• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 4,358 Views, 89 Comments

The Four Horsemen of Equestria - CaleMcManus21

Four people from different parts of the country will be brought together to help save a world that isn't their own. The catch? These people may be good in heart, but their backstories are villainous.

  • ...

Court Practice and a Cheater

3 Hours Later (Still in Canterlot)

I walked down the halls of the castle just to feel like home. It took awhile, but we have gained the trust of half of Canterlot. Getting the trust of Equestria will be a challenging task. Further down the hall, I heard a voice sounding like someone rehearsing for a bad play. Following the noise, I reached a door and when I opened it, I saw Chase on one knee holding onto a ball. "What are you doing?" I asked as I leaned on the door.

"Oh um..." Chase got to his feet and fiddled with the ball. "I was just uh..." He tossed the ball aside and brought a hand to his chin. "I feel better, thanks for showing up" he said as he walked over to the glass door. I grabbed a nearby letter opener and threw it at the lock.

"No, no..." I said as I stepped into the room. I closed the door and stared at the teen. "I heard you practicing lines down the hall." I approached the glass door and turned the letter opener, locking us both inside. "You like someone in this castle" I pulled the letter opener as easily as pulling a key out of a lock. "And I want to know who." I placed the letter opener on a desk.

"You know Princeess Twilight?" He asked.

"Yeah, the mare who kept asking me how I was able to handle being friends with someone who talks strangely to girls? What about her?" Chase looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"Oh my God" I said, cupping my hands to my mouth. I released my mouth and laughed. "You want to court her?"

"Look I can explain" Chase said.

"No, no. No need to explain. You're not the only one who's in love" I said.

"I'm not?"

"No. Jack is in love with a mare too."


"Last time I saw him, he was talking to Princess Cadance and flirting with her using the Queen cards, the King Cards, and the Jack cards."

"But isn't she married to Shining Armor?"


"Then why does he love her?"

"Oh no, not the kind of love you're dealing with. He's trying to convince her to adopt him as her son."

"What about Remy? Is he in love?"

"Don't know where he is. Though I'm pretty sure he's trying to stop Jack from being adopted." Chase sighed and walked to a corner.

"Cale, I'm in love with Twilight."

"But does she love you back?" I asked.

"I don't know, that's what I'm scared of."

"Must you really court her? I mean we--". Chase cut me off.

"You're right! We must talk to her together!"

"Whoa! Hey, no way, you're not dragging me into this!" I shouted as I was dragged across the room and out into the hall.

"Come on, you're an assassin. Mares like assassins."

"Uh no the hell they don't."

"You don't know that, Cale."

"Fine, I'll help. But if things go smoothly, you're on your own."

"Deal" Chase said as he shook my hand. God, I hate making deals. Which explains my crew cut! I made a deal that I wasn't too happy about, but that's not important right now.

"But first, I want to go practicing courting."

"On who?" I asked. Chase gestured down the hall. I followed his gaze and gaped.

"No" I said.

"Yes" he replied.

"I said 'no'."

God, I can't believe this is happening. I was hiding behind a corner watching Chase as he approached Princess Celestia. "Oh my God, I can't watch this" I said as I ran down the hall, away from the scene. Halfway down the hall, I bumped into Jack.

"Hey Cale, have you seen Chase?"

"He's planning to court Princess Twilight and he's practicing courting on Princess Celestia."

"Ah shit" Jack groaned. "This won't end well."

"Have you seen Remy?" I asked.

"No, not since after our interrogations" he answered. Just then, Princess Celestia approached us.

"Your friend passed out" she said, trying not to laugh.

"The guy wants to court Princess Twilight? He can't even man up through practicing his courting" Jack said, shaking his head.

"Come on, let's knock some sense into him" I said.

Chase groaned and began to come to. When he sat up, he found himself sitting in the middle if the hall. Jack and I were sitting against the wall playing a card game.

"Queens?" I asked.

"Go fish" Jack answered. Chase got to his feet and rubbed his head.

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"1 minute and 50 seconds" I answered. Remy walked down the hall and sighed.

"Something wrong?" Jack asked.

"Got lost" he answered.

"You were gone for a long time" I said.

"No shit."

"Got any 5s?" Jack asked. I rolled my eyes and handed him the card. "7s?" He asked. Again, I handed him the card. "Queens."

"Goddamn it" I said as I handed him the card.

"And that makes me the winner" Jack said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, did you rig the deck?" I asked as Jack gathered the cards into a deck.

"Um..." He quickly got up and hightailed out if the area.

"That cheating son of a..." I got to my feet and ran after him. "Jack! Jack get back here!" I yelled. Remy turned to Chase.

"I heard you practicing courting on Princess Celestia and then fainted" he laughed. Chase nodded with embarrassment.

"I might have feelings for Twilight but..." He stopped. "I have to practice courting on a mare to see if it works." He thought for a moment. "I'll try courting Princess Celestia again." He walked down the hall in search of the princess. Remy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That idiot is going to faint again" he said to himself.

Later, Jack and I were heading back to the hallway where we had our card game. But on our way back to the area, Remy approached us, laughing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ok, Chase tried practicing courting by testing it on Princess Celestia."

"And?" Jack asked, both of us looking eager.

"It worked."

"But why is it funny?" Jack asked.

"He claims he's ready to court Twilight and..."

"He fainted didn't he?"

"After she said 'yes'."

"Didn't she say she found him odd?" I asked.

"There's something about that guy. The way he courts seems a bit off."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"It's like... He's comforting them rather than showing affection. Do you think maybe he feels more confident when he and a girl are alone together?" This was a good question.

"So where is Chase?" I asked.

"Still in Princess Twilight's room, passed out still."

"Would you say his courting went wrong?" Jack asked me.

"For the most part... Yeah."

Las Vegas

The elder man sat at a bar alone drinking scotch. A middle aged man wearing a black shirt, black pants, black shoes, and black gloves approached him from behind. "So I hear that you approached four random people and told them about the Four Horsemen" he said.

"And what of it?" The man asked.

"I just want to know how you went to four different locations in a matter of seconds."

"I took him there" a voice said. Both men turned their heads and saw another man approaching them. He wore black attire, only he wore a long sleeved black shirt. He had a crew cut as well.

"Problem solved" the elder man said with a smile. "If you'd like, I'll buy you boys a drink."

"No thank you" the man that recently arrived said. "But I do want to..." He pulled out a gun with a silencer on it and shot him in the side. The elder man grunted in pain as he grasped his side. He then slipped off his chair and landed on the floor, groaning in pain. The man aimed his gun up, and planted a few more bullets into him. "I know where the guys this old man approached them are."

"Where?" The first man asked. The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper and handed it to him. The second man unfolded the paper and read a single word. 'Equestria'.

"Really? Some world that's not geographic? Your head is fucked up." He scoffs. "Equestria... Jesus Christ, scratch that, your head is more than fucked up. It's really fucked up!"

"Oh? So is yours" the second man raised his gun up and planted a few bullets into the side of the first man's head. He approached the table and grabbed the paper. "Hello Equestria" he said in a sinister voice. "Your former resident is coming home..." He smiled villainously and kissed the paper. He glanced down at the two dead bodies and walked away.