• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,149 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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chapter: 13 The fall of an Empire and the Rise of a new world order

Author's Note:

A new chapter! yaaaaaa!

Tell me what you think, leave a comment good or bad to let me know.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, have a good day or night where ever you are. Byeee:moustache::moustache::pinkiehappy::yay:

(Three days before AppleBlooms birthday)

Within their fathers study's Luna, and Celestia spent all day looking over their father's past notes, dating all the way back to unification of the three tribes. Celestia hell bent on looking for an answer to what Sombra told her to save her people, from the nightmare she seen in her vision. The young monarch did not move from her seat since she entered the room after she raised the sun. No pony was allowed to enter the room unless told to do so by her or her sister. The monarch skimmed through countless pages of old diaries, notes, journals, and letters. Hoping beyond hope to find the answer she so desperately needs.

Luna however was getting annoyed. Her patients with her sister was low and This vision her sister told her about of demons, and Spike's army marching into Canterlot burning everything to the ground, and slaughtering their people, like it was some kind of sick game. This was surely Sombra’s twisted plan to taking over Equestria or reclaiming his Empire back from Cadence. But her sister does not believe this.

Hours pass longer into the night, and still no answer was found.

Candles illuminated the large well decorated room with it rows of books and journals neatly organized to unification of three tribes and to their father's passing.

“Tia we have search for hours and there is no answer to this vision that Sombra showed you.” Luna spoke with annoyance in her tone.

Celestia sighed with defeat, “I know but Sombra showed me that nightmare-” Celestia was unable to finish as she was cut off by Luna.

“That all it was a nightmare Tia, remember Sombra the dark lord of the Crystal Empire who enslaved his whole nation to mine for crystals. He did not come to warn you he came to plague you with nightmares and false visions.”

“No, this was different.” Celestia lock eyes with her sister. She could see her sister's annoyance and disbelief.

“How is it different Tia, please explain to us how a dark lord will worn his enemies of a invasion of the very people he hates. Why does he not just join Spike and his army if he believes this is going to happen.” Luna anger could be felt in her words.

“FEAR LUNA, FEAR!” Celestia shouted in the royal canterlot voice on her sister, “HE IS AFRAID!”

Taking a step back from her sister, Luna behavior changed to fear towards her sister.

“He… I can feel his fear. This is something Sombra is afraid of, and almost in way knows what is coming from this.”

“What is coming Tia, what do you feel?” Luna asked with fright in her voice.

“Something dark, something that is made, and born from evil. Something that puts our demons, our monsters and the things we fear in the darkest part of our imaginations to shame. This is something that even they fear, for this is true evil.”

The room fell silent at the realization hit them both. Something that’s so evil, so dark and twisted that it puts fear into things that were born to be evil. Molded by darkness itself, and place it in a state of fear that it will cower like a dog in a lighting storm.

“We have no choice,” Celestia spoke softly, “We have to kill Spike before his evil can consume our lands.”

Luna looked to the ground, her eyes never meeting Celestia’s, “I want no part of this murder.”

Celestia look at Luna with a dumbfounded look, “Why? Luna i can’t do this without you.”

“If Twilight, were to ever found out that one of us did this to the one she considers her own flesh and blood; we would surely have a rebellion, nay a Revolution fueled with the fires of vengeance. ”

Celestia placed a comforting hand on her sister right shoulder, “Twilight will never know about this. I promise you this my sister.”

Luna looked into Celestia eye’s. She could see the fear and certainty in gamble they are going to play. It brought her no comfort only more fear.

“I’m sorry Tia, but I can’t please forgive me.” Tears began to fall down her cheeks.

Seeing this Celestia embraced Luna in a hug and held her tight. Letting the tears of her sister fall onto her left shoulder Celestia did her best to calm her little sister.

“All right Luna, I will do this alone.” Celestia spoke calmly to her sister.

“You will?” Luna asked with a half smile.

“Yes, go to the Crystal empire. But I must have Shining and Cadance here with me when this happens. Do not tell them what my plan is just tell them I request them on an urgent meeting.”

Luna could not believe what Celestia was asking, “But Shining and Cadance are family to Twilight.”
“I know but that is why I request them here for when it happens. They will understand when I speak to them. Please sister this is all I ask of you.”

Luna debated for a while on her decision. She hated the idea of telling cadance and Shining that Celestia is calling them to a false urgent meeting.

“Ok, Sister we will do it.”

(Progress of Corruption: 10% worldwide

Time estimated till full Corruption: 8 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes, 32 sec.)

Spike stared at the screen. A disproved look fell over the Chaos Lord. “The Corruption of this world should have been done by now.”

Spike slammed his fist down onto the console under him in anger. Cursing he returned to his Throne.

“Damn this world, It should be a hundred percent by now on the corruption level.” Looking back the screen Spike, watch the seconds pass.

“I can’t wait eight more days here, my warriors are growing impatient. The Diamond dog Tribes were fun. Till we ran out of them.” Spike leaned back in his Throne.

He had to find something to keep his warriors occupied till this world was his. The Warriors of Khrone grow restless, The mages of Tzeentch lust for the magic knowledge of this world, The priest of Nurgul wish to spread their masters great gifts to the lands, and the cult of Slaanesh want a new pleasure. One that this world could give them.

Each day Spike stays here is a day closer to a Rebellion within his ranks. Each faction that is aboard his ship, is now are gearing up for war against one another. He can’t control them much longer. He needs them to fight something soon.

Spike continue to think when a soft spoken voice of Septima began to speak next to him, “My lord there's someone here to see you.”

Spike turned to face his servant, “And who might that be?” Spiked asked with an annoyed tone in his voice.

“A creature like you my lord, his name is Medreth.”

“A dragon?” Spiked asked.

Septima nodded in response to his lord question.

“Send him to me.”

“Yes my lord.” Septima left the Throne room in a quick dash.

A few minutes pass when sounds of heavy footsteps coming down the hall could be heard.

The door to the throne room open with a hiss, “Such a nice place you have here master.” A male voice spoke in high Nobility. Two Chaos Warrior honor guards stood behind the Dragon, there black eye’s unmoving as they watch the Dragon closely.

Spike sized up Dragon. He stood about seven feet tall, He is a young dragon no older than him. His scales are a dark green with ocean blue eye’s. The Dragon was in a black suit with flawless gems being the buttons in the front of the suit, a white bow tie was tied neatly around his neck.

Spike said noting in response. He could smell the expensive cologne and alcohol on the dragon. It reminded Spike of every Imperial guard commander he killed. All that was missing was the accent the Imperium had and the smell of fear, as death slowly took their souls to hell.

The dragon cough awkwardly, “I see that you are not the talkative type my master.” The Dragon made his way to Spike.

Stopping only five feet away the dragon bowed, “my name is Medreth of House Kalmith, I have been sent here by my lord to ask you a personal request of his lord ship.”

“Then why does he not come to me in person if he wants to meet me.” Spike replied. He noticed the Dragon tense up..

“H-He is a busy with personal manners that he must attend to himself.” Medreth replied, but could not help but feel a bit nervous being around Spike.

Medreth could smell the Alpha scent coming from this Dragon, How he could not smell it before surprised him. This Dragon was More Alpha than his lord or even the Emperor of the Dragon Empire himself.

Spike stood up from his Throne, He made his way to Medreth, a new smell filled the Throne room. The strong musty smell of fear from one of his own kind.

Medreth began to step back as fear slowly took hold of him.

“You will tell me what your Lord wants and I might feel like helping him.” Spike spoke in commanding tone. He made his way closer to Meldreth, who shivered like a freezing dog in a winter storm.

Meldreth swallowed the lump in his throat, “He ask your aid to overthrow the Emperor of the Dragon Empire.”

Spiked chuckled, “Is that all?”

Meldreth nodded in response.

A dark smile formed on Spikes muzzle, “Tell your Lord he will have aid in his Rebellion.”

“M-My Lord will be most pleased to hear.” Meldreth bowed to the Chaos Lord, then quickly showed himself out.

Spiked turn to one of the honor guards, “Krell please make sure that fool find his way out before we find a corpse rotting somewhere in the air vents.”

The honor guard bowed and followed Meldreth.

Going back to his Throne Spike pressed a button on a nearby console, “My Brothers and Sisters, My honored Warriors. Sharpen your Swords, ready your Bolters and rifles, gather your gear. We are going to war.”

(The next day.)

Emperor Rugarth, the Protective awoke to a sunny cloudless morning. He slowly made his way out of bed. Trying not to disturb the two most beautiful creatures throughout his Empire. His wife Ciri the kind and they're wonderful son Kamirth. His wife's beautiful dark purple scales glistened off the rising sun rays. His son in many ways like him shared the same scale colors of red.

Rugarth smiled at his family. He was glad to be with them, and not off in some other nation, or meeting about the returning militaristic Cult of the Elder Gods.

The cult of the Elder Gods were nothing more than crazed Dragons wanting the return of their old gods that plunged this world into a darkness unlike any other.

A shiver ran down his spine. To let such evil run free on this world or any for that matter would be devastating.

His great, great grandfather was the first of his name to fight off the demon hordes that the Four Elder Gods, brought to conquer this world. If it were not for the heros who gave there lives to protect this world the them they would have won.

A soft claw placed itself on his shoulder. He turn to see his wife's beautiful ruby eyes looking at him with a worried look.

“Is everything alright dear?” She could tell something was bothering him.

His wife sweet honey voice was always nice to hear in the morning, “Yes my love it’s-” He stop in mid sentence.

“It's what?” She asked in more worried tone.

“It's just a wonderful morning, and I have to be in a dark room doing paper work.” Rugarth half smiled to his wife.

Ciri smiled back, “At least that all you have to worry about today.”

Rugarth, said nothing as he made his way to his dresser. He dressed in for the day in a masterwork silk clothing, with his gold and diamond encrusted crown neatly placed on his head. He wore a golden necklaces that has been in his family for generations. A ring with a flawless cut red ruby fit neatly on his ring finger.

“You look dashing as always dear.” Ciri complemented her husband.

“Thank you dear, you always look lovely too.”

Rapid knocking came from the other side of the bedroom door, “My lord you have come see this.” The voice spoke. Whoever was behind the door seem worried.

Turning to face the door Rugarth shouted back, “Who is it, who is there?”

The voice replied, “It me Z’kalmul, Its the Cult of the Elder Gods. There outside the palace gate.”

“Ciri quickly grab our son and go to the safe room.” Rugarth commanded.

His Wife noded in understandment. She grab their son and placed him safely within her arms. She pulled a hidden lever on there bed that looked like a bed post. A hidden wall open near the dresser, She rushed into the hidden door and closed it shut behind her.

Flinging the door open Rugarth rushed down the palace hallways, dodging rushing servants and guards.
Reaching the palace ramparts Rugarth looked out to the lower district of the city. What he saw made his blood run cold.

hundreds of brown hooded figures with their head bowed low. In their hands were wavy sacrificial sword. A purple banner with a large white E with strange symbols stitched into the banner.

“The Cult of the Elder Gods.” Rugarth whisperd.

Archers began to line up on the walls of the palace. Notching an arrow at the ready.

“Brothers it is time for us to do our masters bidding. We the faithful children of the true gods, will take this land for our masters. I’LA CHAOS!”

“ARCHERS FIRE!” Rugarth shouted his commanded.

a volley of arrows fell from the palace walls. Arrows impaled themselves into the Hooded figures below.

“Archers ready for another volley!” Rugarth shouted.

Rugarth heard what could only be a Banshees cry off in the distance. A bird like shape was flying towards the palace. Something was shot out from the flying object. The projectile flew at the speed of the wind itself.

Rugarth watch in horror as the object struct the palace wall; Causing a massive explosion that sent him, and his warriors flying off the ramparts onto the hard ground below.

“BROTHERS OUR MASTERS HAVE COME!” A Cultist shouted with joy as the bird like things pass over them.

More explosions followed shortly along with screams of the dying.

Rugarth managed to survive the explosion, but not without taking damage to himself. He slowly pushed the rubble off himself as he did he let out a groan of pain. His left wing was clearly broken with a large slash in his dactylopatagium (The skin of the wing, like a bat.) along with a large shard of metal that stick out from his side.

He pulled the metal object out. letting the hot metal fall to the ground Rugarth unsheathed his sword from his side. Thankful it did not break on the fall.

Turning around Rugarth faced the palace and watch in horror, as it was being attack by creatures he never seen before. These creatures stood at least six feet tall, and wore armor of Orange with a dark trim. They carried weapons that seem to exist only in another plane of reality. He watch as they tore apart mighty warriors of his empire like they were nothing but twigs. Civilians stood no chance as they were killed or dragged off into an dark alley were their cries and pleases fell on deaf ears.

Sensing something behind him, Rugarth turn to see a Cultist member raising his sword above his head, ready to strike him down.

Rugarth jump to the side as the blade came slicing down next to him. The Cultist swore as he miss his attack.

Rugarth jump forward and brought his sword back and slashed at the Cultist, his aim was true and the Cultist fell dead with a large gash going across his chest.


A large group of Cultist charged the Dragon Emperor.

Rugarth smiled a dark smile as he charged them himself. This took some of the Cultist by surprise as he was able to cut down a few with one mighty swing. Those who survived tried to hit the wounded emperor but failed. Rugarth was quick even wounded he seem to move faster then them and was easily able to take down the remaining Cultist that were foolish enough to charge him.

“COME IS THIS ALL YOU GOT!” Rugarth shouted, his Adrenaline pumping like the days of his youth he challenged all and any to face him.

More Cultist charged him along with other creatures that were not apart of the Cult. A Pony with a purple coat and a white mane leapt at him with a crude axe made from scrap metal and other bits of pieces of junk.

Rugarth was easily able to dispatch of the pony by slicing open her stomach letting all of her internal organs fall out onto the ground next to him.

They charged him and managed to slice Rugarth across the arm, stomach and head. But not without taking losses. Rugarth dodged many of their attacks and even managed to let a few with spears impale there alleys before dealing with them with one swift slash across the head.

A spear managed to stab him in the side. With a cry of pain he turn to face the attack. A Zebra with a black and red mohawk smiled at his prey. That smile soon fade as Rugarth broke the spear in half, pulling it out he stabbed the Zebra with the spear head. Killing the Zebra instantly.

By now many began to back away from Rugarth who stood above a pile of bodies and covered in cuts and stab wounds.
Rugarth spoke in between breaths, “Is this all you have send? Is this the power of the Elder Gods Cult, Such worthless trash you all are. Such waste of life and space, Your mothers should have swallowed all of you the night you were conceived.” Taking a stance Rugarth ready himself for another attack., “Now COME AT ME WITH ALL THAT YOU GOT!”

A deep disembodied voice spoke, “This one is mine.” A large creature in the strange armor stepped forward.

The creature stood well over six feet. His Armor was covered in blood. It wore no helm to hide it ugly scarred face with its black soulless eyes. In its hand hit held a mace that was about the size of a pony. The mace looked like an angry demon with its horns and fang teeth being the flange, (spikes) of the weapon. It seem to glow with dark energy.

“I will crush your bones and bring you’re lifeless corpse to my master.”

Rugarth smiled, “You won't even get the chance.”

The creature unleashed an unholy battle cry as it charged Rugarth. It brought the mace down only a few inches were Rugarth was standing just moments ago.

Rugarth managed to dodge the attack from the creature. He lunged at it but when his sword made contact with the armor it shattered.

Rugarth looked in shock at his broken weapon, “How?” was all Rugarth could say before he was sent flying into a wall. It felt like he was smacked by a rock giant, his entire right side of his head went numb.

“Suffer, Suffer you Xeno filth.” The creature made its way towards Rugarth, “Suffer like you’re kind should. Suffer in agony for you are no true Dragon.”

Still dazed from the smack of the lifetime Rugarth looked for something to help defended himself from the beast that is approaching him.

“Search all you want you want but it is no use Xeno.” The creature laughed.

Rugarth found the metal piece that was lodged in his side only moments ago, grabbing a handful of debris and dust one hand Rugarth stood up ready for the creatures attack. Even if he was seeing two of them.

The creature raised his weapon high above his head and brought it down.

Rugarth managed to dodge the attack but it still hit costing him his tail. He screamed in pain as pain shot through his body.
The creature lift his weapon off the ground but was met with a face full of debri that managed to get into its eyes. This was all Rugarth need.

The creature let out a scream of pain as Rugarth managed to jump on the front of the creature and began to stab it in the head, face, and neck rapidly. The creature fell on its back as the endless assault from Rugarth continued. Rugarth would not let the creature get a chance to fight back, The Emperor plunged the metal piece into the skull of the creature but that only seem to anger it even more. He then plunged both of his thumbs into the eyes of the creature. The creature screamed one more time before falling silent.

Rising slowly covered in blood Rugarth let loose a feral battle cry that sent shivers down the spines of the remaining Cultist.

Turning to face them Rugarth was met with another large creature but this one took him by surprise. It was a Dragon a purple scaled dragon with green spikes going down from the top of his head to his back. Behind him were more of the creatures with strange weapons pointed at him.

“Well fought Rugarth, The protective.” It spoke in draconic.

“Traitor, I will slay you like I slayed you’re pet over there.” Rugarth pointed to the corps.

The Dragon nodded, “You might, but then they die as well.”

Rugarths blood ran cold as he see his wife and son along with many servants tied and bound together.

Rugarth turn to face the Dragon before him, “Lay a finger on them and I swear i'll kill every last one of you where you stand.”

It just smiled, “Allow me to introduce myself, I am the butcher of Lorn V, Or you could just call me Spike the Dragon.”

“I don't care who you are or what you did, let my family go.” Rugarth command.

Spike laughed, “Surrender and I promise i won't let anything happen to them.”

Rugarth looked at Spike dead in the eyes, He could see that Spike was telling the truth but something else was there. Something dark, and evil.

“You’re here for the vases are you?”

Spike tilt his head, “What vases, what are you talking about?”

A voice from behind Spike spoke up, “The Vases of the Elder gods.” From behind Spike a well dressed Dragon in fine silk clothing and fur coat walked up next to Rugartha and Spike. His dark Blue scales were covered in golden objects and jewels of sorts.

“Kalz’um of House Kalmith, Should have know you were behind this coup.” Rugarth spat at his feet.

“Kalz’um looked disgusted, “Those were nice boots you spat on.”

“Tell me about these vases now.” Spike commanded taking a step closer to Kalz’um.

Kalz’um pointed a figure at Spike, “Know you’re place barbarin I am the one who did after all make this coup a success.”

A laugh came from the Cultist.

Spike grabbed Kalz’um by the neck and lifted him off the ground. Kalz’um looked into the burning fiery eyes of Spike, “I’m sorry, I-I didn't know what came over me my lord, my master.” His pleas fell on deaf ears.

Spike smiled as he dug his claws into the stomach of the noble Dragon and began to disembowel him. Kalz’um screamed and cried like a child as the claws soon reach his spine. With one great pull Spike rip out the Spine through the stomach with the skull and nerves still attached.

Letting the body fall to the ground Spike held it high as he made a deafening war cry. The cult fell silent and began to kneel before there new master before feeling his wrath.

“Now Rugharth tell me about the vase or i'll do the same to you’re son and wife. And trust me i'll make them suffer a lot longer than what he did.”

Cries from the small boy and the mother could be heard. Walking over to the Hatchling Spike picked the kid up let a sharp claw cut the boy face before licking the blood off his claws.

“It’s three vases at the bottom of the castle that are said to hold three arch demons of the Elder gods. They are hidden behind a wall that only those in my family could access without the traps killing them.”

“Lead the way then Rugarth, and if you try anything,” Spike brought one of his sharp claws close to the boy left eye, “I'll rip out his eye’s and eat them, Then i'll roast him over a fire and have you and you’re wife feast on his well cooked flesh.” Spike smiled darkly.

Rugarth could feel his blood boiling, somehow he will find away to kill this pig shit if it's the last thing he will do. He limply made his way to the palace with Spike and his army following behind him.

It only took ten minutes to reach the wall that was hidden by Rugarth and his family. Saying a few words the wall began to open slowly. It revealed a large pitch black room with cobble stone floor.

Rugarth turn to see Spike nodding to him. Rugarth entered the room and once more spoke some words, “Yin’tall aldul, Pthululem, Nar’shalvina.”

The room began to light up on its own. Revealing a room with an altar were three golden vases rested on.

Spike entered the room and made his way to the Alter. It seem to speak to him, he could hear voices speaking in a dead language or one he has never heard of.

The Vases looked like Dragons guarding their treasure with there mouths open revealing a fork tongue with rows of sharp teeth.

What shocked Spike was that there was a Eight pointed star of chaos could be easily identified on the Vase.

As Spike made his way to the vases and with his guards not paying attention Rugarth was busy trying to untie his family and servants from their binds.

Finally someone worthy has come to us.” A voice spoke from the vase.

Yessss and this one is one is indeed a strong one. Our masters have gifted a Primarch to us.”

“What you talking about? I am no son of the dead god.” Spike snap.

It does not know? Oh how has Celestia and Lunas father did so well to hide such secrets for so long.” Another voice spoke from another vase but this one more female.

Tell you what Primarch you kill Rugarth, and his family and let us free, and we will tell you everything.” the voice spoke in his head.

And we will help you in corrupting this world.”

“How do I free you?” Spiked asked.

Bring us the blood of Rugarth and we will be set free.”

Just as Rugarth was untying the last rope that bind his family a large blade pierced through his back. His family screamed.

Rugarth managed to turn around to see Spike holding his sword in his back. With a twist of the blade Rugarth fell limp on the cold cobblestone floor.

His family and servants cried out and pleaded but to no avail.

“Kill the rest.” Spike command as he walked back to the Altar with blood on his sword.

Bolter fire could be heard for a few seconds before silence fell over the room.

Spike let the blood from Rugarth spill onto the Vases and with that the arch demons release themselves from their prison.

Free at last, We are free.”

“Now you will tell me everything.”

Oh yes we will, But first son of the Emperor let us discuss on how we can help you corrupt the world.”

“Go on. I’m listening.”

We need three vessels, Three Virgin vessels that we can use as a host. Once we have a host we will spread throughout all the lands from here.”

“And what are the effects on the hosts?”

Nothing much, We will act like any possession, but seeing how we are spreading all over the world, the host may not be fully possessed like some of your warriors are.”

Yesss, They will be normal but with our gifts of course.”

“And what are these gifts you will give them?”

The usual. What ever they want and more. for instance super strength, power to use magic far beyond their level and of course the ability to become half demons themselves.”

You know three of them already don't you?”

Spike nodded, “Yes and it so happens one birthday is two days from now.” Spike smiled darkly at his new plane began to form.