• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

  • ...

Ch. 15: Sogni D'oro

"This will keep you and your foal's hearts strong," said Zecora as she poured the viscous yellow concoction into a small glass, "You need to take another dose before too long." She pushed the potion to Applejack and watched as the farm-mare gave the mixture a cautious sniff.

"And ya'll are sure this won't have any nasty side effects?" asked Applejack. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful for all yer hard work, but I can't take any chances."

"I am not offended, you are wise to be so wary," said Zecora, "but the potion's effects are nothing quite so scary." The zebra patted Applejack's back and smiled. "You may find yourself quite easy to arouse," said the zebra shaman, "it might be wise to warn your future spouse."

Applejack's cheeks flushed as she grabbed the glass in her hooves. She quickly downed the elixir and suppressed a gag at the bitter taste. "I reckon I can live with that," she said after setting the cup down on the coffee table. She reached for the zebra and wrapped her in a hug. "We can't thank ya enough, Zecora," said the farm-mare, "Between AB's cutie pox, and now this, the Apples owe ya something fierce."

Zecora returned the hug and chuckled. "Your happiness is all the payment I require," she said, "Zephyr on the other hoof, would be angry if I didn't inquire." She looked at the zebra stallion who sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the farmhouse living room. Two buckets sat at his hooves. One was half full of fresh shining McIntosh apples. The other was half full of the cores of fresh shining McIntosh apples. "May he have some apples for the road?" she said, "his love for the fruit he has obviously showed."

"It's like my taste buds have awoken after a lifetime of sleep," said the stallion between bites, "tell me what I must do for more, no price is too steep."

Applejack laughed and trotted into the kitchen. "Sugar cube, after what ya'll have done for me, you stop by the farm whenever ya like and I'll whip you up some fresh apple pie."

"What is this 'pie' you speak of Ms. Applejack," asked the zebra stallion, "How could you possibly improve on this perfect snack?"

"Cinnamon and sugar for starters," said the pony as she returned from the kitchen with a burlap sack full of apples. "Shoot Zephyr, I think you might fit in around here just fine. Ya seem to like apples more than the average pony."

"I wouldn't doubt his new found affinity for your fruits," said Zecora as she stood and poured the apples into her saddlebags, "He's spent most of the last few years eating swamp roots."

"Not so Cora, these are something amazing," said Zephyr as he threw another core into the bucket, "those orange skinned fruits you did not hear me praising." He looked at the pile of apple detritus he had left in his wake and quickly trotted to Applejack and prostrated himself before her. "My apologies for making such a mess," he said, "I should have eaten with more finesse."

"Easy there pardner," said Applejack, "Ya'll don't need to be worryin' about that. We ain't exactly known for being persnickety around here." She nudged the zebra stallion back to his hooves with hers and motioned towards the front door. "I reckon Piggington'll be right happy for a snack." The two zebras followed the pony out of the farmhouse and towards the large pen set up beside the barn.

"I will return with more potion as it is needed," said Zecora as they walked down the white picket fenced path, "your condition will return if my instructions go unheeded."

Applejack poured the bucket of apple cores into the pig trough and let out a shrill whistle with her hoof held to her lips. "Ya don't need to worry about that Zecora," said the mare, "Ah've got a granny who's ready to hogtie me and leave me in my bed; a big brother who's treating me like ah'm a little filly again; a little sister who thinks she's a nursemaid; and a stallion who's breaking his back to fill my horseshoes." She closed the gate and secured the latch. "And that's before five mares who seem to think I'm made of porcelain."

"Your heart is stronger, of this I am sure," said Zecora, "but you still must resist hard labor's lure."

"I know, I know," said Applejack, "I've resigned myself to a few seasons of boredom. At least now I won't have to worry about... well you know."

"Consider it a vacation before the many hectic days to come," replied the zebra, "birth and motherhood tend to be stressful, as a rule of thumb."

"Ya don't say," said Applejack sarcastically, "I figured it was all sunshine and rainbows."

"Just enjoy it and count yourself blessed," said Zecora, "and talk with your stallion if you are feeling depressed."

"I will Zecora," said Applejack as they reached the main gate to Sweet Apple Acres, "and I mean it when I say you're welcome anytime Mr. Zephyr."

"Many thanks for the welcome most warm," replied the zebra stallion with a traditional zebra bow, "the politeness of you ponies is beyond the norm."

The zebras waved over their shoulders and trotted towards Ponyville. "I thought you said the ponies were strange," said Zephyr, "Applejack reminds me of the keepers of the fig groves back home."

Zecora laughed as they turned onto the worn cobbled stoned path that led into Ponyville. "Applejack is indeed quite down to earth," she said, "but you may wish to reserve judgement until after our errands are complete."

The warm early summer day was nothing new to Zephyr. The steady breeze and ample shade of central Equestria made the Marengeti seem like a desert in comparison. The two zebras chatted about old times and the years they had spent apart. Zecora, eager to see her friend's reaction to the oddities of the ponies, listened as Zephyr waxed poetic about the halcyon days before the fall of the Zebrica.

"And that's when I told Zeret that I didn't care what he said, mares dig scars." Zephyr brushed his hoof over the bridge of his nose and opened his muzzle to say something else, only have it hang open as something amazing came into view over the treetops. "By the spirits," he mumbled, "what is that?"

Zecora chuckled and waved her hoof before her. "Welcome to Ponyville."

"You didn't bring me anything at all?" asked Spike with a sullen frown, "I watched the Library for a week and all I get for my trouble is a pat on the back?" The young dragon crossed his stubby little arms across his chest and pouted. "I even dusted the bookshelves."

"Now that's no way to behave, Spikey Wikey," said Rarity as she adeptly poured three steaming cups of tea with her magic, "A true gentlepony doesn't demand rewards for a good deed." She brought the delicate cup to her lips and took a dainty sip. "You really should have at least brought us back some Zebrican jewelry though," she said to her friend across the table, "I had hoped to get some insight into zebra fashion, and Zecora is just so oblivious about such things."

"Sorry you two," replied the Alicorn, "we were a little too busy overthrowing an insane tyrant to stop and shop for souvenirs."

"Yeah," said Argent, "She was busy pulling all of our flanks out of the fire; literally in a couple of cases."

"Everypony helped," said the blushing mare, "Argent here helped us escape a particularly nasty trap."

Rarity rolled her eyes from behind her raised teacup. "So Twilight," inquired Rarity, "now that there are no great quests or royal duties that need attending, what are your plans?"

"Oh, well I had hoped to expand the Library," said Twilight, "I was reading about tree growth spells that might give us a whole new floor if I can cast it correctly. The Equestria games are next summer, so I imagine I'll be expected to attend in some capacity."

"I meant tonight Twilight," said Rarity, "I thought that after a week of traipsing around the wilderness, a meal in an elegant restaurant would be appropriate."

"Oh," said Twilight, "I don't know Rarity, it's been a long week. I would just as soon settle down with a nice book than go out tonight."

"But darling," said the pouting unicorn, "I've already reserved a large table for us at that charming new Istallion restaurant downtown. I've asked everypony, and they've all turned me down. Have I offended them somehow?"

Argent was spared the high pitched pleading when he heard the knock at the front door. He trotted to the front door of the library, confused as to why they didn't just walk right into the public library. He opened the door to the two zebras and smiled as he stepped to the side and waved them in. "Hi there," said the unicorn stallion, "I didn't expect to see you two so soon."

"I had many sundry items I needed to procure," said Zecora as she hung her cloak on the peg next to the door, "so I decided to give Zephyr the grand tour."

"So what do you think?" asked Argent.

"So many buildings of extraordinary height," said Zephyr, "your cities are quite the sight."

"You should go say that to Mayor Mare," said Argent with a laugh, "not many ponies would call Ponyville a city." He saw the look of confusion on the zebras face and raised an eyebrow. "Ponyville is small as pony towns go," said Argent, "you should see Canterlot, or better yet, Manehattan."

"Do not be so quick to overwhelm," said Zecora, "He needs time to get used to this realm." Argent shrugged and led them into the small dining room.

"Twilight," said Rarity, unaware of the zebras entering from behind her, "You simply musn't keep yourself holed up in this library. Ponies might start getting the wrong idea, what with Argent being here."

"What was that?" asked Argent after hearing his name, "Did you need something Rarity?"

Rarity turned to enlist the stallion's help in pulling Twilight out of her bubble for a night. "Argent, you think that Twi-" She stopped upon meeting the gaze of the zebra stallion who entered. The hypnotic striped patterns transfixed her designers eye. After a moment, she realized that she was still staring at the newcomer. "How terribly rude of me," said the unicorn as she levitated her tea cup down to the table, "you must be the Zephyr that Twilight has told me so much about."

"Forgive us for our intrusion Rarity," said Zecora as she walked around the table to Twilight, "Allow me to fix your unfamiliarity." After introductions were made, Zecora pulled out a notepad and several folded paper packets. "Here is the formula and the hard to find herbs," said the zebra, "careful with them, the odor is known to disturb."

"Thank you Zecora," said Twilight as she levitated the items to her side, "I hope you didn't go too far out of your way for this. Would you mind coming down to the lab with me? I just want to make sure I have the right tools for the job." The Zebra nodded and followed the alicorn down into the basement.

"So Mr. Zephyr," said Rarity as she stood and walked next to him, "It must be terrifyingly exciting to be so far from home. I can only imagine how much Zecora must mean to you to follow her all the way to Equestria."

"Oh yes, we have been friends since before we were born," said Zephyr, "naturally, since our mothers were sisters sworn."

The two ponies looked at each other in confusion. "So she's your cousin?" asked Rarity, a small smile spreading across her muzzle.

"Not by blood, if that's what you imply," replied Zephyr, "But we are family, her and I. Perhaps Zecora could explain it better, the common tongue can be such a fetter."

"Well, I'm happy that Zecora has family with her now," said Rarity, "It just seems like it would be lonely out in the forest by oneself."

The zebra stallion smiled at the second unicorn he'd ever met. "That is the reason I left all I have known," he said, "Zecora shouldn't have to be all alone."

"That's so sweet," said Rarity, reaching out and brushing the stallion's hoof with her own, "but surely you have somepony... er zebra... that will miss you back home?"

"None so close that I would regret my decision," he said, "but over time my feelings might need some revision."

Twilight and Zecora reappeared from the basement door, laughing over some unheard joke. "Just go slow," said Twilight, "Pinkie Pie can be disorienting in large doses."

"Come Zephyr, we've taken enough of their time," said Zecora as she walked towards the front door, "we still have a mountain of errands to climb."

"Ideeeeeea!" said Rarity as Zephyr turned to join Zecora, "Why don't you two join us for dinner at Trottaria Istallia tonight? Twilight's trying to be a shut in as usual, but she can't say no to all of us!"

"I'll go!" said Spike.

"Rarity..." said Twilight while holding a hoof to her forehead.

"Alas Rarity, I must decline," said Zecora quickly, "I have potions brewing that I must mind."

"I'll go! I'll go!" said Spike as he jumped up and down, waving his claws in front of Rarity.

The unicorn mare turned back to Twilight and held her hooves together in a pleading manner. "Please Twilight, I can't go alone, it would be humiliating."

"Then go with Fluttershy," said Twilight, "Celestia knows she won't say no."

"I'll go with you!" said Spike once again, his legs starting to ache with the constant hopping.

"She said something about a picnic and scurried away," replied a more despondent Rarity, "Rainbow's probably off napping on a cloud, and Pinkie's babysitting for the Cakes."

"Just don't go then," said Twilight.

"No!" wheezed Spike from his back, "I'll...go!"

"But I had to practically beg for the table," whined Rarity, "if I don't show they'll never take a reservation from me again."

Zephyr was confused by the whole situation. "What disturbs Rarity?" he whispered to Zecora in zebrese, "Why would goddess Twilight not want dinner, and why would mage Rarity want to go to this place if she has reservations about it? And why is that giant lizard talking?"

"Hush," hissed Zecora, "We're almost home free."

"I would assist you if your straits are so dire," said Zephyr, "I would not have you draw this Istallia's ire."

Zecora looked skyward and begged the spirits for patience. "You're on your own," she said to the stallion.

"How grand!," exclaimed Rarity. She threw her hooves around the zebra and gave him a tight hug. "We'll be back at sunset," said the excited unicorn, "And do wear something nice you two." She grabbed Zephyr and trotted for the door. "I'll make sure he gets home in one piece Zecora." She disappeared out the front door with the zebra stallion in tow.

"But I didn't..." said Twilight. She looked down at the prone form of her dragon ward. "Spike, what are you doing down there?"

A bright magenta light flashed from the small cellar window of the house on the hill. Seconds later, a hollow boom rang out across the northern outskirts of Ponyville. Argent coughed and waved the colorful smoke away from his face. He rolled off of Twilight and helped her to her hooves.

"I don't know why that happened," she said, "The vase should have disappeared." She walked over to the small stone pedestal and poked at the melted mass of glass and charred flowers. She looked at the stallion who was staring at her while holding a hoof to his ear. "Yeah, yeah," she mumbled, "You were right. I won't try any spells personally until I'm sure it'll work."

"Good," he replied while opening the window to ventilate the cramped cellar, "Now that's enough for today. Tired horns sting like thorns."

Twilight couldn't muster up the energy to argue. She closed the large, mostly blank book Argent had picked up from Davenport's Sofa and Quill Emporium. She tried to flare her magic to lift the tome, but her last experiment had drained her. Argent grabbed it in his golden aura and steadied the mare as she climbed the stairs.

"Well, the first step towards succeeding is failing miserably," said Argent as Twilight eased herself onto the living room sofa, "that's what you brother always says."

"Shining's full of sh-" said Twilight before interrupting herself with a prolonged yawn. "The only thing failure teaches you is one way not to succeed." Argent disappeared into the kitchen after depositing Twilight's notebook in the large bookshelf.

"Well that's one less way you can fail," he called out while closing the refrigerator, "All you can do is keep trying until you get it right." He returned to the sofa and set down a plate of assorted vegetables and a pitcher of iced tea. "We both know you'll eventually figure something out," he said while pouring a glass for each of them, "but maybe it's time to think about asking the Princesses for help. Surely there's a way to do it without revealing ourselves."

"Absolutely not," said Twilight as she awkwardly held the glass in two hooves, "They would see right through our disguises and probably lock me up for impersonating their Twilight."

"Why do you always go right for the dungeon scenario?" asked Argent, "Seriously Twi, when has Celestia ever actually put anypony in a dungeon?"

"You've never read the Canterlot archives," said Twilight with a shudder, "She's had to do things that would chill your bones. She banished her sister and only lifelong companion to the moon." She bit into a carrot and lounged against the legrest of the sofa. "Starswhirl stepped lightly around her when he delved into the same magics I am."

"We could at least try visiting the libraries in the castle," he said while sitting, "If they won't let us in, then you can just teleport us in, grab what you need, and teleport out." The lack of an immediate dismissal of his idea emboldened the stallion. "We can do it tomorrow night," he said. "You know the libraries better than anypony. We can do this. You're fumbling in the dark and you know it"

"Let me sleep on it," she said warily.

"Benvenuta signore and signori, welcome to La Trottoria Istallia," said the thin unicorn in a warm Istallian accent. He wore a crisp white shirt and long tailed tailored jacket. "Do you have a reservation for tonight?"

Rarity strode through vestibule in her red sequined evening gown. Zephyr, in a dark green vest, awkwardly followed her. "Of course," she said with a wink, "Rarity, party of four." She cleared her throat awkwardly. "I called earlier..." she said in a conspiratorial tone.

The host looked down at the podium in front of him and moved his hoof down a list of names. "Oh..." said the unicorn, "Oh! Signorina Rarity, but of course." He nervously rubbed his hooves together and looked over his shoulder. The low murmur of ponies conversing over meals filled the large dining area. Flickering candlelight from every table gave just enough illumination to see that the restaurant was fully booked.

"Is there a problem?" asked Twilight from behind. Her navy blue dress with its high collar and silver star embroidery shimmered in the relative darkness of the dining room. "We can come back some other time Rarity." Argent, clad in the suit he had been gifted in Appleoosa, sans the large hat, nodded his agreement.

The blood drained from the hosts face as the princess spoke. Rarity glared at him and raised a hoof over the list. "I'm sure that Mister..." she said, waiting for the host to answer.

"Essere, principessa," said the stallion as he nervously bowed from behind the podium, "Essere Allegro."

"Essere," said Rarity, "I'm sure Essere knows of my reservation." The rapid fire series of winks she sent the istallian's way tested the bonds of Rarity's false eyelash.

"Yes...of course!" said the host, "But there has been a mix up."

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Rarity in an overly dramatic manner.

The stallion sweated nervously and wiped his brow with a hoofkerchief he removed from his coat pocket. "It appears as if we've given away the last table large enough to seat your party," he said in a halting, practiced, manner, "I am afraid we only have two smaller tables, large enough for two ponies to sit comfortably."

"There's a big empty table right there," said Twilight, pointing at a pristine open table in the middle of the dining room.

The stallion looked over his shoulder and back into the piercing glare of Rarity. "That table, she is no good," he said anxiously, "Her legs are... how do you say... wobbly."

"Well I hate to come all this way and not enjoy our night," said Rarity, "Zephyr and I shall sit together, and Princess Twilight and Captain Defender will take the other table."

"Eccellente," said the host as he levitated a stack of menus in a blue magical aura. "If you will follow me?" He led them to a small table in the corner of the dining room. Rarity quickly took a seat and motioned to Zephyr to sit opposite her. "Have a lovely dinner you two," she said as Essere led Argent and Twilight across the room of dining ponies.

"A thousand apologies princess," said the host as he led them towards the center of the room, "It shames me to cause you such trouble." He placed the menus down on a small table and bowed as he stepped aside. Argent pulled a cushioned chair back and smiled at Twilight. "That's alright Mr. Allegro," she said while sitting down, "These things happen."

The Istallian host sighed in relief and profusely thanked Twilight for her patience before returning to his place by the door. Despite being surrounded by tables full of chatting ponies, the princess and her bodyguard felt a silence fall over the small table. "Nice place," said Argent as he prodded the red glass candle holder with his hoof.

"Rarity wouldn't have brought us if it weren't," said Twilight as she opened her menu. Her mouth watered and her stomach rumbled loudly as she read the description of each dish. "I guess I am pretty hungry," she said sheepishly as the waitress placed two wine glasses in front of them.

"I hope so Princess," said the unicorn mare as she poured wine from a dark green glass bottle, "ponies don't leave La Trottoria Istallia hungry." She placed the bottle on the table and bowed. "I'm Bella Appetito, and I'll be your waitress for the evening. Might I say, on behalf of all of my staff, that it's an honor to serve you tonight."

"Your staff?" said Twilight, "Oh for the love of... Please, treat us the same as you would any other customer."

"Of course your majesty," said Bella, "I always help out the waitstaff when we're this busy. Now can I get you two a nice antipasto?" After taking their orders, the unicorn mare walked back towards the kitchen, nodding her head to Rarity as she passed her table.

"Still a little leery about the attention?" asked Argent as he sipped his wine.

"It's frustrating," said Twilight as she downed half of her glass. "Sure, everypony acted a little odd around me after we stopped Discord and Chrysalis, but at the end of the day I was still Twilight, the quiet, magically inclined, librarian who lived in the tree."

Argent laughed out loud, and brought his hooves to his muzzle to stifle his loud guffaws. "Sorry," he said, "but you're still a librarian who lives in a tree." He winked and took another sip of wine. "I'm not sure I'd call you quiet though."

"Somepony has to keep some of these raving lunatics in line," said Twilight with a wry smile.

"Is it true that you caused half of the town to fall in love with a doll?" asked Argent.

Twilight's glass wobbled in her magical grasp. "They didn't fall in love with Smartypants," said the blushing alicorn, "they just really, really, really had to have her."

"Here you are princess," said Bella. The unicorn lowered a tray of pickled vegetables, olives, mushrooms, and peppers onto the table. She refilled both glasses of wine and levitated a notepad. "Now I highly recommend the Eggplant Parmesan," said the mare, "but our pizza maregherita is also quite good."

"The Eggplant sounds wonderful," said Twilight as she floated her menu to the owner slash waitress.

"Lasagna, please," said Argent excitedly, "I haven't had authentic Istallian Lasagna in ages."

"Then you're in for a treat," said Bella warmly, "My recipe is as old as the pillars of Roan." She took his menu and bowed as she walked back to the kitchen.

Argent's eyes widened as he popped an olive into his mouth and chewed. "You have to try these," he said blissfully. The stallion floated an olive towards Twilight's muzzle and had it dance before her closed mouth.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, opened her mouth and allowed the olive to gently land on her tongue. She slowly chewed and savored the garlic filled treat. "Wow," she said after another deep drink from her glass, "those are strong." They both looked over their shoulders at the sound of Rarity squealing in glee. The white coated unicorn nonchalantly waved at them and turned to continue conversing with her zebra escort.

"I love Istallian food," said Argent as he turned back to look at Twilight, "Trixie and I both adore it. It's our twin thing I think."

"Twin thing?" asked Twilight with a hint of amusement on her muzzle.

"We both have the exact same taste in food in general," said Argent, "We both hate cabbages, but give us some radishes and we're as content as newborn foals."

"You're making that up," said Twilight. "Scientifically speaking, there's no accounting for taste. I've crunched the numbers, it just doesn't add up."

"Doubt all you like," said Argent, "Trixie will confirm it when she returns."

From across the restaurant, Rarity watched the two in amusement. "You see Zephyr," she said to her escort, "that's true magic." She flared her horn and floated a tomato slice to the Zebra. "These," she said pointing to her horn, "are minor parlor tricks in comparison."

"Tricks are not what I would call your magic," said Zephyr after swallowing the delicately seasoned fruit, "To underestimate your abilities would truly be tragic." He took another sip of the odd flavored drink and winced as the slightly bitter liquid hit his taste buds. "Why am I still drinking this odd red drink," he said, "It has the smell of too old juice I think."

Twilight laughed as she speared the last piece of rich chocolate cake on her plate. "You can't be serious," she said to the smiling stallion across from her, "did he really say that to her?"

"My hoof to Celestia," he said with a snicker, "or to you I guess. Your brother spent the next two nights in the barracks, insisting that he was 'misquoted.'" His wine glass shakily found its way back to the table. The green glass bottle lifted over it, but refused to yield any more liquid refreshment. It joined its empty compatriot on the side of the table. "I don't know what he did to get back in Mia's good graces, but he walked on eggshells for weeks after."

Twilight doubled over the table in laughter. "I'd have made him beg at my door every night for a week for saying something that stupid," she said while drinking the rest of her beverage. The sputtering flame of the candle in the red glass enclosure broke Twilight out of her reverie. She noticed the distinct lack of conversation going on around her and turned her head to look out over the dining room. Empty tables with chairs stacked upside down filled the restaurant.

Argent followed her gaze and chuckled. "Guess they closed up around us," he said while raising his glass and letting the last few drops fall into his mouth.

"What if they locked us in here!" exclaimed Twilight, "we'll be trespassers. Mayor Mare will have us locked up in the jail." She brought her hooves to her muzzle in a panic. "I'll have to abdicate. Think of the shame, Argent. I'll never be able to look Princess Celestia in the face again."

"Meh," said the stallion, "We can run away to Mexicolt. How's your spanish?"

Twilight tried to shake off the fuzzy feeling in her head. "Rusty," she replied with a giggle, "We'd be better off going back to Zebrica."

"I liked the bathhouse," said the stallion, "but I think they're still miffed at you for orangifying their wall."

"Pfffft ha ha ha," laughed Twilight, "Think of how many times they had to rhyme orange."

"Um princess...Captain," said Bella as she approached the small table in the center of her establishment, "It's getting late. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Awww, sorry Twilight," said Argent, "no running away for us."

"S'okay," slurred the alicorn, "I have too many books to pack anyways."

Argent stumbled around the table and held his hoof out to her. "Shall we be off, your worshipfulness," said the stallion with mock formality.

Twilight grasped his hoof and tried to stand. Her shaky legs gave way and she fell into his chest. She threw her forehooves around the stallion's neck and laughed. "Home, Argent," she exclaimed.

The stallion bowed to Bella as best he could with an inebriated alicorn hanging on his neck. "Her royal highness thanks you for the most exquisite meal Signora Appetito," he said while haphazardly weaving his way between the tables.

"The Princess of Harmony does declare La Trottoria Istallia her favorite restaurant in Ponyville!" shouted Twilight as Argent led her to the front door. "A royal commendation to Bella Appetito for her amazing food, and a royal pardon to Rarity! Her incessant pestering is forgiven!" The front door of the restaurant slammed behind them, followed by the click of deadbolt.

"Home Argent!" shouted Twilight again, stumbling as she pointed with a hoof that had been anchoring her to the stallion. "Bah," she said, "hooves, I forsake thee!" She threw a rear leg over Argent and pulled herself onto his back. "There," she said happily, "tis a much more suitable throne for the Princess of Magic...Harmony...Magarmony."

Argent involuntarily took a few steps backwards before forcing his legs to cooperate. The calls of cicadas echoed across the breadth of Ponyville as the unicorn stallion carried his giggling burden in the general direction of the Golden Oaks Library. Luna's moon hung high in the sky, only a portion of it's glory visible this time of the month. Twilight began humming as Argent slowly walked her across the sleeping town.

"I could listen to that all night," said Argent as he swayed in time to her wordless chorus. "I swear I heard you singing to me when I was poisoned."

"I did sing!" she exclaimed, "You sounded like you were in pain, t'was all i could think to do." She laid her head on the back of his neck and tightly hugged herself to him. "Didja know that I cried that night in the hole?" asked Twilight, "I didn't think that you'd ever wake up."

"I'm sorry," replied Argent, "I shouldn'ta got shot like that."

"Nah," said Twilight, "It wasn't yer fault. Those darts were probably meant for me."

"I'm still sorry for makin' ya cry," he said softly. "You do so much good fer everypony; you should always be smiling." He turned his head and rubbed his muzzle against hers. "Yer so beautiful when yer smiling."

"Flattery Captain?" asked Twilight, "I bet you say that about all the goddess princesseseses."

"Nah," said Argent as he turned towards the large tree at the other side of the the plaza. "Yer the most beautiful creature in Equestria. Mia's pretty, Celestia's fetching, Luna's alluring, but yer truly beautiful."

Twilight kissed the back of his neck and giggled. "I'mma tell Cady you said I'm prettier than her!"

"She knows already," he said as they passed the town hall, "she and the cap were always talkin' bout how pretty you are. It was always, 'Argent, you should see how pretty and smart and nice Twilight is!'" He swayed but managed to keep his hooves underneath him. "Time out!" said Argent as he reached the small park by the farmer's market. He let his legs slip to his sides and dropped to his stomach. "Stupid ground keeps moving around."

Twilight crawled her way up his back and neck, avoiding his horn, and hung her head over the front of his. "Guess what?" she asked the upside down stallion.

"Pegasus Butt," replied Argent, laughing from both his witty retort, and the sapphire and violet tresses that tickled his nose.

Twilight giggled along with him. "No, I've got a secret," she said conspiratorially. "You have to promise not to tell anypony."

Argent tried to raise his hoof, but found that his shoulder didn't bend that way. "I promise," he said solemnly.

"I really, really like you," she said with a blush.

"No way!" replied Argent, "I like you too!" He reached his muzzle forward and quickly kissed her on the lips.

Twilight giggled and returned the affection. "My first kiss was upside down," she said with a laugh, "still counts though. Rarity can't tease me anymore." After a few moments of staring into each other's eyes, she scooted down his back and prodded his flank with her rear hooves. "Break's over," she said, "back to work Captain." Argent nodded and scrambled back to his hooves. Twilight wrapped her forelegs around his neck as he managed to get himself moving in the right direction.

"Mission Accomplished!" exclaimed Argent as they reached the Golden Oaks Library. From above them, the hoot of a solitary owl echoed across the plaza.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Owlowiscious" hissed Twilight loudly, "Spike's asleep! We hafta be super quiet!"

"Kay!" shouted Argent. On the third attempt, the doorknob finally cooperated and he stumbled into the first floor of the library.

"Les go to yer room," whispered Twilight, "I don't wanna wake up Spike." She giggled loudly into Argent's mane at the thought. "He gets all grumpy and pouty when I wake him up."

"Good idea," said Argent as he swayed side to side. "Hold tight, the stairs won't stay still for some reason."

Twilight anchored herself to his back by digging her hooves into his ribs. Argent winced and took the stairs one step at a time. After a minute of careful navigation he celebrated his successful ascent. "Hah!" he said triumphantly to the stairs, "that'll teach you to try and trip me."

He stumbled into his room and steadied himself against his bed. Twilight rolled off his back and onto the soft mattress. Argent pulled the uncomfortable tie from his neck and threw it to the floor. It was soon joined by his jacket and shirt. Twilight's dress soon joined the pile of clothing at the foot of the bed. Argent climbed onto the mattress and sat next to the alicorn. His horn lit up as he used his magic to open the drawer of the nightstand next to Twilight. A pack of playing cards floated out and landed between them.

"Look what I found the other day," he said while slipping the colorful cards out of the box. Twilight's horn flared and their combined aura surrounded the slips of varnished paper. Their eyes widened in unison as their magical auras underwent a feedback loop. The alicorn's wings flared open while Argent exhaled sharply. They each released their magic and the cards scattered onto the bed.

Twilight picked up a card and saw the face of her mentor printed on the front. She giggled and showed the stallion. "Princess Celestia ish the Queen of Suns!"

Argent smiled and fished around the pile of cards. "Yeah, and see, Mia's the Queen of Hearts; Luna's the Queen of Moons; and yer the Queen of Stars!" He squinted as he used his magic to gather up all the cards and began shuffling. "The game ish old mare," he said playfully, "Who should be tha old mare?"

"Princess Celestia is suuuuuper old," said Twilight. She held her hooves to her mouth and looked around in a panic. "You can't tell her I said that. I don't wanna be banished."

Argent fanned the cards out in front of him, sent the Queen of Suns into the drawer and closed it. "She didn't see nothin," he said while reshuffling the deck. The stack of cards floated in between them and began dealing themselves into the waiting hooves of the two ponies. They were soon discarding paired cards and drawing from each others hooves.

"No pick that one!" shouted Twilight as Argent managed to avoid drawing the portrait of her. Argent stuck out his tongue and discarded the two sevens from his hoof. Twilight narrowed her eyes and looked into the back of the last two cards he held. She surreptitiously reached her wing around and brushed the back of the stallion's neck. Argent glanced around, inadvertently revealing his cards to the sneaky alicorn. Twilight sent the Queen of Stars into his hoof, pulled the Jack of Stars and dropped it to the bed along with the final card in her hoof. "Hah!" she said, victoriously punching the air above her, "You're the old mare!"

Argent turned back and saw the the portrait of Twilight winking at him. "You cheated!" he exclaimed.

"Nuh uh," protested Twilight, "Princesseseses can't cheat. It's beneath us."

"Fine," said Argent with a sniff of his nose, "Me'n Twilight will be over here then." He hugged the card to his chest and turned away from Twilight. "What's that Paper Twilight?" he asked, "You want a kiss? Well okay, I can't say no to you." He placed an exaggerated wet kiss on the playing card, complete with moans of satisfaction.

"No fair," shouted Twilight, "I wanna kiss too!" She crawled beside him and tried bat away the colt stealing hussy of a playing card. Argent held it at foreleg's length and watched as Twilight reached across his face. He quickly dropped the card and brought his hooves to the alicorn's exposed belly. Twilight laughed loudly and tried to roll away from the stallion's busy hooves. She only made it halfway and found herself on her back. Argent straddled her and continued the onslaught of tickling. "Stoooooop," gasped Twilight, "You win, you win!" Argent removed his hooves and let Twilight catch her breath.

He looked down at the still smiling alicorn and reached his muzzle to hers. She closed her eyes, reached up and locked her lips with his. They held the kiss for several seconds, the sounds of their deep breathing filling the room. Twilight's wings managed to extend, despite being wedged against the mattress. Their horns brushed against each other, sending waves of pleasure radiating through their bodies. She opened her eyes and looked into the stallion's eyes. For a moment, Twilight Sparkle's brain was actually free of errant thoughts and ideas. Upon realizing this, her inebriated subconscious began a cold reboot and flooded her mind with obsolete trivialities.

"Oh no!" she said into Argent's mouth. Twilight broke their kiss and pushed him off of her. "I forgot to send a letter to the princess this week." She grabbed Argent's hoof with hers and looked at him with a hangdog look of misery. "You have to help me write one," she said pleadingly.

"Okay," said Argent as he stepped from the bed and followed her into the study. "What do we write about?" he asked as Twilight unrolled a blank scroll between them on the large desk.

Twilight eyes glazed over as she tried to remember why she wanted to write a letter. "I dunno," she said while doodling on the bottom of the page, "I'm just gonna write whatever comes to mind."

Argent nodded and levitated a quill to the paper. They each began scribbling onto the parchment, giggling between themselves as the read what each had written.

"Fear not Rarity," mumbled Spike, "I won't let that evil Zebra take you away!" The young dragon turned back over and snored loudly in his basket. The two ponies pushed open the door, its hinges creaking loudly. They giggled softly as they crept across the room towards the foot of the large star and moon covered bed.

The mare stood over the dragon and extended her wing to his snout. She gently dragged a feather over his nose. Spike turned his head away from the disturbance, but the mare followed and continued brushing her wing against his face. She nodded to the stallion, who held out a hooffull of scrolls above the dragon's head. With a final tickle of the drake's nose, Spike let out a mighty sneeze, engulfing the scrolls in green fire. The two ponies snickered and retreated the way that they had come, their path zigzagging wildly across the empty floor.

"Take that you cur," muttered Spike as he stuck a claw into his mouth.

Author's Note:

A slice of life chapter after the adventure of the last few.

I'm sorry if I mangled the Italian words too badly. English and German are my languages, and German restaurants aren't known for being terribly romantic (and have very few vegetarian options). In an alternate version of this chapter, Twilight and Argent get drunk on beer and do the chicken dance all the way back home.