• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,140 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter 6:Ave Dominus Nox

Alarms screamed their high pitch cry's of warnings all through out the space hawk. Spike madly dash through the darken halls of the ancient ship;objective runes displayed in his helm advisory.

Objective:All 3rd claw members report to your squad leader at hanger B drop pods.

Spike click the runes away from his view. "The hangar I'm looking for is close to the armory room."Spike thought to him self.

Spike ran pass a small team of humans who were working on some part of the ship. Spike watch as the human crew ran amok around the ship,giving each other orders in their native language.Spike ran pass more humans Many of them stop what they where doing and bowed to the young dragon. Normally Spike would return a gesture to them but he was in a hurry to the hanger to meet up with his squad leader.

A human ran into Spike,knocking him self on his back.The human looked up at Spike with wide eyes of horror as the seven-foot tall dragon looked down on him.

"Forgive me lord i did not see you. I was just.."The human went silent as Spike put up a hand up to single the human to be quit.

"It is all right just go back to what you where doing."Spike said in the nicest tone of voice he had.

The human did not wait long to see if Spike would change his mind.The human got on his feet and bolted away from Spike leaving a trail of dust behind him.

Spike watch the human bolt down the dark hallway as tho he was being chase by demons of the warp. Objective runes flash in front of the young dragons eyes reminding him of his current objective.Clicking the runes away again Spike made his way to the drop pods hangers.


Spike finally arrived to hanger B. When he entered the large hanger the sight before him took his breath away. The large endless rows of drop pods that hang over a large open-pit that reviled the blackness of space.This place brought back memory with the quartermaster,some of them where good but all of them where bad memory.A shiver ran down Spikes back as a memory of the quartermaster showing him why he should be careful around this area.

"Poor human" Spike thought. As the memory of the quartermaster kicking a mortal into the endless darkness of space.

Spike walked by a few human crews who were discussing with one another while servitors ran around the large hanger delivering materials to human work crews who were repairing what ever needed it.

Spike walked pass the work crews when a thought struck him.He did not know his squad or his team leader how was he suppose to find them in this place.Spike thought of asking one servitors or humans when a voice came from across the hanger.

"Dragon get over here!" A night lord yelled.

Spike looked at the Night lord who was waving at him to come over.Taking no time Spike dash though the large room nearly knocking over a few mortals and servitors who were passing by. Spike reach the Night lord. He was about ask where he could find 3rd claw when the Night lord shoved Spike into a drop pod.

"Strap in dragon you and your team are dropping in three minutes!"The Night lord ordered.

Spike was confused to what just happen.He was going to say something when a voice in next to him spoke.

"Its nice to meet you again dragon."A familiar voice spoke.

Spiked looked to a Night lord that was in front of him.

"Do,I know you?"Spiked asked.

The Night lord gave a small chuckle."You should. We met when you where standing still for twenty minutes in the middle of a hall way!"

"You!"Spike said a bit puzzled. "Your my squad leader?" Spike asked surprised.

"I am Knud.And these are your squad mates." Knud pointed to a large Night lord. "This is AvargoesHe is the teams heavy weapons specialist."

Spike nodded to the Night lord.

"One minute!" a voice came over the vox.

Spike wasted no time strapping into the drop pod.


"And the one to your right is Karpos,our explosives expert."Knud said. Pointing a finger to the Night lord.

"First deployment?"Karpos asked.

"Yes,it is"Spike anwserd.

"Well then brother i hope your first hunt wont be your last!"Karpos laugh.

Spike raised an eyebrow under his helm.

"Karpos is not right in the head!"Avgos stated. "He took too many hits in the head and was drop when he was a child."

Every one laugh but Spike.

These Night lords seem differing from the rest. They are not as bloodthirsty or sadistic as the rest of them are there more friendly and act like good friends more than just a bunch of mad man and cold-hearted killers put into one team.

That's what making Spike nervous.


"AVE DOMINUS NOX!"Avgos shouted over the vox.

"Ave Dominus Nox"Knud and Karpos responded.

Spike has heard that phrase many times but he never understood what it meant.

"Whats the matter brother,why do you not shout our legions war cry?"Karpos asked with a chuckle.

"Because I do not know what it means."Spike admitted.

Every one laugh.

"It means we are coming for you."Knud explained.


Spike felt weightless as the drop pod fell from hanger into orbit. Turbulence could be felt as the drop rapidly descended in the darkness of space.

"All right listen up! We will be dropping into a small mining colony on the a surface of a large moon. Our objective is to take any mortals as prisoners and secure the large amount of Promethium that is stored in the west wing of the colony."Knud explained to his team.

"Is that where we are going?"Avgos asked.

"Yes,our mission is to secure the promethium kill any mortals that fight back."

"That's all?"Avgos said with disappointment.

"That's our orders."

"We will be entering the moon's orbit in less than five minutes!"Karpos spoke over the vox channel.

Spike remained quit over the chatter of his team. "Something does not feel right about this." Spike said over the vox without realizing it.

The chatting stop between his companions.They all looked at Spike nether one of them said anything a heavy silence fell between them till Karpos broke the silence.

"Whats the matter brother getting nerves or something?"Karpos asked with a chuckle.

"No,something just feels off..I don't know how to explain it."Spike stated.

"What ever it is brother well deal with it."Karpos laugh."By the way we will be hitting the moon right about..now!" And on cue the pod shook from the impact from hitting the moon's surface with a mighty force.

The drop pod hiss as the doors burst open.

Karpos was the first out of the drop pod. Weapon at the ready.

"Karpos scan the area up ahead see if you can find a way into the storage hold."

"YES SIR!" The Night lord took of in seconds heading to the direction where the storage was at.

Spike was the next to get out of the drop pod. He grip his Bolter tightly scanning the area for any protenchel threats.

Avgos was the next. unclamping his heavy Bolter from the drop pod. He step out too be greeted by blackness of space.

"Lets not do that again for some time she'll we." Avgos complained.

"Why Avgos don't you love orbital drops?" Knud asked mockingly.

"Not a fan of it,"

Knud unsheathed his sword. "Too bad where going yo be doing it a lot more than before. "

Avgos let a sigh of displeasure.

Spike stared in amazement at the sword Knud was holding.

It was a curved blade with runes going from the middle of the blade to the hilt. The sword it self glowed with power with a purplish Ora surrounding it.The blade was a master piece Who ever forged it was a grate smith, far better then any Equestrian black smith back home.The blade was made from some sort of metal that Spike has never seen before.It shined like silver yet it looked tough as steel,and sharper then obsidian that ancient Ponys used for their spears.

"Something a matter brother?" Knud asked. braking Spike from his trances.

"No sir!"

Knud shook his head. "Where not the Imperial guard you don't have to do that sir crap with me new blood."

"Sorry."Spike apologized.

"And don't apologize! " Knud took a step closer to Spike. His voice took a more Serious tone with a hint of agrashion to it.

"That is a sign of weakness,and weakness destroys the strong.That is why we hunt mortals,and our loyalist brothers;they are weak and deserve nothing more than a painful death. Remember this new blood the weak can never lead the strong;only the strong can lead the strong."

Spike did not know what to say. Every fiber in his body was screaming at him to tell Knud the weak can be strong,stronger than the strong even. But another part of him agreed with Knud. Only power,only strength has what it takes to survive,to lead,to rule in this world.The weak can never stand up against the strong. The weak can only serve the strong.

"Then what am I? Am I strong or am I weak to even face a cowered like Gharl," spike thought to him self. "No Gharl is weak,And if the strong can only lead the strong I will become stronger than Garl and his loyal followers. I she'll become the strongest of them all!" Spike tighten his grip on the Bolter. The rage inside him began to build up.

"Found the entrance to the storage hold,it's not far from our position." Karpos informed over the vox.

"Stay out of sight till we arrive. See if there is any thing els you can find while over there." Knud orderd.


"Avargoes,new blood where moving to Knud position,Knud ordered "Be ready for anything have your weapons loaded and ready."

Spike followed his team to Karpos last knowen potion not knowing somewhere in the dark of the planets moon red hate full eyes watch them and there every move.


Karpos watch in complete-utter silent,observing,watching the mortal crew work unknowing that there being watch from afar.

Karpos could clearly see there was something not right about this planets moon. There where way too many Imperial guards patrolling the area for just a simple mining colony. Not only that but there was some serious fire power moving in as well. From what Karpos has counted at least a platoon of Remon Russ tanks have been stored in one of the cargo bays most likely more in the others,more then enough lans-rifles to supply a whole invasion force of guards men not only that there was a large crate marks as "fragile" with an emporium inquisition insignia on it.

"Intel F.U.B.A.R. Big time,this is definitely not a simple storage place for fuel." Karpos thought to him self.

Karpos heard some foot steps coming close from behind him. He quickly turned around with his weapons held high ready to strike.

"At ease brother it is only us." Avargoes said with a single hand raise.

Karpos lowered his weapons. "You should not sneak up on me then brother,not unless you wanted a hole where your head was at." Karpos responded with a chuckle.

"Karpos report! What are we looking at?" Knud asked commanding tone.

"This is definitely not just a storage hold for fuel."

"What do you mean?" Knud asked with curiosity.

"Well take a look over there,"Karpos pointed to a large stack of crates. "All of those creates are filled with lans-rifles,heavy Bolters,and storm rifles. Not just that but those large storage holds each contain a platoon size force of Remon Ross battle tanks. And inside that very large storage hold contains something big! And it has the inquisition emblem stampeding it."

Each of the members of first claw looked at one another unsure how Gharl or any of the Intel receives could mess up such a large detail on this place.

"What we do now Knud?" Spike asked. The feeling of something bad going to happen returning.

Knud stared out at the large area of crates. "We have a mission to fulfill. Check your ammo make sure your safety is off and your blade sharpen,where going in."



Space hulk


Lord Gharl sat upon his throne observing the moon planet below. The ancient chaos lord waited,for news on his prize below him.

"My lord," a small mortal man slowly walked into the throne room. "First claw has made it to the storage hold area. They have reported there are numores Imperial guard forces station there." The human said with worried tone.

"Is the Package there?" The ancient lord asked with a cold stare into the mortals eyes.

The mortal nod his head. "Yes lord they have reported seeing it in the large storage hold in the area." The human answered quickly.

"Good. Be on your way then you have done a good job. Return to your duty." Gharl said waving a hand to dismiss the mortal.

The human bowed."Thank you my lord. I only live to serve you." The human left the throne room, the large metal doors hissing shut behind him.


The workers on the planets moon where not expecting any sorts of ambush on the surface of the moon. If any thing they where expecting to in counter where simple pirates,sence pirate raids are common this far out from imperial territory. That's why the surprise attack went so we'll,In a way.

Spike duct behind a mining machine as Bolter rounds impacted near him from a mounted heavy Bolter inside a makeshift bunker of turned over carts and creates.

"I'm pin I can't move any closer!" Spike vox.

"Stay put new blood I got your back." Avargoes responded over the vox.

Spike waited a few seconds for something to happen,an explosion,and a wale of crys was heard over the sound of gun fire.

"Your problem is solved." Avargoes vox.

"Thanks for the help."

Spike stood up from his potion,he let loose a short burst of Bolter fire at a group of Imperial guards who were falling back to a mining machine similar to the one Spike was using for cover.

Not a single bolt hit. Spike stared with disbelief at how he miss his targets at such close range.

"You need to work on your aim brother,you shoot like an ork." Karpos commented.

"Damn it!"Spike cursed. "I'm no good with this thing." He shouted with fustrashion.

"I got them don't worry." Karpos side a chuckle could be heard over the vox along with screams of the dieting mortals.

A few more screams of dying mortals came over the vox of Knud.

"There falling back to the larger storage hanger hold don't let them regroup!" Knud ordered over the vox.

The last of the remaining Imperial guard forces broke and started retreating into the large storage hanger.

"SLAUGHTER THEM!" Knud commanded over the vox.

Spike fired into the crowed of Imperial guard soldiers gunning down only a few mortals while Knud,and Karpos charged into the fray slicing into the mortals body's like a knifes cutting worm butter. It was a massacre.

By the end of the fighting Knud and Karpos were covered in blood from their brutal attack on the mortals,Avargoes heavy Bolter barrel glowed melting red from holding down the trigger for a long period of time. Spike looked at his weapon;the barrel of the Bolter glowed like Avargoes just not as bright.

Casings of Bolter shells littered the ground along piles of body's of Guards men and workers covered every square inch of the moon's surface where Spike and his team where standing at.

"Their sure are a lot of dead body's from such a short firefight." Spike said looking around at the carnage that just took place before him.

"You haven't seen any thing yet brother,this small compared to what we usually see from fighting the Imperial Guard. " Avargoes said with a chuckle.

Karpos chuckled. "He's right when we usually fight Imperial Guard body stack up like mount..."Karpos head exploded into a mess of gore splattering all over Avargos,and Spike.

"KARPOS!"Spike,Avargoes,and Knud shouted.

They turn their attestation to where the shot came from.Standing there where three Loyalist in dark red armor,with a black trim and a raven with a single blood like tear in the center of its body.

One of the Loyalist had a Bolter pistol pointed at Spike and the rest of his team. Smoke arouse from the barrel of the devastating weapon.Another one was holding a chain sword with tally marks carved into the side of the weapon. Then there was,what Spike guess was the leader of the squad. He was holding a power sword firmly in his grasp. It's bade glowed blue with power the famous Imperial Two headed eagle was guard of the sword.

The leader of the squad pointed the sword at Spike."KILL THE TRAITORS IN THE EMPERORS NAME!" He shouted with what would be a Stalliongrade accent?The Loyalists charged at Spike and his team. There battle cry's sent a small shiver down the reptiles back.

Avagroes lifted his heavy bolter and unleashed storm of devastating Bolter fire down the charging Loyalist. The one with the Bolter was torn apart from being struck multiple times.

The Loyalist with the chine-sword watch as his comrade get mowed down in front of him. Letting out a battle cry of pure fury the Loyalist charged at Avargoes with his weapon raised high over his head ready to strike.

Avargoes was too slow to react to the Loyalist attack. The chain sword came straight down on Avagoes skull splitting it in half,blood,and brain matter splattered everywhere splattering onto the moon's surface and onto Spike once more.

Spike raised his Bolter into a firing position. The Loyalist turned in time as Spike pulled the trigger.The Loyalist screamed in pain as the bolter rounds tore trough his left arm;completely destroying it.

Spike aim real careful at the Loyalist who now had his back towards him.His one arm gushed blood from its stump.

Spike pulled the trigger*Clike.*


"Damn it." Spike cursed.

The Loyalist turned around.Chain sword in his only hand he let loose a battle cry,and charged at Spike with a rage of a mad beast.

Spike duck just in time as the blade of the chain-sword was only nanoseconds away from severing his head from his shoulders. Spike doge out of the way as another deadly attack from the Loyalist aim to kill the older drake.

"Stand still demon I'll send you back to the warp where you belong!"the Loyalist shouted with rage.

Spike lifted his Bolter just in time to block a down word strik from the Loyalist.

Spike grin behind his helm."Cant get me that easily ya one arm fre..ack!"The Loyalist kick Spiked in the stomach knocking the drake back,staggering him a bit Spike felt the full force of a solid punch from the Loyalist. Blood ticked Spikes fork tong;his eyes went narrow and his senses sharpen,he could feel every muscle in his body began to grow with strength. The taste of blood was sweet like the last time he tasted it;and he wanted more.

"I'm not going to kill you yet demon!"The Loyalist said with disgust."I'm going to make you feel the holy wrath of the emperor!" The Loyalist charged at Spike chain sword raised high ready to bring death upon its foe.

Spike caught the Loyalist by the hand."unhand me demon!"the Loyalist shouted.

"Gladly."Spike said in a dark tone. Spike twist the arm of the Loyalist till there was a loud *pop* that came from the Loyalists arm.

The Loyalist scream in horrifying pain. Spike twisted the arm even more but at an angle,and another *pop* came from the arm along with more screaming. Spike than twisted it one more time till another *pop* happen but this time the bone of the arm burst out from the armor of the Loyalist.

Spike grin grew."now you are completely disarmed."Spike laugh.

Spike leaned real close to the loyalist slowly pulling out his combat knife from its seath."where is your emperor now hmm?" Spike but the blade to the Loyalist throught."I know where he is,and why he isn't here. It because he does not care for those who are dammed." Spike push the blade into the neck of the loyalist,letting the warm crimson red blood flow all over his blade.

The loyalist fell back words looking into the vas darkness of space as a pool of his own blood surround him.

Spike looked at the his knife,the blade completely covered in blood. He wish he could take of his helm and lick every drop of the sweet tasting liquid off of the blade.

Spike snapped back to reality as the sound of steel clashed with steel. Looking to where the sound was coming from he could see Knud and another Loyalist fighting each other. And Knud was losing the fight. His armor was cut in numuris of places,his helm was dented inward and all around,he was also missing his left hand;there was nothing there but a bloody stump.

Knud parried another deadly strike from the Loyalist but staggered a bit. The Loyalist continued his deadly assault with relentless strikes till Knud guard fell giving the Loyalist an opportunity to strike.

Spike watch in horror as Knud was ran though by the loyalist power sword.

Spike unleashed a primal roar,and charged at the Loyalist with such great speed it would have put Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom to shame.

The Loyalist saw Spike coming from a mile away. He smirked under his helm as the dragon charged at him with blind fury.

The loyalist step to the side,tripping Spike with his left foot. "Hahaha!"The Loyalist laugh at his appoint,mocking him at his failed attempt.

"Hahaha! you've will have to do better than that demon if you wish to face me."the loyalist mocked,with his thick accent.

Spike noticed Knud power-sword in front of him,he quickly snatch it from the ground and position himself into a fighting stance.

The Loyalist laugh."My be you will do better appoint then your traitor friend there."the Loyalist pointed to the unmoving body so Knud.

Spike had a scorn look on him. He hated this Loyalist with a burning passion;especially the over confer dents this Loyalist had.

"Killing you will Bring me great honor demon," the Loyalist spoke boastfully."I might even have the honor of becoming an honor guard thanks to you." Taking a fighting stance the Loyalist readied him self for the fight.

Spike charged at the Loyalist with a battle-cry that shook the ground underneath him. The loyalist seem unaffected by the giant reptile charging at him.

Spike raised the power-sword over his head ready to bring down death upon the it's foe. When Spike was close enough he brought the sword down with all his strength.

But the Loyalist was quick. Bringing his sword up in time to block Spikes attack;the two blades impact each other with so much force the swords vibrated as tho they where mini earth quake.

The Loyalist kick a Spike in the chest hoping to push the reptile away giving him distance,and a chance to attack. But it seem to have little effect on the giant reptile. In fact it seem to anger it even more.

Spike let loose another battle-cry. Attacking his appoint with a mighty slash with power-sword Spike miss his targets neck only by mere centimeters.

Spike continue his assault on the Loyalist. Attacking every second he was able to get a swing or get a back swing with. He never let up on his attack.He was not going to let this Loyalist get any attacks in.

The loyalist started taking steps back. The constant attacks from Spike here starting to effect him greatly. He was beginning to weary down having to keep on blocking,and parrying the dragons content attacks.

Finally after the constant attacks from the dragon the loyalist saw an opening.

Spike did a back-swing but the loyalist jump back just as the blade was going to hit him. This left Spike exposed for an attack. The Loyalist wasted no time charging forward readying his sword in a piercing potion the loyalist thrust his sword foreword into the left shoulder-blade of Spike.

Spike cried out in pain as he felt the blade piercing his armor,and right into his skin.

The loyalist grin under his helm. But soon vanished when he looked into the glowing red eyes of the helm of the dragon.

Spike was without a doubt piss off. The glowing red eyes seem to glow a brighter red then what they where orignaly. Growling sounds of what a demon of the warp would make came from the giant reptile that growling soon became snarls of hate.

Spike head-butted the loyalist staggering him back a few inches giving him enough time to pull out the sword in his shoulder.

The sword drop from Spikes claw hitting the moon surface with a solid thud. The loyalist stared at Spike in bewilderment.

Spike charged at the Loyalist with the fury of a raging storm.

The Loyalist had little time to doge Spikes attack on him. He scream as the curved blade sliced into his wast with little ease.Spike then back brought the sword high above his head he brought it down with a slash across the right side of the loyalist chest.

Spike then kicked the Loyalist to the grown.

Spike stood over the Loyalist with the tip of the sword pointing down right next to his heart.

"Go to...hell..demon!" The Loyalist wheezed.

"I am not a demon!" Spike side in a commanding tone."I am Spike the dragon."Spike push the sword down into the loyalist chest pricing his armor all the way through to the heart.

The loyalist green flickered for a second before shouting off completely only showing two dark green lenses.

Spike removed the sword from the chest of the Loyalist.

Panting Spike turn to see the sight before him. Hundred of dead mortals lay all over the area while the bodies of the two Loyalist stood out from the rest.

Spike looked at his Fallon comrades. Karpos headless body laid on the ground where he last stood,Avargoes skull fragments where every,and Knud. Knud body remain intact other than his missing hand and the giant swordplay wound in his chest.

Spike only knew these men for only a short time,and no strong feelings for them but they where his team mates. His only friends he had for the short time he had them and now they are gone too. Taken away from like every thing he ever loved or held dear too.

Spiked sighed. He was use to it by now but still it hit him.

Turing to the large storage hold Spike made his way towards the large front door. This is what Knud wanted to go check on. Spike press the big red bottom that said open.

Pressing the bottom the door screech as it was being pulled to the side by the gears of the door.

Stepping in Spike could see the giant creat Karpos was talking about but had no idea it was going to be the size of mountain.

The creat at least stood six story's high it was at least a mile long in diameter. There was a very large wax stamp in the middle of the creat with a large I and a skill in the middle of the I.

"This must be the inquisition stamp Karpos was talking about."Spike said out loud.

The sound of whimpering could be heard next to Spike. Slowly the dragon turn to face a large group of mortals huddled together. Fear showed on there faces. Spike sniff the air a few time the strong smell of urine could be smelled. How he miss the smell when he first walk in was beyond him.

"Please...lord don't...kill us." One of the mortals said with a strong what would be a Appleloosen accent.

Spike watch as the mortals huddled together with fear desperately trying to find comfort.

"The weak can never lead the strong only the strong can lead the strong. That is why we hunt mortals and our Loyalist brothers." Knuds voice said in the back of Spikes head.

Spike looked at the mortals. Many of them had blood on them from wounds of their own or from a comrades who lies dead outside the hanger.

Spike could feel his through burning again. He found him self slowly walking words the mortals. He could not help it the smell of the blood was intoxicating he wanted it more than ever he thought he could have ever imagine.

His teeth ack for the soft taste of flash,his mind screaming at him to kill those who are lesser than him.

Spike raised his sword high above his head. The mortals begged and plead for mercy but none were heard by the dragon his mind and his wants where to strong.

He brought the sword down and the mortals scream as they where being butchered like cattle in a slaughter house.

Author's Note:

Yeaa its Finlay done. Know we can start getting to the good stuff real soon. :)

Please leave a comment what you thought about the chapter leave a good or a bad comment i don't care i like reading them.

Have a nice day or night;have a nice day ;)