• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,367 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

  • ...

I'm Hatin' It

I said it instinctively.
"Wait... Nurse REDLOCK?"
"Thank you for bringing us Knifer, Fable. When he disappeared Celestia told the two of us to move here so we might be able to find him. Of course he will get treated and his eye fixed. Then Celestia wants to talk to him. Alone."
"But she didn't tell me about this at all!"
I turned to look at Fable. She was wide eyed and I could tell she was ready to burn something.
Or someone.
"Please calm down ma'am. I'm only looking in for the best interests of the people."
All of a sudden Nurse Redlock's head band turned to ash, and Fable's eyes caught on fire.
I quickly put my arms around her neck and tied to calm her, gently petting her side.
I couldn't take it anymore, and I let go of Fable.
I then whirled around and bucked Nurse Redlock twice and Fable twice, each getting one to the head and one to the gut.
They both glared at me violently.
I turned around and kept my cool. I didn't care if they broke my legs then and there.
I walked past them both, accidentally smacking into Redlock and 'accidentally' smacking into Fable.
I went into Doctor K's office.
He was grey with a black, official, smooth looking mane and a similar tail. His iris color was similar to mine, only darker, and he was a unicorn.
I could just barely see his tattoo, it was that of a thermometer.
He motioned to me to have a seat, so I sat on a large cushion.
"Thank you for getting both of them to shut up. Now, I know you have no way of paying for this, but Celestia herself paid for it already. Now, I don't expect you to be able to respond properly, but please try. What is your favorite color?"
I looked about the room, trying to find purple.
I pointed to a large purple box.
"Alright then. Can you control your eye?"
I tried, and managed to get the pupil to the point where I could just barely see, but the I went back into hiding quickly when my eye started to bleed again.
The blood floated away and into a small plastic bag, which closed itself.
"Great job. That's better than most can do. Now, I can't actually make you fall unconscious with magic… so you'll need to drug yourself. Sorry."
I shrugged in response to this. I didn't care if I ended up in that metal clinic again. I just wanted this nightmare to end.
He pushed over a small pill and a glass of water.
I carefully set the pill on my tongue and drank it down with the water.
I sat still and waited for the drug to take effect.
It did after about five minutes.

I awoke mere moments after the Doctor fixed my eye.
I gave it an experimental blink and looked about.
No blood.
I sat up from the table he had put me on and looked about.
There was Fable and her friends to my left, and Nurse Redlock on my left.
Fable had four nasty bruises right where I bucked her, and Redlock was bleeding slight from those spots.
Doctor K was in front of me.
"So, how are you enjoying my fixing of your eye?"
I smiled and leaned forwards, then wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Um… could you let me go?"
I obliged and let go.
I felt a tapping on my left shoulder, so I turned and got bucked in the chest by Fable.
I was barely moved by the impact, but it hurt like hell.
"That's for earlier."
I went into a slightly angry expression.
"Unfortunately, I cannot fix his brain or speech. I am sorry."
Shy was the first to talk.
"It's okay, you did your best."
Cerridwen soon followed.
"Yes, your 'eye' for detail was brilliant!"
I was confused at that remark.
I looked about for a mirror, and saw a small one laying next to me.
I looked into it.
My right eye was a dark green.
I looked back up at Doctor K.
"Don't worry, I put a spell on it to make it slowly change back to 'normal' color."
I wanted to shout 'YOU REPLACED MY EYE?" but could only frown a bit more.
Fable used her magic to pull my front hooves forwards, and Cerridwen moved my back hooves, making me get off the bed and start walking out.
I was tense for when they would let go.
They did once I was out of the hospital.
I took a few hesitant steps forwards, and once I was sure I could walk normally, I began to trot.
I trotted back to Sugarcube Corner.
Or I would have, if Shy hadn't nudged me away from there.
"No no. This way."
She gently grabbed my head with both her front hooves and pulled me over to the library.
I unwillingly followed.

It was two days after that, and I awoke to find a typewriter in the basement.
It actually had a backspace key, and I decided to try it out.
I began to make this journal you see here now, from the start to the end.
Every time I ran out of paper, more appeared next to me.
It was enchanted too.

Fable has been surprised that I'm not tackling her lately, and checked on why.
I turned to look at her, still typing away.
She was surprised that I was enjoying this.
"You like writing?"
I nodded and looked back at my work.
No errors.
I stopped typing for a bit and stretched out, then looked back to Fable.
I began to think, for a moment, then pounced her.
This knocked her over onto her back.
I wrapped my front legs around her neck again.
She didn't struggle against it.
In fact, it seemed like she missed it.
I kept her pinned down like that for a while, until I felt her pulling me off with magic.
I rolled, got up, and walked back to the typewriter
"Well, I see you haven't changed since a few days ago…"
"I asked Celestia to start sending me medication for your mind and voice."
I wanted to hurt that Unisis for what she did to me.
I wanted to rip off that sharp horn of hers and use it to stab her all over, and finally a quick one-two stab to the heart and brain.
I smiled.
"Hold up… I have a 'Derp to Pony Translation Guide' in here…"
She began to use her magic to look through the books before finding the guide.
"Here we are…"
She opened it and floated it over to herself, then began to look through it.
"You just told me your plans to kill Celestia."
She quickly closed the book and smashed me in the head with it, making me fly to the side a good distance.
The way I landed was perfect for an idea, given how my body ended up in a terrible position.
I played dead.
When Fable saw I didn't move, she slowly walked up to me, then noticed how my head was at an odd angle.
I kept still, deciding to change the blame to being hit too hard to do anything.
She rushed over to me, then slowly and carefully moved my body into its proper position.
She let go and I kept myself stable, then turned to face her.
"You are alright…"
I heard the door open slightly, turned my head, and the baby dragon from earlier came into the room.
Now that I had time to do so, I checked him out.
He was a dark blue with a cyan underbelly and back spikes, with eyes of a shade of red like mine.
"Is everything alright?"
The voice was male, and sounded more like a teenager of about sixteen years of age , about mid-pitched.
"You guys okay?"
I nodded and smiled.
Fable did so too.
"Okay then…"
He quickly ducked back into the main room and closed the door.
"That was my assistant, Stevenson. He chose his name and I just went with it."
I smiled and sat down, then began to think.
My thoughts kept drifting towards Seka.
I decided that I am either in love, which I hoped for hell not to be true, or I just cared about her.
Probably the latter.
I pointed Fable to the stack of papers I had laying on the ground, neatly ordered, top being the start, bottom the furthest I got.
She naturally wandered over and began to read them.
I quickly and quietly made my way up the stairs, and opened the door.
Steve was busy balancing dangerously on a ladder, putting books away.
I quietly shut the door, then made my way over to the front door.
There was a large package blocking it from the other side.
I snuck upstairs, looking for another way out.
I wandered out onto the balcony.
In the middle of the day.
Blitz passed me very narrowly, not noticing me.
I looked about for a way to get down easily.
There were a bunch of close together branches that led a way down.
I carefully jumped from branch to branch all the way down and into a large bush.
I stayed hiding in it, until the coast was clear.
I made a fast, silent dash to Sugarcube Corner.
There was a closed sign, but it wasn't locked.
I began to make a move to open the door, and ducked just in time to avoid having Blitz smash into me.
"Where do you think YOU'RE GOING?"
"We all know you want to go to Seka, you lover. We can't let you until you recover."
I stuck my tongue out at her and quickly entered the confectionary.
The place was eerily dark.
I carefully made my way over to the stairs up, and turned to go up them.
Seka was standing there at the top, barely moving, barely making a sound, with a murder face on, her hair 'deflated'.
I backed up.
She stepped forwards into the small amount of light that came through the windows.
"Oh Knify, I've been waiting. How nice of you to come back after almost a month and a half."
She had a hacksaw in her mouth.
Her pace quickened rapidly, catching up with me.
I backed up into the kitchen, where it was darker again.
"The dark can't save you."
My voice failed me.
I quickly got behind the baking counter.
"Your eyes will bleed and die, blinding you to my wonders.""
I grabbed my own knife from the counter.
"Your bones will become power, your blood filling."
She lunged over the counter, and I parried with my own blade, then twisted the hacksaw out of her mouth.
She simply laughed and kicked it aside.
"Your flesh will become fine leather fit for Cerridwen's clothing."
She grabbed her own knife and lunged again, my knife getting in the way to late.
It cut into my side, slicing a small but harsh wound, and blood left it.
"I am being too inefficient. I must save as much of that as possible, can't let it go to waste."
I quickly got to her side and hit her in the back of the head with a hoof.
I didn't want to kill her. I hate killing.
She lost her grip on the knife and bucked me, making me lose grip of my own.
"Give up Knify, this isn't an equal match."
"Yes, I know about your words failing you. I heard it all. Every. Last. Word."
I threw myself onto her, making her fall to the ground.
"What are you going to do now? I could just stand up and smash your head on the cabinet."
I had less than a second to think.
As usual, the more absurd the idea, the sooner I think of it.
I kissed her.
She froze.
Blitz came in the kitchen, confused as to what was going on, given how she couldn't see in the dark.
Seka remained stunned.
Blitz reached for the light switch.
I didn't dare move incase Seka went murderer on me again.
When Blitz hit the switch, she immediately went wide eyed and closed her eyes.
Seka forced me off and onto the ground, then quickly put both her front hooves on my chest.
I noticed a knife next to my head.
The pressure made a tiny bit of blood come out of my wound.
She began to laugh murderously.
It was Blitz's voice.
Seka turned her head to face Blitz.
"Who are you to stop me?"
I used the distraction to grab the knife in my mouth, and slashed her front legs with it, making blood get on my face, and her pull them up.
I quickly got up and went around the counter over to Blitz.
"You can't escape Knifer. I WILL GET YOU."
"Something tells me it will be harder than that."
Seka leaped over the counter again, but I was ready.
I whipped around and gave her a one-two-three-four-five to the gut, stopping her and making her cough up blood, then fall to the floor, not moving, still alive.
Blitz turned to me.
"Now you are bleeding, have blood on your face, and have blood on your legs, there is blood in this room, Seka has cut marks on her front legs and has blood in and on her mouth…"
I lowered myself onto the ground next to Seka carefully.
She turned her head to me and licked to blood off it.
"I never thought you would do that Seka."
I gave Blitz a look that said 'then you don't know her'
Seka smiled at me, then kicked the wall.
I heard a crash, and got up, but too late.
I large pan fell on my head.
What Seka did not see coming, was how thick my skull is.
I just turned to look at her, now with a new migraine. I named it Fill.
She was shocked.
Blitz was probably shocked.
My head hurt.
I merely laughed.
After all, if you're gonna kill someone, do it efficiently.
I heard a knocking on the front door.
Blitz was already going to get it.
"My employers are back early! CLEAN UP!"
She immediately forgot her injuries and ran about cleaning.
I helped a bit by moving stuff into neat piles on the ground or counter, given how I didn't know where to put stuff.
Fill was still kicking hard.
I quickly cleaned myself of blood and put a medical bandage over the cut I had, and Seka ran into a restroom.
I came out to the front and finally met Seka's employers.

The room was lit up now, and Blitz was chatting idly with them.
They were obviously a couple, and looked to be mid thirties to forties.
The male was and orange-green with a red mane and tail, both of which were ruffled up. His eyes were green and he had caramel as a tattoo.
The female was a dark blue, with silver, puffy mane and tail, blue eyes as well, and chocolate as her tattoo.
"You must be Seka's friend. She told us about-"
I quickly interrupted with a nod, and left the building before I had to try and communicate.
I sat down by the side of the confectionary and looked about.
Ponies were doing business again.
None of them approached.
Seka slid into my vision, her hair still 'deflated' and very rather mad.
"I will have you…"
I calmly looked at her before staring forwards again.
Blitz came out of the confectionary with a tray of cupcakes in her mouth.
She sat it down and glared at Seka.
"Seka, we need to talk. Fable's. NOW."
Seka gave a growl as she made her way there.
"Knifer, let's go."
She picked up the tray and fly slowly back to the library, with me following.

I came in, seeing all five of the others, as well as one I hadn't seen before, arranged in a circle, Seka stuck in the middle.
She was a red, with a leather hat on her head, both her mane and tail were blonde and set up in a farm girl style. Her eyes were a dark blue and she had a bucket of apples for a tattoo.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Steve laying down on his belly, his head hanging off the stairs.
"Just wha' the hay were you thinkin'?"
"I wasn't…"
"Blitz over heard what you told Knifer. That's what you've been giving me? Pony hide? HOW COULD YOU?"
That last part sounded more like whining than scolding.
"And what was that about the blood filling?"
That one came from Steve.
Seka was whimpering now.
I calmly moved over to the tray of cupcakes and grabbed one without looking, then proceeded to eat it, observing the ponies.
Fable looked over to me and left the circle, then motioned for me to follow her down into the basement.
I had just finished the cupcake, and I quickly followed her down to my stack of papers.
"This is either the product of you still being insane, or you are not supposed to be a pony. WHICH?"
As she said the last word a multitude of knives floated up and surrounded me.
I immediately blacked out from fright.

I awoke still in the sphere of knives, with Fable glaring at me violently.
She stamped a hoof down, and the knives inched closer.
I felt myself beginning to crack under the pressure.
My left eye was involuntarily twitching.
Fable noticed this and gave slightly.
I took steps towards her, my already damage and weakened mind cracking again.
She gave more ground.
I leaped through the knives, many of them sticking into my left, some very deeply, and tackled Fable.
She dropped the knives from the force of the impact.
I smashed my head into her own, dazing me and making her become still.
I ignored the pain and slowly made my way over to a wall, then leaned against it.
I passed out on the spot.

"Knifer, you really need to stop this violence. It will only get you hurt."
Finally I heard Seka acting sane.
I opened my eyes and found myself where Seka was earlier, surrounded by the six ponies, Fable rubbing her head with a hoof.
I still had the knives in my side, and the pain was immense.
"Now that he's awake, should I lift him in the sky again?"
"Do it girl, don't show 'im any mercy, drop 'im if ya' have ta."
"What about his side? Knify is probably in so much pain…"
"Fine, Ya'll do it yerselves, I gots no medical experience."
I felt the knives slowly and carefully come out, and the wounds where they were quickly got covered by a cast of some sort.
"There. Now, I'm gonna lift you high in the sky!"
I stuck my tongue out at Blitz and ran, leaped over Cerridwen, and went up the stairs.
I took a sharp turn and leaped off the balcony, and onto a rooftop.
I felt adrenaline going through my body, tunnel vision taking effect, time slowed, I quickened.
I ran from roof to roof in the middle of the night, and landed right outside of town, Blitz coming right at me.
I then remembered where the princess came from.
The city on the side of the cliff.
I ran into a narrow grouping of trees and laughed as Blitz could not find a way in.
I waited until she left, then set out on a new journey.
I wanted to shout 'To the Capital!'