• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,665 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Complete Pandemonium

He sure did open his eyes after that loud of a scream. Sorta.

Draigo blinked once more as the image of Slannesh began to fade away, and in front of him was Twilight, huddled against the wall, terrified as if she saw Khorne.

Twilight too could not believe her eyes as she looked straight at Draigo, who’s very face wore an expression of disbelief, as if she was not what she seemed to be, or as if he was scrutinizing something.

From the material universe, Luna allowed herself a triumphant “YES!”.

“What the devil.....” Draigo asked. “You......”

“Were Slannesh!” Twilight said. The truth dawned on her as it did on him.


“Crisis averted?” The Emperor asked as he leaned forward to inspect Luna’s handy work.

“Yes. They’re making their way out now! Boy.... is that.... oh.... he’s not actually going to try and fight a god is he?”

“No....” The Emperor said as he gazed into Draigo’s mind. “Not anymore at least.”

“Good... cause... can he actually defeat a god?”

“Hell no.”


The apothecaries took another look at Dorn, who’s face was covered in sweat. He was more nervous than a cornered rabbit facing off against a pack of hungry wolves.

“Milord... your condition is rather strange. Perhaps... some form of petty illness that somehow afflicted you?”
“Impossible.” Another apothecary commented. “His physiology should not allow that.”

“Yes... but his is also different from our own.... perhaps a work of poison then?”

“I am fine.” Dorn finally breathed. The first word he’s said, ever since they found him sitting on his bed, with a million mile stare.

“What’s wrong milord? Has someone poisoned you? Are you not feeling well?”

He didn’t exactly lie. But all he said was he felt “a little bit sick.” Not exactly being dishonest, but definitely the understatement of the century.


The primarch in golden armor allowed himself a small sneer of contempt at the tyranids as he tore apart their entire army with nothing but his bare hands. Their disgusting bodies might as well as have been wet paper against the demi-god’s strength.

From a far away, the primarch heard the bellow of more creatures. Larger, smarter and more dangerous than the last. He allowed himself a small break, sitting on a rock amidst a pile of slain bodies, and a cool drink from a canteen. The water, sweet to his tongue.

He looked back at the rapidly approaching monsters, grabbing his sword, the Imperial Fists Primarch waved forward his men, his brothers arriving to join the fight.

It really was no contest. The Tyranids were shredded like meat through a grinder by the fury of the combined armies of The Emperor, millions upon millions of faithful comrades and battle brothers, their numbers ever swelling by the moment until it looked like if one managed to number all the sand on the seashore, said person would have numbered them.

The bellow of the Swarmlord did unnerve some of them, yet did little to break their formation. The beast may have broken a single company before it was buried in blurs of armors of various colors.

From the distance, Dorn spied his brothers battling multiple swarmlords and other likewise vile creatures of the Tyranids. He found himself laughing in victory with his men as the body of a hierophant bio-titan came crashing down unto the earth.

A loud bellow issued, and Dorn found that his celebration was short-lived. A massive host of chaos was headed their way, the two armies clashed, neither giving any quarter. The corpses began to pile up.

Rogal Dorn spied his treacherous brothers and various chaos champions. He humored himself by fighting Perturabo, enjoying every satisfying moment of driving his sword through his brothers eye. He looked up to see his brothers too were victorious, some were singing, others looked victorious and proud upon the corpses of the arch-enemy.

About three seconds later. There was that familiar war cry.


No one hesitated to throw themselves at the green tide. It took a longer time, but in the end, they found that they were several meters above the ground, all trampling on the bodies of the fallen.

Dorn spied a few familiar faces, one of which was Twilight Sparkle, that purple alicorn he had met not too long ago. She was tending to an injured astartes. Dorn made sure to give her his appreciation.

Though no sooner had he reached Twilight, he found nothing.

Dorn was about to say something.... something... but he turned around to see the celebration of his brothers... and couldn’t help to... but he abandoned the serach to join in with their joy. In a massive ditch, there were various slain bodies.

Khorne. Tzeentch. Nurgle. Slannesh.

Not just them.

Gork. Mork. The Hivemind (Um.... what?)

But as the recurring theme followed, this was also short-lived, as on the horizon was the mechanical whirring sounds of the necrons.

He found himself fighting alongside Eldar, Tau and Orks. The last one being rather out of place, the first two being understandable. The combined might of the forces began to drive the Necrons back. He watched with amazement as a brilliant golden light hit the form of the Nightbringer, sending it into a massive trench amongst it’s own forces.

The battle ended. There was no songs being sung, no cheers of joy. He turned to see that he was in a pile of bodies, for every dead necron, there was a dead battle brother.
Dorn could only hang his mouth open in shock. He saw Vulkan lamenting over a dead Salamander, Leman Russ cursing angrily yet... powerless, Guilliman shaking his head in regret, The lion, sitting down on a rock, his eyes betrayed how tired he was, and how hopeless he felt. Manus, Sanguinius, Corax, Khan. All of them, either nursing their own wounds, looking hopeless or mourning the dead.

He hardly cared about what was going on around him. Just the loud voice.

The Dark Gods are dead. The Orks are dead. The Tyranids are dead. In the end there is only Mag'ladroth, in the end, there is only I.

The once massive legions of astartes looked so pitifully few now. Perhaps only hundreds left at best, only the greatest champions had ever hoped to live. And here the faced, a massive five headed entity with human-like faces yet whose red eyes burned soulless. Who’s massive form and body made even the bravest space marine quiver in fear.

That was their enemy. He was only one.

He didn’t care to know who made the battle-cry, but all he saw was what few brothers left ran at the monster, all obliterated by a black light of destruction, only skeletons left in their deaths.

He saw his father’s closest friend, Malacador the Hero battle the monster first, golden tips of light, resembling the sun’s rays firing from his fingertips, the earth shuddered with his every step... yet he accomplished nothing.

He saw the elements of Harmony, all gather together to fire the power artifacts, the beam even worked yet despite the fact it hit the void dragon head on, it hardly even drew his attention.

He saw the one he hated, Discord attempt to do something.... whatever it was... he failed miserably.

He saw the avatar of khaine try to do battle with it, he saw as a blackstone fortress tried to destroy it, he watched as they tried to drop Cyclonic torpedos on this one entity, and how it did nothing.

He could only stare in terror, listening to the bells who tolled, as the dragon opened it’s mouth, and the flow of black fire consumed him and all who stood with him.

Yet in these final moments, Dorn saw his father The Emperor, and Galaxia, both side by side, facing the void dragon.

He allowed himself a smile before he experienced the closest thing to dying, even closer than the first time.


“Damn.... you fools managed to deduce my trick....” Slannesh angrily spat out. He had lost and he knew it.

“Give it up then.” Twilight said curtly. “We’ve had enough of your games.”
Yeah, nearly getting killed is no game after all.

“Take your prize and be gone.” Slannesh said as the steed materialized in front of them. The pair were more than happy to leave, the moment they set foot outside, they found themselves facing Tzeentch.

“Wasn’t that fun?” Tzeentch asked as he, in the form of one of his greater daemons, threw his hands up and laughed, full of mirth. “Now then....”

“Fun?! You sent us there for your amusement?!”

“Duh! I couldn’t lose in this! Either Slannesh loses one of his prized possessions, or you too die horribly!” The god laughed. “Alright... that was a good laugh. You two earned it. Go see Kairos now. Then.... Get out.”


The Emperor smiled as he saw the two step through the portal.

“Now tell me what he told you. Both things. I can figure it out.”

“Twi!” Applejack said as she embraced her friend. “Ah was so worried about you!”

“No need!” Twilight grinned. “I was simply away...”

“For like four days!” Rainbow Dash commented. “We thought you were lost or something!”

“What? Me? Lost? Never!” Twilight said, trying not to hide her surprise that four days had passed. It seemed like years within the warp.

“So... where were you anyways?!” Pinkie Pie asked. “WERE YOU ON A TOP SECRET MISSION THAT THE UNIVERSE’S FATE DEPENDED UPON.”

Thankfully, the speed of which she spoke was more than what her friends could understand... though Twilight could make out “Top secret mission”, best course of action was to avoid the question here.

“Yeah..... now who wants lunch?”

“ME!” Pinkie Pie said as she dragged her to sugarcube corner.”


“How was the mission?” The librarian asked the chapter master as Draigo decided to grab a large gulp of water.

“Great. You know what?”

“What? You almost left her to Tzeentch?”

“No. I think it wasn’t all that bad.”


“No. Draigo said. Remembering how the two had made it up with themselves when they returned. “She wasn’t THAT annoying.”

“Annoying? Well.... you know, I was able to have a few of them find out the locations of any chaos straglers.”


“We had some fun.” The librarian said grinning. “They didn’t stand a chance. Now then... what now?”

“We wait on The Emperor.”


“Are you ready?” The Emperor asked as his voice pierced into the immaterium.

“I am. But more importantly... are you ready?”

“Always am.” Sigmar said. “They won’t be getting here any time soon once we have you back.”

“Hopefully.” Galaxia said. “See you on the other end she said.”

“It will be good to see you too.” The Emperor said, as he left to go and prepare his armies. To invade the daemon world.

It’s going to be....



It was safe to say Twilight was pretty tired, but oh well. She got a nice bed rest for about almost a week. However, a few days later, she was woken by someone was knocking on her door, and man, did that someone sounded like he or she was going to knock the door down.

And of course.... it just happened to be Rogal Dorn. She promptly invited him inside lest they draw too much attention.

Twilight glanced over her shoulder.

5:30 AM. This has to be...... yeah. It probably is important.

“I see you’re well.” Dorn said. Surprisingly, he was only wearing a coat.

“Eh..... yeah.” Twilight said. Seeing him not wearing his power armor was like seeing him naked. But this, she got over rather quickly.

“Okay. You and all your friends.... The Emperor has need of them.”

“Please tell me this doesn’t have anything to do with what that daemon said.”

“It has everything to do with what that daemon said.” Dorn said. “Your elements are a powerful weapon against chaos. And.... probably the only way The Emperor can use to get on the planet without having his army being shredded by the warp storm.”

“How’s this going to work?” Twilight breathed.

“Using his power, he will teleport you unto the planet. There, you will have to find any good spot, fire your elements upon the warp storm. Once that is all good and done, we will begin our attack. There should be 9 portals to the immaterium. 8 of which, we can destroy the regular way. One of which, will require your elements. Got it?”

“Good. I’ll get everyone else....”

“No need. I told them all there is to know. And another thing..... You have anything thing that might help with nightmares?”

Strange, he seemed to be the type of guy that'd give nightmares.