorax replied, somehow still remaining even-tempered despite the shade Pharynx was throwing his way. “The only one who needed to be reminded was Chrysalis. She let vengeance and pride consume her, turn her away from keeping the Hive safe. And now look where she’s at? Tartarus.” He looked around, his gaze turning sad. “None of you deserve that. I don’t want that to happen to any of you.” He looked back to Pharynx. “So, please… let’s do better than she did.”

Pharynx almost seemed to consider his brother’s words, but then he glanced at Spike and Jackknife again. “With their help?”

Spike glanced at Jackknife, who still looked ready to leap on Pharynx and rip him a new one. “No,” Spike said quickly, stepping between Jackknife and Pharynx. “King Thorax does not serve Equestria. Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom can work together towards a better future, but only if you all want it. That’s not a decision we have any right to make for you.”

Pharynx sneered. “Then why are you here?”

Jackknife rose up behind Spike. “Cuz Thorax is Spike’s friend,” Jackknife replied. “And if you do anything to hurt him, yer answering to me!”

Pharynx’s face flushed with fury. “I do anything to hurt him?! I DO ANYTHING?!” He got in Jackknife’s face. “THORAX IS MY BROTHER, YOU SALT-SUCKING WORM! YOU’RE THE ONES WHO TRIED TO HURT HIM BACK AT CANTERLOT!”

“Jack, STOP!” Spike yelped, grabbing Jacknife’s fist before he could drive it into Pharynx’s face. Thorax as well used his magic to hold Pharynx back.


“Then why did you meet outside the Hive with a bunch of others?” Spike asked. “Muttering about how Thorax wasn’t a good king?”

Pharynx froze, while Thorax and the other changelings all watched him warily. Pharynx sighed.

“Because…” He looked to his king and brother. “Because I don’t want you to let kindness be your undoing… my king.” He lowered his head in a brief bow, but his gaze didn’t stray from Thorax’s eyes. “You were always the good one among us; the one who wanted to talk things out rather than fight. And we both know that nearly got you hurt, even killed a few times.”

Thorax released Pharynx, allowing Pharynx to walk up to Thorax.

“I want to protect you from that,” Pharynx insisted. “I want to make sure that you and this Hive are safe. Against everyone that would threaten us.”

Thorax nodded slowly. “I understand,” he said, patting his brother. “We may not have to steal love anymore, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to lose our fangs.” He looked to Spike. “If there’s one thing I learned from Equestria, it’s that friendship is a two-lane street. What one receives, one must give back.” He turned to Pharynx. “We will not lose our fangs. If anything threatens this Hive, we will fight it… and we will beat it.”

Spike wanted to add, ‘And we’ll help,’ but the look in Pharynx’s eyes held him back. He got the sense Pharynx didn’t want to hear anything from them. Keeping Jackknife back, he watched as Pharynx mulled over Thorax’s words.

One second passed. Then two seconds. Three…

Just when Spike could barely stand it anymore, Pharynx sighed and looked up.

“That’s all that I want,” Pharynx assured Thorax.

Smiling, Thorax hugged his brother. “You were always the fighter,” he praised. “The one I could count on to have my back against the cruel and evil parts of the world. I promise that I will pay you back.”

Pharynx scoffed. “Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves,” he noted.

Chuckling, Thorax briefly glanced at Spike, motioning for him to head out.

Nodding, Spike pulled Jackknife along, leaving the Changeling Kingdom behind.


As they walked, Jackknife gazed at the ground, pondering.

“You okay, buddy?” Spike asked.

“Just… thinking,” Jackknife admitted, glancing back. “Pharynx was the one who captured me. He beat me… cocooned me… and if I’m being honest, I just wanted payback for that. Seeing him apparently planning a coup? Felt like the perfect way to get him back for what he did to me. But… hearing what he said. About how much he cares for Thorax…” He looked at Spike. “He’s a lot like me, now that I think about it.”

“Hot-headed?” Spike asked. “Eager to help his family?”

“I ain’t eager to help my family,” Jackknife admitted, glaring to the north. “My family abandoned me. They said it was wrong to fight. That it was better to submit.” He looked at Spike. “But I am eager to help my friends.”

Spike pat his shoulder. “And when the time comes, we’ll definitely need your strength.” He looked back at the Hive. “But don’t forget that not every problem needs to be punched to be solved. Sometimes, it is possible to talk things out. Balancing when to talk and when to fight can mean the difference between peace and war.”

Jackknife smirked. “I guess you had plenty of time to figure that out, huh?”

Spike glanced back towards Equestria. Towards Starlight. “You could say that,” he admitted.

Jackknife huffed a laugh, before patting Spike’s back. “Thanks, brother,” he said. “C’mon; drinks ‘re on me.”

Spike brightened, and followed Jackknife. After all the adventures he had, he could use a nice quiet drink.

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