• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,367 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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Ghosts and Echos

I feel terrible.
And by terrible, I mean dead.
Seriously, I’m a ghost.
And yes, I’m Knifer.
Not Blondebolt.
I did read his stuff though, and I must say I would not have found the time to do that.
I’ve been him for about three months.
This is worse than the mental clinic, because at least there I was me.

Fable came in, and the moment she saw I wasn’t breathing she rushed over.
“Fable, don’t worry, I’m here.”
She couldn’t hear me.
She was about to leave when I got an idea.
Because I still walked on the floor and get stopped by the walls, I knocked over a book.
She froze and slowly turned her head.
I grabbed a pencil and wrote on a piece of parchment ‘Hey Fable, I’m here.’
“How? Where?”
‘I don’t know, sitting on the stool.’
She rushed over to me and felt the air around the stool, then hugged me when she found I was physical.
She then started crying.
I turned and nuzzled her neck.
I looked over her shoulder and saw Steve.
“What’s wrong?”
Steve rushed over, and the moment he saw I was dead, he turned to Fable, and was even more shocked by the fact that she was hugging nothing.
She just looked at him and motioned for him to come over.
He felt around where I was, and panicked the moment he felt me.
“I’m g-gonna get the other Fable!”
I closed my eyes as he left.

I opened them again and found myself in a bed, the covers over me.
Fable was sitting down on the floor next to me, still crying.
I realized I was in the basement again.
“Hey, Fable?”
I turned my head slightly and saw Seka at the top of the stairs.
Her hair was straight and she looked very sad.
Fable wasn’t responding, so Seka came down.
“You okay?”
When Seka got in range I prodded her with my hoof.
“What the… KNIFY!”
She pounced me with pinpoint accuracy and pinned me to the bed.
Her hair had become poofy again.
I shoved my hoof into her mouth, silencing her.
I pushed her off me and let her slide off the bed.
I then rolled onto my underside and tried to sleep again.

It worked, and I found myself being jostled awake by Fable.
She got over my death, and seemed somewhat happy.
“Do you want to attend your funeral?”
I responded by taking a quill, some ink, and a piece of parchment, then I wrote a few simple words.
‘No, save me instead.’
“How could… We could swap the body and find out ways to bring you back… Brilliant Knifer!”
I smiled.
“Hold up, I need to try something.”
Her horn glowed, and she looked right at me.
I set down everything and went around her.
Her gaze followed.
“It works.”
She went upstairs, and I followed.
I saw my body in a small coffin, and watched as Fable copied the body with a spell, the swapped the two.
She then put my original body on my back.
I carried it downstairs, she followed.
I grunted as she lifted it off me and set it down in a spare bed, putting it under the blanket peacefully.
No signs of rot were there, and she casted a spell.
“Your body will no longer rot Knifer. It’s hard to believe you’ve been in Equestria for over a third of the year. Winter Wrap up is approaching. I know you don’t know what it is. It’s a time when we clean up winter. You never got to enjoy it. It’s your favorite season, isn’t it?”
She couldn’t have been closer to the truth.
I walked over next to her, sat down, and gently tapped her side.
She leaned against me, then sighed.
“And now you might never get back home to your friends and family. Do you have any?”
I put my head on her shoulder and shook it.
“No? Sad…”
I shrugged.
“We ponies tend to burst into song on holidays.”
I gave the stereotypical ‘OH CRAP!’ reaction and jumped.
However, my time spend as Blondebolt changed how this universe effected me, and I leapt high into the air, only to fall back down after waiting a few seconds at the peak of the jump.
I hit the ground with a soft thud instead of the anticipated pain.
“What are you supposed to be anyway?”
I actually had to think back about it, and was disturbed at what I found.
I no longer had memories of before I arrived in Equestria.
I was quick to alert her to this with writing.

It had been a long time since I moved.
I found it much easier now that I was dead.
But I chose to move, and did so without so much as a sound, easily going past the now frantically searching Fable and to the door.
I pushed it open slowly and stepped outside, then shut it.
The sky was red, white streaks going through it, and I saw ponies acting like nothing was different.
I carefully moved between the ponies, not touching a single one.
I checked the sky frequently, and found that the further I got from my body, the clearer it became.
I also found that I couldn’t leave Ponyville.
Literally, there was a giant invisible wall.
And past that nothing existed.
Just sheer shadows and nothing.
However, there was a path heading straight for Sweet Apple Acres, and another one along the road to Canterlot, which had its own “Bubble” of light.
I turned and went to the Carousel Boutique, hoping to find Cerridwen there.

I entered the store.
Fortunately, only Cerridwen was there.
“I’ll be there in a moment, now who… is this a joke?”
I decided to mess with her for a while.
“Okay then…”
She turned back to her work, and I took action.
I silently moved her stands around into a cult style position around a table, draping cloth over each of them, and putting one on its side on the table.
I then took a small knife from a drawer and set it on the sideways pony stand.
Then I made a small thud from behind the ‘cult’ of pony stands.
When Cerridwen turned around, her reaction was priceless.
She fainted instantly.
Being the somewhat good pony I am, I took her up into her room on my back, the only way I could.
I saw the inside of it for the first time.
It was much like the first floor, only smaller, with what appeared to be another work place, this one more specialized.
I set her on the absurdly expensive looking bed and resisted the urge to climb in as well.
Instead, I took a quill, some ink, and some parchment, then wrote a short message.
“Sorry about that, couldn’t resist. Your ghostly friend (and hopefully back to life soon), Knifer.”
I the set the message down, capped the ink, and set the quill on the bottom of the message, then left.

I just walked around randomly, enjoying the winter and all that was cold and white, taking in the cool winter air, enjoying the slight chill, happily passing those who wore jackets to keep warm.
Even if I weren’t dead I’d be happily bouncing along, without any clothing.
Due to being a pony.
If I were human I would wear shorts and a t-shirt.
I stayed outside, even as the sun set and the moon came.
Oddly enough, the nasty looking sky left as the sun went down, leaving a beautiful clear starry night, with a full moon that looked ripe for the picking.
I hadn’t been that peaceful for years.
“I could just be washed away into the sky.”
I had begun to talk to myself.
I then looked side to side, at the beautiful, dark, cold world.
Everyone was staring straight at me.
I moved a bit, and their gaze followed.
“Let me guess, you can hear me too?”
They all nodded slowly.
“In that case, boo.”
None of them fled, and instead one chose to approach me.
It was the Pegasus mare with the odd eyes.
“Who and what are you?”
The voice was so much like that of a young child, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Knifer, dead. Most likely a ghost. Apparently moonlight makes me exist more clearly.”
She smiled and came over next to me, then sat down.
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”
I just nodded.
I felt her leaning on me.
“I’m Derpy Doo.”
“Knife to meet you.”
This caused a strained laugh from the crowd.
I turned my head to look over my shoulder and glared for a moment.
This caused the crowd to disperse.
I turned my head back to the moon, enjoying the dark and light’s constant struggle.
We just sat there, barely moving, for what must have been hours.
She had fallen asleep against me.
The sun and moon swapped places, and I faded from view, but did not move.
Doo opened her eyes and found herself ‘floating’ somewhat, so she put herself upright.
“Thank you for the company.”
She then flew off, presumably to work.

I stayed there for more hours, ponies passing me, but never walking right into me.
One did come close, however.
In all the time I’ve been alive, I had never been more at peace.
The cold, being dead, and the fact that I had just been comforted, all added up into one big surge of calm.
Like a river flowing faster in the spring due to snow melting.

It was night again, and I hadn’t moved.
I watched as Doo came up and sat down next to me again.
“You know, for the town ghost, you aren’t doing very much haunting.”
As I fully came into view, I smiled and slowly replied.
“Well, I’m not into… Haunting. I’m only interested in one thing, as of now. Life.”
There was a small giggle.
“You’re funny.”
I sighed very loudly before shifting from my spot, moving closer to Doo.
“Ms. Doo. I am very upset. I’ve been in Equestria for all of five or so months, and have been trying to get home.”
“Why don’t you just, I dunno, leave?”
“Firstly, I can’t go anywhere but Ponyville, Canterlot, and Sweet Apple Acres as a ghost. Secondly, every time I tried I was stopped by a person or an event.”
Doo turned her head to face me, her eyes all wonky.
Her tongue was sticking out slightly.
“Silly ghostie, if you can go to Canterlot, what’s stopping you from seeing Celestia?”
“Not being able to phase through walls…”
Talking was very difficult when her eyes rotated everywhere, as though she was trying to hypnotize me.
“Stare into my eyes, calm yourself. Being calm always helps!”
Against my better judgment, I did so.
I was immediately entranced.
“Come with me, let’s talk about you.”
She stood up and began to walk.
I followed close behind her.
“Firstly, what are you doing in Equestria?”
“I woke up somewhere outside Ponyville in a body that wasn’t mine, and not of my species.”
“What were you doing before that?”
“I can’t remember anymore, it’s weird.”
“Can you give a brief summary of what you did in your stay here in Equestria?”
“Wake up, go to Ponyville, stay at Seka’s, piss off Celestia, fall off balcony, nearly die, go insane, get sent to mental clinic, recover on my own, get taken in by Fable, hunt down Celestia, get given over to Luna, turned into child, given to Fable, punished with stupid chores, get possessed, get turned into baby to get saved, get mind wiped, spend three months as some other pony, wake up dead.”
“Interesting… Have you been diagnosed as insane before, not counting the balcony accident?”
“If I have been, I wouldn’t remember.”
She stopped suddenly, causing me to smash into her flank.
She then got walking again, and I hobbled after her, rubbing my head.
“To see if you were paying attention.”
“Of course…”
I moved over to the right a few feet so that wouldn’t happen again.
“Do you like muffins?”
“Depends. Chocolate is great.”
“Would you like me to bring some tomorrow?”
“I don’t think I can eat while dead.”
“You can try.”
“Ah hell, I’m not getting out of this, am I?”
“At least nobody-”
“Nopony, if you want to fit in, talk like we do.”
“Fine. At least noPO NY called some ghost catching group on me.”
We stopped in front of a small house, one story tall.
Ms. Doo opened the door, and motioned for me to enter.
The moment I did so, I faded out of sight.
Thus I quickly found a small towel on myself.
“There you are! Now then, I know you can’t talk, so I got you something.”
She slowly opened a box, and brought out a chalkboard, on that was small and fit around the neck with a rope.
“There, now you don’t have to worry about not being able to be found or heard!”
I carefully put my head through the hole formed by the board and rope, then moved it up.
It fit like a charm.
She then dove back into the box, and brought out a package of chalk and an eraser for the board.
I took both in my mouth.
“Go on, write something.”
I walked over to the table, set down the eraser, opened the package of chalk, grabbed a piece in my mouth, and carefully wrote “Hi” on it.
I fumbled as I swapped the chalk and the eraser.
“Maybe this wasn’t the most efficient idea…”
I erased the writing, grabbed all the chalk in my mouth, and shook my head, the board swaying with delay.
I turned and left, leaving her thinking of another way to help.

I went to the closest place I could call a home.
I pushed open the library door, smiling as I faded from sight.
The basement door was open, so I went in.
Fable was down there, but so were three ponies I didn’t recognize.
They all wore lime colored jackets and goggles, and all three had ghost based Cutie Marks.
I went past them all, setting everything down on a table.
It was Fable.
“What is it?”
I turned and the pony on the left, a stallion of grey coat and mane stepped forwards.
“We are here to help you with your little problem.”
I was startled at this.
“And that might be?”
“Ze death.”
Again I was startled.
“How can you hear me?”
I moved and all three of these odd ponies moved their heads to follow
“How can you see me?”
“Ze googles.”
“I thought they did nothing!”
“Ha ha ha no. Of course zey do zomething!”
The one on the right stepped forwards. She was a dark green in coloration for mane, coat and tail.
“Cut the chit chat. Listen ghost…”
“Knifer… We’re here to make you move on to the afterlife.”
“I refuse this discussion is over good day to you sir.”
I went around them and went up the stairs, ignoring their pleas.

After leaving the library I went straight to Sugarcube Corner.
I went through the doors, up the stairs, and sat down beside Seka, who was sitting at the table, her head held over a cake.
“Oh Knify, what should I do? Everypony now hates me or is scared of me.”
I leaned against her, startling her for a moment, but she quickly understood what was going on.
I was instantly hugged very, very tightly, and if I were alive I would have suffocated.
But I wasn’t, so I didn’t.
“I have JUST the idea!”
She suddenly ceased to exist where she was for a half a moment, and then was back there again.
Then the cake was gone, and in its place was a detailed plan for something overly complex that used far too much pony lingo to understand.
It looked like it was a cannon.
“How about we shoot you into your body?”
I had a different idea.
I grabbed a nearby pen, and wrote on the paper a short few words.
“Or go see Celestia. Uh… okay… Whatever you want?”
Without warning I was locked in a kiss.
Her aim was dead on with my lips.
It was some minutes later when she let go.
“Hurry back soon!”
I quickly ran out of the room through the balcony and jumped off.
Hitting the ground hurt, but nothing more.
I made my way back to where I first really met Ms Doo and waited for nightfall.