• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,418 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 22: A Promise Made

Octavia let out a big sigh of relief as she stepped out of the shower and stepped in front of a mirror hanging on the wall. No longer did she have a yellow coat and blue mane. Instead, she was finally back to her original gray coat and charcoal-black mane, and her disguise’s clothes were neatly folded and tucked away into her bags.

Grabbing a hairbrush, she started going through her mane and meticulously looked over her body. Over the course of several washes, it had taken nearly an hour and the rest of her supply of dye remover to make sure there would not be any remaining traces of her alter ego. It was actually quite liberating to know that she did not have anymore reporters hounding her or having to worry about maintaining her disguise.

Satisfied that everything was now back to normal, she stepped out of the bathroom into the dim hallway. Through a window, Octavia could see it was going to be another beautiful night with the stars and moon gleaming brilliantly up in the sky. A fond smile appeared on her face as she reminisced on the events that had taken place just a few hours ago.

After the amazing barn raising experience, the reunion went on to be a memorable and enjoyable experience for everypony after Applejack learned her lesson and no longer fussed with the details and activities.

Octavia continued to play on Applejack’s fiddle as pony after pony came to dance along with the music or even compliment on her playing. Playing at the reunion was one of the most enjoyable times she ever had while performing.

The festivities lasted until the early evening when family members bade goodbye to each other and made promises to each other to get together without having to wait until the next family reunion.

With all the guests gone, it was time for probably the least enjoyable part of a party. The cleanup. Of course, after setting up the celebration, participating in the exhausting activities, rebuilding the farmhouse in record time, and enjoying the festivities afterwards, it was unanimously decided to call it an early night and put off the chores until tomorrow.

As she slowly made her way down the upstairs hallway, Octavia could not help but marvel at the incredible construction work the Apple Family did. Not only did they remake the exterior of the building to look exactly the same, they even managed to do the same for the inside. Combined with the fact that somehow almost everything inside the farmhouse survived the destruction, it was impossible to tell that the farmhouse was a mere pile of splinters earlier that same day. With various knick knacks donated or built to replace the few items that were missing, the farmhouse was actually looking better than what it had been in the morning.

Passing by Apple Bloom’s room, Octavia saw that the door was slightly ajar. She gently pushed the door open, barely making more than a creak, and checked in on the filly.

Apple Bloom had a smile on her face as she slept. It seemed she had a great time at the reunion. During and after the barn raising, she had finally got her wish to talk and spend time with her favorite cousin Babs Seed. Octavia recalled seeing several adorable pictures of the pair that were taken and stored in the family’s photo album.

Octavia brought up a hoof to stifle a giggle when Apple Bloom let out a tremendous snore. For such a small body, the filly sure could make a lot of noise even during her sleep. After bidding her a quiet goodnight, Octavia slowly closed the door with a soft click.

Trotting further down the hallway, she passed by Big Mac’s and Granny Smith’s closed doors. It was safe to assume that after also spending the reunion with their extended family, the two were fast asleep.

As Octavia arrived at the last room standing between her and her own room, she cocked her head. The room belonged to Applejack, and the door was half open. Looking inside the room, she saw no sight of the orange mare. It took only a few seconds for her to guess where the missing pony was.

After a quick look through all the rooms downstairs to confirm her suspicion, Octavia stepped outside of the farmhouse and made her way through the apple orchard.

There was only one place Applejack could be, and it was the perfect opportunity for them to talk and settle things.

Weeks of working and spending time in Sweet Apple Acres allowed Octavia to navigate and traverse the farmland without difficulty even in the dimness of night. Before long, the familiar sound of a fiddle reached her ears. She picked up her pace and finally arrived at their spot.

A wave of nostalgia hit her as she stood at the edge of the treeline and looked up at the majestic apple tree on top of the small hill. Just like before, Applejack was seated underneath its branches, playing the fiddle as she kept a close watch on the sky above. Just like before, through the rugged, yet beautiful music, she could feel a pang of despair that Applejack was emulating through her instrument. But this time, Octavia had an idea why that might be.

She let out a sigh. Hindsight truly was an annoying phenomenon once it kicked in. Looking back at her time with Applejack and recalling the recent events at the reunion, she now saw the bits and pieces that were leading to one possible conclusion. And she was not sure what to do with it.

Octavia bit her lip. While they did have a lot to discuss, perhaps some things were better left for another time. Perhaps some things were better to be left alone.

“Ah know you’re there, sugarcube. Come on out,” came Applejack’s voice, breaking her out of her musing.

Pushing aside her thoughts for the time being, Octavia walked out of her hiding spot and towards her friend. “Hey,” she greeted with a small smile.

“Hey,” Applejack replied with a smile of her own.

When neither of them added anything to say, Octavia started looking around, stealing glances at Applejack. She saw that the orange mare was doing the same thing.

Octavia cleared her throat. “It’s been one crazy day, huh?” she asked.

Applejack chuckled nervously as she looked down at her fiddle and plucked a few strings. “Yea, Ah suppose it was.”

Another awkward silence descended upon the two.

“So tell me, how did you know I was just standing there watching you?” Octavia asked after a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence.

“Ah dunno,” Applejack replied before turning to face her directly with a smile. “Maybe you and Ah have become such good friends that Ah can kind of tell when you’re nearby.”

Octavia smiled as she sat down next to Applejack. “That sounds wonderful. We have become good friends, and I do like the idea that we forged a sort of connection with each other.”

“Or maybe it’s just because Ah called out for you every now and then, and Ah finally got it right,” Applejack continued with a snicker.

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Okay, moment ruined. I take back everything I said.”

“Aw come on, sugarcube. Gotta give me at least a bit of credit since Ah knew you were comin’.”

Octavia let out a tremendous, exaggerated sigh and stuck her nose high up into the air. “Oh fine, I suppose that is one redeeming tidbit for your foolishness,” she said in a haughty tone.

She held her facade for only a few seconds before the two mares quickly dissolved into a bout of giggles. Just like that, the tension in the air disappeared.

“Guess we are both a bit nervous about talkin’ to each other, huh?” Applejack remarked as the laughter died down, and she stowed away her fiddle back into its case.

“I suppose so considering what has happened. It has also been a while since we have been out here and actually spend time together by ourselves.”

“Ah see that you’re finally back to the real you. Is it alright that you’re no longer in disguise?”

Octavia nodded. “Those reporters from Canterlot snuck into the reunion, and I overheard them talking in the farmhouse’s storage area. They mentioned that they were leaving Ponyville since I’m apparently old news now. Frustrated with how things turned out for them, they made a bit of a mess, but luckily, Big Mac came along and chased them away. It’s also why I ended up taking out your fiddle.”

“And Ah still can’t thank you enough for savin’ it for me,” Applejack said as she fondly looked down at the instrument. “Ah don’t know what would’ve happened if you didn’t save it for me.”

“I could tell after all the time we spend together that it means the world to you.”

“That it does,” Applejack replied. She turned her attention back to Octavia. “So, guess that’s the end of Fiddlesticks, huh?”

Octavia chuckled. “Maybe. It does make for a good costume though. Perhaps I could use it for Nightmare Night.”

“You should come to Ponyville for Nightmare Night. Every year, we throw a big festival for it, but with the whole return of Nightmare Moon thing that happened, ponies have really been excited for this year’s celebration.”

“That does sound interesting. A lot of places in Canterlot just treat it as an excuse for another formal affair. Regardless, it would be worth coming just to see how Ponyville celebrates it at least once.”

Applejack nodded with a smile. “Lookin’ forward to it.”

Applejack’s eyes glanced down at the ground for a moment before looking back up. “Sooo… Ah guess this also means you’re probably movin’ out.”

“Well, there’s nopony stalking me anymore, so I am free to return to my house. It would be nice to actually get up at a more sane hour of the day… and not have to worry about being attacked in bed.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ah really liked that part.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Knowing you, I’m pretty sure you are already plotting to break into my place to continue your rampage.”

“Maaaybe,” Applejack replied with a grin. Her smile slowly shrunk into a small one as she added, “But in all seriousness, it really was great havin’ you over. It’s gonna take some time to get used to you not bein’ there.”

“Despite all the madness, I greatly enjoyed my stay as well,” Octavia replied back with a smile. “And it’s not like I’m returning to Canterlot yet. I’m waiting to hear back about the gig I tried out for, and I asked Fancy Pants to keep an eye on my mail and place for me. I might as well wait in Ponyville until then.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Applejack. “It would be nice to catch up with our friends as well now that the reunion is over.”

“That does sound like a plan.” Octavia cleared her throat. “Speaking of the reunion…”

Applejack sighed. “Figured we were gonna have to talk about it. A lot of stuff happened because of the reunion, huh?”

Octavia nodded. “I think we can both agree it was definitely a memorable one.”

Applejack let out a small chuckle. “That’s true. Just wish we could’ve skipped some of the um…”

“Unpleasantries?” offered Octavia.

“Yea… Ah guess when Granny let me be in charge, Ah wanted to prove to her that Ah could handle everythin’. It was up to me to make sure the reunion was perfect.”

“I can understand that. With my music, I had the urge to constantly prove how adept I was with my talent whether it was to make my parents proud or to impress others so I could keep on doing what I was doing. Playing perfectly is considered to be one of the marks of a master musician.” Octavia let out a chuckle with a hint of bitterness. “We know how much I obsessed over it before.”

Octavia shook her head. “Striving for perfection is an admirable trait, but sometimes on our quest for perfection…”

“We lose sight of the stuff that matters and end up hurtin’ ourselves…” Applejack finished.

Octavia nodded solemnly. “Yea…”

“The thing is, with my situation, Ah’m not the only one who got hurt,” Applejack remarked in a quiet voice. “Ah almost wrecked one of the biggest family reunions we ever had with my crazy ideas. You tried to stop me, but not only did Ah ignore you, but you got dragged into my mess and had to help clean it up.” She looked down at the ground and said, “Ah’m so sorry.”

“Applejack, look at me.” When she raised her head, Octavia continued with a smile. “I was more than happy to help you, and it’s not just because of all the things you did for me. It’s because you’re my friend, and I would gladly do it again. You don’t have to wait until something bad happens to ask for help.”

“Thanks, sugarcube. Ah really do appreciate it. Ah guess Ah’m still not that comfortable askin’ for help.”

“I know sometimes it can be a bit difficult, but there’s nothing wrong with accepting help from the ponies who want to help you.”

“Yea, Ah know. Ah just don’t really like owin’ others if Ah could help it.”

“Why is that?”

Applejack sighed as she got up. She walked away from underneath the branches and lied down on her back, gazing up at the stars.

“Applejack, come on, you can tell me what’s bothering you,” she urged as she seated herself next to Applejack’s new spot.

“It’s just that it’s… complicated.”

“Then explain it to me, please. I think it will make you feel better and let me understand you better,” said Octavia. She waited for a response as Applejack continued to look up at the sky. After a few moments, her patience was rewarded.

“Tell me, do you have anypony who look up to you?” asked Applejack.

Octavia blinked. “Um, I’m not sure. I suppose there might be a few ponies who are inspired by my performances, but nopony I know personally. Why?”

“So you don’t really know what it is like when other ponies look up to you or depend on you?”

“I guess I do not. Where is this going, Applejack?”

Applejack sighed, her gaze never leaving the sky. “Unlike you, there are many ponies Ah know who look up to me. Sweet Apple Acres is pretty much the first place where the Apple Family had settled down. Many family members who live elsewhere look to us as a kind of honored part of the family. Not only that, but Ponyville was started as a result of the apples we grew and sold, and it continues to rely on Sweet Apple Acres for many things. Sweet Apple Acres is a piece of history that helps a lot of ponies, and I’m in charge of it all.”

“That’s quite amazing,” Octavia replied with a hint of awe in her voice. “I knew Sweet Apple Acres was a big part of Ponyville, but I never imagined it has such an influence on so many ponies.”

“On top of that,” Applejack continued. “don’t forget Ah’m part of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Oh…” Octavia’s gaze drifted down towards the grass. “I see what you mean. To a lot of ponies, you are like a hero or leader. With so many ponies looking up to you, it can be a lot of pressure.”

“It is.”

Octavia’s eyes went back to Applejack. “But at least you have your family and friends to help you, right?”

Applejack let out a hollow chuckle that was devoid of any joy. “Actually, they make it worse.”

Octavia stared at Applejack with wide eyes. “W-what?”

“Don’t get me wrong, Ah love them all, but they also make things more complicated as well. Granny Smith helps around the farmhouse and even some of the lighter chores, but we all know she has a lot of years in her. Big Mac can do a lot of the chores, probably even more than me, but when it comes to organizin’ and runnin’ the place, he just doesn’t have the knack for it. Ah’m the one who directs everythin’ so the farm keeps on running.

“And then there’s Apple Bloom. She’s still a filly and should not have to worry about the farm. She should be concentratin’ on enjoyin’ time with her friends, do well with her school work, and gettin’ her cutie mark. Ah’m also her big sister. She relies on me to take care of her and protect her.”

“Apple Bloom isn’t such a little filly,” remarked Octavia. “She’s growing up and will be able to take care of herself.”

“Ah know,” Applejack replied. “She’s my little sister though, and Ah’m just used to doing all those stuff for her.”

“So, what about your friends?”

“Even though Twilight is the one who brought us together and is like the leader of our little group, they all see me as good old reliable Applejack. Ah’m usually the one who is checkin’ to make sure everypony is fine. Ah’m the levelheaded one that they can depend on to help get them through the tough times.”

Applejack sighed again. “Ah have to be strong for the sake of everypony else. Ah can’t let them down. Too many ponies look up to me.”

“I see…” Octavia bit her lip as she tapped her hooves together. “Applejack… am I… am I part of the um… complication?”

Applejack was silent for a few seconds before answering, “Yea…”

Octavia’s head instantly drooped. “Oh…”

Applejack’s gaze finally left the sky when she sat up and turned towards Octavia. “But you’re different.”

“What do you mean?” Octavia asked, raising her head back up to stare at Applejack.

“You are the only one who knows about this,” Applejack remarked, waving a hoof around the area.

“You mean this spot?”

“Yea. Like today, my friends and family sometimes see me when Ah was not at my best, but Ah quickly get back up and push it to the side until later. Only when Ah’m here and playin’ on my fiddle do Ah really let loose. It’s how Ah’ve been doin’ things for years.”

“That is, until I came along.” Octavia rubbed her foreleg nervously with her other forehoof.

Applejack chuckled. “Yea, gotta admit, when you first came along, Ah was scared my secret was out. Ah wasn’t sure what to do, but it seemed like you were in real need of help, so Ah couldn’t say no.” A smile appeared on her face. “And Ah’m glad Ah didn’t.”

“I’m glad you let me stay as well. It was awkward at first, but we quickly became such good friends. We changed each other’s lives for the better.”

“Sure did. Ah thought dealin’ with everythin’ by myself was for the best, but havin’ you around here is well… nice.”

Octavia grabbed Applejack’s hoof in her own and looked directly into her eyes. “Listen, Applejack, I know there are a lot of ponies who look up to you and depend on you, but I want you to know that I want to be there for you when you need somepony to lean on for support.”

A warm smile appeared on Applejack’s face. “Thanks, sugarcube. It really is a relief to know that Ah now have somepony to turn to when Ah’m feelin’ down.”

The two continued to smile at each other, staring into their friend’s eyes, before they finally let go of each other’s hooves. Applejack lied down again to look up at the stars, and Octavia followed suit shortly after.

Octavia’s mind continued to work as her eyes remain transfixed on the sky above. They had just opened up to each other and resolved the issues that have cropped up. The talk had strengthened the bond of their friendship, but there was still one issue that nagged Octavia.

Applejack revealed a lot to her, but she knew from the bits and pieces of information she had collected that her friend had one last secret. A secret that was likely weighing heavily on her heart. Their recent talk had added another piece to the puzzle, and she almost had all the details she needed to tie everything together.

Should I ask her now about that? Octavia mused as she bit her lip. She did get a lot off her chest just now. But if I am right about my hypothesis, this is something she needs to deal with. On the other hoof, it could very well be painful for her to talk about it. Maybe I really should save it for another time.

Just then, two shooting stars streaked across the sky, side by side, breaking her out of her mental debate. It was a dazzling sight, but Octavia’s attention was quickly drawn elsewhere.

She was staring straight at Applejack. As the shooting stars flew by, she heard a sharp gasp from her stetson wearing friend. “Applejack, is something wrong?”

“N-nothin’,” Applejack replied, avoiding Octavia’s gaze.

A frown appeared on Octavia’s face as she got up. “Applejack, please, I just told you that I am here for you. I know something is bothering you, and I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

“Really… it’s nothin’,” Applejack persisted.

“Applejack, I know it has something to do with those shooting stars. You’re all nervous now, and you gasped when they appeared.”

“I-it’s all just a coincidence.”

Octavia sighed. “But I know that’s not true.”

“How can you be so sure?” Applejack asked nervously, stealing glances at her.

“Remember I told you that I stumbled across you once before our actual meeting?”

Applejack nodded.

“Well, while you were playing your music, I was watching the sky. Just like a few moments ago, two shooting stars shot across the sky. When they did, you stopped playing, and shortly after, you broke down crying.”

Applejack turned to lie on her side, facing away from Octavia. “Ah see…”

Octavia placed a hoof on Applejack’s side, gently nudging her. “Applejack, I know this might seem cruel, but I really do think you need to get this off your chest. There still is something that is bothering you, and I want to help you. Don’t you trust me?”

A few moments later, Applejack sighed and lied down on her back again. “Granny Smith once told me that when a pony passed on, they become a star in the sky. When they want to see a loved one, they shoot across the sky. Seein’ them just makes me think about… things.”

A chill went down Octavia’s spine. There it was. The last piece of the puzzle.

“Thank you for sharing that with me…” Octavia replied weakly.

Applejack let out a sigh of relief. “Sorry about not wantin’ to talk about it. It’s just kind of a silly thing for me.”

Octavia shook her head. “I don’t think it’s silly. I know it means much more to you than you’re letting on.”

“What do you mean?”

Octavia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling the air. This is it. No backing out now. Opening her eyes, she dove in. “Applejack, when I took your instrument case out of the box in the farmhouse, I had to check to see if your fiddle got damaged. I saw it.”

“It? What do you—?” Applejack’s mouth froze as her eyes slowly widened.

Octavia nodded. “Recently, I have been thinking about our times together and something struck me as a bit odd. After seeing it, I began piecing things together, and I think, no, I know I figured out what it all means.”

She grabbed Applejack’s forehooves into her own and looked directly into her eyes, clearly seeing the apprehension in her eyes. “I’m sorry for this, Applejack, but I think you need to tell me what happened to your parents.”

Applejack did not respond as she just continued to stare at her with wide eyes and her mouth agape.

“Applejack, please, you have been harboring this for a long time. Do you think you can talk about it with me?” Octavia asked.

“Not really.” Applejack pulled her hooves away and buried her face into them, letting out a groan. “You just had to keep on diggin’ at it, didn’t you?” she remarked, her voice sounding weak and tired.

“It’s because I care about you,” stated Octavia as she rubbed Applejack’s back. “I’m sorry for prying, but you said it yourself, I’m the only one you can turn to. Applejack, there’s something burdening you, and I want to help you carry it.”

Applejack sighed before she slowly got up and moved to sit by her instrument case. She beckoned Octavia over. “Fine… you win… Yea, you guessed it. They’re… they’re both… gone.”

She pulled out the familiar envelope from the case and took out its contents. Her breath hitched as she stared at the object in her hoof that she just brought out. Her eyes had started to mist up, but no tears trailed down.

Octavia sat down by Applejack’s side and got another look at the precious object. It was a picture of Applejack with her family some time ago. Applejack looked to be about Apple Bloom’s current age and size, and she did not wear the stetson she usually wore now. Big Mac was in the period of growth between being a colt and a stallion, but his impressive stature was already beginning to show. Granny Smith looked the same then as she did now.

They were all standing around a bed along with an unfamiliar stallion wearing a stetson. He was huge, probably bigger than even Big Mac’s already tremendous size. He had a green mane, and his coat was a similar color as Big Mac’s. Yet despite being a giant of a pony, he had a gentle smile on his face as he cradled a bundle of blankets in his hooves. A tiny yellow face with a red mane peaked out of the blanket cocoon.

In bed was a beautiful mare with a yellow coat. She was sitting up, and across her lap was a familiar looking fiddle. Her long, orange mane flowed down her neck and almost touched the bed. She looked tired, but on her face was a warm smile that made it seem like things were going to be alright.

“That’s Apple Jon, my dad,” stated Applejack as she pointed towards the hulking stallion. “He was the strongest pony I knew, but despite his strength, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. A lot of ponies looked up to him.”

“And that’s my mother, Sonya,” Applejack said, pointing to the mare in bed. “She was quite the energetic and outgoin’ mare, and she played the best music you ever heard with her fiddle. Big Mac and Ah used to love just watchin’ her play.”

“They both sound like they’re wonderful ponies. So, is your mother’s fiddle…”

Applejack nodded. “Yea, it’s the very same one that we got right here. She was the one who taught me how to play and passed it down to me. It’s not only important because it was her’s, but it was also how they met. They loved to tell that story.”

“How about you tell me the story then?” Octavia asked when Applejack silently stared at the picture.

Applejack nodded. “Anyway, for some time, it was just my dad and Granny Smith here at Sweet Apple Acres. One day, my dad took a walk in the park, and that’s when he started to hear somepony playin’ the fiddle. He really like what he heard, so he followed the music and it eventually led him to the pony. It was my mom.

A small smile appeared on her face. “Back then, her name was actually Sonata, and she lived a simple life as a traveling musician. She just happened to be stayin’ in Ponyville for a bit. Many ponies stopped to listen to her, but they all left after a few minutes, except my dad. He just sat down in front of her and watched her. Even after playin’ for maybe a few hours, he stayed. When she was done for the day, my dad finally approached her and asked if she wanted to go get dinner together.”

“Aww,” cooed Octavia, “so it was pretty much love at first sight for your father. That’s actually quite romantic. Did your mother feel the same way?”

Applejack let out a short chuckle. “Actually, she thought it was a bit creepy and made up an excuse to get out of it. Ah guess havin’ a big old stallion starin’ at you for hours could get a bit weird.”

Octavia giggled. “I suppose it might. So, what changed her mind?”

“Dad was known to be kind of stubborn at times, so he just did the same thing the next day, and mom gave him the same answer. This went on for a few more days until it was mom’s last day in Ponyville. Since she was goin’ to leave town, she figured it was safe to entertain the big lug.”

“It must have went well if they got married,” remarked Octavia.

“Well, yes and no. Dad took her to a pretty nice restaurant, but he was actually pretty nervous during the whole time. He ended up making a big mess of things and almost got them kicked out. But mom had fun and saw he was actually a really nice stallion. Feeling sorry for him, she decided to stay in town for one more day and give him another chance.

“One day became a few more days. A few days became a week, and a week became a month. When it became obvious mom wasn’t leavin’ Ponyville anytime soon, they decided to move her into Sweet Apple Acres. Some time later, they finally tied the knot.

“Just about everyday, mom and dad would do all sorts of stuff together and talk while she played the fiddle. They had a favorite spot right here on the farm, and they came to it every time. They even planted an apple tree together at that very spot. When Big Mac and Ah were born, they would often bring us out here.”

Octavia blinked. “You don’t mean…” she asked, looking back at the tall tree behind them.

Applejack nodded. She sighed and leaned her head back. “Those were my favorite part of the day. Now you know why Ah always come all the way out here, even if it does kind of hurt.”

“Hurts? What do you mean by that?” Octavia asked as her eyebrows furrowed with worry and concern.

“It’s all in the memories. Hidin’ away here, playin’ my mom’s fiddle, and wearing a hat just like my dad’s, Ah do it all just to remember them.” Applejack shut her eyes as a few tears dripped down her cheeks. “Ah love them, and Ah miss them so much. Ah would never forgive myself if Ah ever forgot about them.”

“Applejack…” Octavia slid closer to Applejack and embraced her in a hug. “You should not have to torture yourself like that. You love them too much to ever forgot about them. I’m sure your parents would not want you to be living like this.”

“Ah… Ah just don’t know…” Applejack sighed as she bowed her head. “It’s just so hard. When they died, it hurt so much and Ah felt empty. Ah didn’t know what to do. Ah felt so lost. Ah have tried to move on, but it just doesn’t work. Ah don’t know if it’s because it’s too hard, or a part of me just refuses to let go. Rather than fightin’ it, Ah just embraced it.”

Octavia sighed as she released Applejack from her hug. “So, how did they…” She twirled a hoof in the air. “you know…”

Applejack’s head did not look up as she silently stared at the ground as more tears dripped down her face.

“Is it too much for you to talk about?” Octavia asked.

Applejack just continued to quietly sit.

Another sigh came from Octavia. “Alright, I think we had enough.” She gently took Applejack’s hoof in her own. “I know this was really tough for you, and I’m proud that you were able to tell me all this. The fact that you were able to stay strong for so long for everypony is nothing short of amazing.”

Octavia got up, still clutching onto Applejack’s hoof. “Come on, let’s get back to the farmhouse. It’s been a long day, and we can both use the rest.”

When Applejack did not move, Octavia tried to pull her friend up, but the apple farmer just continued to steadfastly remain in her position as she tightly held Octavia’s hoof. After several more attempts, she laid down on her stomach and look up to try and see her friend’s face. “Applejack?”

“S-sorry, just… just give me a moment,” Applejack replied as she used her other hoof to rub her eyes. “We already gotten this far, so might as well finish the whole thing.”

“Are you sure? I know I wanted you to open up, but I don’t want to continue if it’s causing you so much pain.”

“Ah’m sure. Ah need to see this through.”

“Alright then,” Octavia replied, taking her seat by Applejack’s side again. She squeezed Applejack’s hoof. “I’m right here. Take your time.”

Applejack nodded and leaned into Octavia, resting her head on her shoulder.

Octavia gave a slight start at the contact, but immediately relaxed.

Applejack took a deep breath and then held up the photo. “This picture was taken a few days after Apple Bloom was born. It was one of the last happy moments we had together as a whole family. You see, before Apple Bloom was born, mom was gettin’ tired and sick pretty easily, but everypony figured it was because of the pregnancy.

“After Apple Bloom was born, instead of gettin’ better, mom got worse and worse as time passed. One day, she just suddenly passed out. Ah still remember that day. We were doing a bit of shoppin’ at the market, just me and her, when she just fell. When she didn’t get back up or even move, Ah was cryin’ for her to wake up.”

Applejack sniffed and rubbed her eyes with her hoof before she continued. “She was rushed to the hospital. A bunch of tests were done, but the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. Eventually, they sent for some special doctor from another town. Even though he could not find out the problem either, he mentioned he had an idea of what it might be. He took some blood samples back to his town to test. Sometime later, he sent back a letter with the results.

“Mom had somethin’ called Morbiferum. It’s a rare disease that starts really small but eventually grows to become really deadly.” Applejack let out a sob. “The timelines matched perfectly. She was experiencing the early stages while she was carryin’ Apple Bloom. By the time we got the letter, mom was goin’ through the final stages of it.”

“Was there anything anypony could have done?” Octavia asked.

Applejack shook her head. “There was no known treatment for it. Maybe they would have been able to try a few things if it was found earlier, but it would all be a shot in the dark. At that point, there was nothin’ we could do except be by her side until she…”

Octavia wrapped her other hoof around Applejack, bringing her in closer.

“It was painful to watch her slowly fade away, but it was nothin’ compared to when it finally happened. We all fell asleep one night, and when mornin’ came, everypony but her woke up.”

Octavia blinked away the tears building up in her eyes when her vision began blurring.

Applejack stared at the picture, gently tracing a hoof over the ponies in it. “Everypony took it rough when she was gone, but dad was affected the most. He… changed. He spent a lot of time either just workin’ or stayin’ up in his room. Even though he tried to spend time with his family, Ah don’t think Ah really saw him laugh or smile since mom passed away. It was like he was just livin’ for the sake of livin’.”

Applejack sighed. “Ah didn’t really understand why at the time, but later on, some of it made sense. Not only did he lose somepony really close to him, but he also had no time to properly grieve for mom. You see, mom was in the hospital for a long time, so we had a huge bill to settle. Since we spent all our time with her, very little work was done on the farm. In other words, we were in a very bad position.

“Since Big Mac and Ah were still too young to really help out around the farm, we were the ones who mostly took care of Apple Bloom. Granny also could not do much, but at least she helped with a bunch of the managin’ and book keepin’ work. But when it came to actually workin’ and maintainin’ the farm, it was all on dad. Sure, he hired ponies or got help from some friends and family, but it would take a long time before everything settled down. All that work took its toll on him.”

Octavia rested her head on top of Applejack’s as the distressed mare buried her face into the crook of her neck.

“About half a year later, he died from a heart attack. Doctors said that the cause was stress. Keepin’ the farm alive and seein’ mom die was all too much for him. He pretty much died because of a broken heart.

“Apple Bloom never got to actually know her parents, and Big Mac and Ah had to quickly adapt to take over the farmwork. We lost both of them so fast,” said Applejack as she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes as a few tears escaped. “Ah can’t help but think about what will happen if Ah lost another pony Ah loved. Ah don’t think Ah could handle it.”

“Applejack…” Octavia spoke softly.

“It’s not fair!” yelled Applejack as she dropped the picture and wrapped both hooves around Octavia’s chest, tears streaming down her face. “Why did they have to die!? They were good, honest ponies who didn’t deserve that! We didn’t deserve that!”

“It’s alright, Applejack, it’s alright,” Octavia soothed as she gently worked her hooves around Applejack’s neck to hug back. She used a hoof to stroke the back of Applejack’s head.

“It hurts… Ah miss them… Ah miss them so much,” Applejack murmured as she sobbed into Octavia’s shoulder.

“I know it does,” Octavia replied, crying along with her friend and sharing her sorrow. “Let it out. I’m here for you.”

The two friends remained in their embrace as Applejack continued to wail as Octavia held her tight. It seemed like hours before Applejack finally managed to calm down.

“Octavia…” Applejack muttered weakly, her voice strained and hoarse.

“Yes, Applejack?”

“You’re the only one who Ah ever told all of this to.”

“We’ll get through this together. Thank you for trusting me with this.”

“Can… can you promise me somethin’?”


“If anythin’ ever happens… Could you… could you be there for me?”

“Of course. I promise I’ll be there whenever you need me.”

“Th-thanks. That means the world to me,” Applejack muttered as her eyes slowly closed.

A small smile appeared on Octavia’s face as she stroked her friend’s mane. Applejack was already a great friend and one of the most amazing ponies she had ever met. After what she had just been told, her admiration for the pony only grew. She had never felt a connection like this with anypony else. Octavia huddled closer to Applejack before shutting her eyes as the two drifted off to sleep in the clearing that held so many memories.

Author's Note:

Apple Jon: Named after the Jonathan apple.
Sonya: Named after the Sonya apple. Her name before marriage, Sonata, was thought of before knowledge of Sonata Dusk was known.
Morbiferm: A mash of the words "morbi" and "mortiferum", Latin for "disease" and "deadly" respectively.