• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,140 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter 4: Becoming a Night lord

( this was edited by me so this may have a few more bad grammar in it then usual. You have been worn.)


Pure utter shock and horror. That's all Spike could see from the ponies who sat at the dinning table with him.

Fluttershy who seemed to be the one that was most effected by the story. She had her head down on the table crying heavily into her arms, while Applejack did her best to calm her by stroking her mane and whispering to her it was all right.

Oh, how Spike hated hearing crying. It reminded him of how weak he was when he was a hatchling. He learn to hate crying along with most other emotions as it was a sign of weakness. And weakness meant a beating or death.

Turning his attention some where else he notice the Royal sisters. Both Luna, and Celestia looked horrified and some what angered by Spikes gruesome story. There mouths hung open with disbelief, their eyes where wide with shock and unmoving, they just kept there focus on Spike.

But their body language was different. Celestia clench a fist in pure hate she shake with uncontrollable rage that was bundling inside of her. If looks could kill Spike, and any one unfortunate enough to look her in the eyes would drop dead on the spot.

Luna how ever just stared at Spike. A single tear slowly made it was down her right cheek before reaching the bottom of her chin, falling to the hard stone floor under the table.

The next thing Spike knew was that Luna shot up from her seat and with one mighty flap of her wings she sent all of dinners that where place on table flying off, all but Septimas who held on to his plate with a death grip.

Spike was amazed by how powerful Luna's wings where. With one swoop she sent every thing flying off the dinner table such power could be used in the filed.

Making a note in his head about the power Luna's wings had he turn his Focus somewhere else.

Spike looked to where Rainbow Dash and Rarity where at they both looked as tho they where about to cry especially from Rarity who did have tears streaming down her cheeks. Rainbow dash how ever Pure anger could be felt coming off Her tho it is not as strong as Celestias he could tell she was piss off at his story.

Turing to the bright pink mare in the room, Pinkiepie who had the largest smile on her before Spike told his story, was now replaced with a sad mortified look. Her mane usual puffy self was now completely straight like does when she is unhappy or goes insane.

"Can't wait too see the looks on my sorceress faces when they meet Pinkiepie." Spike thought to him self.

"They...They made you kill?" Twilight choked out.

Spike turn his attestation to Twilight. She had tears running down her cheeks. shock, and disbelief where clearly shown especially in her eye's.

"Yes they did." Spike answered in a plain mellow tone voice.

"Why?"Twilight asked. Not understanding the purpose or reason to why they did it. "What kind of monsters would let young ones kill each other."

"Because it amused lord Gharl, and his men." Spike answered in a rather cold tone of voice.

"What kind of being could do such a thing?" Luna whispered to her self.

Spiked chuckled.

Turing his head to the night princess he gave he an answer to her question." These where Night lords! They are the most sadistic, insane chaos legions there is in the entire galaxy." Spike said. Looking into Luna's light blue eye's

"You heard me?" Luna asked Spike.Surprised that he heard her.

"Yes my hearing along with many of my seances have increased because of the genetic-modification I went though to become a Night lord." Spike answered.

"You became one of the them!" Rainbow Dash said with a snarl. Her words where full of hate and venom.

"Yes i did. I became a Night lord for that was my reword, for winning the fight with Sven." Spike told the Rainbow mare.

Rainbow flared her wings out of anger she was about to say more when Spike spoke before her.

"For ten long years, I trained with the quartermaster. For ten long years I suffered though the torments of beatings along with pushing my body to its breaking points. The training i received would kill a normal Pony or mortal." Spiked looked Rainbow in the eyes. "You think the wounder bolts training was hard?" Spike laugh. Causing the Rainbow Pegasus to raise an eyebrow.

"You have no idea what pain truly is. I went though with that training pushing myself every day to more to do better then others. By the time i was thirteen i was tough and as strong as Snowflank was, and after that i went though one of the most painful operations that I ever been apart of. I went though the process of a Genetic-Modification of my entire body." Spikes words where strong and he meant every word.

"Genetic-modification, what is that?" Twilight asked Spike curiously. Tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"It's what makes an Adeptus Astartes" Spike answered.

Twilight had a blank look on her.tears where still coming out but not as much before.Spike sighed he knew she would not know but he told her any ways.

"I will tell you what makes an Adeptus Astartes. The very same thing that made me today"

Night lords space hulk

Spike was being escorted by a grope of Night lord warriors, to a location on the ship he was unfamiliar with. All the years he has spent on the ancient space hulk, he's never been down this far in the in the ship.

It was darker on this floor of the space hulk then the rest of the ship. Spike was not use to this kind of darkness. He could not see the wall's or the very floor he was walking on. If it was not for the four Night lords guiding him he would have gotten lost easily in this dark labyrinth.

Spike has grown over the years seance he arrived to this dark and violent world. For ten years he trained with the quartermaster in the most brutal training he has ever been apart of.

Spike was about six foot seven, about a hundred and forty-seven pounds in muscle mass. He was well-built for a young adult dragon. He had a six-pack, arm muscles popped out like mountains. He could easily run twelve miles or more without rest from how much leg and lung strength he had from training with the quartermaster.

"Where are we going?"Spike asked the night lord In front of him.

The night lord said nothing to the dragon.

Spike said nothing more. Knowing if he asked again he wold get a beating.

For what seem to feel like ages of walking in the darkness they Soon arrived to a large metal door. The large metal door had many symbols and markings grave in it.

From what Spike could tell many of the symbols where Nostramon. Many of the Night lords came from a planet called Nostramo. He learned most, of the language along with the writing from the slaves and servants who were kind enough to teach him how to read it and write it.

The door to the room open with a hiss. Slowly Spike and the night lords entered the medium-sized room.

The room was more lighted then the rest of the ship was.There was metal table with what looked like medical equipment along with machines surrounding it.

"What is this place?" Spike asked one of the night lords.

"It is where you will serve me, for the rest of time dragon" A voice said from in the shadows of the room.

A figure of Lord Gharl in his power armor which was most recognizable with lighting bolts going every where on the armor. Skulls of old enemy's hung of the armor, The armor still had many noticeable scratches and battle damage scares on the armor. Sybil of the night lords proudly displayed in the middle of the chest piece.

Gharl step out from shadows. A dark smile was on his face and the look of joy in a twisted,dark way was shown in his movement.

"Lord Gharl." Spiked bowed.

Gharl looked over the dragon for few moments before speaking.

"Do you remember ten years ago, when i said when you are of age you shall be come a Night lord?" Gharl asked Spike. In what could be described as a playful tone of voice.

"Yes lord. I remember" Spike answered.

Gharl turned his back to the dragon. He put his power claw on the metal table.He seemed to be thinking what to say next to the young adult dragon.

"In my home world there is a legend built that if one was able to have a dragon serve him he wold be the most powerful, unstoppable being in the entire galaxy not even the emperor or any other god would be able to defeat him in battle.
I was always fastened by that legend when i was a whelp like you. But now I have a dragon and he is going to serve me and my legion.And he will serve me loyally." Gharls smile grew.

Spike said nothing.

"Dragons are loyal creatures right?" Gharl asked looking at the dragon in the eye's.

Spike looked into the soulless black eye's of Gharl. Wanting not, to invoke Gharls rage upon him. Spike gave the Night lord an answer he would be satisfied with.

"Yes my race are loyal being to there master's" Spike said. Hopping that this pleased the Night lord.

"Good." Gharl lick his fang teeth.with pleasure.

"Now I know in order to become a night lord. Or any other Adeptus Astartes for that matter. One must be human. You are not human"Gharl said in what seem to be a disappointed tone.

"But I found a way around that.You see there are Gene-seeds that have flaws in them, there thee negative one's that are usually destroyed for being impure. But we kept some from ours and other Adeptus Astartes chapters that our apothecary's have taken from the corpses of the dead."

Spike listen to what Gharl was saying. He would be lying to him self if he was not just a little interested in what Gharl was saying.

"These negatives might have a positive effect on you instead. So I ordered that the impure gene-seeds to be mixed into one impure gene-seed." Gharl said with a dark grin.

"Could that even work? Is it possible to do such a thing as to mixing a gene-seed?" Spike thought to him self.

Just then a voice came from behind lord Gharl." It's about thirty-nine percent of a chance that it will work. Other then that it might just kill you."

Every one looked to where the voice came from. Behind Gharl there was a figure in white power armor who had the same skull with bat wings on his right shoulder. He had many medical tools on him along with syringes that where strap to a belt at his wast.

"Apothecary Derlones. It's nice to see you desisted to arrive." Lord Gharl said, to the white armor figure behind him.

Derlones chuckled "I would not be here if I wanted, to see if this would work or not" Derlones stated.

"It will work" Gharl said in a threatening tone of voice to the Apothecary.

"I meant no disrespect lord."Derlones apologized.

Gharl just stared at the Apothecary, for a while before he turn to Spike.

"Dragon go lay on the table there. "Gharl pointed to the metal table in the room."We shell begin the Genetic-modification now." Gharl said to the Apothecary.

"Yes lord Gharl."

Spike made his way to the metal table and layed down like he was told to do.

Spike was a little nervous about this. He only has a thirty-nine percent of a chance of success, and like lord Gharl said these are impure Gene-seeds that have been mixed together. The chances that he will die from this are very high now.

"You nervous dragon"Derlones asked the purple dragon. As he was typing commands into a conceal to the machines that hanged over Spike's body.

Spike said nothing to the Apothecary.

"Don't talk much do you? that's good because this is going to hurt a lot."

Spiked looked at the Apothecary "How so?" Spiked asked confused.

"Because in order for this to work your mind and body need's to be awake. That means no painkillers or passing out.Got it!"

If the Apothecary wasn't wearing his helmet Spike might have sworn that he was smiling under it.

Spike nodded. "it can't be as bad as training with the quartermaster, or get a beating from a Night lord." he thought to him self.

Soon Spike was strapped down on the table unable to move.

Soon a sound of a saw stared up from the machine next to Spike. It moved down cutting into the dragons body slicing open his chest.

"It's worse!" Spike thought as more pain shot threw his body from needles being injected into his arms and legs.

"Beginning the implants" Derlones said as he got closer to Spike.

screams of pain and agony rang out all over the room. Servitor where bringing in medical equipment, water and bags of blood into the room. Handing them to the Apothecary and his assistance.
What felt like day's of intense pain was finally over.

Derlones unstrapped Spike from the table before making his way to a command conceal in the center of the room.

Spike slowly push him self up from table. Putting him self in a sitting position. He could tell that something definitely felt different.

He looked down at his chest he could see a long line of stitches going from the top of his chest all the way to the bottom of his stomach.

He felt different in more ways then one. He felt stronger then he did before. He also felt his teeth have changed they no longer felt the same size or shape as they did before. They seem to have grown and have a sharper point at the end. They more felt like wolf fangs then a dragons.

Spike could recall in perfect twenty-twenty memory of every thing that happen before the operation. This was strange to him as he always forgot something important.

Spike could feel something warm and wet rundown his nose. Spike put a finger to where he felt the warm wet feeling was at. He looked to see blood was on his fingers but something was wrong.

"It looks delicious." He thought.

Licking the blood of his fingers he found out instead of taste of iron like he would normally taste,it tasted really sweet like a really delicious sweet cup cake he uselessly given by Pinkiepie when ever she visited the library.

Wanting more he looked around for a blood pack that the servitors brought in during the operation. He continued to scan the room till he seen a refection in a mirror next to him. What he saw made him gasp in surprise.

His eye's where normal pistachio color but they where glowing like a sun. Spiked rubbed his eye's thinking it might be some sorta trick from the operation when he looked again they where still glowing.

"Every thing seems to be perfect. Other then the Enlarged fang teeth, glowing eye's and the want of blood. Do you remember any thing?" Derlones asked while typing the information into a conceal.

"I remember it like i was just there again" Spike said. A bit amazed by it. He would normally forget things but he remembering everything to the tiniest details,he even remembers Equestria like he was there.

"Twenty-twenty memory probably wont dream to night or ever again."Derlones whispered to him self.

Just then the door to the room open with a hiss.

A human servant walk into the room with a tray of food. The servant look like, he had fresh cuts on him. Some of the cuts where bleeding not bad but enough to be noticeable.

The human walked up to Spike. He seemed to afraid of the dragon who was just staring at him intensely. placing the food next to Spike the human slowly turn away from him when a sharp pain shot through both sides of his neck.

Before Spike knew what he was doing he leapt up from the metal table and bit into the humans neck. The human scream with pain and fear as Spike tore a large amount of flash from the human neck nearly decapitating the human in one bite.

Spike realized what,he was doing let go of the human. Backing away,he was surprise by his sudden action, to just chomp down on the human and devour his flash

"What did i just do?" Spike said out loud to him self. He was surprised to what he had done.

"It was the red thirst. When you tasted your blood you craved more. The mortal had cuts on him that where bleeding when he brought you the food." Derlones stated to the purple dragon.

"What is the red thirst?" Spike asked. Still a bite shock from what he has done.

"It's where you crave to drink or digest blood. Usually the blood Angles have it as a negative effect from an impure gene-seed."Derlones explained.

"Does that mean i have every impure gene-seed effect in me?"

"Probably not every one. Just some of the most known, like the red thirst, the glowing eye's, and your Enlarged fang teeth."

"Any thing else I'm suppose to know?" Spike asked. placing a claw over the scar on his chest.

"Well other then you now have nineteen new organs in you and the..."Derlones was cut off by Spike.

"I have nineteen new organs? like what?" Spiked asked with surprise and a little interest.

"Yes you do. Here I have something for you."

Derlones turned around. He made his way to a medical table that was behind him. He pick up a large medical book.Turing to the purple dragon he handed the book to Spike.

"Can you read?" Derlones asked the young dragon.

"Yes I can read."

Spike took the book.Apothecary guide to the Astartes. "What is this? a medical book of the space marines?" Spike asked. Opening a random page in the book.

"Yes it is you can read it and learn a few things about your new body dragon. It might just save your life one day. "Derlones chuckled.

Spiked went to the first page of the book.

CHAPTER 1 The nineteen new organs of a Astartes

1.Secondary Heart or the Maintainer.It resembles a smaller version of the human heart. It is implanted in the chest cavity and connected to the rest of the Neophyte's circulatory and pulmonary systems near the original heart. Its function is to enhance the performance of an Astartes by supplying more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles by increasing blood flow well-beyond that capable for even the most fit normal human being.

2.Ossmodula. This implant, surgically placed alongside the Neophyte's pituitary gland at the base of the brain, thus becoming a part of the Space Marine's endocrine system, secretes a specially engineered form of human growth hormone. When the effects of this hormone are combined with a diet laced with microscopic ceramic-based minerals, they act to synthesise the rapid growth of an Astartes' skeleto-muscular system which results in an Astartes' superhuman strength and massive size compared to a baseline human male. Two years after the surgery to implant the Ossmodula is completed, the Neophyte Space Marine's skeleton will be larger and exponentially stronger than a normal man's with growth having topped out at around 7-7.5 feet in height with an equivalent amount of skeleto-muscular mass.

3."Then there is the Biscopea, also known as the Forge of Strength.This organ enhances a Space Marine's physical combat ability and survivability to superhuman levels should he live to become a full Astartes. When implanted into the chest cavity, usually at the same time as the Ossmodula is implanted at the base of the brain, this small, spherical implant bolsters skeletomuscular development and density throughout the Space Marine's body and regulates the Ossmodula's synethetic human growth hormone secretion levels. This initiates a growth process that ultimately causes the adolescent human male or dragon is implanted with the organ to reach the massive height and gain the superhuman strength and muscle density of the Astartes.

4."Then there's the Haemastamen, also known as the Blood Maker,Once implanted into a main blood vessel like the aorta, femoral artery or the vena cava, the Haemastamen alters an Astartes' blood's biochemical composition to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. The actions of the Haemastamen turn a Space Marine's blood a brighter shade of red than that of normal humans or dragons because of its greatly increased oxygen-carrying capacity."

5. "Larraman's Organ is another new organ you have. This is implanted into a your Neophyte its soul purpose it to create new Astartes. Its Shaped like a liver but only the size of a golf ball, this gene-seed organ is placed within your chest cavity and manufactures the synthetic biological cells known as Larraman Cells."

6."Catalepsean Node. This organ is implanted into the back of the cerebrum, just above the brain stem. When deprived of sleep for a long period of time, the Catalepsean Node "cuts in" upon detecting a rise in the Astartes' stress and fatigue hormones. This allows the Astartes to consciously "switch off" sections of the brain sequentially, while remaining awake and alert. This ability comes at a price, as prolonged use of this ability can be hazardous, possibly inducing hallucinations or even psychosis."

7. "Preomnor.The Preomnor is essentially a second or pre-stomach spliced into the human digestive system above the original stomach that allows Space Marines to eat otherwise poisonous or completely indigestible materials. The Preomnor is capable of biochemically analyzing ingested materials and neutralizing most known biochemical and inorganic toxins, and many others that remain unknown save for their toxic effects. Deadly poisons are either neutralized or isolated from the digestive tract by the Preomnor."

8.Omophagea. .The Omophagea is implanted into the spinal cord and then wired into the central nervous system so that it is directly attached to the cerebral cortex and to the stomach. It allows the Astartes to gain part of an individual person's or creature's memory by eating its flesh. This special organ is implanted between the thoracic vertebrae and the stomach wall and is designed to absorb information and any DNA, RNA or protein sequences related to experience or memory. This implant thus allows a Space Marine to literally "learn by eating." Four new nerve bundles are also implanted connecting the spine and the stomach wall. The Omophagea transmits the gained information to the Astartes' brain as a set of memories or experiences. This enables the Space Marine to gain information, in a survival or tactical sense, simply by eating an animal indigenous to an alien world and then experiencing some of what that creature did before its death.

9. "Multi-lung.The Multi-lung is a third lung implanted into an Astartes' pulmonary and circulatory systems in the chest cavity that is able to absorb oxygen from environments usually too poor in oxygen to allow normal human respiratory functioning. Breathing is accomplished through a sphincter implanted into the trachea, allowing all three lungs to be used at full capacity. In toxic environments, a similar muscle closes off the normal lungs, thus oxygen is absorbed exclusively by the Multi-lung, which then filters out the poisonous or toxic elements. The Multi-lung has highly efficient toxin dispersal systems."

10." Occulobe.This implant sits at the base of the brain after being implanted along the optic nerve and connected to the retina, and provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a Space Marine's eyes to respond to the optic-therapy that all Neophytes must undergo in their Chapter's Apothecarium. These procedures, in turn, allow the Chapter's Apothecaries to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eyes and their light-receptive retinal cells. The result is that Space Marines have visual acuity that is far superior to that of baseline humans and they can see in low-light conditions and near-darkness almost as well as in bright daylight."

11. Lyman's Ear.Not only does this implant's improved inner ear structure make a Space Marine immune to dizziness or motion sickness but it also allows Space Marines to consciously filter out and greatly enhance certain sounds over the capabilities of normal human hearing. The Lyman's Ear completely replaces one of a Space Marine's original ears.

12.Sus-an Membrane.Initially implanted within the Neophyte's cranium, this membrane eventually merges with the recipient's cerebrum, becoming a full part of his neural architecture. The organ's functions are ineffective without follow-up chemical therapy and training by a Chapter's Apothecaries, but with sufficient practice and instruction a Space Marine can use this implant to enter a state of suspended animation, consciously or as an automatic reaction to extreme trauma, keeping the Space Marine alive for years, even if he has suffered otherwise mortal wounds. Only the appropriate chemical therapy or hypnotic auto-suggestion can revive a Space Marine from this state

13.Melanochrome. This hormonal implant is attached to the human lymphatic system and controls the amount of melanin in a Space Marine's skin. Exposure to high levels of sunlight will result in the Astartes' skin naturally darkening to compensate. It also protects the Space Marine from other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

14.Oolitic Kidney. The organ is implanted within the new Astartes' abdominal cavity and it becomes a part of the Space Marines' excretory system, an emergency detoxification organ that allows a Space Marine to survive exposure through the respiration, tactile contact or ingestion of poisons, toxins and gases that are too powerful for even his rugged system to normally process without this organ's help. However, this detoxification process renders the Astartes unconscious once it begins, so it can be very dangerous if required during combat.

15.Neuroglottis. The organ is implanted within the Astartes' upper nasal passages and after it is functioning, chewing, tasting or smelling a substance allows a Space Marine to biochemically test it for toxicity and nutritional content, essentially determining if the substance is edible or poisonous. The organ also allows the Space Marine to identify extremely subtle odours with the same fidelity as the average canine bred for tracking, allowing him to even track his quarry by taste alone.

16.Mucranoid. This organ is implanted within the central nervous system and responds to specific chemical stimuli in the environment, causing the Space Marine to secrete a waxy protein substance similar to mucus through his pores that seals his skin. The gland's operations must first be activated by an external chemical treatment, usually self-administered, before it will activate. Space Marines are cocooned in this way before they enter suspended animation, and the process can even protect them from the harshness of the vacuum and other extremes of temperature, particularly deeply frigid environments.

17. Betcher's Gland. Consisting of two glands that are implanted into multiple locations inside a Space Marine's mouth, including the inside of the lower lip, in the salivary glands or in the hard palette, these two glands working in tandem transform an Astartes' saliva into a corrosive, blinding acid when consciously triggered. This allows a Space Marine to spit a wad of corrosive acid with the effect of blinding, wounding or even killing an enemy outright. These implants' more common use is to aid in the digestion of unusually difficult or impossible things to digest, such as cellulose.

18. Progenoid Glands. Every Space Marine has these organs, one implanted in the neck and another in the chest. The organs hormonally respond to the presence of the other Astartes gene-seed implants in the body by creating germ cells with DNA identical to that of those implants through a process very similar to cellular mitosis. These germ cells grow and are stored in the Progenoid organs, much like sperm cells or egg cells are stored in the testes and ovaries of normal men and women. When properly cultured by the Apothecaries of a Space Marine Chapter, these germ cells can be gestated into each of the 19 gene-seed organs needed to create a new Space Marine. Thus, for most Astartes, their Progenoid Glands represent the only form of reproduction they will ever know, though the DNA passed on will be that of their Primarch, not their own.

19. The Black Carapace.This neuroreactive, black organic fibrous material is implanted directly under the skin of the Neophyte's torso. Points are then cut through the Carapace by an Apothecary using surgical tools that allow a Space Marine to directly interface his central nervous system with his Power Armour's cybernetic systems. After a few hours, the material hardens and invasive synthetic fiber bundles that will serve as connection points for neurons grow inward and interlink with the newborn Astartes' central nervous system.

"Interesting!" Spike thought.

A sudden hiss from the that lead to the room open. Lord Gharl step into the room a pleased look was on his face.

"I take it that it work?"Gharl said in what seem like a happy well pleased tone.

"About eighty-one percent is functional for now. You can clearly see many of the impure gene-seeds effects have all ready taken place on Spike here. most noticeable the glowing eye's and his teeth."Derlones pointed out.

"Yes, yes I can see some of the effects from the impure gene-seeds. But what i want to know is he able for combat?" Gharl said in an existed voice.

"Given how he handled the operation and the healing for his chest along with his body getting use to the implants.I would say he will be fit to serve in five weeks lord." Derlones answered.

"Good, good this very good indeed. I will have our tech-marine fashion some armor for our new brother." Gharl said with a growing grin.

"Once you are healed, come to the armory. We will give you your weapons and armor for your first engagement." Gharl grin soon turn into what could only be described as a smile from a jackal.

"Where will I be deployed? lord." Spike asked.

"You will be with 3rd claw, hell hounds infantry division."Gharl anwserd.

Gharl turn to walk out of the operation room he stop.

"Now get some rest brother it will help your healing. Oh and Derlones." Gharl said stopping in front of the door.

"Yes lord?"

"Pick up that mortal's corps grind it up for meat and give it to the slaves." Gharl said before leaving the room. leaving Spike and Derlones alone in the operation room, to discuss more on what changes Spike went through.

Author's Note:

The reason i put the note at the begging was for the bad grammar i wanted to see my improvement on writing. sure i will get some dislikes from the grammar but it will help learn how to write better.

If you want to know more on the gene-seeds go to this site here.http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Gene-seed

A Huge thank yo to axiosriot and the WH40K wiki. axiosriot thank you for awnsering my question and giving me the link to the WH40k site.

All credit to the 19 gene-seeds go to the WH40K wiki.

Thank you for reading leave a comment on what you think good or bad i don't care i like reading them.

If you have any advice for me on how to make my grammar better leave a comment or PM me. especially with commas i need help with those.

Thank you for reading have a nice day or night.See you in the next chapter.

Here is some pictures of the implants and where they go.

The-First-Magelord This is the guy who made it and i found it on my tumblr so the credit goes to The First Magelord for making them.

Have nice day or night see you in the next chapter.