• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,357 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

  • ...

The Humans

Princess Celestia stood on her balcony, looking at the sun she recently has risen. Normally she would have a satisfied look on her face, but this morning, something was troubling her greatly. A royal guard approached her from behind. "Princess? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No" she lied. "Everything is ok" she retreated back inside, leaving the guard out on the balcony. She made her way down the hall and into the library. Reading in the floor, was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Princess!" She said excitedly. However, her excitement disappeared when she saw the look of what appears to be distraught on her mentor's face. "What's wrong, Princess?" She asked.

"I recently recieved a warning that a human invasion is coming" she responded. "I'm sure its somepony trying to scare me" she added. Princess Twilight walked over to a corner of the library and used her magic to get a book about Humans. She then began to use her magic to flip through the pages.

"Princess..." She began. "The last human that showed up was 100 years ago and he was good hearted. Are you sure the human invasion is..."

"No" she cut her off. "I do not believe the invasion is happening. But it won't hurt to prepare in case it turns out to be true."

"Do you believe all Humans are good because of that last human?" Princess Twilight asked.

"No. But I do believe that SOME are" she closed her eyes and began to focus. "I recently learned a spell that allows me to search for any good hearted races that are/aren't Equestrian" she explained. After awhile, her eyes shot open and she let out a gasp.

"What did you find?" Princess Twilight asked.

"I found four good hearted humans. But their past... It has villainy written all over them."

"Who are they?" Twilight asked.

"Their occupation are too monstrous for me to say."

"But can we trust them?"

"I hope so my faithful student. I hope so."

"So what happens now?"

"Now we discuss if we should bring in these humans and have them as our allies."

"Of course they'll be our allies, they're good hearted."

"Yes, but like I said, it's their occupations that worries me."

"What's to worry?"

New Orleans (Present Day)

A young man was sitting in a bar drinking scotch. He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and wore a black cap over his head. He picked up his glass and took another sip. He coughed and placed some money on the table. "Thanks for the drink" he said in his Cajun accent. He stood up and walked out of the bar and into the sunlight. As he walked, another young man bumped into him.

"Hey sorry Remy" he apologized before quickly running off. As he continued to walk down the street, he saw a piece of paper with his picture on it taped to a wall. 'Wanted: Remy G. Brecht.' Remy quickly ran down the street as far away from the wanted poster as he possibly could.

"Hey!" There he is!" Someone shouted. Remy stopped and turned his head.

"Shit" he whispered under his breath. He then ducked into an alleyway and leaned against the wall. He lowered the brim of his cap to cover his eyes and waited patiently for his pursuers to run by, but they got him right where they wanted.

"Lookie here boys" the leader of a gang said. "Remy here has nowhere to run. It's one against five." The gang then laughed. Remy mocked a laugh and lifted the brim of his cap, so they could see his dark brown eyes.

"You guys don't know me very well, do you?" He asked.

"Sure we do" the leader laughed.

"You're Remy G. Brecht. Wanted man. And wanted men means money is the prize when someone catches them." Remy shrugged.

"Do you know what the 'G' stands for?" He asked.

"Yeah. Remy 'Goddamn' Brecht" a gangster laughed. The other gangster laughed as well.

"No" Remy said. He pulled out a handgun with a silencer attached to it and shot all five of them, wounding the one that made a bad guess on what his middle name was. He approached the groaning gangster. "The name is Remy 'Gunslinging' Brecht. Hope you got it memorized. Oh wait, you won't." He raised the gun up and shot the gangster in the head. He tucked his gun away, staged his killings like the gang turned on each other, and walked casually out of the alleyway.

San Francisco, CA

A young man wearing dark jeans, dark shoes, and a gray hoodie was walking down the street smoking a cigarette. He stopped by an apartment building and continued to smoke there. He glanced at his watch and tapped his foot patiently. He turned his head and saw me walking down the street with my hands in my pockets. I was wearing a gray t-shirt, khaki pants, white socks, and light colored running shoes. "Rook Cale!" He shouted. "What the hell took you so long?"

"It was hard for me to kill that guy without making a scene" I said.

"We're assassins. We're suppose to kill. And look on the bright side" he said as he pulled out a couple of 100 dollar bills. I shook my head and leaned against the wall.

"You kill for money, I kill for the good" I responded.

"What the hell does that mean?" My partner asked.

"It means that I no longer kill the innocent. That part of me has gone to hell." Just then, a homeless child approached us and beckoned his hand towards us,

"Scram, get out of here" my partner said. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a nickel.

"Buy yourself a candy, kid" I said as I handed the coin to him. My partner stared wide eyed. He was so shocked, that the cigarette fell out of his mouth.

"What the hell was that?!" He asked as I put the cigarette out.

"Generosity. You should try it some time."

"Don't give me that virtue bullshit! You gave money to a kid! We're criminals!"

"Fuck crime" I said to him. I turned to leave. My partner pulled out a knife from his pocket and charged at me. I quickly spun around, grasped his hand, and plunged his own knife into his chest. My partner began to groan and gasp. I leaned him against the wall and faked a frown. "Why?" I asked, pretending to cry. "Why did you have to kill yourself?" I asked. My partner opened his mouth to say something but only blood spilled out. After hearing his last breath, I closed his eyes and left the area with a smug look on my face.


In a principal's office, a high schooler sat in front of said principal. The student had messy brown hair, he wore a white t-shirt with the words 'Soldier of Fortune' on it. He had brown shorts, white socks, and sneakers. The principal was glaring at him. "This is the 11th time this week I had to call you in" the elder man said.

"So?" The high schooler asked. "I'm a senior, I'm about to graduate in a couple of months."

"You won't be graduating if you continue to pull this off!" The principal yelled. "You know, I'm starting to get why a lot of your friends and family members call you Casanova Chase."

"You have to admit, it has a nice ring to it" Chase said.

"Yes, yes, it does... HEY! Don't distract me with that!"

"It's not my fault you keep falling for it" the teen stood up and picked up his backpack. "You know Mr. Creed, this is why I like you being the principal, you're easy to distract."

"You leave this office and I'll give you detention!"

"Then I'll just make out with the girl who studies there!" The teen called back.

"Son of a..." The principal slammed his fist on the table, knocking down his coffee mug, spilling coffee everywhere. "Shit" he gasped.

Chase walked down the hall and approached his classroom. When he entered, the students began sucking their teeth.

"Shit" one student said.

"Goddammit" another muttered.

"I can't stand this guy." Soon the entire classroom, even the teacher began shaking their heads and cursed.

"You're a great crowd" Chase said sarcastically as he pulled up a chair and sat next to a blonde girl. "Hey" he said, trying to woo her. He leaned a little close to her. "What say after school, you and I..." The bell rang.

"Ok class, when you get back from lunch, we'll go over the test schedule" the teacher said.

"Buy yourself something, darling" Chase said as he placed $1.50 on the blonde's desk.

Las Vegas, Nevada

A college student with curly brown hair, wearing a white long sleeved shirt, a black leather vest, brown pants, and brown shoes stood at the center of the slot machines, looking around. He was thinking whether to take the slot machines, or go to the gambling tables. "Hey, Wild Card Jack!" Someone called. The college student turned his head and saw a group of teens sitting at a Blackjack table. "Come on, game's about to start!" Jack approached the table and sat at the edge. "Ok, guys, ready to lose?" He asked.

"Come on Jack, you know you lose with that attitude" a teen next to him said. Jack placed one hand on his shoulder. "Besides, if you're rich like me..." Jack cut him off.

"Hey, for your information, I like to to get energized before any game I play. Whether it deals with gambling or not. So cut me some slack." Jack released his shoulder and leaned back into his chair. The card dealer began to deal the cards. "Wait" Jack said. "I realized something has come up. I'm not playing. Good luck guys" he said as he left. The teen that taunted him shook his head.

"What a weirdo."

"Place your bets" the dealer said. As the college student pulled out his wallet, his eyes widened when he saw that it was empty.

"What the hell?! My money's gone!"

"Oh come on, we can't wait any longer!" A friend complained.

"No guys, wait!" The college emptied out his wallet, spilling out gift cards, and a credit card.

"We only accept cash, sir" the dealer said.

"Fuck!" The teen yelled.

Jack made his way out of the casino with about $30 in 5s in his pocket. He made his way over to a homeless guy sitting against the wall. "Told you I'd get you something" he said as he put the $30 into the man's hand.

"Thank you, young man" the homeless man said as he shook Jack's hand.

"No problem" he replied as he walked away. "Goddamn it" he whispered. "Now I need to wash my damn hand!"

Author's Note:

Planning to have this as my series. What do you think so far? Shall I go with it?