• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 3,367 Views, 128 Comments

Currently Unnamed Journal - Zyggy

"Human turned into pony and sent to Equestria" Clique done in a more line by line style.

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The Beginning of the End of The Beginning of the End of Peace

The moon came up and sure as clock work Ms. Doo arrived.
“I’m going on a trip to Canterlot.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but I quickly interrupted.
“By myself. I’m off in the morning.”
“Because, I need to speak with Celestia. I have not planned a thing other than that. I am prepared for the worst. I will not be taking luggage. Alert the others. Until the morn comes I shall be somewhere that shall not be revealed.”
I stood up and walked to where I woke up all those months ago.

I reached the site and sat down there.
I continued to allow gravity to pull me down as I thought about everything.
I couldn’t decide if it was worth it.
When I got to Celestia something would happen, and one side would perish.
There were at least two sides, but then again the Nightmare could come out and make three.
Add Luna and there could be a fourth.
And if she managed to bring Blondebolt out and into a body there would be a fifth side.
I thought about giving up, but every time a single thought went through my head, one which I voiced out loud.
“I’m gonna be the most relentless bastard this world has ever met.”
This one sentence, this one phrase, it became my savior.
I forced myself up, and just as the sun rose I walked to Canterlot, my steps forceful.

I reached Canterlot after a day’s travel, and waited until morning for the sun to rise so I could hide.
When it rose I faded from sight, and silently entered.
I hunted down the palace and entered, slowly making my way through the halls, avoiding Unicorns.
Again I made it to Celestia.
She could not see me.
She was asleep.
I made my way over to the bed, and slapped her across the face.
She awoke with a fright in the middle of the light to find that her horrors had come true.
“No… LUNA!”
A bright flash of light later and the room had another pony in it.
“What’s wrong?”
“There is something in here…”
The room was filled with moonlight, and both of the Princesses turned to face me, shock on their faces.
I instantly reared up and ensued maniacal laughter.
“Not so Bitchestia!”
I suddenly stopped laughing, became serious, dropped onto the floor and sat there, then slowly opened my mouth.
“I refused to move on. You’re both goddesses, fix it.”
Luna shook her head.
“Only power wise, we can’t bring life back.”
“But I’m not truly dead.”
“Your body is.”
“All of you shut up.”
Simultaneously we turned to a figure that matched the description of Shade.
“Allow the one that knows Necromancy to explain it. Knifer, you cannot be put back in your body without a rare crystal known as the Philosopher’s Stone. I used to have one in my possession, before it was stolen by a cloud of smoke. Your friends will have to travel far south to get one, before the weather change destroys your body.”
“Wow, cliché plot line much?”
She then disappeared.
Not teleport.
She simply ceased to exist.
I turned to the now frightened Celestia and Luna.
Celestia turned to face me.
“I… I… I’m sorry.”
I slapped her across the face.
“Don’t be. The past is the past and being sorry will never change it. Only actions, regardless of what kind, will change anything. You want to show you’re sorry? Help out and help in finding the Stone.”
“I’ll send a letter to Fable and begin research…”
“I’ll be off then Princess, unless you would miss us?”
“Stop rhyming and let me think.”
I smiled and left to go back to Ponyville.

I arrived at night, and I went straight to the library.
I went down into the basement, got on the type writer, and worked.
An hour passed, and a letter landed on my head.
I opened it and read it.
“I can’t bring you back, but I might be able to bring back Blondebolt. Come back to the Palace soon with Fable.”
I closed the letter and went back to work on this journal, smiling all the while.

The sun rose and Fable barged through the door and down the stairs, then pinned me to the ground.
“Don’t leave like that AGAIN.”
I smacked her in the face with the letter.
She took it and began to read, not releasing me from her clutch.
“Tomorrow night, no sooner.”
Her gaze shifted back to me, and I felt her black eyes piercing past my very soul.
Fable was instantly replaced with a large pink blur of doom, and I was in a death hug.
“Oh I missed you so…”
I struggled for hours.
The moment she let go I pushed at the ground frantically, backing myself into a wall.
“I’ll see you tonight!”
I narrowed my eyes as she left, busily thinking ‘very clever.’
Eventually I just went up the stairs and looked about, watching Fable frantically researching something and Steve rushing about with books.
I left the building and went to the Boutique.

When I entered, Cerridwen was ready.
I was quickly locked in a cage.
“HA! I HAVE YOU NOW! You will NOT be scaring me this time!”
Then a small knife landed in the cage.
Next thing she knew, I had picked the lock, opened the door, and left the building, leaving the knife behind, and leaving her shocked.
The next place I went to was Blitz’s house.

The clouds were red, and I remembered why.
I began to wonder why she hadn’t cleaned them.
I turned around and went to the library again.

When I got there, Fable was waiting.
“You’re probably wondering where Blitz is.”
I sat down next to her, leaned against her, and nodded.
“She went to the hospital because of you.”
I was not surprised.
“Her leg got infected with some unknown disease.”
Again, not surprised.
“She’ll want to see you sometime soon.”
Again, no big surprise.
“So before we go to Canterlot, we’ll stop off at her room.”
I just nodded and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Fable was asleep.
But she was lying across me.
Steve was holding back a snigger.
I looked outside and noticed the sun was setting.
Thus I got up, unceremoniously dumping Fable on the floor.
The reaction was hilarious.
She flailed about as she got up, shouting.
Both Steve and I burst into laughter.
“Not. Funny.”
I turned and walked to the door, still laughing, even as I stepped outside.
“I would’ve let you finish, but it’s night!”
I walked straight for the hospital, Fable following close behind.

For once I was surprised.
When I entered, Luna was there waiting.
She shined moonlight on me, keeping me visible.
I followed Fable to Blitz’s room.

When we went in she was standing up, looking out the window.
“Oh woe is me, for I hath not a chance to flyeth freely and frolic in the darkest of the forests,”
Her gaze shifted down.
“And now I hath visitors, of whom are a friend, a Princess, and the inflictor of my plight.”
She turned to face me.
“What does thou sayeth?”
“Impressive ye olde speech.”
Her mood instantly improved.
“I practiced a lot!”
She walked towards me and showed her wounded leg.
It was surrounded with an odd black ooze.
“It just won’t heal.”
I looked at it for a short while.
I stepped aside and she checked it.
“Still can’t tell.”
“Every time we wash my leg, it cometh forth again.”
“Your ye olde is showing.”
“Sorry Knifer.”
“It’s okay, just letting you know.”
I got an un-amused look from her.
“Lighten up Blitz.”
“Why should I?”
I then had an old memory go into my head, one from before this incident’s beginning, what I had forgotten, and decided to change the topic.
“Blitz means Lightning.”
“It does?”
“It does.”
I walked past Blitz and over to the window, then stared at the moon.
More memories flickered into my mind.
“The shine from Luna that delivers forth the sight that we see is nothing short of beautiful…”
Blitz came over next to me.
“…but alas, one cannot help but wonder, were one will be when it finally comes to an end.”
“Because in the darkest hour…”
“…the rules will bend.”
“Evils untold shall rise…”
“…and stalk and prey on those unwary.”
“But in the darkest hours heroes can rise from those unthought-of…”
“…and they will rush with great haste, never tarry.”
We turned to face the other two ponies in the room.
“Incredible improvisation duet.”
“Thank you Fable. Blitz, I must be going now.”
I flinched slightly when my cheek was pecked.
“See you when you get back?”
I quickly and politely left with Fable and began to walk to Canterlot.

Only to be teleported there.
Right in front of the Princesses.
“Luna… wait… never mind.”
She began to laugh at my momentary confusion.
I turned to Celestia.
“I would like to speak with you. In private.”
I followed her to her room, the moonlight from Luna following, and shut the door behind us.
“You know exactly one pony will die here.”
“I know.”
“But first, let us do something about Blondebolt?”
“Let us.”
Everything went black.

When I came to, Fable was sitting next to me, a small colt happily hugging her.
He noticed me.
“Are you my dad?”
I leaned in close to him.
“No Blondebolt. I am you, but I am not. You are an exact physical representation of me, but mentally we are much different. I am stubborn, intelligent, non-magical, almost incapable of real violence, and enjoy arts. You are flexible, an incredible genius, incredible magically, can fight back, and don’t care for the arts. We are the same being, but two different ponies. We are more akin to twins, despite the age difference of about twenty three years. I am Knifer.”
“So you’re like a brother?”
“Yes. Blondebolt, I am your brother.”
“Why are you being nice to him?”
“Fable, that’s because I’m just that way.”
“Oh it’s you. Avert your eyes both of you.”
The two quickly left the room, leaving only Celestia and I.
I turned to face her.
“Even terms Knifer?”
“Even terms.”
She glowed brightly and shrunk, down to my size.
“The first to die loses princess.”
We adopted battle stances, and waited for the first move.