• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,357 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

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Princess Celestia had a look of horror on her face. "How dare those humans make you do something like that!" She shouted.

"And I want them to feel the pain I felt when I had to do it!" I said, too feeling mad. "And I want to do it now" I said.

"Wait..." Princess Celestia said, suddenly calm. "What happened after you left the hospital?" She asked.

"Broke into a barber shop, shaved my hair to make it look like what it is now, and ran away."

"What about those hostile humans?" She asked.

"They're still alive. And I want to eliminate them. Can you send me back to the Human World?"

"I can but..." She stopped and looked at the ring. "You'll be needing something from Equestria."

"I promised the young boy I would wear red. Can you shadow the ring into a red leather jacket?" I asked.

"Yes I can" she answered. She focused her magic and turned my ring into what I wanted. "You remember the rules of the item right?" I nodded. "If you want to head back here, go to a place where you can't be seen and say 'Equestria'. Then you'll be immediately teleported back here." I stood up and nodded.

"Thank you Your Majesty" I said with a smile.

"Good luck Cale" she said. Don't really need it, but its ok. Hell will be unleashed on the assassins. Princess Celestia closed her eyes and teleported me back to the Human World.

I stepped out of an alley and into the bright sunlight. I straightened my jacket, slipped my hands into my pockets, and walked down the street. The task is simple, go to the headquarters, and eliminate every single assassin walking there. I walked down a couple of blocks and approached a bar. I reached into my back pocket and showed the bouncer my I.D. "Go on in" he said. The thing about this bar is that it's also a strip club. I entered the dark neon-lighted club. The loud music rang through my ears the flashing dancing lights nearly blinded me, and I was ignoring the bikini-clad women dancing on poles. Around me were civilians eating, talking, and drinking. Speaking of which, the smell of food, drinks, and cigarettes filled my nose. This place is a hangout spot for us assassins and speaking of assassins, I found three of them. They were at a table smoking cigarettes.

"This is the life, isn't it?" One of them asked.

"Hell yeah" another agreed. The third glanced at his watch.

"Man, when is our victim coming?" He asked.

"Relax, he'll be here, we just have to..." The second assassin stopped when he saw me approaching their table. "The fuck are you here, Cale?" He asked.

"Come on" I said. "I'm just visiting my old group."

"We got a call from the boss" one of the assassins said. "He said that you killed two of your teammates. One was your partner and I'm not sure how you managed to kill the other in public and not get caught."

"My, my, I was trained pretty well."

"What the fuck is going on? We were never trained to kill and not get caught!"

"That's right, you weren't. But I was" I laughed.

"And where the fuck did you learn a stunt like that?" One of the assassins asked as he stood up from his chair.

"This is getting nowhere" I said. Before I could walk away, he grabbed me by the jacket.

"Listen you son of a..." He stopped and widened his eyes.

"I'm listening" I said, smiling. The assassin released me and watched as his hands began to burn. The other two gasped and moved back was the assassin slowly began to burn to a crisp.

"What the fuck is happening?! What the fuck did you do?! What the fuck are you?!" He screamed as he fell on his knees, glancing up at me.

"What is happening is payback, for all the innocents I was forced to kill. All 300 of them. What I'm doing is killing the sinners. I don't see a reason why scum like you should live. And for what I am, I'm one of the four Horsemen."

"Bullshit!" The burned assassin stood up and pulled out his gun. He then fired many rounds at me, but widened his eyes when they had no effect. I wrapped my hands around his neck and began strangling him. The other two pulled out their guns and shot at me, causing panic. Their eyes widened when I continued to strangle their comrade. When he ran out of air, I dropped the body and glanced up at the two. I reached for a butter knife and licked the blade.

"Now where we?" I asked in a demonic voice as my eyes became as red as the jacket. I lunged at the two and with monstrous speed, I slit one's throat and stabbed the other in the neck. My eyes became its normal brown and my tone became back to normal. "That was fun, wasn't it?" I asked the three dead assassins before leaving the club.

I made my way to an abandoned apartment where two guys smoked cigarettes and drank beer. Through a normal citizen's eyes, they're friends. Through the eyes of the assassins, they're guards.

"What the fuck are you doing here--" before one of them could continue, I removed my jacket, swung it at both of them and put it back on as they began to burn and scream. To end their misery, I snapped one's neck, and smacked a beer bottle against the other's head until his screaming stopped. To make sure he was dead for good, I snapped his neck. I kicked open the apartment door and walked in. I walked up a flight of stairs and entered the first room.

"Look who it is" one of the assassins said. "We received word that you're a fucking traitor!"

"I know" I said nonchalantly. The assassins in the room raised their guns up at me.

"Surrender or we'll fire" one of the assassins warned.

"I'd rather not" I said.

"Kill him!" All 15 assassins open fired at me but I simply stayed where I was, accepting the bullets. I looked down and sighed.

"What was that about killing me?" I asked as I kicked the door shut. The assassins glanced at their guns and saw that they were empty. I sucked my teeth and shook my head. "Let me show you how killing works" I said. With an evil grin, I lunged at the group, laughing evilly.

Upstairs, a man wearing a suit was pacing around his desk. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked.

"Boss!" An assassin called.


"Someone broke into our headquarters and is killing every single assassin!" He gasped.

"Impossible! No one knows about our headquarters!"

"Boss. It's Cale. He's killing everyone."

"Bring him to me!" He shouted.

In a hallway, I held a large knife in one hand and a similar knife on the other. I was stabbing and slashing my way through the assassins. Every bullet that hit me, had no effect, any attempt to melee me, failed. While I killed my way through the group, I was reciting my prayer. I then slashed the last assassin with both my knives.

"Spiritus Sancti" I said after the body hit the floor. A door opened and two assassins stepped out.

"Freeze Cale!" One of them shouted. I threw both my knives at them. One assassin got pinned to the wall, and the other knife impacted the other so hard, it sent him flying out the window, down several feet. I stood up and walked through the door they came from.

The boss was standing in the back while the remaining assassins had their guns raised and aimed at the door. "When that fucking traitor barges through those doors, fire every single fucking round into him!" He yelled. Suddenly the doorknob started to turn. "Get ready!" The boss shouted. The door opened. "Fire!" He screamed. The assassins open fired at the door. In the back, the boss began laughing like crazy. "Shoot that son of a bitch to pieces! He will learn what happens when my group of assassins gets betrayed!" After several seconds, the shooting has stopped.

"Sir, we got no more ammo left."

"That's ok" the boss said. "Retrieve the fucked up body" he said. "There is no way someone can..." Three knives were thrown into the room, stabbing three assassins in the head. The whole room became quiet after the bodies hit the floor.

"My turn" I whispered. I lunged into the room and retrieved two knives embedded into two of the three heads and began slashing and stabbing my way through the assassins. The boss stood with a look of horror on his face. He watched me stab and slash every single assassin in the room. Occasionally I would throw a knife, retrieve it, and use it again. The boss ran back to his desk and retrieved a revolver. He opened it and saw one bullet. He closed it and pulled the hammer back. When he turned around, he saw me stab the last assassin with one knife and slit his throat with the other. I shoved the body aside and approached him. The boss fired the revolver but widened his eyes when the bullet bounced off my head.

"You and I are going to have a talk" I said sinisterly. The boss tried to run but I tripped him and elbowed him hard in the leg. The boss screamed in pain. I approached him and elbowed his other leg. "Consider this payback for all the shit you have done to me!" I yelled. "You gave me a list of 300 people including an innocent little boy! He was a brother to me!"

"Good!" The boss shouted. "That proved to me that you're still an assassin! And now you fucking betrayed us!"

"I'm goddamned glad I did too!" I shouted. I walked over to a dead assassin and retrieved a handgun. I removed the mag and smiled. "Three bullets. That's all I need" I said with a smile. The boss laughed.

"What are you going to do? Say your fucking prayer and shoot me in the head?" He said scornfully. "God doesn't listen to assassins. You're fucked Cale."

"Nah" I said. "You are."

"What are you going to do?" He asked with mockery.

"Let me show you something" I fired a shot in the air and touched the burning hot barrel. "I feel nothing" I said. "Do you feel something?" I asked as I pressed the barrel against his cheek. The boss screamed in pain. I removed the gun and touched the barrel again.

"What kind of sick fuck are you?" He asked.

"A twisted one" I said as I fired another shot in the air. For the hell of it, I fired again.

"Ran out of bullets Cale" he laughed. "How are you going to kill me?" He asked with mockery.

"This is for the 299 victims" I said as I wrapped my free hand around his neck, choking him. The boss tried to pry my hand off me. "And this is for the 300th victim" I pressed the burning barrel against his eye. All I heard were strangled screams. "You have to save one. Neck or eye?" I asked. I smiled as the boss continued to choke and gag while struggling to remove my hands off him. I pressed my hand harder against his neck until he eventually died of strangulation. I stood up and tossed the gun aside. I smiled and said one word.


When I returned, Princess Celestia wrapped her wings around me. "I thought something bad happened to you" she said.

"But I'm fine, Your Majesty" I said. "But I don't understand something" I said when we broke the embrace. "I was being shot at and all these weird things started happening. I acted like I was wearing the ring" I said. Princess Celestia smiled.

"You are" she said. "It's just that the armor and horse don't appear. But the effects of wearing the ring will be with you as long as you wear that jacket. And another thing, the angrier you get, the more enhanced the powers get."

"So this jacket, it's like I'm wearing the ring?" Princess Celestia nodded.

"Same goes for Chase and his plastic ring. But as for Jack... The power of the ring unleashes when he shuffles his new cards. And Remy's gun possess his ring's power by resting his hand on his gun. And you know what the good part is?"

"What is it?"

"In both Equestria and the Human World, while these items are with you, you are immortal. But you still feel pain." Come to think of it, my hand did start to burn. I just bluffed to scare the bastard.

"There might be more I want to know about the rings" I said.

"And you will learn them indeed" she said. "Right now, I suggest you sleep."

"Ok. Goodnight Princess Celestia"

"Goodnight Cale." I left her throne room and walked down the hall with a smile on my face. I did it. I wiped away the assassins that kills the innocent. Now I don't have to worry about those sons of bitches ever again.