• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 2,272 Views, 540 Comments

The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 23: The New World Arc; Part Three

As crazy as Night Fire was, Spike expected her to call even his explanation crazy. The idea that he and Phoenix were dragons from an alternate universe out to get back a magic crown stolen by Sunset? Surely even a girl who thought she was some kinda dragon-wolf hybrid would think that was nuts.

Luckily for Spike, he couldn’t have been more wrong.

Night Fire clapped in glee. “This is so exciting!” she declared happily. “Dragons from alternate dimensions coming to see ME?!” She practically danced in joy, before pausing. “Hey! Do dragons steal princesses, or do they just have crushes on them and want to be loved?”

“Crushes and that’s not the point,” Spike insisted.

“Yeah,” Phoenix said. “Right now, we need to stop Sunset from taking that crown and doing who-knows-what to your school.”

Night Fire pounded her fist into her hand. “Right. It’s time.” She turned to Diamondback the poodle, Jackknife the snake and Swift the parakeet. “Alright lady and gentlemen. Our world is in danger, and it’s up to us to save it.” She threw a notepad to Swift. “Captain’s log!” she declared, causing Swift to start trying to write. “We’re embarking into hostile environment.” She turned to Diamondback. “DB, Princess Twilight will need to win the hearts and the minds of the natives!” She turned to Jackknife. “Jack; we’ll need special tactical equipment.” She turned to the school. “We’re going to face extreme peril… Swift probably won’t survive.”

Swift dropped the pen he had been trying to manipulate with a gasp.


“Oh, he’ll survive, I’m just being weird,” Night Fire admitted.

Spike sighed and turned to Phoenix… only to find Phoenix heading towards the school. Spike blinked. “Phi?”

Phoenix ignored him, focused on one of the corridors in the school. Spike followed, and saw just what had caught her interest: Twilight and Sunset were at it again.

“But I’d cut down on the chatter if I were you,” Sunset was sneering to Twilight. “Don’t want everyone to know you don’t belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please.” She turned away. “You don’t know the first thing about fitting in.”

Spike growled at the hurtful words, but Phoenix motioned for him to be quiet. She peeked up over the window, as Sunset sauntered past a corner, and right to Snips and Snails.

“I want you to follow her,” she said. “Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me.”

Snips saluted. “You got it, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset turned away with a grin, causing Spike and Phoenix to hide again. “When the crown and it’s power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world. Not that she would’ve been much safer had she stayed in Equestria.”

Snips giggled. “Yeah, in Equestria.”

Sunset whirled on him. “What are you still doing here? Go!”

She kicked at the boy, and Phoenix snarled, only for Spike to pull her down as Sunset stormed past them.

“Evil tyrant,” Phoenix snarled, looking after Snips and Snails. “We can’t let them think that’s okay.”

“Not to worry,” Night Fire replied, unveiling a key. “Look what I got.”

Spike tilted his head. “A key?”

Night Fire promptly unlocked the window and opened it. “Alon-Ze!” Night Fire declared, jumping in with DB, Jack and Swift following after.

Phoenix and Spike exchanged a surprised grin, before jumping in after them.


They soon found Snips and Snails outside the library.

“Got your phone?” Snips asked.

Snails pulled out his phone. “Got yours?”

Snips pulled out his own, before Night Fire joined them.

“Got mine!” she declared, happily showing off her own phone.

Snips and Snails yelped, jumping back from her.

“S-Star…” Snips stammered. “I-I mean, Night Fire. W-What are you doing here?”

“Wondering what you’re doing here,” Night Fire replied, glancing inside, and doing a double take at the antics Twilight was getting up to. It was clear the poor girl was adjusting very badly to life as a human instead of a pony. “Oh my…”

“I know, right?” Snails noted, trying to record it with his phone. “This’ll be perfect for Sunset Shimmer.”

Night Fire exchanged a glance with Spike and Phoenix, and grabbed Snails phone.

“Yeah, glad you mentioned that,” Night Fire noted, “Uh… why are you doing what she says?”

Snails and Snips glanced at each other. “She… lets us hang out with her if we do?” Snails offered.

“Yeah, she’s hot,” Snips added.

Night Fire grinned. “I’m hot.”

Snails tilted his head. “That’s probably just because you’re wearing a fur suit.”

Night Fire’s face fell. Sighing, Phoenix stepped forward.

Spike realized what she was doing too late. “Phi, wait…”

But his small bark only drew the boys’ attention, and they stared down as Phoenix came up to them.

“Boys, listen to me,” she said. “You can do so much better than Sunset. She doesn’t deserve your loyalty and if you do this…”

“AHHHHHHHH!!!” Snails screamed.

“TALKING DOG!” Snips agreed, the boys booking it for the hills.

In an instant, students and teachers were out in the halls, staring in shock at Night Fire and the animals she had with her.

Spike huddled close to Night Fire’s legs, glaring at Phoenix as she looked down in horror.

“Uh…” Night Fire mumbled, before picking Spike up. “Looks like my ventriloquism act is a real DASH.” She glanced at Spike. “Right Spike?”

Before Spike could reply, she made his mouth move like a puppet.

Oof, Night Fire,” Night mumbled out of the corner of her mouth. “If you’re gonna go with jokes like that, you’re in for a ‘ruff’ time.”

Night Fire struck a pose with Spike on her head. Only one student giggled.


Night Fire sat in the Vice Principal’s office, her head down in shame. Spike curled up next to her with a small whimper, Phoenix covering her own head in shame. Diamondback sat regally, while Swift fluttered over to Night’s shoulder, and Jackknife slithered around her arm, both looking at her in concern.

Though luckily, Vice Principal Luna seemed to only be more disappointed than mad.

“Star,” she said. “How many times have we discussed this?”

Night Fire shifted. “Um… it’s Night…”

“Don’t,” Luna said, her soft tone dropping.

Night flinched in her seat. “Yes, ma’am.”

Luna stood. “You and Fluttershy know that pets are not allowed on school grounds. We simply do not have the proper environment for them to thrive in.”

“I know, it’s just…” Night winced. Even though she had accepted Spike’s story, Spike knew in his heart that his story would seem ludicrous to anyone else. Thankfully, Night seemed to realize this, before picking Spike up. “Spike here really missed his human friend. Uh, Twilight, I think her name is.”

Luna checked her watch. “Well, luckily, the school day is just about over, so you can reunite them sooner rather than later.” She moved to open one of her drawers, before sighing. “I can’t keep covering for you, Star,” she noted, turning back to her. “These ‘fantasies’ of yours… they are a horrible way to impress yourself upon people.”

Night Fire grimaced. “They aren’t fantasies,” she said. “They’re who I am.” She gazed up at her mother, and Spike was shocked to see tears in this otherwise perky girl’s eyes. “I thought you’d accept that by now.”

Luna looked away in regret, but opened the drawer and pulled out some plain looking clothes; a sweater, t-shirt, jeans and boots. “I have my duties as vice principal,” she said. “And this is the last time I can choose you over them.” She pressed the clothing down before Night Fire. “Get yourself dressed in these, and then return your animals to their proper homes. We’ll discuss this more in depth tonight.” Then she walked over to the door, and shut it. However, they could see her silhouette outside, waiting for Night to get properly dressed.

Briefly glancing around for an escape, Night sighed, and reluctantly began to peel herself out of her fur suit.

“I’m sorry,” Phoenix whimpered.

“Sh,” Spike hissed, remembering how Snips had reacted.

“It’s not your fault,” Night whispered.

“But it is,” Phoenix whispered. “Who was I to assume I could get through to that poor kid?”

Night managed a smile at her. “Someone with a good heart,” she replied, before letting her fur suit hit the ground.

Spike turned away, trying to give her some element of privacy… and his eyes widened at what he saw.

“The crown!” he whispered, drawing Phoenix and even Night’s attention.

It was right there; sitting on a red cushion with a glass casing.

Phoenix stepped towards it. “We could… just grab it,” she noted. “Just take it and go.”

Night winced. “But… Mom will know I took it,” she said. “She’ll be furious at me if I lose it.”

Spike flinched as well. “Night, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “But we need that crown. Sunset will do something terrible with it if we don’t…”

“Star Wing, it does not take that long to get dressed,” Luna barked. “Move it!”

Night winced, glancing back at her mother. Spike desperately tried to think of something he could say - some way he could convince her.

But then Phoenix spoke.


Spike turned to her. “Phi?”

Phoenix shook her head. “I’m not getting Night in more trouble than she already is,” she insisted. She looked up at Night. “We’ll find another way. Don’t get yourself in more trouble than you already are.”

Night gazed down at Phoenix with a look that spoke of a shattered heart. “But… Sunset’s evil scheme…” she looked over at Swift and Jackknife, who puffed themselves up with pride.

And Spike saw a bit of Night’s old energy come back.


They found Twilight wandering out of the library with a terrified look.

“Oh, Spike!” Twilight said, racing over to scoop him into her arms.

“Hey, Twi,” Spike said. “You okay?”

Twilight glanced back. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I did as much research as I could; tried to understand how this place works… but I forgot to think about where we’re gonna sleep tonight?”

Spike and Phoenix exchanged a small grin. “How about back home?” Phoenix replied, before Night Fire stepped between them, holding up the crown.

Twilight’s jaw fell open. “Wha… bu… but how?!”

“Had to visit my mom,” Night Fire replied with a grin, though her grin faded as she glared down at her lack of a fur suit. “She stepped out to make me dress in this stuff, and big boy Swift here…” she pat the bird’s beak. “Managed to carry the crown right out the window.”

Phoenix chuckled. “I guess you were right about Swift probably not surviving: you were just talking about his reputation at school.”

“A trivial sacrifice when the world’s at stake,” Night replied with a grin, before stroking Swift’s feathers. “Ain’t that right, my courageous eagle?”

Twilight gazed in awe at Swift as he puffed his chest out with a proud twitter.

“N-Night Fire,” Twilight stammered, holding the crown to her chest. “You have no idea how much this means to me…”

“I’ve got a few ideas,” Night replied, grinning at Spike. “I was always hoping alternate dimensional dragons would one day come to see me.”

Twilight’s grin faded, and she stared at Spike. “You… told her?”

“It worked out, didn’t it?” Spike offered, pointing out the crown.

Twilight gazed down at it, and her resolve strengthened. “Yeah,” she said. “Let’s get this back.”

The group began to run back for the school. But as Phoenix paused to clench at one of her old war wounds… she noticed Snips in the shadows.

“Er… talking dog,” Snips whispered, offering a treat. He tried for a silent whistle that only resulted in spit. “C’mere. C’mere!”

Phoenix glanced back at the others, but her worry for the boys got the best of her, and she walked back.

“Listen,” Snips said. “You were right. We deserve way better than Sunset. Can you help us with your… magic talking dog powers?”

Phoenix’s ears perked. She drew closer. “Of course, I can,” she replied. “You just need…”

Suddenly, something heavy slammed down on top of Phoenix. She was flipped to her back, and hog-tied with rope. Before she could bark or cry out for her friends, more rope bound her muzzle shut.

From the shadows, Phoenix’s eyes widened as Sunset leered down at her.

“I just need that crown,” Sunset growled. “And you’re going to help me get it.”

Author's Note:

Sorry to end it here, guys, but some stuff IRL came up, and I also worried about the final battle and resolution making the chapter longer than I was comfortable with.

Never worry though, I'll have the final battle and ending to this arc posted next week. And I hope that it'll be worth the wait.

Thanks as always for reading, and I hope you have a great day. :pinkiehappy:

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