• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,665 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Chapter 21

"Damn Dark Gods! They prevent me from entering their domain!"

"This is terrible! That mean we can't close this final portal!"

"Why not just freeze those six in stasis and leave them there?"

"Wait what?!"

"No way!"

"We are not doing that! There has to be some other way!" The Emperor said instantly vetoing the idea.

"We can get maybe an army of psykers and march them into the warp?"

"Aye... and who's to guarantee they'll come out alive? Even if we managed to send in an entire army, it's debatable on whether or not they'd actually succeed."

"Well... maybe we go to that planet Equestria and dump a bunch of Equestrians in there.... that might work right?"

"No guarantee they'll come out either." Dorn said. "We have a serious problem on our hands.... Father... allow my brothers and I to go in. Perhaps we can defeat them all together and seal the portal?"

"I would never make such a foolish risk Dorn. The reason I called you back was to secure a future. Without you nine, that task may as well as be impossible."

That was especially true when we consider things like the Tyranids that were approaching........

"We'll do it." Princess Celestia said as she teleported into the midst of them.

"Aye..." Luna agreed. "You wanted a powerful user of magic? You got two."

"What?! You?! You of all people should know that you cannot be lost!"

"And wasn't it you that valued lives over all else? The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If the two of us were to die so that trillions may still live without fear of chaos...."


"No buts.... and come on... all this time we've been apart... it turned out all of us were still alive... maybe not in one piece.... but all of us were alive... wasn't that the important thing in the end? And of course.... we know you have a plan..."

"I don't!" The Emperor said genuinely. "If you go in there... there's no telling what will happen! There might not even be a way for me to get you out!"

"Well.... I can say now... and I bet Celestia can too. That doesn't matter anymore. Just closing this portal.... we would just like to make one final request."


"Please... keep Equestria safe. We know you can. Goodbye Sigmar... it was good knowing you." Celestia said as she and Luna disappeared into the warp.

"Stay alive...." Sigmar said as he continued to stare at the portal that refused to allow him in.

"Hello Celestia."

"Sister... is that you?" Celestia asked in the darkness. "I am afraid I can't see anything."

"No..... what?" Luna asked. "I can't see anything either."

"Oh... how silly of me. Hello Luna."

"Who are you?" Both of them asked at the same time. Unable to see where the voice came from, though it was as if it was all around them.

"I am Malcador. I am you. And I am not you at the same time. You see.... I am who you two once were. And Now... I am back."

"Well... okay.... so where are we?" Celestia asked. "I thought that gate led to the warp."

"It did. But we are not in the warp again. Heed my advice.... the two of you would not survive in the coming battle. Powerful as you two may be... the might of a god will crush you to dust."

"Gee thanks for the encouragement." Luna said sarcastically.

"But there's a plan.... now that I am back... there's just something I am lacking..... I need you two...."

"Okay... what now?"

"We need to be one. The three of us... we have to join again. Only then do we have a chance at winning. Don't worry.... we'll all still be alive... you just have to trust me."

"Well... if you really are us... or was us.... I say I do trust myself." Luna said chucking. "Alright... what do you need?"

"Just your consent. Here we go. Understand this will be perhaps the most difficult thing we've ever done."

The explosion that heralded the arrival of Malcador in the warp tossed many daemons like rag dolls. Then he materialized in the warp, a simple man in a brown cloak who stared fearlessly at the armies of daemons and even at mighty Khorne himself who perched
a top his throne of skulls.

Take a wild guess at what kept the portal open.

Malcador watched as the armies of daemons charged at him, he hardly made a gesture before what can be described as the power of the stars themselves shot from his fingers and obliterated hundreds of them at the same time.

"So... this is how Sigmar must feel." Malcador said to himself. He felt invincible. He could kill many of these Daemons with a glance, a simple wave of the hands and he would destroy them... nothing remaining in the end. Nothing could stand in his way.

And this was true. Nothing Khorne had would even as merely as delay him. Bloodcrushers were melted, Bloodletters were scattered like leaves on the autumn wind, even the most powerful of all of Khorne's bloodthirsters and daemon princes provided little more than a delay.

The power of Celestia and Luna together... now imbued with Malcador...
It truly was a fearsome thing.

Of course... so was Khorne.

The blood god began to rise from his throne and grab his axe the moment he realized his armies were being shredded apart.
He would have to settle this.