• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

  • ...

Ch. 9: Dancing Around the Truth

Twilight luxuriated in Argent's warm embrace for several minutes. The enervation spell cast upon her had lowered her body temperature considerably, so each moment in his hooves banished the cold from her bones. Practicality reared its ugly head however, and she soon placed her muzzle to the stallion's ear and whispered. Argent nodded and helped the mare to her hooves.

She walked to Trixie and wrapped a forearm around the mare's shoulder. "I guess I owe you another favor," she whispered. "There's a secret compartment on the back side of the throne, Twilight has the key." She stepped to Argent's side and watched as Trixie limped around the large onyx seat.

"Sparkle," she said from behind the throne, "Bring Trixie the amulet."

The younger Twilight looked at the older with a mix of suspicion and confusion as she joined Trixie. She levitated the artifact from her saddlebags and floated it to the cyan unicorn's outstretched hoof. She briefly considered the ramifications of returning the amulet to the pony who had caused such chaos with it. "I can trust her," she thought to herself, "she's earned it." She released her levitation field and the jeweled necklace fell into Trixie's grasp.

Trixie dropped to her knees and pressed the amulet into an indentation on the bottom of the throne. Red light flashed from the gem in the amulet and the clicking sound of some hidden piece of clockwork machinery emanated from behind the black stone. With a puff of black dust, the rear panel of stone slid backwards, and then up into the back of the massive throne. Several ancient tomes and journals filled the hidden compartment, each remarkably well preserved. Twilight levitated the trove of writings out of the cubbyhole and examined one.

"Shoebert's experimental work logs," said Twilight breathlessly. "His exact process for creating the amulet will be in here." She placed the books into her panniers and grabbed the sides of Trixie's head in excitement. "Do you have any idea what we could learn from this?" she said frantically, "Spells to cure diseases; descriptions of events lost to history; Magical artifacts we've might never have dreamed of!"

"The means to turn oneself into a power mad undead abomination?" added the elder Twilight from the front of the throne. "Perhaps it would be prudent to limit your research to Trixie's condition."

"Okay, I've had about enough of this," said Twilight. She led a limping Trixie from around the throne and stared angrily at the two older ponies. "You two are hiding something." She held her hoof out to forestall Trixie's protest. "No, Trixie, I know they are your friends, and I don't doubt that they are good ponies," she said, "but their dishonesty and foolhardiness nearly cost all of us our lives." She strode in front of the tall green and blue maned unicorn mare and looked up into her eyes. "I won't allow anypony, no matter how well-meaning they may be, to endanger my friends, let alone put an entire town of innocent ponies at risk."

The elder mare returned the stare and arched an eyebrow. "You would blame the siege of Appleoosa on us?" she asked icily. "We didn't bring the Alicorn Amulet with us." She took a step forward and poked her younger self in the chest with a hoof. "We didn't bring a piece of a Lich's soul close enough to wake him," she said accusingly. "All we did was try to keep three headstrong, ignorant, children from marching to their doom. If not for you three, we would have dealt with that thing in its sleep."

"And how do you know all this?" said the younger stallion in annoyance. He pressed his hoof down on the older mare's, separating it from Twilight's chest. "You seem to know so much about what has happened around here," he pointed at the pile of smoldering bones and hide that was Shoebert, "Why not tell us about the danger that thing presented instead of running off on your own."

"Trixie thinks we should-" said the mare before she was interrupted.

"No Trixie," said Twilight, "I want to hear their answer." She stood next to Argent in solidarity and flared her wings. "You will answer him."

The elder Twilight looked at her companion who shrugged in response. "It's up to you," he said, a tinge of worry carrying through his voice.

The mare sighed and stepped back to her stallion's side. She pulled the cloak over her head and let it drop to the floor. A lavender aura surrounded the corset that circled her midsection. The laces slowly untied themselves until the garment hung open at her belly. She flexed the muscles in her side and felt the constricting garment slide from her back as her wings spread to their full span.

"You're...How...What?" sputtered the younger Twilight.

"Can we talk about this outside," said the elder alicorn. "I want to be out of this tomb." She began walking towards the exit and opened the door with her magic. A pile of griffin bones lay collapsed just inside the next room. The elder stallion followed her, picking up his shield on the way.

Argent shook Twilight from her shock and motioned after the two exiting ponies with a shake of his head. "I'll help Trixie," he said. The younger alicorn nodded and trotted towards the door. Argent lowered his neck and pulled his sister's injured foreleg around it. They slowly made their way across the throne room. "You knew didn't you?" he asked accusingly.

Trixie looked straight ahead and flinched at the accusing tone. "Oracle will explain everything," she said, "but yes, Trixie knew."

"She took you into her home," he said, "I told her you needed help; she risked her life to help you; and you lied to her."

Trixie remained silent as they passed through the long passageway. As the siblings approached the breach in the cliff wall, a hoof reached in. "I got you," said the elder Argent. The younger stallion slapped the hoof away and stepped through the hole before reaching in and assisting his sister into the warm desert sun.

"You've done enough," said the young stallion angrily.

Trixie groaned in annoyance and clipped the stallion in the back of the head. "Would you stop it," said the mare, "Horizon didn't mean to hurt Trixie." She ruffled her brother's mane and pushed him away to test out her injured leg. "See," she said while gingerly putting her weight on her hoof, "It's not that bad." She hissed as a slight tinge of pain lanced through her foreleg. "Trixie thinks a few minutes in the cold spring will do her hoof a world of good."

The two stallions followed their limping sister towards the tree ringed oasis. They entered the small stand of trees and marveled as the warm desert wind became a cooling spring breeze in the space of a few yards. As they passed the first few fragrant trees, the sound of the two alicorns talking filtered through to their ears. The trio of siblings walked towards the waters edge, where the two Twilights sat facing each other.

"But Celestia herself told me that her sister, Cadance and I were the only other Alicorns."

"Yet here I am," said the elder Twilight with a smile. "The princess certainly is the wisest being in all of Equestria, but she's hardly omniscient." She reached up a hoof and pointed towards the ruined laboratory. "If she were, creatures like that would never be allowed to exist." She nodded at Trixie and the pair of Argents as they approached.

Trixie limped to the small beach and submerged her injured foreleg into the crisp cold waters of the spring fed oasis. She gasped as the chilled water numbed the pain. The younger Argent sat beside Twilight, keeping a wary eye on the two older ponies. The elder stallion walked over towards a low hanging branch and began plucking several of the orange fruits, placing them in his inverted round shield.

"To put it simply," said the older mare, "Celestia doesn't know about me because I choose not to advertise what I am.

"But why wouldn't you want everypony to know?" asked Twilight, "Why wouldn't you want to be celebrated as a Princess."

The older mare didn't have to think very hard on a response. Years of life lessons had taught her that those fillyhood dreams every mare harbored were just that: Naive dreams. She used her decades of experience to distill her complaints about being a princess into a brief few sentences.

"Imagine that you spent your life confined to a small place," she began, "Not anything uncomfortable, mind you, but someplace that you felt safe and secure in: Some place you wouldn't leave unless you were forced to." She swirled the water of the pool with the tip of her hoof and continued. "Now imagine that you were thrown into the big wide world, and had a chance to meet all the wonderful ponies that inhabit it." Twilight smiled as Argent returned and placed the improvised tray of fruit between everypony. She levitated one of the apricots to her mouth and took a small bite, savoring the sweetness, and gave the stallion a peck on the cheek for his troubles. "All of a sudden, something changes about you, and soon, everypony you know, as well as anypony you might meet in the future, treats you differently." She frowned ruefully around another bite of the fruit. "You know they'll want you to take care of their problems, and help keep them safe. You'll be expected to be a fount of wisdom and grace." She placed her head on top of her crossed forehooves and sighed. "I know myself," she said, "I would put everything I had into being the best princess I could be, but it would be like locking myself in that confining little space all over again."

The younger alicorn pondered what she was being told. Indeed, she had been scared of the drastic changes her transformation was bound to cause. The past month had been a whirlwind of activity, and between the coronation celebration and her royal tour, she hadn't had much of a chance to think more on those worries. "You make it sound so bleak," she said with an apprehensive frown.

The older mare realized that she was possibly sending her younger self down a dangerous path of self doubt and tried to soften her words. "I think that's just the kind of pony I am," she said. "I think for one to be a princess, and be happy with their life, they have to be able to make room for things other than duty." She raised her head from her hooves and lowered it over the back of her Argent's neck, nuzzling his coat with her muzzle. "I think had I known that earlier, and had I known Horizon, maybe I would have been at peace with being a princess."

"You could still be a princess," said the younger Twilight. "You seem pretty happy together, and there's nothing that says a princess can't have a prince. My brother and Cadance are very happy"

"I'm too old for all that, and these old useless wings aren't very regal," said the older mare flexing the atrophied appendages. "I'm rather fond of my life the way it is now." She levitated the apricot to Argent who took a bite. "Why mess with a good thing?"

"Look," said the younger stallion, "I can appreciate what you're saying, but none of this really explains why you seem to know so much about what has happened the last few days." He had stopped his suspicious glares as the older Twilight had explained herself, but he still needed answers as to why their lives had been put in harm's way by these relative strangers. "I mean, you said it yourself: Just because you're an alicorn doesn't mean you know everything."

Twilight felt Argent tense up from beneath her. She had been trying to figure out how to spin this since it became obvious that their knowledge and abilities couldn't be hidden any longer. "The truth is, I knew what would happen because I've seen it happen before."

"I don't understand," said Twilight. "There was little in the library about Shoebert, and not to be rude, but you seem to age normally, so I doubt you were alive hundreds of years ago."

"No I wasn't," said the older mare. "What I should have said was, I knew what would happen because I've seen it happen in my mind." She watched as confusion rolled over the younger ponies. "I don't know how I do it," she lied, "but I can catch glimpses of future events before they happen."

"That's-" said the younger stallion.

"A little hard to believe," interrupted the younger Twilight.

"More unbelievable than two alicorns raising the sun and moon every day?" asked the older Argent. "More odd than a Draconequus who can bend reality at a whim?" He held the two in his gaze. "Is it any stranger than a six hundred year old undead unicorn sending an army of skeletons to attack a wild west town?"

"Well when you put it that way, I guess not," replied the younger unicorn stallion. "I don't suppose there's anyway to prove this ability?"

"Well there was the Kenku," said the elder Alicorn. "I saw that something horrible would happen to those pegasi if we didn't intervene. Luckily, Horizon and I were able to reach them before my vision came to pass." She shrugged her shoulders in resignation. "Take that for what you will." she said. "Perhaps if I have another vision you can see for yourself."

"I'm not saying that we don't believe you," said Argent, "and Trixie vouches for you, which goes a long way in my book, but when it comes to the Princess's safety, I can't be too careful."

The younger alicorn patted her bodyguard's hoof and smiled. She believed what she heard, especially as the older mare's misgivings at the prospects of being a princess so thoroughly matched hers. "A little late for second thoughts," she thought to herself, "but maybe she's right: I just need to make sure I make time for myself. Maybe it's as simple as that." With a grin she grabbed one of the sweet smelling fruits. "Now that the cat's out of the bag, I'm sure Oracle will demonstrate her ability at some point."

Twilight returned her younger self's smile. "Of course princess," she said, sensing that the hook had been set. "Can I ask one small favor though?" The mare nodded her assent. "You can understand that I wouldn't want it known that I can predict the future," she said, "Any number of unscrupulous ponies or worse would try and take advantage of that if they could. I just ask that you let Horizon and myself go on as we have been."

"That sounds reasonable," replied the younger alicorn. "Can you promise me that you'll let us know if any of these visions are particularly dangerous? Today, for example, would have been very nice to know of beforehoof."

"I promise," said Twilight, her hoof outstretched. The younger mare clapped it with her hoof and the two shook on it.

"Can you forgive Trixie for not telling you?" asked the cyan mare. "Trixie didn't want to keep either of you in the dark, but she promised, and Trixie always keeps her promises."

"Water under the bridge," replied Twilight, "Besides, everything worked out okay, and we get two new friends out of the deal, so I'd say we're even."

Argent nodded his agreement and crawled over to his sister and gave her a hug. "I'm just glad you're okay," he lifted her injured foreleg in his hooves and felt along it for any breaks. "You are okay, right?"

Trixie placed the hoof of the sprained leg into his chest and pushed him into the chilly pool. The high pitched scream lasted only a moment before he disappeared under the water, his limbs thrashing involuntarily. "Trixie's leg is feeling fine," she said mischievously. Before he could retaliate, Trixie pounced on the stallion, sending both ponies deeper into the pool.

Minutes passed by as the two older ponies, along with the younger Twilight, laughed at the antics of the siblings. The older mare winced at the pain from her chest. She waved off the concerned questions from the two ponies that sat beside her. "It's just a cracked rib," she said stoically. "It only hurts when I laugh."

"We'll have the doc look at you and Trixie when we get back to town," said the younger Twilight. At the mention of the town, she immediately shot to her feet. "The town! We have to get back!"

"They're fine," said the older alicorn confidently, "His creatures will not have survived his passing."

"I'm sure you're right," said Twilight, "but I still don't want to worry anypony. Pinkie is expecting us after all." She stood and looked at the two siblings engaged in a raucous splash fight. "Come on you two," she called out, "It's time we headed back." She watched as Trixie sent one last splash into the stallion's face before leaving the water.

Argent shook the cold water from his mane and slowly walked out of the oasis pool. Twilight stood transfixed as he walked towards her, rivulets of spring water running down his silvery coat. He trotted over to his panniers and draped the canvas bags over his back. "Ready when you are," he said to his still staring charge.

Twilight shook herself from her reverie and and gathered her belongings. The slight blush in her cheeks didn't go unnoticed, as the two older ponies stood and prepared for the short hike back to Appleoosa. "You just can't keep your eyes off me can you," whispered the older Argent to his amused companion.

"He is quite handsome," she whispered back, "I'm positively weak in the knees."

Argent chuckled and placed both of their saddlebags on his back. "You feeling up to the walk Trixie?" asked the older stallion of his sister.

Trixie took a few steps and nodded. "Trixie should be fine as long as we don't go too fast."

The group of ponies emerged from the copse of trees refreshed and eager to be back on their way to Appleoosa. They spent the late afternoon trekking through the arid badlands, chatting about idle things. The two stallion's led the way, with Trixie following close behind. The two Alicorns brought up the rear, the younger directing her usual endless curiosity at the older.

"No they were fine when I first got them," explained the older alicorn as she stretched out her wings. "This is what happens when you neglect your wings. They're meant to bear a pony's weight; just stretching them once in a while isn't enough." She saw the look of unease in the younger mare's face. "Don't feel bad," said the elder Twilight, "It's something I came to terms with long ago." She moved to her younger self's side and patted her with an outstretched wing. "Like I said before: Take time for yourself; go flying with a pegasus friend; have one of the princesses teach you if you have to."

As they continued chatting, the stallions ahead had finally begun to warm to each other. They were amicably conversing while they examined the shields they had swapped. Trixie rolled her eyes and fell back to the two alicorns. "Trixie doesn't see how those two could be so interested in flat pieces of wood and metal."

The elder alicorn chuckled. "Horizon has always been a bit fixated on his shield," she said jovially. "He's been known to sleep with it like a security blanket."

"That's cute," said the younger Twilight. "We all have our small comforts." A thought sprung to her mind. "I don't suppose you two had anything to do with a shattered silver shield with my cutie mark on it?"

"You found that, did you?" asked the older mare. "Call it overly sentimental, but I felt that I had to give you something in honor of your coronation: A finely wrought silver coat of arms seemed appropriate. We had a bit of an accident on the mountain top we were crafting it on though."

"A friend of mine who found it said there was quite a bit of dried blood up there," said the young Twilight in concern.

"Horizon took a rather nasty wound when my spells failed," replied the older mare, "but he could obviously handle it." She pointed to the older stallion vigorously swinging the younger's dented shield around.

"Well I supposed it's the thought that counts," said Twilight, "We've got all the shards if you'd like to make another try at it."

The older mare sighed in disappointment. "I'm afraid there's no putting that together again." She smiled and waved a hoof through the air. "A friend of mine helped in the aesthetic aspects of it, and she's very far away now. Perhaps you know somepony with a good eye for design. Keep the shards and see if you can succeed where we failed."

"That might be fun," said the younger alicorn happily. The thrill of trying something new with her magic was one of life's little pleasures, and artifice had always appealed to her. "So what are your plans once we've got everything settled down in Appleoosa? Are you two actually cartographers: Do you intend to return to the road?"

The older mare shook her head. "No, on both questions," she replied. "We have traveled quite a bit, but I suppose you could call us treasure hunters, rather, retired treasure hunters." She shrugged her shoulders and nodded towards the older stallion. "It was time for us to settle down, and Ponyville seemed a nice, quiet, out of the way place."

"If half of what Trixie has heard is true, you are quite mistaken," said Trixie between laughs. "Even discounting Trixie's mischief, Sparkle tells stories that convince Trixie that Ponyville is anything but a sleepy little town."

"I'm starting to realize that," said the elder mare with a deadpan delivery. "Perhaps I should keep Horizon on a short leash." The three mares burst out laughing together, drawing the attention of the two sparring stallions.

"What is it about mares laughing together than makes me want to go hide in a cave?" asked the younger Argent.

"Self preservation instinct," replied the elder with a wry grin.

"I'm sorry Miss Pie, but until we've swept the entire town for more of those things you say attacked Appleoosa, I'm afraid I must insist on everypony staying secure in the town hall." The large golden armored pegasus turned to one of his Lieutenants. "Make sure everypony from the train gets inside as well, and gather some food and water for them," he said while returning to his make shift command post just off the north side of the main plaza. The young unicorn saluted and trotted towards the train station, shouting orders at troops who had been busy carting off the tons of bleached white bones from around the main stairs into the town hall.

"Captain Brightblade, Sir!" shouted a pegasus coming in for a landing. "Five ponies approach from the west."

"Tail Spin, Spring Breeze!" he shouted at a nearby pegasi stallion and mare, "Come with me. Lead the way Scout Littlewing. Sergeant Hardy, keep clearing this plaza." The four pegasi took to the air and banked towards the western edge of the town. Littlewing came to a near hover and pointed at a group of ponies making their way out of the desert. "Follow me," said Brightblade as he began a circling descent.

"Oh sweet Celestia, it's Captain Brightblade," muttered the younger Argent in terror as he watched the glinting speck of gold come into focus. He brought the small group to a stop and stood at attention. The elder Twilight adjusted her cloak and made sure her corset was in place.

Twilight walked to his side and held her hoof to her brow to shield her vision from the sun. "Good," she said, "I figured it would have taken well into the night before the guards arrived."

"Not with Captain Brightblade in charge," said Argent apprehensively, "That stallion is quite good at motivating his soldiers." Twilight nodded: She had heard stories of the pegasus Captain's strict discipline, mostly from her brother.

The four pegasi landed sending a gust of sand into the faces of the companions. The large armored stallion strode forward, his two soldiers following just behind, one at each flank. The scout launched himself back into the air and resumed his aerial patrol of Appleoosa. Brightblade stopped in front of the younger unicorn stallion.

"I don't see Captain Armor, Guardspony Defender," said the stern pegasus, "I always warned him you were a desertion risk." He sneered at the younger stallion and turned towards the older Argent. "Would you like to tell me what five unicorns are doing wandering into a town that has just been sealed under a magical dome and attacked by vicious monsters?" His tone made it clear that he found the situation suspicious.

"You can direct any queries my way Captain Brightblade," said Twilight. She stepped forward and flared her wings.

"Your highness," said the Captain quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here" He lowered a front leg to the ground and gave a respectful bow. "Forgive the impertinence, but what would possess you to go into the badlands alone," he said, fighting to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

"I wasn't alone," she said pointing to the her companions, "Argent is my bodyguard, and Horizon, Trixie and Oracle are all quite capable unicorns." She trotted forward until she was standing before the massive pegasus. She looked up and held the captain in her gaze. "We have dispatched the creature that caused all of this," she stated. "Is it safe to assume that your presence indicates that the town is secure?"

"Yes your highness," replied Captain Brightblade, "I have patrols looking for more of those creatures, but according to the locals, the ones in the plaza all collapsed within seconds of one another. I have the ponies of the town secure in the town hall until we can be sure."

"I have it on good authority that the magic that animated these beasts has been cut off Captain," said Twilight, "Come, we shall give everypony the good news." Twilight walked past the pegasi and resumed her path towards the town.

The pegasus captain ground his teeth and turned towards Argent. "What kind of donkey brained bodyguard puts his princess in such danger," he growled at the young stallion and spun on his hooves. "Tail Spin, Spring Breeze, recall the patrols and muster everypony in the plaza. I will escort the princess to the town hall."

Argent fell in behind Twilight and the Captain as they continued east into Appleoosa. "Your highness," said Brightblade, "I must protest your choice in escorts." He glanced over his shoulder at the the frowning unicorn stallion and shook his head. "A princess should be be escorted by a company of the finest the Royal guard can offer. Even Princess Luna has those Bat winged things to look after her." He leaned in and lowered his voice. "Guardspony Defender isn't fit to guard a latrine."

Twilight stopped abruptly and stomped her hoof on the ground. "If you believe that, then you claim to be a better judge of character and talent than both myself and my brother, who is a great captain in his own right." She fixed an angry frown on the armored pegasus.

"I meant no disrespect to you or my colleague-" began Brightblade.

"Former colleague," interrupted Twilight, "My brother is Prince of the Crystal Empire now, unless you have forgotten."

"Of course not your majesty," replied the stallion nervously, "I simply feel that you deserve the best guard Equestria can provide. I of course would be more than willing to recommend some of my best soldiers to take over for Guardspony Defender."

"But Argent is the best," said Twilight emphatically, "He's already proven so several times this day alone."

"He's an undisciplined lout who disobeys the simplest order," replied the Captain, "There's a reason he never amounted to much under my command, and why he will never be more than a simple guardspony, no matter what anypony might say. I know soldiers, and he is not a worthy soldier."

"Is that so?" said Twilight angrily.

"Yes your highness," said Brightblade as he aimed a sneer at the stoic young unicorn stallion. "I could provide you with reports of his insubordination."

Twilight turned and strode towards Argent, her face a thunderhead of fury. "Guardspony Defender," she said, "the Captain says you are unfit to be my Royal Guard." She began pacing back and forth before the young stallion. "He claims that you aren't of sufficient rank, and would provide me with replacements more suitable to my station." She stopped before him and rose her head high. "I therefore discharge you from the Royal Guards Corps immediately, if the Captain agrees."

"I concur your majesty," said the Captain, a victorious smirk stretching across his muzzle.

Twilight looked at Argent. A pleading look of desperation had settled on the young stallion's face. She winked and turned to face the Captain. "Since he is now removed from the Canterlot royal guard, I would like to announce that he is my choice to be Captain of my Harmony Guard, with all rights and responsibilities it entails." Brightblade's face turned a bright red as Twilight turned back to face Argent. "Will you accept the position?"

Argent wiped the shock from his face and bowed deeply before the princess. "I would consider it the greatest honor Princess Twilight," he said reverently.

Twilight placed a hoof on his forehead. "Then arise Captain Argent Defender," she said for all to hear. "Rise and attend your princess." She removed her hoof and stepped back. Argent rose to his hooves, a beaming grin dominating his face. She returned the smile and turned to continue towards the center of town.

"Why didn't I get a fancy title?" whispered the older Argent to his Twilight.

"Because your head's big enough as it is," she whispered back.

They arrived at the central plaza as the sun began to sink below the buildings behind them. Piles of bones littered the plaza in front of the town hall. The stairs to the building had been cleared, but two guards remained stationed at the entrance. Rows of armored soldiers had lined up on the north side of the plaza.

"I am relieved to see you safe your highness," said Captain Brightblade, "And since it appears the Harmony Guard is all here, my soldiers and I are no longer needed. Good day to you all." He spun around and began barking orders to his Lieutenants. The column of Royal Guards was soon trotting towards the rail station at the northern edge of town.

"Good riddance," spat Trixie, "Trixie would have bit her tongue off if she had to listen to that blowhard for one more minute." She looked at her still beaming brother. "No wonder you were so crabby on your days off."

He nodded and sighed. "That stallion is the reason Royal Guards never move when on duty. It isn't some obscure tradition or espirit de corps, as they say in Prance. They're just terrified of Captain Brightblade." He trotted to Twilight's side. "That's the second time I've been saved from that stallion by your family," he said gratefully.

"Oh, I didn't save you," she said with a blush, "I just really wanted to put that jerk in his place." She turned to the older alicorn and smiled. "There are some benefits to the whole princess thing." The older mare chuckled and dipped her head in an admission of agreement. "Let's see how everypony is doing," she said as she threw open the doors to the town hall.

"Twilight!" came a shout from halfway across the room. Pinkie Pie bounded towards the newcomers, Braeburn in tow. "Mr. Meanypants wouldn't let me go outside and look for you when that big black umbrella disappeared and the bonies fell down."

"It's okay Pinkie," replied Twilight. She raised her voice and shouted across the auditorium. "We found the source of all this trouble and dealt with it. Appleoosa is perfectly safe now." Cheers echoed across the room as everypony stomped their hooves in appreciation. "Pinkie?" asked Twilight, "Do you think you could keep the children occupied for a few minutes more while we clear the bones from the plaza?"

Pinkie nodded and walked towards the stage where the large group of children were hopping around in excitement. She reached her hooves into her saddle bags and fanned out two hooffuls of lollipops. "Who wants candy!" she shouted jubilantly. The feeding frenzy that ensued kept the little ones and the pink mare busy while Twilight slipped outside with her companions and several of the townsfolk.

"Do we have somewhere we could deposit these remains respectfully?" asked Twilight.

"Well, we don't really have a cemetery yet princess," said Doc Splints, "we're too new a town, and I'm too dang good." The townsfolk chuckled and the doctor continued. "There was a spot overlooking the orchard that I thought would be nice when the time came."

Braeburn nodded and clapped the doctor on the back. "I know where Doc is talkin' about," he said, "it's right beautiful."

"If some of you ponies could dig a few trenches, I will take care of transporting the remains," said Twilight somberly. The Appleoosans nodded and started heading east towards the large apple orchard that had become the town's namesake.

"I'll go help out," said Argent, "They look a little short hoofed. You coming Horizon?"

The elder stallion looked to the older Twilight. She nodded and watched as the pair of stallions galloped after the departed Appleoosans. "Let me help you with that," said the elder Twilight as the younger mare began gathering all the bones into a large pile in the plaza with her magic. She flared her horn and began sweeping a large pile of remains across the ground with a giant magically constructed shovel. "That was a sweet thing you did for Argent," she said as they combined their efforts to clear the plaza.

"He doesn't deserve to be treated like that," replied the younger mare. "Nopony treats my friends like that."

The older Twilight smiled as she divided the large pile in half. She surrounded half of the grisly remains of the day's battle into a levitation field. "Well for whatever reason, I'm sure he appreciates it."

They each lifted their share of the shattered bones and started walking towards the bluffs above the orchard. The pair of alicorns marched in silence, cognizant of the macabre task before them. Darkness stretched on the horizon as the sun set behind them. The soft glow of their magical auras lit the ground before them. The light from several torches steered them towards their destination. Two deep trenches had been dug atop the ridge overlooking the orderly rows of young apple trees. The Appleoosans gathered around the trenches, their heads bowed as the princess and her friend lowered the mass of bones into the makeshift graves.

"I wish we could do more for these ponies," said Twilight to the gathered crowd. "I could say that we avenged their deaths, but that would be a shallow thing." She lowered her head in sorrow. "All I can say is that their remains can be at rest now." She grabbed a clump of dirt and sprinkled it into the trench. The other ponies followed her example, and soon several of the stallions began filling in the trench with shovels.

Twilight led the townsfolk back to the town hall, smiling as they began to shake off the melancholy and laughed amongst themselves. "They're settler ponies," she thought to herself, "They're used to hardship and sadness. This will just be another story in Appleoosa's colorful history that they'll tell to their foals." As she opened the door to the large auditorium, she was hardly surprised to find Pinkie up on the stage amusing the fillies and colts with her antics. The children seemed much more receptive to her song about sharing and caring than the hostile crowd of ponies and buffalo from years earlier. She stood atop the upright piano Spike was playing and showered the young ones with handfuls of confetti and candy, which, if one thought about it, was probably the main reason for the children's gleeful cheering.

Pinkie saw Twilight and the various stallions and mares enter the auditorium and hopped down from the piano. "Okay my little colts and fillies, remember, Auntie Pinkie promises a Western Days party the likes of which Appleoosa has never seen, so be good for your mommies and daddies so they let you come." The parents began collecting their children, humoring the excited children as they told them all about Pinkie Pie's promises of fun to come.

The insistent knocks on the door were being ignored by the slumbering unicorn stallion. The hoof that pushed him off the bed was much more effective.

"Huh, Whuzzat," said the dreary eyed stallion.

"Door," muttered the mare beneath the comforter.

A pale light from the window signaled the approaching dawn. Argent stood and looked at his reflection in the mirror. The orange haired stallion that looked back at him shrugged in sympathy. Another round of knocks shook him from his reverie. He checked to make sure Twilight's wings were out of sight and opened the door enough to poke his head into the hallway. He was rewarded with a series of raps on his noggin from a pink hoof.

"Miss Pie," said Argent softly as not to wake up the mare behind him, "Is there something I can help you with?"

Pinkie turned her head back to the door. "Yay, you're up!" She grabbed the stallion around the neck and drug him down the hallway. Argent's protests fell upon deaf ears, as the mare led him out the front of the inn and into the streets of Appleoosa. The frames of half finished stalls and carnival attractions lined one side of the plaza. Pinkie maneuvered her "volunteer" to an unfinished dunking booth and pulled a hammer and bucket of nails out of her saddle bags. "I had to send Mable off to help with the stage in the town hall, but she said anypony with half a brain could finish this." She dropped the tools at Argent's feet and began to gallop across the plaza towards a large roped off area.

"But I've never..." He trailed off as it became clear that the mare was already out of earshot. He sighed and picked up the hammer in his mouth while levitating the bucket of nails towards the already constructed barrel. He traced the mechanism from the seat that sat above the large barrel to a metal plate a few feet away. Realizing that he just had to build a simple facade, Argent set down the tools and began gathering the previously cut planks of wood from a large pile in the street.

An hour passed by as he began nailing boards to the frame that Appleoosa's chief Handymare had already constructed. The work went by slowly, as Argent hadn't ever been particularly adept at building things: Apple Bloom had always taken care of Twilight's carpentry needs. A rumbling in his stomach reminded him that he had missed breakfast. A muffin floated before his vision, tempting him with the aroma of apples and cinnamon. He brought his hooves up to the tasty apparition and was surprised when he actually grasped the pastry. He turned at the sound of stifled laughter behind him.

The elder Twilight stood in front of the booth, barely containing her amusement. He walked up to the small table and took a bite of the treat. "I can smell the coffee," he said around a mouthful of muffin, "Gimme."

Twilight floated the tin cup around and placed it next to him. "Thanks for letting me sleep in," she said before reaching her head over the booth table and kissing his cheek.

"Blech," said a familiar voice from behind the mare.

"I found him scrounging for food in the common room," explained Twliight as the young Dragon ran towards the large barrel.

"Hey!" protested Spike, "A dragon doesn't scrounge: He hunts!" He scrambled up the side of the tank and looked inside.

"Many apologies oh mighty beast of legends," said Twilight in an exaggerated manner. She walked behind the dragonling and lifted him off the wooden barrel with her magic and deposited him on the ground. "Any idea where the Heroes of Appleoosa have gone off to?"

"Pinke Pie and Braeburn said something about visiting the tailor," replied Spike, "The sun wasn't even up, so I wasn't really listening, but Trixie, Twilight, and Argent were all gone when I came downstairs." The chime of the clock tower caused him to jump up. "Whoops," he said, "I'm supposed to be practicing for the dance tonight. I'll see you guys there!" His little legs flew into motion and he was soon on his way towards the town hall.

"Alone at last," said Twilight in a sultry tone.

Argent let out a mighty guffaw. "First I couldn't get you out of the house; now you're getting frisky in the middle of town."

"I guess I feel more comfortable with these disguises," she replied, "and since there's no real reason to worry about hiding from ourselves, I suppose we can be a bit more adventurous." She wrapped a hoof around his midsection and pulled him into a deep kiss. "I also figured this out," she said as she flared the magic in her horn.

Argent felt his body tingle and watched as Twilight's coat returned to it's light purple hue and her mane reverted to its normal sapphire blue with violet and rose streaks. He looked around nervously.

"Relax," said Twilight as she felt him fidgeting in her embrace. "I've made a little modification to Trixie's disguise spell." She released Argent and levitated a mirror from her cloak pocket, holding it in front of his face. The orange and yellow maned stallion still looked back at him. "The rest of the world still sees our disguises," she explained, "but you and I can see each other as normal." She hugged him tightly. "I know it sounds shallow but I missed looking at the real you."

"Then we're both shallow," he replied tenderly. Argent pulled away and levitated the hammer. "As much as I'd love to spend the day like this, Pinkie would be cross with me if I didn't finish these booths." As he turned, the board he reached for lifted from the ground in a purple aura. Several others from the nearby pile joined it and they floated to their positions on the stall frame, waiting to be anchored into place.

"Let's get this taken care of then," said Twilight enthusiastically. "I don't want you too tired to spend the festival with me."

"Trixie appreciates the sentiment," said the cyan mare with a grunt as the seamstress tightened the dark blue sash around her waist, "but she is perfectly fine wearing her cloak and hat."

"But Miss Lulamoon," said Desert Rose, "How can you be the guest of honor at the Western Days Dance without authentic western wear?"

Trixie sighed and allowed the red coated mare to continue her alterations. She was soon standing in front of the mirror, admiring herself in the purple pleated prairie skirt and matching short cut, hoof-lengthed, high necked jacket. "Trixie supposes concessions can be made," she said to the tailor, "You certainly know your craft Ms. Rose."

"Aw, shucks," said the grateful mare, "It's the pony that makes the clothes. I just hope ya'll know how thankful we all are for everything you've done for us." She tied the end of the silk sash into a bow. "I don't know what would have happened to my little Sage if you hadn't gotten her out of that schoolhouse." She gave Trixie a hug around the neck before walking over to the dressing screen in the corner of the room. "Is everything okay in there Princess?" she asked.

"Quite all right," said Twilight as she stepped from around the screen. The loose, puffy sleeved, cream colored silk blouse she wore was accentuated by a tight fitting, delicately embroidered, tan vest with holes on the back for her wings to fit through. The brown pleated skirt was also richly embroidered in the same swirling white patterns, while its hem was accented with white tassels. The ensemble was completed with a magenta bandanna tied around her neck and a brand new black stetson on her head.

"You're just a vision of loveliness Princess," gushed the seamstress. "Let's get the waist taken in a little, and it looks like the hem could stand to come up an inch." She steered the alicorn to the three paneled mirror and levitated a pin cushion and spool of thread to her side. "If you could hold still for just a few moments please."

Twilight stood motionless as Desert Rose worked her magic. "I can see why Applejack likes these kinds of dress clothes," she said cheerily, "My normal dresses are beautiful, but they're just so hard to move in. These are so practical, yet still so lovely."

Desert Rose smiled before snapping the thread with a bite from her teeth. "We don't have much use for clothes you can't move around in out here," she said while tying the loose thread into place, "but that doesn't mean we can't look as fine as my Canterlot sister-in-law." She looked at the alicorn and grinned at her efforts. "Some of my finest work," she said with pride.

Twilight pranced around the dressing room, wondering at the range of motion the beautiful outfit provided her. "I just love it Ms. Rose," said Twilight, "You simply must let me pay you for it."

"Not a another word about that," replied the seamstress, "Ya'll have done so much for us, it's the least we could do in return." She placed her tools in a drawer and led the two mares downstairs. "Let's see how my husband is doing with that stallion of yours."

The three mares walked down the stairs to the open showroom of the tailor's shop. Argent stood still in front of a mirror, his back to the approaching mares. A unicorn in an off-white shirt and black pinstripe vest squinted from behind his monocle as he directed a needle through the lapel of the dark navy blue jacket Argent was wearing. He stepped back and surveyed his creation. "Voila," he said, "Ladies, I give you Fancy Duds' latest masterpiece.

Argent turned and saw only Twilight in her new attire. He stood speechless for a few moments before Trixie's hoof on his back shocked him back into reality. "Trixie wouldn't believe if she hadn't seen it for herself," said the cyan mare incredulously, "but you've actually managed to make this oaf look presentable." She ran her hoof down the sleeve of the expertly tailored, single breasted jacket and gripped the fabric. "You guys sure have a way with silk." Argent adjusted the bolo tie around his neck and fiddled with the buttons of the grey waistcoat.

"You look quite dashing Argent," said Twilight as she rubbed her hoof against the ground. "I don't think I've seen you wear anything but your shield."

The stallion tugged at the collar of his starched white dress shirt. "Trixie's right," he said, "I've never been one to dress up." He looked down as Fancy Duds placed a gold pocket watch into the vest pocket and attached matching chain to a button hole. "To be honest, I feel a little silly."

"Nonsense," said Fancy Duds as he opened a round hat box. "Every stallion should have a fine suit, especially if he's escorting a beautiful princess to a dance." The monocled stallion removed a brown felt stetson and placed it on Argent's head. "Now give us a canter to see how it moves," said the tailor. Argent sighed and walked around the showroom, raising his forehooves high off the ground at each step. "Perfect," said Fancy, "and with minutes to spare."

Twilight looked out the large display windows. Appleoosans, all in their finest outfits, were beginning to mass in the central plaza in front of the clock tower. Young colts and fillies in adorably oversided cowpony hats and bonnets scampered underhoof, excitedly pointing at the booths of games and treats.

"Ya'll go and enjoy yourselves," said Desert Rose as she trotted to her husband's side. "We need to gussy ourselves up before we can join in the fun."

"Thank you both so much," said Twilight, "I hope we can see each other during the festival." The two unicorn's bowed and waved as the three ponies left their shop. Twilight made towards the town hall, flanked on each side by Trixie and Argent. "That was nice of them," said Twilight as the crowd parted around them, "For once though, I'd like to actually buy a dress on my own."

"Is Sparkle really complaining about being showered with gifts?" asked an amused Trixie. "Trixie would be happy to relieve her of that burden."

Twilight bumped the laughing mare with her flank. "Hush you," she said, "I'm just saying I enjoy occasionally being self reliant." They made their way to the steps of the large meeting hall, shaking the hooves of the grateful Appleoosans they passed. Pinkie and Braeburn were waiting for them at the steps: Pinkie in her Saloon Mare's outfit, and Braeburn in a well worn black long coat and tan waistcoat.

Braeburn quickly ascended the stairs and turned to face the crowd of townsfolk. "Glad to see everypony here!" shouted the stallion exuberantly. "Welcome to the Third Annual Western Days Festival here in the great town of Aaaaaappleoosa!" A loud cheer erupted from the crowd as Braeburn laid on his slick western charm. "Now I know ya'll all pitched in after the trials of the last few days, but we've got some special ponies here with us that made all this possible." He held out a hoof and winked at Pinkie Pie. The pink mare bounced up onto the steps and pirouetted on one hoof before wrapping Braeburn in a bone crunching embrace.

Once he regained his breath, and his composure, Braeburn threw a hoof over Pinkie's shoulder. "Ya'll might have heard about how this lovely young mare helped bring the children out of the schoolhouse in the nick of time!" The crowd roared in response, causing Pinkie's already rosy cheeks to turn a darker shade of red. "But did ya'll know that she's also the pony that got all our flanks into gear so that we could put on the Western Days Festival as planned? Ladies and Gentlecolts, Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie!" Pinkie punctuated the introduction by pulling the Hullabazooka from out of nowhere and firing off a round of candy treats into the air, sending them raining down upon the crowd.

Braeburn chuckled and pointed down at Argent. "You all probably saw this fella on these very steps just yesterday," Argent walked up and awkwardly waved to the crowd. "I reckon he's much happier to see this crowd though! Let's give a big Appleoosa thank you to the Princess's personal guard, Argent Defender!" The two stallions bumped hooves and Argent stepped to the side with a still beaming Pinkie Pie.

"Now I personally saw this unicorn in action folks," he said while waving up Trixie, "And if there's a braver mare with her nerves of steel, I haven't met her yet. Let's hear it for The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon!" The showmare ascended the stairs and blew kisses to the raucous crowd. Her horn glowed and a globe of light flew into the early evening sky, exploding in a shower of blue and purple sparks. "And she knows a thing or two about fireworks!" shouted Braeburn. The Appleoosans' cheers had reached a fevered pitch as he looked down and nodded to Twilight.

The crowd shushed itself to silence as the alicorn climbed up the stone staircase. "Do I even have to say anything?" asked Braeburn rhetorically. "She showed up when all seemed lost and pulled us all from the fire," Braeburn took a knee and bowed his head, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Appleoosa salutes you." The crowd all imitated the stallion.

Twilight looked to her friends, receiving only amused shrugs in response. "Everypony, please stand," she said loudly. "You all did the hard work, we just helped point you in the right direction. Everypony cheer for Doctor Splints, who kept everypony safe and healthy." The crowd parted around the grizzled old earth pony stallion and cheered. He waved a hoof around and performed an exaggerated bow. "Let's all celebrate Quake and Stumps who held the door with Argent for nearly the entire assault." The two stallions clapped their forehooves together, sending a loud crack across the plaza. The crowd responded with boisterous cheers. "Let's hear it for Sheriff Silver Star and his deputies who held out at the school house until help arrived." The guards removed their hats and held them to their chests as the town acknowledged them. "And let's not let this stallion avoid his well deserved accolades," she said while raising Braeburn's hoof with her own. "Braeburn is yet another Apple I'm proud to call my friend." The crowd stomped their hooves in appreciation of their defacto leader.

"Pinkie I think you can take it from here," said Twilight while walking back to Argent's side.

The pink mare stood at the edge of the top step and threw her forehooves into the air. "Let's Party!" she yelled to the anxious crowd.

Twilight turned and flung the large doors open with her magic. She and the ponies atop the steps walked side by side into the elaborately decorated auditorium. The stage had been expanded and lined with red and green skirting. An elevated dais sat at the back wall with an upright piano and several chairs and music stands on top. Spike waved to Twilight as she entered. She waved back, giggling at the adorable bowler hat he somehow procured. She recognized Applejack's cousin Fiddlesticks leading a group of ponies in tuning their various stringed instruments. Twilight quickly moved towards one of the side walls to make room for the excited ponies streaming into the dance hall. The piano came to life as Spike began coaxing a lively ragtime melody from the ivory keys. Fiddlesticks and her band soon picked up the tune and several ponies started pulling their friends and significant others onto the stage to dance.

For the first half hour of the dance, Twilight played the role of the popular wallflower as she greeted and chatted with what seemed like half the town of Appleoosa. Argent remained at her side, receiving his fair share of attention from the townsfolk. Trixie had long since abandoned the obscurity of the wall for the limelight of the stage. Pinkie had pulled Braeburn onto the dance floor and was quickly showing him how to groove to her new favorite jam.

Twilight looked across the dance floor and saw Oracle and Horizon laughing as they cavorted at one corner of the floor. When she barely heard Argent calling her name over the loud music and louder crowd, she leaned in to the stallion. "What was that?" she asked.

The stallion swallowed and screwed up his courage a second time. "I asked if you'd like to dance," he said, his voice cracking and his hooves sweating.

"I'm not very good," said Twilight in embarrassment, "I've been told my dancing looks like those done by Mareori warriors before battle."

"Oh, okay," said Argent weakly.

She saw the the crestfallen look on his face and sighed. "He probably wouldn't leave me by myself if I told him he could go dancing," she thought to herself. "Oh all right," she said, "But I warned you." Twilight pulled the surprised stallion forward by the hoof and climbed the stairs to the dance floor. Her fears began to materialize as the ponies parted before her and opened a large circle in the middle of the stage.

The older Argent saw this and quickly made his way to the piano and whispered into Spike's ear. The dragon grinned, curled his claw into a fist, and bumped the stallion's hoof. He returned to his confused mare and pulled her towards the crowd of ponies in the center of the floor. Spike's shout to Fiddlesticks went unheard by the dancers, but she nodded and barked instructions to her band before turning around and walking to the front of the stage. She began stomping her hoof in a steady rhythm and was soon joined by the other musicians on the stage. She brought the well seasoned fiddle to her chin and began playing a lively reel. The upright bass, viola da gamba, and fife soon joined in, along with a piano accompaniment from Spike.

The crowd of ponies started stomping in time until the entire stage was shaking to the lively rhythm. Young Argent laughed and darted forward, locking the crook of his foreleg into Twilight's. He began spinning the mare around one direction before switching to her other leg and spinning her around the other way. After a circuit he released her and trotted backwards, still slapping his hooves against the floor in time before trotting forwards again to repeat the steps. She soon picked up the motions and was stomping her hooves and spinning to the beat of the festive reel.

The other dancers hooted in approval and began spinning and trotting around one another, laughing in joy as the music continued at a brisk pace. The ponies soon started swapping dance partners after every few circuits around each other. Twilight found herself being twirled around by Horizon, the older stallion flashing a winning smile at the alicorn as he expertly led her around the dance floor. Argent smiled at his sister as they performed the dance the orphanage matrons had taught them as children. Oracle meanwhile found herself being spun around vigorously by Pinkie Pie, the pink mare making her dizzy with the double timed rotations.

The reel continued at a frenzied pace for several minutes, until the tired dancers began falling like flies and heading to the refreshment tables set up on the side of the large dance hall for some much needed Pinke Pie Punch. Oracle dragged an exhausted Horizon down the steps of the stage and pulled him to the wall where they both slumped down and tried to catch their breaths. They watched as Twilight and Argent continued dancing, the alicorn laughing excitedly every time they came together and began to whirl about. Soon the princess and her guard were the only ponies left as Fiddlesticks jumped into the air and brought her hooves slamming down on the stage one last time before playing a final long note. Twilight and Argent remained standing on the stage, looking into each other's excited eyes and smiling. The cheers of the audience brought them both back to their senses and they soon stepped from the dance floor, sweaty and thirsty.

Freed from her self doubt, Twilight pulled the stallion to the floor several more times as late afternoon turned into evening, marveling at how easily she could pick up the simple waltzes and jigs from her dance partner. "You're really good at this," she said while they gently swayed back and forth during a waltz, "You and Trixie both."

He chuckled and adjusted his hoof on her shoulder. "The matrons at the orphanage we grew up at found that dancing was one of the best ways to sap the energy out of rowdy colts and fillies." He proudly nodded to his sister who stood chatting with several ponies by the tables of food. "She won several competitions when we were teenagers."

"Orphanage?" said Twilight, a hint of shocked sympathy in her eyes.

"We lost our parents when we were seven," he said stoically.

"I'm so sorry," she said, her voice full of guilt for having unintentionally broached the topic.

"No it's okay," he said, "When I say lost, I mean that they disappeared. We hope they're okay, wherever they are, but it's been so long now with no sign of them." He felt Twilight's grip on his neck tighten. "Trixie's travels are really just a way to look for information on where they might have gone."

"I wish there was something I could say other than 'I'm sorry,'" she said, "I'm glad you had each other at least."

"We did," he replied, "and the orphanage is actually a great place." He smiled and led her through a gentle spin. "Princess Celestia even visited us once."

"Would it be alright if you took me there?" she asked curiously, "The next time we're in Canterlot maybe?"

"Sure," he said happily, "I haven't seen the matrons in months. It would be nice to show them I didn't end up a no good layabout."

Twilight laughed and glanced around the room at the ponies looking at them in confusion. Her ears twitched as she realized the music had stopped. She quickly pulled her forelegs from around his neck and smiled sheepishly as he removed his hooves from her side. Twilight led them from the stage and out into the bustling plaza. Ponies ran to and fro, laughing excitedly at the myriad games and attractions that dotted the village common.

"Princess, Princess!" shouted a group of young fillies and colts as they ran up to Twilight at the bottom of the stairs. They clustered around the princess and rapidly told her about all the fun to be had around the fair. She grabbed Argent by the hoof and pulled him after her as the little ponies led the way to fun.

Hours later they sat laughing together on a bench looking out over the orderly rows of apple trees that dominated the eastern side of the town. The large gibbous moon provided ample light for the two ponies. Twilight's vest and Argent's coat were draped across the back of the wooden bench, while their hats sat on the heads of the two large stuffed Ursa Minors sitting beside them.

"That was fun," said Argent with a yawn and a stretch of his forelegs.

Twilight smiled at him and nodded. "It was wasn't it?" she asked while idly dangling her hoof over the edge of the seat. "I can't remember the last time I was able to just let go like that." She reached over and grabbed a piece of cotton candy from the stick Argent held. "Thanks for dancing with me," she said sincerely, "I probably would have watched from the wall all night if you hadn't asked."

"Happy to help," replied Argent. "Maybe we can do it again some time," he said hopefully.

"The Grand Galloping Gala is only a few months away" she warned, "You might want to watch out for what you wish for." She looked out over the trees, watching the branches rustle in the light evening breeze. "I guess I owe Shining an apology," she said ruefully, "I thought being assigned a bodyguard would be a headache, but I'm glad you're here." She reached over and held his hoof with hers. "I think we'll be able to do a lot of good together."

Author's Note:

A couple days off made this a pretty easy and fun chapter to write.

Thanks to everyone who's favoriting and liking the story.