• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,140 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter 2: Returning home

(One hundred years later)

41 millennium in the warp.

A creature sat upon it's Throne aboard the ship of Draconis Irae, staring intensely into the warp the creature waited impatiently waiting for the news of his latest conquest.

About twenty minutes later a small human walk up to the creature. Taking a bow, the human spoke.

"My lord the conquest of Iris III was a success" the human said in a painful dry voice.

"Good that world will be useful for our next goal. Tell me Septima, how far are we to the outer worlds?"

"My lord we will be arriving in one hour" Septima answered.

"Excellent give these coordinates to the Navigator when we arrived to the outer worlds" the creature commanded, handing a piece of paper to Septima.

"Yes my lord." Septima took the paper from the creature.

Septima turn to walk away when the creature stop him.

"Septima I'm not like your old masters, I do not like being addressed by my title by those who serve me with loyalty. It is better and wise address me as not lord but as Spike."

"Yes lor- I mean Spike" Septima answered.

"Much better, continue to what you were doing" Spike ordered.

Spike went back to string into the warp, excitement building in him every second. For a hundred years he has been waiting for this moment.

"Finally after a hundred years, all this endless fighting, killing, conquering I'm returning home!" Spike thought to himself. A wicked smile grew on his face.

Pressing a button on his Throne he spoke.

"Navigator Dalluris how far are we to the outer world's?" Spike spoke into a comm-link.

A few seconds later a response came " Just another thirty minutes lord" a female voice answered.

"Get us there faster!" Spike growled.

"Yes my lord" the female said before turning off the communication to Spike.


It was a glorious day in Equestria. A celebration is to take place between the kingdom of Equestria and the Crystal empire marking the sixth year that king Sombra was defeated by the elements of harmony and Princess Cadence. Twilight was in her room getting dressed for the celebration.

"Princess Twilight, are you ready?" a Royal Guard asked from behind her bedroom door.

"Nearly done." Twilight responded.

"Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia is looking for you. She wants to know if you're ready?" the guard asked.

"Tell her i will be out in a minute, I'm still getting dressed" Twilight said in a annoyed tone.

"She is getting impatient" The Guard pressed on.

"Just hold on! Spike go tell Celestia to wa-" Twilight went silent, a wave sadness come to her from saying her number one assistance name name.

Six years it has been since her number one assistant was sucked through that dreadful portal. Six years of therapy, Six long years of her being alone in the library in Ponyville. Her friends did their best to help cheer her up but nothing work. She was always depress never going any where or doing any thing. When her friends need her help she stayed in the library holding Spikes blanket crying into it every time she remembered him vanishing right before he eye's.

A tear ran down her cheek as she remembered him screaming her name before he vanished forever.

"Princess Twilight are you all right?" the guard said with a worried tone in his voice.

"*Sniff* Yes I am all right. Just, just got something in my eye that was all" Twilight lied.

"Are you sure Princess? You don't sound all right." the guard asked with concern.

"Yes now please go I want to be alone for a bit" Twilight ordered.

"Of course" the guard walked away from the door to Twilight's room.

Twilight sat on her bed as the memory replayed itself over and over again each time it did it took a little form her. Her eyes started getting puffy, her lip twitch as tears pass by.

A knock on the door brought Twilight back to reality.

"Twilight are you in here?"came a familiar soft voice.

"Yes Fluttershy I'm in here" Twilight said with a sniff.

Fluttershy open the door to Twilight room taking a step inside, she could see something was bothering Twilight.

"Is every thing all right Twilight? You seem a little sad?"Fluttershy asked concern for her friend.

"I'm fine, I just had a flash back of Spike" Twilight said sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry Twilight, I should have never asked and-" she was cut off by Twilight.

"It is all right, I know you where just concerned and I'm thankful for that Fluttershy" a smile spread on Twilight muzzle.

Fluttershy blush a little, " OH...Um... Your welcome Twilight." giving a smile of her own.

Just then Rainbow Dash poked her head into the room."Hey! you guys coming or not?" Rainbow dash said.

"Yeah, we will be out in just a few minutes." Twilight answered.

"We should probably get going we don't want to keep the Princess's waiting." Fluttershy stated.

"You're right, let get going." With that Fluttershy and Twilight, made there way to the celebration in the court yard of the castle.

In the warp

"HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE TO WAIT!" Spike shouted in rage.

"M-My lord we will be there in soon" Septima answered cowering as Spike slammed his right fist on the Throne cracking the arm rest.


"Y-Yes my lord" Septima dash to a command console, he started pushing buttons as fast as he could, giving orders to the slaves in the engine room to put the engines on full speed.

"I have waited too long for this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing is going to stop me from returning to Equestria! Not even the powers of chaos themselves will stop me." Spike said to himself.


Hundreds of Pony's gathered in the court yard of Canterlot awaiting the new Princess Twilight and the elements of harmony for this special occasion.

Celestia watch as more Ponies from all over Equestria poured into the court yard. She was glad she had the court yard expanded, a few years ago when they fist did this. The crowed of Pony where literally touching shoulders by how tight it was packed in the castle court yard. She and Luna both agreed that with in the next three years they where going to expand the court yard for the next celebration.

Celestia heard footsteps coming from behind her. She know that it was Twilight and her friends from the smell of Rarity's perfume and PinkiePies bakery smell.

"Princess sorry we where late I-" Twilight was about say more when she was politely cut off by Celestia.

"No need to explain Twilight, it is all right" Celetstia said with a smile.

Luna walked up to Celestia, Twilight and the elements."Tia we are about ready to begin." Luna stated as she walked by them.

"Come then my faithful subjects let us get this celebration going." with that said Celestia and the elements walk on the balcony that over look the Cort yard. To the left of her was a large object covered in a large cloth blanket. The object was tall. Taller then the balcony as the platform it was sitting on was on the grass in the court yard.

Clearing her throat Celestia began to speak "Greetings my loyal subjects, today we celebrate the sixth year that king Sombra of the Crystal empire has been defeated by the elements of harmony."

A cheer came from the crowed.

"Now we all know if it was not for the elements, along with Princess Cadence, king Sombra would have ruled the Crystal empire in darkness. That darkness would have spread all across the world enslaving every Pony, griffon, zebra alike into his dark empire. But thanks to the elements, that will never happen!"

Another cheer came from the crowd.

"But there is one thing we are forgetting!" Celestia stated.

Twilight and the rest of the element stared blankly at Celestia wondering what they where forgetting.

"If it was not for a brave young dragon who jump from the Crystal tower with the Crystal heart in claw to be saved by Princess Cadence herself this evil would have not been defeated. So I, Luna, Princess Cadence have asked the great forgers, artist, and sculptors of your two great nations to make this! " Celestia removed the large cloth blanket from the object. Reveling a statue.

The statue was a Equestrian Pony guard in his golden armor. He was on the right side at attention while a Crystal Pony warrior stood at attention as well on the left and then in the middle was a perfect life size statue of Spike holding the crystal heart above his head. The crystal Pony was made from crystal the same went to the crystal heart.

Every one cheered at the sight of the statue some had tears in there eyes from it's beauty.

Twilight stared at the statue in awe, bewilderment and pride at for the statue that was dedicated to her number one assistant.

Tears stared pouring out of Twilight as she stared at the statue never taking her eyes off the young dragon in the middle.

"Princess I..." she sobbed as she tried to regain her breath "I don't know what to say." Twilight said to her Princess.

"You don't have to say anything Twilight, I understand that-" Celestia was cut off as Luna scream in pain.

Everyone looked too see the Princess of the Night on the floor, screaming as if she was being tortured by some invisible force.

Celestia ran to her sister's side "Luna what wrong? What is troubling you?" Celestia asked, her face filled with horror and confusion.

Luna continue to scream till what sounded like space and time was tearing itself apart from the sky above Canterlot.

Twilight looked up to see a portal opening in the sky, "No not again!" Twilight said with fear.

Draconis Irae

"At long last, I'm home!" Spike shouted with excitement. "Septima! prepare a shuttle at once we make are way to the city below us!" Spike ordered his servant.

"Yes lord Spike!" Septima replied.


Twilight could not believe what she was seeing. The very sky was swirling like a whirlpool out in the ocean and within it something was coming out of it.

"Twilight what is that thing?" Rainbow shouted over the screams of Luna.

"I don't know but, whatever it is, it's affecting Luna!" she shouted back.

The thing that was coming out if the whirlpool in the sky looked like a ship. But it was unlike anything they had ever seen in their lives. The ship was huge, spreading on for miles to no end. It looked big enough to house all of Equestria and still have space for more. Its Gothic design sent a eerie chill down Twilight spine.

When the ship was finally out of the portal it stopped just above Canterlot. Luna stopped screaming. Everyone turned to see if the Princess of the Night was all right, but Twilight and Rainbow Dash were getting ready to fight whatever was inside the huge vessel.

"Luna are you all right? what happen?"Celestia asked her sister with concern and fear in her voice.

"I...I don't know Tia." she said tensely as she tried to recover from the shock. " but whatever it was, its freighting Nightmare Moon. She was trying to get out, she was telling me that we must flee as far away as possible and hope whatever is in that thing don't find us." Luna said. The look of pure dread was stamped on her face. She was shaking her eyes dilated with fear.

"Look something is coming from the inside of that thing!" a pony in the crowd shouted.

Every one turn too look at what seem to be a smaller ship flying down to the city it was still too far to make out but Twilight could make out that it color was a dark orange with what looked like spikes or spears sticking from all over the new small ship.

A squad of Wonderbolts and platoon of Royal Guards came pouring into the courtyard. telling everypony to head inside the castle.

The guard did not have to repeat himself, as all the ponies in the courtyard began a stampede into the castle. Many made it inside but hundreds or more where still out trying so desperately to get in the castle for safety.

Twilight, the Element and both Royal Sisters watched as the smaller ship came closer every second. Not long after most ponies made it inside the castle did the ship land. Knocking over a few statues and destroying a shrubby bush that looked like Prince Blueblood.

The ship landed in a large area where it was clear of any statue's or bushes. Twilight along with everyone else on the balcony, could see the small ship better. It was dark orange with spears and spikes everywhere. She looked to the mysterious craft. There what looked like a dragons skull painted on one side of the ship with a star that had eight pointed arrows going in every direction like a compass next to it.

"What in the name of Equestria do you suppose that is?"Rarity asked worriedly.

"I don't know but if whatever they are, if they are looking for a fight, I'll give them the one, two hoof in the face" Rainbow said throwing a few punches in the air.

"Rainbow stop being silly, you can't take on whatever is in there. Ah mean, look at that thing they came in!" Applejack said to the rainbow Pegasus, pointing at the small ship.

"Ooooh, what if they came here for a party" Pinky said excitedly.

"A party? Pinkie are you serious? Look at that thing! It is defiantly military." Rainbow said.

"Whatever they are they are surrounded by hundreds of soldiers and-" she waited for a moment after hearing a small hiss. "Look something is happening!" Twilight pointed to the small ship.

The back of the ship opened up and a small creature came walking out, looking around it made a motion with one of it's hands to let what ever was inside that it was safe to come out. Heavy footsteps could be heard from all the way to the balcony as something huge was coming out of the back of the ship. What Twilight the Princess's and the elements saw made them gasp in shock.

Out of the back of the ship came a nine-foot, reptilian-like creature with purple scales, glowing green eyes, and green spikes on it head going all the way down his back. The creature was in the same color armor as the ship. A long black cape with many tares and holes on his back was moving slightly from the breeze. The trim on the armor was a dark gray metal color. On the right shoulder pad there was the dragon skull painting on it, on the left was a large spike like horn that curved up to the sky with skulls of aliens that went from the bottom to the top of the horn.

A sword was on the left said the creature. The sword was curved but no one could see the blade as it was holstered in it sheath, so no one could truly see what the blade looked like. There was another object on the right side of the creature a square object with a small metal tube going through it, it had an *L* like metal object sticking out of the bottom of the strange object.

The creature look up to the balcony where the elements and the princess's where at. The creature put up it's right hand and spoke. When it did it made the vary blood in Twilight go cold.

"Hello everyone, did you miss me?" the creature spoke.

Twilight could not believe to what she was hearing or seeing, she felt like she was dreaming or seeing this. Rubbing her eye's hoping to whatever she was staring at disappear when she looked again it was still standing there in the Courtyard.

"SPIKE IS THAT YOU!" Twilight shouted with hope that her number one assistant has returned.

The creature chuckled "THE ONE AND ONLY TWILIGHT!" Spike shouted back. "AND THIS TIME I'M HERE TO STAY FOR GOOD!" Spike said with a evil grin.

Twilight jump from the balcony. Spreading her wings out she glided down to where Spike was she landed a few feet away.

The guards ready them selves for a fight if the creature tried anything to harm the new Princess.

"Spike is this really you." Twilight asked looking over the dragon in his armor.

"That's right Twilight, the one and only Spike you will ever know." He answered with smile.

"What happen to you? I mean, it's only been six years and you almost grown to be a adult dragon!" Twilight asked quit curious.

"Wait it's only been six years?" Spike asked surprised.

"Well yes." Twilight simply answered.

"Because it's been a hundred years for me."

"A hundred!" Twilight shouted in surprise.

"I will tell you everything when we are inside with everyone else Twilight. And boy is it a story" Spike gave a small chuckle.

"Septima come, I would like you too meet my old friends." Spike smiled to his servant.

"Yes my lord." Septima bowed.

With a nod from the purple dragon, the group started walking to the castle. Guards followed weapons at the ready for combat.

"This is going to be easy." Spike thought to him self.

Septima was in deep thought. See Spike just smiled like that brought memory's.

Why is he being so nice to these Xenos?" Septima though"This is not good for the Xenos of this world, the last time he smiled like that was at Lorn V" Septima shivered at the memory.

"Whatever it is he has plans for this world." Septima thought as the door's to the castle slammed shut behind him.

Author's Note:

A big thank you too Shieldheart204 for editing this chapter.

Well done with this chapter I was not planing on it being so long but oh well.

I hope you in joyed it leave a comment on what you think good or bad I don't care I like reading them.

If you see anything that I need to work on please let me know cause I'm still new to this writing thing and I think there might be some error in here some where -_-

Thank you for reading have a nice day or night when ever you are reading this.

The next chapter Spike tells how a few days with being with the night lords. And I should warn you it is going to be pretty dark and violent you have been worn :)

Oh I almost for got for those who are wondering why Spike is whirring orange armor and not midnight blue that because it his own legion and boy that part is going to be fun writing about.