• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 42: The Crystal Clearing Pt 1

While Spike trusted Twilight’s judgment, his instincts were harder to convince. After several solid months of fearing how Starlight was going to pursue vengeance, seeing her casually walking over and joining Twilight in the middle of the library as she pored over a list of scrolls was… disconcerting, to say the least.

At the very least Phoenix was there; the battle-scarred dragoness standing tall as a perfect guardian. Though even then, her look as she watched Starlight was still too sympathetic for Spike’s tastes.

Knock it off, Spike, Spike reminded himself, shaking off his dark thoughts and making himself notice the ring on Starlight’s horn. Starlight doesn’t have magic anymore. And if Twilight’s plan works, she won’t be using it for bad things anymore.”

It helped that Starlight at least had a regretful tone in her voice. “I still can’t believe you’re letting me stay here, Twilight. A-As your pupil… after everything I did.”

“Well, it’s less ‘pupil,’” Phoenix noted. “And more… ‘on parole.’”

Twilight grimaced. “I think I like student a bit more, if it’s all the same. Though I’m still trying to figure out what her first friendship lesson should be.” She went back to poring over the scroll she was currently on.

Starlight gave the scroll a nervous look. “Oh, well… looks like you’re really narrowing it down.”

Twilight laughed. “Oh, these are just the A’s. After this, I move onto the B’s.” She indicated an entire stack of scrolls and papers with a wide smile.

Phoenix noticed Starlight going pale. The dragoness seemed to get a bit pale herself. “Oh, dear…” she muttered, gripping Starlight’s shoulder supportively. “Twilight, I know your heart’s in the right place, but, uh…” she gave the papers a nervous look. “Maybe written material isn’t the best way to go about this.”

Twilight grimaced. “Well, like I said, I’m still paring things down before we go through them. It’s not like I’m going to force her to sit in a study hall reading.”

“Even though that would be a dream come true for you?” Spike snarked from the corner.

Twilight raised a hoof to tell him off, but no sound came out of her mouth. She grimaced. “Those dragons really didn’t need to give you lessons in snark, Mister,” she finally huffed as she turned back to her scrolls, causing both Spike, Phoenix and even Starlight to chuckle.

“Look, Twilight,” Phoenix offered. “What she needs is experience. Let us bring her on an adventure or two.” She indicated Spike. “That was how Spike became friends with me and the rest of the Drake Six. We went on adventures and bonded…” she paused. “Er… kinda.”

Star poked her head in. “He’s still too young for what you’re implying, Phi,” she noted, ducking as Spike threw a towel at her.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Star!” Spike snapped. “What are you even here for?”

“Haven’t you heard?” Star asked. “The Crystalling is going to be soon.”

Starlight blinked. “The what?”

Twilight gasped. “Oh, that’s right, I’ve been researching that.” She cleared her throat as she pulled another scroll from the library’s shelves. “Whenever a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, the parents bring it before the Crystal Heart. They get the purest shard of crystal they can find…”

“Then pick a crystaller to present the baby to everypony who comes,” Diamondback declared, sauntering in with Rarity on one shoulder and some sort of cloth knitted with diamonds in it across the other. “The light and joy felt from the brilliance of a newborn feed into the crystal heart, increasing its power!”

Spike rolled his eyes at Phoenix, who grinned. Leave it to Diamondback to know something about crystals and gems.

“And this isn’t just going to be any Crystalling,” Rarity claimed. “The baby born is a royal! Princess Flurry Heart; the newborn daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.”

“Shining…” Spike asked, before his eyes widened. “Twilight, that’s…”

“Our brother, yeah,” Twilight said with a grin.

“But… how did I…?” Spike whispered.

“You were kinda busy chasing someone else down,” Phoenix noted, glancing at Starlight, who winced and hunched down with a sheepish look. “Which actually ties in rather well; why don’t we take Starlight with us for this? Let her bond with someone naturally.”

Twilight hummed. “I guess it could work…” she paused. “Though, um… there might be a complication.”

The others glanced at each other. “What do you mean?” Spike asked.

Twilight sighed and looked at Starlight. “Sunburst; the first pony you ever cared about?”

Starlight’s face fell. “He lives in the Crystal Empire, doesn’t he?”

Twilight nodded. “It sounds like he moved there pretty shortly after the Empire came back; one of several ponies that wanted to help the Crystal Empire get settled into the present-day era.”

Phoenix pondered it before smiling. “Well, maybe that’ll work out for the best,” she offered. “Sunburst was her first friend, after all. Maybe re-establishing that bond can give her an idea of how valuable friendship really is.”

“But if he’s helping the Crystal Empire re-establish their ties to the world,” Starlight protested. “Then he’s probably a really important wizard! What good would come from him associating with…” she looked down. “With a known criminal like me?”

Phoenix made her look at her. “What good came about from Spike associating with me?” she replied. “I was a slaver, Starlight. I abused diamond dogs, stole treasure… and Spike still befriended me.”

“To be fair,” Spike noted. “You weren’t doing any of that stuff when we met.”

Phoenix gave him an irritated side eye. “And now Starlight is doing even better than I was; where I was content to stew in despair and bitterness, she’s trying to learn where she went wrong and do better. She’s got a head start on me, and she shouldn’t be shoved away because of mistakes made in the past.”

Starlight still looked downtrodden. “What if Sunburst does it anyway?”

Phoenix grimaced, before Star dropped in.

“Then you accept that part of your life is done, and move on,” Star replied solemnly. “Trust me, Glimmer; I’ve lived for a thousand years. I’ve made friends, and I’ve lost friends. Some to time, some to greed, and plenty to mistakes and short-comings.”

Starlight stared at the black and white alicorn. “Then how are you still sane?”

Star managed a grin. “A simple quote, but one that carried me through the tough times: ‘everything in life is temporary. So if some things are good, enjoy them, because they won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry; they can’t last forever either.’” She pat Starlight’s shoulder. “Remember the good times you had with Sunburst. And even if he shows that time of your life is done, take notes from Flurry Heart, and start a new friendship.”

“Like Twilight told you,” Phoenix noted, nudging Starlight. “There’s plenty of people here who’d love to be your friend… if you just give em the chance.”

“At the very least,” Spike added, “It’ll be easier than trying to destroy timelines.”

Phoenix once again grimaced at Spike’s words, but Starlight considered what was said, before looking up with a smile. “Thank you both,” she said, before taking a breath. “Alright.” She looked to Twilight. “Let’s go see this Crystalling.”


Starlight’s confidence seemed to fade the closer they got to the Crystal Empire. Though Phoenix stayed right by her side, Spike could see Starlight growing paler and paler, unable to join in the Mane Six’s excited chatter about the upcoming Crystalling and getting to meet Flurry Heart.

Which Spike found ironic, since Star and Diamondback were easily able to join in, despite her towering over the others.

“This isn’t gonna work,” Starlight was whimpering. “Starburst is gonna reject me. He’s going to be stunned that Princess Twilight would ever let a wretch like me be around…”

“Hey-hey,” Phoenix hissed, making Starlight look at her. “It’s gonna be fine. You’re gonna be fine.”

“I don’t know,” Starlight still whispered. “C-Can you… give me some scars like you have?”

Phoenix stared at her.

“I-I dunno, maybe…” Starlight looked like a cornered animal. “Maybe it’ll look like I got more punished. Maybe it’ll make me look older. Maybe…”

“I’ll be right there,” Phoenix promised. “You’re not facing him alone.”

Spike noticed Swift watching her with worry as he and Jackknife sat over in a corner by themselves. Though Jackknife was watching Starlight with more suspicion, Swift glanced at Spike.

“Should I talk to her?” he asked. “I mean… we’ve had to meet up with old friends before.”

Jackknife scoffed. “Queen Novo wasn’t what I’d call a friend.”

“What about Storm?” Swift asked. “That went well, didn’t it?”

Jackknife grimaced, uncertain. Swift stood.

“Maybe I should tell her something about Hawke or Sun.”

“I wouldn’t,” Jackknife noted.

“It would tie into what Star said,” Spike noted. “About moving on and finding new friends?”

Before the group could decide anything, the train rolled to a stop outside the Crystal Empire, and the group got a bit of a shock when they saw Shining Armor, looking like he hadn’t slept in days.

Spike and Twilight gasped. “Shining?!”

“H-Hi guys…” Shining mumbled, stumbling over his hooves. “Yeah, it’s me… I’m right here. Why wouldn’t I come meet my family? Though we have met before, right?” He chuckled.

Star tilted her head. “Has he been hitting the happy juice?”

“Star Wing!” Spike snapped. “Being a father is probably pretty stressful.”

“Nah-nah,” Shining insisted. “Being a father is amazing! And wonderful… and amazing… and confusing… and amazing… but surprising too, ya know?” He staggered again. “I mean, not that you’d know. You wouldn’t know. I know… you know?” He sighed. “Sorry, I haven’t really slept since Cadence had the baby.” He paused again. “Come to think of it, she hasn’t either.” He giggled. “It should would be great to get a break.”

“Of course,” Twilight said. “You two probably need all kinds of help.”

“Exactly!” Starlight burst out in a sudden rush of excitement. “You see Twilight? You’re an aunt now! That’s way more important than some friendship lesson…”

“Hey!” Spike barked. “Thoughts like that nearly led to a timeline where Sombra took over.”

That got them more than a few stares from surrounding ponies. Phoenix gave Spike a death glare before transitioning it into a nervous laugh.

“What I think Spike means,” Phoenix interjected. “Is that you already did the work for Starlight’s lesson, Twilight. We can just follow it.”

Now it was Phoenix’s turn to get a death glare - this time from Starlight - but Twilight was too busy tending to Shining to notice.

“Phoenix,” Twilight said happily. “You’re a genius.” She turned to the others. “Come on, everybody. Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle. Phoenix, Spike; you two can bring Starlight to Sunburst.”

Spike cracked a salute. “Aye-aye, Princess.”

Star tilted her head. “But, Spike, don’t you want to see Flurry? I mean, you’re technically her uncle… right?”

Spike waved her off. “Nah, I know you’ll be going to see Luna. You can tell me all about it.” He glanced at Starlight again, before adding in a whisper only Star could hear. “After hunting her for a few months, I want to make sure that this goes smoothly.”

Star shared a glance at a very nervous looking Starlight, before nodding. “Alright.” She pat him on the shoulder. “Good luck.”


A few minutes later, Spike and Phoenix were accompanying a now truly scared looking Starlight over to Sunburst’s house.

Though it did allow them to see some sights: like a massive statue depicting Spike, Jackknife, Phoenix, Night Fire, Swift Winds and Diamondback.

Starlight stared at it in shock. “Why…?”

“Because the Drake Six saved us all from King Sombra,” one pony answered, giving a bright smile to the two dragons. “Big fan,” the pony added in a whisper.

Starlight stared at them. “Um… when were you going to tell me about this?”

Phoenix and Spike exchanged a glance. “Well… it wasn’t that big of a deal…” Spike started to say.

“It most certainly is!” the fan exclaimed.

“That’s it!” Starlight said with another burst of excitement. “We’re not going anywhere until I get the whole story.”

“Stop stalling!” Phoenix growled - the first time Spike saw her actually get angry with Starlight. “The more you put off meeting with this guy, the worse you’re gonna feel.”

“I literally don’t know how I could feel any worse than I do right now,” Starlight insisted. “I have no magic, I’m still pretty sure this one,” she pointed at Spike, “Wants to kill me…”

Spike rolled his eyes with a sigh.

“And I’m about to meet with the only friend I ever made, who most likely isn’t going to want to be my friend again after he hears about the awful things I did!” Starlight stammered out, before covering her head. “I can’t do this, Phoenix, I can’t do this!”

“You can and you will,” Phoenix said.

“If you can learn how to travel through time,” Spike agreed. “You can talk to an old friend.” He glanced down at Twilight’s scroll that she had given them. “His house is just up here.”

With that, Phoenix seized Starlight and dragged her towards the door.

“Guys, please,” Starlight started begging. “I’m too nervous! Oooh…”

But the two plopped her down on Sunburst’s doorstep, knocked on the door, and stood back as an orange unicorn stallion opened the door.

Starlight shivered before him. “S-Sunburst?”

“Yes?” he asked, looking concerned at how terrified she looked. “Can I… help you, or…?”

“I-It’s me, Starlight,” she said. “W-We used to be friends?”

Sunburst tilted his head. For a moment, Phoenix and Spike feared that he didn’t even remember her. But then…

“Starlight!” Sunburst’s eyes widened in recognition. “My goodness, it’s been so long! What, uh… what have you been up to?”

Starlight glanced fearfully at Phoenix, who motioned for her to speak. “Oh, you know,” Starlight said nervously. “Some of this, some of that, different… stuff.”

Spike pointed at his scroll - at Twilight’s seal. Starlight’s eyes widened in realization.

“R-Right now,” she offered. “I’m sort of Twilight Sparkle’s newest… student.”

“The princess of Friendship?” Sunburst asked. “Wow.”

“Heh, yeah,” Starlight mumbled. “Yeah, that’s… kind of why I’m here. I mean, I know you’re probably very busy.”

“What do you mean?” Sunburst asked, his posture becoming guarded.

“W-Well, it’s just…” Starlight shifted from hoof to hoof. “After magic school… I figured you’d go on to do important wizard work. T-That’s why you’re here, right; to help the Crystal Empire get accustomed to the new time period?”

Sunburst winced - was that guilt Spike saw on his face - before covering it with a grin. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, that’s me, yup.” He chuckled nervously. “Important wizard… really busy with the, uh… the re-accustomization and… stuff.” He laughed. “Right, well, good to see you.” He tried to shut the door… only for Phoenix to catch it with her arm.

“I don’t think so, buddy,” Phoenix said with a grin.

Sunburst backed up in fright. “Oh! Uh… aren’t you… you’re one of the dragons who helped protect the Crystal Empire… r-right?”

“That’s right,” Phoenix said, grinning at Starlight. “This is your lucky day, Starlight. You get to hear all about our little adventure after all.”

Spike gasped, getting what Phoenix was doing. “That’s right,” he said, showing himself. “You have any tea, Mr. Sunburst?”


A few minutes later, Sunburst and Starlight were sitting side by side, engrossed in Phoenix and Spike’s tale.

“And so everyone’s freaking out,” Phoenix said. “I’m about to rush Sombra in one final attempt to give them even a fraction of hope… and Spike leaps out of the tallest tower.” She pointed to the castle. “That one in fact…”

“Clutching the Crystal Heart,” Spike agreed. “Swift - he’s one of our friends - he swoops in out of nowhere, catching me before I can fall to my death…”

“And we return the Crystal Heart to it’s rightful place,” Phoenix concluded. “Saving the Empire and defeating King Sombra once and for all.”

That same fan cheered from outside. “We love you guys!”

Spike waved them off with a grin, though Phoenix more firmly shut the window on them.

“Wow,” Starlight whispered, glancing at Sunburst. “Did you get to see any of that?”

Sunburst winced, but kept his smile. “Heh, nah. I showed up after all of that happened.” he chuckled nervously. “I-I may be an important wizard, but that…” he indicated Spike and Phoenix nervously. “Well, that… uh…” He sipped his tea, and turned to Starlight. “W-What about you? What happened after I left for magic school?”

Starlight got tense. “H-Huh?” She looked at Phoenix and Spike, who both glanced at each other nervously. “I-I… don’t see what that has to do with anything. W-Why would you…”

At that moment, a scream echoed out over the Crystal Empire… followed by a shattering sound.

Spike raced out the door. “What was that?”

Starlight shot by him. “Let’s go find out!” she said in a rush.

In a split second decision, Phoenix grabbed Sunburst, dragging him along.

The four reached the Crystal Empire castle, where a series of shocking things awaited them. Spike wasn’t sure which one to concentrate on:

The baby alicorn burbling in Cadence’s arms.

The shattered crystal heart laying in pieces before them.

Or what Twilight was saying as they arrived.

“Without the heart, the Crystal Empire’s about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!”

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