• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,368 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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Random Adventures of Blondebolt and Knifer

The violence commenced instantly, with Blitz on the offensive.
She rushed at the horde, and made a clean hole in their lines.
A dozen down, a hundred and thirty two left.
A dozen down, a hundred and ten left.
A dozen down… Bleh.
That basically continued for a while until there was just one zombie left, flying lazily after her.
She made it explode into guts and oddly green blood.
Vomiting ensued from the ponies.
I had to stifle a small laugh.
“Well now, looks like she is victorious. Round two.”
A fully grown dragon appeared, twisted and vile from Nightmare Moon’s power.
There was silence.
A roar.
And then my mind started working in odd rhyming.

The dragon lunged with rage in its heart.
The Pegasus fled with fear in its eyes.
Both were quick as a dart,
But alas, surprise,
As the dragon caught his foe…

With a mighty gulp the dragon devoured,
The Pegasus was gone,
Nopony muttered.
One round won, and lost was this one.
We all watched in fear…

Gone was she,
Digesting in the belly.
Though she tried to flee,
She knew she couldn’t really.
And now she is nevermore…

I snapped out of my poetry thoughts and realized what happened.
She was dead.
Eaten alive.
And of course one of those ponies cares more about the act than the victim.
I turned to Luna, and saw the others, sadness in their eyes.
She turned to me and glared, her muscles tensing up.
“Why what?”
“Why would you do this.”
“I meant only to go home, like I have been clearly insisting.”
“You didn’t need to do this!”
She swung her hoof at me and I fell over onto my side, feeling crimson drip out of my mouth somewhat.
I just stayed there and let her beat me, and when she was finished I stood up.
She turned.
I grabbed her and flipped her over.
“No hitting me.”

I jolted out of the dream, the sun coming up.
I shook my head and went up the stairs, then out the door into the sun.
Nope said the world, deal with the full moon.
“Where are the gods of my world when you need them?”
“Busy in their own universe Bro.”
I turned my head and there was Blondebolt, relaxing on my ghostly back.
I wanted to kick him off, but I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my yet somehow not self.
And besides, I’m caring for him for now.
“Ah hell.”
He laughed at that.
I laughed at him laughing at that, then shook my head and got to walking.

We came across that one pony from before, the one that I used my hoof on to remove his jaw.
It was attached again, but he had a cast on there.
He gave me a nasty glare before going on his way.

After a while longer of walking, I saw this odd blue box.
It said “Police” on it.
And it was in an alleyway.
A Stallion entered it and it just disappeared.
“What was that Bro?”
“A something. Most likely some odd Time and Relative Dimension in Space type object.”
“I don’t know either.”
Blondebolt just shook his head, sat on me like a human would have, and I got to continuing.

Next we saw what appeared to be a drunken fight.
No need to explain.

Blood donors.

That waffle pony from before.

Three hundred ponies dressed up like the Spartans.

Something involving a Pegasus and a pickle jar.

Raining chocolate.
“Wait… This doesn’t make sense Bro.”
“Just ignore it, probably some sort of spell.”
“I don’t think it’s a spell.”
“Then what is it?”
He put a hoof through my mane.
“Alright then…”

((This is the Author here, with no idea on how to continue. GIVE ME IDEAS THAT WORK DAMMIT. Please?))