• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

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Ch 1: Resentment

Chapter 1: Resentment

The Great Horned Owl gave three great flaps of its wings as it arrested its flight, sending a slight gust of wind into the open upper floor window of the Golden Oaks Library. A candle set upon an ornate writing desk flickered, the shadows playing off the slightly rustling papers that covered it. A bespectacled alicorn mare looked up from the thick tome she was immersed in.

“Hoot!” cried the Owl.

“Owlbertus” said the mare, “I told you I needed the full measure of my concentration to commit these invocations to memory.”

“Hoot! Hoot!” protested the raptor. “Hoot! Hoot?”

The bird awkwardly hopped on the desk on one leg, doing what a normal pony would call a humorous dance. The mare simply sighed in resignation and closed the tome, making sure to dog ear the page she was on. She reached to the offered leg and found a scroll tied to it with what looked like a party streamer.

“By Celestia’s aurorally styled mane, why can’t she just leave me be for one weekend!” muttered the mare. “It’s not like I’m doing anything important. I’m sure I’ll live to see Neighly’s comet in 120 years! Oh wait, I’m the wrong kind of princess for that.”

With a sigh of resignation, the lavender mare untied the scroll and perused its contents:

Your Royal Bookyness!

It’s that time again! Winter has been wrapped up (sorry you couldn’t make it this year) and it’s time to PAAAR- TEEEEE! That’s right! It’s the 32nd annual Spring has Sprung extravaganza! So dust off your party hat and get the oil changed on your groove thang, because we’re gonna celebrate this Equineox in style! (See I used that Dictionary you got me!) Everybody’s gonna be there, so let’s try to have some fun huh?

Your Pal

Pinkie Pie

PS: Spike’s gonna come too! It's a super-secret surprise, so don't tell anypony!
PPS: AJ is totally over you blowing off Wrap up duties, Pinkie Promise!
PPPS: The cake is Pineapple upside down, but I dropped it, so it’s right side up.
PPPPS: The cake was a lie. It’s Pineapple Inside out cake!
PPPPPS: Savy says flammable is the same as inflammable, I’ll show her!
PPPPPPS: Cake is a little burned. Don’t worry; there’ll be plenty of other goodies!

Somewhere around the 4th postscript, the mare’s eyes started hurting from the exaggerated eye-rolls she was trying to perform.

“Wonderful,” sighed the weary pony, “Even when I skip the Wrap-Up, I’m still expected at the Party. I suppose I must make an appearance, if only to placate her…and AJ too I suppose.” A weary groan emanated from the mare as she spoke to no one in particular, “I’ll have to double time these invocations if I even hope to properly record the comet next week.”

Setting the invitation in the “Checklist In-Box,” the mare thanked the Owl and returned to her studies. Owlbertus, despite knowing that his Owly duty was to provide a clichéd hooting in the night, remained deathly still and silent as his mistress worked herself to exhaustion. The large dark shape in the nearby branch pulled out a piece of parchment and began writing a note. After a few moments, a green glow shone from the branches of the tree, and a wisp of smoke made its way towards Canterlot.

The Dragonfire Lantern’s alarm proved a far better wake up call than her teacher’s sun had. Twilight Sparkle was roused from an uncomfortable slumber at her desk. After squinting her eyes in pain as her atrophied wings protested their existence, the alicorn examined the aftermath of her cram session. A quick cantrip to remove the drool stain from the “Astronomers Almanac: Spellcasters edition” and it was reshelved in pristine condition. Making her way across her study, she grimaced in pain as her knees popped and protested their mistreatment over these long years. She telekinetically pulled the scroll to herself, removed the seal and began reading the missive:

My Faithful Student and Fellow Princess:

I understand your studies are important to both yourself and the rest of Equestria. However, we all worry for you. I hear that you seldom leave the library. You seem to be more run down each time I see you; please try to relax and get some rest, if not for yourself, then for me. We understand Pinkie is hosting a party soon, we hope you and Argent will attend. It would be most disappointing if you couldn’t make it.

HRH, Celestia of Equestria

Were she not so used to this tactic, Twilight would have burst into flames. The first few times it happened, she had. The horseshoe shaped burn scars on the floor were a testament to that. The worst part was; the princess knew exactly how to push Twilight’s buttons.

“Ooooh, I’d never want to disappoint my dear teacher!” Twilight sarcastically moaned, “How could I possibly go on, knowing the Delegator-in-Chief found me less than the perfect protégé she expects? I simply must strive to do better.” The traitorous voice in her head reminded her that every word was true. She didn't want to disappoint her mentor. She did have to do better. And she would try harder to do right by her friends. Even if that meant spending the afternoon in their presence; listening to their minor problems while events of supreme importance drew ever nearer.

“Oh Fluttershy, just talk to him, you know he loves you!” she practiced. The idea of spending another hour comforting the pushover of a Pegasus made Twilight want to ram her horn through a wall. At least it was better than having to listen to Rainbow’s never ending boasting about how amazing her latest trip was, or of AJ's doting perfect husband.

Her stomach growled as she placed the letter in her inbox. Twilight yawned, stretched her frail wings and headed to her bathroom to prepare for a long day of unwanted interruptions. A few minutes later, she was brushed, and left the Golden Oaks to find some breakfast.

“Your Highness,” said a polite saluting guardspony, as Twilight emerged from the Tree. A large silver heater shield strapped to his back rattled as he approached. “Would you like to take your chariot today?” The Silver coated unicorn bowed and swept his hoof towards the gilded monstrosity of a chariot that sat beneath a make-shift garage. The not-so-regal Alicorn gave the guard a deadpan stare and asked, “What do you think Argent?”

“Oh come on Twilight, I spent all yesterday afternoon polishing it. Do you know how much shell wax I had to borrow from Dash?” The guard continued his sulky speech, “Look at these hooves!” He raised a pair of shining hooves, pristine in their appearance and immaculate in their condition. “Do you know how much grief I’ll get if anyone in the barracks gets a look at these?”

“Please Argent, not this again. In the time it would take to rouse the coachponies, I could walk to the café, eat, read a treatise on pony nature, and recite the Codex of Friendship,” Twilight replied with a grin. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast. If you’re that worried about your hooves, feel free to walk through any puddles on the way.” With that, the Alicorn cantered towards the Green Gardens Café. Argent Defender sighed, levitated his burnished silver shield to his back, and followed his charge.

Carrot Top bowed low as Twilight entered her humble establishment. “Your highness, a pleasure as always,” said the farmer turned restaurateur as the lavender mare took a stool at the bar. “Sir Argent, you’re looking dapper as always.” The guard smiled, saluted, and took a seat next to his liege. “Should I even ask what you’d like?” Smiles were all the answer Carrot needed as she fetched the two reserved mugs, one with the six pointed star, and the other bearing a shield in front of a red heart. A carafe in hand, Carrot top filled each mug with the caffeine infused concoction both ponies craved. “Be back in a sec guys!” said the orange-maned mare as she went to the kitchen to prepare their meals.

“So what’s the plan boss?” queried the Stallion and he raked a hoof through his white-striped black mane. “You've got the same look you had when we had to chase that Hydra out of Froggy Bottom Bog. I was kidding about my hooves, I’ll take clean and sparkly over muddy and eaten.”

“Nothing so onerous today Argent” replied the princess, “just another Pinkie Pie Party to be endured, more friends to reassure and humor, and more valuable time to be wasted.” Taking a long sip from her coffee, she sighed and continued, “There must be a limit to the number of distractions Ponyville contains. Neighly’s comet is literally a once in a lifetime event. Heck, it’s once in two lifetimes really. The magical amplification field it provides alone will keep me occupied for the better part of a month. Pinkie’s latest soiree just happens to coincide with the time I had allotted myself to learn some new monitoring and recording spells. Honestly, the vector variance alone requires 17 megajoules of magical en…”

“Easy there Coperneighcus.” Argent interrupted. “Remember; every time you try to explain one of these things to me, it pushes out something I already knew. Your brother would be ever so cross with you if his squire were to forget how to hold his shield.”

“Hmmph,” snorted Twilight, “it’s like you two enjoy ignorance.” Mock frown turned to a blissful smile as Carrot returned, placing a stack of oatmeal pancakes in front of each of her customers. “Enjoy your worshipfulness!” said their smiling server as she moved to refill the two mugs.

“You’re lucky you’re a serviceable cook,” muttered Twilight around a mouthful of syrupy goodness. “Celestia likes Equestria’s moon for banishings. I find Titan to be a far more suitable location for eternal torment.”

“Anyways, chief,” said Argent, “I think a party could do you some good. You’ll have the spells down by Monday night, you always do. Spend a few hours relaxing. It’s not such a chore. Surely seeing Spike will be a welcome distraction. You two haven’t spoken in months!”

Twilight’s fork paused in its ascent, syrup streaming to her plate below. “You’re right Argent,” said Twilight in an eerily sweet tone, “I do wish to speak with my number one assistant. You know, make sure he’s not getting himself or anypony else into trouble.”

Argent flashed a triumphant smile, oblivious to the fact that he revealed his complicity in what was, toTwilight’s mind, a heinous conspiracy against her studies. She disliked being manipulated. She very much disliked being tattled on to Celestia.

A short while later, Twilight and Argent found themselves back at the library. Since leaving the café, the princess had gone into what Argent had dubbed, “The Twilight Zone.”

“No doubt worrying about that hunk of rock again” thought the guard. “Well, at least she’ll go to the party. I’ll slip away and let Spike know when she’s back in her studies.” Argent missed Spike, though he’d never admit it to the drake. Spike had a way of pulling Twilight out of her mind that the unicorn stallion truly envied. When he dropped by the previous night, they had agreed that the Spring has Spring party would be a great chance to get her to lighten up. As they reached the Golden Oaks, Twilight stopped at the door and turned to the stallion.

“Guardspony Defender, I will be quite busy trying to make up time on these spells. You are free until it comes time to leave for the party.” With a puff of lavender, the door slammed behind her. Argent slumped to the ground, sighed, and headed to Sugar Cube Corner to find Spike. Had he not been depressed at Twilight's curt dismissal, his drooping head might have caught the glowing purple sensor sphere that stealthily began following him.

“Argy!” shouted a too close pink face the moment Sugar Cube Corner’s door opened. Argent found himself on his shield, on his back. After a few attempts to right himself proved futile, the pink earth pony helped Argent to his hooves.

“Silly billy! It’s far too early to practice for Nightmare Night! Tortoise is a great costume idea though! Ooh, Oooh, maybe you can get Twilight to make you one of those fancy whirlymajigs she made for Tank! I went as a chicken once! Maybe I should go as a mmph mpph,“ the pink mare rambled before Argent levitated a cupcake from the nearest display stand and sent it to join its compatriots in the maw of the pink beast.

“Pinkie, Spike said he’d be here helping out,” said the guardspony.

“Mmm mm mmmm!” replied a pastry filled mouth. Her hoof pointed to the main kitchen. Argent walked behind the swinging half-doors and found his way into the beating heart of all things sugary. He found the dragon he was seeking, wearing a chef’s hat and casually flash baking a tray of treats before placing them in the warming box for later frosting.

“Tell me you didn’t blow it,” begged the dragon as he noticed his co-conspirator enter. “You remember her reaction when she found out about the optometrist, don’t you?”

“Oh come on Spike, it was just one day,” shrugged Argent. “And besides, I emerged from the experience even more awed by our illustrious princess than before. Living with her eyesight for one day was horrific. She dealt with it for years.” Argent walked over to the worktable and levitated another tray in front of Spike.

“You always do that,” muttered the dragon, as he sent a controlled flame to bake the cakes. “Every time she overreacts, or goes all sulking hermit on us, you shrug it off and take her side. It’s me Argent; you don’t have to be that way around me.” The tray joined the others and Spike took off his hat, wringing it between his claws as he looked down to the floor with a look of guilt. “I still feel awful about leaving you alone with her. I know I’ve said it before, but I just couldn’t stay, I’d have ended up hating her. I just don’t know how you can handle it day and night, week after week.”

Argent flashed a genuine smile to his scaly friend. “Ah, it’s not so bad Spike." Argent replaced the trays again before continuing, "Besides, she was downright pleasant at breakfast today. At any rate, one doesn't need to like one’s duty to perform it.” Neither saw the sphere of lavender wink out of existence in the corner of the ceiling. “I’m just lucky I love mine," said the stallion with a wink. "No, you need the chance to be on your own, to find out what you want in life. Now let’s get these finished, a little birdie told me you managed a self powered take-off, and I've just got to see that.”

The mere idea of showing off his newly found flying prowess caused the drake’s wings to start flexing unconsciously. An efficient assembly line soon sprang into existence as the two old friends continued preparations for a long overdue gathering of friends.

Twilight was frozen in place, the lavender aura around her horn having just winked out. “Excellent fidelity,” murmured the alicorn to herself. “The spell will perform adequately assuming atmospheric interference is minimal, as promised.” A seething cauldron of conflicting emotions boiled over in her mind, and a single tear rolled down her face. Levitating a shaking teacup to her mouth, she sighed when she saw her magic field had compressed the vessel and its contents into a marble sized clump of matter. She raised a hoof to her rapidly beating chest and then extended it out in front of her. As she had done for years, Twilight buried her anger deep within herself. “Argent is right; I don’t have to like my duty to perform it.”

Twilight continued her studying, making notes in her spellbooks as she continued to prepare for the arrival of Neighly’s comet. In what seemed like minutes, a knock at her study pulled her from her study of the magical sensor memory storage sub-invocations. A quick glance at the setting sun beyond her window confirmed her suspicions. “Wait outside Argent, I shall join you shortly,” said Twilight in what she imagined was her most imperious tone. Hearing hoof steps receding down the stairs, Twilight moved to the display cases that lined the walls of her study.

Thirty years of photographs and mementos lined the shelves Apple Bloom had made for her. Reminding herself that she did what she did for all the ponies in the pictures finally brought a smile to the princess’ face. She studied each pony’s face hoping to recall the halcyon days of her youth, when spending time with her friends and practicing her magic were her only concerns. “This was barely a month after the coronation,” she thought to herself while looking at a photograph. A cadre of close friends smiled at the camera forelegs around each other’s necks. “Look at those wings.” Twilight shook her head and sighed wistfully. The grin left her face when she saw the young silver coated stallion grinning in the background. Had he really been there for so long, silently hating her and his duty to her? She examined the shelf of photos; her mood darkened as she saw what she knew now was a phony smile in nearly every picture.

Twilight moved to the most ostentatious of the display cases. It was a gold filigreed masterwork with tempered magical glass shelves. After inserting her horn into the lock and sending the magical cipher, the Princess of Magic removed her raiment of office. She stepped into the enchanted hoofcups and donned the ornate chest plate. The Tiara of Harmony came last, settling softly upon her brow. If she was naught but his charge, than she would act the part.

Argent nervously walked in place outside the tree home. Looking towards Sugar Cube Corner, he found himself unusually nervous about the party: Well, more nervous than he would usually be over a Pinkie Pie Soiree. They had tried this before of course. Rarity’s social calls, Fluttershy’s critter picnics, Applejack’s constitutionals, even Rainbow Dash’s book clubs all seemed to fail to pull Twilight from her self-imposed house arrest. Argent hoped that this time, her closest friends united, the Elements of Harmony themselves no less, could help her out of this funk. Hearing the door open, Argent turned with a look of determination on his face. It was quickly replaced with one of utter confusion.

“What’s with the getup boss,” asked the befuddled guardspony. Twilight stood before him in full regalia. “Was there something in the invitation about a dress code? I must have glossed over that part.”

“The ‘getup’ is our royal raiment of office Guardspony Defender, and we would thank you to respect our title and refer to us as ‘your Highness’ or ‘Princess’.” Twilight leveled a withering glare at her bodyguard, freezing him in place. “Now kindly bring around the chariot so that we both may dispense with our duties for the night.” Argent waited for Twilight’s stare to break and for her to let him in on the joke. “We are waiting Guardspony Defender. Are you not suited to your duties? I can have Prince Armor send a replacement if you are not.”

“Right away your highness,” squeaked the stallion. “It will take a few minutes to rouse the coachponies.”

“Nonsense,” interrupted the princess, “You have four legs and the benefit of magic. We are already running late. Harness thyself and we shall depart.”

Argent stood dumbstruck before an attention seeking cough drew his eyes back to his princess’ gaze. “Yes your Highness,” was all he could say. Walking over to the over-sized chariot, he removed the six pointed star-emblazoned shield from his back and placed it beneath the seat of the chariot. Using his magic made strapping himself into the harness considerably easier than it would otherwise have been. A tentative pull proved to the stallion that he was capable of moving the behemoth. A simple “Lighten the Load” spell allowed him to modestly lower the weight of the chariot as he pulled it in front of the Golden Oaks.

“Your princess requires her step stool.” Twilight stood with nose raised high into the air. Argent stifled a sigh lest he incur his charge’s wrath. Gripping the step stool from behind the seat of the chariot with his telekinesis, he placed it before the princess who finally boarded her chariot. With a grunt, Argent pulled the chariot into a slow trot. His lightening spell made pulling the chariot possible, but it was not an easy task. What was normally a quick invigorating trot became a slog worthy of the Royal Guardspony Boot Camp. A glance behind him revealed Twilight smugly inspecting her golden hoof-cup. A raised eyebrow forced the guardspony’s eyes to quickly snap back in front of him.

With his eyes pointed forward, Twilight resumed her icy glares at her bodyguard’s hindquarters. Her wandering mind betrayed her anger and she looked away with a blush. Seeing their destination rapidly approaching, the Princess resumed her snooty regal persona.

As he pulled in front of the bakery, Argent turned to Twilight, having worked his coat into a lather, and managed to gasp, “We’re…*huff*…here…*gasp*…Your Highness.” He was unhooking his harness to escort the Princess from the chariot when a lavender flash spread across the yard. “She. Wouldn’t. Dare,” Argent grumbled. A glance back to the chariot confirmed his suspicions. Throwing the harness to the ground, Argent hurled a wordless howl of frustration into the night sky.

Applejack had just poured herself a glass of Pinkie’s famous “Spring has Sprung” punch when the bright flash announced the arrival of Twilight. She quickly poured a second glass and made her way to the foyer with the glasses somehow balanced on the top of her head. “Twilight, why ah haven’t seen ya in weeks sugar cube,” shouted the orange Earth Pony a she made her way around the various guests. Pushing her way through a curiously thick crowd at the door, Applejack emerged and found herself staring at Her Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Lady of Magic and Harmony. “Is…everything all right sugar cube?” Applejack cautiously asked.

Seeing the trepidation on her friend's face forced Twilight to abandon her regal bearing. “Oh I’m sorry AJ, certain…events required the weight of my position.” She continued, “Oh please tell me that’s for me.” She pointed to the cup on Applejack’s head.

A beaming smile returned to the farm pony’s face. “It sure as sugar is!” Applejack giggled as Twilight’s telekinesis tickled her head. “Ah thought ya’ll were gonna tell us King Sombra was loose or some such nonsense.”

A sip of the famous libation eased hours of tension from the alicorn’s face. “Nothing quite so dramatic. Some ponies see us as only a princess, and sometimes I must oblige. Let’s go find the others.” After a brief welcome to the gathered crowd and a detour to the punch bowl to refill her cup, the two friends made their way across the large gathering room.

Outside, Argent removed his shield from beneath the chariot’s seat and strapped his faux security blanket to his back. He made his way into the bakery, stopping to greet a few familiar faces. An off-white earth pony filly with straight grey hair welcomed him in a very bored, monotone voice. “Good evening Mister Defender. Welcome to the Spring has Sprung Party.”

“Savory, why in Celestia’s name are you working the door,” queried the confused stallion. The young filly was so different from her mother that it was comical. Where Pinkie Pie was a singularity of confusion and kinetic energy, Savory was a paragon of reserved seriousness. Her grandparents were ecstatic. “Daddy is visiting uncle Silver Star, and Mommy says if I keep reading all day my head will turn into a book," said the mature beyond her years young filly.

Argent chuckled, “Carry on then; You might want to find a better hiding place for that.” The filly calmly grabbed the tome she was hiding behind her back and slipped it behind a shelf.

Not wanting to face the taskmaster so soon, he searched the crowd for what should have been the easy to find purple and green drake. Sure enough, he saw the dragon leaning against a display case talking with a lithe young unicorn. He passed a large gathering of ponies raving about the punch, and wondered what miracle draft Pinkie had managed to craft this time. His mission of mercy had to take precedent however, and he made to warn his comrade in arms that the enemy had arrived en masse.

“Pardon me miss, I must speak with our draconic friend for a moment…Sweetie Belle is that you?” Argent gaped at the beautiful young mare that had her front hooves wrapped around Spike’s midsection. “My dear, you’re a ray of sunshine in what has been a dark and stormy day.”

“Argent Defender, your day can’t have been that bad if my little old face could brighten it!” Sweetie giggled as she released Spike and gave Argent a hug. “It’s great to see you again. I’m going to find the crusaders and we’ll all talk!” She skipped off into the throng of ponies flashing a smile to everyone in her way.

Argent chuckled to himself as he turned back to face a scowling dragon. The last time he had seen a scowling dragon he’d lost his eyebrows. “Oh come on Spike, I haven’t seen her in years!” A guttural growl was his response. Keeping a congenial smile on his face Argent leaned closer to the dragon. “We’ve got problems compadre. Twilight’s on the warpath. She’s gone full Royalty on me and has been staring daggers at me all night.”

Spike’s minor greed trance was broken; he chuckled as he pointed across the room. “She looks alright to me Argent; maybe her research was annoying her.” Argent looked in the direction the purple claw pointed. Somehow, the sight of Twilight surrounded by her friends, performing what was either a dance or a grand mal seizure, made Argent even more dejected. “But I…she…the chariot….” A low groan of defeat sputtered from the unicorn stallion. “I give up. Spike, enjoy the party. If I survive the night, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Spike began to walk after Sweetie and called behind him, “Cheer up Argent, she’s having fun, isn’t that what we wanted? Just relax, take a night off for yourself.”

“Sorry pal, I’m on the job, and mark my words, something’s off about her. Now go find that pretty mare of yours.” The stallion tried to ignore the feeling of doom and mingled with the crowd as he kept one eye on Twilight. After the first hour, his anger sustained him. If his good will was met with demands for obeisance, he would obey. She would have her perfect Guardspony: Seen, but not heard. Planting himself on a wall, Argent watched the lively party around him, but kept an eye on his charge.

“Yoo Hoo!” A hoof waving in front of his face broke Argent from his vigil. Moving his eyes to the right, he focused on the red-maned , yellow coated pony. Sweetie Belle and the rest of the crusaders stood behind her. “Ya okay there AD? Ya look like ya ate a bad cupcake.”

Argent put on a smile as he chatted with the young mares. “I’m fine AB, it’s just been a long day, and I need to keep an eye on Twilight.” The mares turned and followed his gaze to the “dancing” princess.

“You can’t keep your eyes off her can you,” asked the brown coated earth pony. Argent spit out the water he’d been nursing and fell into a fit of coughing. Babs smacked him on the back as the rest of the crusaders giggled. “Easy there soldier, us elegant ladies don’t find hacking up a lung very attractive.”

Regaining his breath, Argent shook his head and sputtered, “Babs, you are about as elegant as I am amused right now.”

“Yeah,” cried the orange Pegasus, “don’t call me elegant Babs; I’m extreme!” Scootaloo puffed out her chest and displayed her cutie mark of crossed lightning bolts.

“Extremely dense maybe,” retorted the city mare.

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Girls please don’t fight over me,” Argent began, “You’re all extreme, clever, hard-working, and/or elegant mares who are all far too much for this humble soldier.” Their argument disarmed, the two looked at each other and both fell over laughing.

Regaining their composure, the crusaders kept Argent company for awhile. Playful banter was the order of the day, and Argent gave as good as he got. The crusaders had always been a handful as fillies, and he had been pressed into watching over them on many occasions. His only contribution to unicorn lore was thanks to the crusaders. A spell that removed tree sap from one’s coat and mane may be of limited utility, but one lecture from Rarity about the sanctity of her sister’s coat was enough for him. And the girls did seem to end up covered in the sticky substance surprisingly often. After Spike pulled Sweetie away to dance, the remaining crusaders bid farewell to their former babysitter.

The pleasant conversation had distracted Argent from his feelings, but a look towards Twilight brought them back with a vengeance. As the night wore on, his anger slowly faded to frustration, and from there it was a short trip to helplessness. Despite Pinkie’s pleas, the crowd had started to thin considerably. Spike and the Crusaders had made their goodbyes and were into the night. Savory was roused from her slumber, her book doing double duty as a pillow, and made her way towards her room. With fewer well wishers and friends to distract him, the silver stallion’s entire attention was focused on the lavender alicorn.

Argent moved away from the wall in a daze. “She can’t do this to me. She can’t keep doing this to herself,” he whispered. “I just want to help her.” His hooves agreed and began to march him towards the source of his despair.

His path was obstructed by Ponyville’s resident diva. “Argent darling, you simply must remove that shield. Implements of war are most definitely not in season. They are never in season.”

Argent snapped out of his reverie, drew himself to his full height and puffed out his chest. “Rarity, I let you put her majesty’s cutie mark on it. Captain Armor still won’t let me live that down. That will be the extent of my appeasement to your fashion onslaught.”

“Dear, I simply meant for you to set aside your arms while we enjoy all these good ponies company,” Rarity replied with a look of hurt that just screamed “What have I done to deserve such harsh treatment.”

“Nice try, but I’ve seen Cadance in action. You haven’t seen feminine wiles until you’ve seen her boss around the Captain.” Argent chuckled and continued. “I’m sorry Rarity, as long as she’s in uniform, so am I.”

Rarity stopped grinding her teeth at the mention of Twilight’s accessories. “She does seem a bit overdressed for a Pinkie Pie Party. And did I see the royal chariot outside?”

Argent filled in Rarity on Twilight’s mood change, omitting, of course, his and Spike’s machinations. The bleached white mare narrowed her eyes at Twilight’s dramatics. “I can’t believe she’d treat one of her oldest friends so poorly, I’ll talk to her Argy. Honestly, that mare can be such a drama queen.” The deadpan stare she received caused Rarity to blush. “Oh hush you," she said as she playfully jabbed Argent in the ribs. "Come Argent, we shall make her see the error of her ways.” His hopes buoyed by Rarity’s support, Argent sallied forth once more.

Twilight was into her 5th cup of punch, and had finally let go of much of the tension that had invaded her psyche. A mercifully pleasant conversation between herself, Applejack and Fluttershy was cut short as she saw Rarity approaching, with Argent in tow. Her neutral smile soon became a tight lipped expression of steely determination. Fluttershy, noticing her friend’s abrupt shift turned to see the new arrivals.

The butter colored Pegasus peaked out from behind her hair. “Hi Argent, I hope I’m not keeping you from Twilight, but we were just talking about Owlbertus’ diet; the poor dear is getting such awful tummy aches.”

Before he could reply, Twilight interrupted, “Nonsense Fluttershy, my guardspony has no claim on my time or attention. Guardspony Defender, stand in the corner unless you are needed.” The silver coated stallion stared at Twilight for moment. He then clenched his teeth, gave a sharp salute and made a quick march to the nearest corner and adopted a sentinel’s stance. His calm, outer demeanor masked an inner struggle that threatened to tear away at his decades of discipline.

A rainbow blur burst onto the scene, coalescing into a rainbow-maned cyan Pegasus. “Guys! Sorry I’m late! Practice went long and…wait…what’s going on?” Seeing Twilight in full Princess regalia was one thing; but that look on her face was something she hadn't seen since their last ill-fated flying lesson. Rainbow walked up to the gathering of her closest friends.

“Twilight, darling, you must not treat Argent so; he is your friend,” Rarity said as she sidled up next to Twilight.

Rainbow looked over at the statuesque Guardspony and asked, “Uh, what’s going on Argent?” Steely silence was his response.

“Um, yes, I agree with Rarity. Argent has been by your side for so long now; you shouldn’t be so mean to him,” Fluttershy added as she slowly made her way behind the advancing Applejack to avoid the darkening glare Twilight aimed in the her direction.

“Would someone please fill me in?” asked a thoroughly confuse Rainbow Dash.

“Ah don’t know what bee got in ya’lls bonnet, but ah reckon that if ya’ll are gonna treat Argent that way, ya best be ready to explain yerself.” Applejack walked right up to Twilight until she was nose to nose with her friend.

“Would somepony, anypony, please tell me what is going on!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Weeeeeeell,” began Pinkie Pie, who had just returned from wishing the final guests farewell, “Everypony was having a great time, then Twilight went all Purple-Snooty and put Argy in time out, but Rarity was all, ‘Twilight, daaaaahling, you simply must treat mrffle mfffn mmmf” A cyan hoof muffled the pink mare’s detailed account.

“I got it Pinkie,” said Dash as she pulled a soggy hoof from the maw of cupcake doom.

“Guardspony Defender is my retainer, I shall treat him how I see fit,” said Twilight, looking down into Applejack’s eyes. The extra few inches in height she had gained from her alicorn transformation may not have seemed like much, but she was using every bit to aide in her regal stance.

Rarity bumped Applejack aside with her flank. “I will hear nothing of the sort. Argent is your friend and all of ours as well. Argent, come over here.”

Argent stepped forward until he was in front of Twilight and stood at attention. “Princess,” he started, “I don’t know why you’re mad at me, and if you tell me, I promise I will rectify the situation.”

Rarity smiled and nuzzled Twilight. “You see darling, we’re all friends here, apologize to Argent and we’ll all have some of that delightful punch.”

Twilight had already had plenty of punch, which had been adulterated by no less than 5 different ponies during the course of the party. The little voice in her head that usually said, “Easy Twilight, she’s your friend,” was screaming, “SHE CAN’T TELL US WHAT TO DO!” She had spent the last two decades serving others, asking nothing in return; but now, the urge to be selfish asserted itself with a vengeance. She had been wronged, and her friends had taken his side.

Twilight turned towards Argent and stared through him. “Argent is not my friend. He is my subject. Serving me is his duty. He need not like me to perform his duty.”

“Twilight, that’s not tr…” Argent began to shout. A lavender flash sealed his mouth shut with a silence spell.

Twilight stomped forward, her face a thunderhead of rage. “You are dismissed Guardspony Defender. We thank you for your service. Report to the Canterlot barracks for reassignment.” Argent, still silenced collapsed on his hind legs, eyes watering, and stared as Twilight turned and made to walk out of the bakery.

She had only made it two steps when an orange ball of fury tackled her to the ground. “Oh no you don’t. We ain’t done here yet Twilight Sparkle. Ya don’t do that to yer friends.” Applejack, huffing in anger, had the princess in a head lock. Another lavender flash left her grasping at air.

Twilight reappeared behind the 6 ponies. “Friends? You don’t do that to friends, dear Applejack?” She levitated above the others, her stunted wings flared; her thick glasses had fallen around her neck, held in place with a silver chain. “Where were my ‘Friends,’ when I spent the last two decades researching ways to keep this country safe?” She stared at Applejack, “We can’t all spend our time whispering sweet nothings beneath the trees of sweet apple acres with our beloved husband. You like honesty, right Applejack?” Twilight pointed a golden shod hoof at the stunned farmpony, “Every familial moment of bliss you've had these last twenty years has been paid for with my blood, sweat and tears.”

Emboldened by the righteousness she felt at the release of pent up resentment, she swept her gaze to Rarity. “And while I found ways to keep the eldritch horrors of other dimensions at bay, where was the generous Rarity?” A sneer of contempt ran across Twilight’s face. “She was sashaying about in her frivolous dresses, searching every pretentious, hollow, high society event in Canterlot for her dashing prince.” A joyless smile crossed her face as she continued, “That was a colossal waste of time, wasn’t it Rarity?”

Rainbow Dash, riveted to the floor in fear, was next in the firing line. “And as I read myself into chronic severe myopia, where was the ever loyal Rainbow Dash, who would, in her own words, ‘Never leave a friend hanging’?” She flapped her stunted wings, “As I was forced to allow my wings to shrivel into pathetic ornaments, she joins those spandex showboats and shacks up with their leader.” A tinge of sorrow entered into her voice. “I wake up in agony every morning.”

Twilight turned her attention to Pinkie Pie, who was nervously trying to “snortle at the spooky” rather unsuccessfully. “At least they left me alone. Pinkie’s idea of being a friend was to constantly interrupt my research, ruin my experiments, and take any time I had to relax, and turn it into a massive explosion of sugar and streamers. In all my studies, the greatest mystery of all time is how she managed to have a daughter as intelligent as Savory.”

“And you.” The contemptuous tone and icy glare directed at the world’s most innocently adorable yellow and pink pegasus caused a gasp from those capable of vocalizing one, and a squeak from the target. “You are a parasite Fluttershy. You feed on the sympathy of others. I suppose I shouldn't blame you; you don’t blame a leech for sucking blood, it’s all it knows. The funniest thing is that you’ve got the perfect Stallion, the perfect children, the perfect life, and you still want my sympathy and reassurances.” Twilight shook her head and fired one last barb, “Every moment of happiness you take for granted is one I have denied myself.”

The five elements of Harmony quivered on the floor, alternating looks of hurt, shock, and anger plastered on each face. Every eye was awash in tears. A deathly silence fell upon the room. Twilight floated to the ground and continued her imperious scowl.

A sharp thud to her right caused Twilight's head to swivel, like a turret sighting a new target. Argent, his voice still silenced, and his mind incapable of the focus needed to harness his magic, had dropped his shield to the ground and started crawling towards Twilight. Using his nose, he pushed the shield in front of him as he closed the distance to his Princess, tears spilling from his eyes.

The sound of steel scratching wood as it rubbed along the floor was all that could be heard. Argent reached Twilight’s hooves and looked up with desperation in his eyes. One final push and he placed the shield directly in front of the mare he had spent the last twenty years dedicated to.

Twilight looked at the Stallion and her glare softened. A spark of hope flashed in Argent’s mind. Twilight’s horn glowed, her eyes glazed over with the same pearly white light. Her mind’s eye flashed through her archived memories of her time with Argent. The vitriolic look of scorn slowly left her face, as twenty years of memories, both good and bad, passed before her eyes. Just as she was preparing to release her magic, the words, “One doesn’t need to like one’s duty to perform it” echoed in her mind. The white aura winked out, and her eyes reappeared. The scowl returned, doubled in intensity. Her horn flared a deep purple, her hoof raised from the ground, enveloped in a sparkling aura. It hovered over Argent for a split second.


Argent flinched and looked down at the golden hoof cup. He instantly wished the hoof had knocked him unconscious instead. His shield lay splintered into several pieces, a portion of the six pointed star on each shard. Twilight gave her friends one last empty stare, and unceremoniously teleported away.

Another few silent seconds passed. A wailing sob shook everyone out of their state of shock. Fluttershy lay on the ground, her hooves crossed over her face bawling for all she was worth. Applejack and Rarity lay beside her and tried to comfort the Pegasus.

“She didn’t mean it sugar cube, there’s no way she meant it.” Applejack said, trying in vain to convince herself as much as Fluttershy.

Pinkie and Rainbow were trying to rouse a softly muttering Argent to his feet. “Come on soldier boy, get up, she didn’t mean it,” whispered Dash as she tried to use her nose to lever Argent onto his feet. Pinkie, her hair hanging in a silky cascade and her eyes staring into infinity, seemed to be trying to reassemble the shield as if it were a jigsaw puzzle.

“..you…I love you…I love you…I love you” repeated Argent as if the simple mantra was all that was keeping the world from collapsing in upon him.

Author's Note:

So here's my first chapter of what I hope to be many. expect one of similar length within the week. The next one should do a better job at justifying the adventure tag.

Any suggestions are welcome, as my writing may be a bit rusty.


* Added Horizontal rules