• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 7,140 Views, 247 Comments

The Primarch of Equestria - mineturtal247

Spike is sent into the warhammer 40k universe when a spell from Twilight goes horribly wrong.

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Chapter 9:Freeing the slaves

A few minutes after Spike left.

Twilight watch the ship that Spike had arrived in lift itself off the ground before shooting it self into the blue sky heading back towards the larger ship from which it came.

Twilight let out a sequel of joy. She felt a thousands times better then what she had for the past two years. All those time crying, depression, and feeling alone in the world with out her number one assistant right beside her in the library at night.

"He's back, he's back, he's back." Twilight sang with glee while doing a little dance.

Both princess along with her most of friends smiled at the lavender unicorn. They were glad to see Twilight in such a good mood. One they have not seen in such a long time.

"I wouldn't be such in a great mood to see Spike," Rainbow Dash spoke in harsh tone. "He's a monster after all."

Twilight immediately stop dancing. She turned to the multicolored Pegasus. A small flame of anger could be seen in her eye's as she stared into her 'friends' eye's.

"Rainbow,what the hay is wrong with you!" Applejack shouted.

"WHAT! You heard what he said, the things he's done." Rainbow Dash said defensively.

"He had no choice. His body and mind were altered by the creatures he lived with for all those years." Twilight chimed in.

"He ordered a planet to be destroyed with other Aline's on it."

"That Gharl guy wanted it. He had sent his warriors to die for a hopeless cause on it."

"He murdered unarmed Aline's who could not defend themselves."

"He did not want to." Twilight said with clenched teeth. Her hands tightening into a fist.

"He never said he did. He felt nothing when he did, he even said he felt the need to kill them. He wanted them dead."

"You know nothing of what you speak, Rainbow Dash."

"No Twilight, I think you don't know what a real monster truly is."

The fire in Twilight's eye's grew into a raging fire.

Rainbow Dash open her mouth to speak but felt her windpipe being crushed by invisible force.

Twilight's horn was glowing a neon purple. She was pouring more magic into her horn then she have ever had her entire life.

"No Rainbow you know nothing, you know nothing of loss, you never loss someone who you consider your own son." Twilight spoke in a dark tone.

"Twilight please calm down." Celestia pleaded to her student.

Twilight continue to crush Rainbows throat. Her friends pleas to make her stop fell on deaf ears. The only thing she was thinking was teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson.

“Twilight…st-stop.” Rainbow Dash choked out.

The pressure on Rainbows neck became tighter with the passing second. Rainbow Dash could feel herself seeping in and out of conscious.


Like flipping a switch Twilight cut of the magic flow to her horn letting go of the spell she was using to crush her friend's throat.

Rainbow fell to her knees in a coughing fit. She gasp letting the fresh evening air fill her lungs that she so greedily took in.

Shaking her head like she was in some sort of trance Twilight looked with horror to what she had done to her friend. A wave of guilt hit her.

"Rainbow I-I'm so sorry I did not mean to, it just, it just happen." Twilight tried taking a step to aid her friends but pushed back by the multi colored Pegasus.

"Get *gasp* the buck *gasp* back."

Twilight looked around the room. She could see her friends staring at her with shock and fear to what she did.

Twilight open her mouth to say something, anything but nothing came. Her throat tighten up, tears started flowing down her cheeks as the realization hit her.

No longer able to handle the looks her friends where giving her she bolted through main door of the room. She ran and did not stop running until she made it to her room on the other side of the castle. She swing the door open and slammed it shut behind her.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight whispered to herself. The guilt of what she did over taking her she slowly made her way to her bed.

Pulling back the blankets Twilight crawled into her bed letting her tears soak into her pillow.

“I’m so sorry Rainbow Dash I could not control my self," Twilight wept. "You called him a monster, he's not a monster he is my number one assistant he could never be a monster." Twilight assured her self.

Twilight felt her eyes growing heavy unable to hold them open any longer Twilight began to fall asleep.

“He will never be a monster,” Twilight spoke softly to herself, “I know this too be true.” Twilight soon fell asleep. She dreamed of Spike and her friends at a picnic laughing and having a good time.

Twilight will soon realize that dreams are nothing more than an illusion to mask the true horrors that are soon to come.

Rough paw tribes village

Trixy walked with Spike through what was once the center of the Rough paw tribe’s village. A mix of horror and joy could be seen on the young unicorns face.

She was glad too see the tribe of slave traders who have forced her to work in harsh conditions for many days and nights with little food or water get what they deserve. But just not like the way the warriors of her new Lord displayed.

Bodies of the old, the young, and those who where to weak to fight back littered the cave which was now coated in a sea of red. Every step she took she was either stepping in a pool of blood or on a limb that was torn apart by the giant creatures and there horrifying weapons.

Those creatures her lord had brought with him where something to fear. The creatures seemed to enjoy killing more than anything else. She has watch more than once the gruesome display these creatures could perform. Tearing apart a full size Diamond dog with their bare hands was like snapping a twig. Trixy watch this happen more than once.

It made her sick to see this happen over and over again. The endless killing these things can do the screams some of the the Diamond dogs made were enough to send shivers down any demon of tartus spine.

Trixy along with Spike continue to walk down the village center in the center of the underground mountain, the makeshift huts from stone and fur that the diamond dogs called home laid in rumbles. Destroyed huts scattered all over the small cavern with bodies of some of the the rough paw tribes warriors lay buried underneath the rumble.

"It seems my warriors had some fun clearing this cave of the Diamond dogs." Spike said in a amused tone.

"Spi-I mean my lord, why such brutality to the diamond dogs? I know they are slave traders the worse kind anypony could know but the way your warriors butchered them is just a little too much don't you think."

The dragon chuckled to the unicorn. His amused look never left as he spoke to her. "Examples my dear friend Examples."

"Examples?" Trixy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, there are other tribes in the area much like the Rough paw tribes is there not?"

"Yes, but this is something I don't understand to why your warriors must do this." Trixie pointed to a mutilated body of a diamond dog warrior.

Spike looked over to the corps Trixy was pointing at. The diamond dog body was sliced open down the center of his chest, his organs held in both of his hands for when he must have tried placing them back inside himself.

Spike sniffed the air The smell of blood was intoxicating to him, like a shark following a bleeding animal in the water. He was able to hold back on the smell when he first enters the cave but the further he went into the cave the more powerful the smell became.

Licking his lips with his fork like tongue. Thoughts of him walking over to the corps and devouring it's flesh made him shiver with pleasure. The taste of blood from the fallen was like an addicting drug to a Slaanesh Cultist, the more he thought about it the more he wanted it.

"My lord, are you all right?" Trixy asked in a worried voiced.

Spike shook his head as if coming out from a daze. He looked to the small light blue coated mare with hungry look on him.

"I am fine," spiked lied, "let us move on the smell here is driving me mad." He started walking forward, deeper into the cave with a more worried Trixy following right behind him.

It had been at least thirty minutes that Trixy and Spike have spent walking in the underground cave of the Rough paw tribe’s lair. The cave grew darker within the amount of time they spent inside the cave.

After a few minutes they finally caught up to Spikes warriors. His warriors waited for their lord in the largest area of the lair with a Diamond dog in fine looking clothing and a small golden crown on his head. In the room where other creatures that the Diamond dog have taken to be their slaves, Trixy recognized most of the slaves in the room but a few.

“They must have freed them from the prisons.” Trixy thought to herself.

“My lord,” the one known as Ragnar spoke, “Here is the xeno hound that holds control over this cave.” Ragnar pointed towards the Diamond dog kneeling down in the center of the room.

Spike turn his attention to the rather large Diamond dog in the center of the room. A smirk spread across his face as he eye the Diamond dog up and down.

“So, you’re the one who is lord of this cave. An honor to meet you.” Spike said with a well mannered tone.

The Diamond dog spat at Spike. It looked dead in the eye’s of the chaos lord and spoke with venom in his voice.

“You over sized worm, how dare you come to my home and butcher my people and address me in such a manner that makes any basterd more worth talking to then you.”

Spikes smirk never left, “Now, now is that any way to treat a guest of your home.”

The Diamond dog growled at Spike. “You will pay for this worm.”

“Will I?” Spike said with an eyebrow raised “I would love to see how a hound like you in your position to do something that could stop me.” Spike chuckled at the mere thought of the diamond dog trying to ‘stop’ him.

“I will destroy you worm! I am Varkal Rough paw. The mightiest of all the other Diamond dog tribes, I will bring you death.”

At first nothing happen but then Spike started to chuckle that soon became laughter of a mad man.

“Bwhahaha, you, you think you could kill me and my man! what did your mother do drop you when you were little,” Spike continue to laugh. He laugh until he was clenching his side with pain by how hard he was laughing. “Hahaha, I enjoyed our time together but like all good things they must come to an end.” Spike reached for his sword when someone called for him to wait.

“Wait!” the voiced echoed throughout the cave.

Spike along with everyone else looked around to see where the voice was coming from, “Who said that?” Spiked asked in a calm manner, “Speak up I wish to see the one who wants my attention.”

A lone Griffin step forward from the crowd of slaves “I asked you to wait, my lord.” The Griffin spoke in a clear voice. The Griffin looked to be older than most of the slaves in the room, he had golden eye’s and his feathers where a light grey color many it had to do with his age.

“And who are you?” Spiked asked the old Griffin.

“My name is Swift flight my lord.” the griffin bowed.

“Well then Mr.Swift flight why did you ask me to wait?” Spiked asked with curiosity.

The griffin got up from his bow. He moved closer to Spike and only stop when he was an inch away from the towering dragon.

“I know what you are going to do to this hound,” Swift flight pointed to the diamond dog, “I wish to ask you let me kill this runt.” Swift flight looked Spike dead in the eye’s unmoving and unafraid of the giant reptile before him.

Spike stared back at the Griffin for what felt like a century before asking “Why?”

“Why?” Swift Flight asked.

“Yes why should I let you kill this Diamond dog.”

The griffin took a deep breath before answering the dragon question, “I use to serve in the Griffin Empire army, I was a commander in the hundred and twenty-fifth iron claw Infantry division I have lead many campaigns against my Empire's enemies will much success on the battlefield.” Swift flight paused.

“Go on.” Spike said interested in the story.

“With grace of the gods I was given a son by my wonderful wife who died giving birth to my only child. I raised the boy to be like me. Strong, smart, and honorable above all else.”

“And where is this son of your now?” Spike asked, looking around for the boy.

Swift flight inhaled deeply “My son became a young warrior, a warrior that served right under me. I was proud of him so very, very proud of him. But as good things come they all most end in tragedy. I was betrayed by my superiors, sold out to this runt here.” Swift flight pointed to the diamond dog with anger burning like wild fire in his eye’s.

“My son and I along with a few others that stand here with me where sold to him and his tribe for three thousand gold pieces worth in diamonds and gems. My son being warrior he was and rash at his decisions at his young age tried fighting back against the tribes warrior, but failed when they overpowered him.”

“I see,” Spike said in a low tone. “What happen to him?”

“The bastard there ordered his warriors to break his wings and legs and throw him off the cliff and let the fish deal with with him. I watch my son die! in front of me I begged and begged for them to spare him and kill me instead, but he laugh at me and said ‘if i were to keep one disobedient chicken alive I would have to kill the rest of you disobedient chickens as well.’"

Spike looked at the Diamond dog and back to Swift Flight, "your story touches my heart sir but I've heard it before."

"Will you not let me avenge my son death!" Swift flight shouted.

Spike chuckled at the griffin, "please calm yourself before my warriors mangle your corps in front of everyone here." Spiked warned in his still well manners tone. "I will let you kill this dog here but first," Spike snapped his figures. His warriors began holding the Diamond dog on his fear with his arms bent behind his back.

Spike smiled, "A eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, broken arms for broken arms." Spike turn to his warriors and nodded towards them.

One of spikes warriors bent the arms of the Diamond dog in a way the bone pop out.

The diamond dog chief screamed in pain as the same thing happen to his legs.

"broken legs, for broken legs," Spike continued to smile. He reach to his side where he pulled out his combat knife. Held the large knife in front of Swift flight, "A life for a life."

Swift flight happily took the the knife from Spike. The knife was as long as a short sword and weighed just about the same.

"Take your revenge Swift flight." Spike said with a grin. Swift Flight slide the knife into the chief chest with a sickening gentleness, inch by slow inch; sinking into the bones of the dog. Pulling the blade out blood poured onto the stone floor making a large pile of blood to forever stain the stone ground.

Spike turned smiled as he turn to face the crowd of slaves. The slaves cowered back a little when Spike looked them dead in the eyes.

“All of you are now free,” Spike spoke with power in his voice. The crowed of slaves cheered with joy. Spike watch them for while celebrating their new freedom. Some could not believe that they were free for being in service of the rough paw tribe for as long as they could remember.

“You are all free to leave this wretched cave as you please, but I must ask where would you go?” The cheering stop, all focus was on the large reptile in the room. “I have asked my old friend here Trixy the same question when she escaped the Diamond dogs this morning.”

Some of the slave looked at one another. None of them could not think of what to say next or even reply to the large reptile.

“Join me, join me and you will have a roof over your head. Join me and be part of something bigger than everyday life of the common pony,griffin or zebra. Join me and become legends and hero's that mothers from this day forth will name their sons and daughter after for the heroic deeds you will do. Join me and become gods among men.” Spike spoke with the same power in his voice he had done before.

None of the slaves spoke or even moved they just stared at Spike and each other waiting for something to happen.

“I will,” came a voice from behind Spike. “I will join you.”

Spike looked behind him to see Swift Flight covered in blood. “I will join you and follow you till the end of my days.” Swift flight knelt down on one knee bowing to the Spike with his combat knife laying flat on his hands.

“As will I,” A female voice from the crowd spoke, “And me,” another voice said. Soon the whole crowd of slaves join in bowing to Spike the same way Swift flight was doing.

Spike looked at the slaves and could not help but grin, “Arise my friends you do not have to bow before me for i have never asked anyone in my legion to do so, you are all free and such are free to do what you like.”

“Where with you my lord to the end.” another voice spoke from the crowed.

“Good, good come my friends follow me and my warriors to your new home.”

The crowed cheered with joy as they followed the Grim, and Ragnar along with the rest of the warriors out of the cave.

“All is coming together rather nicely now, where ahead of schedule and with these new free being of each race on this world will make our job much more easier to complete,” Spike thought to himself while Trixy and Swift flight followed right behind him. “Let’s just hope everything goes according to plane.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the super long wait everyone been busy lately and only will get busier in the later weeks of the next few months.

If you liked the story give a fave and a like or not your choice.

here's a song for the legion of dragons returning.

Leave a comment on what you think for i do enjoy reading them good or bad. Have a good day or night when ever you are reading this story my friends.:twilightsmile: