• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,368 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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Blondebolt's Journal Part Two

I’ve developed some slight anger issues.
And by slight, I mean ‘I tried to murder Celestia.’
I’m now alone in my room, the generator for the box removed.

Celestia came in to see if I had calmed down.
I would be lying if I did anything but try to maim her.
She had to restrain me to my own bed.
I’m now going through mood swings and I’m remembering things that didn’t happen.
I told Celestia, and she told me that I just have a very active imagination.
I highly doubt it.

It was mid-lesson when a major mood swing hit me.
I just broke into tears, and when Celestia came over to me and help me re-balance my emotions, I almost killed her.
I got put in a small cage, stuffed into my room, and left in there.

I heard the guards talking about how she had never been so frustrated with anypony for years.
I started thinking, and quickly figured a makeshift teleport spell.
I had only a rough ability to chose the location, because it was so hastily made.
I used it.
I just woke up after my teleport spell in my old bed.
Mommy said I hurt my leg and that it’ll take a few days for it to heal.
Mommy asked me what happened, so I told her.
She seemed worried for me.
Celestia came today, and I swear if Mommy weren’t around I would be on the moon or worse.

I feel like I just got hit by a buffalo.

Feel like I just got hit by a stampede of buffalo.

Five stampedes.
When I woke up Celestia was looking down at me.
I was frightened.
So much that I ended up smacking her in the face with my hoof.
I’m doomed.
Yeah, I’m seriously doomed.
I recovered and the first thing that happened was a botched teleportation spell.
I’m now somewhere in a cave.

I used a makeshift location spell and found I’m inside the mountain Canterlot is on.
Inside a huge cave with no way out.
Fortunately there are many little tunnels that allow air in and out.

After making many mobile light spells I found that the cave is full of moss, grass, a few trees, a large lake or pond, and some small animals like mice and rabbits.
I read somewhere that ponies can eat meat if they have to, but too much is bad for them.
I now know how to survive.
And yes my typewriter followed me through, along with it’s bottomless supply of paper and ink.
I fashioned a spear using rocks and wood.
Now I can hunt and fight back if needed.
This is going to be the greatest test I’ve ever gone through.

I found out that the trees grow to full size in hours.
This is going to help.

I managed to make a fire and summon a pot, I’m using it decontaminate the water and cook food.
This moss isn’t all that bad.

Mouse plus moss plus fire equals yummy.

I wrote a ‘help me’ letter and sent it out of the cave.
I hope someone finds it soon.
I made myself a proper shelter using wood.
And by proper, I mean ‘I made a small log cabin’
I took some stones to make a fireplace, so I can keep warm while asleep.
I got bored.
And by bored, I mean ‘so bored I made a town in here’ so HA!
I think I’m starting to snap already.

I got my first resident!
It’s another pony who calls themselves ‘Shade’
Her cutie mark is some sort of shadow.
She has wings.
And a horn.

I asked Shade about her wings and horn, and she said she’s been alive since the time of Celestia.
I asked her how good she was at magic, and she said she’s horrible.
Finally some action!
Turns out the cave is full of evil zombie ponies that attack at night, and it’s only been luck that I didn’t get killed.
I stay in my shelter at night, and Shade tells me when it’s day from her shelter.
It happens to be near one of the vents in the east.
Last night was hell.
I found out that zombie hide is incredibly durable, and thus I made some armor out of it.
I’m a little disturbed, but it works.
It saved me twice now.

I just realized how absurd this is.
I’m a bit over a year old, and I’m fighting against zombies.
Fortunately have a near god on my side.
But still, it’s a little crazy.

I made myself several more spears and went on a zombie killing spree.
It was hilarious.
I must have gotten at least four of five dozen of them.
I’m using their flesh for a lot of things, mostly clothing, but also softer flooring and actual blankets and sheets.
Shade showed me how her lack of magic is balanced by her knowledge of necromancy.
She took a large number of dead zombies and gave them their spirits back, to which they were thankful.
Now we have a small village, so even if we aren’t found, we can at least survive.
We decided to make a government system.
I decided the people have a say in the matter, although Shade and I have one more say each.
The people agreed.

We work by day, and take guard shifts at night.
It seems the zombies don’t want the living, they’re just mindless automatons that attack anything they don’t recognize as an ally.
We had our first village meeting today, and decided to call the town ‘Cavelattice’
It wasn’t my idea, but I like it.

We got a few basic laws in place.

Law Article One: Basic Rights.
1: Right to carry and wield weapons.
2: Right to property.
3: Right to Banish the Hostile Undeath.
4: Right to vote.
5: Right to peaceful protest.
6: Right to any belief system.
7: Right to family.
8: Right to hold office.
9: Right to learn and practice necromancy and magic.

These are the Nine Basic Rights of any citizen of Cavelattice.
Those who are not citizens (However unlikely we are to be found) have rights 1,2,3,5,6, and 7.
We made more homes, many on top of one another.
This will allow more people.

I finally got a response to my letter from just over a week ago.
“What seems to be the problem?”
I called a meeting and everypony agreed to alert about the situation.
So I sent out a message telling them about the zombies and how we are in the mountain itself.
We got one saying help would come in about a week.
The attacks have gotten worse ever since yesterday.
The guard force is up and more citizens are being made.
We decided to use the natural height of the cave to our advantage, and are building tall, stable dwellings.
I love these screwed up trees.

We had our very first casualty, which was quickly undone via necromancy.
Everypony except Shade is confused as to why I’m laughing.
I told them about how necromancy is letting us not truly die.
Then they began to laugh.
It’s been almost two weeks of being trapped in here.
Forty one days since my adoption.
I miss Mommy.
We found some explosive dust in here.
I have an idea that might work.
My idea worked.
I made a large, stationary projectile weapon that fires clumps of rocks at high speed, shredding the zombie to pieces.
It rotates on a base that has its center in the ground, and then another axis that allows the cannon part to be aimed up and down.
The shot is propelled by the blast of the explosive powder.
It’s only to be used when needed though, because it destroys the corpse, which could be used for new ponies or for material, and because it uses a rare material.
I haven’t seen Shade all day.
I’m worried about her.

We finally managed to make a wall around the village.
It’s made of wood and stone, should be able to last a beating.

Shade returned.
She said she had to check for where they were coming from.
She couldn’t find it.
Sometime tomorrow we should be getting help.
Nothing else to report.
Help came in the way of about twenty-nine royal guard teleporting in.
The moment the light reached us Shade said she had some business to do involving necromancy, and went into her house.
Five of the citizens and I rushed over to the guard and brought them to the settlement.
The guard said they needed to wait a while before they could start teleporting all of us out.
The citizens agreed to send small numbers out, groups of three or four at a time.
Shade and I would be the last.
An eight at a time.
Once each night, after the attacks.
Just over one more week
Eventually the zombies will be blocked off and this village will be an Equestrian one.
Nothing to report.
I wonder what is happening to our citizens as they leave, they are zombies themselves.
We are at half strength now.
We gave up half the town, going to have to stick to the higher buildings.
Better build bridges.
Bridges built.
Lower ground given.
Everypony wants out soon.
Tomorrow there will just be Shade, two guard, and I.
Let’s hope that’s enough to get us out.
It worked.
Cavelattice is a zombie town, but that’s better than us dead.
I’m going through a test tomorrow to see if I’m insane.
I would put the questions here, but there were hundreds.
In the end though, I failed.
I’m officially insane even though I’m clearly not.
Screw you world.
Also, they took my armor and stuff.
Fifty-seven days since I was adopted.
I ran to Mommy and latched onto her leg the moment I saw her.
I still haven’t let go.
Mommy made me let go.
The moment she set me down I latched on again.
I finally let go.
I haven’t seen Shade for days.
I’m worried.
I started schooling again.
Under Celestia.
I don’t think they’re thinking.
Day went by just fine.
Until the end of it.
Then my mane burst into flames.
Damn fire spell.
It seems proximity to Celestia is what’s causing my sudden shifts in mood.
More is going on than they are saying.
I told Celestia of what I found.
With a letter.
She is now testing it.
Everytime she passes by, I become violent.
I over heard the Princesses talking about doing a total mind wipe and ditching me in the forest.
It’s time to show them what I can really do.
I’m writing this even as the castle burns.
It’s very pretty.
Oh fine, it’s only a small model about as big as my head.
Since I didn’t leave my room yesterday, Celestia came to see what happened.
I left hoof prints on the windowsill.
She panicked so much.
I then quickly slit her throat.
Alright, it was just a doll of her.
Luna’s corpse is at my feet, her skull crunching in my head.
The guards are burning to cinders and the dragons are drowning.
Dammit I can’t keep this up for long.
Stupid dolls.
I give up.
I came out of my room for the first time in four or so days.
This time Luna was on fire.
And I didn’t do it.
How long has she been on fire?
Why am I at this again?
I over heard Mommy and Celestia again.
“We need to Celestia.”
“Give him another day to atone.”
I didn’t go down without a fight.
They tried to make me really young again(?) and they get hurt.
In fact, they don’t have me.
At all.
I’m off somewhere in space.
I’m clutching to my typewriter as I speak.
It’s been five I GIVE UP.
I’m actually stuck in another cage in my room.

Not anymore.
Now I’m at the mercy of somepony.
Haven’t seen them yet.
It’s Shade!
She said she’s “Returning me to my full power!”
Whatever that means.
I’ve got a skull splitting headache in my forehead.
I think I’m dead.
All I can see is a bright light and my typewriter.
Why won’t this thing go away?
The light is dimming, and by my estimations it’ll be gone by tomorrow morning.

I can feel myself being fed, even though I can’t see it.
This is disconcerting.
I could see properly again, and the first thing I did was look in a mirror, helpfully placed above my head.
There is a large sore where my horn should be.
I also noticed i'm in a normal cave.
I started walking again, and damn it’s hard.
This migraine, Fil as I’m calling it, hurts.
A lot.
Shade started referring to me as Knifer, saying it will resurrect something in me that will help me be my best.
She referred to it as a “Magical lock”
Fil is gone.
So is Shade.
She left a note saying “You’re on your own for now kid.”
To hell with her.
To hell with Celestia.
To hell with Fable.
I can survive.
I can’t survive.
I just got attacked by a manticore, and right now I’m hiding in a tree.
This typewriter is following me I swear.
Mommy found me.
I clung to her leg the entire way home.
I’m not going to get beaten by that spell though.
Mommy called me Knifer by accident for some reason, and my head hurts really bad now.
I feel ill.
If I don’t make it through this, remember, my name is Blondebolt, and I’m not even two years old.
This journal has been kept for eighty six days.
Nearly three months.