• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,358 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

  • ...

Fun in Ponyville

I didn't know why I slept underneath the tree of Twilight's library. Matter of fact, I didn't know why I didn't bother to find a place to sleep. When I woke up, dawn has just arrived. Chase exited the library and we both cried out with surprise. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was too lazy to find a place to sleep so I made my way over here." I got up and tapped the bark of the treehouse. "Hey the bark is really comfortable" I said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I know because I once napped... Hey don't try to change the subject."

"Fine we'll go back to the topic" I said, rolling my eyes. "But if you tell anyone about this, I'm going to kick you where the sun don't shine." Chase glanced up at the sky and began to laugh.

"Dude, the sun is going to shine somewhere eventually." I pinched the bridge of my nose. This guy is stupid.

"I'm mean your ass" I said as I released the bridge of my nose.

"I know. I'm just fucking with you." I groaned and started to leave. "No, come Cale, come back here" he said, grabbing me. "Look, Twilight is making tea right now. Wanna join?"

"Sure. I got nothing to do for the time being."

"Great" he said, shoving me into the house. My eyes widened when I saw a medium sized purple dragon sitting on a sofa. "Spike decided to stop by to visit" he whispered. "He's only here for today before he has to go back to his home." I approached the dragon and smiled.

"Spike, right?" I asked.

"Yep" the dragon said as he got up. "And you must be Cale" he said as he extended a claw. I shook it and winced. "Something wrong?"

"Oh no, it's just that...." I stared at my hand and saw that it was bleeding.

"Oh sorry about that. I've been sharpening my claws" he said apologetically.

"A dragon's weapon" I commented. I made my way over to the kitchen and walked over to the sink. While I washed the blood, my eyes scanned around for a First Aid Kit. After washing with soap for 20 seconds, I grabbed a paper towel, folded it, and pressed it against my hand. I then found a roll of masking tape and taped it around my hand, keeping the paper towel in place. 'This'll have to do for the time being' I thought to myself.

"Good morning Cale." I was so focused on treating my hand, I didn't realize Princess Twilight was next to me, making the tea Chase was talking about. I cried out and bowed. "You don't have to be formal with me" she said with a smile. I straightened up and sighed. Princess Twilight looked at my makeshift bandage and laughed. "There is a First Aid Kit in the cabinet."

"Thank you" I said. I walked over to the cabinet, opened it and found what I was looking for. By the time the teakettle whistled, I had a thick white bandage cloth wrapped around my right hand.

"So Spike, how's life outside Ponyville?" Princess Twilight asked as she used her magic to pour tea. The scent of mint filled our noses as well as a hint of herb.

"Still getting used to that fact" Spike said as he sipped his tea. As much as I like tea, this tastes like something one would serve a sick person. Not saying that's a bad thing, it just tastes a little medicinal rather than serving it to friends. Nevertheless, I like it and continued to drink. "I hear that there are four humans in Ponyville" Spike spoke again.

"There are" Chase said. "One is with Fluttershy and the other is... Well I don't know." I quickly finished my tea ignoring the fact that my entire mouth feels like I've stuffed it with as much Altoids as I could and chewed all of them, then swallowed them in one gulp.

"Speaking of that guy, I gotta check up on him" I said as I got up.

"Cale, Fluttershy is taking care of him."

"Not him. Remy" I said. I turned to Princess Twilight and smiled. "Thank you for the tea and I'll see you later."

"You're welcome and ok" she said as she used her magic to sip her tea. I turned to the dragon.

"Spike, nice...." I glanced at my bandaged hand. "Um..." I held up my fist and he punched it. "..meeting you" I continued.

"Nice meeting you too" he said. "I'll see you later?"

"Sure" I said. I turned to Chase and mouthed 'I'll kick you where the sun don't shine.'

'Whatever' he mouthed back. I waved goodbye and left the library.

When I stepped out of the library, the sun was already up and the majority of the town were outside. Among the road, I saw Jack walking steadily due to his bandaged waist. Fluttershy was walking by his side ready to support him if he loses his balance. "Hello Cale" Jack said. His best has been buttoned up. After all, the bandage could be noticible through his white shirt.

"Jack, Fluttershy" I greeted. "Hey Jack, have you seen Remy anywhere?" I asked.

"Last time I saw him, he was coaching Rainbow Dash. I think he's still coaching." That was good to know.

"So where are you headed?" I asked.

"Rarity's" Fluttershy answered.

"Yeah. I'm just going to thank her for cleaning my shirt and vest" he added.

"Since I basically got nothing better to do as of now, I might as well tag along" I said with a smile. The three of us made our way over to a building that looked like a carousel. Jack approached the door and raised a fist. Before he could knock, he turned to us. "I don't know about this" he said.

"It's simple, you just knock and wait for her to open the door."

"But Cale, what if..." He stopped. "I could look at this situation a number of different ways."

"Oh my God just watch me do this" I said as I approached the door. The second I was about to knock, the door opened and I ended up knocking on Remy's head.

"Ah! What gives?!" He cried out as he rubbed his head.

"That was one of the situations I was nervous about" Jack said nervously. I stared with my mouth gaping open. Behind Jack, Futtershy had a worried look on her face.

"How did you know we were coming?" I asked.

"Saw you through the window" he said. I couldn't help but notice Remy only wore his cap, boxers, shoes, and socks.

"Can you put something on?" I asked.

"Can't. Rainbow Dash crashed into me, I skidded across some grass and dirt, and might've torn them. Luckily for me, Rainbow Dash mentioned this place so here I am, waiting for my clothes to be fixed and cleaned." He opened the door and allowed the three of us in. I removed my red leather jacket and tied it around my waist.

"By the way, where is Rainbow Dash?" Jack asked as he stood against a wall.

"Talking to Rarity. He's telling her how much fun she had being coached by me and crashing into me." Just then, Rarity stepped out of a room levitating Remy's clothes perfectly cleaned and neatly folded.

"Here you are darling" she said as she handed him his clothes.

"Thank you" he said. He gave us a nervous smile and walked over to a fitting room. Rarity approached me and examined me.

"Hmm. Gray isn't your color darling" she said. "Take it off. I'll make some amends to it." It sounded like an order than a request. I sighed and removed my shirt.

"Whoa!" I heard Jack cry out. I also heard the frightened gasp of Fluttershy.

"What is it?" I asked as I folded my shirt. Rarity used her magic to levitate my shirt and walked back to the room.

"Dude, you got a tattoo." I knew what he was talking about. I walked over to a mirror and turned around. I craned my neck and saw the tattoo. I had this imprinted on me one week after my 100th victim. Written across my back in black were the words:

'Dóminus Illuminàtio mea, The Lord is my Light'

Rarity came back with a folded black shirt. "Here you are darling" she said. "Black fits you better." I took the short and put it on. I then untied my jacket and out it on.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"She's right. Black fits you better" Remy said as he stepped out of the fitting room. Rainbow Dash emerged from the room Rairty was at.

"Ready coach?" She asked.

"Just a minute" Remy said. He turned to Rarity. "Thank you so much for these clothes."

"Anytime darling" she said. Remy crouched down and grinned.

"Race you to the field" he said. Jack, Fluttershy and I watched as the two ran out of the building.

"Like he said, thank you for what you've done" I said. "This shirt feels comfortable as well" I commented.

"Like I said darling, I added amends to it." Jack stepped up next.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you for the vest and shirt last night, so thank you" he said.

"It is no problem at all. And if you ever need your clothes fixed or cleaned, come to me" she said. We bid goodbye and left.

When we walked by the clock tower, Jack turned to me. "Listen Cale, I'm going to spend some time with Fluttershy. Catch you later?"

"Sure" I said with a smile. I watched as Jack and Fluttershy walked away. I turned around and ended up coming face-to-face with Princess Celestia. I quickly got on one knee and bowed.

"You may rise" she said.

"What brings you here?" I asked as I got to my feet.

"I wish to speak with you" she said. "Follow me." This sounded serious. As we walked through Ponyville, I watched as several ponies bowed. Princess Celestia led me to the outside area of Ponyville and led me to a field.

"Ok, is this about the magic thing we discussed last night, because I..." I was cut off when Princess Celestia quickly turned around and hugged me. "Am I missing something?" I asked as I hesitantly hugged her back.

"Cale" she began. "I think I'm starting to fall for you" she said. She released me from her hug and looked me in the eye. "I feel that you and I should be together."

'This is so sudden' I thought to myself.

"But..." I began. "You're a princess and I'm an assassin. I don't think falling in love with a guy who used to kill for a living is the right choice."

"But you're pure in heart just like the other three." I turned my head and saw Remy and Rainbow Dash sitting on a tree about a couple feet away from me. They didn't seem to notice, thank God.

"I don't know, Your Highness. I'm worried that this feeling you have might not be approved. I mean I like you too but..."

"Say that again?" She asked with a little excitement.

"I said that I like you too, but.... I don't know." I turned around. "I'm scared that if you and I are together, something will happen that will cause us to break up and I don't want that to happen." She placed a comforting hoof on my shoulder. "Not to mention that this happened so suddenly." Princess Celestia had a small tear fall down her face. She leaned forward.

"I understand" she whispered. I felt her lick the back of my neck. She let go of me and teleported away. I fell on my knees and grasped my head. 'What the fuck have I done?! She admitted her love for me and I turned her down! Shit!' I pounded the grass a few times. 'That's it! When I see her again, I'm going to admit my love to her! If she turns me down the way I did to her, then I'll just have to find an alternative. And it'll involve me dying in the raid!' I made that vow in my head and made my way back to Ponyville unaware that Princess Celestia never teleported to Canterlot. She just teleported herself to one of the clouds above and she had used her magic to read my mind.

I was in the mood for some apples so I made my way over to Sweet Apple Acres. To my surprise, Remy was waiting for me by the gate. "You're just time" he said with a smile.

"For what?" I asked him.