• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,580 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

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Ch 2: Regret

Ch. 2: Regret

The stillness of the Golden Oaks Library was shattered with the arrival of the Princess of Magic. A loud crackle and pop, followed by a blinding flash accompanied her homecoming. Standing in her golden hoofcups, Twilight Sparkle remained motionless. Her eyes stared off at the front door but she saw nothing. Her minds’ eye was busy studying the tableau that was burned into her vision. The 5 mares had fought a god of chaos; they had confronted ancient disembodied tyrants together; but the look on the faces of her best friends dwarfed any fear they had shown on those dark days.

The fear they were displaying paled in comparison to that of the stallion that had prostrated himself before her. Twilight had seen that face in sorrow, anger, joy, and mirth countless times over the course of their adventures. However, the look of hopelessness, the look that said that there was no light left in the Equestria, was unprecedented in twenty years of near constant companionship.

Regret was something the lavender alicorn was unfamiliar with. She had felt ephemeral twinges of regret when she disappointed her mentor, of course, but for every mistake, she had always learned a valuable lesson which had made her a better pony, and a better princess. Examining the still seared in image of her heartbroken friends had left her with a crystalline moment of clarity. “They will never forgive me,” whispered Twilight, her eyes finally focusing. She knew that even if she apologized, even if she begged for their forgiveness, and even if they granted it, a part of them would always remember those abominable words. Twenty two years of magical friendship were tainted in a matter of seconds.

But she had meant those awful words; Celestia help her; she had meant every stinging, spite filled word. Twilight was unworthy: Unworthy of her friends; unworthy of her mentor; unworthy of Equestria. She began walking up the stairs to her living quarters. The bejeweled breastplate fell to the floor as she unlocked the clasps. One by one, the hoofcups were kicked off. At the top of the stairs, the Crown of Harmony was dropped; its momentum carried it down the steps, each ricochet making a soft, “tink,” that echoed through the silent library.

She made it to her study and collapsed on the wooden floor. There were no tears; only the helpless stare of the condemned. She didn't want to hurt anyone else. Her horn glowed with a flickering aura of purple. Outside, a shimmering purple disc winked into existence about the Golden Oaks Library. Slowly, the disc expanded and curved itself towards the ground, until a large glowing dome sealed off the heartbroken mare from the rest of Ponyville.

Inside, at the bottom of the stairs, a hairline crack, imperceptible to the naked eye, propagated along the six pointed star-jewel of the Crown of Harmony.

At Sugar Cube Corner, five mares were starting to compose themselves. Fluttershy still softly sobbed into Rarity’s chest. The white unicorn stroked the butter colored Pegasus’ mane and cooed, “Shh. This shall pass my dear, you’ll see.”

While the Elements of Kindness and Generosity fed upon each other’s comfort and solace, those of Honesty and Loyalty feasted upon anger and confusion. Applejack was stomping back in forth, wearing a groove into the floorboards. “She thinks she can treat us like that?” shouted the farm pony, “Ah got half a mind to buck her stuck up face ta next week.”

Dash was followed her from above. “Stay cool AJ. Twilight was way uncool, but she’ll answer for it.” She pointed towards the slouching pink mare standing off to the side, “Let’s make sure Pinkie’s coco hasn't gone completely loco.”

Walking and flying over to the now silken maned mare, the two friends looked warily at each other. “Umm, Pinkie?” asked Dash, “Are you okay?”

The pink mare’s head slowly rotated to what looked like an impossible angle. A mirthless smile was plastered to her face as she replied in a far too cheery voice, “Yes siree bobarooney Dashie! As soon as Twilight gets back we’ll all have cupcakes and hot cocoa!”

Dash floated down to Pinkie, terrified, but determined. “Sure Pinkie,” she said, “but it’s way too late now. We’ll do it tomorrow, okay? Let’s get you to bed.”

“Awww, okay Dashie, we’ll have whipped cream covered waffles with sprinkles and chocolate syrup at breakfast instead!” exclaimed the party pony as Dash escorted her to her room.

Forgotten in the milieu of emotional mares was a stout, silver coated unicorn stallion. His body, splayed in front of the remains of a shattered ornate heater shield, was shaking from inaudible sobs. Applejack made her way over to him.

“Argent, hon, ya’ll are gonna have to pony up. We gotta pull that stuck up featherbrained varmint down from her high horse, and we need your help,” said a still simmering Applejack.

Snapped back into reality by Applejack’s harsh words and angry tone, Argent closed his eyes tightly, shakily rose to his hooves, and walked in long, deliberate, strides towards the earth pony. “You do not speak of the Princess in such a manner,” said the Guardspony in a low growl. “I will not allow it.”

Applejack took a few steps backwards; a confused and slightly fearful frown slid across her face. “Argent, what she did...it’s awful. How can ya’ll possibly defend her now?” said the farm pony as she bumped into and flattened her body against a wall. “Ain’t nopony gonna speak like that to me ‘n mah friends!” she finished, in spite of her growing unease at the advancing stallion.

Argent stopped and glared at Applejack. “She is your princess,” replied Argent in a steely, monotone voice. “She will speak to us you as she pleases. Treat her with the respect she is due.” The stallion made a quick about face and started to trot out of the bakery. He stopped in front of the remains of his most cherished possession. A look of sorrow tried to fight against the guard’s mask of determination and failed. With all the willpower he could muster, Argent raised his head and galloped out of the building.

Seeing the royal chariot still parked under the nearby tree, the stallion realized that his Princess certainly would not approve of it spending the night away from its proper domicile. Hitching himself to the gilded monstrosity, Argent pulled the full weight of the chariot into motion one agonizing step at a time. Had his mind possessed any measure of calm, he might have recalled the lightening spell that had made the job manageable earlier. The still of the night wrapped itself around Ponyville as a single unicorn stallion performed his penance for failing his princess.

Several hours later, Argent was slowly backing the chariot into its shelter. Removing the harness from his body, he ignored the painful welts it had left on his body. He cantered towards the tree home in a daze. His progress was arrested by a sharp crackle of magical energy. Looking up at the magical dome, the stallion stubbornly tried to force his way through a second time. The discharge of magic sent him sprawling across the plaza. The third, fourth, and fifth attempts all resulted in bruises and further scrapes. Feeling his way around the barrier, Argent realized that he knew this spell; it had kept him safe in more than one crisis. The futility of the situation didn't register however. He hammered at the barrier with his hooves, shouting for the forgiveness of his princess.

Neither pony nor sound made its way through the barrier.

Hours of contemplation had left Twilight feeling even more helpless. The damage was irreparable. Her words might have echoed the truth of her feelings, but they were also the most selfish and hurtful things anypony could say to a friend.

Twilight tossed her original manuscript of “The Codex of Friendship” aside. It held no answers for her. Standing, she made her way to her display shelves. The pictures could not buoy her spirits. Instead, each photo filled her with longing for something she knew was lost to her forever. She desperately tried to find some sort of answer in shelf after shelf of memories.

Twilight’s despair was reaching a crescendo as each memento refused to assist her in her quest for answers. As she perused the final shelf, a mass of torn black spandex and an eye-patch grabbed her attention. Memories of an ill-fated trip to the past filled the alicorn’s mind. An attempt to avoid a manic week of misguided fear had led Twilight to attempt to warn her past self to avoid said week. She had thought it a lesson in taking life as it came, but perhaps, buried within that lesson was the key to saving her from a lifetime of loneliness.

Twilight burst through the study door and ran down the stairs, narrowly avoiding trampling her hoofcups and crown. Her meticulous sense of organization was rewarded with the quick discovery of a cache of tomes describing the magical theory and application of time travel. Heedless of the hour and circumstances, Twilight levitated the tomes to her study. Sweeping aside her comet research, the alicorn placed the tomes on her desk.

She started with the spell she had used those many years ago. At the time, she had impulsively cast the spell without understanding any of the underlying theories. Starswirl the Bearded‘s time jump spell was a parlor trick she now realized. Reading from his journal, Twilight zeroed in on a particular passage:

The time spell is fundamentally useless. Any attempt to change the past results in the traveler assisting in some event that actually occurred in the past. I attempted to warn myself to avoid eating a particularly rancid quiche, only to be whisked back to the present before I could get the word “quiche” in. It was then that I recalled how much I despised quiche; and the only reason I had eaten the vile thing was because I had spent a week starving myself out of worry.

I fear that there is some underlying universal construct that prevents us from changing that which has happened. The princesses seemed worried by my attempts at bypassing this obstacle and ordered me to turn the spell over to them for safekeeping. Normally I’d kick up a fuss, but for some reason, the spell only worked once. I think it may have something to do with the aforementioned construct. I shall try another way to alter one’s destiny…

Placing the journal to the side, Twilight contemplated this mysterious “Universal construct.” “He must have had already been working on his unfinished spell,” she said to herself. No magician worth their salt would balk at some law of nature. Magic was the art of violating nature. She was violating nature by levitating the very books she studied magic from. Certain that she was on the right path, Twilight pulled out several dense tomes and blank scrolls of parchment. Planting herself in her chair, she began pouring over the accumulated knowledge of the ages.

Pinkie Pie had been left to sleep off her mania in her room above Sugar Cube Corner, while Applejack and Fluttershy had returned to Sweet Apple Acres to be with their families. The lights of the Carousel Boutique, however, remained lit well into the night. Rainbow Dash, her mane even more unkempt than usual, tried to find a comfortable position on Rarity’s mobile fainting couch. With the Wonderbolts currently on extended leave, and her co-captain and wife visiting family in Los Pegasus, Rainbow Dash gladly accepted Rarity’s offer of the couch. The fashionista had forgone her nightly beauty regimen and retired upstairs, her saddlebags bulging with the remains of Argent’s shield. Dash struggled to find the inner peace necessary to drift off to sleep.

“Spandex showboats!” spat the uncomfortable Pegasus, “That nerd wouldn't know cool if it hit her at terminal velocity.” Dash got up for the 4th time of the night. Her frequent cat naps made her a light sleeper to begin with; the adrenaline surge elicited by Twilight’s tirade made sleep a near impossible goal. She tried working out some of her frustration. After a few dozen wing-ups, she began jogging in place, oblivious to the noise she was making.

The door at the top of the stairs creaked open, freezing the Pegasus in place. She had crashed with Rarity enough times to know that waking her from her beauty sleep was a harshly punished offense. She stayed frozen in place as dainty hoofsteps descended the stairs. The sweat from her brief workout was joined with the sweat of the damned. As she steeled herself from the mother of all hissy-fits, a strange feeling on her shoulders caused her to flinch. Looking to her side, she exhaled a sigh of relief as Rarity, clad in her pink nightgown, wrapped her in a hug.

“I gather you couldn’t sleep either Rainbow,” said the unicorn, who removed her now sweat soaked foreleg. Sighing in consternation, the mare trotted to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. After cleaning herself she made her way to the kitchen and put on a teapot to boil. Trotting back to the showroom, she tossed the towel to Rainbow Dash, who had her wits about her enough not to try sitting in her sweaty state.

“Tea will be ready shortly darling,” said Rarity. “Why don’t we sit down and talk?” she asked as she made her way to the couch. “Misery loves company you know,” she added with a rueful smile.

“What’s there to talk about Rar?” asked Dash. “She doesn’t want to be…no, she’s not our friend anymore. Friends don’t aim to kill like that.”

“Perhaps we should talk about what to do about it?” asked Rarity. “We may have lost Twilight for the moment, but is it me, or did poor Argent receive the brunt of her onslaught? I’m worried about him.” Leaving and then returning with mugs of steaming tea, the white mare sat down with her friend and pondered what was to be done. “I don’t know if you noticed, but the poor thing was devastated. What Twilight said to us was hurtful, but it was just that: words,” said Rarity as she levitated her saddlebags from their place by the door. "We can get past hastily spoken words. Emptying the bag's contents on the floor before them, the mare continued, “I saw his face when she destroyed this: His heart broke Dashie.” A line of tears made their way down her face, as she continued, “I always had my suspicions, but to have them confirmed in such a devastating scene…well it’s almost too much to take.”

Rainbow walked over and nudged a piece of the shield with her hoof. Turning to Rarity she looked down abashedly and sighed, “You’re right. I was so angry at her for what she said about my team and my gal, I forgot all about Argy.” Sitting before the steel shards, she hung her head and lamented, “Some loyal friend I am.”

“Nonsense darling,” said rarity as she swept in to hug her friend, “Loyalty has no time limit. We’re going to help him now, and after that, we'll all make up with Twilight.” Looking down at the ruined shield she frowned in consternation. “I have no idea how we’ll manage it though. I was hoping I could fix this, but I can’t.”

Seeing the confused look on the Pegasus’ face, Rarity explained, “She made this for him Dash. I should know; I helped her.” Rarity mind flashed back to a day some fifteen years earlier.

“Twilight, darling,“ whined Rarity, “When you said you wanted my help making Argent a gift for his service, I thought you meant a dapper vest, or a stylish scarf. Who ever heard of giving a shield as a gift?” Looking down at the shield, she adjusted her magical output as Twilight had shown her. The levitating lump of steel continued its metamorphosis.

“Rarity, I told you, I want him to have something practical, just like that lovely yellow dress you gave me a few years back!” Her magically constructed hammer of lavender energy smashed against the flattened lump of steel. Not seeing her companions look of embarrassment, Twilight continued her work. “Besides, when it’s done, this will be the one of the greatest works of artifice I've ever produced!” Rubbing her hooves together in glee she chided the white mare, “Now hold it on its side.”

As the shield approached its final form, Rarity saw her last chance to appease her sense of Fabulousness. “Twilight, darling, it needs some color.”

Twilight looked up from the handles she was fusing to the shields backside. “Rarity, I told you, gemstones would compromise the structural integrity,” she said as she grasped the shield in her telekinetic field. “It is perfectly functional in its current state,” she exclaimed, her face beaming a proud smile.

Rolling her eyes, Rarity played the guilt card for all it was worth. “But Twiiiilight!” wailed the mistress of drama, “I worked my horn to near exhaustion; you simply must allow me to place a fabulous design on this….’gift’.”

“I suppose,” said Twilight warily, “but no gems!” Twilight jabbed the shield and was rewarded with the solid *thunk* of hoof on steel. “You can paint it how you wish, and I’ll magic it onto the shield permanently.” A sly grin was plastered on Rarity’s face as she ran to her crafts room to fetch paints. Twilight fully expected to see a small parade of paint cans to return with her friend, but surprisingly, there were only two: pink and white. “Rarity,” said a confused twilight, “I don’t think Argent would appreciate a pink shield.”

“Hush Twilight, you said I could paint it how I wish,” said Rarity as she dipped a brush into the pink paint. She pulled the shield to her and held it so Twilight wouldn’t be able to see her work. “Now, stand right there, this will just take a few minutes.” She brought the brush to the shield and began her work.

Rarity spent the next few minutes in a joyous state of creativity which Twilight had denied her all day long. Her tongue gripped between her teeth, the precisely levitated brush danced across the front of the shield. After applying the final touches of white paint, she dropped the brush and looked at the clearly worried Alicorn. “Voila! tres magnifique!” She left the shield levitating in place and trotted over to Twilight’s side. She placed her foreleg around Twilight’s shoulders and slowly rotated the fruits of their labor.

The sight of a familiar six pointed pink star surrounded by white sparkles caused a rosy blush to appear on the Twilight’s cheeks. “Rarity!” she shouted, “This is not funny! He will hate it!” Levitating a bucket of water and a towel from the laundry room, Twilight accelerated the container towards the shield, ready to send its payload of dirty water on its way to wash away the embarrassment.

“No! He’ll love it, I promise!” screamed Rarity as she darted in between the mare and the shield. The dirty wash-water doused the white unicorn head on, running down her coat leaving its payload of harsh soap and accumulated filth along the way. The shivering mare raised her head and stared at her friend. Stepping to the side she growled with barely contained rage, “Finish. The. Spell.”

With a gulp, Twilight’s horn flashed and the paint was magically bonded to the steel. Rarity reached to the shield and ran her hoof along her handiwork. Reassured that her friend had kept her word, Rarity smiled and laughed as she started towards the bathroom. “Let me get a quick shower and you’ll see how much he loves it!”

“Uh, earth to Rarity,” said the cyan Pegasus. The unicorn looked up into Rainbow’s confused face.

“Oh, so sorry Rainbow,” Rarity apologized, “My mind was miles away.” She walked to the curtained window overlooking the plaza to let in some fresh air. “Now, let’s see if we can’t find a way to help out Argent.”

“Um, Rarity?” questioned Dash, “I don’t think we have time for that.” She pointed across the plaza to the Golden Oaks Library where a stallion was beating against a shimmering barrier. “That stallion needs help now.”

Nodding to her friend, Rarity removed her dressing robe and magically scooped the shield-shards back into her saddlebags and placed them on the couch. They exited the boutique and made their way over to the library.

The silver stallion didn't hear their approach as he continued to beat his hooves against the dome of force. “Twilight!” he attempted to shout. His voice had long since given out. The cry came out in a rasping croak.

“Argent,” said Rarity in what she hoped was a warm comforting voice. “I don’t think she can hear you.” Walking forward she tried to wrap a foreleg around his shoulders. The stallion’s hoof turned hers away.

“What happened to you Argent?” asked a concerned Rainbow Dash.

Rarity stepped back and took in the guardspony. His coat was rubbed raw from the chariot harness, and the various scrapes he had acquired had matted his coat with blood and dirt. Rarity gasped in sorrow and ran forward to grab his arms as he made to slam them against the dome once again.

“Let me go,” cried Argent, “I have to help her!” He tried to shake loose from Rarity’s grasp, but found it surprisingly difficult. A second attempt to extricate himself failed as cyan hooves wrapped around his chest. “No!” shouted the stallion, “She needs me!”

Rarity, realizing that they had no chance to reason with him, filled her horn with all the magic she could muster. Ever since her first attempt at babysitting Applejack’s sons, she had been studying sleep spells. A cobalt blue ray extended from her horn and struck Argent’s side, surrounding him in a similar blue aura.

“No!” murmured the stallion as his hooves gradually slowed their rhythmic pounding, “I have to make her see…have to help...Twilight…” One last feeble strike against the dome fell short and Argent collapsed face first into the dirt, his snores echoing across the plaza.

“Help me carry him back to the boutique,” said the exhausted unicorn, “he needs to sleep this off.” Rainbow swooped to one side while Rarity took the other. Between them, they managed to gently carry the still snoring Argent across the plaza and into the boutique.

“Rainbow, be a dear and fetch the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink,” asked Rarity. “We need to clean these cuts.” Grabbing a clean towel and basin of cold water she set about removing the dirt and blood from Argent’s wounds. Thankfully, they were all superficial. Rainbow returned with the box of salves and bandages.

“What are we gonna do Rarity?” asked a sullen Rainbow Dash. “He’s completely lost it.”

“I have some ideas,” replied Rarity as she carefully applied the healing salves to the worst of the cuts. “But it all will have to wait until he wakes. Take my bed Rainbow, I’ll keep an eye on him.”

With a yawn, Rainbow Dash nodded her assent, and climbed up the stairs. “Rarity,” she asked as she paused at the door to the bedroom, “Do you think everything can go back to the way it was before?”

“I hope so,” said Rarity, as she covered Argent with a blanket, “I truly hope so.”

“Arrrgh,” screamed Twilight as she slammed the ancient tome on the desk. “Stop telling me it can’t be done!” The lavender mare stood and ran a hoof through her disheveled mane. Dark bags beneath her eyes testified to her sleep deprived state. A haphazardly constructed tower teetered precariously beside her chair.

Her feverish research had left Twilight with a handful of theories on how to bypass the mysterious wall to the past. Avoiding it by reversing time was her first hypothesis. She had researched the age spell, hoping to determine if it could be reversed to make something younger again. While she succeeded in turning a flower into a seed, further delving into the thaumaturgical theory showed that it was a purely biological transformation, and a temporary one at that.

She had also considered sending a message back to herself: A “note-in-a-bottle” warning to her past self about the events of that night. Twilight tried to send a note back to herself, but the spell fizzled. She chalked it up to the mysterious force that Starswirl mentioned and moved on to other lines of inquiry.

The only theory that she felt had a chance was creating a portal she could physically travel through. A thorough study of similar portals that traversed space alone had been undertaken by the obscure sorceress Gladys Aperture nearly seven centuries prior. Twilight thought that with some modifications based on Starswirl’s work, she might be able create a portal to the past through which she could enter without fear of some arbitrary deadline keeping her from accomplishing her mission.

Running calculations on a scrap of parchment, Twilight sighed, “Too much energy. I could manage either of the spells on their own, but not at the same time.” The idea to use her Crown to augment her magical power also left her well short of what was needed. Twilight knew her limits all too well. Years of practice and experience had reminded her that, while she was an immensely powerful magician, she was still only a pony.

Slumping to the ground, the alicorn mare succumbed to grief. “It’s hopeless,” she moaned, “Even if the spell could work, no Pony could handle that much energy.” In her frustration, Twilight flailed her hooves in what Applejack would consider very poor apple-bucking form. Clumsily losing her balance, she crashed into her tower of books. An avalanche of knowledge buried the hapless mare.

Digging her way out of the literary rubble, she found that she couldn't see. Bringing her hooves to her eyes, she found that a tome had impaled itself upon her horn. After extricating the book, the consummate librarian in her examined it for damage. A glimmer of hope surged through her soul as she hugged the book tightly to her chest. Looking outside at the rising sun, Twilight Sparkle smiled and whispered to herself, “It has to be fate.”

She tossed the damaged book onto the desktop and grabbed a pair of saddle bags. After a few minutes of sorting, the last in a series of tomes levitated their way into the mare’s panniers. She retrieved the crown and made her way on to the balcony,whereupon she found her trusty nine and a quarter catadyoptic telescope. Confident she had what she needed, Twilight lowered her barrier, and with a lavender flash, she disappeared.

With the barrier gone, the wind finally found its way back into the window of Twilight’s study. The pages of the damaged book fluttered towards the back cover until only the first page remained visible. In elegant calligraphy, it read: “Neighly’s Comet: A Study of the Magic-Enhancing Celestial Event.”

Argent awoke to the sounds of somepony pounding on a door. Momentarily confused, his mind tried to ignore the offending racket and returned to its inactivity. A rustling against his side, however, jolted him to consciousness. His eyes opened to the sight of Rarity curled up against his flank. Before he could extricate himself from the compromising position, the door clicked and in burst a tall green-spined purple dragon, followed closely by a thin young unicorn mare.

“Eeeeeee,” squealed Sweetie Belle, a sickeningly adorable smile across her face.

“No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no,” sputtered Argent, his cheeks aflame, “This is not what it looks like!” He tried to stand up but his rear legs became tangled in the blanket he had apparently been sharing with Rarity. He tripped and fell across her back, jolting her awake.

“Oh Argent, I’m so glad you’re awake,” exclaimed Rarity. “Oh, hello Sweetie! Spikey-wikey, why are you glaring at poor Argent like that?”

Climbing off of Rarity’s back, Argent finally turned and faced Spike. “By Celestia’s sun, Luna’s moon, and Twilight’s books, I swear this is not what it looks like,” said the confused stallion. Turning back to Rarity, he sat back on his rear legs, held his forehooves together and begged, “Please tell me this isn't what it looks like.”

Rarity fought down the indignity of his question and assumed a reassuring smile. “Argent, darling, Dash and I found you outside the Library after we returned from the…unpleasantness,” said the mare. “You were in the process of injuring yourself, so we brought you back here to tend to your wounds.”

Argent examined himself and winced as he pawed at his scrapes. A vague memory of trying to force his way through the barrier played itself in his mind. “I’m sorry Rarity; I’m sorry you had to...”

“Nonsense,” she interrupted, “We weren't about to let you hurt yourself in your grief. Besides, we felt it best to talk to you about last night before anypony did anything drastic."

“What happened to you guys?” asked a confused Sweetie Belle. “It sounds like we left the party just in time.” Spike nodded his agreement.

“Be a dear and go wake Rainbow, Sweetie,” asked Rarity, “We’ll all have a nice breakfast and explain what happened.” Watching as her sister climbed the stairs, Rarity pulled the two males into the kitchen. “Fetch the fruit salad from the fridge Spikey-Wikey,” she said as she levitated bowls, napkins and silverware onto the table. As everpony, and dragon, found their way to the dining table, Rarity walked over to her pride and joy: A very chic and very expensive Istallian espresso machine. Everyone filled their bowls with fresh fruit as the slurping and swooshing sounds of the enchanted appliance filled the room. A few minutes later Rarity returned with a tray of tiny cups and a couple of peridots for Spike.

After crunching into a green jewel, Spike looked across at Argent, who had yet to touch his breakfast. “So what happened, and why do you look like you’ve been mauled by a timberwolf, bro?” The friends all looked at Argent, who hung his head with a sigh.

“She’s sending me away Spike,” said Argent as he tried to fight back tears. “I told you she was acting strange,” he explained, “but I never thought she’d lash out at her friends like she that.” Taking a sip from his cup, he braced himself and described the whole night as unemotionally as he could muster. Rarity and Rainbow Dash added their points of view to his story.

At the mention of his labors of penance, Spike’s eyespines rose in confusion. “There’s no barrier around the library, Argent,” said the Dragon, “I went in to see if you guys wanted to get some breakfast, but no one answered the door. I just thought that…” He was interrupted as Argent shot out of his seat. The table rattled as he quickly made his way to the front door.

“Argent Defender, you return to this table right now!” screamed Rarity, her face red with anger. “You will finish your meal and we will decide how to approach Twilight together.”

Frozen at the door, Argent forced himself back to the kitchen. Taking his seat between Rainbow Dash and Rarity, he apologized, “I’m sorry guys; it’s just that you’ve all known her as a friend for years, but none of you have seen her like I have.” He looked down at his plate and continued, “We’ve been in some dark places: Places at the edge of the world where Love, Friendship and Harmony are as unknown as Hatred, Enmity, and Discord are here.” An involuntary shudder passed through his body as the memories of near death experiences filled his mind. “Even in those places, she never lost hope. She would flare her magic and pull us out of the fire. Last night though, just before she disappeared,” Argent looked his friends in the eyes, “I saw an absolutely defeated mare.”

Staring at the grim look on Argent’s face, Rarity understood the gravity of their situation. “Very well Argent,” she said as she turned to Rainbow Dash, who had just finished her meal. “Rainbow Dash, fly over to Sweet Apple Acres and fetch Applejack and Fluttershy. As soon as Argent finishes his breakfast, we shall grab Pinkie Pie and meet you outside the Library.” Sensing the stallion’s forthcoming protest, she held up a hoof to preemptively silence him. “You will eat Argent Defender. I did not spend the night cleaning your wounds to have you collapse from starvation.” Looking to her sister, she continued, “I hate to impose Sweetie, but could you follow us to Sugar Cube Corner and watch after Savory while Pinkie is helping us? Dash can ask Babs and Bloom to join you two.”

“Of course Rarity,” said the younger sister, “Why don’t you two freshen up while Spike and I clear the table?” Sweetie Belle saw a chance to ease the tension in the room. “I’m sure your shower is large enough for the both of you.”

Rarity’s espresso shot across the room as Argent’s forehead crashed onto the table. Spike whispered into Rainbow Dash’s ear, whereupon the cyan Pegasus began cackling in delight. Throwing her napkin at her comedienne of a sister, Rarity stormed upstairs with a petulant, “Hmmph.”

Argent began walking to the styling room. Pausing beside the still snickering ponies and dragon, Argent muttered, “You are just the worst kind of ponies.” The silver stallion made his way towards the hair washing station, shaking his head at the still laughing friends in the next room. He quickly shampooed and rinsed his mane in the salon basin before using a towel to wash away any dirt remaining from his night of toil. Returning to the showroom, he saw Rainbow Dash preparing to leave.

“Celestia’s speed Captain Dash,” said Argent, his hoof rose to his brow in a sharp salute, “Tell the others to hurry, I still feel like I should be in that library now.”

“Aye aye Senior Guardspony Defender,” replied the Wonderbolt, her wings flaring as she stretched them out. “Shy might take a while to rouse, but AJ’ll gallop here as quickly as she can.” Finishing her stretches, the Pegasus threw open the door and rocketed into the sky, leaving a pony shaped cloud of dust and a rainbow contrail.

“Rarity,” shouted Argent, “We need to go!” The stallion turned to find Rarity standing at the bottom step. “Sorry,” he said with a sheepish grin. Leading the way out of the Boutique, Argent took one longing look at the library before leading the two ponies and dragon in a quick trot to Sugar Cube Corner.

A lavender hoof gripped the edge of the plateau. With a grunt, Twilight pulled herself onto the ledge. After catching her breath, she looked back down the cliff and flared her magic. Her saddlebags and telescope quickly joined her. She had teleported as close as she could to the mountain, but dared not take the risk of being even slightly off target while teleporting thousands of feet into the air. Climbing to the summit had taken the better part of the day. The mare examined her shadow and muttered to herself, “Maybe three hours until nightfall. Clock is ticking Twilight. Clock. Is. Ticking.”

Levitating a long, flat boulder to the edge of the plateau, Twilight began to unpack her saddlebags. She created a small dome that served to block the wind that howled this far up the mountain, the determined mare set about organizing her various research materials and optimizing her workspace. A quick trip into the abandoned cave was rewarded with the discovery of an old jeweled spear, left over from the cave’s previous tenant’s horde.

Satisfied that the mountaintop would make the perfect location to view the comet and harness its magical enhancing qualities, Twilight got to work on transforming the dirt into an arcane resonance collector. Large boulders were pushed to the side and excess dirt was shoved off the cliff. Levitating her first edition “Circles of Power and You,” Twilight used the haft of the spear to trace a perfect circle 40 paces wide atop the plateau. As the afternoon faded away, book after book was levitated in front of the mare, creating a mobile wall of literature. Runes of absorption and magnification were carefully placed to define the parameters of the circle. Leylines were added to direct the flow of magical energy. Finally, she drew an arcane link between the Circle and the Crown of Harmony. Stepping outside the circle, the alicorn’s horn flared in magical activity as she channeled intense heat into the dirt and stone.

The complex circle of power glinted in the now setting sun. The glassy onyx surface, still smoldering, slowly cooled in the high winds of the mountain peak plateau. Admiring her handiwork, Twilight sat down and stared across the river valley towards the cluster of buildings that was Ponyville. With an hour to spare before her mentor’s sun allowed the comet to become visible in the sky, and nothing left to do but recover the energy she had spent setting up, Twilight removed her journal and writing supplies from her impromptu desk. Opening it to the first blank page, she began writing:

Marech 21, 22 A.H.

I cannot inform the Princesses of what I plan to attempt on this night. They stopped Starswirl millennia ago, and I can’t take the risk that they would impede what may be the most important endeavor of my life. In lieu of sending her the customary letter, I can only hope that this journal entry will eventually be discovered by my mentor, hopefully many years after I peacefully pass from this world surrounded by my friends and family. Or maybe I’ll never write it. I don’t know; there are too many variables and conflicting theories at play here. Here it is:

Friendship cannot exist when resentment festers in the heart. I realize that now, but I learned this critical lesson far too late. One must take joy in the joy of others, even if they themselves are denied happiness. If you hold in these feelings, they will feed upon your heart until you only wish to inflict the same pain on those you resent. Once that line has been crossed, you can never go back.

Your Student (and Teacher),

Princess Twilight Sparkle

I hope I can go back. I don’t want to be alone. I’ve calculated the energy requirements to the nearest microjewel. The appearance of Neighly’s Comet and its associated amplification aura must has to be some quirk of fate, destiny, or whatever force in the universe bears us good will. Maybe it’s Starswirl’s mysterious construct. I hope for the best, but I know I’m grasping at straws. The theory is sound, but at its core, I’m just throwing a Celestial amount of magical energy at two cross cast spells. I will not unnerve myself by calculating my odds of success. But in the event of catastrophic failure, let these be my final words.

To my mentor: I’m sorry. I failed in my destiny. Please watch over my friends, they are still targets to any who wish to strike at Equestria. See Spike about Plan Omega, he’ll know what it means.

To Applejack: I’m sorry I kept these feelings from you. Perhaps had I been around more, your honesty would have rubbed off on me. Know that I love both you and your family.

To Rainbow Dash: I’m sorry for abusing your loyalty. I’m so proud of you; of all of us, you worked the hardest to reach your dreams, and I’m so glad you let me be a part of helping you get there.

To Pinkie Pie: I don’t want your last memory of me to be that horrible night. Please try to remember me as the grumpy mare you taught to laugh. Make sure Savory makes friends; I see far too much of myself in that filly.

To Rarity: You are without a doubt the most naturally talented person I ever met. Nothing made with your passion could be frivolous. I know you’ll find your prince, how could the most beautiful unicorn in creation not?

To Fluttershy: I was so wrong, you were just trying to share your happiness with me. Don’t cry; go home and hug Mac and the children for me.

To Spike: I’m so proud of you my number one assistant. You’re a pony in a Dragon’s body, don’t forget that. Be great.

To Argent: I know you thought you would be with me if things ever came to this. But this thing I do, I do for you, and all my friends. I know you better than any pony in Equestria. We have spent virtually every day of the past twenty years together, so I think I speak with some authority when I say this: You will try to blame yourself. Don’t. I failed you. I failed you the moment the world’s most introverted, oblivious and selfish mare took the most genuine, dedicated, and talented stallion into her service.

That’s it. The sun has set and I can begin. May these words never be read.

-Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight set aside the journal, ink, and quill and levitated the telescope to the edge of the Circle. The Princess of Magic and Harmony peered into the heavens at the glowing green sphere as it slowly traced an arc across the night sky.

Argent impatiently waited outside the bakery with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. At the door, a purple and green dragon tried to argue with a younger white coated unicorn mare. “Are you sure Sweetie? I wouldn't feel right leaving you here all alone,” said Spike.

“Spike, the girls will be here soon, I won’t be alone,” said Sweetie Belle, “Besides, I know you want to help Twilight.” She leaned into dragon and gave him a peck on the cheek. “That’s for luck,” said the mare, a crimson blush prominent against her pristine white coat. “Now get moving, I think Argent’s about to pop over there.” With a shove, Spike was sent towards the waiting ponies.

“Spikey-Wikey,” said Rarity with a smile, “I’ll say it again; that shade of red is most becoming.” With an overdramatic pose of determination, she pointed her hoof back the way they came and shouted, “To the Library!”

“Finally,” mumbled Argent sourly as he readjusted the overstuffed saddlebags on his back. “Let’s get moving, we’ve lost too much time, the others are probably waiting for us.” The group broke into a gentle gallop. The trip was a quick one, undertaken in silence. The guardspony’s words rang true as the Library came into view. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were gathered by the door, each with a pensive expression on their faces.

“Bout time ya’ll got here,” greeted Applejack, “Dash had us running here like Cerberus himself was on our tails.”

Argent walked in between the mares and the door. Turning around he addressed the friends, “Let me head into the study first, she usually sulks in there.” A golden aura encompassed the door as Argent flashed the entry cipher and the door opened. Argent entered the Tree, followed immediately by the mares and dragon.

Seeing no trace of his charge in the lobby, Argent made his way to the stairs that lead to their private living quarters. He nearly tripped on the gem studded breastplate. Levitating it behind him, the guardspony continued up the stairs. Four golden hoofcups soon joined the breastplate. Argent continued to the door to the study. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy remained on the ground floor, examining the mound of books piled by a few of the bookcases. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash pushed past Argent as they entered the Princess’ bedroom.

Realizing that he’d been holding in a breath, the stallion gasped as he exhaled. Gathering the final shreds of willpower he possessed, Argent opened the door. He closed his eyes and entered Twilight’s Study of Solitude.

He opened his eyes and found nothing out of place, other than the couple of books on the floor. “Nothing out of the ordinary there,” he said to himself. Argent walked to the elaborate glass and gold display case, but found it locked. Unwilling to leave the royal accouterments in the open, he stuffed them into the already bulging saddlebags.

“She ain’t here,” said Applejack as she made her way into the study, “Ah don’t reckon she slept in her bed last night either.” Looking behind her, she yelled down to the lobby, “Ya’ll find anything down there?”

Fluttershy floated up to the second floor. “She isn’t downstairs,” said the dainty Pegasus. “Rainbow says a lot of books are missing. Maybe she went somewhere to read.” Hearing a request from downstairs, she floated back downstairs.

Argent reexamined the study. Something seemed wrong. Applejack trotted to his side. “Come on Sugar Cube,” she said as she tried to nudge him back out the door, “We need to see if anypony in the plaza saw her leavin’.”

“Hold on AJ,” said Argent, “Something’s not right here.” Walking to the desk, he found the offending incongruity in the room. “There’s no way she’d leave a damaged book just laying around,” he said to Applejack.

Applejack grabbed the book and head it up to her face. “Neighly’s Comet: A Study of the Magic-Enhancing Celestial Event,” read the farm-pony. “What in the hay does this mean,” she asked. Closing the book and tossing it back onto the desk, Applejack looked to Argent for an answer.

“It’s a big rock that flies across the sky once every 120 years. Twilight was talking about it all last month,” said the guardspony as he looked for anything else out of place. “Something about it causing magical surges in Unicorns got her all excited. We were supposed to go watch it…tonight.” In his mind, he saw Twilight staring into the stars alone, her lavender mane flowing with the wind. “Applejack,” he asked in a serious tone, “Is the telescope on the balcony?”

Applejack, a flash of comprehension in her eyes, ran out to the balcony. “No, it’s gone!” she exclaimed, “She’s going somewhere to look at that comet thingie then?”

Argent joined her on the balcony. “She has to be,” he confirmed, “But where would she go.” Bonking his head in frustration he desperately tried to remember if Twilight had said anything about her viewing plans.

The others joined the two ponies on the balcony. After an explanation from Applejack, the ponies sat and brainstormed. “She would need someplace clear and free of trees,” said Rarity.

“And someplace high, like the party we had on the hill during the meatier shower!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “I still don’t know why they call it a meatier shower, we’re vegetarians!”

“Umm, what about the Dragon’s Peak,” mumbled Fluttershy in a volume far too low for anypony to hear.

“Well, maybe she went to Canterlot,” said Rainbow Dash, “Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia and ask if she knows where Twilight is.”

“No way Dash,” replied the dragon, “If Twilight found out we went behind her back, she’d be even more steamed. Plus she’d probably be trying to avoid the princess as much as us.”

“I really think she might be at the Dragon’s Peak,” reiterated Fluttershy, her voice slightly raised this time, but still wholly ignored.

“She’d wanna be above the clouds, right?” asked Applejack, “Otherwise they’d get in tha way of the comet thingie.”

“I really, really think she’s at the Dragon’s Peak everypony,” squeaked Fluttershy, her teeth beginning to grind together.

“Yeah, good point AJ,” said Argent, “So where do we know that’s high, above the clouds, and away from any trees?”

“WOULD YOU ALL SHUT THE BUCK UP FOR ONE SECOND!” shouted the yellow Pegasus. A stunned silence engulfed the balcony. “Oh my,” mumbled the Fluttershy, “Ahem…I think she may be at the Dragon’s Peak.” The shy mare hid behind her mane as she said her peace.

“That’s brilliant darling!” shouted Rarity as she hugged Fluttershy, “Why didn't you say anything before?” Fluttershy sighed and flashed her friend a patient smile.

Argent looked confused, “Dragon’s Peak?” he asked, “What’s that?”

As one, the mares pointed to the west. Argent looked in the indicated direction and gulped. “You really think she’d go there?” asked the guardspony, “It’s so…so…high.”

“Hah!” laughed Dash, “Fluttershy said the same thing when we climbed it last time!” Puffing out her chest, Rainbow Dash flared her wings. “I’ll fly right up there and make her come down and talk to us!”

“You will do nothing of the sort,” interrupted Rarity, “We agreed to do this together or not at all!” Rarity began to walk back into the study. “Besides,“ she continued, “We know she’ll be there past nightfall; we have the time.”

“Alright then,” said Argent, “Spike, you and Pinkie raid the pantry for lunch.” Turning to Dash, he continued, “Rainbow, you know the library, see if you can find a map of the mountain.” Turning to Applejack and Rarity, the guardspony added, “Rarity, you and AJ decide what else we need from the library.”

As the others sprung into action, Argent looked back towards the Dragon’s Peak. “Hold on Twilight,” said Argent with a new found measure of confidence, “I’m coming.”

Rainbow Dash sped up the mountainside, the itch for speed finally satisfied. The interminable march to the mountain had been torture to the Wonderbolt. Rarity had finally relented and let Rainbow Dash scout ahead to make sure that Twilight was actually on the mountaintop. The sun was starting to sink as she neared the summit. Easing off the speed, she slowly elevated until her eyes rose above the lip of the plateau.

Dash was still angry at Twilight. She had insulted the ‘bolts and Dash’s wife. But the most grievous injury of all was the guilt her barbs had caused Dash. She remembered having to choose between her future with the Wonderbolts and Twilight’s flying lessons. She figured Twilight would find someone else to help her, but the guilt remained. She had promised that Twilight would be her new flying buddy, and she broke that promise to go find her destiny in the clouds.

Looking across the plateau, she suppressed the urge to call out to her friend. Twilight was sitting in front of a long, flat, book covered boulder, a single simply bound notebook and quill hovering in front of her. Small flashes of light drew Rainbows attention and she carefully maneuvered her way to investigate. Hiding on the other side of the boulder, she noticed the odd glittering black circle, but filed it away as more “egghead stuff.” Returning her gaze to the Alicorn, she paused as more flashes appeared between Twilight and her book. Rainbow stifled a gasp as she saw the tears clearly before they caught the light of the setting sun.

Dash folded her wings in and shed altitude quickly. Screaming towards the ground, she flared her wings about halfway up the mountain and leveled her descent. A few moments of searching revealed the forms of her friends slowly making their way up the winding mountain path. Rainbow Dash rocketed back towards her friends.

Argent stopped his ascent as the cyan Pegasus landed at extreme speed, her hooves kicking up a small dust cloud. “Well?” asked the nervous stallion, “Is she there?”

“We need to hurry,” said Rainbow as she nodded in the affirmative.

Argent, seeing the unease on Rainbow’s face quickened their pace.

Peering through the telescope, Twilight took a deep breath as Neighly’s Comet entered the quadrant of sky that signified its closest approach to Equestria. She placed the Crown of Harmony upon her head and took a position near the center of the Circle of Power. Flaring her horn, she sent a ray of lavender energy towards the array of absorption runes.

A beam of green light came into being, linking the circle with the distant comet. Emboldened by the initial success, Twilight laid a magical bridge to link the absorption and magnification rune arrays. The intensity of the beam more than doubled.

“It’s working!” shouted Twilight spouts of magical energy arched around her. She pulled as much magic as she could through her horn, magnifying it with the Crown of Harmony. Her eyes glowed a pearly white as a thin ray of purple magic activated the leylines.

Green energy raced through the circle and surrounded the mare. Nearly lost in the ecstasy of holding so much raw power, the alicorn somehow managed to hold on to her wits enough to recall the spells needed to create her portal. Aiming her horn towards an empty spot in the direct center of the circle, Twilight began layering the complex spell that would change her destiny.

First came the Entrance portal: The link to the present. The stream of magic from the comet made the casting a trivial matter. A black circle, nearly two ponylengths across, came into existence. An impenetrable black void filled it.

Twilight dug her feet into the earth. The second spell would infuse the portal with Starswirl’s time jump spell, thereby allowing her to skirt its “one pony, one use,” limitation. Twilight embraced the river of arcane energy that flowed through her, waiting for the optimal moment to cast the spell, when the comet would be in the absolute perfect position.

Green balls of lightning flashed around the circle, sending ribbons of arcane energy flying in all directions. The plateau itself shook as the primal forces of magic were unleashed upon it. Great cracks started to form on the edges of the cliff, sending large chunks of rock down the mountain.

“TWILIGHT!” shouted 6 ponies and a dragon in near unison.

Turning in their direction, the Alicorn’s pearly white eyes flashed, sending tears of light, streaming down her face. “I’m sorry,” she whispered as all the green energy coalesced into a glowing ball at the tip of her horn. She screamed as she released the time spell at the portal. A shaft of green light, as wide as the black disc, connected Twilight to the portal.

Those assembled outside the circle averted their gaze at the onslaught of light. A bright afterimage burned into their vision. Striding forward, Argent made his way to the Circle’s outer ring. Years of experience told him that crossing an active circle of power was a recipe for disaster. He yelled for Twilight to stop. He screamed with all the air in his lungs. His friends gathered around the circle pleading for Twilight to calm down.

In her cocoon of magic, Twilight could see every hair and scale on their faces. The fear there was absolute. Trying to pull in the last bit of magic she could, Twilight opened herself more completely through the crown. The small, hairline, crack instantly spread across the pink, six-pointed, star jewel. A split second later, it shattered into dust. A deafening explosion of compressed air exploded from the center of the Circle, knocking Twilight to her knees. Argent somehow managed to keep his footing while the other ponies and Spike were blown across the plateau.

A deep, vibrating, hum suffused the air. Twilight felt a pull at her rear legs. The Portal, deprived of its magical power source, had become unstable. Boulders, earlier pushed to the side of the circle, slowly were dragged towards the gaping maw. Fighting against the growing pull she tried to drag herself out of the Circle and towards Argent, her legs straining with the effort.

“Come on Twilight, take my hoof!” shouted the stallion as he tried to get close enough to grab her. “Use your magic, Teleport! For the love of Harmony, do something!” Argent desperately screamed for help.

Applejack threw a lasso, but before it could reach the alicorn, the rope was sucked into the swirling vortex. Dash tried to fly into the maelstrom, but could make it no further than the edge of the circle before being grounded.

Twilight sobbed as she saw her friends risking their lives to save her. She was too close to the portal. Any attempt to save her would only hurt them. She didn't have the energy to teleport. Gathering all her remaining magical energy, Twilight Sparkle cast her final spell. A point of pure lavender light appeared above the portal and began expand into a dome that, she hoped, would seal the portal, and her beneath it.

“No!” shouted Argent as he dropped to his belly. The stallion let the pull of the portal take control and rapidly slid under the descending dome just before it made contact with the ground.

Knowing he was now too close to the vortex, and that she didn’t have the energy to create a second dome, Twilight cried in anguish. “Why?” she yelled, “It would only have taken me!”

“Where you go, I go,” shouted Argent, “That was always the deal.” The pull intensified within the confines of the dome. Argent had a fraction of a second to react as a boulder streaked from the edge of the circle directly at Twilight. His horn gleamed in a brilliant gold aura, as 6 shards of steel ripped out of his saddlebags, sending its remaining cargo careening into the black abyss. With a mighty lunge he managed to dive in front of the oncoming debris. Just before it made contact with the stallion’s unprotected body, the six steel shards slammed together in front of him, each held in their proper position by the stallion’s magic.

The resulting collision knocked Argent off balance, but he still managed to hold his position in front of Twilight. The sounds of hooves slamming against the dome drew the alicorn’s attention away from her protector. Dash and Fluttershy were ramming themselves into the top of the dome while Pinkie assaulted it from the sides. Rarity flung boulder after boulder at the purple barrier with her magic. Applejack, her hooves covered in bloody gashes, was trying to dig her way underneath. Spike bellowed in draconic rage. His claws slashed at it; his tail lashed at it; and his flames blasted it. Twilight knew it was all for naught; and she was glad for it. She had saved them at least.

The pull seemed even more desperate to claim them. Argent had fallen back to a mere ponylength from Twilight. He deflected the smaller debris that was steadily coming at them. Cowering behind him, the alicorn sobbed as her legs slowly began to give way, “I’m sorry Argent,” she cried, “I should have sent you away long ago.” She managed to pull herself directly behind the Silver stallion. “You shouldn't have wasted your time on someone as hopeless as me.”

Argent turned around, his face serene as he lovingly gazed at Twilight. “Don’t say that Twilight. “Protecting you is all I have ever wanted.” Angling his head, he rubbed his horn against hers. “You… are all I ever wanted,” said the Guardspony as he brought his lips to hers.

The lapse in concentration was only a few seconds, but a large chunk of mountain slowly picked up steam as it barreled towards the vortex. As Twilight felt her lips touch Argent’s, her eyes widened in stark terror.

The boulder smashed the shield apart and sent the stallion sprawling, opening a hideous gash on his right flank in the process. Only Twilight’s grasping hoof kept Argent from plummeting into the portal. Trying to find some last reserve of magic, Twilight sobbed as feeble purple sparks shot out of her horn. A final chunk of rock flew towards Twilight. Harnessing what little magic he had left, Argent used his telekinesis to nudge it off its trajectory enough to avoid Twilight, but not himself. The boulder crashed into the silver stallion’s side and ripped him from Twilight’s grasp. Fully in the grasp of the vortex, Argent Defender was smashed to the ground three times before being sucked into the void.

Twilight looked back towards the frantic efforts of her friends and smiled. Twisting in the maelstrom’s embrace, she leaped into the portal. The world faded, and darkness embraced the Princess of Magic.

Author's Note:

Could have made a literal cliffhanger. I'm proud of myself for resisting the temptation.

Ch. 3 is already humming along, I doubt it will be 10k words, but it should get us solidly into the meat of the story. I love long chapters, but proofreading them gets to be a royal pain (I'm sure my grammatical mistakes and typos agree).