• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,151 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1:How it all started

In the Royal Canterlot library, Twilight Sparkles along with her number one assistant Spike the dragon, were studying the most complex spell in the Royal library. Including the Out world spell that let the caster see other worlds and travel in them by walking through the portal when it opens.

"Are you sure about this Twilight?" Spike asked with a worried tone." I mean the princess did say you needed to work on your magic a bit more, now that you are an Alicorn. But I don't think she meant taking on the toughest spell in the whole library!" The young dragon stated to the purple Alicorn Princess.

The mare stopped in her track, she turn around giving the young dragon a nasty look "What was that Spike?" the mare said with a calm and mischievous tone.

Spike, seeing the look she was giving him he quickly corrected himself. "What I mean is that you have not been asleep in such a long time, that it might not work" he defended, with a forced grin on his face.

The mare look away from the young dragon. She continued reading the spell book for quit some time, before closing it shut.

The mare let out a long sigh of frustration.

"That did not sound good Twilight? Are you sure you're all right?" Spiked asked worried for his mentor.

"I'm fine Spike, it just that this spell is so complicated and confusing, that I don't see how both Princess Luna and Celestia where able to figure this out!"

Twilight fell back in a chair that was conveniently place right behind her.

Spike walk up to Twilight. She had her head down on the table, letting frustration and stress getting to her. "Well they've been around for thousand years Twilight. They had more time to study this while you where only giving a month to use the Royal library"

Twilight said nothing her head was still on the table. More sighs and groans of frustration came from behind her mane that was covering her face.

Spike thought for a bit, trying to find a way to make her feel better about herself. Then, an idea came to him "You know Twilight, even if your only been given a month to increase your magic. I've spoken with both Princess Celestia and Luna, and they both agree that you learn more spell than they did in only just a few days" Spike said hoping this will boost Twilight's confidence.

"You're just saying that..." Twilight mumbled.

Thankfully Spike was able to hear that thanks to his dragon hearing.

"No I mean it, they really said that. Celestia even said." The dragon stopped before clearing his throat. "I know that me and my sister made the right choice making her the Princess of magic in Equestria, she has learn more spell and magic than me and Luna could do in a full year. I am very proud of her" Spike said, trying his best to sound like Celestia.

Twilight swiftly lift her head up from the table.

"Really Celestia said that?" Twilight said getting up from her chair.

"Yeah she did, and she said that with a proud smile like you are her most favorite student in all of Equestria!" Spike added with a large smile.

Ask quick as Spike eyes could see, he watched Twilight grab the spell book from table and began reading.

What seem like ages Twilight grew a smile on her face "I figured it out Spike, I finally figured it out!" she screamed with joy.

"I know you could do it Twilight." Spike said.

"Thank you Spike for the inspiration I really needed that." Twilight gave Spike a big hug.

"Your welcome Twilight...But...Could you let go of me... I can't breathe" Spiked gasped, trying to catch up air.

"Oh! sorry Spike I got a little carried away that was all."

Letting go of Spike, Twilight continue to read till she felt confidant enough to start the spell.

"Spike I think I'm ready to start the spell." Twilight stated.

"Are you sure you're ready Twilight? this is a really powerful spell i still say you should get some sleep before you-" Spike was immediately cut off by Twilight.

"I am Spike. I have a total confidence in this, it's going to work."

"I still have a bad feeling about this" Spike muttered to himself.

Closing her eyes Twilight horn began to glow. She was focusing on the spell as hard as she could. Sweat began to run down her neck, as she put every thing into the spell. With all her might, and will power, she push her magic further.

Spike watch in amazement as Twilight forced all her magic into one area. Her magic was taking a form of a star none in witch Spike has seen before. An eerie feeling came out of no where making his scales go ice-cold.

Soon somethings happen the very sound of space and time tarring itself apart. A book from one of the shelf came flying off nearly hitting Spike in the back of the head. Spike felt like he was being sucked towards the developing star in the room and he was not wrong. Books and papers began to fly of shelf's towards the star vanishing as they went through.

"Twilight stop it's out of control!" Spiked yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I can't it's to dangerous!" Twilight shouted back.

"Spike hold on to something I'm placing down a spell that will keep us in place!" Twilight shouted.

Spike had his claws dug into one of the book shelf. The force of the star increased nearly sucking up some of the cobblestone floor. The book shelf Spike was holding on, broke sending the young dragon to the star.

"Spike!" Twilight screamed

Twilight caught Spike with her magic.

"Hold on Spike, I almost have it-" before Twilight could finish a book slammed into her face causing her to lose focus on holding Spike with her magic.

"Twilight!" Spiked screamed with fear, before being suck into the star.

"Spike no!" Twilight desperately screamed as she watches the dragon go through the star.

"Twilight what is happening!?"

hearing the voice behind her she recognized it as Celestia "Please help me!" Twilight yelled to her teacher.

Celestia focused her magic on the star with every ounce of strength she could muster.

In a matter of seconds the star closed. Twilight fell to the floor exhausted from focusing on three spells at once.

"Twilight are you alright? What happen here?" Celestia asked with a worried tone.

Twilight shot up on her hooves "Spike are you here! Where is Spike? Spike! Spike!" Twilight ran around the library looking for her number one assistant.

"Twilight please calm down." Celestia said calmly.

"CALM DOWN! I...I need to find Spike he was here then he...He...He" Twilight fell to the floor sobbing.

Celestia rushed to her students side "Twilight! please tell me what happened." Celestia said with a worried voice.

Twilight gathered all the strength she had left into telling the Princess what happened.

"I was performing the Outer World spell when... I thought I could handle it but I..." Twilight started crying into her teachers chest.

Celestia was shock that Twilight tried to use the Outer World spell by her self. It took her and Luna at least a their entire filly hood to master that spell.

"Princess please help me getting Spike back...Please help me" Twilight begged. Tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Twilight I'm... So sorry Twilight but not even I or Luna can help getting Spike back from the Outer World spell. I'm sorry" Celestia hung her head down in disappointment.

"No, No you can you're the Princess get Luna get my brother we can get him back, we just got to find the world he is on and..And" Twilight started crying again into Celestia's chest.

"I'm so sorry Spike. I'm so sorry" Twilight whispered to herself.


Spike awoke with a massive headache, letting out a groan of pain he sat up and looked at his surrounding.

He was in a city, that's much he could tell. But it was nothing like Canterlot or any other city he been too. This one was completely different the building designs looked like old Gothic churches that where build in Equestria before Princess Luna and Celestia were born. There was a topple statue of a figure, with a skull in his right hand while in the left, it was holding a sword. It seemed that fireworks were going off. One that made deafening explosions, while other ones where more rapped, going off about every few seconds.

As Spike listened to the fireworks go off, a sudden smell hit the young dragon like a title wave making him nauseous. It smelled of sulfur, black powder, and rotting flesh. He threw up from the smell.

As Spike was spitting out the last of his breakfast from this morning, a voice came from behind him turning to see who was talking Spike stood still in horror as to what he was seeing.

It was a giant. The figure was towering over Spike by at least twenty feet. It was taller and bigger then Princess Celestia or Luna combined to gather. It was wearing what Spike could tell, was yellow gold armor much like what the Royal Guards wear. On it's left shoulder was symbol of a clench fist. The giant was holding something in its hands. It was a large squire, with a short tube in the middle. There was a long metal like *L* shape on the bottom that seem to connect to the object. There was a little red light above the short tube that seemed to make a dot on Spike's chest.

"I'll ask again what are you Xeno?" the giant asked pointing the object at Spikes head.

"I'm, I'm Spike it's..It's is nice to meet you" Spike said holding out a shaking hand.

"Silence Xeno! In the Emperor's name prepare to die!" the giant boomed.

"Wha- What do you mean I done nothing wrong" Spike said. tears began to form in his eyes.

"Silence Xeno! It will be over soon" the giant placed the object closer to Spikes head. It felt cold like metal as it press against his temple.

Spike closed his eyes, tears where now running down his cheeks. He waited to meet his end.

Spike heard a deafening bang in front of him. He then felt hot liquid splatter on him. He did not feel anything, no pain, nothing traveling through his body. He felt nothing.

Spike slowly open his eyes, to see the giant laying face first on the ground with a large hole in his head. Blood rush from the open wound staining the ground crimson red.

"One loyalist down." came a crackling voice in front of Spike.

Spike looked at the new giant before him. He was in the same armor as the last giant but this one was in a midnight blue color. There was skull with bat wings on its chest piece and on its left shoulder. It was carrying the same weapon as the yellow giant, but this one was more demonic looking than the yellow giant. It had some sort of creatures skull that had the short tube thing sticking out of its mouth.

"What is this? A new type of Xeno?" It said in a calm voice.

Swallow the lump in his throat, Spike spoke to the new giant, " I'm...I'm not a Xeno, I'm Spike th-the dragon." Spike said taking a step back prepare to run if needed.

"Did you say a dragon?" the giant asked In a curious voice.

"Yes. I'm a dragon." Spike answered in a terrified tone.

The giant was silent for a while; then it Spoke in a demanding tone. "Come with me I will take you somewhere safer." the giant reached out with a hand to the young dragon.

"Why should I come with you." Spike said with fear clearly heard in his voice.

The giant chuckled darkly.

"Because if you don't, you'll run into more of these Loyalist." the giant pointed to the fallen giant on the ground.

Spike for the first time in his life, was looking at a dead body, And to make matters worse it had its blood on him.

Spike started to panic. He sat down on the ground staring at the dead body. He took a fetal position trying to stay safe and calm.

"I don't have time for this." the other alien said to himself.

The giant pick up Spike who was squirming to brake free of the new giant to return to his safety position.

"Enough of this." the giant said. With a flick of his finger to Spikes head he knock the young dragon out cold.

"There much better." the giant started walking away from the corps of the yellow giant.

"Lord Gharl is going to be quit please by this. A living dragon just like the stories from our home world on Verrius IV" the giant thought.

He continue to walk, till the sound of the gun fire died down. He made his way into a camp. A banner of a skull with bat wings waved freely. He came upon a what looked like a throne. There where two large tusked like beings guarding the Warlord of this warband. The Warlord sat on his Throne of skulls and rubble. A dark smile could be seen on his old face.

The Warlord noticed the blue giant walking towards him.

"What do we have here Avitus?" the Warlord asked. His soulless black eyes noticed Spike in the giants hand.

"A dragon lord Gharl" Avitus said, taking a bow to the Warlord.

Gharl laugh for a while before giving the Avitus a stern look "Do you mock me Avitus? Do you think I'm some child that's going to believe in such things." his voice rose in anger.

"No my lord, I'm telling you the truth." Avitus lift Spike to show Gharl he was not joking.

Gharl looked at the being that Avitus was holding in his hand. He could not believe what he was seeing.

"Where did you find this thing?" Gharl asked getting up from his throne.

"I found him in time a loyalist was going to kill him so I intervened." Avitus chuckled.

"Good, take it to the prison Chambers in the ship. I will be there shortly." Gharl said with a smile on his face.

Avitus bowed "Yes my lord." He made his way to the landed ship not far from the camp.

"A real life dragon huh? Don't worry Dragon I have plans for you. I wont let my men hurt you. Too much" Gharl began to laugh as many thought ran through his head and each one involved the little dragon.

Author's Note:

Thank you Gothshy for Proofreading and editing this you the man.

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