• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,665 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Chapter 18

"Hurry, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash screamed as they tried to further scale the mountain.

"I am trying!" Fluttershy said as she ran up as fast as she could, Angron hot on their heels.


The massive wave of fire shot out from the daemon's mouth, scorching a few bits and pieces of manes, but thankfully, no one exactly became roasted horse meat. Much to the annoyance of Angron, this only make the six run even faster away from him.

"You may run cowards, but you can't hide!" Angron screamed as he jumped for them, landing a perilous few feet away.

Twilight looked down at Angron. Nothing.... nothing... compared to this.... monster. To think he used to be a living breathing creature.... well a normal one that is....

She quickly snapped out of thought about how evil Angron could be when she saw that he was almost on top of Rarity. The white unicorn was fast, but not quite fast enough to escape.

"If one of you dies.... you are die!" Angron screamed as he raised his axe.... just within reach of Rarity.

Thinking quickly, Twilight sent a magical bolt right into the daemon's face.

Had it been any psyker of similar power to Twilight, Angron may have thought it tickled. Yet the mysterious magic that Equestria seemed to use.... it was like throwing a jar of acid into his face and it stung like hell. It sure did buy Rarity time to escape, but only managed to piss Angron off even more. If that's even possible.

"Your chance for a quick death is over! I will devour you all! Bone by bone.... entrails by entrails!"

He was met with another bolt aimed to the face, but Angron, preparing for this one quickly raised his arms, still hurt, but wasn't like having acid thrown in your face.

Everyone continued their mad dash to the top of the mountain. Hearts pounding and throats burning.

All the while, with the mad roars of Angron approaching ever closer.


"All companies accounted for sire." The Captain said to Rogal Dorn. "Additional support companies have come from the Grey Knights, The Exorcists and the Ultramarines."

"They stand no chance." Dorn said to himself as he looked down at the daemon-infested planet below. When the warp storm is lifted, the forces of chaos will be ants to our mighty boot."

"It will be a pleasure to cut out one of the last malignances in this galaxy." Kaldor Draigo said walking in.

"Lord Draigo I presume? It's quite an honor to meet you."

"Honor's all mine Primarch." Draigo replied. "Who doesn't know of the great Rogal Dorn, defender of Terra?"

"That'll be enough." Dorn said looking back downon the planet. "They stand no chance."

"Who? Twilight and her companions or the forces of Khorne?"

"It's over! I got you now!" Angron said standing over Twilight.

"No you don't!" Twilight replied, sending a beam of magic at the daemon and dodging to one side.

Exactly what Angron wanted.

Taking his fist, he smashed into the side of the mountain sending down a cascade of Rubble. Right on Twilight.

The alicorn was lucky. She was able to dodge most of the rocks. Save for one, which caught her by a wing. A sitting duck for the World Eaters Primarch.

"Now die!" Angron roared as moved to get in position. Only instead, he was met with a cascade of rubble. Applejack had collapsed a few loose chunks of earth and it sent the primarch back.

"Twi! We have to use our elements now!"

"But we're not at the top of the mountain!!"

"We're never going to git up that mountain with that monster chasing us! We have to do it now and hope it works!"


"He's coming back up!"

"NOW!" Applejack said.

Twilight clenched her teeth. Gingerly, she channeled the power of the elements.

"So..... what the hell?" Dorn asked.

"An opening within the warp storm."

"Excuse me?"

"An opening. Not cleared. An opening. Like an eye in the storm."

"What could this mean? The elements.... sorta worked?"

"Maybe it's just in the process."

"No.... it's not." The voice of The Emperor boomed within the conference room. "They need your help. Use that opening. Now! It's debatable on how long it will stay open. Quickly!"

No one needed any second bidding. In a flash, the sounds of clanging metal roared across every hanger.


The phrase "it's raining men" could have never been taken so literally as it did in the moments following.

Twilight watched in awe as thousands of drop pods fell from the sky, many smashing into the massive army below and scattering their ranks, others landing to them a bit too close for comfort. She allowed herself one last smile, before collapsing back down from exhaustion.

"We did it!" Rainbow Dash said. "Alright! Go me!"

"Ah thought you said, WE did it." Applejack said rolling her eyes.

"Um.... girls..."

"Well... fine! WE DID IT. GO US!"

"Um... girls?"

"Now that's more li..."


About a hundred or so Khorne beserkers were coming right there way, accompanied by various daemons, heavy vehicles and blood fathers. This was going to hurt.

For them.

From out of nowhere, dozens of scout marines suddenly materialized in front of them, armed with grenade launchers, sniper rifles and enough bolters to make any Ork looter even more green in envy. The large group of Khornates were cut down by a literal rain of sniper fire and grenade explosions.

"Get her out of there!" One of the sergeants barked. Two scouts promptly lifted the rock trapping Twilight.

"Hurry, that hole in the storm won't last. Get up there! Quickly!"

"Will do!" Twilight said as she ran up.


"Space marines!" The chaos champion spat angrily. "Kill the loyalist dogs!"

"Chaos traitors! Purge the enemy!"

"Blood for the blood god!"

"For The Emperor!"


Angron looked up at the ponies attempting to reach the top. Spreading his wings, he was about to go for the ponies when he felt something tugging at his foot.

A blood father.

"What is it?" Angron asked angrily.

"Milord.... pursuing them would be folly. After all..... aren't we all here to shed blood? Let the pets of the false Emperor send in his army. We will have so much blood for khorne, that we can call in more of our brothers."

"You forget that if we let them go, The Emperor's full might will be upon us!"

"All the better, more blood for the blood god right?"

"You better hope you are right witch." Angron said. "Blood for the blood god eh?"

Angron lifted his foot, and squashed the psyker.

"I always hated pyskers. Regardless." Angron said as he flew to the portals. He was being watched.

"Foolish khornates!" The sorcerer spat out. "They've ruined our last chances at summoning our brothers!"

"Give it a rest. We lost anyways."

"Not another lecture on your vision Spara!" The sorcerer said to his other partner. "We go then. Magnus will want to hear this."

The two sorcerers disappeared.

"Blood fathers?" Dorn asked to himself as he stabbed the psyker to death. "Annoying bastards."

"They're fast." Draigo said as he skewered one with Titansword.

"And can predict your moves." The primarch muttered. Not that it mattered. NO ONE could take the full force of a primarch.... or Draigo.

"I think we've almost just about won this battle." Draigo said.

"What about that?" Dorn asked, seeing Angron send his axe sweeping in an arc, sending dozens of astartes flying in various directions.

"I'll deal with that monster." Draigo said as he grabbed Titansword. "May I?"

"All yours friend. Leave the rest to me." Dorn replied as he grabbed a chaos space marine, and flung him into the oceans of lava.