• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 2,665 Views, 44 Comments

I am the hammer. The edge of his sword... and unfortunatly, the partner of a purple unicorn with wings. - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Following the defeat of Chaos. Kaldor Draigo, the edge of his sword, is assigned on a paticularly dangerous task to foil a nefarious plan of the dark gods.

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Morning Mr. Draigo!" Twilight said pleasantly. "Well, it's technically still night since we're on a moon and that it's always dark out. So good night then!" as "morning" began. Today was the day where they would journey into the warp.

"Morning." Draigo grumbled back. Drop the pleasantries. Why can't someone like one of the sigilites or someone of my choosing go? Why do I have to be stuck with the galaxy's biggest smartass?

"Draigo? The Emperor will be arriving in two hours. Get ready."

"Will do." Draigo said as he armed himself to the teeth and gave Twilight one last glance.

Why, just why? My lord, I know that you intend I return, but are you sure I will return mentally intact after THIS?

Twilight looked back at Draigo, the Grey Knight armed to the teeth. Nothing new there.
Does cut out to be like the rest of his kind. Wonder how this will turn out, and.... hey, maybe the others might want to hear about this! Maybe I can even teach everyone a thing or two about the warp! I should probably keep a journal about this.


"Well, this is it." Luna said sadly.

"You act like we're going to a funeral." Celestia said. "Can't you act cheerful for once?"

"You're going to hate me for saying this, but in a sense, we are going to a funeral. How do we know we will ever see Twilight ever again?"

"If Draigo is with her, I have full confidence of both of them returning without a scratch." Celestia said. "I saw that man kill two greater daemons by himself back on Equestria."

"Great. Did you forget that man is rather difficult to control? How do we know he won't decide that Twilight isn't worth the trouble anywhere and leave her at the mercy of daemons?"

"You treat Draigo like some treasonous backstabber who would betray anyone at a moment's notice. He may be difficult to control, he may have a pride the size of a planet, but he'll get the job done, and he will get it done with Twilight. I can assure you, that man will come back with Twilight."

Or they won't return at all. Celestia mused, yet said nothing. She had her doubts, but trusted what The Emperor believed.

"Let's hurry up. Those two are waiting for us."


"The Emperor protects...." Draigo muttered to himself as he grasped his nemesis halberd ever so tightly. He looked at Twilight, who wasn't even showing a hint of anxiety, rambling about a "new experience" and "new things to write about".

Yeah, you may get to write about how we nearly get our souls devoured, or some dreadful fate at the hands of daemons. Great topic. I am sure many people would want to read about that.

As if almost reading his thoughts, Twilight turned to Draigo.

"Just a journal. This is worth sharing when I go back home."

If you go back home. Draigo thought mirthlessly. Of course, I get to return to my favorite place in the entire universe. What a lovely vacation I will have, I am pretty sure my friends will want to hear about my experiences almost getting burned alive, brutally murdered or almost contracting Nurgle's rot.

The Emperor's arrival was soon heralded by the sudden hush. That once chattering room was now silent, watching the man on the podium, flanked by two majestic mares. A golden halo of light surrounded the trio, as The Emperor spoke.

"Many of you had voiced opinions earlier. If I am not a god, will I still keep you safe? Can I still keep you safe? Will the Dark Gods ever get their way on things?"

The room remained silent, many of the Grey Knights held their hands in a prayer like manner.

"Of course. I don't want to be called a god, no man who walks upon this universe has any right to that title, however, I can assure you my friends, whatever the misfortune, whatever the hardship, whatever our enemies are or who they are, I will tell you. I can lead you through, and I WILL lead you through. Whatever hardships we may come across, we will go through it together, we will finish it together. Now then, two of our own will now go on perhaps the most journey of our era. Into the warp, into the realm of the great enemy!"

The room was now filled with nervous chatter and a few prayers being uttered..... much to The Emperor's annoyance, who promptly waved his hands for silence.

"Will we let them journey there, alone? With no one to back them up in their dangerous quest? With no one to as much as even appreciate for what they're doing? I say not. I say this is perhaps among the greatest acts of courage in history of the entire galaxy! I wish these two with swift fortune and say death to who oppose them! Who's with them?!"

The room was filled with a deafening cheer as the unbreakable shield against the coming darkness offered their support..

Praise The Emperor!
Death to the Dark Gods! Death to his enemies!
Hail to Draigo! Hail to Twilight!
The Emperor protects! Let him not find you wanting!

Behind this, Luna allowed a single tear to be shed, as The Emperor opened a rift into the warp, and both wished them good luck. The two promptly nodded, a few compliments and words of advice exchanged and they were off. The formerly dark skies of Titan exploded with a shower of red light as shockwaves flew across the planet.

Draigo and Twilight had entered the Warp, into the domain of the dark gods.

Luna stared long at the rapidly closing rift.

To her, the last Twilight had just dawned.