• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

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Ch 4: Rescues and Ripples

Fluttershy loved this time of year. Her critter friends were full of energy having just woken from a long hibernation or returned home from migration. Mr. and Mrs. Ferret’s children were pattering around an apple tree, playing keep away with one of the fallen fruits, while Squirrelly and C. Phinneus Squirrel scampered along the lower branches. Angel Bunny frolicked in the meadow with his assorted brothers, sisters, cousins, in-laws, nieces, nephews, and any other relation one could find under Celestia’s sun.

She would normally avoid this part of the Sweet Apple Acres due to it being so close to the terribly frightening Everfree Forest. The periodic *thunk* of hooves meeting wood, however, reassured her that Applejack and her big brother were nearby. Returning her attention to her woodland friends, the Pegasus daintily rose from the ground. She flexed her wings and hopped into the air. The pegasus mare gracefully ascended until a squeak alerted her to a furry stowaway.

“Oh no, this is far too high Squirrelly,” she said, “wouldn’t you rather try a little lower?” The litany of chattering squeaks that followed would leave most ponies scratching their head. Fluttershy, however, spoke fluent squirrel. “I don’t care what C. Phinneus Squirrel dared you to do; if you jump from this high you'll hurt yourself.” Squirrelly’s pout was rebuffed with a low intensity Stare. Descending to a much safer altitude, the Pegasus felt the flying squirrel leap from her back.

Fluttershy smiled as she watched the over-ambitious rodent glide to the branches of the apple tree. She gently landed and took a seat in the shade. The yellow pegasus hummed to herself as she carefully preened her wings. The sweet dulcet tones made their way to the ears of the nearby red stallion as he lifted a bushel of golden delicious apples into his wagon. His red face somehow grew redder at the sight of the Pegasus mare and he quickly harnessed himself and headed for the barn.

The humming wafted towards the edge of the forest, where three shadowy figures had been observing the ponies for much of the morning. Nodding to each other, the hooded creatures turned and stalked back into the woods, their talons making slight tapping noises on the small rocks and branches of the forest floor.

Twilight woke quite early in the morning. Despite her statement to the contrary, she did in fact feel a strong urge to plan for the future. The currently sleeping stallion that had wrapped her in his arms only made that urge stronger. Knowing that she was not alone, that there was somepony who would stay with her whether she succeeded or failed in returning home, filled Twilight with resolve.

“The first priority is a place to stay and research,” thought the mare. “We can’t impose on Zecora any longer.” Twilight considered several options, ranging from an apartment in Canterlot, to a shack in the desolate badlands surrounding Appleoosa. “Of course it’s all moot if we can’t find a way to pay for the bare essentials," she thought to herself, and I don't think I'll have access to the royal treasury."

Twilight had a habit to which she was oblivious. When in deep deliberation, the alicorn tended to shake her head in agreement or disapproval of her various ideas. Spike had found it hilarious; Argent found it adorable; neither wanted to make her self-conscious about it. Twilight tended to obsess over such things. It was a nervous habit that rarely affected anypony else. This time, however, her movement woke the stallion who held her to his side.

Argent pressed his cold nose into the back of Twilight’s neck, causing the mare to gasp. “If last night was a dream, take that as an excuse to knock me back out,” said Argent as he squeezed the mare.

Twilight rolled over and locked lips with the groggy stallion. “If this is a dream, it’s one we share,” whispered the mare, “and I hope it never ends.” Looking at her coltfriend, and marveling at the concept of Argent as her coltfriend, Twilight sighed in contentment. “You said I could come to you when I worried. Does that offer still stand?”

“Of course,” said Argent, “Your problems are my problems, especially now.”

“We need to plan for a long stay,” said Twilight, “I’m not giving up, but we do need somewhere to stay; somewhere I can conduct my research.” Caressing the stallion’s cheek, Twilight continued. “We can’t keep imposing on Zecora,” she said, looking away with a blush, “and I think we need some privacy.”

Argent quickly scrambled to the edge of the bed. “One log cabin coming right up,” said the Stallion as he began to stand up.

Laughing, Twilight wrapped her forelegs around his waist, anchoring him to the bed. “Not so fast, my handsome lumberjack,” she said. “I have some conditions, and you should have some input in this decision as well.” Argent nodded and leaned back into the mare’s embrace.

“I think it has to be somewhere close to Ponyville,” she began, “Somewhere close enough to the market that we can easily procure supplies, but far enough away that we can avoid any unwanted attention.”

“So one of the little houses on the edge of town then?” asked the Guardspony. “Sound’s cozy,” he said, “but I left all my bits back in the future.”

“Well, that’s what I thought as well,” began Twilight, “until I remembered that we know of a cache of ancient Equestrian artifacts, any one of which would easily buy us our home.”

“You yourself said that those artifacts belonged in a museum Twilight,” said the skeptical unicorn. “And if I recall, they’re in The Hollows.”

“Exactly!” replied the excited mare, “We’re only a few hours hike away, and I think we can take just one artifact for ourselves. Past Twilight will never know it was missing.”

Argent sighed in resignation; when Twilight decided on a plan, there was little point in arguing. Argent typically just agreed and started planning on how he would keep her safe. “Fine, but we’ll only go if you’re feeling up to it. You used too much magic the last few days, and I won’t let you cast yourself to exhaustion. You of all ponies know how dangerous that can be.”

“Oh I’m fine,” said Twilight as she flared her magic. Argent grunted as a lavender aura encompassed him and slowly lifted the him off of the bed. “You’re the pony I’m worried about.” Twilight turned the stallion around and removed the bandages from his right flank. “Amazing,” gasped Twilight, “Not even a scar, and it’s only been a day.”

“Your wound may be healed, but its progress I must view,” said Zecora, entering the large room, “The potion I used is of a formula brand new.” Walking over to the ponies, she gave the stallion’s flank a couple of sharp prods. The zebra waited for his protests of pain, but none came.

“The potion depends on the physique of the drinker,” she said, “The outcome would have been much different had you been a thinker.”

“Is that a dig at me?” joked Twilight as she set Argent on his feet. “I’ll have you know that I finished in 5th place at the Running of the Leaves!”

“Twenty some odd years ago,” mumbled Argent.

“No, two years ago,” replied Twilight, sticking her tongue at the zebra and stallion.

Rolling her eyes, the zebra went to her pantry to procure some breakfast for her guests. “I fear that I must be going fairly soon,” she said, “Nurse Redheart and I have our weekly tea at noon.” Setting a large bowl of carrots and celery on the table, the Zebra sat and invited the others to the table.

“I just want to say how thankful we both are, Zecora,” said Twilight, “for saving Argent, for giving us shelter, and for believing in us.” She took a few bites of a carrot before continuing. “We’re going to spend the day looking for something in the forest. When we find it, we’ll be able to afford one of the small homes near the outskirts of Ponyville.” The alicorn explained her reasoning to the curious zebra.

“Your plan seems well reasoned and full of ambition,” Zecora said, “But you are both welcome as long as you like; you are not an imposition.”

“Maybe not now,” said Argent, “But you haven’t seen her once she’s in a research fit.” His snark earned him a rap on the head. “See what I mean?” he said.

“I presume your identities you wish to conceal,” said Zecora, “My extra cloaks and saddlebags will be useful to you I feel.” She walked to an old trunk and pulled out two cloaks. “Argent may be able to walk around freely,” she said, tossing one cloak to the stallion, “But your alicorn wings should stay hidden, ideally.”

Nodding, Twilight took the proffered cloak. “I’ve got thoughts about that, but like I said: I need a place to work and research, and the closer to the resources of Ponyville, the better.” Twilight buckled on her bejeweled breastplate and donned the cloak.

Having finished their breakfasts, the equines stepped outside the hut and bid each other farewell. The zebra made her way to Ponyville, while the two ponies made their way deeper into the Everfree forest.

The noon sun had driven all of Fluttershy’s critters to the shade of the large apple tree. The sound of a bunny in distress roused Fluttershy from her nap. “Angel Bunny?” she asked. Looking down, she saw her pet bunny still asleep on her long tail. With a sigh of relief, she picked up the fluffy bunny and set him down next to the tree trunk where he quickly resumed his nap. The yellow Pegasus rose to her legs and listened to the wind, hoping her mind had simply played a trick on her.

The frantic squeaks came again, this time increased in intensity. Turning her head in the direction she thought the cries were coming from, the Pegasus slowly trotted towards the edge of the forest. There were few things that would drive the mare to the edge of the Everfree Forest, and the plaintive cries of a bunny were definitely one of them. She tentatively moved towards the wails, oblivious of the watchers in the canopy.

“Woo Wee!” shouted Applejack. “That’s the entire north field.” She grabbed her Stetson from her head and fanned herself. “Ah reckon we've earned ourselves a treat Big Mac,” she said to the stallion loading the final bushel. “A nice chilled mug of cider oughta do the trick.”

“Eee-yup,” replied the reticent stallion.”

“Ah reckon Fluttershy would enjoy having some cider with us, Mac,” said Applejack with a knowing grin, “I’ll pull this last load to the barn and fetch the cider from the cellar, and you go fetch her.” Hitching herself to the wagon, the stout farmpony began hauling their hard earned bounty back to the farm. “Don’t ya’ll wait too long now,” she shouted back.

The stallion walked to the largest tree in the south field. He had spent many an afternoon lounging under its near ancient branches. It was the obvious choice of spots when the Pegasus had asked him where she and her critters could enjoy the morning. The fact that he would be able to sneak glances in her direction never factored into the decision. Seeing the motley collection of bunnies, squirrels, ferrets and all manner of critter, but no Pegasus, Mac surveyed the surroundings.

He didn't have to look far: Yellow and pink tend to stand out against the green and brown of the farm. Curious as to why the normally skittish pony would be standing by the edge of the Everfree Forest, Big Mac trotted towards her. “Miss Fluttershy,” he called out.

The Pegasus turned, a look of concern on her face, and waved at Mac. She was about to shout a reply when several clawed hands reached out from behind the trees and grabbed the dainty mare. Her high-pitched, wordless scream spurred the Stallion on. Galloping as fast as he could, the hulking farmpony quickly closed the distance between himself and the struggling mare. The solid crack of a large painted staff against her head silenced and stilled the struggling Pegasus.

Enraged, the red stallion thundered towards the forest’s edge. At this distance, he saw the creatures more clearly as they turned and started running back into the dark forest. Thick robes covered their bodies and long hoods shrouded their faces. They ran on large bird like feet, complete with sharp talons. Their height reached that of a young mare.

He had reached the forest’s edge, when the sharp crack of wood on wood forced Mac to his knees. The shrouded figure that had dropped out of the trees hadn't expected the large yoke on the stallion’s neck to deflect its blow. It didn't have time to react as Big Macintosh reared up and landed his two large hooves into the would-be kidnapper's face.

“AJ!” he roared, “Help!” Hoping his shouts reached his sister, the stallion pursued the kidnappers into the forest.

“I spy with my eye, something brown,” said the bored stallion.

“Is it wood?” asked the increasingly annoyed mare.

“It is!” he said with mock enthusiasm, “You’re getting really good at this game.”

Argent and Twilight had been walking for hours, the monotony of the situation having long since set in. “We’re close Argent,” said the mare, “and if I remember correctly, the Hollows had the most delicious wild blueberry bushes in all of Equestria.” Appealing to Argent’s stomach had always ensured compliance. "It would be a shame if an extremely annoyed alicorn were to determine that they were inedible."

“Oh yeah, those were amazing,” said Argent, his mouth watering. The thought of the juicy sweet berries transported his mind back some twenty years. “Princesses above, I was so hungry,” he said, “And we were so tired.”

“I don’t really even remember why,” said Twilight, “It was so long ago.”

“Oh we had just scared off the Ken…ku,” said Argent, trailing off at the end.

“Oh Celestia, how could I have forgotten those awful things?” asked Twilight “Argent, do you remember where their stronghold was?”

“Yeah, it was a few miles to the north,” he replied, “I hope you’re not planning what I think you are.”

“You remember what we found when we got there, Argent,” she said. "I will not leave a pony to that torment!"

The look of determination in her eyes and the force of her voice steeled his resolve. “You’re right,” he said, “and we’ll be the ones surprising them this time. Let’s stop by the Hollows on the way, I’ll feel better with a shield on my back.” Nodding, Twilight fell behind the galloping stallion, determined to right a terrible wrong.

Macintosh gained on the two remaining kidnappers and their precious cargo. The two creatures were small and quick, but carrying the Pegasus slowed them considerably. While they weaved their way around the underbrush and smaller trees, their pursuer thundered through them as if they were nothing.

The stallion burst through a thorny bush into a wide open clearing. Realizing that they couldn't outrun the large pony, the two creatures threw their bound victim to the ground and turned to face him. Mac heedlessly charged at the two robed figures. The stallion leaped into the air, intent on stomping the closest creature into the ground. His only reward was a small explosion of dirt as the kidnapper adroitly dove to the side. Mac’s momentum carried him forward until he was standing above the hogtied pegasus.

The bound and gagged mare groggily opened her eyes to see Big Macintosh furiously staring down two of her assailants. His red coat glistened with deeper red crimson scratches. “Ya’ll ain’t touching her again,” growled the stallion, his nostrils flaring with each breath. The two kidnappers slowly surrounded the two ponies and removed the small painted staffs from their backs. They each reached to their face and threw back their hoods. Long pointed beaks and beady black eyes stared down the stallion. The looked very much like ravens, but with a second set of talons in place of wings.

“Give wings!” the one in front of him cried in a shrill, nasally voice. It lunged at Mac, its staff moving in a blur. The stallion reared up in defense, his foreleg catching the strike with a sharp crack. The second bird thing moved in unison, intending on catching the meddling pony from behind.

“Now,” Mac thought. He planted his forehooves into the ground, wincing as a sharp pain lanced through his injured foreleg. Muscle memory allowed Mac to ignore the agony and deliver the familiar two legged kick that had dented every tree in the orchard. The avian aggressor had no chance to dodge, committed as he was to his attack. A sickening *crunch* sounded as both hooves squarely struck the bird’s chest and sent it flying across the small clearing.

The remaining kidnapper darted forward and struck at the stallion’s head. Still off balance from his kick, Macintosh gritted his teeth as the hard wooden stave descended. It would have connected squarely on his head had a dainty yellow hoof not managed to trip the charging creature. The staff landed on the side of the stallion’s yoke, snapping and sending a shard of the wood into the stallion’s back. Regaining his balance, Macintosh reared up on his hooves and brought his uninjured forehoof down upon the stumbling bird thing’s head. The solid vibration told the stallion that he had connected, and his follow through left him standing on the creature’s unconscious form.

Big Macintosh limped to the Pegasus and knelt down beside her. “I’ll have ya out of there in a jiff Miss Fluttershy,” he said. Using his teeth to pull at the knots, he soon had the mare free from her bonds. Fluttershy reached behind her head and removed the cloth gag. Tears flowed from her eyes as she jumped at the stallion, wrapping her forehooves around his neck.

“Thank you,” she cried, “thank you thank you thank you thank you.” The butter colored Pegasus shook as she wept, her tears running down Big Macintosh’s chest.

“Aww, tweren’t nothing Miss Fluttershy, please don’t cry,” said the stallion, gently stroking the sobbing mare’s pink mane. He sat there for a few minutes, allowing the mare to cry herself out. “Let’s get back to the farm Miss Fluttershy,” said the stallion, “Applejack is probably worried sick by now.”

“Okay,” said the mare. Looking away in a blush she added, “And you can just call me Fluttershy, if you don’t mind.”

“Alright Fluttershy,” said Mac, “Ah reckon we should get ya’ll to the clinic, that was a right nasty blow you took to yer noggin.” Trying to stand up to escort her, the stallion stumbled. His foreleg screamed in pain and drew a yelp from the normally stoic farm pony.

“You’re hurt!” cried the Pegasus who dashed to her rescuer’s side. Examining him more closely, she saw the several shallow gashes caused by his headlong rush through the overgrown forest. She worked herself under his right foreleg, wrapping it around her withers. “You’re the one who needs the clinic.”

Taking the initiative, the mare slowly led the limping stallion back the way they came, easily following the path of arboreal destruction he had left in his wake. “What were those things,” she asked, “and why would they want me?”

“That one varmint said something about wings,” said Mac, “Pretty odd for a bird…thing.”

“I hope they haven’t hurt anypony else,” said Fluttershy, “We should tell Twilight, she’ll know what to do.”

The two ponies reached the edge of the forest. “Dang,” said the stallion, “The first one must have headed back into the forest; I thought for sure he’d still be out cold.” Pointing at the broken staff, he continued, “I smacked him square in the face.”

“Maybe there were more of them,” said Fluttershy. “Maybe they carried him back from where they came from.” The stallion grunted his agreement and they continued to the farm, careful not to rush, lest Macintosh further injure his leg. Angel Bunny came sprinting from under the large apple tree and met the pair of ponies, his confused squeaks coming in rapid succession.

“I’m okay, Angel Bunny,” she said, “Big Macintosh saved me. Did all of the critters make it home?” Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief as the bunny nodded in the affirmative. “Good boy Angel Bunny,” said the mare, “Why don’t you run on home and take care of the others while I see to Big Macintosh.” The bunny nodded and loped towards her cottage.

“Tarnation, what took ya’ll so long,” said Applejack as she saw the two ponies approach. “I was about to open the cider without…” she said, her words dying on her tongue as she saw her brother limping with Fluttershy’s help. “What happened?” she shouted, running to her big brother’s other side.

“Some creatures hit Miss Fluttershy on the head and tried to take her into the forest,” said Mac calmly, “I saw ‘em and chased the varmints down.”

“You should have seen him Applejack,” said Fluttershy, an adoring gaze locked on the stallion. “If it weren't for Big Macintosh, Celestia knows what those horrible things would have done with me.” She led the stallion to the empty wagon by the barn. “He hurt his leg and got all these scratches stopping them, so we need to get him to the hospital.”

“Right!” said the farm-mare, “Ya’ll get in the back and I’ll get us there faster than Pinkie Pie in a sugar rush.” She jumped up onto the back of the wagon, grabbed the stallion’s good hoof, and pulled the mountain of red onto the bed of the cart. She ran around to the front and hitched herself to the cart. “Ya’ll get in too Fluttershy; this might get bumpy, so keep Mac steady.”

The Pegasus floated into the wagon and settled herself at the stallion’s side, holding him in place with her hooves. The fact that he outweighed her twice over didn't cross either of their minds. Soon the trios of ponies were racing towards the Ponyville General Hospital.

The steel bound round shield rattled on Argent's back as the two ponies trotted north at a quick pace. “I still can’t believe you remembered exactly where that shield was,” said Twilight, “It’s been twenty years.”

“It’s a soldier thing Twilight,” said Argent, “I’m just lucky it was in such pristine condition. I was worried the wood might be rotten.”

“It’s got some kind of preservation enchantment on it,” said the alicorn as she hopped an overgrown root, “That cache was left from when Celestia and Luna’s mother ruled from the castle deep in the forest. The kind of magic they had access to would boggle your mind.”

“Well I’m just glad I’ll have a shield for this,” said the Guardspony. “Those bird-brained monsters were pretty quick with those staves.” Remembering their previous encounters with the Kenku, Argent realized that they had many tactical advantages. “Remember Twilight,” he said, “They hate bright flashes of light and loud noises.”

“Right,” nodded the alicorn, “Water works in a pinch too.” Cataloging the various spells available in her arsenal, Twilight felt a sense of unease. “Be careful Argent,” she said, “the Kenku are vicious monsters, so don’t hold anything back.”

“I took down these idiots as a colt,” said the stallion, “We’ll be fine.”

Nodding, Twilight slowed their pace to a quick trot. “We’re close,” she whispered, “Keep an eye out, and whistle if you hear or see anything.”

Argent nodded his agreement and scanned the area for movement and sound. It was unusually quiet this far deep into the Everfree forest, which allowed both ponies to hear loud squawks echoing through the trees. Argent gave a soft whistle and pointed in the direction of the noise. Twilight nodded her head and they stealthily darted from tree to tree.

The terrain soon started to taper upwards, with large rocks dotting the hillside. Throwing up their hoods to better blend into the forest, the two ponies crept up slowly and took cover behind a large boulder. They each peered over the top and saw the conspiracy of Kenku gathered around a large flat altar at the summit.

Twilight’s horn flared and a purple orb floated above the hillside. Looking down on the gathering, she saw the bound and whimpering forms of three terrified pegasi. “They’re all still alive, thank Celestia,” she whispered, “All three are tied up next to the altar.”

“Okay, here’s the plan,” said the stallion, “I’ll go in first and get their attention; you follow and free the Pegasi.” Argent flared his horn and levitated the shield from his back. Twilight nodded and gathered her magic in her horn.

Argent quickly ducked around the boulder and charged at the unsuspecting Raven-men. He crashed into the back rank stomping one of the birds into the ground and bashing another with his shield, its body crashing into two of its friends. The fray was joined, and the soon, the Guardspony was furiously defending himself. He managed to keep the creatures in front of him and drew them towards the opposite side of the hill by slowly retreating backwards.

Twilight ran to the top of the hill, keeping her distance from the melee. Knowing that Argent couldn’t keep them all at bay indefinitely, the mare quickly made her way to the altar. She started untying the bound pegasi. “Look out!” cried the brown Pegasus mare she had just freed. Twilight turned around in time to see a charging kenku not ten paces from the helpless captives. Cursing under her breath, Twilight directed a lavender torrent of raw magical energy at the creature.

“Free the others,” she shouted at the Pegasus, “I’ll keep them at bay.” The mare shakily nodded and started on the nearby stallion’s bonds. While the charging kenku had been thrown off the hilltop, the blast had drawn the attention of several of the creatures which had surrounded Argent. The mare gathered as much magic as she could hold and braced her hooves in the rocky ground.

Argent fought desperately against a dozen of the creatures, deflecting blows before they could strike home. His shield flashed in and out of existence, protecting the back of his head one moment, to his legs the next. As half of the creatures peeled off towards the crest of the hill, the stallion finally had the opportunity to go on the offensive. He jumped back and flared his magic. A ball of light shot in front of the kenku and exploded into a shower of spinning blue and purple sparks, momentarily blinding the bird creatures and causing them to drop their staves. The Guardspony bellowed a war cry as he leaped at the dazed creatures, sending them flying with kicks and bashes from his heavy shield. As the last kenku fell, he started back up the hill just in time to see the remaining bird-men bearing down upon Twilight and the pegasi. He yelled a warning, but it wasn’t necessary.

Twilight’s hooves sank into the earth as her magic gripped the altar. It ripped itself from the soil, sending a shower of dirt flying through the air. Wielding it like a giant club, the Princess of Magic sent the remaining combatants from the summit with one mighty swing. Injured kenku littered the hilltop, their will to fight crushed by the combined onslaught of Twilight and Argent.

She levitated the boulder over the heads of the largest cluster of regrouping creatures and shouted, “Hear me Kenku. Your time in Equestria is over. Leave now and never return, or face my wrath.” She had never quite figured out Luna’s Canterlot voice, but in the hushed silence following her awesome display of magic, the words rang out like the clarion call of a battle trumpet. Twilight felt the surge of righteous magic pour through her as she telekinetically crushed the large boulder. The groan of stone cracking and grinding filled the air. She released the mass of dust and pebbles over the kenku and scowled as they gathered their injured comrades, turned tail, and fled towards the north and out Equestria proper.

“Are you three okay?” asked Twilight, “They didn't hurt you did they?”

“No ma’am,” said the brown Pegasus mare, “They hit me on the head when they took me, but that was it.” She turned to the two other pegasi and wrapped them in a hug. “I’m Honey Days, and this is Star Trail and Windy Breeze,” she said pointing to the dark blue stallion and white mare respectively. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up miss…” she said, a question hanging at the end.

“No one important,” said Argent trotting up the hill, “Just two Unicorns making their way through the Everfree Forest.” Reaching Twilight, he examined her for any injuries.

“Yes,” added Twilight, “We’re just glad we came by when we did. I’m sure your friends and families must be missing you three, if you head due south you’ll find yourselves in Ponyville. It should be a quick trip by wing.”

“Well thanks again,” said Honey, flexing her wings, “If you find yourselves in Ponyville, look us up; we really owe you one.” Her friends added their thanks and soon the three were aloft and on their way home.

The two ponies watched as the pegasi disappeared beyond the horizon. Throwing back her hood, the alicorn’s gaze remained fixed on the sky. “They’re all alive,” whispered Twilight. “We saved every single one of them this time.”

Argent put his hoof around her withers and drew Twilight close. “We sure did,” he said, “and not a scratch on them or us.”

“I wonder what they’ll do,” she asked, “Three ponies in the world who shouldn't be; their every action spreading ripples of change.” Twilight’s mind tried to follow the immediate changes: Three families spared heartbreak and Ponyville saved from a week of chaos and panic. “We have to be very careful Argent,” she said, “We did well today, but the changes we made are so frightening to me.”

Argent understood everything she was saying, but couldn't tamp down the joy at having spared Twilight the agony of discovering the grisly scene: Both Twilights. “We will be careful,” he said, “but we can’t stand to the side when we can make a real difference.” He smiled at Twilight and strapped his shield onto his back. “Let’s get back to the Hollows and get what we came for.”

“And some blueberries for the road,” asked Twilight with knowing grin.

“Oh were there blueberries there?” asked the stallion, “I had completely forgotten.”

“And I’m just telling you what I saw Miss…er…Princess Twilight,” said Big Macintosh. “They were walkin’, talkin’, fightin’ bird creatures.” From his bed in the clinic, the stallion had recounted his exploits to the group of ponies that now surrounded his bed. The yellow pegasus at his side made sure his heroics were not understated.

“It’s true Twilight,” said Fluttershy, “they were just awful.” She returned to sketching butterflies on the stallion’s leg cast. “But they were no match for Big Mac; he was so strong and brave.”

“I’m sure he was,” said Twilight with a sigh, “but I've never heard of anything like what you both have described.” Pacing across the small private room, Twilight stopped and looked out the window. “And if they were native to the forest, I’m sure we would have seen them before now.”

“Well my brother sent ‘em packin’,” said Applejack, “Ya’ll can be sure of that.”

“No offense Lady Applejack,” interrupted the newly appointed guardspony, “but if these things are bold enough to try and kidnap one pony, I don’t think we can just assume that they won’t try again.”

“I’ll take offense if ya’ll call me Lady again,” growled Applejack, “And ya’ll are probably right.” The farm-mare adjusted her Stetson. “I reckon we ought to head into the forest and make sure they’re gone for good.”

“Nopony is going anywhere until we know more about these things,” said a frustrated Twilight. “If you really want to help, come with me back to the library and help find something that identifies these creatures.” She walked back to the bed and placed a hoof on Mac’s shoulder. “Thank you for being there for Fluttershy, Big Mac. I don't know what any of us would do without her."

“I keep tellin’ ya’ll, t’weren’t nothin’,” said the stallion, “Now git. Ya’ll got better things ta do than keeping me company.”

The ponies wished Big Mac well, his sister promising to return before heading back to the farm. As they filed out of the room, Fluttershy hung back and returned to the stallion’s bedside. She leaned over the stallion, her cheeks aflame. “I just wanted to say thank you again Macintosh,” she said, “And…well…thanks.” In a moment of boldness, the pegasus leaned over and planted a chaste kiss on the stallion’s cheek. With a squeak, she darted out of the room and towards the library.

“Eeyup,” said the stallion rubbing his cheek absentmindedly.

The two cloaked ponies reached the outskirts of Ponyville with the sun still high in the early afternoon sky. Twilight’s saddlebag bulged with their selection from the Hollow’s cache. Argent, being far less notable in Ponyville, had taken point on finding their new home.

“So what should I tell Mayor Mare if she asks who we are?” asked Argent, “I doubt she’ll just take a priceless artifact and give us a house, no questions asked.”

“I know the mayor,” said Twilight, “and she will jump at the opportunity to put Ponyville on the map with these artifacts.” She adjusted her hood, making sure it covered her mane. “Just give her vague answers if she asks anything, and stick to the story,” said the mare, punctuating each word with a poke to the stallions flank. “We’re just two Unicorn explorers, settling in Ponyville after several years of treasure hunting. You are…”

Argent zoned out as Twilight began reciting his dossier. Occasionally nodding his head to keep the mare occupied, the stallion made his way towards the large city hall that dominated the small town’s skyline. Entering through the large double doors, the pair made their way to the clerk’s desk. Twilight stood behind Argent as he greeted the secretary.

“Hello,” said the Stallion as he pulled down his hood, “We’re new in town and would like to talk to somepony about purchasing a place to live.”

“Oh certainly,” said the bespectacled assistant with a smile, “The mayor manages all unoccupied properties within the town limits. You’re actually here at the perfect time, mister…..”

“Horizon Walker,” said Argent, “And this is my partner Oracle Dreams.”

“Hello,” said Twilight from beneath her hood.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you both,” said the Secretary as she walked from around her desk, “I’m Note Taker, the Mayor’s personal assistant. If you’ll both follow me, I’ll take you to her office.” The trio made their way up the spiraling staircase. They stopped outside of a large wooden door with a large placard that read, “The Honorable Mayor Mare.”

“Mayor?” called the secretary through the door, “I have two potential residents who would like to speak with you.”

“Send them in Note,” called the muffled voice from within. The assistant held the door open for the two ponies and followed them inside. After introductions were made, the secretary waved goodbye and resumed her post in the lobby.

“So,” said the grey maned earth pony, “you two are looking to join our fine community?” Her head disappeared beneath her desk; the sound of drawers being pulled open filled the room. The Mayor threw the registry of homes onto the table, slammed her drawers shut, and sat back up. “We have several lovely homes available,” she said opening the tome. “Are you two thinking about kids?”

“Not yet,” said Twilight a little too quickly, “For now we simply need a place with room for us to catalog our many maps and journals.”

“Okay then, we have some lovely cottages on the main plaza, those tend to be quite pricey,” began the Mayor. The ponies gathered around the registry, browsing the various properties around the town. After an hour, the two ponies had decided on a small cottage near the north city limit.

“Before we go inspect the house, we do have a rather interesting proposal for you mayor,” said Argent. Reaching into his panniers, he produced a glitter golden alicorn idol. “This idol,” said the stallion, “is one of several we found in our travels through the Everfree forest.” The tan mare picked up the statuette, surprised at its weight. It was studded with emeralds, opals, and star sapphires.

“We would like Ponyville to have all of the objects we found in the cache,” said Twilight, “We just ask for a home and some assistance in furnishing it.”

“I can’t accept this,” said the breathless earth pony, “You could buy the entire main plaza with this.” She set the idol down in front of Argent, her hooves shaking. “You should take this to a jeweler in Canterlot, they would pay you so much more for it.”

“We don’t want money, we just want a home,” said Argent. “Please Mayor, just take the statue. We don’t even want credit for its discovery. In fact, we’d prefer to keep our donation anonymous.”

The mayor relented and agreed to their terms. After a few minutes of negotiating, the ponies agreed on a time table for recovering the rest of the artifacts, as well as a generous line of credit for Argent and Twilight. “I don’t know how we’ll be able to thank you two,” she said, “You just built a new schoolhouse for the children.” Rising to her hooves, the earth pony escorted the two new citizens downstairs. “Note, I’m showing these two to their new home,” she said, “take care of things while I’m gone.”

“Sure thing chief,” said the mare, “And welcome to Ponyville guys!”

“So let me get this straight,” said Twilight to the three pegasi standing before her, “You were all kidnapped by these bird creatures?”

“Yes Princess Twilight,” the three said in unison.

“And two mysterious cloaked unicorns appeared to rescue you,” asked the alicorn.

“Yes Princess Twilight,” they said again.

“And they said that these things were ‘Kenku’?” asked Twilight, slightly exasperated.

“Yes Princess Twilight,” they said, intimidated by the alicorn’s mood.

Twilight felt her bodyguard’s hoof on her shoulder. “My Lady,” he whispered, “they've obviously been through something harrowing.” She looked at the stallion and nodded in agreement. “Sorry,” she whispered back, softening her scowl into a smile, “and I already told you to call me Twilight.”

“I’m sorry my friends,” she began, “but the thought of these things preying on ponies gives me the heebie jeebies as Pinkie would say.” Twilight levitated teacups to the assembled ponies and invited them to sit. “Now tell me more about these two heroic unicorn rescuers,” said the alicorn.

At once, praise began to gush from the tree pegasi. Twilight tried to form as accurate a description of the strangers as she could from the disjointed stories. The stallion, they all agreed, had charged into the abductors and kept them distracted while the mare snuck up and freed the pegasi. Neither stated their names, nor did they ever remove their hooded cloaks. Both used magic, but the mare’s was more impressive: Lifting a boulder that size would be hard enough, but crushing it into rubble would be a feat, even for her. She very much wanted to meet them, but it appeared that they wanted to remain anonymous.

“Thank you for letting me know what happened,” said Twilight. “Don’t worry about trying to find the mayor again,” said the alicorn, “I will speak to her and we will make sure everypony keeps an eye out for these Kenku things.”

Argent escorted the pegasi out and returned to the plaza and returned to find the princess rummaging around the library. “Is there anything I can do to help, Princ…Twilight?”

“Oh,” said the surprised young mare, “You don’t have to do that Argent.” Two large tomes floated out of the upper reaches of a bookshelf and joined the five others that were already trailing the alicorn. “I know this must all seem quite tedious, and I know you guard types would rather practice than pour through a dusty old tome.”

“Not at all,” replied the stallion. “I don’t share the captain’s disdain for books. I mean no disrespect, but your brother is kind of a meathead sometimes.”

“Oh, Shiney doesn't hate reading,” said Twilight, “I just made him sick of it.” The alicorn and her literary cargo made their way up the stairs. “And yes,” she said, “he can be a ‘meathead’ at times.” Argent opened the door for the princess and followed her into the study.

“So let me help,” said the stallion. “At the very least I’ll be able to say I’m better than the Captain at something.”

“Okay,” said Twilight, “Take Alabaster’s Avian Almanac and see what you can find.”

The stallion took control of the levitated book with his magic and took a seat next to his charge. The two began what would be their first all-night study session together.

Soft music flowed from the open window of the small two storied cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville. The alicorn mare and unicorn stallion swayed to the gentle piano concerto, his neck arched over hers. The remains of a quickly eaten meal of Chineighse take out sat on a small table set in a breakfast nook.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” said Twilight, despite clearly enjoying the experience. She wrapped her forelegs around the stallion’s neck and nuzzled his cheek with hers.

“What?” asked Argent, feigning innocence, “We had to make sure the phonograph works.” He reached up and stroked the mare’s hoof. “And I’d say it has definitely passed muster.”

Twilight laughed and hugged the stallion tightly before pulling away. “I still can’t believe this was so well furnished,” said the alicorn. “I had no idea the mayor was such a real estate mogul.” She walked to the music box and lifted the needle from the platter. “She’s a mare of many talents,” she said, “hopefully discretion is one of them.”

“I wouldn't worry about that,” he said, “she would have given us city hall had we asked.” The stallion walked to the table and started cleaning the remnants of their meal. “We still need to find a way to disguise ourselves if you still insist on keeping our identities from everypony in town.”

Twilight shook her head in exasperation. “Argent, I know you don’t like it, but we need to let these ponies lead their lives.” Walking over to the stallion, she brushed against his flank with hers. “Past Twilight needs to learn how to be a princess, and that’s something I can’t deprive her of.”

“But you could teach her so much,” he said, “and we've already changed her life.” Argent tried for the third time to convince Twilight that she didn't need to hide herself away. “She’s definitely not sitting worried about reports of three missing pegasi. Isn't that a good thing?”

“I’m not sure yet,” answered Twilight. “What if, by denying past Twilight the experience of fighting the Kenku, she proves unready to face the next crisis, or the one after that?” She buried her face in the stallion’s mane. “I might have already doomed her before she’s even had a chance.”

The snort of laughter that escaped Argent caused the mare’s head to snap back in confusion. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the stallion as he tried to keep his amusement in. “I’m sorry,” he said with a snort of laughter, “you’re just too adorable.” Noticing that her mane was starting to glow a soft orange, the stallion quickly leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. “Nothing you could do would keep her from becoming the amazing pony you are.”

Her anger slowly abated, and Twilight’s body sagged with the released tension. “That’s not fair,” she said, “I had a good mad going.” Her horn flared and Argent was wrapped in her lavender field of telekinesis. “You’ll pay for that, Defender.”

Argent smiled as he was slowly towed up the stairs behind the mare. “Oh, come on Twilight,” he said, “haven’t you heard the saying, ‘never go to sleep angry’?”

Twilight tossed the stallion onto the bed and closed the door. “Who said anything about sleep?” asked the mare as she jumped onto the mattress.

Author's Note:

Pretty happy with this chapter. I think it's the first time I've really justified the adventure tag, short of the end of chapter 2. The Kenku are a D&D creature based on japanese myth. Basically, they're flightless raven-men. There should be some more explanation about them in the next chapter, but obviously, they were about to do something horrible.

What I learned this week: A group of ravens can be called a conspiracy, a constable, or an unkindness.

Also, I noticed the horizontal rule button, so the stupid pound sign scene change markers will go bye-bye.