• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

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Ch. 3: Revisions and Revelations

Ch. 3: Revisions and Revelations

Twilight Sparkle floated in an endless sea of black. She had no expectations when jumping into the portal after Argent: She simply needed to be where he was. Turning her head in all directions, she couldn't see a single pinpoint of light. The alicorn breathed a sigh of relief as she confirmed that she could feel her body. Being corporeal was a good start. She was still exhausted. Without a long night’s rest, she wouldn't be able cast even a simple light spell, so vision was out of the question.

“Argent,” shouted the mare, “Can you hear me. Please let me know you’re out there!” The complete absence of any echo shocked Twilight. “Argent!” she screamed, “Don’t leave me here alone!” The pitch black expanse responded with silence.

Her screams attracted it. The formless entity approached the odd quadrupeds. The active one appeared to be the source of the disturbance. The abstraction embraced the ponies and performed its task as it had since the beginning. The standard biochemical nervous system was relatively simple to analyze. As it started searching for an origin-stream, the shaking pony stilled itself. Finding the origin-stream for two simultaneous non-paradox shielded intruders was an almost unprecedented event. Unsure of how to proceed, the intelligence cross referenced emotional imprints with chronological memory.

Twilight felt it in her mind. Memories flashed through her consciousnes unbidden. Her earliest memories were simple fuzzy things. Her mother’s smiling face, or her BBBFF placing a bandage on a scraped knee. Her days studying as Princess Celestia’s protégé were mainly static images of books. Images of her earliest days in Ponyville danced before her vision. The torrent of memories ceased and locked on a day she remembered well. It had been her return to Ponyville after the month of touring Equestria following the coronation. This particular reflection was quite detailed. It was so strong she could feel the fatigue of the day.

Stepping from the train, Twilight waved at the gathering of familiar ponies at the train station. “It’s wonderful to be home everypony,” said the newly crowned alicorn from the royal car, “I’ve missed you all so much.”

The crowd parted as she made her way off the train and towards the plaza. She occasionally stopped to catch up with a friend or have her picture taken with her adoring subjects. She approached the central plaza, and her Tree home, eager to curl up in her bed with a good book.

Her friends were waiting for her. “Welcome home Princess Twilight!” they shouted in unison.

Twilight squealed in glee, ran to her friends, and gathered them all in a group hug. “Oh girls, it’s so wonderful to be home,” she said, “I have so much to tell you gals.” The gathering of six mares was soon chatting up a storm and making up for a month’s worth of hugs.

“Ahem,” coughed a stallion, “Do I get one of those Twiley?”

“Shiney!” screamed the joyous princess. Teleporting directly above him, she fell on his back and wrestled him to the ground in a preemptive tickle attack.

“Mercy,” said the laughing stallion, “I give, Twiley, I give!”

Her victory secured, Twilight wrapped her brother in a tight hug and helped him up. “Oh Shiney, you’d never believe the month I have had.”

“Oh, I think I might Twiley,” said the Guard Captain, “I’m married to one Princess, head of security for another, and the victim of another’s never-ending series of pranks. I think I know a thing or two about royalty.”

“Know it all,” said Twilight, her tongue stuck out at her brother.

“Takes one to know one,” he shot back, a grin plastered on his muzzle.

“Come on girls,” said Twilight, “Let’s go inside and the Guard Captain here can serve his princess and her friends some cookies and cocoa.” Flashing Shining Armor a victorious smirk, Twilight made for her front door.

“Hold on there, Twiley,” said Shining, “You have one last royal duty to perform today.”

Halting in confusion and annoyance, the lavender alicorn turned back to her brother. “Can’t it wait Shining?” she whined, “I’ve been on my feet all day, and the train ride was too bumpy to sleep.”

“It will only take a second Twiley.” Bringing his hoof to his lips, the Guard Captain let out a loud whistle. The crowd parted as a young Unicorn Stallion made his way to the front door. A well-used shield rattled on his back as he came to a stop in front of the siblings.

He raised his hoof to his brow in a sharp salute. “Reporting for duty, sir!” he barked.

“Twilight, I’d like you to meet my squire, Argent Defender,” said Shining, his hoof returning the salute. “Argent, meet Her Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Mistress of Magic, Restorer of Harmony, and most importantly, my baby sister.”

Argent fell to his front knee and remained there. “Your highness,” he reverently said, “It is my supreme honor to make your acquaintance.”

“Umm, thank you Guardspony Defender,” responded the blushing alicorn, a quizzical look on her face. “Shining?” she said, turning to her brother.

“Guardspony Defender,” said Shining, “What are your orders?”

Returning to his hooves, the younger guard stood at attention and replied, “I am to take residence at the Golden Oaks Library of Ponyville and protect Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am to accompany her on any travels and assist her in any capacity she requires.”

“Shining Armor,” said Twilight wearily, “I don’t need a bodyguard.” Sitting on her back legs she crossed her forehooves and tried to petulantly stare down her brother. The effect might have been more intimidating had her eyes not occasionally wandered to the young stallion, or had she not been sporting an extreme red blush on her cheeks.

“Sorry kid,” replied Shining, “I’m afraid this comes from the top, and I agree with Princess Celestia.” He trotted over to Argent and threw a hoof over his shoulder. “I’d be a pretty horrible brother if I didn't make sure that my sister was as safe as possible. Argent here is the most talented and dedicated Stallion to come through the academy since yours truly.” Grinning, he noogied the impassive Stallion at his side.

“I told you not to do that Cap,” shouted Argent, pushing Shining away. “I mean…thank you sir.”

“You're quite welcome, Argent,” teased Shining, “He’s a good guy Twiley; Cadance approved and everything!” Walking back to his sister he towered over her and stared down at the petulant mare. “Besides,” he said in a low voice, “It’s either this or a contingent of regulars surrounding the Library, all day, every day.” Noting the look of abject horror on his sister’s face, he pulled her back to her feet. “Don’t worry sis,” he said, “I wouldn't put just anypony in charge of keeping my sister safe.”

“Fine,” said Twilight, “I hope you know how to shelve books Argent.” Turning to her new protector, she extended her hoof and gave him a warm smile, “Let’s get you settled in; your Captain can make you some cookies and cocoa as well.”

Argent shook his new charge's hoof and finally relaxed, “Thank you, Princess,” he said, a slight blush on his cheeks, “Whatever you need; I’m your Stallion.”

“Welcome to Ponyville Argent,” said Twilight with a genuine smile warming her face.

The intelligence completed its analysis and located a common origin point in which both creature's memory and emotional imprints were matched. Opening the time stream, the keeper of the void deposited the beings in the same spatial coordinates they entered from.

The memory faded back to her subconscious and Twilight was back in the void. The presence in her mind had fled. Twilight didn't have time to ponder the implications. A pinpoint of light appeared in the darkness. The roar of rushing wind intensified as the small light quickly grew larger and larger. Soon the radiance filled her vision. The pull of gravity reasserted itself and Twilight found herself on what she assumed was the ground. Squinting her eyes against a bright light, she slowly regained her senses.

Twilight stood and examined her surroundings. “I don’t understand,” mumbled the exhausted mare. Walking to the edge of a large cliff, Twilight peered into the distance. A familiar small hamlet rose around a large city hall.

“It’s Ponyville!” screamed Twilight, “We’re back Argent we’re…Argent!”

Twilight frantically searched the boulder strewn mountain plateau. “Argent!” cried the panicking alicorn, “Where are you?”

A barely audible groan of pain somehow made its way to Twilight’s twitching ears. Zeroing in on the source, she found her bodyguard covered in smaller chunks of earth. Running to his side, she almost tripped over her ornate bejeweled breastplate. Dropping to her knees in front of the mound of stone and pony, Twilight tried to quickly free her companion.

“Twi…light,” mumbled the not-quite lucid Argent, “Can we…go…home now?”

“We are home Argent. Hold still for me okay?” Twilight gasped as she removed the last large rock from atop the stallion. “Oh Celestia, no,” she sobbed.

Argent lay in a rapidly spreading pool of his crimson blood. A deep laceration ran across the stallion’s right flank. Twilight pressed her hooves against the gaping wound, trying to hold in the precious life’s essence. Knowing she had very little time, the mare looked for any possible resources.

A pair of tattered saddlebags lay pinned under a smaller pile of debris a few strides away. Twilight quickly extricated them and used the canvas as a make shift bandage.

“C..c..cold,” mumbled the delirious stallion.

Twilight nearly tripped over the breastplate again in her frantic search for anything of use. She barely stopped her hoof from kicking the gold-jeweled ornament off the cliff. “That’s it!” cried the mare.

Manually buckling the breastplate to her chest, Twilight felt the familiar flow of magic. The well of energy she had enchanted into the gilded chest piece had managed to hold its charge. There was enough stored energy for a single long range teleport.

Twilight pulled the stallion to the cliff’s edge, his pained moans tearing at her heart. Looking towards Ponyville, she realized she’d never be able to teleport them both such a long distance. Fluttershy’s cottage was closer, but she would still have to trek through several leagues of the Everfree Forest to get to her.

“The Forest,” shouted Twilight, “That’s it!” Throwing her forelegs around Argent, she channeled the breastplate’s magic to her horn and cast her teleportation spell.

The zebra mare removed the boiling pot of water from her fire pit using her large bamboo staff. The black striped mare deeply inhaled the scent of mint that soon rose from the large earthen mug of freshly brewed tea.

“A wonderful brew to ease my mind,” she said in a lyrical fashion, “Now let us see what else I can find.” Rummaging through her pantry for a snack, the zebra was oblivious to the purple flash of light from outside her front door.

“Zecora,” yelled Twilight as she threw open the door, “Help!”

“Twilight my friend you need to calm down,” Zecora replied, “What has your face in such a frown.”

“It’s Argent,” Twilight cried as she started pulling the groaning stallion through the entryway. “He’s hurt very badly, Zecora. You have to help him!”

“I know not of this Argent you speak, but this stallion’s wounds we must surely treat.” Zecora galloped to her table and swept aside the assorted mortars and vials. Running back to the opposite side of the stallion from Twilight, she helped carry the injured guard to the makeshift infirmary.

Zecora danced about her workshop grabbing several poultices and salves that lined the shelves. Twilight removed the makeshift bandage of ripped canvas and replaced it with a nearby towel. Placing her hooves atop Argent’s flank, she pressed down as hard as she could to staunch the bleeding.

The zebra returned to the table, setting her remedies to the side. Moving aside Twilight’s hooves and lifting the towel, she winced. Reaching back to her supplies, she retrieved the coagulation powder and sprinkled it liberally over the wound. “The first thing we must do is to stop the blood,” she said, “He cannot survive it flowing like a flood.”

Nodding, Twilight replaced her hooves on Argent’s flank. “Ngh,” moaned the delirious stallion, “Don’t…make…me leave.”

Twilight’s eyes teared up as she held down the bandage. “Shhh, Argent,” she cooed, “Everything will be all right.”

“Please Zecora,” Twilight begged, “He can’t die; he’s the only pony who hasn't left me behind.”

Zecora began feeding the patient potion after potion. Confident that he was numbed to the pain, the Zebra took Twilight’s place and began cleaning the wound and repairing the torn artery that was the source of the bleeding. Confident that she had stopped the hemorrhaging, the Zebra set about suturing the grievous wound.

“I have done what I can, so now I will ask,” began Zecora, “Who are you, and why do you wear a Twilight Sparkle mask?” The Zebra continued slowly closing the wound as she awaited a response.

“Zecora, I…” said Twilight as she examined the zebra in detail for the first time since arriving. Her mane was done up in the exotic Mohawk that Twilight hadn't seen for over a decade. It was also missing the alternating grey stripes that had worked their way in between the black and white. A seed of fear began to grow in her gut.

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight, hoping for some more information.

“You sound like her, of this I am sure,” Zecora began, “But it is different and more mature.” Bending over to sterilize the needle, she continued her work. “You may have her colors and newfound wings, but they are feeble and frail looking things.” Biting off the thread and tying the knot, the zebra turned and stared down Twilight. “She told me of Changelings and their schemes most depraved,” crouching warily, she continued her rhyme, “But an angry Zebra Shaman, you have never braved.”

Seeing the glare on the Zebras face, Twilight backed up until she was at the front of the table. She returned the shaman’s stare. “I am not a changeling,” she protested, “and I will submit to any examination you can imagine. Just please take care of Argent,” said Twilight as she threw her forelegs around Argent’s sleeping form.

Seeing the desperation in the mare’s face, Zecora found that her fears had been, for the most part, allayed. “Be easy; of your identity I am not sure,” gesturing to Argent, she continued, “But your concern for this stallion I can see is quite pure.”

“I promise I will answer any questions you have,” said a grateful Twilight. “Would it be too much of a burden if we stayed here for the night?”

“I insist my friend, my spare bed is yours,” Zecora said, “Nopony in need will sleep on my floors.”

The two mares managed to maneuver the injured stallion to an alcove containing a twin bed. The now blanket-covered stallion rolled over onto his non-injured flank and started gently snoring. “He will need more potions, more than I have brewed,” said Zecora, “And as soon as he wakes, he will be desperate for food.” She walked to the door and donned her cloak and panniers. “Look after your stallion, rest under my roof; I will return from Ponyville, supplies in hoof.”

“Zecora,” said Twilight, “I can’t thank you enough for what you've done. You have given me back Argent, and I won’t forget that.” With a bow, Zecora made her way towards Ponyville.

Twilight yawned as she returned to the bedside of the sleeping stallion. Seeing no other alternative, she slid in next to Argent. “It’s not like we've never been in a bed together,” she thought to herself, “There was that one time on airship to Vanhoover.” Her mind went back to an awkward night in a cramped cabin.

Any reservations were soon made irrelevant as a frenzied two days caught up to the alicorn. She had exhausted herself physically, emotionally, and magically. Twilight drifted off into a long delayed slumber. A cool chill blew through the untamed forest and through one of the hut's opened windows. Downstairs it flowed, gently rattling the wooden masks and gourds which hung on the walls. It passed over the slumbering lavender alicorn, causing her to shiver and seek warmth against the unicorn stallion at her side.

A Zebra trotted into Ponyville just as the sun reached its zenith. Stopping to greet several of the now friendly ponies, Zecora marveled once more at size of the pony settlement. “My people never built such elaborate places,” she thought, “the Marengeti would never allow it.” Thoughts of her homeland threatened to sour her mood. Chastising herself in her mind, the Zebra continued to the market stalls.

She was confused by the deserted market stands. Even the ever-present Apple family cart was nowhere to be found. “Is there a new rumor floating around?” thought the puzzled mare. Fearing another bout of xenophobia, the Zebra made her way towards the central plaza. A large gathering of ponies surrounded the Golden Oaks Library. Trotting to the rear of the crowd, she found one of the ponies she had hoped to procure supplies from.

“Daisy, what is happening here, I thought you ponies were quite over your fears.”

“Oh hi Zecora!” replied the florist, “Everypony took a break to welcome back Princess Twilight; she just got back from her big trip!”

“I don’t think she’ll be coming, my dear,” began the zebra, “Twilight Sparkle is nowhere near.”

“Shiney!” shouted an all too familiar voice.

“By the stripes of my mother…what…how…” said the zebra as she pushed her way through the crowd, “What has that mare done now.” She reached the front of the crowd just in time to see Twilight holding hooves with the hale and healthy stallion she thought still confined to a bed in her hut.

“What the buck?!” mumbled the confused Zebra too confused to rhyme, “…something, something...duck.”

Twilight gasped as her head broke the surface of the water. The cool spring fed pond proved to be the perfect respite from the hot summer day. “Argent, jump in, it feels amazing!” she shouted at the Stallion lazing on a blanket reading a book.

“I just ate, dearest,” said the smirking stallion, “Can’t go swimming for a whole hour.”

The mare sensually swayed as she slowly emerged from the pool. “I’m sure you can make an exception for me,” said Twilight in a husky voice, “It feels so wonderful; the water running down my mane, sending chills from my horn to my tail.” A slight toss of her head released a shower of droplets, creating a rainbow halo above the lavender alicorn.

“Hmmmm,” pondered the stallion, a hoof drawn to his chin, “Nah, I’d much rather stay nice and dry.” He returned to his novel.

“How about now?” asked Twilight, her beautiful wings flared to their full span.

“Still rather be dry,” answered Argent.

A mischievous smile spread across the mare’s face. Her horn flared, sending magic into the pond. A large pony-sized ball of the chilly water rose from the pool. The liquid sphere launched towards the reading stallion.

Before it could reach its target, the stallion’s horn flared a bright golden aura. The silver heater shield leaning against the nearby tree disappeared in a golden flash and reappeared directly in the path of the onrushing deluge. The explosion of water drenched the banks of the pond, but left the stallion in a pristine dry state. The shield flashed and resumed its rest against the tree. Argent casually licked his hoof and flipped the page of his book.

Satisfied that her stallion had been suitably distracted; Twilight opened the blue exit portal above his head. Water surged through the orange entrance portal at the bottom of the pond. The stream of cold water from above caught Argent by complete surprise. “Really?” sputtered the stallion as he rolled onto his back to fully enjoy the unwanted shower.

Twilight strode out of the pool and straddled the stallion, joining him in the makeshift waterfall. Lowering herself on to his chest, she placed her muzzle an inch from his. “Really,” she whispered. The portals snapped shut, and left the two ponies in a soggy, but increasingly warm embrace.

The first thing Argent felt as he slowly woke was a wetness slowly spreading across his chest. The second thing he felt was a lancing pain in his right side. He tried to roll off his flank to relieve the pain, but a pair of feminine legs held him in place. Looking down his chest, he saw something he had only seen in his most risqué dreams. The contented lavender mare stirred slightly at the movement, but quickly resumed drooling on her fuzzy heated pillow.

Argent didn't know where he was; but he knew that he didn't want to be anywhere else. The pain in his side had other plans. Holding in a sharp gasp, he slowly and deliberately rolled on to his back. Twilight shifted in her sleep, keeping a tight grip on his chest and settling her muzzle on his neck. Argent looked down his side and saw red stained bandage that ran down his flank. “I've had worse,” he lied to himself.

Argent returned his head to the pillow and pondered his good fortune. “I’m not dead,” he thought to himself, “That’s definitely a positive.” His attention was drawn to his chest as Twilight murmured something in her sleep. “Plus, it looks like she’s not mad anymore.” His mind, desperate to understand what was going on, kept him from returning to sleep.

“What was she doing up there?” he thought, “I thought she swore off those Circles after the last one left her drained for a week.” Looking down at Twilight’s slumber form, he added, “That would explain this; I don’t think she’s slept this soundly in weeks.”

“You push yourself too hard Twilight,” he whispered. Without thinking he gently kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be here though; I’ll always be here.” The stallion settled back into the pillow, hoping to return to pleasant dreams.

Zecora trusted her instincts. The ponies back in her hut did not have ill intentions. She was reasonably sure that the one claiming to be Twilight Sparkle was being honest with her. Years of experience, however, told the zebra to remain vigilant. She followed most of the dispersing crowd to the slowly reviving market. She moved from stall to stall purchasing the ingredients she needed to replenish her stock of potions. This sort of trip had become much easier for the shaman; the salesponies knew now what she needed, and were all too happy to assist the zebra. She paid well, and her potions were very much in demand. She had found that many of those seeking her concoctions had been referred by her various ingredient suppliers.

The sun had just started to set when she entered the Everfree Forest. Avoiding the dangers of this place had become second nature to Zecora. A den full of dire badgers was easily avoided; the sounds of the nocturnal creatures waking for a night of activity warned the zebra before she strayed too close. A lone Timberwolf gave the zebra a wide berth, thanks to her castoreum lined cloak.

She arrived home as the shroud of night descended upon the forest. Opening the door slowly as not to surprise her guests, the shaman set her supplies on the table and quietly walked to her patient’s bedside. Finding the slumbering ponies in a comfortable embrace brought a smile to the zebras face. After gently replacing the dressing the sleeping stallion’s wound, Zecora returned to her work bench and began to prepare a poultice to aid in his recovery. As the small pot boiled, she began slicing vegetables for a stew. Humming softly to herself, Zecora spent the next few hours stirring pots and grinding powders and pastes with her mortar and pestles.

The combination of sound and aroma slowly roused the alicorn. Twilight’s body tried to involuntarily smack her lips together, receiving a mouth full of silver hair for her effort. Sputtering, she opened her eyes and looked down the chest of the large silver stallion. In her haste to extricate herself from their embrace, Twilight rolled out of the bed and landed on the floor with a *thud*.

Twilight scrambled to her feet and took in her surroundings. Zecora had stopped her work and stared at the alicorn with a knowing smile. Twilight walked towards her host, an intense blush plastered on her cheeks. “I was tired,” she said in a low voice to avoid waking the stallion, “and he looked cold.”

Zecora chuckled and returned to her work. “The sun has gone down, you have slept through the day; you both must eat, this command you shall obey.” The zebra gave the stew one last taste, and dished out three bowls. “Wake your stallion and we shall eat; This Argent I am eager to meet.”

Twilight nodded and walked back over to the bed. “Argent, wake up,” she said in a soft voice. The stallion rolled towards the sound, a contented smile on his face. Twilight placed a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder and gave him a gentle shake.

The stallion grabbed the sleep interrupting hoof and pulled it to his chest. The mare connected to it had little choice but to follow. Twilight found herself wrapped in a tight but comfortable bear hug. “Argent!” she said, her voice raised, “Wake up!” The call alone might have been sufficient to wake the stallion, but her rear hoofs decided to make sure. A reflexive kick from Twilight made sure that Argent would wake.

“Ugh,” grunted the stallion, “I’m up, I’m up.” Realizing that he was holding a mare to his chest, the guardspony released his grasp. “Um…sorry boss,” he said.

Standing from the bed, the blushing mare looked away. “That’s okay Argent,” she began, “Zecora has made some stew. Why don’t you see if you can walk to the table and we’ll have some dinner.”

The alicorn held out her hoof to Argent. Grasping it firmly, the stallion pulled himself from the bed, wincing and suppressing a groan. Stretching his body, Argent felt surprisingly hale for a pony who only hours before had one hoof in the grave. He managed a few tentative steps before his right rear leg buckled. A purple aura surrounded him, sparing him any pain from a collision with the floor.

“Here, let me help,” said Twilight, pulling his foreleg across her withers. The pair made their way to the table, one limping step at a time. Twilight floated the pillow and placed it under Argent as he gently lowered himself onto his haunches.

Sitting next to him, Twilight levitated two bowls in front of them. Argent didn't wait for a spoon. Grabbing the bowl with his forehooves, he guzzled the rich broth. Pulling the bowl from his grasp, Twilight placed a spoon in the bowl and placed it back in front of the stallion. “Manners Argent,” she chided, “Zecora has some questions for us, and I think we may have some for her as well.”

Argent nodded and looked across at his host, “Thank you Zecora,” he said, “I’m sure Twilight knows more about what’s going on than me, but I presume this is your handiwork.” Gently rubbing his right flank, the stallion was surprised at how much better it felt after a few short hours. “Your potions continue to amaze me, no matter how many times I have needed them.”

Nodding at the compliment, the zebra took a few spoonfuls of the stew. “Your thanks are welcome, there is no need to fret,” She said, “But I must correct you, for this is the first time we have met.”

Argent managed to swallow the stew instead of comically sending it across the table in a cliched spit-take. “That’s a good one Zecora,” he said jovially, “I didn't hit my head that hard; no playing tricks on this injured patient!” Argent waited for the Zebra to respond with a deep laugh, but was left hanging.

“Argent,” said Twilight, “There’s something I need to tell…” She was cut off by Argent’s hoof in her mouth.

“And don’t think I haven’t noticed the manecut,” he said to the zebra, “You haven’t worn the mohawk since we got back from the Marengeti.” Looking closer, he saw the sharply contrasting black and white stripes. “And I bet Aloe and Lotus loved dying the grey out.” Argent smiled in triumph as he concluded his analysis, “All in all, I’d give you a 7 for planning, and a 5 for execution.”

“Argent,” said Twilight, her hoof resting on her shaking forehead, “Shut up.” Levitating his spoon, she shoved a large serving of soup into his gullet to silence him. Looking between Twilight and Zecora in confusion, he finally caught on to the tension in the room.

“Zecora, I’m sorry, I’ll explain,” she said, a look of resignation on her face. “I made a mistake,” she began, “The worst mistake of my life.” Extending her frail wings and removing her thick glasses, Twilight stood and walked in front of the zebra mare. “And as you can see, I've lived considerably more life than you would expect.”

The Zebra looked at the crow’s feet below the mare’s eyes, the thin graying streaks in her hair, and her obviously stunted wings. The shaman prodded the wings, eliciting a slight wince from Twilight. “I had thought your malady induced by the poison joke; but this natural a change I have not seen it invoke.”

Twilight folded her wings and sat back down. She turned to Argent and took his hoof in hers. “We’re in the past, Argent,” she began, tears slowly forming in the corners of her eyes, “I thought that I could go back a few hours and warn myself not to say all those horrible things.” Looking away from him in shame, Twilight continued, “But somehow we've gone much farther back. I don’t know how to get back to our time; the Portal should have stayed open, but my crown shattered before I could stabilize it.”

“This explains much of what this day I have seen,” began Zecora, “The younger ‘yous’ with your friends on the village green.” Twilight sighed and nodded at the zebra.

“Zecora, what’s the most notable thing that has happened in the last few months?” asked Twilight.

“That would be you of course; your transformation into winged horse,” the zebra replied. “The ponies in the village were just having a celebration; you had on this day returned from your Coronation.”

“So twenty years, give or take a few months,” sighed the alicorn, her hoof unconsciously squeezing the stallion’s.

“Well that’s it then!” said Argent excitedly, “Just go do what you planned to do: warn yourself. You’ll never have the need to come back in the first place!” Proud at his well thought out explanation of the solution to their temporal conundrum, he looked at Twilight for affirmation.

“It won’t work,” she said morosely, “I had to bypass certain…safeguards…to travel back.” Twilight levitated a parchment, quill, and ink from Zecora’s workbench and quickly composed a letter. Her magic enveloped the parchment and rolled it into a tight scroll. A flash of lavender caused a seal, embossed with her six pointed star sigil, to appear upon it.

She floated the scroll to the zebra and laid it on the table before her. “Zecora, would you please take this to…me…right away; tell her to use the Sparkle Cipher to open it,” asked the alicorn, a look of disappointment on her face.

The confused Zebra picked up the scroll in her mouth and made her way to the door.

“Stop,” said Twilight, “You can come back.” She retrieved the scroll and threw it into the firepit. “You see,” she said, “by your logic, the moment she agreed to take the scroll to my present self, the timeline would have been altered and we would have disappeared, or returned to the present…or something else.”

Zecora returned to the table, a confused look on her face. “I of course bow to you in all things magic,” she said, “But to never return to your home would truly be tragic.”

Twilight hung her head and whimpered. “I don’t know how; I don’t think it’s even possible to travel forwards in time.” Stomping her hoof to the ground, the alicorn continued, "Even if it was possible, without my crown, and the amplification aura of the comet, I wouldn't be able to amass the energy necessary to cast such a spell." She turned to Argent, a pleading look of desperation in her face. “It wasn't supposed to happen like this; you weren't supposed to follow me,” Twilight cried, “And now you’re stuck here, years away from your friends, from your sister; stuck with me. You should run as far away from me as you can, before I do something worse.”

Twilight collapsed on the floor and covered her head with her hooves. “I nearly killed you,” she moaned, “The only pony to stand by me after all these years, and I leave you stuck in the past, passed out in a pool of your own blood.”

Argent stared ahead of himself with a dark scowl. Rising to his hooves, the guardspony slowly hobbled to the door. “I need some air,” he said, limping through the entryway and into the night.

The Zebra walked around the table and stood beside the Alicorn. “Your stallion should not wander far afield; the hour is late, and his wound still must heal.” Hearing no response, she stood behind the still slumped over mare. Twilight was softly crying, her long mane hiding the falling tears.

The zebra placed a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder. “Dry your tears, for all is not lost; Go to your stallion, tell him the truth no matter the cost.” Twilight continued weeping. The Zebra knelt down placed a hoof under the alicorn’s chin. Zecora turned her friend’s head until they were eye to eye. “Twilight Sparkle, you said you made a grave mistake; now I will give you some advice you must take.” Twilight nodded, her eyes still watering.

“That stallion would do anything for you, his eyes say as much,” began the zebra, her voice steady and without its usual lyrical tone, “You will go to him now, and his heart you must touch.” Twilight nodded, stood up and trotted for the door. Zecora sighed, stacked the empty bowls, and began cleaning their dinner.

Argent limped along the familiar path. He and Zecora had actually been quite close. Her poultices and ointments had literally saved his skin on multiple occasions. Even now, he was sure whatever miracle concoction she had brewed was knitting together the flesh of his flank well enough not to leave a scar.

Rounding a bend, the unicorn stallion found The Thinking Rock. The large flat boulder was oddly out of place in the dense forest, as if some giant had tossed it from the nearby mountain. He climbed on top of his rock, hissing through his teeth at the twinge of pain that shot through his side. Argent settled in and took a deep breath. He had done some of his best thinking on this particular boulder. His twin sister had always told him that he spent too much time in his head; thinking when he should be acting.

“She’s one to talk,” he said aloud, “Everyone around her knows what she’s thinking.” Thoughts of his sister reminded him that he might never see her again; well, not the ‘her’ he was used to. She was all he ever had growing up after their parents had gone missing, and now, she was all alone in the future. “She can take care of herself,” Argent said to himself, “She has been for years.”

Thinking of his tiny family reminded him of Twilight’s. The Prince-Captain had trusted him to keep his sister out of danger. “Good judgment there cap,” he said aloud, the sarcasm dripping from his face. Princess Cadance would be devastated: The Crystal Sovereign had always treated Twilight like a beloved little sister. And her parents; “Merciful Luna, Night Light will disembowel me if we get back,” he said to the forest, “At least not unless Velvet beats him to it.” Argent closed his eyes and tried to find the sense of calm Shining Armor had taught back in his Squiring days.

“Daddy usually prefers decapitations,” said a soft voice. Argent’s eyes shot open and he turned to see Twilight standing between the boulder and the stream. “And Mother always has had him do the dirtier chores.”

Argent lowered his head flush with the rock face and turned away from the mare. “He’s welcome to it; darn thing hasn't done me a bit of good.” Twilight stepped forward and climbed the large rock. She lay down next to Argent and tried to adopt a reassuring demeanor.

“I’m sorry I got you into this Argent. You always deserved more than me; you should have been Cadance or Luna’s guard.” Looking down at her bodyguard’s increasingly angry looking scowl, her composure cracked. “I don’t know how we’ll get back, but I promise I’ll try my best to get us back home.” She sniffled as she continued, “I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to find somewhere else to stay; if I find a way home I can find you before...”

“STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME LEAVE!” shouted Argent, his voice echoing through the forest, “By the Sun and the Moon, you just don’t get it do you?” Twilight looked at him in shock. “Do you know what it does to me every time you tell me to leave?” Argent asked rhetorically, “You’re asking me to take everything I have cared about for more than half of my life, and throw it away!”

“Argent I never…” interrupted Twilight.

“NO!” shouted the stallion again, “No, my sister was right, I do spend too much time in my head; I’m getting this out in the open.” Twilight’s gaping mouth snapped shut, waiting for Argent to continue.

“Twilight, there’s a young stallion in Ponyville who just fell in love at first sight.” Taking a deep breath, the unicorn continued, “He has just found his life’s calling and will spend the next twenty years following the mare of his dreams down every dark, terrifying, and evil path her destiny forces upon her.” Staring his Princess down, Argent blinked the tears from his eyes.

He stood and pulled Twilight to her hooves. “And it will take him two decades to stand before the mare, and say what he should have on that first day.” He brought his muzzle beside her ear, his breath causing it to twitch. “I love you Twilight Sparkle; I always have and I always will.” Argent knelt before the alicorn. “There is nothing you could say or do to me that would make me abandon you; nothing I wouldn't suffer to keep you safe.”

Twilight’s voice had left her. The vast intellect that had bested Discord, exposed Chrysalis, and banished Sombra was, for once, completely silenced. For the first time in many years, Twilight’s heart was in full control. Feelings, long suppressed and locked away, burst through her like water through a broken dam. She pulled her head back and looked the Stallion in the eyes. Without hesitation she pressed her lips to his.

His knees weak, the stallion fell to the ground. The mare followed his lead, their lips still connected. Whimpering slightly, Twilight lifted her hoof to Argent’s face and caressed his cheek. The stallion pressed his hoof on hers and redoubled his efforts. Twilight pulled away in gasping breaths. She nuzzled the stallion’s face, their horns rubbing together and eliciting gasps of pleasure from the pair of ponies.

“I love you Argent Defender,” whispered Twilight, “And I’m Equestria’s greatest fool for not having said so earlier.”

“At least you’re Equestria’s greatest kisser,” sighed a relieved Argent.

With a nervous giggle, Twilight gave the stallion a peck on the cheek. “I guess...” she began, “I guess I had convinced myself that my duty to Equestria was all I had room for.” She looked down at the ground. “I’ve spent twenty years fighting for Love, Friendship, and Harmony, only to deny it to myself.” Twilight exhaled, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Argent moved to her side and wrapped a forehoof around her withers. “I think we’re two of a kind in that sense,” Argent stated, “I merged my love for you with my sense of duty: That made it possible for me to stay silent all these years.” Another long kiss followed, leaving both ponies breathless.

They sat in silence for several minutes, each lost in their thoughts. Twilight tucked her head underneath Argent’s chin, nuzzling his downy silver coat. She gazed out across the dark forest and wondered how he could possibly love her after what she had put him through.

“I’m sorry about your shield,” said Twilight, breaking the quiet, “I know how much it meant to you.”

“It’s just a thing Twilight,” said Argent as he squeezed her shoulder, “The fact that you made it for me is what made it so special.” Pausing for a moment, the stallion grinned. “That and your cutie mark on the front,” he said, “Maybe I have a fetish.” Reaching back, he rubbed her flank, causing the mare to gasp.

Twilight returned the favor, smiling as the Stallion winced in pain. “Oops,” she said. As Argent returned his hoof to her shoulder, Twilight shook her head, “You’d have to thank Rarity for that particular decal,” she said, “She was...adamant…about it.”

“Well, she always did have outstanding taste,” said Argent. “Now that I think about it, she might have been trying to play matchmaker between us. Remember the Gala a few years back?”

“After the Shade invasion?” asked Twilight, “The carriage broke an axle; we never made it to the Gala.”

Argent raised his eyebrow and looked skeptically at Twilight. “Right,” he said, “The carriage, which Rarity hired, broke an axle just as we passed scenic Windsome Falls, on the night of a full moon, while we were both attired in her most elegant designs.”

“You were quite handsome in that Tuxedo,” giggled Twilight, “That mare always has been a busybody; I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at a little sabotage.” Twilight stood and helped Argent to his feet. “Let’s get you back into bed,” she ordered, “You need to let that flank heal, and I need to recharge my batteries.”

“Sounds good, but don’t you want to…you know…plan?” asked Argent, “Isn't that your thing?” Holding up a hoof, he helped Twilight down from the boulder. “If you’re a changeling I’d like to know now.”

“I guess you’ll just have to examine me closer to find out,” the alicorn said with a playful grin, “But to answer your question: No, I don’t particularly want to plan for anything right now.” Walking next to the stallion, Twilight flared her magic, lighting their path. “You have surprised me with something wonderful, and I don’t want to spend the night agonizing about something I may have no control over,” she said, “Does that make any sense to you?”

“I suppose,” replied Argent, “I know you’re worried, and you usually go right to making a checklist or digging through your books when you worry.”

“Could I…Would it be alright if I came to you when I was worried?” she asked hopefully.

“Absolutely,” he replied with a smile and nuzzle, "it's all I have ever wanted."

Zecora had just finished bottling the final batch of her potions when the two ponies walked through the front door. A look at the smiles on their faces was all the zebra needed to read the situation. Placing the stopper in the final vial, she greeted the two ponies.

“From the smiles on your faces, I believe I can assume; something wonderful happened beneath Luna’s full moon?”

Twilight trotted over to the zebra and gave her a hug. “More than wonderful,” said the grateful mare, “Thank you for getting me moving.”

“Think nothing of it my pony friend; your happiness is all I require in the end.” Zecora lifted her newly finished potion. “Now settle your stallion back in his bed; this draught will quickly go to his head.”

Argent tried to protest his infantile treatment, but soon found his body swaddled in a blanket and force fed a vial of viscous green goop. Her work completed and her patient in good hands, Zecora bade the two ponies a good night and retired for the evening.

Twilight levitated one of Zecora’s books on herbology and took the chair next to the bed. Slipping on her thick glasses, she browsed the table of contents for the herbs she had seen Zecora working with.

“Twiley, I’m not sleepy!” moaned the injured stallion, “Read me a stooory.”

Raising an eyebrow, the mare lowered her book and looked at Argent. A loopy smile and half lidded eyes reminded her of Rainbow Dash during cider season. “Zecora wasn’t kidding was she?” asked the mare.

“I dunno,” said the stallion, “I feel fine!”

“Well, since you won’t remember any of this, let me tell you about the day I met Zecora,” said the mare. Climbing into the bed next to her groggy stallion, Twilight sat up against the headboard and began her story.

Upon reaching the point in her tale when her horn received its drooping affliction, Argent laughed uproariously. “Twili Flopple!” laughed the stallion. Reaching up, the medicine inebriated stallion probed the mare’s horn with a hoof. “Not floppity!” argued the stallion, “make horn floppity!”

Her cheeks blushed as the oblivious stallion sent jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. “Argent,” she gasped, batting his hoof away, “Stop that or I won’t finish the story!” Giving him her most stern librarian’s stare, she intimidated the stallion back into submission, his head sinking under the blanket until only his eyes peaked out.

“That’s better,” she said as she continued the story. The stallion gave a coltish giggle as she described the various jokes played on her friends by the pesky flower. Twilight had just started reciting Pinkie’s ridiculous song when light snores caught her attention. Smiling, she removed her glasses and their chain from around her neck and floated them to the nearby nightstand. Leaning over and kissing the bridge of the stallion’s nose, Twilight slid herself under the blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hooray! Time Travel, Romance, Adventure Time!

I feel like maybe I rushed the romance a bit, but it's going to need to be there for the next few chapters. Also, some incoming characters will need to play off of Twilight and Argent's relationship.

Chapter 4 is outlined and taking shape. Do the longer chapters turn anyone off, should I try and chop them down to closer to 5k words?