• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,357 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

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The Horsemen Visits Ponyville

The Next Morning

I made my way to the dining room and found Jack shuffling his playing cards. I looked closely and saw that it was the cards he had before obtaining the ring. "Nice jacket" he commented as he looked at my new red leather jacket "I'm assuming that's your ring being shadowed?" I nodded my head. I removed my jacket and tied it around my waist.

"Any word about your adoption?" I asked.

"No, not yet. See, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor sees me more as a friends than a 'son'."

"Well... There are some things that are not written in the cards."

"But that doesn't mean that they're not true" Jack said as I nodded with agreement. Just then, Remy entered the dining room with a smile on his face. He adjusted his cap and sat next to Jack.

"Princess Celestia believes that we're ready" he said.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"To show ourselves to Ponyville."

"Now wait a minute" I said as I stood from my chair. "We have to work this out together. Where's Chase?"

"Last time I saw him, he was roaming around the hall singing 'I've Just Seen a Face' with a rose behind his ear. And then I received word that he and Princess Twilight had left for Ponyville." I stood up from my chair and removed the jacket from my waist.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked.

"I'm going to Ponyville" I said as I put on my jacket.

"But you might not be welcomed. Chase is probably welcomed because...."

"Hey. We're The Four Horsemen. Ponyville is probably expecting us three to be there." I looked at the clock and back at them. "Now... Let's ride."

Chase was standing in the center of Ponyville eating an apple while also alone with his thoughts. He took a bite out of the apple while thinking of the accomplishment he had made by courting Twilight. Now the things is... Will the two be together long enough until one decides to marry the other? As he took another bite, a carriage being pulled by two pegasi guards descended to the ground. The door opened and Jack staggered out. "Uhh.... Fuck!" He groaned as he fell on his knees, facing the ground.

"I take it you're not the flying type" Remy said as he stepped out.

"Fucking hate flying.... It messes up my stomach" Jack said, groaning still.

"So I take it you didn't enjoy your first plane ride?" I asked as I too stepped out.

"Don't start with me" he groaned as the pegasi guards flew back to Canterlot. After kneeling on the ground and facing it for 5 minutes, Jack got back up, feeling all better. "Ok Chase. You've been here for awhile, where do you suggest we start?"

"Well I spent five minutes with Princess Twilight, and right now she's expecting the arrival of you three, so I say we head over to her house." He took another bite out of his apple. "This way."

Chase led us over to a treehouse on the far side of Ponyville. "Welcome to Twilight's home" he said with a smile. "Also the Ponyville Library."

"Well this is awkward" Remy said as he stared at a 'Running an Errand' sign. Chase laughed nervously. "Well this is indeed awkward." I noticed Jack gaping at a mare.

"Chase, who's she?" He asked.

"Jack what are you-- oh no..." We saw that he was staring at a yellow coated mare with a long pink mane and tail.

"Chase, who is that mare I see?"

"Fluttershy. But don't just go walking up to her and..."

"Sorry boys" Jack said as he pulled out his playing cards (his shadowed ring). "This Jack of Hearts is about to go all in."

"Ok, you card playing thief" I said as I grabbed the collar of his vest. "There's one Casanova in Ponyville and I don't think..." Chase cleared his throat to get my attention.

"And you don't think what?" He asked.

"Never mind" I said. Jack began to shuffle the cards.

"Like I said. I'm about to steal this mare's heart. And when I do, I'll do what I do best" he stopped shuffling the cards. "Evening the scales." He turned to Remy and grinned. "I'll steal a mare's heart for you." Remy sighed and gave him an unamused look. Jack tucked his cards away and headed towards the mare.

"I guess I should tell him how shy Fluttershy is" Chase said.

"No... I think he's getting the idea" I said with a smile. We watched as Jack walked towards us with a smile on his face.

"She's shy. I'll give her some space" he said in a nonchalant tone. "All right Casanova, who else are we going to meet in this village? Are there rude stallions I should steal from? If so, point them out and I'll even the scales of--" before he could finish, something from above crashed into him. Jack began to moan in pain. "What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Oops, sorry" a cyan Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail said nervously. Chase cleared his throat.

"Gentlemen, this is Rainbow Dash. You'll have to excuse her, she's practicing."

"For what?" Jack asked, still lying on the ground on his back.

"Practicing tricks to join the Wonderbolts" Chase answered. Remy stroke his chin.

"I've heard of them" he said. "They're the bestest flyers of Eauestria." Rainbow Dash was immediately in front of him.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She squealed. "Are you a fan of them like me?" She then began to bombard one question after another. While she did so, I stealthily made my way out of the situation and walked down the street of Ponyville.

I made my way to the center of town and sat on a bench. I removed my jacket and tied it around my waist. The heat of the sun plus the slight winds had caused me to enjoy the place more. I turn my head and saw Jack approaching me with his hands in his vest pockets. "Thanks for ditching us" he said sarcastically. "Now Remy and RD are talking to each other like there's no tomorrow."

"What about Chase?" I asked.

"Eh. He decided to visit Princess Twilight."

"How are you holding up? Planning on visiting Fluttershy?"

"Nah, that can wait." He approached the bench and sat next to me.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why are you so hellbent on having Princess Cadance and Shining Armor adopt you?"

"The second I met them, I looked into their eyes and saw love, caring, comfort, everything a parent has. Something that I've been wanting for 21 years."

"You're an orphan?"

"You could say that" he answered.

"If it makes you feel better, I can help you convince them to adopt you."

"That won't be necessary. I'll handle it on my own."

"You're sure?"

"Definitely sure" he said with a grin. We heard Remy approach us from the side with a grin on his face.

"Hey toughie, what's going on?" Jack asked. Judging by the look on his face, it is clear that Remy enjoyed his talk with RD. "Ok, we'll talk later" Jack said as he stood up and patted his shoulder. "So, where do we go next?"

"I suggest we wait for the Casanova" Remy said. I thought I saw him blush. 5 minutes later, Chase approached us.

"Alright gang, let me take you to Sweet Apple Acres" he said. "There's something I gotta do there anyway."