• Published 20th May 2013
  • 7,582 Views, 257 Comments

The Road Not Taken - levarien

Twilight has spent her adult life keeping Equestria safe. While her friends found careers, family, and love, she has spent her time searching for ways to defend them all. Resentment now rules her heart, and somepony has to get through to her.

  • ...

Ch. 14: Unexpected Intervention

"I still can't believe you lost them," whispered Argent as he crouched behind a pile of boulders. The slowly rising sun projected a long shadow behind their hiding place.

"She was right there," said an exasperated Twilight. "I looked away for a second and-"

She heard the sound of rustling grass and held her hoof out silencing the stallion. She exhaled slowly and closed her eyes to calm herself. Twilight stood and looked towards the source of the sound. As she expected, a pair of zebras stalked through the grass, their sharp wooden shafted spears strapped to their backs. They saw her rise and shouted as they began to charge. Twilight feigned surprise and started sprinting away from the zebras with an over the top shriek of terror. The two zebrican scouts sprinted after her. As they passed the pile of boulders, Argent leapt out and slammed his shoulder into the nearest, sending it crashing into his ally. The unicorn stallion rose up on his rear legs and brought his hooves crashing into the side of one of the prone zebra's head. He walked towards the second scout who was rising to her hooves. She reached to the ground to pick up her spear, but it wouldn't budge.

"No you don't," said Twilight as she stood on the top of the spear shaft. The zebra mare growled at Twilight, forgetting that the unicorn stallion was bearing down on her.

"Filthy pony witch," growled the zebra mare, "Lord Zakan will see you dead, you freakish-" Her insult was silenced by Argent's swift rear-hoofed buck to the face. The zebra crumbled to the ground in an unconscious heap. Twilight casually bent over and examined the unconscious zebra mare while Argent walked to her side.

"I looked away for a moment and they were both gone," said Twilight, continuing their conversation from before. "Besides, you were there too." She reached into the zebra mare's saddle bag and pulled out the rope she knew would be in there. She bound the mare's legs together and pulled her over to the pile of boulders. "Should we even waste our time with these two?" she asked.

"No," said Argent, "I believe the last group. You played the role of the vengeful goddess quite well." He pulled the zebra stallion over to the boulders and set him beside his partner. "They would have told you their life story had you asked."

"Lets keep moving then," said Twilight, "If Zakan truly intends to make a show of Zecora and Zephyr's punishment, we need to hurry." She pulled a canteen of water from one of the unconscious zebras and drank deeply. She tossed it to Argent to finish and closed her eyes. Repeating the same elementary magic techniques she had learned as a filly, she tried to flare her horn. After a night of frustration after frustration, a weak magenta aura slowly pulsed around her horn.

Argent watched and pumped his hoof in victory. "That's it love," he said excitedly, "I knew you could do it." He instantly upgraded their chances of success from slim-to-none to doubtful. "But that powder," he said, "what's to stop them from using it again?"

"It's forkroot," replied Twilight, "How Zakan learned about it, I have no idea. We'll just have to be extra cautious."

Argent nodded his agreement and trotted alongside Twilight. "Are you strong enough to try your plan?" he asked.

"I have to be," she replied resolutely. Through their interrogations of the scouting parties they had ambushed, Twilight knew that Zecora and Zephyr were in captivity, but otherwise unharmed, for the moment anyway. She tried not to think about their younger selves. She could only hope that no news was good news and that they were safe somewhere.

"Come back to me," whispered a pleading voice, "don't leave me here alone."

Argent woke with a start. He had a searing headache centered right behind his eyes, causing him to groan and wince in pain. He tried to move his head but found himself thoroughly immobilized.

"Shhh, Argent," cooed Twilight, "Everything will be all right. Please, just wake up." She gently stroked his mane and planted a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"Twilight?" he asked in confusion. The previous night's events flashed back in his memory and he opened his eyes in panic. "We have to go back for Zecora!" he shouted. He felt drops landing on his face and looked up into Twilight's eyes. She smiled as she looked back into his worried face, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You're all right," she said, nearly sobbing. She bent her head down and rested her forehead against his. "I didn't know what they poisoned you with," she said while hugging him tightly, "I thought..." She let go of him and took a deep breath to compose herself. The confusion on the stallion's face was obvious to Twilight. "You were poisoned by a few of their darts," she explained, "I found this burrow, and pulled you in before they found us."

Argent looked around at the cramped space they huddled in. "You should have left me princess," he said guiltily, "Who knows what they would have done if they had-"

"Hush," said Twilight while holding a hoof to his mouth, "I would never leave you behind."

Argent nodded and stared at her with wide eyes. She strared back and they became lost in each other's gaze. Seconds passed before either took a breath. "It's no fair," said Argent.

"What?" asked Twilight.

"I'm supposed to be protecting you," he said with a laugh, "Why is it that you keep saving me?"

She gave him a playful pat on the nose. "I think we're better off protecting each other," she said warmly, "there's plenty of 'saving' to go around." She tried to flex her extended wings but the cramped quarters wouldn't allow it. "I haven't heard anything for hours," she said, "Let's go find our friends." She turned around and pushed the bushes out of the front of the burrow. Sunlight streamed into the entrance, causing both ponies to squint against the brightness. Twilight crawled her way out of the hole and emerged streaked in dirt. She stretched her legs while Argent pushed the saddle bags and his shield out of their hideaway.

"What do we do without our magic," asked Argent as he rose to his feet and struggled to shake all the dirt out of his coat and mane.

Twilight smiled triumphantly and flared her horn. A strong breeze blew all the dust from the stallion, sending a dirt devil spinning into the distance. "I haven't been in that hole moping all night," she said with a determined gleam in her eyes. "It's time to show these zebras the true power of friendship. She reached into her saddlebags and removed a gleaming gold tiara. She placed the Crown of Harmony on her brow and walked in front of Argent. She pulled the zipper of his coat all the way up to his neck and straightened the silver thread embroidered epaulettes on his shoulders. "No more sneaking around," she said as she turned towards the hill that loomed in the distance. "No more hiding from this petty tyrant."

Argent snapped to attention and crisply saluted Twilight. Her confidence filled him with a reinvigorating sense of calm. He concentrated and managed to surround his horn with a strong golden aura. "It shall be as the princess commands," he said proudly while floating his shield to his back. They trotted side by side towards the Crown of the Plains.

"I should thank you, Shaman," said the skinny zebra stallion, "without your incompetence, I would never had have taken the reins of power." Zakan stepped forward and stuck his face directly in front of Zecora's. "You do know that your mother would have saved the little chiefling, don't you?" he whispered. "Honestly, that was the hardest part of my ascension. Every poison, toxin, and blight I sent my brother's way, she saw through and counteracted as if they were nothing." Zecora struggled against the thick ropes that held her against the wall. Her hips and shoulders screamed in agony as she hung limply. "The spirits took care of her for me though, didn't they? And they sent an inexperienced filly to care for Zerasa's son."

"The will of the spirits you will know soon enough," said Zecora with as much calm as she could muster, "You fear them despite all your bluster and bluffs. The spirits will judge you deceiver of all; for their mercy you will soon call."

"You think speaking to me as if I were an outsider is an insult?" he said while holding her chin steady with his hoof. "Your traditions, rites, and rituals mean nothing to me." He walked to the unconscious stallion who hung nearby and took a spear from a nearby guard. He thrust the butt of the weapon into Zephyr's chest, smiling in satisfaction at the sound of a rib cracking. "The 'melody of speech' is a relic Shaman, just like you and your gullible friend here. I have no need for superstition: The spirits speak to me directly." He handed the spear back to the zebra stallion at the door and paused before exiting. "You out of all of us know of the riches that lay beyond the plains, Shaman," he said with a zealous fervor in his eyes, "When we have prepared, the Striped Horde will leave this pathetic dusty land and take what we are due." Zakan cackled in delight. "Did your friends enjoy my little surprise?" he asked, "I could hardly believe it when my spy said there were horned ponies about. It was the perfect opportunity to test the forkroot powder."

"I know they escaped your machinations," she said defiantly, "They'll be back for remuneration."

"Oh I hope they do come back," said Zakan with a dismissive wave of his hoof. "If my vanguard is to take the lands of the ponies, they need practice against their petty little magics. With my forkroot extract and paralytic venoms, I'm afraid your friends will be quite helpless."

"The true Zebrica will stop your insane plot," spat Zecora, "You'll never find them, any search is for naught."

"Your friends in the swamp?" asked Zakan. Zecora's recoiling shock caused him to chuckle. "My spy told me all about them. As we speak, Zeret is leading my forces to your little mud hole." He walked to the cell door, slammed the large wooden door and looked through the rectangular cut out. "I hope you enjoyed our little chat," he said, "and you're quite welcome for the poison remedy. A shame I didn't have enough for both of you. Farewell Shaman, I have an execution to prepare for."

"Is he gone?" wheezed Zephyr after a few moments.

"How are you awake?" asked a shocked Zecora, "the sap of the stranglevine should have left you unconscious for hours yet."

"It used to," said Zephyr with a grunt, "It barely phases me these days."

"I don't understand," said Zecora.

"Give me some credit 'Cora," he replied, "I remembered a few of your lessons: Building a tolerance to toxic and poisonous plants was one of my favorites."

"Have you built a tolerance to having your throat slit," said Zecora angrily, "because that's what that monster has planned for us. A grand display of his dominance to further terrorize our tribe." She let her head hang and felt a wave of despair wash over her. "I should have listened to your warnings," she said morosely, "now everypony is in terrible danger; and that danger pales in comparison to all of your refugees in the swamp."

"Your friends seemed quite capable 'Cora," he said in a comforting tone, "He as much as told you they escaped. And don't worry about the refugees, they're going to be fine."

"How can you be so calm, Zephyr," said Zecora as she raised her head to look at her friend. The twinkle of mischief in his eyes hadn't changed from the first time he had convinced her to slip poison joke into the bathhouse cisterns. "Okay," she said while arching an eybrow, "what have you been up to."

Zephyr smiled and quietly laid his plan out to Zecora.

"I swear I saw those zebras in the swamp," said Argent from his vantage point on the top of the hill. "See the one there with the short cropped mane? He was with Zephyr and Zeret when they first found us, and the mare to his right was carrying baskets of food." He passed the collapsible telescope to Twilight, pulled a hoofkerchief from one of the pockets of his armored coat, and wiped his brow.

"You're right," said Twilight. She levitated her spy glass back into her bag and looked at the large column of nearly a hundred zebra with unaided eyes. "But why are they following Zeret," she asked quizzically, "I can't imagine Zephyr had that many traitors in his midst, and they don't look like prisoners. Why are they heading towards the Crown of the Plains?"

"If they reach it, our job will be that much more dangerous," said Argent worriedly, "we have to do something to keep them out of the picture." He turned to Twilight and gasped as the Crown of Harmony pulsed with white light. He quickly pulled his shield from the catch on the back of his jacket and nodded to her. With a flash, they vanished from the hill and reappeared a few dozen paces away from the grizzled zebra scout who had betrayed them a few short hours earlier.

Twilight flared her wings and stared at the approaching zebra with glowing while eyes. "Come forward Zeret of the Zebrica," she said in a calm, cold voice, "The Princess of Harmony demands it." Her voice boomed across the short distance, it's volume amplified by an unseen cone of air she had willed into being. Argent stood between her and the crush of zebras, his shield floating in front of him, just below his line of sight.

The sudden flash of light and booming voice from what many of the zebras assumed was a old mare's tale sent many of their number into a panic. Zeret turned away from Twilight and shouted at the anxious crowd in zebrese. Many ignored him and began slowly backing away from the glowing apparition. Their retreat was halted by the wall of a magenta energy that materialized around the small depression between hills. They desperately moved around the circumference of the barrier, searching for some breach they could escape through.

"You have one last chance to come forward Zeret," shouted Twilight, "My patience wears thin." She sent a swirling gust of wind blowing across the ground before them, sending more of the zebras running to join the others at the other side of the dome of energy. They formed a bending arc at the barrier's edge, with only Zeret standing in the middle. He lowered his pleading hooves and turned back to face Twilight and Argent. He lowered his head and cautiously approached the two ponies.

"It's not what you think princess of the north," he said from a few yards away from Argent, "It is not for Zakan that we march forth."

"Not one more step," said Argent as the zebra came within ten paces of Twilight. He trotted to the zebra and squinted as he used his magic to relieve Zeret of his spear while keeping his shield floating between them. "Keep your hooves where I can see them," warned the unicorn. Argent backed up and stood at Twilight's side.

"I told Zephyr he was being too selective with those he told," said Zeret as he nervously looked back to his zebras, "Zecora, should have been brought into the fold."

"You have one chance to explain to me why I shouldn't turn you into stone," said Twilight. She blinked her light infused eyes and dug her hooves into the hard ground.

"Zephyr saw a chance to turn the tide," said Zeret quickly, "and I was the only zebra in whom he would confide." He slowly picked up a hoof and pointed at the crowd of zebras who had turned back towards the center of the dome. "I began arguing in public, in ways that couldn't be ignored," said the zebra stallion, "We had to make it look like I was sewing discord. One of Zakan's stooges made contact and offered a reward; I had to accept to become part of his moronic horde."

"Go on," said Twilight.

"I did not wish to have you hunted," continued Zeret, "Zephyr had hoped to be the only one confronted." From around the edge of the dome, the zebras slowly approached the ponies at the center. The witch goddess of the north didn't appear to be striking Zeret down as they had feared. "Zakan's soldiers head for an abandoned village," he said with no small amount of pride, "soggy wood and empty huts are all they will pillage."

"And you intend to overthrow Zakan while they are lost in the swamp," said Twilight. She sighed and released her magic. "Your plan is foolhardy and reckless," she said wearily. "Zecora and Zephyr are prisoners, or worse."

"Desperate measures are all that we have left," said Zeret, "of food and hope, we are totally bereft."

Twilight placed her hoof to her forehead and shook it in annoyance. "Suppose we wished to join you," she said while stepping around Argent and in front of the zebra, "What was your scheme for saving Zecora and Zephyr, and taking the Crown?"

"With most of his forces away trudging through a swamp, we figured through the front gate we would romp," said the grizzled zebra. "I know where Zephyr is most likely held; I intend to free him once any resistance is quelled."

"You will take us with you," pronounced Twilight in a voice loud enough for all the approaching zebras to hear. "You chose to involve my friend in your foalhardy plan, so now we do things my way." She spun around and took a few imperious strides away from the stunned zebra. "Tell your herd to reassemble. Argent will explain how you will organize as we march."

"Goddess of the North, I don't know if-" said Zeret before Argent stepped forward and stabbed the floating spear into the ground before him.

"She's willing to trust you," said Argent as he leveled a withering glare at the zebra, "Celestia only knows how she can be so forgiving, but know that to me, trust is earned." He trotted towards Twilight and looked back briefly to confirm that Zeret had begun forming his followers into a long column. "Are you sure of this Twilight," he asked softly, "he already led us into one trap."

"No," said Twilight, "of course I'm not sure, but what other option do we have?" She readjusted her tiara and folded her wings onto her back. "You know the old saying: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Argent looked back at the formation marching behind them. "Yeah," he said warily, "as long as you keep your bodyguard closest."

Twilight smiled and nodded her agreement. She levitated a thick tome emblazoned with her cutie mark from her saddlebags and held it up to her face to begin studying as she walked. "Go ahead and see what you can do with them," she said while motioning behind them with a sideways shake of her head. "I've got a few spells in here that might help us." She began reading, but noticed that the stallion still walked beside her. "Argent, I'll be fine," she said, "keep an eye on me if you like, just make sure those zebra know what they're doing."

Argent narrowed his eyes and turned to head back to Zeret and his zebras, "I'm keeping both eyes on you," he called over his shoulder. He approached the marching zebras and turned to trot alongside Zeret. "All right," he said in a business like tone, "how do zebras fight."

The next half hour was spent separating the zebras into squads consisting of a few spear wielders supported by a larger number of the striped equines with slings and stones. As they marched, Argent slowly began to build a grudging respect for Zeret as the zebra made astute observations about the disposition of their forces. His suspicion never completely disappeared, however, and he frequently found himself staring at Twilight as she walked a few dozen paces in front of the column.

"I believe we are done here, all that's left is to walk and wait," said Zeret as he noticed the stallion's attention drifting away, "I can see that you worry, you should go and be with your mate."

Argent began to trot forward at a faster pace before the zebra's words sank in. "Not that it's your business," he said, "but we're not like that. I'm her bodyguard, I make sure she's safe and do what she asks of me."

"My grasp of the equine language isn't the best, much to my shame," he said in a confused tone, "but 'bodyguard' and 'mate,' sound one and the same. You protect her life, at a risk to your health; perhaps you guard her for the wealth?"

"What!?" exclaimed Argent, "I'm a royal guard of Equestria. I'm sworn to the service of an Alicorn Princess. She could pay me in soggy hay, and I would still guard her with my life."

"You ponies are truly an odd folk," said Zeret as he turned and left to talk with his zebra comrades, "I do think you are making a joke."

Argent galloped to Twilight's side and looked back at Zeret in confusion. "Zebras are weird," he said while looking at the ground and shaking his head.

"Now Argent," said Twilight as she closed her spellbook and slid it back into her panniers, "they're different, not weird. I'm sure we seem as strange to them as they are to us." She looked back at the neatly organized groupings of zebra marching behind them and smiled in satisfaction. "Good job Captain," she said, "They look quite a bit more disciplined now."

"A lot of it is show," said Argent worriedly, "These zebra aren't soldiers by any measure of the word, and they've missed more than their fair share of meals."

"Fighting is the last thing I want to happen," said Twilight, "but I think the two of us can make a huge difference." As she spoke, the top of the massive Baobab tree on top of the largest hill in the plains finally came into view. Columns of wispy smoke rose from near the crest of the ancestral home of the Zebrica. Twilight nearly stumbled, and the self assurance she had just displayed began to falter.

"You know I've got your back right?" asked Argent as he noticed the hesitation in the alicorn's gait. He trotted in front of Twilight and stopped. "You're not doing this alone," he said while resting a hoof on her shoulder.

"How can Zecora stand to wear her hair mane like this," groused Twilight, "I feel like a gust of wind will send me toppling over."

"It has a certain flair," said Argent as he teased the top of the mohawk Twilight had shaped his mane into. "At any rate, it hides our horns, and that's all that matters." He looked at the white and black striped form of the cloaked zebra mare that trotted beside him. "Are you sure the stripes are right?" he asked as they approached the open gate, "They're pretty good at telling each other apart at a glance using these things."

"I used the last two scouts' appearance to craft the illusions," she replied, "as long as we don't get too social, we should be able to go where we please." She straightened her cloak and tucked her wings hard against her back as they walked past the gate guards.

"Back already?" asked a sharp eyed zebra stallion, "Did you find anything?"

Twilight nervously turned her head and tried to look tired and disappointed at the same time. "Alas no," she said in Zebrese, "Nothing on the plains that way but dust and grass." She held her breath, hoping that her intonation and accent were close enough matches to the scout she had disguised herself as.

"It must have been a rough morning, Zelanna," said the guard, "would you like to get some dinner with me after the Chief's pronouncements?" He winked at Twilight and smiled suggestively. Argent growled under his breath.

"Definitely," said Twilight in a husky voice, "I'm up for anything after such a boring day with this one." She pointed at a seething Argent and blew a kiss towards the love struck zebra. "Say," she said while swaying sensually towards him, "Where is the chief keeping those two traitors we caught last night. I'd like to see the jerks who made me waste such a beautiful day."

"Ah, Zelanna..." said the stallion, "you know chief's guards would have me chopping wood for a month if I told you that."

Twilight pouted and circled the red faced zebra. "That's a shame," she said seductively, "I just wanted to laugh in their faces before the chief gets his hooves on them." She walked next to the guard and brought her muzzle to his ear. "It'd really help me relieve some stress," she whispered, sending chills down the zebra's spine, "and I'd be ever so grateful."

The zebra stallion sported a goofy grin and pointed up the hill. "They're in the strongroom of the barracks at the top of the eastern path," he said, "but you didn't hear it from me. He leaned in to kiss the mare's cheek but found only air.

"Thanks," said Twilight happily as she trotted up the hill with Argent a short ways behind, "See you later!"

"You enjoyed that," said Argent grumpily.

"I was thinking of you the whole time," said Twilight with a grin. "Now let's get Zecora and Zephyr and get out of here."

She led the way up the steep hill to where the long buildings ended. Near the Mother Tree, a large group of zebras were pounding several large poles into the ground using large stone mauls. a crowd had begun assembling themselves around the workers. "We're not too late," said Argent with a sigh of relief. He pointed east, across an open expanse of the hilltop, at a longhouse constructed from worked stone. "That has to be where your coltfriend said they were held."

Twilight nodded and they tried to look as nonchalant as possible while crossing the side of the massive hill. As they passed the zebras who wandered down the paths that wound around the many dwellings and storehouses, Twilight and Argent couldn't help but see the look of utter antipathy on the striped faces. "I can't stand this," said Twilight angrily, "the Zebrica were never this beaten down before."

A quartet of armed guards milled around at the single large entrance to the squat stone structure. "No offense, love," said Argent, "but I doubt your feminine wiles can help us past all of them." Twilight jabbed him in the ribs with a hoof and led the way around to the rear of the barracks.

"Stand here comedian," she said after looking around for any watching eyes. Argent walked to where she was pointing and put his left flank against the outer wall of the rear of the building. Twilight placed her forehooves on his back and awkwardly climbed up and reached for the barred window above the stallion. She looked in and saw the two zebras hanging from the walls. She flared her magic and delicately tugged at the zebra mare's mane.

Zecora looked up and saw an unfamiliar zebra face looking through the only window in their small cell. "Who..." she said before catching herself. Twilight reached up a hoof and pulled her exotically styled mane out of the way, revealing her horn. The zebra mare's eyes widened and she gestured her head at the guard that stood a dozen paces away behind the door to the cells.

Twilight nodded and flared her horn causing a wall of purple magic to appear in the cell. "It's Oracle and Horizon," she said, "and don't worry, the wall will keep sound out."

"I am overjoyed to see you well," said Zecora weakly, "I assume you are here to free me from my cell." Twilight nodded and began charging a teleport spell. "Wait my friend, we cannot be too quick to slip away," said Zephyr, "we'll never have as good a chance as we have this day."

"Shut up," said Twilight, "If I didn't know how much Zecora cares for you, I'd let you rot in here a little longer."

"He is right, my would be pony savior," said Zecora, who continued to keep an eye on the guard in the hallway, "plans are in motion that cannot result in failure."

"Are you out of your striped minds!" growled Twilight, "They're going to kill you both!"

"Help is coming and we can be by Zakan when they arrive," said Zephyr, "In the midst of the confusion we can take him by surprise."

"What's taking so long?" asked Argent. Beads of sweat poured down his muzzle as Twilight's hooves dug into his back. "Teleport them out and lets go!"

"I'm trying," said Twilight, "they're both talking nonsense. More nonsense than is usual for zebras."

"If you wish to help us, stay as close as you dare," said Zecora, "When the time comes, you can help us close the snare." She looked at the guard by the door and waved her bound hoof at Twilight. "Now go before they see your conjuration," she whispered, "do not worry, we can handle their painful ministrations."

Twilight blinked in surprise and jumped down from Argent's back, eliciting a grunt from the glorified stepping stool. "Change of plans," she said wearily, "we need to keep an eye on those two."

"Remember Zeret," said Argent, "If you don't charge when we agreed, I will find you, and I will make you pay." He flared his horn and slammed his shield into the ground.

The zebra gulped and nodded. "You have no need to fear Argent Defender," he said with a hoof in the air, "I will do what it takes to unseat the pretender."

Argent turned and trotted to the top of the hill and knelt down next to Twilight. "They're all set," he said, "are you sure I can't talk you into taking a few of them with us?"

Twilight peaked over the top of the hill and at the gate a short gallop away. "No," she said, "like you said, we have to draw as much attention to us so they can slip in another way." She stood and brushed off the dust from her coat. "Now's as good a time as any." She held a hoof to Argent and pulled him to his hooves.

The two ponies turned and looked to the zebras hidden on the other side of the last hill before the Crown of the Plains. Argent waved his shield at the zebras and received a shake of Zeret's spear in response. They crested the hill and casually began trotting towards the gate, as if it were a quick jaunt to Sugar Cube Corner. It only took a few moments before their approach was spotted.

"Here we go," said Argent. He lifted his shield and moved in front of the alicorn. Before long, the first darts and stones were hurled at them from the gate guards. Argent's shield provided them with ample cover as they continued walking forward in the face of the constant barrage of projectiles.

"Bag!" shouted Argent.

"Got it," said Twilight as her horn flared and snatched the bundle in her telekinetic field at the apex of its trajectory. She casually sent it hurtling through the air behind them. More and more guards' heads peeked over the wall and began raining darts and rocks on the two ponies.

"Twilight," said Argent as he wildly waved his shield to deflect a pair of larger stones, "they're closing the gate!" Sure enough, a large wooden barricade was being pushed into place in the gap the gate created in the long wall. "Now would be a good time for some of that magic you're so good at."

The alicorn looked at the wall and back at her bodyguard in a panic. "I don't know what spell to use!" she said in a panic, "I don't want to hurt anypony too badly."

"Just do anything!" shouted the stallion, "otherwise we'll be the one's hurt badly."

"Umm....umm...maybe..." mumbled Twilight as she hid behind Argent. She took a deep breath and braced her hooves. She aimed her horn at the wall and pulled as much magic as she could through her crown. A thick beam of solid magenta light erupted from her horn with a deafening roar. The force of the spell sent her braced hooves skidding backwards as they resisted the recoil of the evocation she had unleashed. The ray of radiance struck the barricade and began racing across the wall, suffusing the entire wooden ring in a sparkling magenta shine. Twilight cut off the torrent of magical energy and watched as the wall began rumbling.

"Come on," she said, "work, damn you, work!"

"What the..." mumbled Argent as the wall answered Twilight's pleas. The top of the barrier began dissolving into orange spheres. Thousands of them fell from the crumbling structure to the ground below and began bouncing down the hillside. The platforms the zebras had been standing on to fire over the wall no longer had anything to support them, and quickly began collapsing. The screams of the guards ended in abrupt thuds as they hit the ground. The constant hail of projectiles ceased immediately.

Argent reached down and picked up a piece of what had once been an imposing wall. "Oranges!?" he exclaimed after sniffing the fruit. "You turned the entire wall into oranges?"

Twilight flushed and kicked one of the oranges that had rolled to her hooves. "I couldn't think of anything else," she said, "I didn't want to just blow it up."

"So you turned it into oranges?" he asked in confusion.

"Yes!" she answered loudly. She pointed up the slope and swatted Argent's flank. "Now let's get moving before they can recover."

Argent nodded and looked down what had been the wall and watched as the groups of zebras began charging into the city from the hills he and Zeret had positioned them behind. With a satisfied smile he pulled his shield in front of them and led the way up the Crown of the Plains.

"They're coming for us all!" shouted Zakan from the hideously massive carved wooden throne he had hauled up to the base of the Mother Tree. From it, he could see row after row of zebras arrayed down the slope. "In a few short years, she would have led the Pony witches and soldiers to our most ancient of homes," he screamed, "Poisoning the son of poor Chief Zerasa wasn't enough for her. She won't rest until we're all thralls of the wicked equines of the north!"

A small portion of the crowd shouted angrily, demanding blood. Zecora and Zephyr stood surrounded by armed zebra guards. Their hooves were hobbled with thick rope and their mouths gagged with thick linen wraps. She stared impassively at the ranting tyrant. His epithets and insults rolled off of her like drops of dew off a sagging leaf.

The Chief of the Zebrica puffed out his chest and raised his forehooves high into the air, sending his elaborate robes billowing in the wind. "The spirits will not allow harm to come to me," shouted Zakan, "They have told me of the treasonous Shaman's plot. They have warned me of the pony witches she would bring with her!" He stood and trotted to the large posts which had been sunk into the ground. "The spirits of our ancestors have told me to cleanse the Zebrica," he announced, "We must eradicate the traitors in our midst. We must go forth and show the ponies that they cannot have this land: It belongs to me!"

Again, the same vocal minority cried for war on the pony folk. Among them, several hurled rocks at the bound zebras. Zecora felt a stone hit her in the neck but refused to acknowledge the pain. As a small trickle of red wound down her black and white striped coat, the shaman continued to level her fierce gaze at despot.

"Fear not the ponies, with their witches and banshees," hollered Zakan, "the spirits of our ancestors have revealed to me the means to defeat them. We will walk their rich lands and take our recompense for their treachery." He waved a hoof at his guards and returned to his gaudy throne. "All this I promise you my Striped Horde, but now," he said while sitting, "now we begin the cleansing of the Zebrica. Guards, commence with the purge."

Zecora and Zephyr were pushed and prodded towards the large posts. Two cloaked zebra guards with their hoods hanging from their necks bound the two zebra prisoners to the wooden spires and removed their hobbles. Bundles of dry grass and wood, hewn from the Mother Tree itself, were stacked around them. Viscous oil from large casks carried by several other guards was poured over the tinder. Zakan waved his hoof and a burly zebra stallion with a cruel grin approached with a flaming torch held between his teeth.

Shouts rang out from the rear of the crowd, causing the heads of every zebra to turn away from the crest of the hill. "Who dares interrupt my audience!" shouted Zakan, "There is plenty of room left on the pyre for malcontents!"

A magenta light flashed out, followed quickly by a zebra guard flying into the crowd, her legs flailing as her unconscious form tumbled to a stop. The crowed began parting as several dozen groups made their way through the mass of zebras. Several guards circled Zakan as he stood on his massive throne and looked over the chaos of the roiling crowd. He saw his informant galloping towards the crest of the hill with the pony witch and warlock following him.

"Zeret you fool," he shouted as loudly as he could, "I command you to turn and face the witches!" He smiled in triumph as the stallion stopped just after emerging from the front of the crowd and turned to face the horned ponies.

He raised his spear high into the air and buried the point deep into the soil in front of the two outsiders. "The ponies are not our enemies," shouted Zeret in a deep booming roar. "This madness ends now usurper!" Groups of zebra pushed their way to the front of the crowd and stood defiantly before the zebra guards and the tyrant they protected. The listless eyes of the majority of the zebra crowd ignited with a spark of hope.

"Take them all!" shouted Zakan, "A chief's ransom for any zebra who brings me a traitor's hooves!"

The guards that lined the crown of the hill, along with several of the shouting zebra from the crowd took up arms and charged at the crowd. Spear met spear, and the battle was soon joined. Zakan watched as his cabal of former exiles and zebra from far off tribes viciously stabbed and kicked at the pitiful rabble that dared question his absolute rule.

"You all," he said to his most able and most well compensated guards, "Slay any who dare approach me." The guards saluted and formed a line between Zakan and the melee ensuing below. He trotted towards the what should have been the great bonfire that cemented his legacy and slammed a hoof into the face of the burly guard who stared at the melee with a moronic expression. "Get down there and fight you idiot," he said before turning to the two still bound zebra. "Your pathetic friends are too late," he said with a wicked grin, "you two will still burn." He picked up the torch from the ground and dropped it into the bundle of hay.

The flames spread quickly across the tinder, like a wave rolling onto the shore. Zakan cackled maniacally as the heat began to build. Zephyr and Zecora nodded too each other and calmly brought their hooves from behind their backs and stood back on the ground on all fours. The thick ropes that had anchored them to the posts fell loosely to its base. With mighty leaps, they both easily hopped over the flames and approached the tyrant while pulling the gags from their mouths.

"This is for little Zamunda," said Zecora, as she slowly approached Zakan.

"And for Zerasa," added Zephyr, "he was your brother you bastard." He and Zecora circled around Zakan and soon had the tyrant's back to the fire he had intended for them.

"Fools!" shouted Zakan, "My most trusted guards are but a call away. Guards, dispatch these two and throw their corpses on the pyre!"

The line of guards quickly turned back and saw the predicament their leader and employer had gotten himself into. All but two charged at the lone zebras threatening Zakan. A magenta aura appeared around the two who held back and caused their white coats and black stripes to dissolve away, revealing two older ponies. The mare quickly flared her horn and a dome of magical force slammed down on the hilltop, trapping the guards inside with the ponies.

"He's all yours," shouted the elder Twilight as she charged up another spell.

"Behind you!" shouted Twilight. She ducked under Argent's stomach, tickling it with the top of her crown, and fired a blast of hornfire at the charging zebra. The blast carried it into two of his comrades, sending all three rolling down the steep hill.

"Thanks," said Argent as he felt the mare slide out from underneath him. He deflected a spear thrust with his shield and brought down his hooves on the shaft, splintering the weapon. "Keep an eye on the sky, they've tried a few more of those yellow powder bags." He levitated his shield upwards swiftly, catching the now spearless guard underneath the chin. The zebra grabbed at his shattered jaw and fell to the ground.

A group of angry zebra charged the two ponies, their spears held on their shoulders like lances. Twilight's eyes flashed white and she gestured upwards with a foreleg. A hurricane force updraft centered on the zebra guards hoisted the group into the air. Twilight drew her hoof to her chest, flared her magic, and punched forward into the air. A gust of wind blasted the zebra across the chaotic battlefield.

"Look!" shouted Argent.

Twilight looked down the hill at the cluster of zebra he was pointing at. Groups of armed guards were being swarmed by unarmed zebras. The mob soon had their tormenters immobilized and disarmed. "Zeret was right," she said, "They just needed to see someone fighting back."

"I admit it," said Argent as he looked around for the next threat, "he's been more useful than I thought he would be."

"Come on," said Twilight, "Let's get to Zecora."

They both galloped up the hill in time to see two zebra stallions slam against the walls of a magical barrier. Their unconscious forms slid down the side of the magenta wall and slumped over on each other. Inside, Horizon and Oracle stared down several other guards. In an instant, Horizon dashed forward at the five remaining guards. The zebras held their spears high to ward off the charging stallion. They thrust their spears at the stallion's neck but only struck empty air. Horizon dropped to his knees and slid underneath the weapons. He jumped to his hooves and planted two hooves into the face of the closest shocked zebra and sent him crumpling to the dirt. The other four quickly regained their balance and stabbed at the stallion. Before their barbed spearheads could strike home, the unicorn stallion disappeared in a magenta flash and reappeared next to the mare. She dug at the ground with a forehoof and aimed her horn at the four guards. A rapid fire series of energy bolts launched from the mare, striking each zebra in the chest with pinpoint accuracy. She waved her hoof from left to right while flaring her horn, and a gust of wind blew across the stunned zebras, tipping them over onto their sides.

Oracle saw the two younger ponies and threw a hoof around Horizon's shoulder. She gestured wildly at them and dropped her barrier. "Oh thank Celestia," she shouted as she hugged her younger self, "I had almost given up hope."

Twilight hugged her back tightly and sighed in relief. "Where are Zecora and Zephyr?!" she asked. "Are they all right? Tell me we're not too late!"

"Ask them yourselves," said Horizon as he pointed at the bonfire at the base of the Mother Tree. The four ponies galloped up the hill and found their two zebra friends keeping a distance from the despot.

"And now you bring your assassins," ranted Zakan, "come to finish the job ponies? Well I won't give you the pleasure." He reached into his robes and tossed several bags at the assemblage of ponies and zebras.

Twilight adeptly snagged them out of the air with her magic and tossed them into the fire. "No more poisons, Zakan," she said, "No more tricks. No more betrayals."

"Twilight Sparkle speaks words only true," said Zecora, "Give up now and mercy may be shown to you."

"Mercy," said Zakan with a laugh, "You are the ones who require mercy!" As he backed away from the approaching ponies, he reached into his robes and pulled out a large tome bearing a magenta six pointed star on the cover. "Vengeful Spirits of my Ancestors," he shouted madly as he raised the book into the air, "you have given me your holy book of knowledge, now strike down those who would keep me from carrying out your will!"

"That's my journal!" shouted Twilight, "What are you doing with that!"

The zebra didn't notice that he had dragged his robes into a sticky mass of oil and hay. He ignored the pony and continued walking backwards towards the fire with the tome held high in one of his forehooves. "You sent me your prophecies of rebellion, spirits!" he shouted to the sky, "I order you to strike down these usurpers!" One last step towards the fire and the heat ignited the back of his robes. The four ponies and two zebras watched on in horror as Zakan became wreathed in flames. He screamed and fell back into the blaze, the book fell from his grasp and landed open in the most intense part of the fire, the dry old pages quickly turning to ash.

Twilight and Oracle jumped into action. The younger alicorn levitated the zebra tyrant from the pyre and tossed him to the ground. Horizon pulled his cloak off and began beating down the flames that still burned on the zebra's robes. Oracle concentrated her magic into a small ray and enveloped the despot in her magenta aura. The remaining flames winked out and she let her magic fade. Zakan's coat smoldered, and several hideous burns covered most of his body, but he still lived. The zebra drew several ragged breaths and looked at the ponies and zebras that stood over him. "The ancestors tricked me" he muttered deliriously to the sky, "You have your revenge Zerasa, I hope you choke on it." With that Zakan fell unconscious.

"The mad fool," said Zephyr, "He honestly thought the spirits talked to him."

"He was always cruel, but never this mad," said Zecora, "Something happened to turn him this bad."

Twilight gasped and turned back towards the fire. She flared her magic and turned her radiant white eyes at the blaze. Another dome of energy encircled the fire and began constricting itself around the scorched earth. Without oxygen, the bonfire quickly lost its momentum and soon petered out. She let go of her magic and jumped into the ashes.

"Twilight!" shouted Argent, "What in the hay are you doing?" He lunged after her, grabbed the mare around the waist, and pulled her out of the still smoldering ashes.

"My journal!" she cried as she struggled against the stallion's tight grip, "he burned my journal!"

Argent reached into her saddlebags with his magic and lifted out a large pristine tone, complete with her cutie mark printed on the cover. "Calm down," he said gently while floating it to her outstretched hooves, "it's right here."

Twilight hugged the book to her chest and scrubbed her watering eyes with a hoof. "I don't understand," she said, "That was my journal."

"Another one of his tricks," said Oracle, "He was stark raving mad, princess." The older mare looked over the fire, her eyes watering. "Damn smoke," she said while turning and rubbing away the tears with the edge of her cloak.

"Come friends, we must carry this thing to be healed," said Zecora angrily, "There must be somezebra who can help upon this field."

Within a half hour, the last of Zakan's loyalists had been subdued. The disarmed zebra soldiers were surrounded by the residents they had threatened and bullied into submissiveness over the course of several years. The tyrant himself had been taken under guard to the clinic where the worst injured were being treated. Zeret had quickly taken charge and had his rebels combing the buildings for any holdouts. He joined Twilight and the others as they lounged against the base of the Mother Tree.

"I am truly sorry for any perceived deception," said Zeret to Zecora and the ponies, "I had to act as I did to sway Zakan's perception."

"Zephyr explained everything," said Zecora, "I feel ashamed for even thinking you would forsake Zephyr."

"It turned my stomach to speak to that monster," replied the stallion, "I felt ashamed of myself for the things I had to do and say last night."

Oracle whispered the translation into Twilight's ear. "There aren't many ponies with the courage to do what you did Zeret," said the younger mare, "For anything you feel guilt for, I forgive you." The others added their agreement. The stallion smiled and slumped down next to Zephyr and Zecora.

"I can hardly believe we're free," he said, "or that I'm sitting peacefully under the Tree."

Zecora took a deep breath as she leaned against Zephyr. "I've dreamed so long of sitting down here," she said blissfully, "The sounds of the wind through the leaves are pleasing to my ear." Zephyr wrapped a foreleg around her shoulder and brought her closer.

"I hate to be the one to say it," said Argent, "but Zakan's army is still out there."

Zeret nodded and pointed down the hill. "The Zebrica have found their mettle again," he said, "Zebras who once cowered now celebrate the end of Zakan's reign." He pulled a few oranges from a sack he had brought with them and tossed them to the stallion. "We will line them all up at the foot of the Crown," he said while peeling the fruit with his spear tip, "When they see our numbers, none will want to attack the town."

Argent nodded in understanding. "That's how we handled bullies at home," said the unicorn, "a united show of force always sent them off with their tails between their legs." The orange he levitated before him spontaneously shed its peel and broke into several segments. He floated one to Twilight who smiled as she bit into the succulent fruit. "Best debris I've ever tasted," he said with a smirk, "It won't turn back to wood will it?"

"If you keep teasing me it might," answered Twilight as she playfully jabbed the stallion's side. A dark smudge of black ash was left on his coat. "Oops," she said while examining her filthy hooves. Argent narrowed his eyes and returned the favor, marring Twilight's purple coat with a streak of black. She retaliated and they were soon laughing on the ground, covered head to tail in black hoof marks.

"That one tried to tell me they weren't mates," said Zeret to Zecora, "I may not know pony folk like you shaman, but surely he was joking."

"They just don't know it yet," replied Zecora. "Some ponies can be quite oblivious to matters of the heart." She looked at the giggling younger ponies and stood to her hooves. "After a day of toil, I believe we've earned some rest," she said aloud, "Let us go clean ourselves of this mess." She helped Zephyr and Zeret up and waited for the ponies to stand. "The Ponyville Spa is a fantastic way to relax one's body," she said as they walked down towards the rows of buildings, "but the Bathhouses of the Zebrica are just as effective, if not so gaudy."

They passed several happy Zebras who fawned over both the zebra leaders and the ponies. They soon had a small procession leading them down the hill. Zebra colts and fillies, previously kept inside by their parents, frolicked between the buildings. Twilight soon found two little fillies flanking her as she followed Zecora. She flared her horn and created a cloud of delicate magenta butterflies. The children squealed in glee and ran off as she sent them fluttering across the open field.

Zecora pulled to a stop next to the largest of all of the longhouses. Large stone cisterns surrounded the building on all sides. She opened the door and smiled at the sight of the unsullied pools of steaming water. "I worried the deceiver might have ruined this place of peace," she said happily, "but the pleasure of the baths is something the Zebrica would ever release."

The ponies followed the zebras into the massive open room and gaped at the size of the large central pool. "Aloe and Lotus would have a fit," said Twilight in shock, "and Rarity might want to move here."

Zecora's cough brought the ponies' attention to the wall she stood at. Oracle and Horizon immediately removed their cloaks and panniers and hung them from the wooden pegs on the wall. The two older ponies stepped into the warm water and sighed in ecstasy. Twilight hung their bags while Argent unzipped and shed his jacket. They turned towards the pool and began to approach the steps.

"Not so fast my ash covered friends," said Zecora with a hoof on Twilight's chest, "If you track that into the pool, our hospitality you may offend." She led the two younger ponies to a smaller pool, large enough to fit two, in the far corner of the massive room. "You'll have to enjoy your rest here with each other" she said while striding into the larger pool, "of these smaller pools, I am afraid we do not have another."

Twilight remained standing and watched as Oracle lounged in Horizon's embrace. Several other zebra couples mingled in the larger pool. She glanced at Argent who stared at the small pool. Twilight stepped in and felt the hot water envelop her hooves. She sucked in air between her teeth as she stepped into the hot spring water and settled herself against the wall of the small pool. Argent stood motionless outside, still staring longingly at the steaming pool of water.

Twilight looked across the room and felt a warmness in her cheeks she attributed to the warm water. "You might as well come in," she said to the stallion, "There's plenty of room."

"It wouldn't be right, princess," said the stallion.

She looked up as he awkwardly turned and faced the other direction. "It's their tradition, Argent," said Twilight, "I don't mind." The stallion shook his head and remained facing away from her.

"Argent I order you to get into the pool this instant," said Twilight. The stallion sighed in defeat and quickly stepped into the pool and settled himself as far from the mare as he could. Argent's head sunk into the water until only the top of his nose and his eyes poked out.

"Isn't that better?" she asked while grabbing one of the many linen wash cloths folded next to the pool. Argent nodded timidly and tried to look away as Twilight washed away the accumulated dirt and ash of their rough night and day.

"You were very brave today," said Twilight, trying to coax something from the suddenly silent stallion, "The way you walked me up to the wall was amazing." Argent's noncommittal grunt came out as a series of bubbles. Twilight let out an exasperated sigh and flashed the stallion a look of annoyance. "Argent, what is wrong with you?"

"This is weird," he said poking his head out of the water, "Zebras are weird."

"Different," corrected Twilight. "Now stop sulking and enjoy yourself."

The three zebras watched the two younger ponies intently. "You think you're so clever don't you," said Zephyr, "you know they don't know what that pool's for."

"If they knew they'd never get in," said Zecora, "Ponies have this thing called modesty. It's one of the strangest customs I've ever seen." She scrubbed Zephyr's back with a washcloth and rinsed his mane. "They'll jump in a pond together without a single thought, but when it comes to taking a nice bath, they lock themselves alone in tiny rooms with small metal tubs."

Argent scooted around the edge of the pool towards the pile of washcloths near Twilight. He grabbed one and sat back in the water. "I'm sorry about teasing you about the wall," he said while squeezing the sodden towel over his mane. "It really was amazing, if a little unorthodox."

Twilight laughed as she leaned her head back into the water and thoroughly drenched her mane. "To be honest, I have no idea why my mind went there," she said, "and don't apologize for that. I like it when you think you're funny."

"'Think' huh?" asked Argent with a wry grin.

"Yeah," said Twilight, "hopeless delusion is kind of endearing." She reached a hoof towards him and playfully nudged his shoulder. Argent winced in pain. Twilight's hoof recoiled and she moved around the pool and drew closer to him. "What's wrong?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"One of the zebras got a good kick to my shoulder," he said while trying to rotate the joint, "It's just starting to loosen up in this heat."

"Turn around," said Twilight, "Nurse Redheart says you have to improve circulation if you want to keep it from swelling too much."

"That's okay Twilight I don't need-" He saw the no-nonsense look in her eyes and quickly complied. She brought her forehooves to his back and began to rub his shoulder in circular motions. Argent couldn't stifle the soft moan of pleasure that worked its way out of his mouth. The combination of the hot water and Twilight's gentle ministrations soon had the stallion in a complete state of relaxation.

"See," said Twilight, "there's nothing wrong with letting somepony else take care of you for once. Rainbow has the same problems at the spa."

"That's cute," said the older unicorn from across the room, "I wonder if I...he...will make a move." He felt the mare in his arms tense up again. "It's okay Twi," whispered the older Argent as he squeezed her back to his chest, "I know you loved that book."

"My mother gave that to me on my first day of studying with Princess Celestia," she said while holding her hooves to her eyes to hide her tears. "I know I should be frightened to death at the prospect of it appearing out of nowhere, but all I can think of is how proud she was when I left for the castle that day." She felt the stallion's muzzle gently kiss her neck. "I miss her," she whispered with a choking sob, "and I miss Daddy, and Shiney, and Cady."

"Shhh," cooed Argent, "You'll see her again, and she can give you a new spellbook."

"It wouldn't be the same," said Twilight into the stallion's chest, "this is just another thing I ruined."

"None of that now," said Argent. "Do you think these zebra think you ruined anything? Do you think Applejack will consider what you've done to be ruinous?" He gestured with a hoof towards the two younger ponies. The younger Argent had rested his forelegs on the lip of the pool while Twilight floated behind him and continued massaging his shoulder. "Celestia above Twilight," he said while hugging her to his chest, "once we get back to Ponyville, you'll have prevented one of the worst days of all of your friends' lives. That young stallion will never have to watch you walk out of the hospital in tears."

They sat back and watched as their younger selves began splashing each other playfully. From all around the pool, scandalized zebras murmured amongst each other. "Kids," said Twilight as she held her forehead with her hoof.

"Are you sure Zecora," said Twilight as she levitated the last plant into the back of the small sturdy wagon the Zebrica had given them, "I'm sure I could mix the potion if you showed me how."

"Your alchemical skills I am sure we could test," said Zecora, "But I must be honest, staying here would not be for the best."

"But Zakan is done," said Twilight, "You won't have to worry about him and his lies once the Zebrica exile him."

"I fret not over that zebra with the diseased mind," said Zecora with a distasteful look on her face, "I worry more for the rest of my kind." She draped her traveling cloak over her back and tied the straps around her neck. "Wounds are still fresh and many still doubt me," she said, "I would only spread discord under the peace of the Mother Tree."

Twilight nodded in understanding but looked at the zebra sadly. "It's not fair," she said, "after all you've done for them, you still have to leave all over again."

"It is not forever my pony friend," said Zecora comfortingly, "over time, the truth will come out, and the Zebrica will mend." She waved one last time at Zeret and and the other zebras gathered at what had once been the north gate. "I only wish Zephyr would have accepted my reasons as easily as you," she said with a longing gaze over her shoulder, "my leaving will only stoke his anger anew."

"Is everyone ready?" asked Argent, "We've got a long march ahead of us and I don't want to be in that swamp for a minute longer than I have to."

Twilight patted Zecora on shoulder sympathetically. "Yes, Argent," she replied, "let's go home." Horizon easily pulled the light cart into a quick trot and followed as Oracle led them north towards the swamps and the higher and drier path that Zeret had told them about.

After a morning of walking and a breakfast of fresh oranges on the go, the land began a steep drop back into the swamps on the northern edge of the marengeti grasslands. As they approached the shallow narrow river that ran from the east to the west, Zecora growled in frustration. "Wait here ponies, this will not take long," she said, "curse him for making me feel in the wrong."

At the waters edge, Zephyr stood with overstuffed panniers bursting from the seams with supplies. Zecora stomped her hoofs into the soggy ground, splashing mud on her ankles and stomach. "No Zephyr," she said after reaching him, "You cannot follow me."

"Yes I can," said the stallion, "and you're the one following me this time."

"This isn't some foalish jaunt beyond the swamp, Zephyr," she said, "the world outside of the Marengeti is not for zebras. This land... it is a part of us: Leaving may change you in ways you cannot understand."

"Like it changed you?" asked Zephyr, "Don't look at me like that 'Cora. Goddess Twilight told me of the troubles you faced in this Ponyville place. Honestly, walking around with your face covered: It's no wonder they thought you some kind of witch of the wilds." He turned and began wading into the shallow water. "This is my decision," he said resolutely.

"They need you here," said Zecora. Her hooves splashed into the water as she grabbed the zebra stallion's saddlebag. "you can't leave."

"Zeret's the real leader," he replied, "and like you said, the Zebrica know that I fought for you. It's better if I left."

"You can't leave" said Zecora with a whimper, "if you leave, it means I've failed another friend."

Zephyr turned and picked up Zecora's hoof with his own. "You've never failed any of us. If anything we failed you." She looked down and remained silent. "You said that the land is part of us, right?" he asked. "I'm not really leaving the Zebrica am I? As long as I stay with you, I'll be home."

Zecora looked up and saw the look of determination in her oldest friend's face and felt her own stubbornness waiver. "My hut, my rules," she said with a sigh, "and you'll need to find something to do with your free time."

"So I can come?" exclaimed Zephyr excitedly.

"Yes," said Zecora, "but you must remember we are strangers in Equestria. You must have patience with the ponies and their strange ways." The stallion nodded giddily and splashed water around as he ran in place. Zecora turned back towards the grasslands and led the happy stallion to the waiting ponies.

"Princess Twilight, I ask of boon of you," she said while waving Zephyr forward, "Zephyr wishes to travel to Equestria too."

Twilight looked up from her saddlebags. "Of course he's welcome," she said reassuringly, "I'm sure Ponyville can handle another zebra." She saw the zebra stallion's bulky panniers and called for Argent. "Help Zephyr lighten his load," she said, "it's a long road back home." Argent nodded and helped the zebra stow some of his supplies in the back of the wagon.

Twilight looked back into her pack and examined the charred remains of a thick tome. Half of her signature six pointed star survived the blaze, but nearly all the pages had been burned to fine ash. She carefully looked at the inside of the cover and read the barely legible inscription:

"To my brilliant little filly,

I just know that you're going to see and do so many wonderful things. I know you love your books, so here's your chance to make a book of your own. Fill it with all of your magic and all of your adventures. Remember that we love you so much.


Author's Note:

I'm a little tired of the rhyming, probably because I'm so awful at it. To be honest I stopped being strict about syllables a while ago. Also, again and reign rhyme if you pronounce again all fancy like.

What I liked: Pulling together separated groups worked well. I think I did the right thing keeping Zeret and Zephyr's plan completely hidden until now. The bathhouse scene I found to be cute and a great source of plot and character development.

What I disliked: Better descriptions of Zebra society. I should have done this last chapter, or at the end of this one; something to show why the average zebra would have the motivation to rise up as they did. Maybe I'll come back to it later.