• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,659 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Thought of the day: Purge the heretic, beware the psyker and mutant, abhor the alien.
Hatred, fear and zealotry is the disease that kills the seed of reason that will spring into the tree of advancement.

"So how do you like it?" Princess Celestia asked The Emperor within his personal quarters.

"It's great. Majestic, bold, elegant and graceful." The Emperor replied.

"Perhaps. I'll just have to get used to walking like this."

"You will. I am sure. Did Luna learn the same?"

"She did."

"Ah, nice. Send her down, I would like to see it myself."

"So, I know you don't sleep a lot, but are you sure what is to happen will happen?"

"I am not. That's why I am going to have to ask the only being in existence who would. If this is a warning, then I will heed it. I took an Eldar named Eldrad as a joke, and it ended with ten millennia of suffering. I will not make the same mistake here."

"I am going to be honest. I have my doubts."

"Well, spill your guts."

"Are you sure Twilight is the best choice? I mean, why can't Luna or I go? Maybe even you if you're in the mood for adventure."

"Because, in the case of you or Luna, I need you here. If I lose any of you, that'd be a great blow to all that we have accomplished. As for myself, I am more likely to kill Fateweaver then get what I need to know. I am also really likely to get into a fight with Tzeentch which could have some extreme side effects on both the immaterial universe and the material universe."

"You need us here. Is it that.... you think Twilight expendable? That you don't need her? Please tell me that's only a hunch."

"It is. I would never risk any life without any meaning or conviction. I have my faith in Twilight she'll come through. I also have my faith in Draigo that'll he'll make sure not even the most powerful daemon would get their grubby claws on them. Trust me on this last part, no one is expendable. Not you, not me, not Twilight, not Draigo not even the most seemingly insignificant person in this great country we've built is expendable."

Celestia made a show of nodding to convince him that she agreed.

I do hope what he says is true. He did after all make many reforms that saved countless lives.

"Isn't this so fun? We're doing everything by the book!" Twilight said cheerily to Draigo who kept an impassive expression.

If any one of the librarians gave her a manual on this, I am going to have his head. Draigo thought as he secretly seethed with anger. Why do I have to have to have her go with me? Why can't it be one of the siglites? Or maybe one of their own soldiers. At least we would agree on something.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Draigo said dismissively.

"I was impressed." A librarian said walking up to them. "I never expected you to be able to kill a chaos spawn with such expertise. It seems once again, The Emperor shows his infallible wisdom. So, when do you journey to the warp?"

"Soon." Draigo said. "Only a few more attachments and tweaks to my gear and we'll be ready. I'll see to it that not even a daemon primarch can stand before me."

I see you still haven't lost any of that ego. The librarian thought. Then again, defeating a daemon primarch does boost one's thought of oneself even with the help of several brothers.

"So, you ready for all of this milord? I don't doubt your skills or your power, but going to the Dark God's domain.... again? Many of us were ready to mourn, knowing that once you go there, you'll never come back."

"But I did come back. By the grace and will of The Emperor I came back. And it will be made so, that I will go the very domain of one of the gods themselves, and return unscathed, no small part done by The Emperor...." Draigo paused for a moment as if in thought. "Are you insisting that I back out while I can, librarian?"

"What? No, not at all! Especially if your orders were delivered personally by The Emperor himself, I am just saying, are you sure about this? Do you have any doubts?"

"Me? Doubts? When it snows here on Titan." Draigo replied. "Tell you what, I'll bring Fateweaver's heads back home if that's what makes you sure of my capabilities brother librarian. For let me tell you that I have a long list of powerful foes that not even a hundred astartes could defeat. Traitors like Huron, M'kar, Mortarion. I bested them all, and by The Emperor's will, I'll go kill Tzeentch if that's what his orders are."

Kill Tzeentch? Are you serious? Maybe you're getting too big for your boots. Defeating a daemon primarch once may be something most of us can only dream about, but killing a god? That's a task reserved only for The Emperor, let alone you, who almost died in his battle against Mortarion.

"Now then, you can stop doubting my capabilities or myself, and perhaps rest assured that I'll come home with that horse and with my mission fulfilled. A good day to you too."

What a simpleton. Draigo thought. He thinks I can't do something as simple as get infomation? Bah. I could maybe even defeat a daemon primarch in a duel, let alone get information from some warp spawn. I'll finish this and bask in glory once again. As I should.

With that thought, Draigo returned to his personal quarters where he had yet to finish some last adjustments to his weapons and armor. The supreme grand master sat down and went back to work.

"I see our honored guest has an affinity for libraries."

"Indeed. A clever and open mind. One of which many would of scorn at in earlier days, now a blessing, by the vision of The Emperor."

"Aye, let's not forgot we're talking about a purple horse with a horn and wings that stands about four feet tall. Earlier days? We'd probably be burying her corpse with bolters." (The last part was said over the vox lest Twilight hear them.)

"Sh.... let's not talk about that as of now. Their kind do have a distaste for violence."

"Well, she'll have to get used to the fact that chaos doesn't share their beliefs, nor do we as a matter of fact."

"Or the supreme grand master."

"Aye. Those two will be oil and water within the warp. I would pray, if only The Emperor would let me."

"He protects. Never forget that. He doesn't want to be treated as a god, but he still is a god. Our god. We may not end up venerating him as one due to his wish, but in our hearts, he will be our god. The only god that matters."

"Speaking of gods." Twilight said as she got a book. "So, I read there are many gods?"

"Aye, there's more than four." The librarian said. "Many of them are beneath notice, having no interest in our universe, some aren't even powerful enough to launch any attacks on us. Some I heard are actually benevolent. Humph, that's a first."

"You think I am ready?" Twilight asked as she flipped through texts regarding daemons.

"Come again?"

"You think I am ready for this? To go and solve an impossible maze?"

"If The Emperor think's so, I think so too."

He doesn't know..... Twilight thought nervously. Or maybe, he doesn't think I am ready. Oh, hush up Twilight, you know he does think well of you. You're own soul in it's self is a defense against the dark gods. He knows you'll do it, as does Celestia and Luna and The Emperor.

Twilight wondered in that moment, if The Emperor would protect her while she was within that hell.

Of course, her "protection" would come in the form of Draigo. Whom Twilight had a hunch that Draigo hated her guts.