• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,665 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Chapter 9

"Rarity would have LOVED this." Twilight said as they strolled past the mountains and mountains of treasure.

"Good thing she wasn't here then." Draigo mumbled to himself, watching the few unfortunate souls within their prision, toiling and polishing the mountains and mountains of priceless trinkets.

"So I take it the idea of the game is not to touch the gold?"

No? Really? Draigo thought to himself, saying nothing. He allowed himself one last glance at those trapped within their own greed. One look of contempt for their avarice, and one final look of pity, for this is their damnation.

"Look at that those....." Twilight said as they trudged past lines of gold statues. "Wow...."

"Is that wow to how well made they were? Or wow to how many fools touched and will be damned for all of eternity?"

"Both.... I guess...." Twilight replied, the last part being of a surprise. Then again, everything here was supposed to kill you in some way or another.

Or worse.

What seemed like hundreds of miles passed, each sharing the same eerie motif. Surprisingly, it wasn't very long before they reached a long bridge and the sound of water flowing.

Only it wasn't water. It was wine. Deep, rich wine that smelled so sweet, so savory, and so good.......

Twilight slapped herself.
Get a hold of yourself! There's something wrong about this.....

Indeed there was. For just a few paces ahead were the throngs of mortal men and women, gulping at the river. Desperate in their thirst..

Some were dead.

Some were everywhere.

Twilight felt like vomiting, despite all the food, despite the rich lakes of wine. She allowed herself a glance at the closest table, a carefully prepared feast that she desperately wanted..... just one bite.....just one sip!

Twilight once again slapped herself. She took a look at Draigo, who walked ahead, calm and set. He was on a personal mission from his god. This was not going to stop him.

"Keep going...." Draigo said. "Hurry up...."

"Yes... yes..." Twilight said running up to catch up with the astartes.

"Don't stop." Draigo said. "Every moment you hesitate is another chance that you decide to go do something stupid."

"I don't think that...."

"You should have stopped at I don't think." Draigo said. "You're not thinking here. Neither am I."

Twilight scoffed at this. "What the hell do you mean?"

"You're in the palace of Slannesh, being manipulated by Tzeentch. The best we can do is not THINK about that and do our best not to play. I am not thinking at all. I am set on one thing. That is to continue going through this hell until I finish my task at hand. If you let yourself be lost to them, I am not going to have any qualms of leaving you behind."

"Me? Lost to them? Good one."

"Just because your soul is protected in the material universe doesn't mean the same here. It's the realm of chaos. Anything can go wrong, lest whatever powers behind it isn't so good at a little game of tug of war. With souls."

"You know... are you always like this? You've been doing nothing but negative ever since. Do you think something's going to go wrong?"

"Yes.... I do....." Draigo said remaining emotionless. Best not think of last time.

Twilight only gave a small "humph" and continued walking forward, looking ahead, never to turn her head or allow her attention to be diverted. She was going to need this for the next part.

Draigo braced himself as they entered the literal mobs of daemonettes. He saw through those disguises....... those masks..... but Twilight didn't.

Strange. He could see through them. Twilight couldn't. They tried to get as close to him as possible. They kept away from Twilight.

Twilight saw amongst the crowds.... and began to feel a small tingling within her body. Stallions.... lot's of them. divinely handsome, beautiful, flawless. Yet..... why were they keeping away from her? She was lost in this thought. Being lost, she hadn't exactly noticed that the gap between her and Draigo had widened considerably.....

Draigo glared at the Daemonette.

"Keep away from me monster." He hissed lethally. The illusion gave a look of an offended lover and walked away. The daemon within only sneered and left with a look of scorn.

They don't know much about you. A voice in the back of Draigo's head spoke up. With that, he felt the small wave of anger creep into him.

These jackals don't know me? They offend me...... perhaps I should enlighten them? The Emperor's holy light should be enough to light this darkness.

That's when he saw another mortal traveler walking up to one of the Daemonettes....

Time to save some wretch's life. Draigo thought to himself as he drew Titansword. Poor fool. He'll be mincemeat before long if get's within about three feet of any Daemonette.

Twilight saw him. The stallion of her dreams. He didn't even notice her!
"Hey!" She called out as she galloped after him.

He still didn't notice. Or more like.... pretended not too. He only turned around and gave her a slight wink.

The blood rushed to her face.

Twilight smiled to herself.

"I will catch you, and we can have some fun." Twilight whispered to herself as she went in hot pursuit. Her prey only seemed to run faster. Much faster. All thoughts of continuing on escaped her mind. She just had to do this! Had too!

The thought of having that same stallion stand over her began to make her get that same sensation again. She wanted him so badly!

This thought made her pick up her pace. But definitely, not her reasoning.