• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,659 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

This will lead to Fun

Twilight stopped after what seemed like eons of running as fast as her hooves would carry her. Finally getting a chance to stop, she sat down and began to breath so heavy, it was loud enough to wake the dead.

Draigo leaned against the wall and peered down a corridor, gingerly peering down the hallway to see if there was anymore changes in the landscape.

Good. They won't be pancakes just yet.

"How goes navigating?" Draigo asked as he once again peered down the hall.

"The whole thing changed!" Twilight said. "Lemee try and find a route!"

They were going to be here for a while...........

"So what is this?" Sigmar asked looking down at the massive pool in front of him.

"It is the past. It is the present. And it is the future. It's the well. The Well of Eternity." Galaxia said peering into it. Contact killed Greater Daemons almost instantly, as much as gazing into it could easily make them insane(r), yet Galaxia stared down into it, watching the strands of the future.

"So.... why have you brought me here?" The future-Emperor asked as he too peered down the well. He did little to hide his distaste. It felt poisonous just to be within a few dozen mile radius, let alone staring into it.

"Because, I gazed into it and saw the future, or more accurately, the futures. You're futures."

"Tell me about it."

"If you embark on your great crusade to reunite humanity, you will lead them to greatness, and something tells me, why stop there? Why not lead EVERYTHING into greatness? But if you do this the way you're planning, you may want to reconsider."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, if you use the knowledge I gave you, I can assure you, you will rally a good portion of the galaxy in a short time, and then, for ten thousand years, progress will come to a halt, many lives will be lost, and you will be facing your toughest battle.... however......
don't use the knowledge I gave you, and it may take TWICE that time for you to finish your conquest. I see no other routes into the future."

The future-Emperor nodded his head. And made his choice.

It may not have been about 9 months after the battle of Equestria, but the numbers of the astartes had nearly swelled by 300%..... mostly scouts for rather obvious reasons.

You know, sitting on a golden throne for about 10,000 years does give you lot's of time to think about stuff.
"Okay, so I got things like Tyranids, Necrons, orks and chaos knocking on my door. How do I solve this?"

A. More cannon fodder with flashlights to charge bolters.
B. See Men of Iron
C. Find primarchs.... (oh wait....)
D. Speed up process in which it takes to make an astartes, using my own knowledge and wisdom, so that where that other guy messed up big time, I do it correctly.

Oh and a few other like things like...

"Make plan to Troll chaos gods. Also involves me getting my fetish crush friend back."

"I hate the Orks. I hate the Tyranids too. Maybe I can get them to fight each other."

"I hate Necrons. I also hate the void dragon on mar..... uh oh."

"Maybe fighting everything in sight isn't such a good idea... try to be reasonable for once.... inquisition is now banned from everything."

"Acquire GOOD weapons for the Imperial guard. Pulse rifles anyone?"

"Acquire xeno tech. Phase drives anyone? Cypher mind explaining how you get around?"

The Emperor mused on quite a few subjects for a while, until he decided to gaze into the immaterium, taking careful note of Twilight's and Draigo's progress.
Well, they aren't pancakes, insane, terminally lost, turned inside-out yet so that probably meant they were making progress. Good.


I am bored. Tzeentch thought. Time for maybe.... a TWIST?!

Bad joke is bad. Even to the changer of ways.

Maybe.... oh yeah right. By rule? (Law? Dumb thing he made up because it fitted being the persona of a god? I dunno.) he was going to force the pair entering his fortress into a quest so they can talk to fateweaver.

This gave him an idea.

He waved his hand.

"It's changing again!" Twilight screamed as Draigo came bolting towards her. The place was shifting quicker than a ship going through the warp.

Despite their best efforts, the two were promptly swallowed by a massive rift in the "ground". They promptly found themselves facing a certain two-headed bird-looking daemon and Tzeentch, who gave himself the appearance of one of his greater daemons.

"Welcome mortals." Tzeentch said shifting form into a wizened old man. "Welcome to my home."

"Tzeentch...." Draigo spat out.

"Draigo... I see.... the destroyer of the eternal city. Bravo. Only to have it rebuilt. Tell me hammer of the Anathema, why don't you join someone who....."

"Join you? I'd rather slay you where you stand." Draigo said.

Gosh, the ego this guy has. Twilight thought. Threatening gods?

"And you.... I typically don't allow your filthy kind in here." Tzeentch said, his human form gave a wrinkle of disgust at Twilight.


"Aye.... but.... let's dispense with the pleasantries, I know why you're here, by law, you have to do a task for me to get to speak with Kairos.... Now before me, stands one of the greatest warrior of the anathema and one of his lapdog (in this case, horse) scholars....... what should it be? An entourage of my most powerful daemons? Or perhaps, a riddle? A question about the warp? About the universe? About the dimensions? Ha.... no. That's too boring..."

Oh boy....

"Let's have some fun with this." Tzeentch said. "Speaking of fun..... I know where just to go........"

Draigo bit his lip at this statement. In a flash of light, they were teleported outside a massive palace he knew all too well. Tzeentch's last words echoed in their minds.

"Bring me one of his personal steeds."

Author's Note:

Dwarf fortress reference anybody?