• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,149 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter:14 At the mountine of madness

At the Mountain of Madness

The winds howled like a screaming banshee. The snow felt like daggers cutting into flesh as the wind push it forward like a raging minotaur in battle. On top of an unknown mountain Sombra and Discord managed to escape the Four and their trap. But not without taking some wounds from the Four and their demons.

Sombra, with the help of Discord as his support, weakly limpt in the ice cold snow. The old king gasped, his lungs burning for air. The mountain had taken a toll on the old king; but it was nothing compared to the wound he received from his battle with the Four and their demons.

Sombra and Discord had narrowly escaped death. Sombra was certain that hell hole of a cave would have been his final resting place. He didn't remember how they escaped. All he remembered was the Four sent their hordes of demons unto them and it went black.

When he finally came to his senses, he had a wicked stab wound in his side, along with many other cuts and wounds.

Discord, poor Discord, he had the worst of it. He lost his left eye along with one of his hornes. Cuts and deep gashes could be seen on the old fellow. His one yellow eye seem to glow more like a sun.

“Discord, we must rest and attend to our wounds.”

Discord turned to face Sombra, his one eye looked over the old King. A sad expression soon fell onto the lord of Chaos.

“We will soon. We're almost there.”

Sombra flinched as snow found it’s way into the wound in his side, “Almost were?”

“To the last resting place of the scroll you used to banish the Four from this world in the past.”

“The scroll of Sigmar is here?”

Discord nodded, “Yes, I was the last one to place it here after we banished the Four from this world.”

“But didn't you lose your memory like I did when we banished Chaos from this world?”

“I did, but it was only a few days after I placed the scroll away. This place is the last place anyone, or anything would come looking for the scroll.”

Sombra was about ask where they were when Discord shoved Sombra onto the cold snowy ground. With Discord falling down next to him.

“Hey what's the big—” Sombra was silenced as Discord placed his griffin hand over Sombra’s mouth.

“Quiet.” Discord whispered harshly.

A large shadow flew over the two old villains. Sombra looked to see what exactly they were hiding from. He regretted the decision.

What was flying overhead looked like a snake with black feathers covering its whole body, it had multipli eyes ,and mouths. It made a long singular whistling noise and had colossal five toe feet. It did not have wings; but yet, it had the power of aerial motion.

The wind picked up around the creature. It hovered, in still motion, before letting out an unholy scream that shook the ground and made Sombra’s ear burst with pain.

Sombra tried to scream but Discord held a firm grip on his muzzle. Making the old king’s cries muffled as the creature continued to scream.

What must have been only a few seconds felt like seven lifetimes, the creature stopped its screaming. It hovered for a few more seconds before it decided to move on. It started making its way north; the way Sombra and Discord were heading.

When the creature was out of sight Discord released Sombra's muzzle. Discord then placed his talion hand on the old king's head. A yellow glow formed around Discord hand releasing healing magic onto Sombra’s destroyed eardrums.

“This is bad,” Discord spoke quietly to himself, “These things are not suppose to be here. What happen to the Old guardians?”

Sombra faced Discord with a look of someone who had gone mad with fear. The old king tried to talk but all he could say was mumbling and mad gibberish.

A worried look fell over the old lord of chaos. Grabbing a leather bag that seem to poof into existence, Discord looked through it, trying to find something that could help Sombra regain his sanity.

A short time later, Discord pulled out a flask. The flask was made out of gold and had a magical aura around it. Discord lifted Sombra head up to the flask and slowly let the liquid fall into Sombra’s mouth.

Once the liquid hit the tongue of Sombra, it had an immediate effect on the old king. Sombra could feel his sanity stitching itself back together.

Many minutes passed before Sombra found the courage to speak, “Discord, What in the seven hells was that thing.”

“A abomination of the stars. There are many races like it only called Eldritch-beings. These are creatures that have existed for so long, that even time and space has forgotten their name, and existence.”

Sombra shivered, “How could such things live for so long and not be discovered by anypony?”

“They were never meant to be discovered Sombra. These are creatures that should be dead long before ponykind or even stars and moons ever came into existence.”

Sombra looked to the direction in which the creature made it way, “It went that way, to the scroll.”

Discord nodded, “We will have to face it. But first let take care of that wound, Knowing that a Eldritch being is here, I need you at a hundred and ten percent combat ready.” Discord placed his lion paw hand on the wound, and cast a healing spell.

Sombra sighed with relief as the pain in his side began to fade away and the wound healed.

With the wound healed, Sombra and Discord made their way north. They kept an eye out for that thing as they came closer to their destination. Dawn was starting to fade as the two finally made it over to a large hill. The hill was above a flat valley where a gothic temple was built in the center. The temple was a masterpiece.

The whole temple was made of gold. Two large doors were in the center of the building, with a large silver two headed bird placed in the center of the two doors. From what Sombra and Discord could see, the temple had lots of skulls that represented Discord and Sombra’s human forms.

A gasp escaped from the Lord of chaos. Staring down the valley, hundreds, if not thousands, of dead bodies of the flying creature and it kin along with another strange Xeno race lied side by side in what must have been the last line of defence for the strange Xeno race.

The dead Xeno bodies were triangular with scaly skin. The creatures had four arms, two on each side. Each one being different from the other. One was like a common hand you see on ponies, and Zebra’s. Another hand looked like a large crab's pincer, the next one was a long tentacle with small spikes facing backwards covering the whole tentacle and the last one was small but seemed to be a talon; like one you find on griffins or large birds of prey. The last one looked like four dark pink flesh tubes melted together in one hideous mutated limb. The head, (if you wanted to call it that,) resembled a rose flower. It was bright red and what made it even stranger was that its head was in the center of the creature's body instead of being placed on the top and it had no eyes. There were no legs, only more tentacles that covered the lower parts of of its body.

But that was not the strangest thing. The strangest thing was that the valley was filled with the dead bodies of these aliens and yet none were on or even close to the temple. It was like a magical barrier was protecting it from the battle that took place here and didn’t allow any of the aliens to enter the building to take refuge.

“Discord, what in the seven hells are those.”

“They were called Guardians. At least that's what I called them, for their real name I do not know.” Discord looked to Sombra a sad look fell onto the old lord of chaos.

“We should keep moving, That thing could be back any second.”

Discord nodded in agreement. They started climbing down the hill, into the valley and it did not take the two villains long to reach the bottom of the hill. Surrounded by countless Xeno Bodies, the two old villains made their way to the temple. Sombra noted each Xeon that he passed.

These were the creatures that existed long before ponykind, what monstrosities must have existed with these creatures. To live in such an environment. The horrors of the old world must have been things of true nightmares. Living, breathing, nightmares.

That flying creature and it's kin alone must have been the most horrifying thing to exist, and its ability to control the wind itself. A shiver ran down the old king back.

They reach the temple, its towering golden gothic frame stood before them like a giant. Discord picked up a rock and threw it at the temple. It hit the metal body of the building with a solid thud.

“Hmm, I thought there would be some sort of shield protecting it.”

Taking a step on the first set of golden metal stairs, Sombra slowly and carefully made his way to to the large door of the temple. Reaching out he grabbed ahold of the large metal door knob.

Pulling the door open Sombra was stunned at the golden architecture. The gothic design gave the temple an eerie feeling of some strange alien god was watching over the temple, even after all its worshippers were all dead and/or gone from this world.

Standing inside of a glass case, stood the scroll that they nearly died trying to get. It looked like it had never been touched since it placement in the glass case. It gave a strange feeling Sombra never felt before.
A strange feeling of what could only be best described as pride.

“Good Job Sombra, we now have the scroll and with it we can defeat the chaos gods and their unholy army, Sigmar be praised.”

Discord walked up to the glass case and reached out to remove it when he felt a strong shock of electricity shoot through his lion paw hand.

Screaming in pain Discord fell to the floor holding his paw in his talon hand. Sombra rushed to his comrade’s aid and knelt down next to Discord, moving the talion hand away to examine the damage done to the paw. The paw was burnt to a charcoal black, the flesh on the palm began to slide off, exposing bone and dead nerves.

“Discord, can you cast a healing spell on yourself?”

Discord shook his head as he whimpered in pain on the cold golden floor of the temple.

Removing his cloak Sombra did his best to wrap the wound and at least try to help ease the pain for his comrade. Looking over to the glass case a fire of anger and hate filled the old Tyrant King.

Walking over to the glass case Sombra grabbed the glass case. He screamed in pain as he felt the pain that Discord felt shoot through both his hands and his whole body. He held on and with a cry of pain and an angry shout he removed the case from its stand and snatched the scroll from its resting place.

The scroll exploded with an electrical charge that burnt away Sombra’s flesh. But still he held on and fought the electricity as best as he could. His whole body glowed with electricity. His eyes glowed a bright light blue color. With a mighty tug of what strength he had left he managed to pull the scroll away from its stand.

With a heavy thud Sombra fell to his knees. Smoke poured from the old king like a waterfall. His whole body was covered in burns, and his flesh was melting off his whole arms.

“Sombra?” Discovered weakly called to his comrade, “Sombra, please speak.” Discord cough from the smoke filling his lungs.

An unholy scream came from the entrance of the temple. Discord turned his head to see the flying creature from before outside the door and making it way towards him.

Discord eyes dilated with fear as the creature came closer to him.

“Sombra, it’s here!” Discord cried out to his comrade but was only met with silence.

Discord was about to call once again when he felt a sharp pain shoot through his shoulder. The creature had dug a claw into his shoulder and was standing over him. Its disgusting head stared down onto Discord’s weak form. Its mouth open to reveal a large row of jagged sharp teeth.

Discord tried to cast a spell but the pain he was feeling stopped him from even getting his talon hand up to cast.

Closing his eyes, and giving prayer to Sigmar for forgiveness for what he had become he waited for his death to come.

LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Sombra’s voiced echoed through the temple.

A large burst of electricity shot forward at the creature, and struck with the force of holy Sigmar himself.

The creature was shot out of the Temple and onto the dead xeno bodies outside. It tried to get up but was met with another powerful bolt. Its unholy scream echoed in pain.

Another bolt was fired, this time it burst through the flesh of the creature exposing its organs along with bones.

It tried to pick itself back up but fell back down as its limbs were blown away with another bolt. Three more followed after that one, tearing more flesh away from the creature and exposing its brain. The creature lied on the cold snowy ground with its dead kin.

Sombra walked out the temple door, his whole body was conducting electricity. He walked up to the monster before him. Placing his right hoof on the creatures exposed brain he pointed his open palm at the creature.

“Go back to hell you demon filth.” Another bolt fired into the brain of the creature exploding it all over Sombra.

Taking a few seconds to stare at his kill Sombra spat on the creature with disgust and made his way back to the temple were Discord laid wounded and bleeding.

Reaching his comrade he knelt down next to him. Raising his hands high to the heavens he began to speak in high gothic.

A bright golden light glowed on Discord wounded body. Within seconds all of the wounds were gone.

Facing his comrade Discord was shocked to see Sombra standing unhurt.

“Sigmar has granted us the power to stop the Four and their army, anything standing between the holy power of Sigmar and his might shall fall and die a painful death.”

Sombra extended a hand down to Discord.

Taking ahold Discord was helped up to his feet.

“Let's go Discord, we have to cleanse this world of its demons.”

Stepping outside the two villains were met with what looked like thousands of figures on a large metal bicycle.

The figures were all tall and had slim pink skin. Long black hair ran down the figures backs like spikes. They looked like rats with two large tusks pointing upward, two demonic glowing red eyes stared angrily at the old villines. They sat upon a large metal bike that growled at the prey before it. The front end of the bike was as long as twenty feet. The wheel was guarded with a large metal plate wrapped around the wheel with one large metal spike or tusk.

“Are you ready for another fight Sombra?” Discord asked removing the cloak Sombra placed on his lion paw hand readying a fire spell.

Sombra’s body began to glow with electricity as a sadistic look fell on the old Tyrant king.

“I am now.”


The body of the royal guard fell to the floor dead. Just as it hit the ground another charged him but was met with the same fate his comrade but this time more brutal. Picked up by the neck the guard's spear was yanked from his hands, he was impaled by his own weapon and flung at the now standing figure of Shining armor.

“This ends here Spike once and for all!” Celestia voiced boom with rage.

Taking care of another guard who had previously tried to shoot him with a cross-bolt Spike bit into the poor guards body letting the blood flow down the Chaos Lord's throat. Tossing the the body to the side Spike smiled as he licked the air with his fork tongue.

“No, my dear Celestia, this is only the beginning.”

Comments ( 15 )

7469232 haha, young doctor Frankenstein that's a great movie

(Ponies are anthro)



Good let the worp of choas overtake you. MWHAHHAHAHAHAHA :moustache:


This invader is sorry my Tallest :fluttershbad::raritycry:

The holy emperor must strike those traitors down!

Very good story please continue

Please update.... :pinkiesad2:

He is a servant of the chaos gods, killing innocent people is kinda their thing.

Quick question how does this fit with conversion bureau I mean it makes no sense does it pop up at one point

New chapters ?????

The user have not been in this website since 2018 :/

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