• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 68: The Really Dirty Dozen - Part Three

The way out was blocked by rubble. Even with everyone pushing together, they couldn’t lift the remains of the United Species Academy completely off the trap door. The best they could do was open the trap door enough to view the battle going down between Starlight’s group and the what could best be described as the Really Dirty Dozen.

And it admittedly wasn’t anything to write home about. Trixie had already vanished; though she had held her own against Chrysalis well enough, even Spike had to admit she had no business fighting dragons.

Meanwhile, Starlight battled against Mean Star Wing. “You’re not the first alicorn I’ve fought,” Starlight declared defiantly.

Mean Wing giggled insanely. “No, but I am probably the first psychopath you’ve fought,” she pointed out, taking one of Starlight’s spells in the mouth, and literally swallowing the spell with a disturbing lick of her lips. “Delicious!” she declared, even as steam hissed from her throat… which unfortunately turned out to be a fire spell of sorts, as she sent Starlight tumbling with a blast of dragon fire.

Discord was having a slightly better time of it, as he regularly flattened Mean Jackknife with anvils, a ship and a train. And when Mean Jackknife tried to grab him with blood-bending, nothing happened.

“Oh, dear,” Discord noted. “Is your little party trick not working? Here, let me help you!” His eyes went slit pupiled in malicious glee as he turned Mean Jackknife’s hand into a riot hose, and made it blast him full in the face.

Despite the comical beatdown, Mean Jackknife shook off the water and stood up. “Yer still weak, old man,” he mocked. “What’s the matter? Haven’t done enough good deeds yet?”

“For your information,” Discord replied pompously. “I’ve done five hundred good deeds, which has gotten me back 5% of my power.” He summoned a massive boulder. “And with the help of Mr. Boulder here, let’s see if squashing you might get me up to 6%.”

As he chased Mean Jackknife, Spike’s attention got drawn to Mean Swift, as he charged recklessly at Aurora with a shriek.

Aurora fired icicle after icicle at Mean Swift, and with each successful hit, more of his body began to freeze. Yet Mean Swift somehow found a way to keep on trucking, the ice struggling to impact his speed.

And as for Astral and Phoenix… Spike winced as Astral was flung to the ground by Mean Phoenix.

“Is this the best you have to offer?” Mean Phoenix demanded. “I’m disappointed. I thought that one of my kind might actually provide some sort of a challenge.”

Astral’s aura flared as his spines became an inferno and his body bulked up. This time, more changes occurred: the end of his tail and forelimbs turned golden, his spines turned blue, and the markings on his face turned white.

Astral raised his swords. “You want a challenge? Then I’ll give you a challenge.”

Despite his power, Mean Phoenix merely grinned. “Now that’s more like it!”

As the two dragons did battle, Spike also saw the Mean Six sneaking by them. With Trixie missing and all the others engaged in combat, there was nothing to stop the dark versions of the Mane Six from causing havoc to the town.

Spike thrust his shoulder up against the trap door, but the rubble from the Academy held fast, and he and his friends soon had to drop back down.

As the others groaned, Spike looked around for the diamond dogs. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be seen.

“Did any of the diamond dogs get down here with us?” Spike asked.

“I didn’t see em,” Gallus muttered. “I was too busy getting my tail kicked in.”

Smolder didn’t reply, her head hung low as she curled into a fetal position. Before Spike could ask what was wrong with her, Ocellus spoke up.

“Maybe they already went to go look for help,” she offered, pointing to several caverns that led into shadows.

“Without us?” Silver Stream asked, watching the caverns worriedly. “Doesn’t sound right. Dogs are supposed to… not do that… right? Not leave without their friends.”

“Their home got taken over and their best friend got embedded into a wall,” Phoenix pointed out.

“Phi, that’s not helping,” Jackknife chastised.

“And neither is conforming to stereotypes,” Sandbar muttered.

Spike looked to Sandbar… only to notice Twilight. His face fell in horror. “No. No-no-no…”

Twilight lay on her side, her eyes closed and her body limp. The rise and fall of her chest was the only sign of life. Queen Sapphire, Applejack and Fluttershy were tending to her, but both looked worried.

“T-Twi?” Spike asked, kneeling down next to her.

“M-Mean Swift went for her,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I-I guess he thought she was the catalyst or something.”

“She’s still alive,” Sapphire assured him. “And she’ll make a full recovery.”

“It’s just a bonk on the head, Spike,” Applejack assured him. “She’s gonna be fine; she’ll just be outta it for a while.”

“But for how long?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “We’ve gotta get out of here! We’ve got to…”

“Do what?” Spike demanded. “We don’t have Diamondback, Star or Swift, so our Elements are out of the question. And now Twilight’s down, which means your Elements won’t work either.”

“We can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Rainbow Dash insisted.

“I saw what’s going on up there,” Spike argued. “Astral pulled out some sort of super mode, and all it did was amuse the dark version of Phoenix up there. Without the Elements or some kind of super mode, we’ll get folded like laundry.”

“No-no-no,” Rarity muttered, looking to Phoenix. “Phoenix, you said that thing was a dark reflection of who you were before, but even you got taken down.”

“Gee,” Phoenix muttered. “Thanks for the reminder.”

“This is no time to get sad about the past,” Applejack said. “How’d the dogs beat you last time?”

“Guys…?” Spike asked, not liking the look on Phoenix’s face as the ponies crowded her.

“There’s gotta be a way,” Applejack said. “Anyway!”

Phoenix lowered her head. “They got me while I was asleep. I don’t know if that dark version of me is going to be sleeping any time soon.”

Rainbow Dash looked down, shaking her head. “No… no-no-no-NO!” She kicked at the wall. “I won’t just sit here and wait to die! I won’t let those scumbags destroy my home.”

“Then why don’t you follow the Young Six?” Pinkie asked, pointing to the caverns. “Looks like they’re willing to see where these tunnels lead and if the diamond dogs made them.”

At that moment, Spike finally realized they were six members short. Panic closed over his heart; Twilight was down, and those kids had been her responsibility. If the other species blamed her for their disappearances…

“Fluttershy, Applejack; stay with Sapphire and Twilight,” he ordered. “See what you can do for her.”

Fluttershy and Sapphire nodded. “I will.”

He turned to the caverns, counting six of them. “Jack, Phi, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie… pick a tunnel and start exploring.”

Without waiting for a response, Spike delved into the cavern in front of him, letting himself be swallowed by shadows.


Back up top, Trixie held her breath. Turned out exploring where the Really Dirty Dozen had come from was more productive than trying to fight them. Because she beheld Sombra and Shade, both standing over Star Wing, who was writhing in agony as Sombra hit her with dark spell after dark spell.

Further away, Trixie saw Star’s friends Swift and Diamondback - were there two of them? - and the little filly Cozy Glow, all being watched over by a second, darker Spike.

Being quieter than she ever imagined she was capable of being, Trixie crept her way over to the prisoners. As she tried to figure out how to distract Mean Spike without getting caught herself, Sombra suddenly let out a roar of frustration, drawing Mean Spike’s attention.

HOW?!” the dark lord bellowed in outrage. “That spell should have broken the minds of ten different mares!” He backed up from Star, who was panting and gasping on the ground. “What… are you?!”

Despite wincing in internal pain, Star glared up at the two lords with a downright disturbing grin. “You both are pathetic,” she hissed.

Mean Spike stepped forward with narrowed eyes, hand on his sword. Shade, however, placed an arm in front of his apprentice before looking at the alicorn. “Explain yourself.”

As Mean Spike focused on Star Wing, Trixie caught the eye of one of the Diamondbacks. The dragoness’ eyes widened in hope, before she looked to Star Wing.

Star didn’t look at Diamondback either, but her grin grew wider as she pulled herself up as much as her bindings would allow. “Did you both forget? For a thousand years, I roamed the lands outside Equestria. Outside the Dragon Kingdom. I’ve seen things that would send a chill down even your evil spines. Endured years of slavery, torture, war…” She got right into Sombra’s face. “I’ve seen the Face of the Father of All Monsters!”

“You’ve met with Grogar?” Shade asked, impressed. “The necromancer?”

Star chuckled. “Oh, he’s much more than a necromancer, my friend.” She leered at him. “Much. More.”

Mean Spike looked to Shade with worry, as even Sombra took a step back from her.

Star nodded. “Oh yeah,” she said. “You think you know true terror? Just let me tell you all about what he did to me, and then we’ll see.”

Shade pondered Star before glancing at Sombra. “This Grogar sounds like he could be useful,” Shade mused. Though he was careful not to voice his thoughts: he didn’t need Sombra to know what he was planning.

Trixie’s eyes darted back to Diamondback, who gave her a faint nod of confirmation.

Thankfully, Sombra’s curiosity seemed to overrule his caution, and he failed to notice Shade’s scheming look. The dark unicorn stepped closer with a grin of his own. “Then tell us,” he said. “Tell us everything. Where does this Father of Monsters reside?”

“Yes,” Shade said, “Please tell us.” He placed a claw on her horn, and Star screamed in pain as her mind was penetrated.

Trixie hid herself behind Diamondback, and desperately looked over the magical bindings holding them.

There had to be a way to free these dragons. There had to be!


Back underground, Spike desperately delved into the caverns. The others had to be down there somewhere.

“Smolder!” he called out. “Gallus?! Silver!”

Suddenly, he was rewarded with voices up ahead.

“Oh, aren’t you the most adorable thing? Come join us!”

“No!” Smolder’s voice barked. “On so many levels, NO!”

“Smolder?” Spike called, racing towards a light.

He burst out… to a strange sight.

Smolder stood before two ponies having a tea party.

“Uh…” Spike mumbled, as Smolder turned to him with a horrified look.

“Spike, it’s not what you think!” she said. “I… they were just here! I was looking for a way to get out of here, and…”

“She’s afraid to be cute and adorable,” one of the ponies noted.

“Or maybe she’s just afraid to admit she ‘likes’ being cute and adorable,” the second one offered.

“NO I DON’T!” Smolder roared, fire bursting from her throat.

“Hey-hey, take it easy!” Spike yelped, keeping her from roasting the ponies. “Roasting them won’t do any good.”

“Yeah, but it might make me feel better,” Smolder growled, turning away. “I’m already a weakling, I know that!”

“No one’s saying that,” Spike said, horrified.

“But it’s true!” Smolder snapped. “I already lost two fights today. Two losses in one day! And because of that…” She lowered her head, and Spike blinked as her voice cracked. “Because I wasn’t strong enough… the best thing that ever happened to me is gonna be ruined.”

She gasped, covering her mouth, but Spike focused on the tea party ponies, acting as if he didn’t hear.

“Oh, dear,” one of the ponies said sympathetically. “It’s not a bad thing to enjoy something that others don’t.”

“Look at Spike,” the other pony offered, as Spike turned red. “Raised all his life by cute, adorable ponies. There was a time when that bothered you too, didn’t it, Spike?”

“Leave me out of this!” Spike insisted, backing up.

“But it’s all connected,” the first tea pony said. “Don’t you see?” She nodded at both of them. “You have more in common than you believe.”

“And when you use that bond to work together…” the second tea pony noted.

Smolder winced. “‘F-Friendship can be the greatest treasure…’” she mumbled.

Spike turned to her. “You heard that from Diamondback too?”

Smolder didn’t look at him at first. “When I heard it, I just thought she was soft or… just covering her own insecurities or weaknesses.” Slowly, her defenses cracked. “But… the more time I’ve spent here… with the others, it…” she looked back at Spike. “It goes against a lot that I was familiar with. Or… what I was taught.”

Spike nodded. “I know the feeling.” He looked back at the tea ponies. “I was scared for a long time that I wasn’t a true dragon. Because I lived with ponies. And… I’ll admit; going to the dragons… I feel it changed my life for the better.”

Smolder managed a smile. “Well, you do look better for it,” she noted, nodding at his physique.

He chuckled and did a slight flex. “Yeah.” He forced himself to be serious. “But at the same time… I wouldn’t trade my time with the ponies for anything. I got to learn so much about teamwork and cooperation… being born and raised full dragon would’ve denied me all of that experience. All those lessons.”

“So, sometimes…” Smolder wondered. “It’s okay to be cute and adorable… on occasion.”

The tea ponies nodded and toasted her.

“When you’ve got true friends with you,” Spike noted, facing her with a smile. “They’ll understand. They won’t judge you for it. And the ones that do…” he smirked. “Well, who cares about them, when they don’t care about you?”

Smolder chuckled. “That’s not a bad way to put it.”

Suddenly, the walls turned opaque, clearer, like a mirror. But it didn’t show their reflections.

The first one showed Phoenix comforting…

“Queen Chrysalis?” Spike asked in shock. Shock that was abated when Chrysalis spoke in Ocellus’ voice.

“My past was so horrible,” Ocellus was sobbing. “It’s still inside me, waiting to come out.”

“And maybe it can,” Phoenix replied. “Just like my past did.” She gripped Ocellus’ (Chrysalis’?) hooves. “But that doesn’t mean it needs to define you.”

“But so many want it to,” Ocellus admitted. “Some of Chrysalis’ loyalists…” she shivered. “I was technically next in line for Chrysalis’ throne. But Chrysalis didn’t want to give it up. I was so scared for a long time that she’d get rid of me somehow. And now that Thorax is in charge… some of her loyalists want me to take charge just so that they can get her back.” She shook her head. “That’s why I wanted to come to the School; I couldn’t live like that.”

“And you won’t. Not anymore.” Phoenix’s eyes were sharp. “When we get out of here, I’m going back for that dark version, and I’m going to fight. But I can’t do it alone. I need help.”

Ocellus sniffled. “And I want to help you.”

“Then help,” Phoenix said. “And know that if Chrysalis does come back… if anything or anyone tries to bring you back to that past… know that you have friends here ready to help you too.”

And on the other side, Spike saw Jackknife staring at Silver Stream, as she cowered before a shadowy, eerily familiar creature.

“The Storm King,” Silver whimpered. “He’s back! I’m never gonna see another sunset or fly through a cloud bank or study plumbing!” She cried. “He’s gonna take away everything I love!”

“Not if I can help it!” Jackknife boomed, rushing in and punching the Storm King. But the Storm King caught Jackknife’s fist and threw him back to Silver.

“Jack?” Silver whimpered.

“S-Silver, it’s okay,” Jackknife said. “I’m here for ya!” He charged the Storm King again, but was thrown back once more.

“It’s no use!” Silver sobbed. “He’s too strong.”

Jackknife pulled himself up… but paused.

“That’s it, Jack,” Spike whispered. “You know what to do.”

Jackknife turned back to Silver. “Then let’s face him together.”

Silver tilted her head. “Huh?”

“I can’t…” Jackknife winced just saying it. “I can’t beat him on my own. But together…”

Silver stood up, her eyes widening. “Together… w-we can at least give him a fight.” She gasped. “T-That’s what Sapphire said. I-I mean, Queen Sapphire. That’s why she and Novo…”

“Only now do I understand what they meant,” Jackknife agreed with a nod. He offered his hand. “Will you help me… help you?”

Silver smiled and clutched his hand. “Even better,” she said. “You’re gonna help me help you.”

Jackknife briefly blinked in confusion.

“Yeah, that sounded better in my head, but I don’t care,” Silver admitted, turning to the Storm King. “HEY, STORM KLUTZ! YOU’RE NOTHING BUT A BIG OLD BULLY WITH A SILLY NAME AND A GOOFY CROWN!”



Together, Jackknife and Silver punched… and cheered in glee as the Storm King went flying, bursting away into darkness.

“The rest need your help,” one tea pony told Spike - making him jump, as he forgot they were in the room.

“Help them,” the second tea pony said. “And they can help you.”

Looking briefly to Smolder, who gave him a confident nod, Spike took her hand, and together, the two ran to reunite with their friends.


Back outside, the team was losing ground. Having noticed the Mean Six taking to the town and causing havoc, Starlight, Aurora, Discord and Astral were forced to fight on two fronts.

And even with Astral’s super form taking up most of Mean Phoenix’s attention, he was losing ground fast.

“She might be too much for me,” Astral thought as he faltered. “Even with this form.”

“All that power, and you still can’t defend what’s yours,” Mean Phoenix scoffed. “I’d be disappointed if I wasn’t so ecstatic about all the property I’m about to claim.”

“It will never be your property!” a voice roared out.

“That’s right,” Mean Rarity said. “It will be all MI…” she was cut off as a massive amount of fur landed on top of her, squashing the dark unicorn into a s’more.

The Mean Six jumped back, as Prince Rutherford, King Thorax, Grandpa Gruff, Dragon Lord Ember, and even the Royal Sisters and Bahamut all stood tall before them. Led by Queen Novo.

Astral and Aurora’s jaws dropped, though Discord whooped in glee and even Starlight started smiling in hope.

Princess Celestia glowered down at Mean Twilight. “Who are you and what have you done with my Twilight?” she snarled.

Mean Twilight tried for a simpering look. “But I am your Twilight, Princess…”

“Do not play games with me, creature of darkness,” Celestia snapped. “I know that you are not my student, and neither are you a changeling.”

King Thorax briefly smiled at that before stepping forward. “Queen Novo told us everything.”

Novo smirked at them, but the dragons behind them laughed.

“Everything, huh?” Mean Jackknife asked.

“Like how we killed your little, uh…” Mean Star Wing paused. “What were they to you? Kids? Sons? Daughters?” She smirked evilly. “I really hope one of them was at least an in-law.”

“Impossible!” Prince Rutherford rumbled. “Too tough. Would not fall to likes of you!”

And yet, where are they?” Mean Phoenix purred.

“Right here.”

Astral looked around. “Who said that?”

“Um, dear?” Aurora asked, getting everyone’s attention. “You might want to look at the school.”

Every eye widened - even those of the leaders. All of them turned as the United Species Academy was bathed in a rainbow colored light.

The Elements of Harmony were lifted up… and every jaw dropped at who was wielding them:

Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Yona, Ocellus and Silver Stream.

They were more than just alive and well. They had summoned the Elements of Harmony.

“Oh, that’s not good,” Mean Star Wing admitted.

Astral looked on in shock, but Aurora smirked. “I knew those kids had potential.”

“Run for it!” Mean Rainbow Dash yelped, trying to take flight.

But Grandpa Gruff, in a surprising display of agility for his age, kicked the traitorous pegasus back into the group, while Mean Phoenix snarled and rushed the new Element Bearers with a roar.

A roar that turned into a shriek as the Young Six hit her with the Friendship Beam full force.

The Evil version of Phoenix shrieked as she was ripped to smoking shreds by the beam, which blasted right through her and hit the rest of the Really Dirty Dozen head on.

“Well,” Mean Jackknife mused. “At least I can say I died before that jerk.”

Mean Star Wing and Mean Rainbow Dash tried one last bid for freedom, but with a brilliant burst of rainbows, the Really Dirty Dozen vanished… and in their places were simple logs, tied with hair and scales from each of the good counterparts they had been made from.

The new Element Bearers were lowered to the ground, as the Mane Six and the Drake Three climbed up after them. Smolder, in particular, looked like she was still floating in a way, beaming back at Spike in pure glee at their victory.

“So…” Rainbow Dash asked worriedly. “Does this mean we’re old news or… can’t use the Elements anymore?”

Pinkie whacked her friend. “Don’t ruin their moment of triumph,” she hissed, before grinning at the leaders. “Everyone! Please put your hooves, claws or whatever you got together for the new Elements of…”

A scream ripped through the air, drawing everyone’s gaze. Swift - the real Swift this time - launched from the trees.

“You guys gotta help!” he cried out. “Star Wing, Diamondback, Cozy and Trixie, they’re over here! Shade Fang and Sombra are with them!”

“Sombra?!” Celestia stammered.

Astral was the first to move forward. “Swift, I need you to lead the way,” he ordered, before turning to Aurora. “Aurora, you and everyone who is able to, make sure those ‘really dirty dozen’ can’t come back.”

Aurora nodded and started gathering up the logs.

“Everyone else,” Astral declared. “Follow Swift.”

Author's Note:

Thanks as always to AstralFlare42 for his characters. :pinkiehappy:

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