• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,356 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

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First Contact!

What shocked me is that I haven't sung at all. That was my first time singing in my life. Well for a first timer on singing, how can anyone enjoy that? Singing in front of a crowd of people, cheering you on? Isn't it embarrassing for them? All these questions flooded my head as I walked through the streets of Canterlot. "Cale!" I heard Chase call. I turned around and saw him approaching me.

"Please, one is enough" I said.

"But that was amazing, you never told me you could sing!"

"That was my first time, I didn't like it." And sighed and looked around. "Beautiful place, Canterlot isn't it?"

"Yeah" Chase agreed. Up on a rooftop, a portal appeared and the man from the bar in Las Vegas stepped out. He took a deep breath and inhaled the Equestrian air.

"It's good to be home" he said. Slung over his shoulder was a bag. He approached the edge of the rooftop and crouched down. He opened the bag and pulled out a sniper rifle. He loaded a mag and looked through the scope. He scoped the area until he spotted Chase and I. "Hello Horsemen" he said with a smile. He wrapped a finger around the trigger and smiled. "Now, which one if you should I..." He spotted a stallion walking past us. He aimed his gun at the stallion and shot him in the head, causing panic.

Below, while everypony was running around, I glanced up and saw a man stand up. He slung a sniper over his shoulder and ran across the rooftop. I ran over to a nearby building and began to scale the walls. "Cale!" Chase called. I was too far for his voice to reach me.

"Chase!" Twilight called as she, Jack, and Remy arrived. "What happened?" She asked.

"Murder! And Cale's chasing the culprit!" Chase shouted over the screaming ponies.

"Your majesty" Remy said. "Report the incident, we'e going to help Cale catch the perpetrator!" Twilight went one way while the other three went down the other.

Up on the rooftop, the man pulled out a radio. "Commence ambush! The Horseman might have his friends following me!" He yelled.

"Copy that" a man wearing black hiding in an alley said. He waited patiently for the three to pass by. He peeked around the corner and grinned. "Eyes on target" he said with a smile. Jack and Remy ran by the alleyway. When Chase ran by, the man tackled him to the ground and began punching him. Remy and Jack stopped running and turned around.

"Chase!" Jack shouted.

"Go! Help Cale!" Chase shouted as he blocked the punches. The two turned around and began running. Another human wearing a black attire jumped out of an alleyway and kicked Remy.

"Shit!" the gunslinger shouted. Jack didn't stop and kept on running. Remy pulled out his gun, cocked it and fired a bullet, but the human whipped out a sword and blocked the bullet. "Hell no" Remy gasped. He fired a few more bullets, but his opponent kept blocking and deflecting them. He then knocked the gun out of his hand and kicked him in the chest.

Up on the roof, I had caught up with the man and we engaged in a hand-to-hand combat. I blocked several punches, but received a couple hits to the chest. When I turned the tables with my punches, my opponent blocked every single one and punched me to the ground. "You cannot win" he said. "Equestria will be ruin and I shall rule it" he said. I got to my feet and charged at him but he sidestepped and elbowed me in the back. I cried out in pain.

Jack continued to run, but he was suddenly tackled from behind by another human in black attire and the two collided onto the cobblestone ground. Jack and his attacker both got to their feet. The human challenged Jack to come closer to him. The teen charged at the human and purposely collided with him. The human shoved Jack aside and got into a fighting position. He then checked his pockets as if he's looking for something. Jack shook his head and pulled out two switchblade knives. "Looking for these?" He asked. The mute human shrugged and reached into his pockets. He then pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and put them on. "Oh fuck" Jack gasped. The human charged at Jack and began to throw punches while the latter blocked desperately with the knives.

Way back, Chase managed to push off his attacker and got to his feet. The attacker pulled out a switchblade and flipped the blade out. He then charged at the young man. Chase evaded the attacks the best he could until his attacker slit his chest. Chase cried out and leaned against the brick wall, holding his wound. Not far away, Remy was busy evading the swordsman's attacks. He turned his head and saw Chase being approached by his opponent. The swordsman then kicked Remy, causing him to stagger back further. His opponent then threw the sword at him. The gunslinger quickly moved out of the way and almost had a heart attack when he saw the sword plunge into the spot where is head was. He glanced up and saw Chase's attacker getting closer. "Hey!" Remy shouted. His call distracted Chase's opponent. Remy flicked his wrists and coming out of either side of his wrists was a contraption. A small pistol was connected to said contraption. He aimed one gun at his attacker and the other at Chase's and shot them both in the head at the same time. As soon as the two bodies hit the ground, he turned his head and saw Jack fleeing from the man with brass knuckles.

"Get this mother fucker away from me!" He yelled. He turned around and threw his first knife, but the man evaded it. He threw the second, but missed. "Fuck!" He shouted. "I'm going to die!" He screamed. Remy raised his gun up and pulled the trigger. If one sees what happens in slow motion, this is what they would see. The bullet whizzed past Jack's head, slicing off a small portion of his hair, and impacted the opponent between the eyes. Jack panted and turned to see the dead body. "Fuck you, Remy!" He shouted as the gunslinger retracted his two pistols. "You almost killed me!"

"Your welcome" he replied. Jack flipped him off with both his hands.

Up above, the man glanced down and smiled. "Impressive. Your friends managed to beat my men." I was writhing on the ground in pain. "But just so you know, I got more waiting for their turn to arrive here. Just you wait, Equestria will be mine." I tried to say something but I was beaten so badly, it hurts just by making the slightest noise. "I'm not ready to kill you yet, so I'll give you something." He pulled out a revolver and tossed it next to me. "You got six chances to call for help. If you fired your sixth, and nine of your friends arrive to help, then... You're fucked." I watched as he began to leap from rooftop to rooftop until he was out of sight. With shaky hands, I opened the cylinder and counted six bullets just like he said. I closed the gun, pulled the hammer back and fired a shot. From below, I could hear panicked screams.

"What the fuck was that?" I heard Chase shout. I crawled across the pavement, groaning in pain. I pointed the gun up, and fired again.

"It's coming from the roof! There's an enemy on the roof!" I heard Jack scream. "Let's get him!" I glanced up and saw a door leading to the inside. I tossed the gun aside and crawled my way across the rooftop, unaware that I was leaving a trail of blood. Suddenly, the door burst open, and I saw my three friends. My vision blurred and I blacked out when they approached me. Is this the price I had to pay for the killings I've done?

I awoke in a hospital bed feeling fine. Next to me was Remy. He was reading a magazine. "Welcome back Cale" he said. "It took Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight, and two other unicorns to heal you."

"Remind me to thank them later" I said weakly as I sat up.

"You did... Kind of" he replied. "You talked in your sleep and it sounded like a 'thank you'."

"Where's Chase and Jack?" I asked him.

"They both fainted when they saw your body. I had to make three trips. You first, then Chase, and Jack."

"Why was Jack last?"

"Getting the finger from somebody really puts me in a foul mood" he answered. I heard groaning from the bed next to me and Chase sat up.

"God... My head" he grunted. He looked around and saw that I was up. "Hey Cale, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better... I think." I looked around and saw Jack was absent. "Where's Jack?" I asked.

"No thank you nurse, but I'm happy the way I am" Jack said as he entered the room.

"Mr. Wild Card, you have to take a dose of this" Nurse Redheart said to him.

"I'm telling you, I'm good, and I don't need medicine, my body is perfect as it is." Remy sighed and put the magazine aside. He reached into an inner pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a taser. He approached Jack from behind. "Oh shut up" he said as he tased the card player. Jack moaned and hit the floor. "He's all yours, nurse" Remy said as he tucked the taser away.

"Your next, Mr. Chase" Nurse Redheart said. Chase's eyes rolled at the back of his head and fainted.

"He hates needles" Remy explained as he picked up the magazine and began reading again. I couldn't help but think. Who was that guy? Why does he and his team of humans want to invade and take over Equestria? And better yet, who is he working for? These are the questions that I desperately wanted answered." I leaned back against my pillow and closed my eyes.