• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Going Back

“She did what with her doll?” Octavia asked with awe as she and Applejack were walking through Ponyville back to her place from another day of work and music.

Applejack chuckled. “Yep. That spell she put on Smarty Pants caused the fillies to go all crazy for it, and so they ended up fightin’ over it.”

“Oh dear, I hope none of them got hurt.”

“Na, nothing worse than a few scratches. Twilight tried to get them to stop, but she ended up havin’ to go ask Big Mac to help her get the doll back. That’s when things really started goin’ downhill.”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Yep. He was able to get Smarty Pants but ended up runnin’ off with it. As Twilight chased Big Mac around, it got the attention of other ponies, and before she knew it, about half the town was fightin’ over the doll.”

“Wow. I’m not sure if I should be horrified or laughing at how absurd the situation was.”

Applejack chuckled again. “A bit of both probably. It seems like all sorts of crazy stuff happen here in Ponyville on an almost weekly basis.”

Octavia nodded. “I must say, I would never expect such a seemingly small town to have so much excitement. Anyway, going back to Twilight’s predicament, how did it end?”

“Turns out that Spike had sent a letter to Princess Celestia, telling her how Twilight was gettin’ all worked up about her friendship reports. She arrived and used her magic to fix everythin’.”

One of Octavia’s eyebrow rose when Applejack stopped talking. “Wait, is that it? What were the reactions of everypony else?”

Applejack sighed. “The other ponies in town pretty much let it go on account of all the times we helped the town out. Princess Celestia though…” She sighed again. “She didn’t look too happy and told Twilight to meet her at the library.”

Octavia turned to face her companion when she noticed that Applejack had stopped walking and was looking down at the ground dejectedly with closed eyes. “Applejack?”

Applejack just stood there silently.

Octavia walked back to the still pony. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen to Twilight?”

After a few seconds, Applejack finally nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. “Right before Twilight went back to meet the princess at the library, she mentioned that if we ever wanted to visit her, it would be back in Canterlot.” She slowly shook her head. “It was one of the most scariest moments of my life. Even when we faced off against monsters, dragons, Nightmare Moon, and Discord, they were all nothin’ compared to what Ah felt when Ah thought Ah was goin’ to lose one of my best friends. Ah don’t know what would’ve happened if we didn’t rush to the library and begged the princess to let Twilight stay.”

“Since Twilight is still living here, I assume everything turned out fine, right?”

“Yea. Twilight was able to stay, and Princess Celestia requested that we all join her in writin’ friendship reports whenever we learn somethin’. All in all, we became closer friends because of the craziness,” Applejack replied, a faint smile reappearing on her face.

“That’s good. Are you feeling better?” Octavia asked.

Applejack let out a sheepish chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck. “Yea, sorry about that. Sometimes Ah just get lost in my thoughts.”

Octavia shook her head as the two of them resumed walking. “It’s no problem at all. We all have those moments. Anyway, I still find it quite hard to believe that not only is Twilight Princess Celestia’s student, but that you girls are the wielders of the Elements of Harmony. How come I have never seen your names anywhere in the media?”

A smirk appeared on Applejack’s face. “Well, that’s an easy one. We asked the princesses to help keep ponies from making a fuss about us. It’s not like it’s a big secret, but it’s enough to not have ponies knockin’ on our doors just to get a look at us. We just want to live our lives normally.”

“As normal as it can get when you’re not saving the world every now and then,” Octavia remarked dryly.

Applejack grinned. “Just a little somethin’ to do durin’ the weekend.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “It’s a good thing you don’t let it all go to your head. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to fit that hat on your head,” she quipped, pointing at Applejack’s stetson. “So, whatever happened to Twilight’s doll?”

“Oh, we forgot about it when Princess Celestia arrived, but when we went back to look for it, somepony ran off with it.”

“It wasn’t still enchanted, was it?”

“Na, the princess told us she got rid of it when she cured everypony. We found out who took it a few days later, and turns out that they had a genuine interest in it.”

“Who was it?”

Applejack snickered. “Big Mac.”

“Your brother?” Octavia asked, her mouth slightly agape with awe.

“Yep. Twi and Ah happened to find him hidin’ away somewhere in the orchard havin’ a tea party with the doll. Ah never seen Big Mac redder than he was at that moment. After seein’ how attached he got with it, we figured it was best to let him keep the dang thing. Of course, Ah managed to get a picture of the whole thing, just to have a little fun.”

“Oh my.” Octavia brought a hoof up, trying to conceal her laughter.

“Anyway, with Twilight’s birthday comin’ up next Saturday, Ah was thinkin’ of gettin’ a little doll or somethin’ to replace Smarty Pants. You’re comin’ to the party, right?”

Octavia nodded as the mares finally arrived back at her place.

“Can’t believe you have already been here for over a month, and this is only the first time Ah get to see your house,” Applejack remarked as she looked up at the building.

“Time sure flies when you’re having fun,” replied Octavia. “Working with you, playing music together, and getting together with the other girls has been some of the most enjoyable moments of my life.”

“You can say that again. The girls and Ah love havin’ you around. Heck, even my family has taken a likin’ to you, especially Apple Bloom. Your music is coming along nicely as well.”

Octavia smiled. Her time with Applejack has certainly given her a new perspective on playing music. Instead of concentrating on the proper techniques and not making a mistake, she learned to immerse herself in the music, letting it become a part of her. No longer did she feel uneasy. Music was once again a fun and joyful experience.

Octavia got out her key and unlocked the door. “Would you like to come in for a bit?”

Applejack nodded as she walked inside with Octavia. “Considerin’ how much time you spend at my place, Ah suppose it’s only fair if Ah get to see yours.”

“Would you like something to drink?” Octavia asked, heading into the kitchen.

“Got any apple juice?”

Octavia poked her head through the doorway and gave Applejack a flat stare. “Have you considered the thought that maybe I have something else besides apple juice?”

“Ah did. Doesn’t change my answer.”

Octavia sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Of course I have apple juice. With all the apple products you give me, I’m surprised the place doesn’t smell like apples yet.”

“So, what Ah’m hearin’ is that you need more apples.”

“Only to gag you with,” Octavia replied as she ducked back into the kitchen and retrieved two bottles of apple juice from the refrigerator.

“Hey, Octavia, looks like you got a letter from Canterlot,” came Applejack’s voice.

Octavia walked back to the entrance hall to find Applejack was indeed holding an envelope in her hoof. Exchanging the letter for a bottle of juice, she looked at the return address and saw it was from Fancy Pants.

A small smile appeared on her face. “Oh, it’s from a friend in Canterlot. He was the one who convinced me to come to Ponyville and helped me find this house. I’ve been so caught up with things here, I forgot to keep in touch with him.”

Eager to see how her old friend was doing, Octavia quickly opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Octavia,

It has been quite some time since I last heard from you, and I hope everything is alright with you. Remember, your health and well-being should come first. Life has been a bit duller around here without you somewhat tolerating my presence. But I digress, and I am afraid I must ask a favor of you.

The Canterlot Garden Party is coming up next Saturday, and one of the musicians had to cancel. It would be wonderful if you could fill in the missing slot. I must admit that getting you to appear at the party would put me in a more favorable position for a few business proposals down the line.

Now, I know this might seem important, but I want to assure you that you do not have to do this. If you are still not ready to return to the world of performing, then you are free to refuse. If you do accept, it would be helpful if you could come back to Canterlot as soon as possible to get things set up. I will also personally make sure that you are properly compensated and then some for your troubles.

I’m afraid that I cannot spare you a lot of time to think things over, so I need your response as soon as possible. Regardless of what you choose, know that I will not think any less of you.

Octavia, I do wish the best for you, and I eagerly await your triumphant return to the stage.

Fancy Pants

Octavia set down the letter, a frown now upon her face. What had seemed like a simple request had dredged up a myriad of concerns.

“Somethin’ wrong, sugarcube?”

“There’s a party coming up in Canterlot, and one of its musicians had to drop out. My friend is asking if he could hire me to fill the position.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound too bad. When is it?”

“Next Saturday,” Octavia replied with a sigh.

“Oh,” said Applejack. The cheerfulness in her voice had faded away. “So that means…”

Octavia nodded slowly. “I’ll miss Twilight’s birthday.”

“So what are you goin’ to do?”

“As much as I would like to celebrate Twilight’s birthday, I think I should go. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here. He’s a good friend and has helped me a lot over the years. Not only that, doing this for him would put him in good graces with many other ponies.”

Applejack sighed. “Well, Ah guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, you’ll only be gone that one day, so maybe we can do somethin’ with you before then.”

Octavia sighed again. “If I do accept, I have to leave early to get situated and set up for the party. He needs a response now, so I might even have to go back as soon as tomorrow.”

“Oh,” repeated Applejack. The growing disappointment in her tone was evident. “Um… how about after?”

“Maybe. I’m not sure what will happen after the party, but it’s possible I might have to stay in Canterlot a bit longer to plan out what to do in the future.”

“Oh,” Applejack said yet again.

A silence descended upon the two as Octavia looked down at the letter in her hooves. She could feel Applejack staring at her.

“So… um… just wonderin’... what are you gonna do when you think all your music troubles have been taken care of?” Applejack asked, averting her eyes from Octavia.

Octavia’s head shot up as she looked at Applejack with wide-open eyes. “What?”

“Sorry,” Applejack apologized as she fiddled with her hooves, “it’s just that it’s been fun havin’ you help out at the farm and hangin’ out. Ah thought it would be nice if you could stay in Ponyville a bit longer.”

“And I enjoyed my time here as well, and I certainly wouldn’t mind staying longer. It’s just that while I do have enough bits saved up, it’s eventually going to run out. My income mainly comes from performing, and the best place to do it is at Canterlot.”

Applejack nodded slowly, looking a bit glum. “Right, right… So that means you’ll have to go back to livin’ in Canterlot one of these days.”

Octavia frowned. “It’s not like I’m going to never visit. You and the others have become good friends, and the train ride between here and Canterlot is not too long. Besides, it will be quite some time before I have to worry about returning to a regular performing schedule.”

“Yea, Ah know that. It’s just that Ah sometimes get uncomfortable when somepony Ah really know has to go away,”

Octavia nodded. “That’s understandable. I was homesick for a while when I left my parents for Canterlot. Unfortunately, life often doesn’t always give you the opportunity to stay with your friends and family.”

“Yea… it sure doesn’t…” Applejack replied a bit weakly as her head drooped a bit.

Octavia cocked her head at Applejack’s behavior. “Is something the matter?”

Applejack’s head shot up, and she quickly shook it. “No, nothing,” She cleared her throat. “Ah should get goin’. Good luck with the party,” she bade quickly before exiting the house.

Octavia’s eyes blinked several times, staring at the door her friend hastily retreated out of. “Did I say something wrong?”