• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,366 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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Blondebolt's Journal Part One

My name is Blondebolt.

I got adopted today by Fable, a nice Unicorn who lives in the town’s library.
The town is called Ponyville, and it seems a nice enough place.
It seems like she happens to be hiding something from me though, because I can’t go into the basement.
It’s probably nothing.
On the bright side, I’m going to school tomorrow!
It’s gonna be my first day!

It’s my first day of school, I’m two years younger than everypony else in my class, but I’m just so smart and lively that they’re sending me early!
I hope nothing happens and goes wrong.

Nothing went wrong!
Everypony looked at me funny, walking up to the school house and being tiny compared to them, but I managed to take my stuff up with me and got a front row seat.
I’m sitting on the desk though, because I’m so small.
Well, I guess something somewhat bad did happen.
I got homework.
The paper kind where you write down answers.
I know them really easily, but the pencil is too big to fit in my mouth.
I’m currently using a type writer to make this
I wish I were a Unicorn.
Maybe I could do my work on this…
Well, the teacher wasn’t upset, she understood the reason why.
Also, today during recess I got picked on.
The teacher had gone inside for a few minutes, and there was a circle formed around me and the big bully, so I bucked him in the chest.
I still think I was actually smiling as the blow connected with his chest.
I didn’t get in trouble, because everypony was too surprised and scared to tell her.
When I got home today I cried a lot.
I found out I broke that bully’s rib and that he’ll be spending a long while in the hospital.
The teacher didn’t believe that I did it though, because I’m too little and weak, even after I admitted it.
I don’t know why, but it just felt, proper, natural.
I asked Mommy why that was afterschool.
She told me to not worry about it, and promised that over the weekend we could go do something together.
I wish I knew my real mother.
It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!
Everpony is looking forward to the weekend, weekend!
I don’t know what came over me.

I’m shunned by the kids at school because of a lot of reasons, mainly my age and how I broke that bully’s rib.
I finally got my teacher’s name today, BubblePop.
We also learned about Cutie Marks, something that appears on your flank and takes on an image of what you’re good at.
I’ll obviously be the last of my class to get one.
But I don’t care, it’s just because of my age.
Well, tomorrow Mommy and I are going somewhere, I wonder where?
Mommy took me to a place called Canterlot.
It’s apparently the capital of Equestria.
Maybe I’ll get to see the Princesses!
Though I doubt it.

We’re staying in the last place I expected!
Apparently Mommy is the student of Celestia!
I wonder why she didn’t tell me?
Oh well, I get to see the Princesses all the time!
I played chess with Luna, and failed every game.
Even though she went easy on me.
Every time.
I even got to watch Mommy study!
I’m actually understanding it, something which somehow surprises the Princesses.
Some of it is just logical, like gravity, and inertia.
But some isn’t quite so, such as cells, and atoms.
I stupidly tried to use magic as well, despite how every source I’ve read says it can’t be done.
I did get a migraine though, something that shouldn’t happen.
For some reason, I had an urge to name it “Fill”
Mommy somehow found out about my ‘experiments’ from yesterday and became curious.
She encouraged me to keep trying, even though I received what was effectively a negative reward every time.
Eventually, while Celestia was entering the dining room during lunch, something happened.
I managed to make a knife at the other end of the table go flying at high speeds.
It lodged itself into the wall next to Celestia, and I put on my best innocent look.
She didn’t care.
About the knife, that is.
The reporter that was with her was shocked that she gave me a lollypop.
However, that did not stop the migraine.
Even as I type this, I have a large variety of metallic objects flying around me.
Most are made of copper and or aluminum, except for a few, which are made of ivory.
It seems to be easier to manipulate that, possibly due to how it is used in animal teeth, which are similar enough to bones for magic to flow through them easier.
Mommy is impressed how over night I managed to learn to mass the spell’s effect and control the migraines and focus it elsewhere.
I focused them into small spheres above my head that dissipate when I’m done.

I’m not allowed to use my magic unless I’m just around Mommy, Celestia, and or Luna.
They won’t let me use it when alone due to safety reasons.
We went home today, and the first thing I did was grab a book on magic theories and start to read it.
More specifically, it was on magic theories in Earth Ponies.
I have no clue why, but I felt compelled to learn as much about this as I could.

I found nothing in that book that pointed towards a condition I am now calling “Hornless Unicorn Syndrome”
It appears to be either caused by being a non-Unicorn that can use magic, or being a Unicorn without a horn.
I’m betting what’s going on is the latter, because after doing extensive book based research I found that in order to cast magic, a specific part of the brain must be “wired” in a certain way.
In the front of the brain, heavily paired with the Prefrontal Cortex, is a mass of brain that comes out and should go through the skull, which should spiral up and mold around this piece of the brain.
Due to it having no name, I am calling it the Magi-Center for now.
I have found that, with the unknowing aid of Mommy, who I shall now call by her real name, Fable, for this paper, that this section of the brain focuses energy and thought into a tiny point on the tip of the Magi-Center, and then allows it to suffer from a controlled burst.
For a simple one shot spell, a single, low cost, high power burst is formed.
More complex, duration based spells however, require rapid bursts of at least ten per second, extremely low cost at first before it begins add up, with individual bursts being of low power.
Some spells break these rules however, such as teleporting spells, which continue to drain energy for a few moments after they were used, and the energy cost is based on distance traveled.

And Mommy just found out what I’m doing.
I’m typing this as I speak to her, and the conversation is going along the lines of…
“What it this?”
“Oh it’s just a research paper!”
“On what?”
“How magic appears to work.”
“That’s been stumping the greatest minds of all ponykind for centuries!”
“I might have figured it out?”

Well, she took what I wrote and made it a bit more organized, did a bit more research, and then made some edits in the margins.
We’ll be off to Canterlot again, but this time during the week!
I’m getting excused from classes for this too.
I’m back in Canterlot, and Mommy took me back to Celestia.
Rather than Mommy showing it, I’m showing it, the piece of chalk having a large piece of ivory attached to the back to allow me to control it better.
I drew the inside of the skull of a unicorn and the side of their head, along with the brain.
I then wrote notes on each small section relating to my current hypothesis.
When I was done, Celestia was very impressed and recommended that I go to this school that she heads.
It’s for gifted Unicorns, and seeing how I’m supposed to be one it only makes sense.
But it’s in Canterlot, and since Mommy lives in Ponyville, I’d only be able to see her occasionally.
She’s supporting whichever choice I make.
Tomorrow I’m showing what I found to more professional ponies who have been studying this for years.
They’re most likely going to hate it though.

I just realized something.
My intelligence compared to my age is astronomically high, such that I am in fact going to skip to middle school level courses if I chose to stay at the school house.
But if I chose to go to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns I’ll only skip three grades.
I’ll be about a year old, in classes with either twelve year olds or six year olds.
Either way it’ll be dangerous, but Celestia is watching.
I really can’t decide, and rolling dice isn’t a good idea.
As I was showing off my Hypothesis to the professors, who at first scoffed at the idea a “Baby Earth Pony” could have my level of intelligence, towards the end they were having trouble with the fact that I didn’t have enough time to continue.
One even said “I do believe this child has just revolutionized the thinking of magic!”
Ironically, he was the one who hated the idea the most.
And most are still shocked over the fact that I was levitating a piece of chalk.
I’m being called “Professor Blondebolt” by the papers, which will publish the meeting in three days.
I voiced how I’d rather not be called a professor yet, but they wouldn’t hear it.

I was asked about my choice, and I decided to go with the School for Gifted Unicorns.
Firstly, I would be in less danger, for I read about middle school and how it could get dangerous.
I also felt I would get the better education here.
In fact, the only thing that delayed my choice was that I wouldn’t see Mommy too frequently.
Tomorrow will be my first day, and all my stuff has ivory in it.
I’ll show them all that just because I suffer from Hornless Unicorn Syndrome doesn’t mean I can’t be like them.
I went to my first class today, walking beside Celestia the whole way.
Everypony was surprised at just about everything.
When I entered the class, everypony’s magic fizzled out and they froze up.
They just stared at me as I went to my desk at the front of the class and sat down on the top of it.
Celestia explained why she tricked the teachers about me, then left.
The class was silent as I organized my stuff.
I actually had to tell the teacher to get on with it.

During my sixth and last class, the teacher had the nerve to tell me to get out the moment I entered.
The first thing I did was head straight to the Main Offices and checked in.
Well, I tried.
I got told to get out as well.
So I did what they said.
I left the school for the rest of the day and went to the public gardens.
Nopony looked twice.

Celestia came to me while I was in the gardens and asked what was wrong.
So I told her.
I told her everything that happened that day after she left.
She told me everything would be alright.
I had to take a day from school so Celestia could explain everything.
I decided to go against what she told me before and started practicing spells while she was gone.
I managed to start a small fire in my hoof, but it seems I’m best at telekinesis.

I did some studying and found that there has been a case of HUS, but it was disregarded as a myth.
I was also apparently moved to study purely under Celestia.
Those teachers sure are nasty.

I complained to one of the guards about how they were watching me like hawks.
he told me to quit my whining.
He gave in and let me just talk however I wanted.

I rigged up a prank for Celestia.
I set a very thin, fragile wire up at a height where when she comes in, her horn will make it break, causing her to get drenched in freezing cold water.

She set off the trap.
What was even more hilarious than her getting drenched was how the bucket fell too, piercing itself on her horn, making it look like she was wearing it as a helmet.
She laughed, I laughed, the guards laughed.
These new classes given by the Princess are harder, but more rewarding.
I’m being fed information as fast as I can learn it.
I like it.

Well, I was practicing a really powerful telekinesis spell, and managed to make something weird appear.
It looks like a big box with a black window on it, and an odd rope with metal prongs coming out of it.
Celestia is checking it out right now.

She decided to let me keep the box, and hooked it up to a magically powered generator.
I love it a lot, and it played weird moving images with odd aliens on it.
They speak our language.
Some look more like they’re drawn, some more like real life.
I particularly like the show “Spongebob” despite how much they do stuff that obviously breaks reality.
It’s hilarious.
I don’t know why, but some random stranger tried to kill me today.
Fortunately, he was an idiot and attacked me with a knife made of copper.
I turned the tables on him and got him first.
He didn’t move after that.

The body was quickly removed, and now everypony is scared of me.
Even Celestia is worried, not for me, but about me.
I’m worried.
I killed somepony.
They tried to kill me, true, but still.
I think it’s best if I just disappear for a while.
Apparently one cannot hide from Celestia.
She found me in moments, even though I was behind the book cases.

I tried to duplicate my spell mishap from earlier, and somehow made Celestia herself appear in front of me.
She was amused.
I was confused.

I tried it again while under her supervision, and managed to make another one of those odd boxes appear.
She sent that one for research.
Mommy heard about what happened and came over to see if I was okay.
I managed to assure her nothing was wrong.

After Mommy left I got surrounded by reporters who wanted to interview me on how I’m so smart.
I panicked and ended up appearing on Celestia’s head.
Again, she was amused.

The reporters managed to ambush me and put some sort of anti-magic field around me.
I don’t know why, but I just went limp.
I think that might be my response to panic.
The guard came and got the reporters away until they could take me back to my room.
Something happened.
Rather than just moving the small sphere, which should have been a trivial task, I made it explode into many small pieces, sending shrapnel everywhere.
My magic is very wild and untamed it seems, I can direct it, but not control it.

I screwed up big time.
Instead of simply cutting some bread, the knife flew at and impaled itself into Luna’s leg.
She’s going to be okay, but still, I can’t help but wonder if I’m going to get sent to the moon.
I’m starting to have really strange dreams where I’m some odd bipedal creature and I’m amongst other bipedal creatures.

I think I heard Mommy talking to Celestia and Luna.
They were saying something about how I shouldn’t be able to use magic because of how that part of my brain isn’t developed enough.
That leads me to believe the part of the Magi-Center in the horn is the part that focuses the spell, while the rest merely allows it to be cast.
This also leads me to believe that my brain is developed far beyond normal.
I spent all night watching the box, and fell asleep at one point.
When I woke up Mommy was next to me, sleeping with me.
I nuzzled her a bit before I fell asleep again.
When I woke up I heard Mommy and Celestia talking about how I’m “Just so innocent.”
I still remember how it went.
“He’s just so innocent, it’s hard to believe that it’s been about twenty two days, just over three weeks.”
“I know, Celestia, I can’t believe that he used to be so against the ideas of our society. Now we can raise him the Equestrian way. Things will be better for him.”
“Perhaps I made the wrong choice?”
“You didn’t. This is the best thing, his skill set that the Nightmare wanted is gone. If we can teach him to control his magic, he’ll be the most powerful magic user since…”
“…Twilight Sparkle.”
“He may be better.”
“I hope not. If he is, I’ll have to do the unthinkable.”
“Neutralize his magic.”
They both left the room after this.

I confronted my Mommy about this.
She denied everything.

I confronted Celestia.
She denied everything.

I confronted my dinner.
It denied everything.

I confronted the reporters that swarmed me.
They looked at me in confusion.