• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,368 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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Instanity & Back Again

At this point I had no awareness of what was going on or what I was doing, but I do have reports from others to fill the gap, and odd writings I made myself apparently, which I shall use as they occurred.

We have recently admitted one Knifer, a 24 year old stallion of unknown heritage, into our facilities here at the clinic. He is suffering from a severe head injury and what appears to be a case of insanity. He tears blood from time to time, so we are doing our best to keep him away from sad thoughts, or overly happy ones. He is being kept in a padded room due to his thrashings, and the door is kept locked at all times. We hope he will recover at least somewhat.
Nurse Redlock
Theyre keeping me in a room for my own good its dark and soft and cool and red but they said its not they said its dark blue and I wanna see the sun again
(This was found somehow etched into the padding in his room and was barely readable; I shall contact Redlock soon to see if we can fix this.)
Knifer has become rather violent, but there is little we can do to stop it. He barely sleeps, barely eats, barely drinks. Even when he does sleep, he seems to merely go into a trance, for when we open the door he immediately awakes and tries to slam into whoever opened it. We still have hope he can recover.
Nurse Redlock
In a rare moment, Knifer is acting normal again. We are keeping an eye on him, as this was all of a sudden. Yesterday he somehow managed to get his leg cut with a knife that none of us brought in. On the bright side his eyes have fully recovered.
Doctor K.
It's been a week and a half since Knifer was admitted, and he has physically been recovering, but mentally he is jumping the same gap over and over again.
Doctor K.
He has been talking, but only saying one thing. "Upakes"
This is Cupcakes without the Cs, but as to why he would say this we have no idea.
Doctor K.
They said that if I write in this book every day I get a muffin. They told me that they did so cautiously. Maybe if I write something good enough I'll get two muffins?
There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe.
He awoke with a fight
In the middle of the night
To find that his dream had come true.
(Doctor's note: this is the first version of it. He may be recovering quickly, though I doubt it. He did however earn his muffin.)
I got the muffin they promised!
(He clearly hasn't recovered, but for the first time he is breaking down words somewhat.)
He stopped being aggressive, and has instead gone to a calm state.
A far too calm state.
He does respond to stimulus, but otherwise just stays still.
We should keep an eye on him for a while.
I'm happy because I'm free in my mind.
I'm no longer in the labyrinth.
I see it.
So far away.
But I can taste it in the muffins.
I'm hiding this note inside the cushioned wall.
I'll be free cupcakes, I'll be free.
We've decided Knifer is a bit more stable now, so we'll be giving him access to a fenced in area outside. Obviously he will be under constant surveillance; we can't have him running off into the Everfree Forest after all.
Nurse Redlock
His first time outside was a bit much for him perhaps, he froze up and wouldn't move for a whole fifteen minutes.
He slowly started to walk about and look at all the plants in the fence.
If you ask me, just a few more days of treatment and he'll be able to go back to Ponyville and spend the rest of his recovery there.
Doctor K.
Perhaps I spoke too soon.
Fable came in to see how he was doing, and the first thing he did when he saw her was go wide eyed and lock up like he did yesterday.
We should give him a week and a half perhaps…
Doctor K.
Dear Diary
I went to see if Knifer was okay, and he panicked on the spot.
Seka has continued to be devastated for the past few weeks, claiming that it's her fault for what happened.
We've tried to calm her to no avail, and I can only guess that she'll be fine when Knifer is too…
One happy muffin a day makes me a happy pony.
That's what I used to think.
Lately I haven't gotten my muffin.
I read something Knifer thought he hid from us.
He didn't hide it too well though.
It turns out he thinks I am "The Muffin Man" because I always bring the muffins, and he doesn't seem to understand that we aren't supplying muffins for this week.
Doctor K.
I need out so much I wanna see Seka.
It's okay cupcakes, I'm fine.
We went to check on Knifer, and his door was open, a knife on the ground outside the lock.
He was not inside.
He was not anywhere in the clinic.
One of the windows was smashed.
This will not end well.

I awoke somewhere along the side of a road, aware and in control.
I opened my mouth to test speaking, trying to say any word at all.
After a while of doing this I learned that my speaking vocabulary had shrunk into these words along with the ability to put an S on their end.
Bubble, Muffin, Cup, Cake, Fwa, Huggles, Derp, Kiss, Fire, Coral, Electromagnetism, Man, The, Fork, Spoon, Knife, Spork, Silver, Ware, Spell.
That would not be enough.
It was in a childish voice that sounded like a baby's, only barely like mine.
I was terrible with body language.
I sat up and looked about.
It was the middle of the night.
Not knowing how long I had been out or knowing what had happened since I blacked out the last time.
Not good.
I looked about more and saw a purple pony walking by.
I knew it was Fable instead of some other purple pony because she was using a light creating spell.
I walked over to her slowly, ready to turn and run if needed.
When she noticed me she stopped moving, and turned off the spell.
Fortunatly, I had very, very good vision in the dark.
I continued to walk towards her, even as she tried to move away.
I couldn't say her name, so I merged two words together that I could say.
Fwa and Bubble.
She cautiously casted the light spell again, and jumped when I was almost right next to her.
"But you're still supposed to be in the clinic!"
I gave her a quizzical glance.
"Did you fall off ANOTHER drop?"
I made my glance even more extreme.
"Just… I'm taking you back."
Out of instinct, with no personal say in the matter, I threw my front legs around her neck and cried.
She could then tell that I had no clue about what was going on.
"Alright, fine. Come with me. We're going to the library."
My mood immediately perked up.
I continued to be happy.
"Could you please let go?"
I quickly let go and stepped back to give her space to move.
She looked at me, confused, for a few moments before making her expression normal and walking in the same direction she was before.
I followed closely.

The sun just barely began to rise as we finally made it into the library.
I turned to her and calmly repeated myself.
"I'm not asking…"
I smiled again and trotted over to a mirror, getting the first good look at myself for a long time, and paying attention to my eyes.
They were a bright red coloration, and much to my dismay, one was slightly off alignment, the right one, it faced to the right too far.
My mane, coat, and tail were messes, rugged, filthy.
Fable walked up behind me.
"So… your speech seems to be limited right now… right?"
I nodded, not moving my gaze from the mirror.
She levitated a quill, a bottle of ink, and a small scroll over.
She dipped the quill into the ink.
"So, can you recite what you know you can say?"
I chough to clear my throat.
"Bubble, Muffin, Cup, Cake, Fwa, Huggles, Derp, Kiss, Fire, Coral, Electromagnetism, Man, The, Fork, Spoon, Knife, Spork, Silver, Ware, Spell."
She wrote each word as I said them.
"So… you can link those words together as well? Which lead to you saying my name?"
I nodded.
"Fwa. Bubble. Fwabble."
I decided to interrupt her train of though by pouncing her.
I ended up pinning her to the ground, and realized I was acting childish.
I hadn't recovered fully.
I stopped caring.
I wrapped my arms around her neck.
She didn't react, she was still in thought.
Her horn glowed.
My mane burst into flames.
I jumped off and rolled along the floor in an attempt the get the fire to go out.
It didn't work.
Fable slowly got up and looked at me, then laughed.
"It's a magical fire, it can't hurt you."
I stopped rolling and got to my feet.
The fire slowly went out, and I gave her my best 'I am not amused' look.
She slowly stopped laughing.
"I was thinking about Seka. She's been depressed ever since your accident…"
I made a move for the door.
"…but we can't let her see you like this. I can fix the eye, but your mind and voice will take longer to recover, even with magical aid."
I stopped and plopped down on the ground, then curled up.
"Would you please get up?"
She nudged me with her nose.
I refused to move.
Her horn glowed.
I refused to move.
I burst into flames.
I refused to move.
She picked me up with magic.
I refused to change position.
I got taken down into a basement and placed down at the bottom of it.
I looked up at her and responded with two things.
I pointed a hoof at her.
She didn't understand, and instead walked upstairs and closed the door.
I swear to this day I heard it lock.

It had been three days since then, and everyday, Fable opened the door three times to feed me like I was a dangerous animal.
Every time I tackled her while shouting "FWABBLE! HUGGLES!"
I then attempted to get out.
I once made it to the door to the outside.
Every time she picked me up with magic and put me back in the basement.
On the first day, she got a small bed.
On the second day, she got pillows and blankets down.
And every morning breakfast included a muffin (Chocolate chips were in it. Yum), a glass of milk, an apple, and a paper plate.
I seriously ate the plate.
Probably something to do with being a pony.
And each time Fable was confused as to why I did it.
Probably due to my becoming a pony.
Anyways… on to lunch
So far, it has been effectively salad.
And dinner, effectively salad.
I hate salad.

On the fifth day, I got 'free'.
She 'accidentally' left the door open, so I slipped out 'undetected' and slowly made my way to Sugarcube Corner.
I felt my head twitch to the side as I did so, some sort of voice in me telling me it was a trap or something.
Fortunately, it was night time.
When I got right outside the confectionary, I stopped and listened.
Seka was crying herself to sleep.
I silently went through the door, and made my way upstairs.
There was apparently a closed door installed during my lack of awareness.
I wanted to sneak up on her, so I waited to see if the door would just open from the wind.
No luck.
I heard a soft, feminine voice.
"Knifer, The night time isn't the best time to disturb Seka, especially since your speech is so damaged. Let's just go back to the library, okay?"
I wanted to give her the finger, but I had hooves.
So I merely turned, to find her right in front of me.
"Really Knifer, it's best if you just do what I say."
I pushed her back with a hoof, almost knocking her down the stairs.
"You don't want me to get Blitz in here."
I gave her the 'I don't care look'
She sighed and backed down the stairs.
I followed, curious as to how this would turn out.
I was immediately set upon by Blitz, and she grabbed me before I could react and hoisted me high into the sky.
I didn't flail, much to her surprise, but instead merely went limp.
I could feel my right eye going far off center, making my head pound and the eye hurt.
I felt blood come out the eye socket.
I looked up at Blitz, and this made her freak out and drop me.
I fell.
And fell.
I though it would mean either months of recovery in a hospital, or a painful death.
It was the first thought that made me panic.
By now my right eye was blood soaked, and thus was barely usable, and closing the eye would do nothing to help, and would have worsened it.
A small, growing trail of blood followed my fall.
I started repeating "SPELL!" over and over again, and didn't stop, not even when I started to float a mere centimeter above the ground.
I looked about and saw Cerridwen nearby, her horn glowing, standing on three legs, her front left held off the ground.
Shy had flown out of the confectionary and landed near by a bush.
Blitz had flown down and landed on the ground near me, her right eye twitching.
Fable calmly walked up to me, clearly a little shocked at the fact that Blitz dropped me.
It was dark enough for none of them to see my eye.
However, blood rained on them for a second before stopping, which made Cerridwen drop me and panic, running around in circles, Blitz just gave into fear and froze, Shy squeaked in panic, and Fable did what any scientist would do.
Get closer to me to find out what happened.
She did and gasped at what she saw.
"We need a medical professional…"
I pointed to my right eye.
"It's not doing good. I can't even see the iris anymore."
She magically brought me to my feet and kept a slight amount of force on me.
She was in charge.
She walked past all her friends and took me straight to the medical facility.
All the while she slowly and carefully pulled the blood out and away from my eye before it hardened.

The desk worker was a female, pink coat, smooth pink mane, and I could see the tiniest amount of a pink tail. Her eyes were dark green, and she wore a head band with a cross on it.
She looked up to face us.
"May I he… OH HOLY-"
I pointed to my eye and she immediately stopped talking and began to write on her medical papers.
"Right this way!"
She rushed down the hallway, and Fable pulled me as she followed by her magical leash.
I didn't argue.
I followed at my walking pace.
I forgot to mention this, but when I was human, I had people over 6 feet tall who struggled to keep up with me when I walk.
Being a pony did NOT change this.
As a result I quickly passed Fable and made my way to the pink worker.
She looked at me.
"Fortunately for you we have one of the few ponies in Equestria who can fix that eye right here."
She quickly knocked on the door.
"YES? Who is it?"
I looked up at the name plate on the door.
Doctor Krutz.
That name made me scared for some reason, like I knew this name from sometime…
Something involving muffins and a padded room...
"Nurse Redlock. Knifer is at the door."